1 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Louanne Kaupa, RD, LN. History The concept of plant based diets dates back to 6th century B.C. Pythagoras, a Greek Philosopher, is considered to be the “Father of Vegetarianism”. He encouraged his followers to avoid eating meat too. Others who encouraged vegetarian lifestyles included: Socrates, Plato, Ovid, and Virgil. 2 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Vegetarianism Today Today it is estimated that nearly 15 million people in North America are choosing vegetarian based meal plans. One of the fastest growing groups of vegetarians are older adolescents and young adults. 3 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Types of Vegetarianism 4 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Vegan A diet which avoids the use of any animal product or byproduct. 5 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Lacto-Vegetarians A plant based diet which excludes all animal products except dairy products. 6 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Ovo-Vegetarians A plant based diet which excludes all animal products except eggs. 7 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians Diet consists of plant foods, dairy products and eggs. 8 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Pesco-Vegetarian A diet which avoids red meat but includes fish. 9 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Semi-Vegetarian A diet which avoids red meat but occasionally includes fish or poultry. 10 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Reasons for Choosing Vegetarianism 11 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Religious Some religious groups practice vegetarianism due to health, moral, and/or ethical reasons (i.e. 7th Day Adventists). 12 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Ethical/Moral Beliefs The belief that it is wrong to use a living creature for food. The belief that the manner in which animals are raised and slaughtered is immoral. Belief that there is an unnecessary excess of meat products in American meal plans. 13 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Health There is increasing evidence that a well planned plant based diet may have health benefits. Chronic diseases which occur less often in populations following vegetarian diets include coronary artery disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. 14 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Environmental Many believe the production of animals for food creates more environmental waste than the production of plants for food. 15 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Taste Many do not enjoy the taste of animal products and prefer a plant based diet. 16 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Other reasons include: Economics, politics, or available food supply in developing countries. 17 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Meet your Meat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIjan hKqVC4 18 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Meal Planning Basics A vegetarian meal plan needs to meet the same standards as any other diet. It needs to have balance, variety, and moderation. 19 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Nutrient needs of a Vegetarian Meal Plan include: Water Macronutrients Carbohydrate • Protein • Fat • 20 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Micronutrients Vitamins • Minerals • In addition to nutrient needs, a vegetarian meal plan should provide adequate calories to support growth or maintain body tissue. 21 ©2002 Learning Zone Express Challenges for Vegetarians Dinner at friend’s or extended family member’s homes. Eating in restaurants. Eating on the road. 22 Many fast food places do not offer a wide range of vegetarian food options. ©2002 Learning Zone Express
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