Den Danske Forening Heimdal December 2013 Tivoli celebrates Christmas Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publica-tion. The closing date for the February issue is 17 January 2014. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Christmas with family and friends and lots of happy surprises and a beautiful and safe New Year. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: Email: [email protected] From the Editor It’s almost time to start counting down the days to Christmas. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Samantha Akaczonek & David Møller, Windsor Neil Theodore, Scarborough FLØDEBOLLER November and December are always incredibly busy months with many events coming up both in the club and everywhere in Brisbane. Concerts, Christmas markets in the City and Christmas parades and other activities at South Bank. On behalf of the whole Committee, I wish you a wonderful Made on the Gold Coast, get them at the Café at 4/$5, 8/$10 or a whole box of 16 for $20. Apparently ‘flødeboller’ were first made in Denmark almost 200 years ago, but these are a lot fresher! What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark with Christmas stalls 22 November 2013 from 6 pm It’s the last Café Danmark of the year, time to ‘hygge’ and spend some time with new and old friends. The ‘smørrebrød’ menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties imported from Denmark just for us as well as several Australian brews. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. And check out our tempting chocolates, marcipanbrød, licorice and other goodies from Denmark! It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads and organic biscuits and even marcipan direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Heinz Meats, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café. Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Check their Facebook page for events or ring Tea, Tina or Iben (see details inside the newsletter) Ross Couper & Tom Oakes In concert (see ad in newsletter) 23 November 2013 7-10 pm (doors open at 6:30) Swedish Christmas Market 24 November 2013 with Lucia parade at Oakleigh State School, Ashgrove 11 am – 3 pm Juletræsfest (Christmas Party) with KUPALEJA & friends (see more in newsletter) 14 December 2013 2 – 5 pm Carsten Knudsen On Tour in Australia 1 February 2014 70th Birthday Party Dinner Dance 8 February 2014 Fastelavnsfest 9 February 2014 Café Danmark is back 28 February 2014 GLÆDELIG JUL & GODT NYTÅR Dansk Legegruppe Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30. Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne. Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør. Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse. Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med. For yderligere information kontakt: Iben [email protected] 0434 933 953 Tina [email protected] 0403 838 663 Tea [email protected] 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. IAE Study In Australia is owned and operated by a Dane – Riborg Andersen – a former teacher and senior government employee, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education and training. We are a professional International Education Agent, with over 18 years’ experience. Did you know that when Denmark decided that it wanted every senior secondary student to have an international experience, the Danish Undervisningsministeriet invited Riborg, as the only Australia representative, to run workshops for Danish secondary schools seeking to establish relationships with international counterparts, to encourage their students to have an international study experience? Using our knowledge and expertise, we help Danish (and many other international students) to come and study in Australia. Do you have family or friends in Denmark wanting to come and study in Australia? We are here to help. For individual students, we can help you to find a suitable school, college or university taking into account a student’s academic background, family/friendship ties in Australia, their strengths and interests, budget and aims. We place students into primary and secondary schools, TAFEs and universities all over Australia. For Danish schools, colleges and universities, we can help you to identify suitable partner institutions in Australia, and develop successful Study Abroad programs. Over the years, we have established such programs between Australian institutions and schools/colleges in Aalborg, Aarhus, Skanderborg, Silkeborg, Køge and Roskilde among other places. Tell us what your aims are, and we can find the best way forward. Did you know Australia now offers a 485 Graduate Visa for students graduating from any 2-year Australian Bachelor or Master’s degree, and wanting to stay in Australia for another 2 years to work and/or play? Want to know more? Ask us. And the best news …We do not charge any service fee, as we are paid by the Australian schools, colleges and universities. