LITURGY, THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE The Baptism of the Lord Saturday: 4.30 pm 5.30pm The Baptism of the Lord Saint Mary Saint David Lewis 6.00pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys 9.00 am The Baptism of the Lord Saint Anne Sunday: (+Simon Richards) (Elizabeth Peter Kane, Timothy Jones Michael Roche, Mary Roche) (+Maureen & Trevor Lewis, Ken & Yvonne (Diamond Wed. Anniv.) 9.30 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint David Saint Mary (Paddy & Molly Hayes, Michael Hayes, Sr. Visitation Intention) (+Lucy Villasor Batiller) (Annie Flaherty) (Holy Souls) (Mrs. Anne Hamber Intention) 10.00 am 11.30 am 7.00 pm Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint Anne (+Lucy Villasor Batiller, +Pamela Ann Giorgione) Requiem Mass for Doris Haines (Holy Souls) 10.00 am 10.00 am Saint Anne Saint Mary Morning Devotions (+Lucy Villosor Batiller, Good Estate of Giovanna Giafagna.) Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint David Lewis Saint Mary (+Ethel Birmingham, Grace Paloma (Thanksgiving)) Adoration (People of the Parish) Holy Hour 10.00am 2.00 pm Saint Mary Saint Mary (+Ethel Birmingham, +John Joseph Moylan) Funeral Service for Audrey Putz 10.00 am 10.00 am Saint David Lewis Saint Mary Adoration and Devotions. (+Peter Curran) 10.00 am 10.30 am 3.30 pm Saint Anthony, Abbot Saint Mary Saint Mary Saint Mary (Sr. Patrick Joseph Intention, Jack Harvey) Adoration, till 11.45. Adoration, till 4.15. Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10.00 am 6.30 pm 7.00 pm 7.00 pm Thursday Friday Saturday [Next Sunday’s Intentions: Saint Anne – Moira Mernagh, Celia O’Keeffe Dewdney, God’s Blessing on the Donoghue Family. Saint Basil & Gwladys – Mary Cotterall Intention, William Family Intention Saint David – Dorothy & Charles Maher Saint David Lewis – +Michael McLoughlin, Murphy Family Saint Mary – +Audrey Putz ; Amelia Thomas Thanksgiving ; +Sr. Noreen Maye Saint Michael – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday Wednesday Saturday 6.30 – 6.50 pm 6.30 – 6.50 pm 10.45 – 11.45 am 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint Anne Saint David Lewis Saint Mary Saint Mary A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff :: A Registered Charity :: ALL SAINTS PARISH Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary, & Michael “A L I V E A N D A C T I V E ” The Baptism of the Lord The Year of Saint Mark th Sunday 11 January 2015 (Sunday Readings: Year B :: Weekdays of Year 2 :: Breviary: Week iii) THIS SUNDAY’S MASS Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Psalm 28 Response : The Lord will bless his people with peace. O give the Lord you sons of God, give the Lord glory and power; give the Lord the glory of his name Adore the Lord in his holy court. The Lord’s voice resounding on the waters, the Lord on the immensity of waters; the voice of the Lord, full of power, the voice of the Lord full of splendour. The god of glory thunders. In his temple they all cry: “Glory!” The Lord sat enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits as king for ever. Acts 10:34-38 Mark 1:7-11 Intercession: Lord Graciously hear us An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending so much time at the pub. So, one night he took her along. ‘What’ll you have?’ he asked. ‘Oh, I don’t know. The same as you, I suppose, she replied. The husband ordered a couple of whiskies and drank his in one gulp. His wife watched him, then took a sip from her glass and immediately spat it out. ‘Yuck, that’s nasty poison!’ she sputtered. ‘I don’t know how you can drink this stuff!’ ‘Well, there you go,’ cried the husband. ‘And all this time you thought I was enjoying myself every night!’ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Weight Training for 2015 Here is a little secret for building your arm and shoulder muscles. You might want to adopt the regimen for yourself – but be careful to take it gradually. Three days a week works well. Begin by standing straight, with a 5 lb potato sack in each hand. Extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Eventually try to reach a full minute. Relax. After a few weeks, move up to 10 lb potato sacks, and then 50 lb potato sacks, and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100 lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight out for more than a full minute. After you feel confident at that level, start putting a couple of potatoes in each sack, but be careful not to over do it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Priest : Do you want to go to heaven? Parishioner : No Father. Shocked priest : But you must want to go to heaven when you die. Parishioner : Oh, yes, when I die, Father. I thought you were getting a party together now. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PARISH PASTORAL TEAM Revd. Michael Evans Revd. Richard Aziati Revd. Michael Doyle Sister Brigid Cantwell Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue Revd. Deacon Richard Withers PARISH OFFICE 9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 [email protected] HOSPITAL TEAM Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals Emergency Sick Call Number Hospital Rota: Today: David & Mary (Monday -Friday: 9am-3pm) 265533 Father Richard 0780 5696474 Next Sunday: Anita & John -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collections Saint Anne: Saints Basil and Gwladys: Saint David: Saint David Lewis: Saint Mary: Saint Michael: £280.07 £ 250.00 £385.72 £158.00 £712.00 £401.00 (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: £) £136.00) £63.10) £82.00) £301.00) £174.00) 67 228 58 500 129 Training session for Night Shelter For the fifth year St Mary’s Institute, along with other churches in Newport, is providing bed and two hot meals for homeless people. We host in February and March on Wednesday nights. If you would like to know more, to refresh your memory or meet friends from previous years, possibly with the intent to volunteer then please come to the ‘Training for volunteers’ talk on Wednesday 21st January in St Mary’s Institute (next door to the church). Doors are open 6.45pm for 7pm start. GENERAL NOTICE Lunchbag Project – Group 2. empty bags will be distributed on weekend of January 10th/11th for return on January 17th/18th. Thank you = John Haywood. Be aware of thieves. Please take all bags and valuables with you when you go to Holy Communion. FAITH Summer Session: Have you ever wondered how the Catholic faith can be understood in the light of the modern world? The FAITH movement is a collaboration of priests and lay people who present elements of the Catholic faith by bringing faith and science together. Science doesn't disprove God, it points to God as the Mind behind the cosmos. Science shows that the human mind can investigate and interpret the material world according to patterns and laws which we can then put to use in our own creative ways. The FAITH Summer Session is a conference for 16-35 year olds to explore some of these concepts. It is a great opportunity to discover more about your faith and meet others from around the UK in a social environment. The timetable is balanced to include opportunities for prayer, sporting and social activities; and a deepening of one’s relationship with God is enabled by opportunities for Confession, daily adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of the Divine Office. There is a licensed bar on the premises (for over 18s only) and the programme of evening entertainments includes a Quiz Night and the traditional Ceilidh (Scottish dancing). The summer session will take place between Monday 3rd - Friday 7th August. Fr. Michael Doyle will be going and is inviting any 16-35 year olds within the parish to join him. If you are interested contact Fr. Michael via the parish office, after Mass, or email [email protected]. For more information about the FAITH movement visit ACTA – A Call to Action – is a national group of clergy and laity who have come together to discuss the future of the Church. [Website:] There is an active group in most of the dioceses in England and Wales. An inaugural meeting for a group in the Archdiocese of Cardiff is to meet at St. Brigid’s Parish Hall, Crystal Glen, Cardiff, CF14 5QN on Monday 2nd February 2015 starting at 7.00 pm. All are welcome. Further details from Frank Callus – [email protected] or Mobile 07956005459 AROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHES Today: 5.00 St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. 