Stammeforeningen i Danmark C/O Danske Handicaporganisationer Blekinge Boulevard 2 DK-2630 Taastrup [email protected] Tlf.: 86 86 26 96 cvr-nr. 16 65 64 45 Bankkonto: Regnr. 1551 kontonr. 2199548 Juni 2015 WORKSHOP/FOREDRAG v/Sarah Caughter, Michael Palin Centre, London I samarbejde med Audiologopædisk Forening og Foreningen af Tale-, Hørelærere i Folkeskolen vil Stammeforeningen forsøge at ”tage tråden op” efter Dansk Videnscenter for Stammen med at lave mindst et årligt arrangement med en international foredragsholder. Vi håber, I vil tage godt imod dette tilbud. For at tilgodese så mange som muligt holdes samme workshop/foredrag i Jelling og i København. Workshop/ Foredrag vil blive holdt på engelsk. Temaet er: COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY for children aged 10 – 15 (Kognitivt orienteret stammebehandling for 10 til 15-årige). Se nærmere beskrivelse på følgende side Praktiske oplysninger: Dato og sted: Tilmelding: 17/11 2015 Kommunikationscentret Region Hovedstaden, Rygårds Allé 45, Hellerup 18/11 2015 University College Lillebælt, Vejlevej 2, Jelling E-mail sendes til [email protected]. Af mailen skal fremgå om du/i ønsker at deltage i Jelling eller København samt hvor til opkrævning skal sendes. Tilmeldingen er bindende ved indbetaling. Tilmelding/betaling skal ske senest den 1. september 2015 Pris: 800 kr. pr. deltager. Betalingen dækker deltagelse og forplejning i forbindelse med foredrag. Foreløbigt program – endeligt program udsendes primo oktober 09.30 – 10.00 10.00 – 10.05 10.05 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.10 11.10 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 14.15 14.15 – 14.45 14.45 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.00 Ankomst – der er kaffe/the og rundstykker Velkomst Foredrag Pause Foredrag Frokost Foredrag Kaffepause Foredrag Evaluering og afslutning På arrangørernes vegne Henrik N. Jensen og Bettina Pedersen Workshop: Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with children and young people who stutter Workshop Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has been widely used in therapy for people who stutter for a number of years and several studies have been published which demonstrate its application with adults and young people who stutter. Latterly, this approach has been adapted for use with younger children (aged 6-7 years and upwards) who stutter. Children’s thinking patterns may impact upon their ability to develop and use fluency strategies and to maintain communication skills in situations where they may experience heightened anxiety. Therapy targeted at supporting children to identify their thoughts and feelings, and aiding their understanding of the relationship between cognitions and emotions can have an important impact on children’s speech, even at a young age. At the Michael Palin Centre, an integrated therapy approach is used (Cook & Botterill, 2005), involving the development of communication skills; speech management techniques and identifying and challenging thoughts and emotions associated with stuttering (using CBT). The latter component of this therapy may include cognitive restructuring, developing coping strategies and graded exposure. This workshop will provide an overview of the theory and research regarding the use of CBT with children and young people and introduce ways in which clinicians can integrate principles of CBT into their clinical practice with children who stutter, using creative methods. Learning outcomes 1. Participants will have an awareness of current research regarding the use of CBT with children 2. Participants will be able to identify ways to support young children to access CBT through using creative methods 3. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the use of CBT with children within the context of family-based therapy Presenter Sarah Caughter Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, BSc (Hons), PGDip CBT, RCSLT, HCPC The Michael Palin Centre for stammering Sarah qualified from Newcastle University in 2004 and worked in community clinics and schools in Nottingham. She joined the mainstream schools team in Islington, London in 2006. Sarah joined the Michael Palin Centre for stammering children in 2009. Her current role at the Centre involves clinical work with children and young people, teaching a range of courses as part of the National and International training programme and carrying out research. Sarah has recently completed a 3 year part-time University College London (UCL) Masters course, in using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with children and young people, at the Anna Freud Centre in London. Her Masters’ thesis explored the mechanism of change and the role of resilience in the process of change following intensive group therapy, for children aged 10-14 years who stutter.
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