Brochure - EltiDent

Kurset starter lørdag den 9. april kl. 09.00 og slutter
søndag den 10. april kl. 14.00.
Gebyr for deltagelse udelukkende i kurset er 1.200 EUR/
9.000,- pr. deltager.
Hertil kommer fly og togrejse, hotel samt forplejning.
Der er direkte togforbindelse fra Zürichs lufthavn til Zug.
Der er 5 minutters gang fra stationen til klinikken.
Vi har set flere hoteller i nærheden af station/klinik på
Hvis du ønsker, at vi skal være behjælpelige med at
arrangere din rejse/dit ophold, hjælper vi gerne til – idet
vi også ved, at klinikken har nogle ”gode, lokale
Deltagelse i kurset giver 11 videreuddannelsespoints.
Deltagerantallet er begrænset til max. 12 deltagere –
og ved færre end 6 tilmeldinger forbeholder vi os retten
til at aflyse kurset.
Kontakt Tina på 70 27 17 47 eller [email protected], hvis
du gerne vil med.
Sidste frist for tilmelding er den 5. februar 2016.
Digital Dentistry 2016
A full digital chairside concept – how do I start ?
Marketing, reality, and troubleshooting
Zug - Schweiz
9-10 april 2016
EltiDent ApS – Hundige Strandvej 178 – 2670 Greve
Kurset afholdes på klinikken
Team 15, i Zug i det centrale Schweiz.
Clinical aspects of the CEREC 4.4 software: digital
planning, guided surgery and economical implant
supported CAD/CAM restorations
Klinikkens indehaver og kursusgiver er
Dr. Med. Dent. Frederic Hermann.
Se mere på
Dr. Frederic A.M. Hermann completed his studies at the alma mater lipsiensis university at
Leipzig/Germany in 2002, where he also recieved his Doctor of Medical Dentistry in 2005.
Dr. Hermann was partner in the Dental Group Practice of Prof. (NYU) Dr. Ady Palti, where
he did an intensive training and continuing education in bone regenerative surgery,
implantology and periodontics from 2003-2007.
He is a certified expert in implantology within the German Association for Oral
Implantology and the ICOII.
International lectures and publications on bone regenerative surgery, implantology and
periodontics are his focus areas.
Dr. Hermann launched his own multidisciplinary Dental Clinic in Zug/Switzerland in 2007.
TEAM 15 – The dental clinic & center for implantology in Zug/Switzerland established in
Main focus:
Bone and soft tissue regeneration / techniques
Concepts for soft tissue and alveolar ridge preservation
CAD/CAM concepts / Guided surgery
Digital dentistry (Intraoral scanning procedures, CEREC, etc.)
LL-abutments, simple solution concept, one-abutment-one-time
2005 Certified by the German Association for Oral Implantology (2 year postgraduate
2006 Diplomate status of the ICOI
2008 Certified by the German Association for Periodontology (2 year postgraduate
2012 Start of the 3-year master programm „Clinical Dental CAD/CAM“ at the university
of Greifswald (D)
2012 Member „Next(e) Generation“ of the DGI (German association for implantology)
The digital workflow opens new ways in the implant-prosthetic
rehabilitation of our patients.
The lecture and workshop is focused to learn these new
techniques. Several clinical step-by-step cases with photo and
video documentation, intensive training with the Cerecsoftware and a live-surgery guides you trough the topic. * Data-matching and virtuel 3D-implant planning
* Surgical guides (Sicat, Cerec Guide 2)
* Intraoral scanning procedure
* Individuel CAD/CAM-Abutments and monolithic single crowns
* Painting and glazing aspects, Ti-Base-abutments
What you can expect:
You will get an detailed overview of the digital chairside
workflow. You will learn the indications and limitations of the
procedure. You will be able to implement the workflow in your
clinic. And of course we will
have a great weekend
in the heart of Switzerland, surrounded by
the mountains and the
beautiful lake of Zug J