June 2015 - The Danish Club

Den Danske Forening
June 2015
Hotel Danmark Copenhagen ©peter w hansen
Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872
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Contact details: 0437 612 913 www.danishclubbrisbane.org
We would love to share your news and stories.
You are welcome to send emails with stories,
news and photos to the editor for publication.
The closing date for the next issue is 19
June 2015. We reserve the right to edit or
not publish your contribution. Any material
published does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor.
Editor: Lone Schmidt
Phone: 0437 612 913
Email: [email protected]
Reliving Editor: Peter Wagner Hansen
Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen
Phone: 0423 756 394
Skype: pete.at.thebathouse
Email: [email protected]
From the Editor by Peter w Hansen
This issue was fun to make, but as with most I
do, it happens last minute, however I hope you
will find useful information inside this June
edition, Lone and Soren are travelling in
Denmark & Italy, but should be back in time to
produce the July issue.
Lis and Tom has a very talented grand son
Shayne Andersen who later this year will travel
to the states with a group of fellow High School
Student attending the International Space
Settlement Design Competition, in Houston, TX
“Space” allowing we may be able to bring some
more details in a later newsletter.
And yes remember the Euro-vision Song
Contest next weekend, where Denmark AND
Australia will compete head to head.
And finally on a sad note, a way too early
farewell to Leif Hansen, as you will see below.
Death notice:
Leif Hansen,
Late of Camira
passed away 9th May 2015
Aged 67 years
Much loved husband of Gurli. Father Of Gert,
Lone and Lisa. Father-in-law And "bedstefar"
to Their families.
Hilsen Kirsten
Ceremony has been held from
Centenary memorial gardens chapel
353 Wacol station Road Sumner
page 3
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
Friday 22 May 2015
from 6 pm
Meet new and old friends and family at Café Danmark and try our
‘smørre­ brød’. The menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually
find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef,
‘leverpostej’ and roast pork on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar
offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties imported from Denmark –
just for us. Right now we even have fresh Tuborg Julebryg and Faxe
Kondi and Faxe Non-alcoholic beer. If you like a glass of wine with
your food, we have whites, reds and sparkling by the glass. After
you have eaten, check out our selection of Danish licorice with lots of
old favourites just in from Denmark, including Ga-Jol, Matador Mix,
Super Piratos and Skipper Mix. And the Turkish Pepper has finally
Get delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads,
organic biscuits and crisp breads direct from Britt’s Organic Bakery.
Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Heinz Meats as well as
her own goodies, sometimes including remoulade.
Order in advance and pick up at the café.
Skt Hans Bonfire with the
SAGA Vikings at Petrie
Saturday 20 June 2015
From 4 pm
Enjoy an afternoon with Saga Vikings at their Viking Village in Petrie
and singing around the bonfire. See more details in the invite.
If you can,.... pls advice the vikings via email if you will attend:
[email protected]
Café Danmark
Friday 26 June 2015
from 6 pm
Legestue / Play Group
Every Friday 9.30-11.30
SM Garage Doors Pty Ltd
Gardening, Mowing
Rubbish Removeal CleanUps
Services & repairs to most openers and
New automatic openers & doors installed
Broken springs and cables replaced
Henning Jorgensen
Services Sunshine Coast to Brisbane
Steen Dall 0413 611 947 0403 988 103
[email protected] [email protected]
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Dual citizenship law change in Denmark.
If you are or have been a citizen of Denmark, then a recent change to laws in
Denmark affects you.
From the 1st September, 2015 it will now be allowed to retain or acquire another
citizenship while also holding a Danish.
Broadly speaking if you were born with Danish citizenship, and then later gave it
up or lost it, when getting a citizenship in Australia, from the 1 st of Sept, 2015 till
1st Sept, 2020 you will be able to regain the Danish.
Also from Sept 1st, 2015, as a Danish citizen you may acquire Australian
citizenship while holding on to your Danish also, there is no time limit in this
It is important to understand that this is a change only in the laws of Denmark,
as there will still be circumstances, where other countries do not accept or
allow dual citizenship.
Young Danes born Danish outside Denmark still have to apply before 22 years
of age to retain their Danish citizenship, there are conditions involved, among
them you will need to prove an ongoing close relationship to Denmark by visits
or stays, and speaking the Danish language will help. This rule has not been
affected by the recent updates in the laws. There is an official form which must
be used when applying, it can be found at www.jm.dk on the page for
Current Danish citizenship.
