EASTLAN RATINGS, LLC SURVEY RESULTS – 2013/2014 About the survey Conducted by Eastlan Ratings, LLC - Second largest radio ratings producer in the United States. Founded in 1999. Eastland has served the research needs of hundreds of clients producing accurate and reliable measurements of consumer consumption of radio medium. Double blind survey – selected at random - 400 survey’s of adults residing in State of Wyoming. Secondary data (including population counts and estimates for distinct demographic cells) were used to generate quotas and weights to improve the representational nature of the survey sample with respect the adult population of the State of Wyoming. The sample represents the media consumption habits of all adults in the State of Wyoming to within +/- 4.9% at a 95% confidence interval. Phone interviews with land lines and cell phones. All surveys were completed between November 30 & December 5, 2013. HOW OFTEN DO YOU LISTEN TO RADIO? SEVERAL HOURS A DAY AT LEAST ONCE A DAY COUPLE OF TIMES A WEEK 2011 26% 35% 16% 77% 2013 26% 36% 15% 77% Radio listeners per week = 77% of WYOMINGITES Listen to the radio weekly! How does radio compare to new media at home? 0 47% (2011) 57% (2013) +10% Listen to LOCAL broadcast radio 0 Only 13% (2011) 10% (2013) -3% Have SATELLITE radio in home 0 Only 6% (2011) 10% (2013) + 4% Own INTERNET device in home 0 Only 13% (2011) 17% (2013) +4% Subscribe to an ONLINE music service (i.e. Pandora) MOST LISTEN TO LOCAL BROADCAST RADIO AT HOME! ONCE AGAIN…… RADIO IS THE #1 source for Wyoming consumers looking for new music! How does Wyoming BROADCAST radio compare to new media when looking for new music? 0 56% (2011) 56% (2013) – 0%Change Pick LOCAL broadcast radio 0 15% (2011) 14% (2013) – 1% Internet radio/on-line streaming 0 16% (2011) 16% (2013) – 0% Change Peer to peer music sharing 0 16% (2011) 15%) (2013) – 1% Downloaded music such as I-tunes WHAT ABOUT DRIVING? RADIO IS STILL THE MOST USED MEDIUM BY WYOMING DRIVERS! 66% regularly commute in own car! 51% Listen to radio a lot! 19% Listen to Satellite a lot! Wyoming Workers WHAT ABOUT SATELLITE RADIO IN WYOMING? Doesn’t everyone have one in their car these days? NO! Only 19% use satellite radio “a lot” Remember: 51% use radio “a lot” LOCAL BROADCAST RADIO & TV CONTINUE TO BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE INTERNET AS A SOURCE FOR: IMMEDIATE NEWS SUCH AS WEATHER EMERGENCIES & SOURCE FOR LOCAL NEWS! DEMO GROUP 18-49 USING RADIO & NEW MEDIA THE MOST NEWSPAPERS – THE LEAST! Why? DEMO GROUP 18-49 The 18-49 demo is embracing new media but NOT abandoning radio! However, they are LEAVING newspapers. How often do you listen to Local Broadcast Radio? (Several hours a day, at least once a day, couple times a week). All Females 18-49 Males 18-49 All 50+ 77% (2011) 80% (2011) 83% (2011) 71% (2011) 77% (2013) - 0% 74% (2013) - 6% 75% (2013) - 8% 81% (2013)+10% DEMO GROUP 18-49 COMPARISON Read a daily printed Newspaper: 42% Listen to the Radio daily: 59% Watch TV daily: 77% Radio & TV are the most used forms of media! DEMO GROUP 18-49 How often do you typically read a digital version of a newspaper? Daily Never All 9% 63% 18-49 9% 50+ 10% *Adults 18+ PERCEPTION OF TV ADVERTISING 078% find TV most persuasive Advertising 085% find TV most influential Advertising 071% number #1 source of product information *TVB TV Basics 2011 WEBSITE/APP USAGE PER WEEK 14% (2011) 16% (2013) - RADIO 10% (2011) 18% (2013) - TV 21% (2011) 24% (2013) - Newspaper Total Broadcast (radio+tv) = 34% WYOMING SOCIAL MEDIA Have you OFTEN accessed the social media site of….. Radio – 11% (2011) 15% (2013) TV – 4% (2011) 9% (2013) Newspaper – 8% (2011) 6% (2013) Total Broadcast (radio+tv) = 24% Effectiveness