Mass Times and Intentions Saturday 8th November ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday: Holy Souls SS 6.00pm Gerald & Mary Fitzmaurice RIP Sunday 9th November SJ 8.00am Deceased Priests of our Parish SS 9.30am Fr Cyril Hazlewood RIP SJ 10.30am Deceased of all wars, especially World War I SJ 6.30pm Tim, Tessa & David Morgan RIP Monday 10th November SJ 7.30am Brian White RIP SS12 noon John Freeman RIP SP 12 noon Maureen Mahy RIP (Sark Mass) Tuesday 11th November LP 7.30 am Adie Wilcox SJ 9.30 am Angelique Blin RIP Wednesday 12th November SJ 7.30am Holy Souls ND 12.05pm Deceased members of the Murphy family Thursday 13th November LP 7.30am Pauline McKenna RIP SJ 9.30am Ken & Marie Finch G.E. Friday 14th November SJ 7.30am In thanksgiving SJ 7.00pm Dead of the Parish Saturday 15th November SJ 10.00am Yves Davy RIP ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday: Steven Hemery RIP SS 6.00pm Angele Shore & Nita Dubois Sunday 16th November SJ 8.00am Ernie Breban RIP SS 9.30am Michael & the O’Donovan family SJ 10.30am Carol Tersigni RIP SJ 6.30pm Pearl Hussey RIP SJ - St. Joseph’s Church SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church ND - Notre Dame Church LP - Le Platon Convent SP - St Peter’s Church, Sark Items for next week’s Link should be sent to the Parish Office by noon on Thursday at the latest. Priority is given to Parish and Church events. Today’s Psalm Response The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Prayer of the Church: Week 4 Morning Prayer: 9.15am on Tuesday & Thursday and at 9.45am on Saturday (SJ). Feast Days this week Monday Tuesday: Wednesday: Sunday: St Leo the Great St Martin of Tours St Josaphat St Edmund of Abingdon Confessions next Saturday St Joseph's: Notre Dame: Star of the Sea: 10.30am - 11.00am; 5.00pm - 5.20pm; 5.30pm - 6.00pm. Finance Thank you for your generosity towards the work of the Church in Guernsey: Offertory: £2,575 Standing Orders: £524 Total: £3,099 Covenant with the Poor: £25 Bamenda: £2,889 Could you help CAFOD? CAFOD is currently looking for people on Guernsey to help us thank parishioners for their support and assist with Fast Days & global emergencies. If you could spare any time to help fight poverty & injustice please contact Lynda Mussell for details on 01252 329385 or [email protected] CAFOD EBOLA CRISIS APPEAL The outbreak of Ebola virus has killed thousands of people across West Africa. Please pray for those affected and donate to the appeal. Your gift will provide lifesaving hygiene kits, food for quarantined families, and will also help our partners spread the word about preventing the spread of the disease. Ways to donate: Tel 0500 858885; Online at Thank you for your support. Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey THE LINK The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - 9th November 2014 St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson Parish Priest and Dean Canon Michael Hore Assistant Priest Fr Paul Dzwig Deacon Mark Leightley Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196 E-mail [email protected] Website The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871 Remembrance Many years ago, when I was a young chorister in the choir at Saint Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, we were taught to sing an anthem which was the musical setting of Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier'. Whilst this particular piece of music cannot be ranked amongst my favourites, yet the poignant words of the poem would readily come to mind as we recalled, each November, the sacrifice of the generations who gave their lives in the armed conflicts of the twentieth-century. In the solemn liturgy of Remembrance Sunday, we would commend the lives of all those who died to Our Blessed Lord and ask God of His mercy to receive them all into the joys of Heaven. A century has now passed since the beginning of the First World War, and perhaps there are some who would ask if we still need to continue our annual acts of remembrance. The answer is an unreserved 'Yes, we do!' The freedoms that we enjoy today rest upon the sacrifice made by those often so-young lives caught up in the political conflicts of their day, which were not of their own making. They faced the horrors and dangers of the battlefield with courage, in spite of the fear that most naturally must have filled their hearts. Looking at the photographs of some of those who gave their lives and who were members of this island community, we see the faces of very ordinary people. They were unable to look into the future as they faced the reality of war, but hoped and believed that the sacrifice they were making would not be in vain. Not only is it our duty to remember and pray for them, but we must also ensure that we establish a society which truly reflects the values for which they gave their lives. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Father Paul Delancey Music Group Celebrating 25 Years Sunday 16th November All Parishioners, Group members past and present, friends and families, are warmly invited to join us for a celebratory drink and cake after 9.30am Mass. See flyer for details. Contact Greg, 07781 110471; email [email protected] A warm welcome to all visitors who join us for today’s Celebration. Please join us for tea/coffee available after 9.30am Mass in Our Lady Star of the Sea and 8.00am & 10.