VFR Flight Guide Denmark GEN 3.1 - 1 19 MAR 15 GEN 3 SERVICES GEN 3 TJENESTER GEN 3.1 Aeronautical Information Services GEN 3.1 Luftfartsinformationstjeneste 1. Organisation of AIM 1.1 The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) is a service within the Aeronautical Information Management (AIM), which is provided by Naviair on behalf of the Danish Transport Authority. AIM consists of an AIM Headquarter and an international NOTAM office (NOF). 1. Organisition af AIM 1.1 Luftfartsinformationstjenesten (AIS er en tjeneste indeholdt i Luftfartsinformationsledelsen (AIM), som bliver leveret af Naviair på vegne af Trafikstyrelsen. AIM består af et AIM hovedkontor og et internationalt NOTAM kontor (NOF). 1.2 AIM Headquarters: NAVIAIR Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Naviair Allé 1 DK-2770 Kastrup Denmark TEL: +45 3247 8221 FAX: +45 3247 8800 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: aim.naviair.dk Opening hours: Weekdays, during normal office hours. 1.2 AIM hovedkontor: NAVIAIR Luftfartsinformationsledelsen (AIM) Naviair Allé 1 2770 Kastrup Sales and distribution: [email protected] TEL: 3247 8221 FAX: 3247 8800 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: aim.naviair.dk Åbningstider: Hverdage, i normal kontoråbningstid Salg og distribution: [email protected] 1.3 International NOTAM Office (NOF): AIS Briefing Naviair Naviair Allé 1 DK-2770 Kastrup Denmark TEL:+45 32 47 82 72 FAX:+45 32 50 02 86 E-mail:[email protected] Internet:www.briefing.naviair.dk AFS: EKCHYNYX Opening hours:H24 1.3 Internationalt NOTAM kontor (NOF): AIS Briefing NAVIAIR Naviair Allé 1 2770 Kastrup 1.4 Applicable ICAO documents The services are provided in accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices provided in the following ICAO documents: Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services DOC 8126 Aeronautical Information Services Manual DOC 8400 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes DOC 8697 Aeronautical Chart Manual DOC 9674 World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) Manual Differences from the International Standards and Recommended Practices are detailed in GEN 1.7. 2. Area of Responsibility The Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information for the entire territory of Denmark and for the airspace over the high seas en- 1.4 Gældende ICAO dokumenter Tjenesterne udøves i overensstemmelse med de standarder og anbefalede fremgangsmåder angivet i følgende ICAO dokumenter: Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services DOC 8126 Aeronautical Information Services Manual DOC 8400 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes DOC 8697 Aeronautical Chart Manual DOC 9674 World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) Manual Afvigelser fra internationale standarder og anbefalede fremgangsmåder er beskrevet i GEN 1.7. 2. Ansvarsområde Luftfartsinformationsledelsen (AIM) er ansvarlig for indsamling og udbredelse af information for hele det danske territorium, samt luftrummet over internationalt farvand i området omfattet af Kø- NAVIAIR TEL:32 47 82 72 FAX:32 50 02 86 E-mail:[email protected] Internet:www.briefing.naviair.dk AFS:EKCHYNYX Åbningstider:H24 AMDT 3/15 GEN 3.1 - 2 19 FEB 15 compassed by København FIR 3. Aeronautical Publications 3.1 Aeronautical information for VFR operations are provided in the form of an Integrated Aeronautical Information Package consisting of the following elements: - VFR Flight Guide, Denmark - Amendment Service to the AIP - Supplement to the AIP - NOTAM - Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) - Checklist of valid NOTAM and list of latest issued publications The elements of the package with exception of AIC and NOTAM are distributed by mail. NOTAM are issued via the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS). In addition hereto the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package and NOTAM is also available on the Internet. The Internet address is: aim.naiviar.dk or www.ead.eurocontrol.int. 3.2 VFR Flight Guide, Denmark VFR Flight Guide, Denmark (VFG) is a basic document intended primarily to satisfy international and national requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration changes essential for VFR flight. The VFG is published in loose leaf form in one volume. 