Marts 2014 Denne litteraturliste er fra fagpakkens udbud i foråret 2013 Litteraturliste til fagpakken It‐projektledelse Masteruddannelsen i it Cadle & Yeates (2008) Project Management for Information Systems, Prentice Hall. Images of Projects of Mark Winter og Tony Szczepanek (2006), Gower, ISBNnr.: 978‐0566087165 1. enkeltfag: Ledelse i forhold til beslutningstagere og leverandører Attrup og Olsson: Power i projekter og porteføljer, kapitel 3 Gray, Clifford F. & Larson, Erik W.(2006): Chapter 3: Organization: Structure and culture. In: Project management. the managerial process R. Sabherwal: The evolution of coordination in outsourced software development project: a comparison of client and vendor perspectives. Andersen et al: Professionel Systemudvikling, Ingeniøren bøger, 1986: kap 3.2 + 3.3 Andreas Munk Madsen, Strategisk projektledelse, Forlaget MARKO 1996: kap 7 Ken Schwaber: Agile Project Management with SCRUM, Microsoft Press 2004: Forord, kap1 og kap2 PRINCE2 2009, – kap. 2 og kap. 9 in Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 2009 edition, OGC Boehm, B. (2002). "Get ready for agile methods, with care." Computer 35(1): 64‐69. Fitzgerald, B., G. Hartnett and K. Conboy (2006). "Customising agile methods to software practices at Intel Shannon." European Journal of Information Systems 15(2): 200‐213. Svejvig, P. (2012). Rethinking Project Management in Denmark. In J. Pries‐Heje (Ed.), Project Management Multiplicity: Current Trends (pp. 39‐58). Pollack, J. (2006) The changing paradigm of Project Management Rose og Kræmmergaard (2006) ”ERP systems and technological discouse shift – Managing the implementation journey”. Boonstra, A. (2006). "Interpreting an ERP‐implementation project from a stakeholder perspective." International Journal of Project Management 24(1): 38‐52. Flak, L. S. and J. Rose (2005). "Stakeholder Governance: Adapting Stakeholder Theory to E‐ Government." Communications of the AIS 16. Ward, J. & Daniel, E. (2006): Benefits management. Delivering Value from IS & IT Investments, Wiley side 121 – 166 Ward. J, Daniel, E., Peppard, J. (2008): Building Better Business Cases for IT Investments, MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol 7, no 1, Mar. 2008 Briner, Geddes og Hastings, What makes a good project leader ?, kap. 1 Graeme Thomas and Walter Fernández (2008) Success in IT projects: A matter of definition? International journal of project management Søren Christensen og Kristian Kreiner (1991): Projektledelse i løst koblede systemer, Jurist‐ og økonomforbundets forlag – kapitel 7, Projektevaluering i en ufuldkommen verden. DeLeone, W. H. and E. R. McLean (2003). "The DeLeone and McLean Model of Information Systems Succes: A Ten‐Year Update " Journal of Management Information Systems 19(4): 9‐30. Supplerende litteratur Svejvig, P. and A.‐D. Fladkjær Nielsen (2010). The Dilemma of High Level Planning in Distributed Agile Software Projects: An Action Research Study in a Danish Bank. Agility Across Time and Space. D. Šmite, N. Brede and P. J. Ågerfalk. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer‐Verlag: 171‐182. Winter, M., Smith, C., Morris, P., & Cicmil, S. (2006). Directions for future research in project management: The main findings of a UK government‐funded research network. International Journal of Project Management, 24(8), 638‐649. Burrell and Morgan, 1979. Kapitel 3 Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic Management. A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman Publishing. R. Nelson: ”Project retrospectives: Evaluating project success, failure and everything in between.” In MIS Quarterly ExecutiveVol 4, nr 3, 2005 V. Serafeimidis and S Smithson (2003): Information systems evaluation as an organizational institution – experience from a case study. Information Systems Journal vol. 13 p 251‐274 2. enkeltfag: Ledelse i forhold til brugere og projektgruppe de Caluwé, L. and Vermaak, H. (2004) Change Paradigms: An Overview, Organization Development Journal, 22(4), pp. 9‐18. Marshak, J.M. and Grant, D. (2008) Organizational Discourse and New Organization Development Practices, British Journal of Management, 19, pp. 7‐19. Markus, M.L. & Robey, D. (1986) Information Technology and Organizational Change: Causal Structure in Theory and Research, Management Science, 34(5), pp. 583‐598. Kotter, J.P. (1999) Ændring af organisationer: Hvorfor det mislykkes, i: I spidsen for forandringer, kap. 1, pp. 3‐19, Industriens Forlag. Kotter, J.P. (1999) Vellykket forandring og drivkræfterne bag, i: I spidsen for forandringer, kap. 2, pp. 21‐39, Industriens Forlag. Mauer, R. (1990) Introduction to Change Without Migraine, Maurer and Associates. Cooperrider, D.L. and Srivastva, S. (1987) Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Life, in: R. Woodman and W. Pasmore (Eds.), Research in Organizational Change and Development (vol. 1, pp. 129‐169), Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Seligman, M.E.P. and Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000) Positive Psychology: An Introduction, American Psychologist, 55(1), pp. 5‐14. Cooperrider, D.L. and Whitney, D. (2005) Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change, pp. 1‐85, Berrett‐Koehler Publishers, San Francisco (Paperback Book). Orlikowski, W.J., & Gash, D.C. (1994). Technological Frames: Making Sense of Information Technology in Organizations. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 12(2), 174‐207. Vlaar, P.W.L., van Fenema, P.C. and Tiwari, V. (2008) Co‐Creating Understanding and Value in Distributed Work: How Members of Onsite and Offshore Vendor Teams Give, Make, Demand, and Break Sense, MIS Quarterly, 32(2), pp. 227‐255. Soeholm, Thorkil Molly & Juhl, Andreas. (2005). Chapter 2: Udvikling af det højtydende team. In: Søholm, Thorkil Molly & Storch, Jacob: Teambaserede organisationer i praksis: ledelse og udvikling af team, 1. udgave, pp. 75‐94. [Virum]: Dansk psykologisk Forlag Tomm, Karl. "Interventive Interviewing: Part III. Intending to Ask Lineal, Circular, Reflexive or Strategic Questions? Kim Gørtz, Anette Prehn, 2008, Coaching i perspektiv, uddrag om Ledelsesbaseret coaching, Thorkil Molly Søholm, Hans Reitzels forlag, Kap 2, s. 42‐60 Amtoft, Mette & Vestergaard, Arne. (2003). Ledelse i kompleksitet: Perspektiver på globale (projekt)lederkompetencer. In: Erhvervspsykologi, Vol. 1, Iss. 3, pp. 2‐25. Mette Morsing, “Konflikt som projektorganisationens drivkraft”, Ledelse og erhvervsøkonomi, 3, 1996 Thorkil Molly Søholm, Søren Willert, Jan Rosenmeier m.fl., kap. 5 og 9, Action Learning Consulting – strategisk proces‐konsultation i teori og praksis, Supplerende litteratur: Graetz, F and Smith, A.C.T. (2010) Managing Organizational Change: A Philosophies of Change Approach, Journal of Change Management, 10(2), pp. 135‐154. It‐projektledelse er en fagpakke under Masteruddannelsen i it, som udbydes af It‐vest samarbejdet mellem Aarhus Universitet, Aalborg Universitet og Syddansk Universitet ‐ www.master‐it‐
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