If living in Australia on a permanent residency VISA and wanting to become
Australian you can safely apply now, however it is important that you do only
actually attain Australian citizenship AFTER 1 September, 2015, this happens
when you go for the swearing in ceremony, which can be postpone for some
time after the application has been approved. It is said that the process takes
about 2-3 month and will require you to submit your criminal records for the
period since you first moved to Australia, in my case this involves tracing one
from California where we lived for 8 years, after first immigrating here in 1988.
For more details on Australian citizenship applications visit
Remember do not accept Australian citizenship before September 2015, if you
want to keep the Danish also.
Continued on page 6
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Dual citizenship law change in Denmark.
Continued from page 5
Australian citizenship holders.
I you want to regain your Danish citizenship, you can do this in some
circumstances AFTER 1 September 2015, for people who previously were
Danish but lost it when getting an Australian, you re-gain it by declaration which
is yet to be made available by the Danish Foreign Ministry, details have been
promised by mid August.
A criminal record check may be required, it has not been announced yet from
Denmark. Also if you were not born in Denmark, the 22 year age requirement is
still in play. Your children under 18 will if you regain Danish citizenship be
treated as if born by Danish parent, please again remember 22 year rule.
What rights do you get?
In regards to Danish taxes, pensions, hospital care or elections, there is no
effect on you while living in Australia, no extra taxes are payable neither can
you vote there unless residing in Denmark, and the Danish pension you get
depends on the number of working years you actually lived in Denmark not your
nationality, military service falls to the country of residency.
Continued on page 7
We can advice on freight Australia wide
[email protected]
page 7
Dual citizenship law change in Denmark.
Continued from page 6
Travelling with two or more passports.
At Australian border check point present your Australian passport, and in
Denmark/EU present the Danish or other relevant EU passport. I in a third
country and needing consular assistance, I believe the practice to be that it will
be the country of residency, who provides primary assistance, however this is
also an area where complications can arise, and you should check this out
before you decide to trek across a series of continents on foot or by any means,
this is especially true if at some prior point in life, you was a resident or citizen of
a country you want to visit.
Danish citizen?
Depending on your age, different rules have been in effect, for when a child is
born as Danish. The rule changes makes it a bit tricky to be 100% sure, even if
you were born and always living in Denmark, but with one or two parent who is
not Danish, you may have a Danish passport, and yet still not be a citizen of
Denmark, checks for citizenship at issue of a passport are not always done, and
I have read about cases where adults learn that they are not a Danish citizen,
even after spending their whole life there.
Only in the case with both parents Danish and you are born in Denmark can you
be sure, in all other cases it gets complicated. You can read more here:
http://www.statsborger.dk/ or look up the Facebook group: Dobbelt
Statsborgerskab NU!! (both mostly in Danish)
Why do we need this?
As a Danish immigrant I feel as much Danish as my family back home, in reality
the Denmark which I left has changed a lot but still I am Danish, however living
in my adopted home land, Australia has become my country, and so I pay my
taxes and like to participate on a level footing in our society here, for this to
happen I need Australian citizenship.
Only as an Australian citizen can I vote, get some government jobs, or attend
TAFE and university at any level with Federal Government funding, without
paying the exorbitant fees our overseas student are required to pay. But most
important to me is the vote, I lost the ability to vote in 1988 when we travelled
out and settled in Sydney, it has been a large part of my adult life with no say in
the government which spend my tax money and speak for me and my fellow
Australians. This I would like to have back.
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Dansk Legegruppe
Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra
9.30 til kl 11.30.
Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er
selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne.
Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller,
efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og
sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør.
Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemsskab af Playgroup
Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse.
Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med.
For yderligere information kontakt:
Iben Giessing Lund [email protected] 0434 933 953 eller
Tina Kinkead [email protected] 0403 838 663
Scene from Billunds Legoland © 2014 Lone Schmidt
page 12
Info For Members
Listen to the Danish language
every Thursday at 4pm
Choose one of the many platforms:
SBS Digital Radio 3, Digital TV (ch 39),
Live on Demand via phone and Androids
Streaming Online at sbs.com.au:
Via Podcast
Further information on www.sbs.com.au
New Danish series ‘The Legacy’
(“Arvingerne”) now showing on SBS
Wednesdays at 9:30 pm.