3.3 Amendment Service to VFR Flight Guide Amendment Service to the VFG are made by means of replacement sheets. Two types of amendments are produced: • ordinary amendment (AMDT) issued irregularly, containing information previously published by NOTAM or in certain cases AIC, as well as minor changes. The VFG AMDT is identified by a light blue cover sheet. • AIRAC amendment (AIRAC AMDT) issued in accordance with the AIRAC system and identified by pink cover sheet and the acronym - AIRAC, incorporates operationally significant permanent changes to the VFG on the AIRAC effective date. A brief description of the VFG subjects affected by the amendment is given on the amendment cover sheet. New information on the reprinted pages is annotated or identified in the left margin (or immediately to the left of the change) by a vertical line. Each page and each replacement page introduced by an amendment, including the amendment cover sheet, are dated. The date consists of the of the publication date for a regular AMDT or the effective date for the AIRAC AMDT. Each cover sheet includes references to NOTAM, AIC and SUP, if any, which have been incorporated in the VFG by the amendment. Each AMDT and each AIRAC AMDT are allocated separate serial numbers which are consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by two digits, is a part of the serial number of the AMDT 2/15 VFR Flight Guide Denmark benhavn FIR 3. Luftfartspublikationer 3.1 Luftfartsinformationer for VFR operationer udgives i form af en integreret luftfartsinformationspakke som indeholder følgende dele: - VFR Flight Guide, Denmark Rettelsestjeneste til AIP Supplement til AIP NOTAM Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) Kontrollister over gældende NOTAM og liste over seneste udsendte publikationer Elementerne i pakken, med undtagelse af AIC’er og NOTAM, distribueres via post. NOTAM udsendes via luftfartens faste telekommunikationsnet (AFS). Yderligere er den integrerede informationspakke samt NOTAM tilgængelig på Internettet. Internet adressen er: aim.naviair.dk eller www.ead.eurocontrol.int. 3.2 VFR Flight Guide, Denmark VFR Flight Guide, Denmark (VFG) er et basis dokument, hovedsaglig for at imødekomme internationale og nationale behov for udveksling af permanente luftfartsinformationer og ændringer af lang varighed, som er vigtige for VFR-flyvning. VFG’en er i løsbladsform i eet bind. 3.3 Rettelsestjeneste til VFR Flight Guide Rettelsestjeneste til VFG sker ved løsblade. Rettelserne forekommer i to former: • almindelig rettelse (AMDT) udsendt uregelmæssigt, indeholdende informationer tidligere publiceret i NOTAM og i visse tilfælde AIC, samt mindre ændringer. VFG AMDT er kendetegnet ved et lyseblåt forblad. • AIRAC rettelse (AIRAC AMDT) udsendt i henhold til AIRAC systemet og kendetegnet ved et lyserødt forblad og forkortelsen AIRAC, indføjer operationelt vigtige, permanente ændringer i VFG på ikrafttrædelsesdatoen (AIRAC effective date). En kort beskrivelse af de emner i VFG der påvirkes af rettelsen gives på rettelsesforbladet. Ny information indeholdt på de genoptrykte sider er beskrevet i marginen (eller lige ved siden af ændringen) med en lodret linie. Hver side, og hver side erstattet ved en rettelse, inklusive rettelsesforbladet, er dateret. Publikationsdatoen er angivet for en almindelig AMDT og ikrafftrædelsesdatoen for en AIRAC AMDT. Hvert rettelsesforblad indeholder henvisninger til NOTAM, AIC og SUP, såfremt nogen disse er blevet inkorporeret i rettelsen. Hver AMDT og hver AIRAC AMDT er tildelt særskilte serienumre som er fortløbende og baseret på kalenderåret. Årstallet, angivet ved to cifre, er en del af rettelsens serienummer, f.eks. VFG AMDT 1/01; NAVIAIR VFR Flight Guide Denmark amendment, e.g. VFG AMDT 1/01; VFG AIRAC AMDT 1/01. 3.4 Supplement to the VFR Flight Guide Temporary changes of long duration (three months or longer) and information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics and supplementing the permanent information contained in the VFG, are published as VFG Supplements (VFG SUP). VFG Supplements are printed on yellow paper to be conspicuous and to stand out from the rest of the VFG. Each VFG Supplement is allocated a serial number which is consecutive and based on the calendar year, i.e. VFG SUP 1/03. A VFG Supplement is kept in the VFG as long as some of its contents remain valid. The period of validity of the information contained in the VFG Supplement will normally be given in the supplement itself. Alternatively, NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of validity or cancellation of the supplement. 