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s. THIS WEEK’S DIARY Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ), Our Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS), Centre for Peace (CP) unless noted otherwise; Services in the Church. MONDAY 12 noon Mass (Rosary at 11.30am) (SS) 6.00pm Mass (ND) TUESDAY 10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (SJ) 7,30pm UCM (SJ Parish Room) 7.30pm Rosary (CP) WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Baptismal Course (SJ) 7.30pm Holy Hour & Rosary (SJ) THURSDAY 10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (SJ) 7.30pm RCIA (SJ Parish Room) FRIDAY 10.30am Christian Meditation (Les Cotils) 7.00pm Mass for the Dead (SJ) SATURDAY 11.00am Legion of Mary (SJ) 7.00pm All Saints Youth Club (SS) SUNDAY - After 9.30am Mass: Delancey Music Group Celebrations Please remember in your prayers: • The Dead of All Wars; • Sister Carmel, Valerie de la Fosse, • • Monica Guilmoto, Cliff Le Prevost, Ken Finch, Ron de Putron, Elizabeth Maloret, Julia & Linda Rogers and all who are sick in our community; Mgr Raymond Lawrence and all whose anniversaries occur about now. May they rest in peace; The Island Prayer Scheme this week asks prayers for the Society of Friends, Clifton (Quakers). Remembrance Sunday 9th November First World War Memorials St Joseph’s 10.30am Mass During this Mass today we will remember in particular all those parishioners whose names are listed on our First World War Memorials. The Schola will sing. Canon Michael will be in attendance at the Remembrance Service at the Island War Memorial at 11.00am. 1st World War Memorial Display This has been carefully put together and placed on the Lady Chapel in St Joseph's Church for all to look at. It is a tribute to those parishioners who are known to have died during the 1st World War. Many thanks to all who have contributed to the content and to Tom Saddington and the young Cygnet group who helped put it together. Bookstall Our Lady Star of the Sea Advent calendars, Christmas Cards, Books etc will be on sale after the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 16th November. Befrienders’ Meeting The Parish Befrienders’ Group meet on Tuesday 18th November at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s Parish Room. This will be a time to share ideas and also a practical session to prepare the special Christmas Cards which will be delivered later to sick and housebound parishioners. Le Platon Lottery Draw October Winners 1st prize: £100 No 50; 2nd prize £50 No 79; 3rd prize £25 No 19. ~~~~~~~~~ Friends of Le Platon Quiz Night November - Month of the Holy Souls The Books of the Dead are open by the font in each of our churches. If names are already inscribed in the Book there is no need to re-write each year. The Annual Mass for the Dead of the Parish, and all those whose names are inscribed in the Books, will be held in St Joseph’s Church on Friday 14th N o v e m b e r a t 7 . 0 0p m . L i g h t refreshments will be served in the Parish Room following the Mass. Union of Catholic Mothers Meeting Tuesday 11th November in the Parish Room, starting promptly at 7.30pm. Mrs Cynthia Cormack will talk to us on the subject "The Red Cross Hospital for Children in Africa", a charity to which Cynthia is very committed. An interesting and informative meeting guaranteed. Raffle as usual. Holy Hour and Rosary: Wednesday 12th November, 7.30pm, St. Joseph’s Church. Thursday 27th November at 7.30pm Les Cotils Christian Centre Teams of 6 £9.00pp includes supper. To book your table contact Paul Le Cocq, 244878 or [email protected]. Congratulations to Gwen & Keith de la Mare who celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on 7th November. Rosary CDs and prayer cards. The Diocese is sending us a further supply of Bishop Philip’s Rosary CDs and prayer cards so if you missed out last weekend there will be more coming! APF/Missio/Red Boxes The Missio Calendars for 2015 are now available for collection by supporters. There are some lovely photos of the people your generous donations are helping in so many ways. Benediction: Our Lady Star of the Sea 23rd November 4.00pm. Diary Dates Parish Christmas Lunch Les Rocquettes Hotel - 7th December Menus and booking forms are in the porches on yellow paper! Please complete and send whole form in by 1st December at the very latest. Adults £18.95; Children under 12 £10.95. ~ooOoo~ Upcoming Youth Events For more information on any of these contact Tom Saddington, 07781 129310 or [email protected] Voice in the Desert Saturday 15th November 2014 St George Catholic College, Southampton Including performances and workshops from 10/10 theatre; Mass celebrated by Bishop Philip. For Year 9+. Cost £10, plus flights. Youth Sunday Sunday 23rd November 2014 2.00pm - 7.30pm at St Joseph’s An afternoon for everyone in Years 6-11, with Mass for all ages and adults at 6:30pm. Flame 2 Saturday 7th March 2015 Wembley Arena, London The biggest Catholic youth event in the country! Featuring Fr Timothy Radcliffe, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Matt Redman, David Wells, Cardinal Tagle & Baroness Sheila Hollins. For Year 10 to young adult. Cost £45, plus flights and meals. Spirit on the Rock Saturday 25th-Sunday 26th April 2015 Jersey New Voluntary Appointment Access Officer Aindre Reece-Sheerin has been appointed by Canon Michael and the Diocese in the Voluntary role of Access Officer. If Aindre can help with anything in relation to Church from an Access and Accessibility point please get in touch through the Parish Office Tel: 720196.
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