Scandinavian Festival 2015:
Yay, it’s happening again. Sunday 13
September 2015 is the date to put in your
diary and get ready for another big day, be it
behind the scenes or out there enjoying the
We are atracting some intrest from new
stallholders as well as returns from last year.
Maryborough QLD- Immigration
The first reunion is a general one for boats that
have special reunions like the Sophie.
23rd and 24th May 2015. 23rd May (Saturday)St. Mary's Hall Maryborough QLD- Immigration
24th May (Sunday) - Mary River cruise.
Danish Radio/TV OnLine
Danmarks Radio www.dr.dk
DR has an extensive selection of live
RADIO and TV streams and podcast
Soren Hoimark is the local contact for DABGO.
The group meets at the Danish Club on the 1st
Wednesday of the month. Visit the DABGO
website to join and get more information.
Steen Selmer is the local representative for
Danes Worldwide – contact him via
[email protected]
The other one is for the Sophie only and also for
our reunion. It is the last weekend in August and
starts on Friday night with a portside walk
through the areas that our ancestors did at
about the time that they arrived.
There is a $25 charge for this as it is organised
by the Maryborough Family Heritage Research
Institute It includes a Port tasting.
Saturday will be about the Sophie and ad hoc
dinners at night. Sunday a BYO picnic in the
park for the Wieckhorst family.
Ph: +61.741231842 email:
[email protected]
Holidays in Denmark:
Contact details for the Royal Danish
Consulate General in Brisbane
24 May: Pinsedag
Consul General Lars Kirk
25 May 2. Pinsedag
5 June: Grundlovsdag
Duolingo Want to learn Danish? Or Italian,
Spanish, French? Try the apps Duolingo – it’s
free, allows you to work at your pace and you
can redo lessons until you’re satisfied.
07 3374 3062
[email protected]
page 13
Pinse kommer af græsk πεντηκοστή pentēkostḗ, der betyder
"halvtredsindstyvende" (dag efter påske) og er en kristen højtid, der holdes årligt
til minde om Helligåndens komme.
Ifølge beretningen i Apostlenes Gerninger kapitel 2 skete det ti dage efter
Kristi Himmelfart, at apostlene var samlet for at fejre den jødiske højtid Shavuot,
da der pludselig kom "en lyd som af et kraftigt vindstød" og tunger som af ild
kom til syne og sætter sig på hver af dem. De blev derefter fyldt af Helligånden
og begyndte at "tale på andre tungemål", hvorved de kunne gøre det kristne
budskab forståeligt for de jøder fra mange forskellige verdensdele, der var i
Jerusalem - denne episode kaldes normalt "pinseunderet". Pinsen regnes
således traditionelt for den kristne kirkes fødsel.
Pinsekirken har taget navn efter netop denne begivenhed, fordi den i særlig grad
blandt de kristne trossamfund lægger vægt på tungetalen og de øvrige
nådegaver, som Helligånden menes at udstyre de genfødte kristne med.
Pinsedag falder altid på den syvende søndag efter påske. Det betyder, at den
tidligst kan falde på den 10. maj og senest på den 13. juni. Såvel pinsedag som
den følgende dag, 2. pinsedag, er i Danmark helligdage. I 2015 falder pinsedag
den 25. maj.
I forbindelse med pinsen er der tradition for pinsefrokost. Nogle bryggerier
fremstiller en særlig pinsebryg i forbindelse med højtiden.
En gammel tradition foreskriver, at man pinsemorgen skulle gå ud af sit hus og
feje ind mod døren, da man så ville samle lykke til huset resten af året.
Pinse liljer
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SATURDAY 20 JUNE 2015 from 4 pm
“Black Forest” 110 (149) Byrnes Road North, Joyner QLD 4501
People can be dropped down at the site, after which we ask that you return up
and park along the road.
This will be a time to celebrate the Danish culture within its Viking history!
There will be food and drink to buy, a raffle and an opportunity to catch up with
friends around a campfire. Then we will move on to a round of Vi elsker vort land
by the side of the bonfire ...