3.5 NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins NOTAM contain information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for personnel concerned with flight operations. NOTAM is prepared in accordance with ICAO Annex 15. NOTAM are issued for København FIR and are distributed in 5 series, identified by the letters A, B, C, D and S. Series A: 1. Information about the following aerodromes: EKBI, EKCH and EKYT. The aerodromes are international, approved for operations in both IMC and VMC. 2. General Rules. 3. En Route Navigation and Communication Facilities. 4. Air Space Restrictions and activities with an upper limit above FL 195. Series B: 1. Information about the following aerodromes: EKAH, EKEB, EKHG, EKKA, EKMB, EKOD, EKRK, EKRN, EKSB, EKSN, EKSP, EKVD and EKVJ. The aerodromes are international, approved for operations in both IMC (except EKHG) and VMC. 2. Air Space Restrictions and activities with an upper limit above 5000 FT MSL, but not above FL 195. Series C: 1. Information about the following aerodromes: EKAE, EKRD, EKST, EKSV, EKTD, EKTS and EKVB. The aerodromes are international, approved for operations in VMC only. 2. Air Space Restrictions and activities with an upper limit above 2000 FT MSL, but not above 5000 FT MSL. NAVIAIR GEN 3.1 - 3 19 FEB 15 VFG AIRAC AMDT 1/01. 3.4 Supplement til VFR Flight Guide Midlertidige ændringer af langvarig karakter (tre måneder og mere) og informationer med kort gyldighedstid som består af omfattende tekst og/eller grafik og som supplerer de permanente informationer i VFG’en, udsendes som VFG supplementer (VFG SUP). VFG Supplementer er trykt på gult papir for at være iøjnefaldende og adskille sig fra resten af VFG’en. Hver VFG Supplement er tildelt et serienummer som er fortløbende og baseret på kalenderåret, f.eks. VFG SUP 1/03. Et VFG Supplement beholdes i VFG’en så længe dets indhold eller dele heraf er gyldigt. Gyldighedperioden for informationerne indeholdt i VFG Supplementet vil normalt være angivet på selve supplementet. Alternativt kan en NOTAM blive brugt til at angive ændringer i gyldighedsperioden eller annullering af supplementet. 3.5 NOTAM og Pre-flight Information Bulletins NOTAM indeholder informationer vedrørende etablering, tilstand eller ændring af enhver luftfartsfacilitet, service, procedure eller fare, hvorom en betimelig viden er nødvendig for personale beskæftiget med flyveoperationer. NOTAM udarbejdes i henhold til ICAO Annex 15. NOTAM udfærdiges for København FIR og udsendes i 5 serier, identificeret ved bogstaverne A, B, C, D og S. Serie A: 1. Informationer om følgende lufthavne: EKBI, EKCH og EKYT. Lufthavnene er internationale og godkendt til operationer under både IMC og VMC. 2. Generelle regler. 3. En route navigations- og kommunikationshjælpemidler. 4. Luftrumsrestriktioner og aktiviteter med en øvre grænse over FL 195. Serie B: 1. Informationer om følgende lufthavne: EKAH, EKEB, EKHG, EKKA, EKMB, EKOD, EKRK, EKRN, EKSB, EKSN, EKSP, EKVD og EKVJ. Lufthavnene er internationale og godkendt til operationer under både IMC (undtagen EKHG) og VMC. 2. Luftrumsrestriktioner og aktiviteter med en øvre grænse over 5000 FT MSL, men ikke over FL 195. Serie C: 1. Informationer om følgende flyvepladser: EKAE, EKRD, EKST, EKSV, EKTD, EKTS og EKVB. Flyvepladserne er internationale og kun godkendt til operationer under VMC. 2. Luftrumsrestriktioner og aktiviteter med en øvre grænse over 2000 FT MSL, men ikke over 5000 FT MSL. AMDT 2/15 GEN 3.1 - 4 19 MAR 15 Series D: 1. Information about the following aerodromes: EKAT, EKHS, EKKL, EKLS, EKLV, EKNM, EKPB, EKRS, EKSS, EKVH, EKRB, EKRH, EKYL, EKAS, EKHH, EKHJ and EKTP. They are international or national self-service aerodromes approved for operations in VMC only, and Hospital Heliports. 2. Air Space Restrictions and activities with an upper limit not above 2000 FT MSL. Series S (SNOWTAM): 1. Information concerning snow, slush, ice or standing water associated with snow, and slush and ice in the movement areas. SNOWTAM are prepared in accordance with ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 2, and are issued by the individual aerodrome directly, with separate serial numbers. Details are given in the Snow plan in the Aerodrome (AD) part. SNOWTAM is numbered succesively beginning each snowseason with number 1. Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB), which contain a recapitulation of current NOTAM and other information of urgent character for the operator/flight crew, are available from AIS Briefing Naviair and AIS units on some other aerodromes. 