5.30 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meets, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute. Saint David’s S.V.P. (Society of Saint Vincent de Paul) meets, in Saint David’s Sacristy. Cenacolo Prayer Group in Maripa, 1A School House, Hartridge Rd. NP18 22LN Monday: 7.00 Tuesday: 10.30 10.30 6.15-7.45 Wednesday : Thursday : Friday: 7.30 Saint Anne’s Community Club meets in Saint Anne’s Hall: All welcome. Saint David Lewis Talent Sharing, in Saint David Lewis Hall. Brownies meet in Saint Mary’s Institute. Bingo, in Saint Michael’s Hall. Saturday Next Sunday: 5.00 St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. Dates for your Diary 11.02.15 07.00pm Memorial Service for the relatives of those who died at St. Anne’s Hospice PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the Souls of Audrey Putz and Michael Wadworth and all deceased members of All Saints Parish. In your Prayers, Please remember also in your prayers Sally Cox- Mulvaney, Ron Kelly, Ellen Hobbs, Lawrence Caruana, Anthony & Casey Hard Mary Savini, Pat Bowen, Libby Fussell, Sheila June White, Win Jackson, Joan Harrington, Margaret Rowe, Mary Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Avril McDonald, Callum Lewis, Easton William & Arabella Rose Thomas-Yendle (Premature Twins), John Fox, Lillian Skillen, Bernard Dunn, Janet Walsh, Jill Jones, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Lucy Stoneman, Colin Richards, Albert Evans, Iris Anthony, Annette Jones, Keiron & Liz Breen, Alfonso Putz, Ron Page, Ted Page, Mary Park, Colin Blacker, Pat Webb, Christine Bennett, Zonia Dagger, Douglas Skinner, Janet Gillian Jones, Maureen Harris, Peter Wright, Danny O’Carroll, Dale Ward, Ada Jones, Avril Taylor, Glenys Harvey, Rose Hackwood, Catherine Williams, Lil O’Hagen, and Idris Skillen and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’, or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533. The Call, the Journey and the Mission. An invitation from the Bishops of England and Wales to reflect on the gift of Marriage and Family Life. October 2014 saw some extraordinary events unfold as Pope Francis invited participants from all walks of life to attend an Extraordinary Synod to consider the ‘Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization’. There was much media coverage surrounding the event and in further preparations for the 2015 Synod themed ‘The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World’ the Bishops of England and Wales are asking members of the Catholic Church to reflect further on this crucial topic. On the Feast of the Holy Family, the Bishops’ Conference published a document entitled ‘The Call, The Journey and The Mission’. The document invites us to reflect upon the various stages of family life - falling in love, engagement, the celebration of marriage, the early years; children, joys and sorrows, teenage children, alone as a couple, the elderly years; to look at this stages in the context of Sacred Scripture and Church teaching; and to present feedback for review to diocesan Family Life Commissions. The feedback received will be reviewed by the Bishops and help formulate Cardinal Nichols input into the Synod later this year. Don’t miss this opportunity to reflect on this wonderful topic and to have your say. Further information can be found on The Tuesday club have arranged a talk by Marcia Doyle on Tuesday 3rd Feb at 10:30am to provide an update regarding the children of Belarus. All are welcome. Lottery Sat 3rd Jan 24 A Bray Wed 10th Jan 24 Chris Edge Is your Lottery paid up to date? Thank you to the music group for their ministry throughout the seasons of Advent and Christmas. ROTA This is Week 2 for the Ministers of the Word and of Communion, and the Counters. Tea, coffee and biscuits in the hall after Mass on Sunday. Proceeds will go towards the painting of the interior of our church. Church Cleaning Group 4 th The Word Communion C.L.O.W. Counters Cleaners th th th 10 /11 January 2015 Bridie McNulty Josie Brett Llew Smith Beryl Williams Mathew Varghese Pat Burgess Vanessa Sherwood Bernard & Janet Tyson 17 /18 January 2015 Miriam Durkin Jean Stanford Peter