Sage CRM Developers Course Using the .NET API (1) Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the .NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the .NET API (Part 2 of 2) Agenda About the .NET API The Architecture and how the .NET assemblies link to the CRM Interface The SDK and Resources Creating a First Project: Hello World Designing Simple Web Pages using the Web Class Note: This presentation assumes you are using Sage CRM 6.2g or Sage CRM 7.0c or later. About the .NET API About the .NET API Sage CRM Application Extensions are .NET projects or assemblies (dlls) that implement custom behaviour. API slightly updated and changed for Sage CRM 6.2g and Sage CRM 7.0c Part of a strategy of choice for development partners. It expands the range of tools to allow integrations to be developed Available for Development Partners and Internal Sage OpCo development team use only To prove the API it is being used to develop new features (similar to early usage of COM ASP API) .NET API .NET API is not a replacement for ASP COM API Bug fixes and improvements to COM API continue You can code with what ever .NET language you like e.g. C#, Tight integration with Existing system Exposes deeper and richer functionality than COM API Designed for functionality. (COM designed for simplicity) Sophisticated design environment available By using Sage CRM meta data Application Extensions constructed using the Sage CRM .NET API will look, feel and perform exactly like core system pages. Compiled end product (human non-readable) Protection for Intellectual Property Can not just ‘tweak’ a line – Development Cycle Implied Drop in Deployment – NO IISRESET required .NET API methods manage all HTTP interaction and do NOT use ASP.NET classes or ASP Objects Reference to the Sage CRM .NET component from within ASP.NET projects is not supported. CustomDotNetDll action calls Application extension CustomDotNetDll action uses COM interop to trigger behaviour in CRM .NET Component. Passes CRM Application Extension DLL name and session information Calls CRM Application Extension CRM Application Extension processes data and generates and returns HTML Calling .NET Application Extensions From Tabs/Menus Action: – CustomDotNetDll Custom DOT NET DLL Name Method Name From List Block Hyperlinks Hyperlink to – CustomDotNetDll Custom DOT NET DLL Name Custom ID Field Method Name From Application Extension Buttons string sUrl = UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "RunViewOpportunity"); AddUrlButton("Cancel", "Cancel.gif", sUrl); From ASP Pages mycontainer.AddButton(CRM.Button("Add","new.gif",CRM. Url("myproject.dll-RunMyCustomPage"))) Redirection from other DLLs The SDK and Resources New Resources available for Development Partners .NET Developers Guide Revised Class Diagram Advanced Customization Wizard Updated SDK CRM Entity Template reflects new class constructors New Snippets Sample Projects include source code for RelatedEntity module. Developers Site Free Online Classes and recorded sessions Training Material SDK Files Assemblies SageCrmNet.dll and SageCRMWrapper.dll added to Global Assembly Cache during installation C:\windows\assembly SageCRMNet.dll SageCRMWrapper.dll Reference Path C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\CRMDotNet\6.2\SageCRM Net.dll C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\CRMDotNet\7.0\SageCRM Net.dll C:\Program Files\Sage\CRM\CRMDotNet\7.1 Tip: Use Object Browser to Examine Namespaces Namespaces Sage Sage.CRM.Blocks Sage.CRM.Controls Sage.CRM.Data Sage.CRM.Errors Sage.CRM.Graphics Sage.CRM.HTML Sage.CRM.UI Sage.CRM.Utils Sage.CRM.WebObject Sage.CRM.Controls Entry EntryAdvSearchSelect EntryCustom EntryGroup EntrySelect EntrySelectTable GridCol GridColCheckBox List EntryAdvSearchSelect Class used to represent Advanced Select Search Entry EntryCustom Class to represent a Custom Entry GridColCheckBox Provides capability to specify a CheckBox Column to be added to List Grid Sage.CRM.WebObject DataPageBase Abstract class to all Data Pages DataPage DataPageBase DataPageDelete DataPageEdit DataPageNew ListPage SearchPage Web Sage.CRM.Utils Dispatch Keys Metadata TableInfo TranslationFamily UserSession Sage.CRM.UI Objects ComplexBox ContentBox HorizontalPanel HTMLString Hyperlink ImageLink ImageObject Panel UIEntry UIObject VerticalPanel This namespace contains objects which allow better control of the positioning of screen elements. Much easier to create complex screens Lists with detail screens Complex ‘button’ groups Stacked or side-by-side lists Custom entry screens Discussed in later slides Starting a Project Using the Sage CRM .NET API for Sage CRM Create a new project: Basic Template Note: Sage CRM Templates found under Visual C# templates CRM Entity Template – Use this to create a project that will generate screens for working on a new CRM entity CRM Basic Template – Create a new application extension for Sage CRM Creating a first project with Basic Template Check that the project references are correct Project automatically creates Base Class Example Custom Page Change Build Location for Quick Testing CRM Entity Template Template will create example pages for a new entity