3.6 Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) AIC contains long-term forecasts about major changes in legislation, regulations, procedures and facilities. information of explanatory or advisory nature affecting flight safety. information concerning administrative matters. AIC are issued in two series, A and B. AIC Series A contains information affecting both international and national aviation. AIC Series B contains information affecting national aviation only (in Danish). Each AIC is numbered consecutively within each series on a calendar year basis. The year indicated by two digits is a part of the serial number, e.g. AIC A 1/ 04; AIC B 1/04. 3.7 Checklist of valid NOTAM and list of latest issued publications a. A checklist of valid NOTAM is issued every month via AFS. b. A list of latest publications is issued via AFS when the publications are mailed. 3.8 Sale of publications Sales and distribution: [email protected] Purchase prices are published in AIC Series A. 3.9 Languages used by AIS The languages used by Danish AIS-units are English and Danish. Information received by the AIM at other languages will not be translated to one of the above said languages, but will be presented in the original language. AMDT 3/15 VFR Flight Guide Denmark Serie D: 1. Informationer om følgende flyvepladser: EKAT, EKHS, EKKL, EKLS, EKLV EKNM, EKPB, EKRS, EKSS, EKVH, EKRB, EKRH, EKYL, EKAS, EKHH, EKHJ og EKTP. De er internationale eller nationale selvbetjeningsflyvepladser kun godkendt til operationer under VMC, samt hospitals-helikopterflyvepladser. 2. Luftrumsrestriktioner og aktiviteter med en øvre grænse på ikke over 2000 FT MSL. Serie S (SNOWTAM): 1. Informationer vedrørende sne, snesjap, is eller vand i forbindelse med sne, og snesjap og is på manøvreområderne. SNOWTAM udfærdiges i henhold til ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 2, og udsendes direkte af de enkelte lufthavne, med individuelle serienumre. Detaljer er givet i Sneplan i Aerodrome (AD) afsnittet. SNOWTAM nummereres fortløbende begyndende med nr.1 når snesæsonen starter. Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB), der indeholder et sammendrag af gældende NOTAM og anden information af hastende karakter for operatører/flybesætninger, kan fås fra AIS Briefing Naviair og AIS enheder på visse andre flyvepladser. 3.6 Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) AIC indeholder forudgående information om større ændringer i lovgivning, bestemmelser, procedurer og faciliteter. information af forklarende og rådgivningsmæssig art, som kan påvirke flyvesikkerheden. information om administrative forhold. AIC udsendes i to serier, A og B. AIC Serie A indeholder informationer med virkning for både international og national luftfart. AIC Serie B indeholder informationer med virkning udelukkende for national luftfart. Hver AIC er nummereret fortløbende inden for hver serie på basis af et kalenderår. Året er angivet ved to cifre og er en del af serienumret, f.eks. AIC A 1/04; AIC B 1/04. 3.7 Kontrolliste over gældende NOTAM og liste over senest udsendte publikationer a. En kontrolliste over gældende NOTAM udsendes hver måned via AFS. b. En liste over seneste publikationer udsendes via AFS, når disse er afsendt. 3.8 Salg af publikationer Salg og distribution: [email protected] Publikationspriserne er publiceret i AIC Serie A. 3.9 Sprog anvendt ved AIS De ved danske AIS-enheder anvendte sprog er engelsk og dansk. Informationer, der modtages af AIM på andre sprog, vil ikke blive oversat til et af ovennævnte sprog, men vil blive fremlagt på originalsproget. NAVIAIR VFR Flight Guide Denmark GEN 3.1 - 5 9 JUL 15 4. AIRAC system 4.1 In order to control and regulate the operationally significant changes requiring amendments to charts, route-manuals etc., changes will - whenever possible - be issued on predetermined dates according to the AIRAC SYSTEM. This type of information will be published as an VFG AIRAC AMDT or an VFG AIRAC SUP. If an AIRAC AMDT or a SUP cannot be produced due to lack of time, NOTAM will be issued. Such NOTAM will as soon as possible be replaced by an AMDT or a SUP. The table Below indicates AIRAC effective dates for the coming years. AIRAC information will be issued so that the information will be received not later than 28 days, and for major changes not later than 56 days, before the effective date. Notification about AIRAC AMDT will issued by NOTAM not later than 28 days before the effective date concerned. 