TIMELINE OF THE HISTORY OF VIDEO TECHNOLOGY By: William Jordan 1500 • The first pinhole camera (also called the Camera Obscura) was invented by Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham). http://photodoto.com/camera-historytimeline/ 1510 Pocket watch invented by Peter Henlein http://www.datesandevents.org/eventstimelines/12-technology-timeline.htm 1590 Dutchmen, Zacharias Janssen invents the compound microscope. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/Six teenth.htm 1608 Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey http://www.datesandevents.org/eventstimelines/12-technology-timeline.htm 1876 Bell invents telephone http://www.uncp.edu/home/acurtis/Courses/ ResourcesForCourses/RadioTelevisionHistoryTi meline.html 1887 Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera. http://www.hightechproductions.com/historyoftelevision.htm 1881 The earliest identified flat disc record was made by Sumner Tainter on November 8th, 1881 and is in the Smithsonian Institution collection. This record was made before there was even a practical device to play back a disc recording. The playback mechanisms tested had a tendency to destroy the wax grooves due to the tangential force that was not a problem in Edison's cylinder system. This disc uses lateral or zigzag grooves in contrast to the hill-and-dale grooves of the Edison cylinder http://www.cedmagic.com/history/tainterphonogram.html 1897 • Heinrich Rudolph Hertz produces radio waves http://www.datesandevents.org/eventstimelines/08-television-invention-timeline.htm 1897 The first television camera employed early versions of the cathode ray tube invented in 1897. The RCA Company led production of early video production equipment in the United States and invented the first handheld mobile video production camera, the TK-44, in 1972. http://www.ehow.com/facts_6038159_history -video-production-equipment.html 1900 • First mass-marketed camera – the Brownie � was presented by Eastman. It was on sale until 1960s. http://photodoto.com/camera-historytimeline/ 1927 1927(04/07) An image of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover is transmitted in the first successful long distance demonstration of television. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/timelines/ti melinetopics.cfm?tltopicid=12 1928 • Television is introduced in the United States http://www.datesandevents.org/eventstimelines/08-television-invention-timeline.htm 1930 • NBC's first television station, WZXBS, goes on the air. http://www.psu.edu/dept/inart10_110/inart1 10/110time.html 1947 The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley (seated at Brattain's laboratory bench), John Bardeen (left) and Walter Brattain (right). This was perhaps the most important electronics event of the 20th century, as it later made possible the integrated circuit and microprocessor that are the basis of modern electronics. http://www.cedmagic.com/history/transistor-1947.html 1968 • The Virginian is the first TV show to use Native American characters. http://www.psu.edu/dept/inart10_110/inart1 10/110time.html 1978 • Paul Nipkow patents the "electric telescope." http://www.datesandevents.org/eventstimelines/08-television-invention-timeline.htm 1986 • Fuji introduced the disposable camera. The inventors also call this device “singleuse cameras”. http://photodoto.com/camera-historytimeline/ 1991 1991 (08/06) The World Wide Web debuts as as a publicly available service on the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee, who builds all of the tools necessary for a working Web, posts a short summary of the project: "The WorldWideWeb (WWW) project aims to allow all links to be made to any information anywhere... The WWW project was started to allow high energy physicists to share data, news, and documentation. We are very interested in spreading the web to other areas, and having gateway servers for other data. Collaborators welcome! http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/timelines/ti melinetopics.cfm?tltopicid=12 1995 The first DV camcorder was the Sony DCRVX1000, introduced in 1995. The camera featured a 3-CCD imaging device for unprecedented video quality in a home video camera. http://www.ehow.com/facts_6038159_history -video-production-equipment.html 2005 The first video of YouTube was 'Me at Zoo' which was uploaded in April 2005. http://www.techrinser.com/2013/04/thehistory-of-youtube-timeline-info.html
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