Muligheder i Bio-Based Industries

Muligheder i
Bio-Based Industries (BBI)
27. April 2015 kl. 10:00-14:00 på Aalborg Universitet København
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen
Fuldmægtig, National Contact Point (NCP) for
Bioøkonomi og ERC i Horizon 2020
EuroCenter, EU-politisk kontor
Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
[email protected], tlf. 72 31 82 81
Horizon 2020 (1 mia. euro)
BIC (2,7 mia. euro)
Bio-Based Industries JU (3,7 mia. euro)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf.
Side 2
Bio-Based Industries: 2015-opslaget
 Meget stort call med forventet samlet budget på op mod 600 mio. euro
(heraf 200 mio. euro fra Kommissionen)
 Tilskud udmøntes igennem:
- Research and Innovation actions (Forsknings- og Innovationsprojekter)
- Innovation Actions (Innovationsprojekter ) opdelt i
- Demonstration Actions (Demonstrationsprojekter)
- Flagship Actions (Flagskibsprojekter)
- Coordination & Support Actions (Koordinerings- og Støtteaktioner)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf.
Side 3
Bio-Based Industries: 2015-opslaget
- fortsat
 Arbejdsprogrammet definerer de topics/emner, man kan søge om
projektfinansiering inden for. Fem værdikæder danner rammen om de opslåede
• Værdikæde 1 - From lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels, bio-based
chemicals and biomaterials
• Værdikæde 2 - The next generation forest-based value chains
• Værdikæde 3 - The next generation agro-based value chains
• Værdikæde 4 - Emergence of new value chains from (organic) waste
• Værdikæde 5 - The integrated energy, pulp and chemicals biorefineries
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf.
Side 4
Hvordan og hvornår?
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf.
Side 5
BBI-opslaget i 2015
2015 Call’ets offentliggørelse og ansøgningsfrister
Innovation Actions – Flagship Actions
 Offentliggørelse: ultimo april/primo maj 2015
 Ansøgningsfrist: september 2015
 Evaluering af ansøgninger: sidste halvdel af oktober 2015
 Info om evalueringsresultatet til ansøgerne: februar 2016
 Underskrivelse af tilskudsaftaler: maj 2016
BBI Open Info Day i
Bruxelles 26. juni 2015.
Tilmelding her
Research and Innovation Actions, Innovation Actions – Demonstration Actions
samt Coordination and Support Actions
 Offentliggørelse: juni 2015 ?
 Ansøgningsfrist: november 2015 ?
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf.
Side 6
 Research and Innovation Actions (forsknings- og
Mulig ansøgningsfrist:
november 2015
 Innovation Actions (innovationsprojekter)
Mulig ansøgningsfrist
 Demonstration Actions
november 2015
 Flagship Actions
Forventet ansøgningsfrist:
september 2015
 Coordination and Support Actions (Koordinerings- og
Mulig ansøgningsfrist:
november 2015
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 7
Research & Innovation Actions
Mindst 3 partnere fra 3 forskellige
EU-lande eller associerede lande
Typisk op til 4 år
Budgetstørrelse per projekt
€2-10 mio. (ca. halvdelen er EU-medfinansiering
til universiteter, GTS-institutter, SMV’er mv.)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 8
Research & Innovation Actions
 Actions focusing on the development of specific technologies and concepts
needed to realise the value chains, proving the principles in pilot installations
(up to TRL 5)
 As such, Research and Innovation Actions may include basic and applied
research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on
a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.
 Research & Innovation Actions should contribute to strengthening the
competitiveness of the European bio-based industries, improving
sustainability, and facilitating the emergence of new markets and products.
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 9
Innovation Actions
Innovation Actions er inddelt i to:
”Demonstration Actions” og ”Flagship Actions”
Mindst 3 partnere fra 3 forskellige
EU-lande eller associerede lande
Typisk 4-5 år
Budgetstørrelse per projekt
€5-10 mio. (DEMO), €25-60 (Flagship)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 10
Flagship Actions (Innovation Actions)
Flagships are the first units of value chains operating at an economically viable
 validation of technical and economic performance at system level in real life
operating conditions provided by the market.
 mainly include activities corresponding to TRL level 8.
 Flagship projects support the deployment in the market of an innovation that has
already been demonstrated but not yet applied/deployed in the market
 A flagship shall address a complete value chain from procurement, growth and
supply of feedstock material to the final product(s).
 shall include the establishment of a large scale production facility, being it a new
installation, a substantial modification of an existing facility, or reconversion of old
or abandoned industrial facilities.
 Funding is expected to be complemented by in kind contribution and additional
activities (mandatory)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 11
Demonstration Actions (Innovation Actions)
demonstration activities, focusing mainly on optimization of flows and cost
reduction. Such demonstration activities could include engineering and testing
operational conditions that have been identified at research and pilot scale to
optimize productivity. Monitoring, data collection and analysis is considered critical
during this phase;
plant design, set-up and optimization of operations to reach the project
an exploitation plan stating the activities to be performed to further increase the
economic viability of their process, to prove market demand or include measures to
increase market demand, to address consumer perception and to evaluate
Funding is expected to be complemented by in kind contribution and additional
activities (optional)
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 12
Forskelle og ligheder
mellem BBI og resten af
Horizon 2020
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 13
Bio-Based Industries JU
Følger DE FLESTE Horizon 2020 regler for deltagelse
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 regler for deltagelse, evalueringskriterier mv.
Research & Innovation Actions og Coordination & Support Actions: Alle typer institutioner kan søge og modtage støtte fra EU til
Kun SMV’er, universiteter, GTS-institutioner og andre non-profit
institutioner samt JRC og international European interest
organisations kan søge om EU-støtte til deres deltagelse.
