Mass Times and Intentions Saturday 18th October ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday: Raymond & Miriam Rees RIP SS 6.00pm Deceased Members of Moriarty Family Sunday 19th October SJ 8.00am Charles & Irene Horan RIP SS 9.30am Victor, Kathleen, Peter & David Troalic RIP SJ 10.30am Tersigni Family G.E. SJ 6.30pm Yves Davy RIP Monday 20th October SJ 7.30am Georgette Ramsay RIP SS 10am Joan Quevatre-funeral service SS12 noon UCM Intentions Tuesday 21st October LP 7.30 am Pauline McKenna RIP SJ 9.30 am Ferreira Family Wednesday 22nd October SJ 7.30am In Thanksgiving AMM ND 12.05pm Holy Souls Thursday 23rd October LP 7.30am For Vocations SJ 9.30am Michael Baird RIP Friday 24th October SJ 7.30am Ian Tardivel & Family Saturday 25th October SJ 10.00am Jacques Maingard RIP ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday: Madeleine Hewlett In Thanksgiving SS 6.00pm Mary Niles RIP Sunday 26th October SJ 8.00am Charles & Irene Horan RIP SS 9.30am Pat & Wilf Cochrane In Thanksgiving SJ 10.30am Irene Tersigni RIP SJ 6.30pm Lawrence Troalic RIP SJ - St. Joseph’s Church SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church ND - Notre Dame Church LP - Le Platon Convent Please remember British Summer Time Ends Sunday 26th October. The clocks go back 1 hour at 2am on the last Sunday in October. Today’s Psalm Response Give the Lord glory and power. Prayer of the Church: Week 1 Morning Prayer: 9.15am on Tuesday & Thursday and at 9.45am on Saturday (SJ). Feast Days this week Wednesday: St. John Paul 11 Friday: St Magloire Confessions next Saturday St Joseph's: Notre Dame: Star of the Sea: 10.30am - 11.00am; 5.00pm - 5.20pm; 5.30pm - 6.00pm. Finance Thank you for your generosity towards the work of the Church in Guernsey: Offertory: £2,505 Standing Orders: £524 Total: £3,029 Covenant with the Poor: £24 The Retiring collection this weekend is for World Mission Sunday. Diary Dates Benediction 26th October 4 pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea. …………… Children’s Mass 2nd November 9.30am Our Lady Star of the Sea. …………… Mothers Prayers Friday 7th November new starting time of 3.30pm. …………… Special Remembrance Mass for those Parishioners who died in the First World War Sunday 9th November 10.30am at St Joseph’s. …………… Delancey Music Group 25th Anniversary Celebration after 9.30am Mass Sunday 16th November …………… The Children's Liturgy Group annual cake sale following the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, 30th November. …………… Parish Christmas Lunch 7th December 2014 details to follow. Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey THE LINK 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A - 19th October 2014 St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson Parish Priest and Dean Assistant Priest Deacon Canon Michael Hore Fr Paul Dzwig Mark Leightley Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196 E-mail [email protected] Website The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871 Proclaim the Gospel World Mission Day is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young churches in Mission lands. When I was a young student studying for the priesthood I was privileged to meet many old and hardened missionaries telling their story of the territory in which they were working in Africa or South America. It was normal enough to have twenty or more mission stations for each priest. The anchor person in each mission would be the Catechist. The Catechist would prepare any children for Baptism, or children who were preparing for confirmation. There was a huge hunger for knowledge about the life of Jesus and how he saved His people, gradually a small school might be developed in one or more villages and this would create a great hunger in the next village for something similar. This is how missions developed. What impressed me most about these men returning for a well earned holiday was their love for spreading the Gospel. Their home village would be there to support them with some project or other to make life easier for the people whom they served. They were truly driven by their love of Christ. Today we hear much about New Evangelisation and how to promote it in the home. If Jesus is not at the heart of the home then it will be a huge struggle. If you were to ask me where is Jesus most recognisable today I would have to honestly say in the third world countries. Handing on the faith at home does not seem to be working. There seems to be a lost generation of parents who, with all the good will in the world, have nothing of the faith to pass on to their children. This I believe is what the New Evangelising hope to in some way address. When I was a young student for the priesthood the missions were in Africa, Asia, South America. Has the heartland of Christianity moved from Europe, have we become the New Mission territory? We have to go back to St. Paul to see how he proclaimed the message. Canon Michael A warm welcome to all visitors who join us for today’s Celebration. Please join us for tea/coffee available after 9.30am Mass in Our Lady Star of the Sea and 8.00am & 10.