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact: Riborg Andersen [email protected] or phone 07 3852 5511 Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: [email protected] HEINZ MEATS TRADITIONAL SMALLGOODS Continental butcher and deli 611 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Ph: 07 3391 3530 (parking behind shops) Lammekød Dansk udskæring på bestilling Grisekød Oksekød Pålæg og røgvarer blandt andet: Hamburgerryg Medisterpølse Ost: Røget flæsk Knækpølse Havarti Spegepølse Wienerpølse Esrom Rullepølse Leverpostej Nu også smørrebrød HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5:30pm, Saturday 8am - 1pm CLOSED: Sunday & Monday C h r i s t m a s P a r t y Saturday 14 December 2013 2–5 pm Christmas Party 2012 (photo: Alan Pryzbylak) We invite members, friends and their children and grandchildren to celebrate Christmas together with ‘KUPALEJA’ without PA and JA, but with Steinar on accordion. They will entertain us with traditional Danish Christmas songs while we wait for Santa Oz to arrive. There’ll be Christmas stalls, gløgg and æbleskiver and hot dogs on the menu and maybe a few other goodies. Come decked out in your Christmas gear and be prepared for a lot of dancing and singing around the Christmas tree. This year, we ask parents, friends or grandparents to bring a gift for their child/children (approx. value $15), wrapped and clearly labelled and hand it in at the door. Santa will hand out the gifts when he arrives. To make sure that there’s room for everyone, please book by Tuesday 10 December 2013. Send an email to [email protected] or ring Lone on 3359 2026 or 0437 612 913 with names and numbers. Magnum PEST CONTROL Cockroaches │Spiders│ Ants│ Rodents│ Fleas│ Wasps Termite Inspections & Treatments “Come on Bug, Make My Day” Allan & Ilse Day Owners ph: 1300 73 88 58 mob: 0401 021 182 [email protected] Fully Licensed & Fully Insured Scandinavian Singers accompanied by KUPALEJA and other Scandinavian artists will perform a Christmas concert at the Nazareth Lutheran Church, Hawthorne St, Woolloongabba on 11 December 2013 at 7 pm. All are welcome. Julegudstjeneste (Christmas service) at the Danish Church in Mount Gravatt will be held on Sunday 22 December at 2 pm. The address is 71 Newnham Road, Mount Gravatt East. Check out their website for updates. Error! Hyperlink refd. Soren Hoimark is the local contact for DABGO and the group meets at the Danish Club on the first Wednesday of the month (next date is 4 December 2013 at 6 pm). There is no meeting in Brisbane in January. Visit the DABGO website to join and get more information. Alan has a Fisher & Paykel fridge for sale at $200 and an ASKO washing machine for $300. Talk to him in the bar, ring on 0402 691 435 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you again to Lanier for providing us with a great colour printer for the newsletters. Just a reminder if you haven’t paid your membership fees for 2013/14 yet. You can pay the membership fee either by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 (account name is Danish Association Heimdal), by PayPal at our website or by cheque. Fees are unchanged $40 for single and $60 for family membership. FEEL AT HOME WITH SBS DIGITAL RADIO Listen to the Danish language every Thursday at 4pm Choose one of the many platforms: SBS Digital Radio 3, Digital TV (channel 39), Live on Demand via phone and Androids apps Streaming Online at Danish/Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish Via Podcast Further information on Vikings – Beyond The Legend opens September 19 – to November 30 In Sydney at the Australian National Maritime Museum 2134 Vikings – Beyond The Legend NEWSFLASH: If you need a new Danish passport, the scanner is in Brisbane Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 November. Head to Toowong Tower between 10 and 4. Contact details for the Royal Danish Consulate in Brisbane Honorary Consul Lars Kirk Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower 9 Sherwood Road Toowong QLD 4066 07 3374 3062 [email protected] Julens uhygge I dag forbinder vi i høj grad julen med hygge og tryghed. Men for bondesamfundets mennesker havde julen også en anden og mere dyster dimension "julespøgelser". På