You will need to ‘Load Project Normally’ Template DOES NOT Carry out database tasks – the new table is not created Carry out Meta Data changes – new screens and lists are not created Tips: If using the wizard it is recommended to create a new dll for each entity Create the new Table using the Advanced Customization Wizard (Main Entity Wizard) to have table, screens and lists created Base Class using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; namespace Sample1 { //Every thing should be declared in same namespace. //static class AppFactory is REQUIRED! public static class AppFactory { /* * Name of Method here is what you enter into CRM admin as the Method * name when adding new tab with action CustomDotNetDll * */ public static void RunHelloWorld(ref Web AretVal) { AretVal = new HelloWorld(); } } } Typically All classes within same namespace Must contain public static class AppFactory This contains the methods that are called by CRM. These in turn reference others. RunTask Method May contain calls to other tasks but can not use CRM classes Note: The ref keyword on a method parameter causes a method to refer to the same variable that was passed as an input parameter for the same method. If you do any changes to the variable, they will be reflected in the variable. Creating a Simple Web Class using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using using using using Sage.CRM.WebObject; Sage.CRM.Controls; Sage.CRM.Data; Sage.CRM.Utils; namespace Sample1 { public class HelloWorld : Web { public override void BuildContents() { } } } BuildContents Override this to build your own page Simple Methods GetTabs() GetTabs(“Tabgroup Name”) AddContent("") Method used to add HTML to the page that you are building. AddContent("<marquee>Hello World</marquee>"); AddContent("Hello World", "InfoContent"); AddInfo("Hello World"); AddButtonContent("<div class= viewbox>hello</div> "); AddHeaderContent("custom content goes here"); Error Handling and Error Messages Error Related Methods available AddErrror(“Message”) LogMessage("Hello World", 5); Standard Dot Net log LogMessage("myfile", "Hello World", 5); Custom Log try { //code goes here } catch (Exception e) { AddError(e.Message); } Handle different types of exceptions e.g. ArithmeticException OverFlowExceptions FormatExceptions Adding Client Side Code AddHeaderScript Add JavaScript to the <Head> section of the page This can use the new Client Side API string strHS = "crm.ready(function(){crm.infoMessage(‘Hello World’);})"; AddHeaderScript(strHS); Note: Custom Script Library files in Sage CRM v7.2 are automatically available to .NET assemblies C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage\CRM\CRM\WWWRoot\js\custom Important Objects Sage.CRM.Utils.Metadata Methods to GetScreen and GetList and GetTranslation (discussed later) Sage.CRM.Utils.CurrentUser All info on the currently logged on user Sage.CRM.HTML.HTMLBuilder Methods for wrapping up text in HTML tables and TRs and TD etc. (discussed later) Sage.CRM.Utils.Dispatch Methods for starting/committing transactions and getting locks, also gives access to content and query fields. User, Session and System Information CurrentUser Available in BuildContents AddInfo(CurrentUser.UserName); User Preferences System Parameters (from custom_sysparams) AddInfo(Metadata.GetParam(Sage.ParamN ames.GlobalTemplateDocStore)) AddInfo(CurrentUser[Sage.UserOptions.GridSize]); DLL and Method Information GetContextInfo() AddInfo(ThisDotNetDll +"/"+ ThisDotNetFunction); AddInfo(GetContextInfo("user","user_lastname")); AddInfo(GetContextInfo("selecteduser","user_lastn ame")); Key Information AddInfo(Sage.KeyList.UserId.ToString()); NB This will retrieve the UserID in keys NOT the owner of the session. Identify Dominant Key int iDomKey = Keys[(int)Sage.KeyList.DominantKey]; – Useful for building URLs in buttons and redirects HTTP Information AddInfo(Dispatch.ServerVariable("HTTP_RE FERER")); Themes, Translations and Captions .NET Pages and Themes Themes are automatically picked up for main pages When building custom paths can use CurrentUser.VirtualImgPath() E.g. /crm62/Themes/img/default/ Handling Translations Explicit Use GetTranslation method Implicit Use Buttons automatically use the Caption Family “Buttons” AddUrlButton("edit", "edit.gif", strURL); Name and Translations may hold apostrophes (GetJsString) string strMessage = Metadata.GetTranslation("GenCaptions", "UserWizardInstruction"); string strScript = "javascript:window.alert('"+GetJsString(strMessage)+"')"; AddUrlButton("edit", "edit.gif", strScript); Interacting with Translation Families Sage.CRM.Utils. TranslationFamily TranslationFamily tf = new TranslationFamily(“testset"); tf.Add("test1", "Test1 Value"); tf.Add("test2", "Test2 Value"); tf.Add("test3", "Test3 Value"); tf.Add("test4", "Test4 Value"); AddContent(tf["test1"]); Adding Coaching Captions to a screen Automatic Behavior Use Inline Coaching editing to add caption to screen. Caption added will behave as default captions Q&A Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the .NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the .NET API (Part 2 of 2)
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