So come and join us at our Viking village. Don’t forget to bring along a torch, a
comfy chair and
warm clothes. Bring some sticks for SNOGBROED for the kids and if you have
some Viking garb, then bring that along too! For the food prep team please
advise your attendance via [email protected]
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Grundlovsdag 5 June
Danmarks Riges Grundlov
Danmarks Riges Grundlov er en dansk lov oprindelig fra 1849, den er siden
ændret i 1866, 1915, 1920 og 1953, samt forsøgt ændret i 1939. Den betragtes
traditionelt som den højeste lovgivning i det danske rige.[1] Grundloven udgør
sammen med Kongeloven, Tronfølgeloven og til en vis grad
selvstyreordningerne på Færøerne[2] og i Grønland[2] de centrale dele af den
danske forfatning.
Den første Danmarks Riges Grundlov blev underskrevet 5. juni 1849 af Frederik
7., hvormed styreformen i Danmark ændredes fra enevælde til konstitutionelt
Grundloven af 1953
Med den nugældende Grundlov af 5. juni 1953 blev Landstinget nedlagt og den
parlamentaristiske sædvane gjort en del af grundloven. Samtidig ændredes
Tronfølgeloven, så der indførtes kvindelig arvefølge til tronen, dog havde
drengebørn fortrinsret til tronen, indtil tronfølgeloven blev ændret ved en
folkeafstemning i 2009. Grønlands kolonistatus ophørte og Grønland blev en
fuldgyldig del af Danmark Grønlændere blev således danske statsborgere, der
boede i et dansk amt.
Ved en samtidigt afholdt folkeafstemning blev valgretsalderen nedsat til 23 år,
og samtidig hermed blev valgretsalderen gjort til et spørgsmål, der kunne
reguleres ved lov uden en grundlovsændring.
En mindretalsbeskyttelse blev indført hvorefter et mindretal på en tredjedel af
folketingets medlemmer kan sende et vedtaget lovforslag til folkeafstemning.
Ombudsmandsinstitutionen blev lovet indført. Der blev åbnet mulighed for at
folketinget kunne afgive beføjelser(suverænintet) til internationale
organisationer, en myndighed der har været benyttet ved Danmarks
medlemskab af EU og af Den Europæiske Patentorganisation.
Betingelserne for vedtagelse af en grundlovsændring blev lempet, idet det
tidligere krav om 45% tilslutning af alle stemmeberettigede ved en
folkeafstemning blev nedsat til 40% af alle stemmeberettigede.
Uddrag fra: www.wikipedia.org
Paa www.wikipedia.org kan der laeses mere om udviklingen af den Danske
Grundlov op til dags dato.
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Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training....
IAE Study In Australia is owned and operated by a Dane – Riborg Andersen – a former
teacher and senior government employee, with a strong background in both Danish and
Australian education and training. We are a professional International Education Agent, with
over 18 years’ experience.
Did you know that when Denmark decided that it wanted every senior secondary student to
have an international experience, the Danish Undervisningsministeriet invited Riborg, as the
only Australia representative, to run workshops for Danish secondary schools seeking to
establish relationships with international counterparts, to encourage their students to have an
international study experience? Using our knowledge and expertise, we help Danish (and
many other international students) to come and study in Australia. Do you have family or
friends in Denmark wanting to come and study in Australia?
We are here to help.
For individual students, we can help you to find a suitable school, college or university
taking into account a student’s academic background, family/friendship ties in Australia,
their strengths and interests, budget and aims. We place students into primary and
secondary schools, TAFEs and universities all over Australia.
For Danish schools, colleges and universities, we can help you to identify suitable
partner institutions in Australia, and develop successful Study Abroad programs. Over
the years, we have established such programs between Australian institutions and
schools/colleges in Aalborg, Aarhus,Skanderborg, Silkeborg, Køge and Roskilde
among other places.
Tell us what your aims are, and we can find the best way forward. Did you know Australia
now offers a 485Graduate Visa for students graduating from any 2-year Australian Bachelor
or Master’s degree, and wantingto stay in Australia for another 2 years to work and/or play?
Want to know more? Ask us. And the best news ...We do not charge any service fee, as we
are paid by the Australian schools, colleges and universities. We look forward to hearing from
Contact: Riborg Andersen [email protected] or phone 07 3852 5511