Fødevarestyrelsen Den: 11. marts 2015 Ref.: BRB/TM J.nr.: 2015-14-22-00760 Referat af møde i SCoPAFF, Sektion for dyresundhed og dyrevelfærd Sektion for kontrol og import Tid: 5. marts 2015 Sted: Centre Borchette Indkaldelse: SANCO Sanco. ddg2.g.dir(2015)362754 Mødeleder: Alberto Laddomada Deltagelse: Samtlige medlemslande bortset fra Malta. Norge og Schweiz deltog som observatører. Fra Danmark deltog Tina Mørk og Birgitte Beck Jørgensen Dagsorden: Se over referatafsnit Kopi: Departementet, Center for Fødevare- og Dyrevelfærdspolitik Veterinærdirektør Per Henriksen Fødevaredirektør Hanne Larsen Kunde- og Udviklingsdirektør Annelise Fenger Veterinærchefer Dyresundhed International handel Foder- og Fødevaresikkerhed Dyrevelfærd og Veterinærmedicin Kemi og Fødevarekvalitet International Koordination DTU Veterinærinstituttet 1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL SANTE G sante.ddg2.g.dir(2015)362754 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANTS, ANIMALS, FOOD AND FEED Section Animal Health & Welfare 05 MARCH 2015 - 06 MARCH 2015 CIRCABC Link: https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/d36ff9ae-0fd1-41e0-8ee0-8fec085e3c37 AGENDA Section A A.01 Information and/or discussion Information about an application from Finland for national measures to prevent the introduction of salmon alphavirus (SAV) to continental Finland (KR/Delegate from Finland) Presentation of an application from Finland as regards national measures to prevent the introduction of SAV into the continental parts of Finland, submitted in accordance with Article 43 of Directive 2006/88/EC. A.02 Simplification of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing for small slaughterhouses as defined by Article 17 (6) of that regulation (DS) The French authorities requested a simplification for small slaughterhouses concerning some requirements of paragraph 4,1 of Annex II to Regulation 1099/2009 as regards the obligation of recording electrical parameters and of an audible warning in case of non compliance (see the document in French). A.03 Update on the Standing Group of Experts on African swine fever in the Baltics and Eastern Europe region of GF-Tads (MK) Update by the Commission on the second meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on ASF that took place in February 2015 in Tallinn. 2 A.04 Information concerning a declaration from Italy of disease-free status with regard to infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) and viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) for a zone comprising the fish farm Ponte Nossa in Bergamo (KR) Declaration of disease-free status as regards VHS and IHN for a zone in Italy submitted in accordance with Article 50(2) of Directive 2006/88/EC. A.05 Information from Italy on low pathogenic avian influenza in poultry (MP) A.06 Information from Romania on Newcastle disease in poultry (MP) A.07 Information from Portugal on vaccination of mallard ducks against avian influenza (MP) A.08 Information on the "Conference on Wildlife, Health and Species Protection: converging or diverging objectives?" organized by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety in Brussels on 5 May 2015 Section B B.01 Draft(s) presented for an opinion Exchange of views and possible opinion on a draft Commission Implementing Decision concerning certain protective measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N8 in Hungary. Der blev fremlagt to dokumenter (SANTE/7028/2015 CIS og SANTE/7028/2015 ANNEX CIS), der omhandler den etablerede beskyttelses- og g overvågningszone i Ungarn som følge af udbrud af højpatogen aviær influenza subtype H5N8. Beskyttelseszonen gælder til 27/3 2015 og overvågningszonen gælder 5/4 2015. B.02 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending Decision 2003/467/EC as regards the declaration of Lithuania as officially tuberculosis-free as regards bovine herds (NK) Litauen gennemgik deres bekæmpelses- og overvågningsprogram for bovin tuberkulose. Historisk har Litauen været fri for bovin tuberkulose siden 1987 i henhold til nationale regler. I 2009 indførte de overvågning jf. reglerne i direktiv 64/432/EØF. 3 Forslaget medfører en ændring af bilag I til beslutning 2003/467/EF på grund af, at Litauen har opfyldt kravene til at få status som officielt tuberkulose fri i hele landet, jf. betingelserne i Direktiv 64/432/EØF. B.03 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision approving the plans for the eradication of African swine fever in feral pigs in certain areas of Estonia and Latvia (FB) Forslaget drejer sig om godkendelse af udryddelsesprogrammer for afrikansk svinepest i vildtlevende svin i visse områder af Estland og Letland. Estland præsenterede deres overvågningsresultater for 2014 og indtil nu i 2015 for afrikansk svinepest. Der er ikke fundet positive dyr bland tamsvin (2100 testet i 2014 og 141 testet i 2015). Blandt vildtlevende svin er der fundet 73 positive ud af 1056 testet i 2014 og 48 positive ud af 1110 testet i 2015. De fremlagde også, hvordan der vil blive testet i resten af 2015 i de tre forskellige kategorier af overvågningsområder for såvel tamsvin som vildtlevende svin. I område II vil alle nedlagte vildtlevende svin blive testet. I område I vil 2 % af nedlagte vildtlevende svin samt dem der flyttes ud af zonen blive testede. I hele landet vil alle dødfundne vildtlevende svin blive testede. Alle husdyrbrug med tamsvin i område I og II bliver inspiceret to gange årligt. I område II kræves der test af dyr førend de kan flyttes fra