4 AIRAC systemet 4.1 Større operationelt væsentlige ændringer, der medfører rettelser til flyvekort, rutehåndbøger og lignende, udsendes, såfremt det er muligt, på forud fastsatte datoer i overensstemmelse med AIRAC-systemet. Disse informationer vil blive publiceret som en VFG AIRAC AMDT eller en VFG AIRAC SUP. Hvis en AIRAC AMD eller SUP ikke kan produceres på grund af tidsnød, vil en NOTAM blive udsendt. En sådan NOTAM vil snarest blive efterfulgt af en AMDT eller SUP. Nedenstående tabel angiver AIRAC ikrafttrædelsesdatoer for de kommende år. AIRAC informationer vil blive udsendt således at informationen vil kunne være brugeren i hænde senest 28 dage før ikrafttrædelsesdatoen, og for større ændringer senest 56 dage før. Notifikation om AIRAC AMDT sendes via NOTAM senest 28 dage før ikrafttrædelsesdagen. AIRAC Dates 2015 AIRAC Dates 2016 AIRAC Dates 2017 AIRAC Dates 2018 Effective Date/ Ikrafttrædelsesdato Effective Date/ Ikrafttrædelsesdato Effective Date/ Ikrafttrædelsesdato Effective Date/ Ikrafttrædelsesdato 8 JAN 5 FEB 5 MAR 2 APR 30 APR 28 MAY 25 JUN 23 JUL 20 AUG 17 SEP 15 OCT 12 NOV 10 DEC 7 JAN 4 FEB 3 MAR 31 MAR 28 APR 26 MAY 23 JUN 21 JUL 18 AUG 15 SEP 13 OCT 10 NOV 8 DEC 5 JAN 2 FEB 2 MAR 30 MAR 27 APR 25 MAY 22 JUN 20 JUL 17 AUG 14 SEP 12 OCT 9 NOV 7 DEC 4 JAN 1 FEB 1 MAR 29 MAR 26 APR 24 MAY 21 JUN 19 JUL 16 AUG 13 SEP 11 OCT 8 NOV 6 DEC 5. Pre-flight Information Service at Aerodromes/Heliports Pre-flight publications are available at aerodromes/heliports as detailed below. Where marked by an asterisk (*) NOTAM by AFS are not available. NAVIAIR 5. Pre-flight informationstjeneste på flyvepladser/helikopterflyvepladser Publikationer til planlægning af flyvning er til rådighed på flyvepladser/helikopterflyvepladser som angivet nedenfor. NOTAM via AFS er ikke til rådighed hvor afmærket med en stjerne (*). AMDT 7/15 GEN 3.1 - 6 11 JUN 15 VFR Flight Guide Denmark Aerodrome/Heliport/ Flyveplads/ Helikopterflyveplads Publications from/ Publikationer fra Aalborg Denmark, Faroe Islands*, Germany*, Greenland*, Netherlands*, Norway*, Sweden* Denmark Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia. EAD PRO with access to AIP and chart data from all EAD countries. EAD PRO med adgang til AIP og kort data fra alle EAD-lande NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark, Germany*, Norway*, Sweden* Other/Andet: Jeppesen Route Manual: Europe-Mediterranean, Eastern Europe Bottlang Airfield Manual: Europe Denmark, Germany*, Sweden Other/Andet: Self-service via Internet The Airport Handbook/Flygplatshandboken: Scandinavia, Finland, Estonia Denmark Other/Andet: KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark* Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark Denmark Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Access to EAD with AIP informations from all countries fully migrated with EAD NOTAM worldwide can be retrieved from EAD Access to EAD with AIP informations from all countries fully migrated with EAD. NOTAM worldwide can be retrieved from EAD. Other/Andet: Self-service via Internet Jeppesen Route Manual: Western and eastern Europe (Electronic publication) NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark, Germany*, Sweden* Other/Andet: KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark Denmark* NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark, Norway*, Sweden* Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Western Europe except Finland, Norway and Sweden KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark Aarhus Anholt Billund Bornholm/Rønne Esbjerg Hadsund Herning Kalundborg Karup Kolding/Vamdrup Kruså-Padborg København/Kastrup København/Roskilde Lemvig Lolland Falster/Maribo Læsø Morsø Odense Randers Ringsted Samsø Sindal AMDT 6/15 NAVIAIR VFR Flight Guide Denmark GEN 3.1 - 7 16 APR 15 Aerodrome/Heliport/ Flyveplads/ Helikopterflyveplads Publications from/ Publikationer fra Skive Denmark Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark Denmark Denmark Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom Denmark* Denmark Other/Andet: Bottlang Airfield Manual: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden Denmark* Other/Andet: KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark NIL (Self service aerodrome/Selvbetjeningsflyveplads) Denmark* Other/Andet: KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark Denmark* Other/Andet: Jeppesen Route Manual: North part of Europe, Eastern Europe KDA Airfield Manual, Denmark Skrydstrup Stauning Sydfyn/Tåsinge Sønderborg Tønder Vesthimmerland Viborg Ærø NAVIAIR AMDT 4/15
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