Industry & Co. Overview Hyatt Hotels Corporation “HHC” (NYSE: H) Meghan Shevlin

Industry & Co. Overview
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Meghan Shevlin
January 15, 2014
Industry Overview
• Lodging industry is highly competitive with growth mainly in
international sectors
• Franchise in order to expand operations without need for
substantial capital
• Start up costs are immense
• Subject to government regulation regarding marketing,
manufacturing and sale of certain products
• Shift to use of the internet and bargain websites (highly
vulnerable to economic downturns)
Industry con’t
• Chains are sometimes involved in the management of, but not
ownership of the hotel and will receive management fees
• Ownership varies from publicly held companies to individuals
• Ownership through a REIT is becoming highly popular in order
to avoid double taxation
• REIT’s enable investors to invest in large diversified portfolios of income
producing property
• Use industry unique performance metrics:
• Average Room Rate
• Average Food Check
Porter’s Five Forces Model
Lodging Industry’s Susceptibility
Industry Competition
Strong (Price wars, internet expands potential
market, differentiated services)
Bargaining power of Customers
Low-Moderate (rates only change with special
scenarios i.e. convention package/group
discount. But, customers are able to use bargain
Bargaining power of Supplier
Weak (labor shortage with aging population,
employees in great demand, only 24% unionized)
Threat of Substitution
Strong (Many lodging options i.e. B&B, motel,
hostel, all ranging in price and services)
Threat of Entry
Moderate (high costs to start up, difficult to
differentiate, need expertise. But, internet makes
finding suppliers/marketing easier.
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
• Hyatt Brands:
• Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Park Hyatt etc.
• Mostly Luxury and upscale hotels but also provide extended stay and
residential options
• Worldwide portfolio of 500 properties (135,144 rooms) in 46
• Year ended Dec 31, 2012 revenue of $3.9 billion and $1.4B
borrowing capacity
• 79.5% revenue attributable to operations in the United States
• Hyatt Gold Passport: guest loyalty program to attract new
customers and to demonstrate loyalty to best guests
accounted for 33.5% of total room nights in 2012
HHC con’t
• Increase market presence by entering new management and
franchising agreements
• Increase franchising in order to gain access to capital from developers
and property owners that target franchise business opportunities
• HHC collects management fees, franchise fees related to these
• Has never declared or paid cash dividends in order to further
develop and expand business
HHC con’t
• Business life-cycle stage
• With operating cash flows being positive and both investing and
financing cash flows being negative, HHC is in a Mature business
• Operates in 20 of the 25 most populous urban centers and continues
to search for new opportunities
SWOT Analysis
Internal Factors
External Factors
World Class Brands
Experienced management teams
Strong capital base
Move into markets not yet involved in
Expand alternative lodging options
(offer more extended stay and lower
scale hotels)
High operating costs
Aging labor force, need for new
experienced workers
Inability to compete effectively
Third parties can’t access capital to
fund current operations or plans for
• Hyatt Hotels is a global company with highly regarded and
recognized brands that have been serving loyal customers for
over fifty years
• Taking innovative measures to deal with environmental
concerns, technology improvements and updating facilities
• Actively seeking expansion and alternative franchising
• Hyatt Hotel Corporation Annual Report 2012
• Hyatt Hotel Corporation Investor Fact Book 2012