et husdyrbrug. Letland konstaterede i 2014 afrikansk svinepest i 32 besætninger og fandt 217positive ud af 4532 testede vildtlevende svin. I de to første måneder af 2015 er der fundet 65 positive vildtlevende svin ud af 1400 testede. I resten af 2015 vil alle nedlagte eller dødfundne vildtlevende svin i område III og II blive undersøgt for afrikansk svinepest, i husdyrbrug med tamsvin vil der blive testet to gange om året. I område I vil alle dødfundne og nedlagte, der flyttes ud af området blive testede for afrikansk svinepest og husdyrbrug med tamsvin vil blive testet én gang årligt. B.04 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU concerning animal health control measures relating to African swine fever in certain Member States (FB) Afstemning om udleveret dokument SANTE/7016/2015 CIS Rev.1. Forslaget ændrer art. 7, pkt. 2, således at døde svin fra besætninger beliggende i bilagets del III kan leveres til et forarbejdsnings-, forbrændings- eller medforbrændingsanlæg, der ligger udenfor bilagets del III angivne områder (under en række forudsætninger). Polen er tilføjet på bilagets del III. Letland anførte, at de gerne vil flyttes fra bilagets del III, da der ikke har været udbrud af ASF i tamsvin i landet i et halvt år. Hvis dette ikke kunne efterkommes ville Letland afstå fra at stemme for forslaget. B.05 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending Annex F to Council Directive 64/432/EEC as 4 regards the format of the model health certificates for intra-Union trade in bovine animals and swine (EC) Forslaget drejer sig om at ændre bilag F til Direktiv 64/432/EØF med hensyn til formatet for sundhedscertifikat for samhandel af kvæg og svin. For kvæg er det muligt at indskrive dyrets identifikationskode, det er frivilligt om man vil udfylde feltet (I.31). For svin er det muligt at angive dyrets fødselsdato, der er frivilligt om man vil udfylde feltet (I.31). B.06 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision implementing Directive 2006/88/EC as regards requirements for surveillance and diagnostic methods (KR) Document SANCO/6084/2009 Rev.2 was presented to the Committee for discussion at the meeting 4 February 2015. Following the discussion at the meeting, the Commission has received some minor comments and suggestions for change of the wording from the Member States. The document to be presented is amended in line with these comments. Afstemning af forslaget blev udsat, da Kommissionen har modtaget nye væsentlige bemærkninger fra nogle medlemsstater. Kommissionen vil fremsætte et nyt forslag, der foreventes at komme til afstemning på SCoPAFF mødet i april. B.07 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision fixing the financial contribution from the Union for expenditure incurred by Italy in 2012 for the financing of the emergency measures to combat avian influenza (RAC) Forslaget drejer sig om EU-medfinansiering til Italien i forbindelse med bekæmpelse af aviær influenza i 2012. B.08 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision fixing the financial contribution from the Union for expenditure incurred by Cyprus in 2013 for the financing of the emergency measures to combat Newcastle disease (RAC) Section C C.01 Draft(s) presented for discussion Exchange of views of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision concerning the adoption of the multiannual work programme for 2016-2017 and the financing for the implementation of veterinary programmes for animal diseases and zoonoses (VP) The document contains the relevant information for Member States to design and establish the eradication, control and surveillance programmes to be implemented in 5 2016 and 2017, the available EU budget to co-finance those programmes and details on the eligible measures. C.02 Exchange of views of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision approving a preventive vaccination plan against low pathogenic avian influenza in a holding keeping mallard ducks in Portugal and certain provisions for their movements and products thereof (MP) 6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL SANTE G sante.ddg2.g.dir(2015)362754 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANTS, ANIMALS, FOOD AND FEED Section Controls and Import Conditions 05 MARCH 2015 - 06 MARCH 2015 CIRCABC Link: https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/d36ff9ae-0fd1-41e0-8ee0-8fec085e3c37 AGENDA Section A A.01 Information and/or discussion Information on the issue of transport of ornamental fish, cf. application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 rules (AG) On 3 February the Commission, certain Member States and relevant stakeholders met to discuss practical solutions as regards the welfare of transported ornamental fish. The Commission will present the outcome of this meeting. A.02 Information concerning the inspections carried out on the requirements regarding animal welfare legislation in farms (AG) Following the analysis of the 2013 data on the inspections, the main findings will be presented. A.03 Information on the situation as regards highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry in Canada, the United States of America and Israel (MP) Section B B.01 Draft(s) presented for an opinion Exchange of views and possible opinion on a draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards the entry for the United States in the list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which certain poultry commodities may be imported into or transit through the 7 Union