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s. THIS WEEK’S DIARY Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ), Our Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS), Centre for Peace (CP) unless noted otherwise; Services in the Church. SUNDAY 10.30am Children’s Harvest Mass (SJ) MONDAY 12 noon 7.30pm Mass (Rosary at 11.30am) (SS) Bible Study Group (SS) TUESDAY 10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (SJ) 7.00pm Cygnet (SJ YR 6&7) 7.30pm Rosary (CP) WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Holy Hour & Rosary (SJ) THURSDAY 10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (SJ) 7.00pm Cygnet (SJ) 7.30pm RCIA (SJ Parish Room) SATURDAY 11.00am 7.00pm Legion of Mary (SJ) All Saints Youth Club (SS) SUNDAY 4.00pm • • • • • Benediction (OLSS) Please remember in your prayers: Sister Carmel, Ronald de Putron, Elizabeth Maloret, Peter Hanna, Ken Finch, Fletch O’Hara (baby), Pearl Hollingsworth, Adie Wilcox, Joan Alliss and all who are sick in our community; Joan Quevatre, Rev Paul Spellman (former priest in Guernsey) who have recently died; Right Rev William Cotter, 3rd Bishop of Portsmouth (1940) and all whose anniversaries occur about now. May they rest in peace; Community of St Yves & St Magloire, Guernsey; The Island Prayer Scheme this week asks prayers for Cobo Mission/King’s Barn Mission. Sacrament of Baptism We welcome in Baptism at St Joseph’s Ella Wilkins, Maya Sallis, Milla & Sasha Goldsbrough Please remember them, their families and Godparents in your prayers. Holy Hour and Rosary Wednesday 22nd October, 7.30pm, St. Joseph’s Church. October is the month of the Holy Rosary In the Parish opportunities to join together to pray the Rosary are: Mondays at 11.30am, Our Lady Star of the Sea; Tuesdays at 7.30pm, Centre for Peace; Wednesdays before the 12.05 pm Mass at Notre Dame and at 7.30pm during Holy Hour at St Joseph’s; Saturdays before 5.30pm Mass at Notre Dame. Christian Meditation Group Friday 24th October, 10.30am, at Les Cotils in the Upper Room. Please contact Angela on 723915 for details. John-Paul Lyttle will be Ordained Deacon on 12 December at Waterlooville. Please keep him in your prayers. John-Paul’s Ordination to the Priesthood will take place in 2015. Lost Property: There are three pairs of sunglasses and several spectacles in the Parish office which have been left in St Joseph’s Church over the last couple of months. Please call the office or drop in to collect. We will hold for a few weeks only. We also have a set of garden fairy lights which must please be collected from the Parish Office. They were used for the Hog Roast evening held last May. St. Paul Missal 2015 now on sale Price £5.95 at St. Joseph’s Bookstall. Today Is World Mission Sunday Today the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. Your prayers and donations today will support the work of missionaries and young churches as they share faith, build churches and provide healthcare and education, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances overseas. The World Mission Sunday collection will go in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide that brings God’s love and message of dignity for all. Please give what you can. Every gift makes a real difference to people living in poverty who are yearning to hear the Good News of God’s Love for them. Resume of GPC meeting held on Tuesday 7th October 2014. Items discussed were: • Christmas mass schedule • Introduction of a monthly ‘Family Mass’ in Notre Dame Church after Christmas. • Work of the Befrienders’ Group which seeks to maintain contact with parishioners who can no longer take an active part in Church • New Confirmation programme ‘Transformed in Christ’ . • A report on the New Cygnet Group for Yr 7/8 and plans for future activities and events for older Cygnet group. • The formation of a ‘Steering Committee’ by Deacon Mark, for practical arrangements for our 2015 Parish Mission. The next meeting will take place on 4th November. Items you may wish discussed should please be put in writing and addressed to, ‘The Secretary, GPC’ c/o Ampthill House. The minutes of the September meeting can now be viewed on the notice boards and the Parish website. Items for next week’s Link should be sent to the Parish Office by noon on Thursday at the latest. After nine years we “THE SHRINE OF THE SACRED HEART” Committee at Fort Hommet have decided to step down and hand over the running of the bunker to Helen c/o Culture and Leisure last opening 18th October 2014.At this present time we do not know the future of the Shrine, to continue next year it would need a team of four to six to cover 2-4 pm twice a month (first /third Saturday) Easter to Sept /Oct, preferably at least one male person on duty. The Shrine Committee would like to say a big thank you to St Joseph’s Church for their help and support. Kind Regards Ian Blanchard on behalf of the Shrine Committee. Union of Catholic Mothers for providing Thank you to the the rail outside St. Joseph’s Church. The Poor Box Funds collected over the last year have been distributed to the following Local Charities: ♦ Drug & Alcohol Abuse Charity ♦ Wigwam ♦ Guernsey Cheshire Home ♦ Guernsey Jumbulance Holidays
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