Durkin Des Robertson Pat Tempest Jean Stanford James Stanford Mary & Hugh Nichol Hobbs Family Pat Casagrande Cath Bennet The Word Communion 10th/11th January 2015 Esther Michelle Maura, Sean, Martin 17th/18th January Devina Sr. Justina Pam, Partin Mary B This week the Prayer Group will pray for the staff and pupils in all the schools on the estate. Especially those who have any special needs at this time. This week is the white flower appeal for SPUC. There will be a retiring collection. There will be a shared lunch on Thursday, 15th January. Everyone is welcome to come and join us. We meet at 11.50am to put our food on the tables; we say the Angelus at 12 noon. After that we have a tasty lunch, with lively conversation in good company. th The Word th 10 /11 January 2015 Ann Edge Anthony Quinn th th 17 /18 January Communion Larry Cullen Hillary Leadbetter Julie Oates Sue Thomas C.L.o.W Joy & Julie Jackie & Julie Counters Margaret Whitfield Tony Sheehan Margaret Whitfield Tony Sheehan Larry & Jackie Cullen Cleaners The Quinn Family Bettws Food Bank send their thanks for your gifts of unperishable food and financial donations, especially over the Christmas and New Year season. Your generosity has meant that families have had the basic foods, together with a few special items. Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join the line dancers. Sessions are held on a Monday and Thursday 10am- 12.00 and Wednesday 7-9pm all abilities welcome. If you prefer something more sedate the Tuesday Talent Group would be pleased to see you 10am-12. Could YOU help with the Children’s Liturgy? If only once a month. It is hoped to arrange a rota for this important ministry thus enabling everyone to fully share Mass. Ministering to the Assembly th th th 10 /11 January 2015 Readers 4.30 9.30 6.00 Communion Counters Cleaners C.L.o.W. th 17 /18 January Hilary Cameron Tony Corten Suzan Glennon Duncan Colley Suzan Glennon Allan Fear Helen Walmsley Tony Turner Vincent Charmary As per separate list Shelagh Clark Helen Harper Rebecca Harper Group 4 Margaret & Ken Grainger Alison Hard Margaret Kroger The Word Communion 10th/11th January 2015 Catherine Fisher Joseph Curran Myfanwy Anderson Sheila Wigmore Sergio Cinotti 17th/18th January Pasqsuale Cinotti Ann Pollard Gerald Anderson Jo Hurley Amaka Williams Adoration Wednesday 6.30 pm As per separate list Nick Putwain Gina Putwain Group 5 200 Club : 04.01.15. Marilyn Hurley No. 11 Holy Hour this Wednesday 7.00 pm. The Legion of Mary candle this week is offered up for those killed in the Paris terrorist attack. White Flower Appeal – The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) will be holding its annual appeal THIS weekend. In common with the Catholic Church, SPUC defends and upholds the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. The Society’s work covers a wide spectrum of prolife, pro-family issues. It seeks to protect unborn children from abortion and defends the disabled, elderly and incapacitated from euthanasia and assisted suicide. SPUC also provides trained speakers for schools and offers pro-life support for teachers, parents and medical professionals. Please give generously to this worthy cause. Eucharistic Ministry - 6.00pm Mass. If you are a Eucharistic Minister on the rota for the 6.00pm Mass or would like to become a Minister, could you please make yourself know to Antonetta Jones in Church after Mass on the 11th January, (down by the Lady Chapel). HCPT GROUP 99 (The Ice Creamers) would like to thank everyone who kindly bought tickets for the Grand Christmas Draw which is due to take place on Monday with a first prize of £4000:00. A winners list will be made available by next week. Good luck to everyone and thank you for your support. HCPT GROUP 99 (The Ice Creamers) are holding A RACE NIGHT on Saturday 24th January from 7.00pm at the Newport Fugitives Athletic Club. Entry is free, food is available and it’s a cheap and cheerful fun night for everyone (including the children) while helping us raise urgently needed funds for the group, so please come along and have some fun with us. For further details contact Mike Halford 07813 612340. Hope to see you there!!
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