Kongensgård spøgte en jomfru spøger hver jule- og nytårsaften i stalden, hvor hun havde hængt sig. I Dalsager skulle spøgelset Terkild, som var manet ned i Tyvemose, have "natter", dvs. aftensmad jule og nytårsaften. Ellers blev der spektakel i gården. På Spentrup Julen falder på årets mørkeste tid, og i mørket kirkegård ved Randers gik en barnemorderske kunne mange farer og ubehagelige væsner lure. igen mellem jul og nytår, og i Besser præstegård Der er mange sagn, som netop fortæller om hørte man et barn græde hver juleaften. På julespøgeri eller møde med overnaturlige væsner Høgsholm blev en herremands datter manet ned i i juletiden. skoven, og da hun var sunket i til halsen, bad hun De dødes gudstjeneste om lov til at nærme sig gården med et Et kendt sagn handler fx om de dødes "kokketrin" hver juleaften. Det fik hun lov til, og gudstjeneste julenat, og udspiller sig - blandt når hun kommer helt frem til slottet, synker det i mange andre steder - på en gård vest for Vokslev jorden. I en gård på Balleskov mark var der altid kirke. Karlen var tidligt ude at give hestene foder "spektakel" ved jule- og nytårstid, og på en gård i julemorgen. Gården havde intet ur, så da karlen Kældernæs startede spøgeriet så småt i kom ind og sagde, at de havde sovet over sig, fløj november, for at tage til i julen og atter klinge af i konen ud af sengen. Karlen havde hørt, at januar. I Kalundborg kørte Hans Lindenow, der morgengudstjenesten var begyndt, for der var døde i 1659, gennem Skibbrogade med sit hoved sang i kirken. Konen fik tøj på og skyndte sig til under armen. I Nordborg på Samsø kom kirke og ind i sin kirkestol. Først da opdagede helhesten og drak af vandtruget, etc. etc. I nogle hun, at sidemanden var en person, som var død egne kunne man desuden risikere at møde "Den for mange år siden! Alle kirkegæsterne var folk, vilde Jagt". Et selskab af jagende svende og der forlængst var døde. Hendes sidemand glammende hunde anført af "Nattejægeren", hviskede, at hun måtte skynde sig ud i en fart og "Elleskytten", "Goen" eller "Wojensjæger". Han hægte kåben op, hvis hun mærkede noget, der varsler død og ulykke, hvis han ikke får et rykkede i den. Konen gjorde, som hun fik besked afværgeoffer, fx. kød til sine hunde. Den natlige på. Og da hun nåede kirkedøren, blev kåben flået jæger er måske, hvad også nogle af navnene af hende. antyder, ingen ringere end Odin. De nordiske Om morgenen, da landsbyens folk kom for at gå i asers kloge, men også dystre overhoved. kirke, lå konens kåbe udenfor, splittet ad i små stumper. Dødsvarsler Julen var - på grund af tidspunktets særlige magi - Julespøgelser også synderligt velegenet til varseltagning, fx om Andre sagn fortæller om egentlige bryllup, vejrlig, kornpriser, dødsfald og lignende. Den, der under julemiddagen listede udenfor og sindsbevægelse", således som det skete for en kiggede ind ad vinduet, ville opdage, hvem der karl i Lumsås. En anden metode var at gå til var "feig" og skulle dø i det kommende år. De sad kirkegården julenat kl. 24 og sætte sig på enten hovedløse eller uden skygge. Men det var kirkegårdslågen med en grøn tørv eller gravmuld ikke ufarligt. Man kunne se noget, man ikke brød på hovedet. Dette kunne sætte én i stand til at se sig om, og endte med at blive "rent tosset af skyggerne af de, der skal dø i det kommende år. Heller ikke dette var ufarligt. En karl, som under bordet, måtte man ikke bukke sig ned for forsøgte sig fik hovedet vredet om i nakken. En at tage det op. Enkelte steder, fx. på Bornholm og anden kendte alle de skikkelser, der kom i Hørve, sov husets beboere julenat i halm på skridende, på nær en. Den ukendte havde en gulvet, mens de opredte senge stod tomme. strikke om halsen og viste sig at være karlen selv. For inden årets udgang havde han hængt sig. Menneskelige skræmmevæsner Nogle af julens uhyggelige gæster var virkelige Glosoen på besøg nok. Optegnelser fra 1700-årene fortæller om Men heller ikke inden døre kunne man være helt julebukken, en udklædt karl, der hoppede sikker. Havde man fx. glemt at ofre et par neg på omkring, stangede efter glosoen ved høstens afslutning, risikerede man at folk og prøvede at forskrække på skrømt. En det uhyggelige svin kom og lagde sig under beretning fra begyndelsen af 1500-årene bordet for at skabe ravage juleaften. Glosoen, fortæller om unge, der løb rundt i "rædegrimer eller gravsoen, var en gigantisk gris med og anden djævleham", skræmte folk for sjov og knivskarp ryg, strittende børster og stirrende lavede ballade. De menneskelige julespøgelser øjne, som varslede død og ulykke. lavede larm med rumlepotter og smed potteskår og askeposer