C E N T E R B U I- J EWI S I'I I- ETI N Dedicated to me Memory efzzum andIL Bere Meek Vol. 75, No. 3 8 Heshvan 5775 PRES|DENT’S MESSAGE Following is the message delivered to the congregation at Kol Nidrei services... mommy ru Lousoou I of post prostdout Lamy Witt boom with o story- But rot me wam you in advance, it is a very about dragons — dragons who were it’s frightening story as fire breathing devastating the country. These dragons finally came to a small town. The rabbi and the president of the congregation went out to conhont the dragons. After a few minutes the dragons ran away k` shn e mg in fear. The townspeop1e aske d what b¤1>vb¤bd· Tbb rabbi ` ` were Yery mcc CSSSSUHY °XplSmSd’ to the dragons, fulfilling the mitzvah of Wohrorruhg Strahgora just told thoro We We to jour us as tho rabbr was about to grva a Iyvar Torah aud tho president WouId thou address tho oohgrogatrorr Srrroo I donlt Waht any of you to ruh Screaming, I·II be brroh November 1, 2014 SHAB BAT SERVICES _ 31 » M mg ...............,........Z.........................................................,... 5 oo P e 1 I Mmcha/KabbalatShabbatfMaar1v.........................,................................ 6.00 P.M. an . Saturday, November 1 — Lech Lecha .................,.................................... 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading: Genesis 12:1-17:27 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16 Jtmior Congregation ....,.......... Ferkauf Chapel .,................................. 10:00 A.M. _ KinderShul..............................Library 1 0:30 A.M. Minyan Katan .........................Conference Room........................,...... 10:30 A.M. Mincha/Shiur/Cake and Tea/Maanv.......................................................5:15 P.M. Shabbat ends...........................................................................................6:35 P.M. Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 2 F N b 7 —- turn clocks back one hour - 4:27 PM. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv .......................................,.................. 4:30 P.M. - Saturday, November Vayera ..............................................t.............. 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading: Genesis 18:1-22:24 Haitarah: II Kings 4:1-37 Bat Mitzvah: Rachel Duze, daughter of Susan and Lawrence Duze Junior Congregation ............... Ferkauf Chapel ............................,...... 10:00 A.M. l §nderSlIu1lo.............................gibriary rnyan aan ......................... on erence oom............................... : Mincha/Slnur/Cake and Tea/Maanv....................................................,..4:15 P.M. Shabbat ends ............................................,.................................,............5:28 P.M. . Up uhtII how, when pvo Stood ih trout Ofthis oohgrogatrohr I have Spoken about ImPT9Veme¤Is We°V€ made · improved facade, the dedications wall, the simcha tree, etc. Tonightl want the Physical . . Sunday, November 9 — Kristallnacht Remembrance the to tour obout moro important improvo each other ood with our COmmuHIty_ go here is another Sto]-y_ In Cheryl and I took our family to Israel, On were friendly and greeted us at Kiddush_ They asked us where we came fr()m_ When we said we were from Hillcreat Jewish Cemeb theY asked, In Queens? sgiekered eng SS SS S SS Y at SS SS SS said they d heard about Hillcrest Jewish S Center — where rabbis are 430 PM P.M. Saturday, November 15 — Chaye Sarah — New Member Shabbat......,. 9:00 A.M. Torah Reading: Genesis 23:1-25:18 Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31 our first Shabbat, we went to daven at the Masoytj Synagogue in H3_jf3__ The people Wlilen SS. SSS S Frida Novombor 14 Cogoro Li hou 421 Miucho/Kgbbaigl|........................................................... · chewed up and Sou out ou o roouror boots ood Whoro ovorybody Foot fom/ord ooo,o houoo oo Louo roroodl Ooo doy Wo Woro ookod Whioh oouorooouoo Wo borouoootot Whoo Wo Soto, truuoroot oontinuod on pogo 3 .lltHlOf CO¤gI€g3tlOI1 ............... Ferkauf Chapel ................................... 10:00 Kltldcfshul..............................Llbrary................................................ A.M. 10:30 A,M, Minyan Katan .........................Conference Room..,............................ 10:30 A.M. Mincha/Shiur/Cake and Tea/Maariv....................................................... 4:00 P.M. Shabbat ends...........................................................................................5:22 P.M. Friday, November 21 Candle Lighting ...................................................................................... 4:15 P.M. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv .............,............................................ 4:30 P.M. - Teieddt -B1rka¢ nacnedesn ................,...... 9;00 A.M. Torah Reading: Genesis 25:19-28:9 Haitarah: I Samuel 20:18-42 We lwelcome the new month ofK1s1ev - Rosh Chodesh 1S Sunday, November 23 Chapel ilotporpgrgsggregatron Saturday, November 22 . . . . Mmyan Katan .........................Conference Room........................,...... 