of websites mentioned in ads 17% of radio listeners 31% of TV viewers 22% in Newspaper Where do consumers go for Local News? Newspapers – 25% Internet – 11% Radio – 35% TV – 29% Broadcast = 64% More Wyomingites rely on broadcast for NEWS! Rank of news about weather emergencies: 39% - Local TV 38% - Local Radio 77% - Local Radio + Local TV 23% - Internet When listening to NEWS on radio which do you consider first? FM 57% AM 19% Both Equally 24% HOW OFTEN DO YOU WATCH TELEVISION? Several times a day 40% (2011) 58% (2013 At least 1x per day 37% (2011) 24% (2013) Couple times a week 13% (2011) 9% (2013) 91% watch TV at least weekly 2011 = 90% TV RECEPTION Which do you use most? Cable – 51% (2011) 56% (2013) Satellite – 39% (2011) 32% (2013) Antennae/local – 10% (2011) 12% (2013) TV FACTS! Over 90% of WY Adults watch TV every week! *Over 97% of homes have a TV Average time watching: 8 hours 21 minutes *TVB TV Basics 2011 CELL PHONES IN WYOMING All things electronic = all things internet FALSE! 10% of all adults in WY DO NOT have a cell phone 66% DO NOT have a smart phone 18% DO NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS RADIO MARKETING MATERIALS 7 Wyoming Radio Facts 1. Wyoming radio continues to be the #1 choice over new media (56%) choose radio. 2. Radio is the #1 source for consumers looking for new music. 3. Radio is the #1 medium used while driving – 51% listen A LOT – only 19% listen to satellite radio A LOT 4. 77% of Wyomingites listen to broadcast radio weekly 5. 18 to 49 year olds use radio and new media the most – newspapers the LEAST! 6. Local broadcast is the MOST important for local news and weather emergencies. 7. Wyoming radio is the only true mobile medium, in the car, at work and at play. INTERESTING TIDBITS Internet/Smart Phones What demo owns smart phones the most? F 18-49 – 45% What demo owns less smart phones? 50+ Demo online most? F18-49 @ 37% Demo online least? F50+ @ 22% What demo sends and receives the most TXT messages? Females 18 to 49 – 54% What demo sends and receives the least TXT messages? F50+ @ 14% Broadcast Who listens to the radio most in the car? F 18-49 @ 20% Who listens to the radio most at home? M50+ @ 60% Who gets weather news most at Home by radio? F18-49@ 43% Who gets weather news most at Home by TV? 50+ @ 48% Who uses Newspapers for NEWS most? F50+ @ 28% Who uses Radio for NEWS most? F18-49 @ 41% Who uses TV for NEWS most? M50+@ 36% CONCLUSION The penetration of new media use in Wyoming is not as large as many perceive. Wyoming residents that are using new media, still embrace the traditional media of radio and television while the decline of newspaper readership continues. Radio and television in Wyoming has the best reach of all media, old and new. Wyoming broadcasting is the “BULL HORN” to reach most of Wyoming’s residents at any one time. Radio and television in Wyoming and the new media compliment one another. Keeping new music in rotation is important. Local programming (news, sports, weather, etc.) is more important than ever. BROADCAST IS STILL THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO REACH TODAY’S CONSUMERS! PIGEONS BY THE FAMOUS RADIO RANCH OFF THE LEDGE BY THE FAMOUS RADIO RANCH What can your station/group do? 0 Run Radio Ranch spots 0 Hand out brochure to sales staff, use in sales literature 0 Use Power Point presentation 0 Brief sales staff 0 Sales presentations 0 Ask to speak at Rotary, Kiwanis, Chamber, etc. What can your station/group do? 0 Put graphics on website and Facebook pages 0 Announce results of survey on website and Facebook pages What can your station/group do? 0 Put graphics on email signature NAME TITLE STATION
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