in relation to further outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in that country. Afstemning om udleverede dokumenter SANTE/7024/2015 Rev. 1 CIS og SANTE/7024/2015 Rev. 2 ANNEX CIS vedr. ændring af bilag I til forordning 798/2008. Exchange of views and possible opinion on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending Annex II to Decision 2007/777/EC as regards the entry for the United States in the list of third countries or parts thereof from which the introduction of meat products and treated stomachs, bladders and intestines into the Union is authorised in relation to further outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in that country. Afstemning om udleverede dokumenter SANTE/7024/2015 Rev. 1 CIS og SANTE/7024/2015 ANNEX CIS vedr. ændring af bilag II til Beslutning 2007/777. De udleverede dokumenter til de ovennævnte vedrører regionalisering af USA som følge af udbrud af aviær influenza i staten Minnesota og dele af staterne Californien, Idaho, Oregon og Washington. Der blev stillet spørgsmål ved, at regionaliseringen kun vedrørte dele af staterne Californien, Idaho, Oregon og Washington. B.02 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 669/2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 as regards the increased level of official controls on imports of certain feed and food of non animal origin (GB) The draft Commission Implementing Regulation that will be presented for discussion and opinion is the nineteenth update of the list of feed and food of non-animal origin (fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices etc.) currently subject to an increased level of official controls at the borders in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 669/2009. Article 2 of the Regulation requires the Commission to carry out a review of the list in question at least on a quarterly basis. Forslaget ændrer bilag I til Forordning 669/2009 om officielle kontroller med importeret foder og fødevarer, der ikke er af animalsk oprindelse. Ændringerne går på mandler fra Austalien, pistacenødder fra USA og tørrede abrikoser fra Uzbekistan. B.03 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending Annex I to Decision 2004/211/EC as regards the entry for China in the list of third countries and parts thereof from which imports into the Union of live equidae and semen, ova and embryos of the equine species are authorised (AEF/EC) Afstemning om udleveret dokument SANTE/7020/2015 rev. 2 CIS. Hestearrangement “Global Champions Tour” gennemføres i Kina den 8. – 10. maj 2015. De kinesiske veterinærmyndigheder anmoder derfor om anerkendelse af en hestesygdomsfri 8 zone i storbyområdet Shanghai, hvortil der er direkte adgang fra den nærliggende internationale lufthavn. Da det drejer sig om midlertidige særlige bygningsfaciliteter på parkeringsområdet ved EXPO 2010, bør der kun gives en midlertidig godkendelse af den pågældende zone. En tilsvarende tilladelse er givet tilbage i 2014 i beslutning 2004/211/EC, hvorfor forslaget ændrer gyldighedsperioden i kolonne 15 i linjen for Kinas region CN-2 i skemaet i bilag I fra 30. maj - 30. juni 2014 til 25. april - 25. maj 2015. B.04 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Decision amending the Annexes to Implementing Decision 2011/630/EU in order to take account of the equivalence between officially tuberculosis-free bovine herds in Member States and in New Zealand and to provide form fields for the quantities of straws of semen complying with specific health requirements (EC) Forslaget drejer sig om en ændring af certifikatet for import af tyresæd fra New Zealand, da der er indgået ækvivalens aftale om at anerkende New Zealands status som tuberkulose fri i kvægbesætninger. Indtil 30. juni 2015 kan det tidligere certifikat fortsat anvendes. B.05 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annexes I and II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 as regards animal health requirements for bovine tuberculosis in the models of veterinary certificates BOV-X and BOV-Y and the entries for Israel, New Zealand and Paraguay in the lists of third countries, territories or parts thereof from which the introduction into the Union of live animals and of fresh meat is authorised (HMH/EC) Forslaget drejer sig om at ændre betingelserne for New Zealand, Paraguay og præcisere områder i Israel på listen over tredjelande, der kan eksportere fersk kød til EU. Ændringen for New Zealand skyldes, at landet er fri for bovin tuberkulose. Paraguay tillades at eksportere udbenet kød til EU på grund af ændring af mund- og klovesyge situation. B.06 Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards imports and transit of single consignments consisting of less than 20 units of poultry other than ratites, hatching eggs or day-old chicks thereof (MP) Kommissionen udleverede dokument SANCO/7085/2014/Rev3. Afstemning om forslaget blev udskudt. MS må gerne sende bemærkninger til Kommissionen (Maria Pittmann). Section C Draft(s) presented for discussion 9 C.01 Exchange of views of the Committee on a draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 laying down lists of third countries, territories or parts thereof authorised for the introduction into the European Union of certain animals and fresh meat and the veterinary certification requirements as regards Bangladesh (HH/PB) The draft Regulation adds Bangladesh to the list of third countries in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010. 10
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