Saturday, November 15, 2014 SAINT MARY’S COLLEGE 6

6th Pat Vincent Rugby Dinner
& National Championship Celebration
Saturday, November 15, 2014
 2014 National Championship Title Sponsor ($25,000)
Pat Vincent Sponsor ($10,000)
Company logo on all printed material for event
Signage recognition at the event
Two VIP tables (16 tickets)
Special program recognition
Recognition in the Saint Mary’s College 1863 Society
Br. Martin Ash Sponsor ($2,500)
Company logo on all printed material for the event
Signage recognition at the event
Four VIP tables (32 tickets)
Special Program recognition
Opportunity to travel with the team
Recognition in the Saint Mary’s College President’s Circle
Br. Kyran Sponsor ($5,000)
Naming Opportunity for the Event
Company logo on all printed material for the event
Prominent recognition at the event
Six VIP tables (48 tickets)
Special Program recognition
Opportunity to travel with the team
Recognition in the Saint Mary’s College President’s Circle
Company logo on all printed material for the event
Signage recognition at the event
One VIP table (8 tickets)
Special program recognition
Membership in the SMC 1863 Society
Dan Noecker Sponsor ($1,500)
One table (8 tickets)
Special program recognition
 Rugger Hugger ($500)
One dinner ticket
Program recognition
6th Pat Vincent Rugby Dinner
& National Championship Celebration
Saturday, November 15, 2014
_____ YES, I/my company will be a 6th Pat Vincent Rugby Dinner Dance Fundraiser
Sponsor as follows:
Sponsor Name __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City_____________________State____Zip Code___________Phone________________
Name of Contact Person_______________________e-mail________________________
  2014 National Championship Title Sponsor ($25,000)
  Pat Vincent Sponsor ($10,000)
  Br. Kyran Sponsor ($5,000)
  Br. Martin Ash Sponsor ($2,500)
  Dan Noecker Sponsor ($1,500)
  Rugger Hugger ($500)
_____ My check (made payable to Saint Mary’s College Rugby) is enclosed
____ Please charge $______________to my credit card.
Account #____________________________________Expiration Date _______
Name on Account (please print) _______________________________________
Signature _________________________________________________________
Please mail this completed form and your payment by October 24, 2014 to:
Molly Matles, Saint Mary’s College, PMB 4300, Moraga, CA 94575-4300.
Thank you for your support!
Saint Mary’s College is a 501(c) 3 non-profit. Corporation ID number 94-1156599