på dørene. Rumlepotter opfattes i nyere tid som et rent sønderjysk fænomen, men var tidligere langt mere udbredt, dog ikke til alles glæde. I slutningen af 1660'erne blev det fx. forbudt at gå med rumlepotte i København. Efter at have larmet og regeret flygtede spilopmagerne på skrømt, for til sidst at blive indfanget og beværtet. Meget tyder på, at nogle af de overnaturlige De menneskelige julespøgelser tog brodden af gæster var kendte og ventede. I Helsinge sogn og julenætternes skrækkelige væsner, ved at give på Århusegnen satte husmoderen en ekstra dem en konkret, men ufarlig skikkelse, som man kuvert på bordet. På Bornholm og visse steder i uden risiko kunne invitere ind på en dram. Nordsjælland skulle maden, eller noget af den, blive stående på bordet julenat, lysene skulle brænde hele natten og tabte man noget ind (kilde: The very first Heimdal event of 2014 The Carsten Knudsen Show Premiere of Carsten Knudsen’s Australian Tour This show is also suitable for non-Danish speakers as most will be in English, and Carsten is world famous (in Denmark) for his cracking humour and stand up comedy – as well as musical talent. Come and join us for his one and only night in Brisbane. Where: The Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead When: Saturday 1 February 2014 Doors open: 6 PM Show starts: 7 PM Tickets: $20 – concessions $15 Booking: [email protected] Bookings are strongly recommended as we very rarely have the opportunity to present such an artist in Brisbane and interest has been great; any unsold tickets will be available at the door. Danish smørrebrød/open sandwiches are available from 6 PM. Famous Danish comedian Carsten Knudsen will perform a variety of music, comedy, clown acts and stand-up for us in Brisbane. Spoken words will mostly be in English; the songs will be in Danish and a few in English and German. He brings his guitar, ukulele, harmonica, flutes and he will even play a solo on plastic tube. Carsten has entertained the Danish Queen more than once. He is a member of the band “De Nattergale”, who made 24 episodes of the comedy “The Julekalender”, one of the biggest and most successful Christmas programs on TV2 Denmark. Besides entertaining he plays classical music on the ukulele in churches and festivals. 20/11 Chloe 21/11 Kasper Jerlang 22/11 Karl Sørensen 22/11 Elizabeth Ling 27/11 Ejler Köhncke 28/11 Jose Jungo 29/11 Eva Kaiser 29/11 Tanja Hindsberger 29/11 Ben Christensen 29/11 Peter 30/11 Annika 1/12 Fred Burford 2/12 Jacqueline Hoogervorst 3/12 Janice Nixon 7/12 Anna Jensen 8/12 Carol Andersen 8/12 Felix Tobias 8/12 Anny Haylock 9/12 Teri Villsen 9/12 Maya 9/12 Maureen Hoeg 9/12 Alf Berg 12/12 Arne Bentved 13/12 Lachlan 14/12 Lach Henderson 14/12 Helen Luckow 15/12 Madeleine Stærmose 16/12 Niels Ross-Teigan 16/12 Noah Bang Addison-Madsen 16/12 Michael 18/12 Lone Schmidt 20/12 Aase Andersen 21/12 Terry 22/12 Samantha Madsen 22/12 Lene Simpson 23/12 Peter Lee 23/12 Christian Lundgaard 27/12 Jacob Adams 1/1 Olaf 4/1 Per Harboe 7/1 Susanne Phillips 7/1 Regina Jensen 8/1 Christina Meagher 8/1 Vicky Kristoffersen-Wright 8/1 Eric Madsen 8/1 Shirley Jensen 8/1 Latoya Temorenga 8/1 Niels Larsen 9/1 Tom Larsen 9/1 Jennier Rasmussen 10/1 Sallyjane Bak 10/1 Liam 11/1 Brian Bisset 12/1 Hans Jensen 12/1 Lars Bang Madsen 13/1 Grete Rugholm Hindsberger 14/1 Carnie Kirkemann Nielsen 14/1 Melinda Hansen 14/1 Hannah Polkinghorne 14/1 Alexander & Benjamin Siesing 16/1 Donna Ross-Teigan 18/1 Susie Jonsen 19/1 Roy Schack 19/1 Benjamin 19/1 Misty Moir 22/1 Mads Bladt 22/1 Gurli Hansen 24/1 Mogens Reimich As I mentioned before, our membership list is far from complete with many birthdays missing. Even worse, children born after the initial membership form was completed, aren’t on the list. So I’ll need your help with corrections and additions over the coming months and don’t be surprised if I ask the question. If you absolutely hate the idea of having your birthday advertised, let me know as well. Email [email protected] with any updates you may have. Apologies if your name is not on the list – there’s always next year. What better way than to start the year with a Party?! Many members of the Danish Folk Dance Group “Heimdal” are reaching certain milestones in 2014... namely 60th, 70th & 75th birthdays. Our last party was so popular we have decided to do it again! Hence, we have thrown open the doors and would like to invite you all to join us for another night of fabulous food, live entertainment and dancing. Kupaleja, our very own and much loved Band, will get the festivities rolling for the evening with some of our favourite