BUSINESS FORUM-2015 - Business Innovation Forum

На иницијатива на Општина Гази
Баба по заклучоците од првиот бизнис
форум од 2013/2014, оваа година се
организира проширен бизнис иновациски
форум во соработка со Општина Тетово и
партнерите од COSSME мрежата.
(BIF2015) со работен наслов:
"Економски развој и создавање на
работни места Можности за 2015-2020
преку регионалниот сектор крст
соработка и поддршка на иновации"
BIF 2015 - [Business Innovation Centers, Women Investors,
Horizon 2020, COSME, IPA, IPARD]
Панелите за дискусија содржат теми
за (BIC’s)- Бизнис иновациски центри за
потребите и услугите за граѓаните и
компаниите, особено малите и средни
претпријатија, потоа тема за женски
инвеститори - бизнис ангели и женски
претприемачи, како и темата на
можностите за финансирање преку коинвестициски фондови и тема за
можностите на компаниите за добивање
грантови преку ЕУ фондовите и програмите
од 2014 до 2020г (Horizon2020, COSME, IPA,
IPARD) и претставување на мрежата
поддржува соработката со јавниот,
приватниот, академскиот и невладиниот
сектор од земјата и регионот.
22-24 Јануари 2015, Македонија
Platinum Package: € 2,000
• Full page advert for “BIF2015 2014” program and materials;
• Priority branding on main panels with Your Company Banner 2x1m;*
• Promotional Stand with your company materials on the “BIF2015” event’s Day at
the main venues where the BIF2015 is hosted*;
• Main Branding on the Start Up’s pitching and Entrepreneurship competition
• Prime location allocated for exhibition space at event venues and presentations;
• Inclusion of company materials in visitors, participant’s bags, main logo T-shirts,
and full promotional material;
• Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in all communications including The European BIF2015 newsletter and
all sub-events (eg. Dinners, Lunches, with our EU guests etc.);
• Corporate identity on BIF2015 website with link to Your Company Website and relevant publications;
• 5 complimentary VIP participants places on VIP dinner, lunch;**
• 5 complimentary VIP participants’ entry tickets for the main BIF2015 closed invitation events.
*Receiving e-material for printing from your company.
**Nomination for Your Company Representatives or collaborators on selected dinners or lunches.
Note: Platinum Package Validity Time: 1 year.
Gold Package: € 1,500
• Half page advert “BIF2015 2014” program and materials;
• Priority branding on main stages of the event with Your Company Banner 2x1m;*
• Promotional Stand with your company materials on the “BIF2015” event Day’s at the
municipalities where the BIF2015 is hosted*;
• Main Branding on the Start Up’s pitching and Entrepreneurship competition
• Prime location allocated for exhibition space at all stops and public presentations;
• Inclusion of company materials in visitors, participant’s bags, main logo T-shirts, and
full promotional material;
• Recognition as Gold Sponsor in all communications including The European BIF2015
newsletter and all sub-events (eg. Dinners, Lunches, etc.);
• Corporate identity on BIF2015 website with link to Your Company Website and
relevant publications;
• 3 complimentary VIP participants places on dinner, lunch;**
• 3 complimentary VIP participants’ entry tickets for the BIF2015.
Silver Package: € 1,000
• Quarter page advert “BIF2015 2014” program and materials;
• Branding on main panel of the event with Your Company Poster;*
• Promotional Stand with your company materials on the “BIF2015” event’s Day at
the main venues where the BIF2015 is hosted*;
• Branding on the Start Up’s pitching and Entrepreneurship competition
• Location allocated for exhibition space at all venues and presentations;
• Inclusion of company materials in visitors, participant’s bags, logo on T-shirts, etc;
• Recognition as Silver Sponsor in all communications including The European
BIF2015 newsletter and all sub-events (eg. Dinners, Lunches, etc.);
• Corporate identity on BIF2015 website with link to Your Company Website and relevant publications;
• 2 complimentary VIP participants places on dinner, lunch;**
• 2 complimentary VIP participants’ entry tickets
• Recognition as Silver Sponsor in Event newsletters
*Receiving e-material for printing from your company.
**Nomination for Your Company Representatives or collaborators on selected dinners or lunches.
Note: Gold Package Validity Time: 1 year,
Note: Silver Package Validity Time: until May 2015.
*Доколку имате прашања во врска со настанот “Бизнис иновациски форум 2015” или некои од
областите и панелите на истит, слободно контактирајте не:
*For (BIC’s)-Business Innovation Centers and Municipalities:
Mr Sasho Trajkov, Municipality of Gazi Baba | [email protected] |
Mr Fatmir Saiti, Municipality of Tetovo | [email protected] |
For EU Funding Accelerator&Acedemy, Info Days&Media Day
Mr.Ilija Vuckov, Emkice,| [email protected] |
EU Funding Office Brussels,| [email protected] |
*For Academic and Educational Institutions
Prof.Dr.Azir Aliu, SEEU | [email protected] |
Prof.Dr.Ardian Besimi, SEEU | [email protected] |
Prof.Boris Popov, Ilumine Centar | [email protected] |
*For Tech Parks and Business Accelerators
Mr. Edmond Etemi, CEO SEEU Tech Park | [email protected] |
*For Agriculture and Agro-Business Incubator - Bitola
Mr. Zlatko Sireta, APRZ | [email protected] |
Ms Vesna Ilievska, APRZ | [email protected] |
1. I am interested in becoming the (please tick box):
Platinum Package
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
2. I am interested in the following Catering Packages (please tick box):
VIP & Speaker
Cocktail Reception
Company Address:
Name of contact:
Tel. Number:
*Late reservation, until 22nd January 2015, 14h CET.