Øvrige institutioner skal selv betale for deres deltagelse (in-cash & inkind)
Primære projekttyper:
 Research & Innovation Actions (op til TRL 5)
 Innovation Actions opdelt i
Demonstration Actions (op til TRL 6-7) og
Flagship Actions (op til TRL 8)
 Coordination & Support Actions
Primære projekttyper:
 Research & Innovation Actions
 Innovation Actions
 Coordination & Support Actions
Research & Innovation Actions: Mindst 50% af det samlede
projektbudget forventes at blive dækket af industripartnerne i
Innovation Actions – Demonstration Actions: Mindst 50% af det
samlede projektbudget forventes at blive dækket af
industripartnerne i projektet (in-cash + in-kind). ”Additional
Activities” forventes.
Innovation Actions – Flagship Actions: Mindst 50% af det samlede
projektbudget forventes at blive dækket af industripartnerne i
projektet (in-kind). ”Additional activities” forventes.
EU-finansiering op til 100% af de direkte projektrelaterede
omkostninger i alle projekttyper.
Side 14
Horizon 2020:
Cutting the red tape…
Kortere ‘time-to-grant’
(8 måneder)
Mindre kontrol og revision
”Research and
Innovation actions”
and Support
*Dette gælder dog ikke store virksomheder. I BBI gives der ikke støtte til store virksomheders deltagelse i RIA og CSA
**non-profit organisationer får deres direkte omkostninger støttet med op til 100%
Hvad skal man som ansøger
forholde sig til?
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 17
Hvad består ansøgningen af?
Part A
Online-udfyldelse af diverse skemaer
 Består af administrative og faktuelle oplysninger
 Indeholder et projektresumé
Part B
Prosa i fastlagt struktur (Brug skabelonen)
 Excellence
 Impact
 Implementation
+ mindre afsnit om etik, kønsaspekter og i nogle tilfælde sikkerhedskritiske spørgsmål
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 18
 Excellence (op 5 point)
Er det foreslåede projektet innovativt og af høj videnskabelig
kvalitet? (målsætninger, tilgang, tværvidenskabelighed,
ambitionsniveau mv. )
 Impact (op 5 point)
Hvad forventes projektet at bidrage med? Både
videnskabelig/innovativ kvalitet og impact for EU (europæiske
 Implementation (op 5 point)
Projektets sammenhæng og gennemførlighed, konsortiets
samarbejde, management-struktur
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 19
BBI-specifikke evalueringskriterier
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 20
Kilde: Gianpaolo Suriano,
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) -niveauer
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Kilde: Gianpaolo
Side 21
Budgettet i en
ansøgning til BBI
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 22
Budgeteksempel – Research & Innovation Actions
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 23
Budgettet i en ansøgning til BBI – særlige termer
In-kind contribution (relevant for Research & Innovation Actions og Innovation Actions)
costs which are eligible for funding according to Horizon 2020 rules but are not reimbursed by the BBI JU.
in kind contributions incurred in implementing indirect actions;
they are directly managed by the JU within projects
not reimbursed by the JU (eligible costs according to H2020, but non reimbursed).
Include costs for staff, equipment, consumables, etc.)
Additional Activities (relevant for Innovation Actions)
in kind contributions; are activities by the partners of a project beyond the BBI JU funded project but which are necessary
to ensure reaching the industrial objectives of the project and the KPIs
must contribute to the overall objectives of the JTI
Investments costs which are not reimbursed by the BBI-JU and are accounted according to the usual cost accounting
practices of the industry partners contributing them and not H2020
investment in infrastructures, facilities, durable equipment etc. for the establishment of the demo or large scale plant being it a new installation, a substantial modification of an existing facility, or reconversion of old or abandoned industrial
facilities- on which the proposed work will be carried out
Ikke en del af ansøgningsbudgettet (not directly managed by the BBI-JU). Additional activities are NOT considered a part of
the BBI Joint Undertaking. They are to be declared by BIC on an annual basis and reflect biobased industries investment in
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 24
Hvorfor deltage i BBI-projekter?
I beslutningsprocessen
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Efter projektdeltagelsen
Side 25
Øvrige EU-støttemuligheder inden for biobaserede industrier
Muligheder i EU-programmer
 Bioøkonomi-udfordringen (Societal Challenge 2).
 Call: Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
 Call: Blue Growth (BG)
 Call: Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy (ISIB)
Mere info om
Kontakt Ulrik: [email protected]
Klima-udfordringen (Societal Challenge 5).
 Call: Waste (A Resource to Recycle, Reuse and Recover Raw Materials)
 Call: Water (Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe)
Energi-udfordringen (Societal Challenge 3)
 Call: Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE)
Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) (Industrial Leadership):
 LEIT – Biotechnology
 Call (PPP): SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Ressource & Energy Efficiency)
Muligheder nationalt
 Informationsmøde
– store projekter – fx produktionsteknologi
om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 28
Hvordan kommer jeg i gang?
1. Søg på relevante nøgleord i arbejdsprogrammet og brug
Participant Portal
2. Tag kontakt til dit netværk
3. Brug EuroCenter til at få hjælp i processen og svar på dine
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 29
EuroCenter –
National Contact Point (NCP)
Gratis vejledning til danske ansøgere
Personlig rådgivning fra idé til projektgennemførsel (telefonisk,
email, individuelle kundemøder)
Legal/Finance funktion
Informationsmøder, foredrag og workshops
Kurser (undtagelse: ikke gratis!)
Privilegeret kontakt til Europa-Kommissionen
En del af EU-DK Support netværket
Informationsmøde om Bio-Based Industries (BBI), 27.04.2015 - Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, [email protected], tlf. 72318281
Side 30