Johnston Middle School Lesson Plan 2014 Teacher: D. Cowan Subject: ELA - Grade 6 Unit: Unit 2: Informational Nonfiction: Expository and Procedural ELPS TEKS Student Objective (The students will) Week Of: Periods: 4 & 7 Teaching, Reteaching, Enrichment, Assessment Activities Expository Essay Mon. ✔ P 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(1) (H), (4)(F) 6.14.A 6.17.A 6.19.A Create multi-paragraph essays to convey information about a topic. Write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. G identify these characteristics in a Mentor Text and a Student Model. determine text structure of an expository text determine main idea and support details of an expository text use note taking skills when analyzing an expository text use a graphic organizer to connect to the text analyze an expository text use the characteristics to guide the writing of their own compare-and-contrast essay. Expository Essay Tues. 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(1) (H), (4)(F) 6.14.A 6.17.A 6.19.A Create multi-paragraph essays to convey information about a topic. Write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. ✔ P G Wed. 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(1) (H), (4)(F) 6.14.A 6.17.A 6.19.A ✔ P G Verb Mini-Lesson - Action/Being Recognize and identify action verbs Distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs Recognize and identify different forms of be Distinguish between linking verbs and action verbs Verb Mini-Lesson - Action/Being Thurs. ✔ P 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(1) (H), (4)(F) 6.14.A 6.17.A 6.19.A 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(1) (H), (4)(F) 6.14.A 6.17.A 6.19.A Recognize and identify action verbs Distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs Recognize and identify different forms of be Distinguish between linking verbs and action verbs G Expository Essay Fri. ✔ P Create multi-paragraph essays to convey information about a topic. Write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. October 27 - 31 2014 identify these characteristics in a Mentor Text and a Student Model. determine text structure of an expository text determine main idea and support details of an expository text use note taking skills when analyzing an expository text use a graphic organizer to connect to the text analyze an expository text use the characteristics to guide the writing of their own compare-and-contrast essay. GP 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - GP 14.1B Identifying Transitive-Intransitive Verbs GP 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - GP 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking Verbs AM 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - AM 14.1B Identifying Transitive and Intransitive Verbs AM 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - AM 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking Verbs RT 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - RT 14.1B Identifying Transitive and Intransitive Verbs RT 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - RT 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking GP 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - GP 14.1B Identifying Verbs Transitive-Intransitive Verbs IP 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - IP 14.1B Identifying Transitive and GP 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - GP 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking Intransitive Verbs Verbs RT 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - RT 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking AM 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - AM 14.1B Identifying Transitive and Verbs Intransitive Verbs AM 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - AM 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking Verbs RT 14.1A Finding Action Verbs - RT 14.1B Identifying Transitive and Intransitive Verbs RT 14.2A Identifying Linking Verbs - RT 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking Prewriting: Verbs - Choose the Action topic bank IP 14.1A from Finding Verbs - IP 14.1B Identifying Transitive and - Choose your own topic Intransitive Verbs - Narrow topic RT 14.2Ayour Identifying Linking Verbs - RT 14.1B Using Be and Other Linking - Consider your audience and purpose Verbs - Plan your piece - Gather Details G * This lesson plan addresess individual IEP's or service plans for students in specific classes. ** Lesson plans are subject to change Resources/Materials -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials Homework Period 4 - None Period 7 - None Period 4- Writing Application: Write two pairs of short sentences. In each pair, write one sentence using a transitive verb and one using an intransitive, in any order. Choose three different linking verbs, other than be verbs. Period 7- Writing Write three sentences, Application: Write two each one using a pairs of short different linking verb. sentences. In each pair, Period 4- Speaking write one sentence Application: With a using a transitive verb partner, take turns and one using an telling about something intransitive, in any you enjoy doing on the order. Choose three weekend. Your partner different linking verbs, should listen for and other than be verbs. name three action Write three sentences, verbs. With a partner, each one using a take turns telling about different linking verb. Period 3 - None something you read Period 7- Speaking about or saw on Application: With a television. Your partner partner, take turns should listen for and telling about something name two linking verbs you enjoy doing on the and two action verbs weekend. Your partner you used. should listen for and name three action verbs. With a partner, take turns telling about something you read about or saw on television. Your partner should listen for and name two linking verbs and two action verbs you used. Lock
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