Scandinavian tunes. Michael Whitmore and his “Big Band” sound (known from clubs + Cruise Liners) will provide the main entertainment with anything from Jazz, Rock’n’Roll & Country to “Pride of Erin”… ensuring a full dance floor at all times. When: Saturday, 8 February 2014 6pm for a 6:30pm start Where: Cost: Danish Club, Austin St, Newstead $35 includes 3 course dinner, coffee/tea and birthday cake (Bar will be open on the night) Please note that bookings are essential. Our last party was a sell-out & sadly we had to turn away over 20 people at the door. Don’t miss out! Please contact Lone on 0437 612 913 or simply email your booking with the number of people to [email protected] and pay in the amount due to the club account marked 8Feb14 and your name. The club’s account details are BSB 484-799 (Suncorp Bank) 02495 1468 (account number) Please book before 31 January 2014 Young Dane starts webshop in Australia By SOF Daniel Sorensen recently finished his two and a half year internship in E-Commerce and then traveled to Australia with his partner. He decided to start his own business online with being the first of several webshops planned. The first webshop is selling ties, butterflies and cufflinks but will slowly widen the range of products available to ensure a full selection of men's clothing accessories. When asked what the biggest challenge was, it was surprisingly enough not the practical issues of importing from abroad or establishing the business with an accountant and government sites. Daniel explains that it was finding the right types of goods at the best possible price in order to be competitive. Now that is up and running the challenge is to market it correctly, therefore much effort is now put into this very important area of running a webshop. Daniel is looking forward to continuously developing and also creating new exciting webshops. We can advise on freight Australia wide! 0411 297 236 [email protected] Do you need Danish beer, snaps, herring or licorice for Christmas? We can help. Price list Beer Tuborg ‘Green’ 24x33cl (bottles) Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Gold 24x33cl (cans) Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33cl (cans) Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl Aalborg Export 70 cl Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl $ 55 $ 50 $ 60 $ 60 $ 70 $ 70 $ 50 $ 50 $ 75 O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl Aalborg Porse 70 cl Aalborg Dild 70 cl Brøndum 70 cl $ 65 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 Bitters Gammel Dansk 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl 1-Enkelt 100 cl $ 65 $ 50 $ 65 Other Blå Ga-Jol 100 cl $ 55 How to order and pay: By email [email protected] By phone 0437 612 913 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp Bank BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Herring, fish balls, chocolate, licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark 100 g containers / $2.50: Toms Ama’r bidder Toms Heksehyl Toms Chokofanter Haribo Skipper Skrå Haribo Lakridskringler Haribo Salminger Haribo Saltkringler Haribo Stafetter Carletti Saltlinser Carletti Strandgrus Carletti Lakridspinde Haribo Super Piratos 425 g $ 10.00 Haribo Matador Mix 500 g $ 10.00 Haribo Skipper Mix 500 g $ 10.00 Fazer Skolekridt 140 g $ 4.00 Bon-Bon Lossepladsen170g$ 4.00 Pingvin Hurlumhej mix 350g$ 7.00 Toms Bridgeblanding 250 g$ 6.00 Lagerman Lakridskonfekt $ 7.00 FC Nougattabletter 75 g $ 2.50 FC Kongen af Danmark $ 2.50 Pingvin Poletter 140 g Pingvin Blanding 140 g Ga-Jol Blå, sort, gul 2 x 23 g Anthon Berg Marcipanbrød 40 g Marcipanbrød m/blød nougat 40 g Marcipanbrød m/kakaokerner 33 g Odense nougat 100 g Toms Guldkaramelbar 50g Toms Kæmpeskildpadde 28 g $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ $ $ $ 2.00 3.50 2.50 1.50 VIKING herring (550 g jars) $ 8.00 Onion Herring, Matjes or Anchovy Spiced Lykkeberg Fiskeboller 400 g $ 4.00 ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00 Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 4.50 Dronning Makrel I tomat 125 g $2.50 Christmas Countdown Candles (kalendarlys) Terry-Anne Whiting makes Christmas Countdown Candles. Candles start at only $5 Diameter: 22 mm, Height: 19 cm, Burning time: 6 hr, but can be made in any size (depending on availability of candles ) Visit her website at or write to her at [email protected] \ Glædelig jul til alle, der har støttet mig i 10år nu med mine håndlavede juleting. Med hilsen fra Hanne. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR
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