10.30 A.M. ,Mmcha/Shiur/Cake and Tea/Maanv.......................................................4:00 P.M. Shabbat ends.........................................Z.................................................5:17 P.M. Schedule continues on page 2 HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page Two Manes Kogan.............................,......Rabbi FrOm_RabbI KOgan"' Mau Fuchs.............,........................camo Dear Friends ¤fHr11crest Jewish Center: '''''''''''''''''''‘''’‘ Wht Meyerreside"' ?*· §i‘§l“d °Y ° er ················· reeldem mer 00 Hawcy Schechter ‘‘‘‘Men S Club Prmdent Mark Inhaber................ExecutiveDirector Joan Hausmmm'''`'`'`''‘‘'''Managing Editor . . Robert Zuckerman......BulletinAdvertising ...........T -9,....T - - - Postmaster: Saad address shangs to llillerest Jewish Center Phone (718) 380-4145 Fax (718) 380-4665 `h l who worked very hard to make the holidays both successful and inspiring. This includes Cantor Fuchs and Iris Schachter the HJC staff and custodians the Torah and Haftarah ° ’ - . readers, youth services leaders and volunteers, shofar blowers honors givers’ sukkah decorators four species assemblers’ Torah rollers’ Sukkah hosfs’ donation gW€rS> and ` . .’ . . Our HJC president, Dr. Richard Meyer, in his Ko1Nidrei address, mentioned the good in. I couldn’t agree more. Our shul is not perfect, but it is a good place to be right now. The question 1s: where do we go from here? The first thing for all-of us to remember — and I cannot emphasize it enough — is that we must remain humble, both as individuals and as a congregation. Humility is the key to growth and success. Humility is translated in how we talk to each other and in the way we cooperate with other congregations. Building Hillcrest Jewish Center is a product of teamwork and building Jewish life in Queens must also be a product of teamwork. 183-O2·Union Tumpike F1tss§snss,J*gsl1;)66 ‘ The second thing would like to emphasize is that being a warm and welcoming precondition for us _to carry on the mission of our synagogue, lssalpecessary Ons Dssss P;“;;;;iP2;>3udsd Is Duss Periodical PostaBe Paid At FlushinE I sslgsrgsssegszlgcsg ` . __ Afmistsd with United Synagogue of Conservative Judalshl _ Web · . If we were not genuinely humble, warm and welcoming, people would not like to come to’Hil1crest or join our shul, but once they find us warm and welcoming and come and join, we need to take them — we need to take all of us — a step further. In other words, we need _ to translate the mission of Hillcrest into a living reality for each of us. The Hillcrest Jewish Center...seeks to foster love of Judaism and ofthe Jewish People through stuafv of Torah, the performance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer, WWW_HlllclssllC_Olg CENTER FAMILY _ Congratulations to·‘ SH I D b sh buh f h 1;;g' dch%g1C€1§s?£ Mgr lsszsgbsser gmstLswssncs DuZC on thE Bgs Suism a Mitzvah of their daughter Rachel & _ J place our shul is Publishsd Monthly _ H`ll enthusiastic participants. T Fglibi Qfitarljtas Hillcrest on the hd drfulhld bhycgiiiingt I wciulil lik;tg beginothisaiirxgggg a bigcifigheiiébacglriletfhemany individuals . ‘ Wishing Good Recovery to: Rose Berger, Foy Berkowitz, Natalie Cal-meli, Joseph Fmehter, Simon Gold, Lillian Berger Goldberg, Leo Gropper, Ida Kogan, Anita Lansner, Herb Mindlin, Norman Mollov, Dr. Irving Peress, Cheryl the performance of acts of Chesed (loving kindness), and to ins ire our members .. " to engage in Tzkkun Olam - making this world a betterplace in which to live. must help each member of our shul, young and old, to find his or her connection to . P . We Torah learning, spiritual connection we are in facilitating this successful we are at the end of the day. successful and the performance of acts of kindness. connection is what is going to determine How how Our shul, like all successful organizations, must be mission driven. At Hillcrest we have many opportunities for learning, for spiritual connection and for chesed, and we will work on new ones in this coming year. Your challenge is to find the ones that speak to you, and to actively embrace them. is my invitation to all of you! With blessings for a productive and meaningful year, This Alberto Schejtman, Haydee Walter Strauss, Loretta Wasserheit, Marc Weiss, Anita White. Schack, Rabbi Memes Kogan Schejtman, SH AB B A-I- SERVICES I C0¤d0l€¤¢€$ Y0: hEmily Tashire On the passing ef her sat gfsslxltalllggesllaiwsh g . . e passing of his Friday, November 28 Momrng service msthsr Sydsll Ksssl Jsssb Gliskmss sn shs psssmg sf hi S fsthss Avsshsm . Phyllis Gliskmsn Gruber on the passing of her . _ _ s — Thanksgiving Friday — Building closed exceptfor services 8:30 .................................................................................... A.M. Saturday, November 29 — Vayetze — College Homecoming Shabbat Torah Reading; Genesis 28:10-32:3 Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10 Junior Congregation............... Ferkauf Chapel ................................... 10:00 A.M. K1nderShul .............................Library..................................,............. 10:30 A.M. November MlI€$t0¤€ A¤¤1V€¤‘531165 L1¤da& Leonard Jaffe (45) & Neal Reich (15) & Igor Nemov (15) Edna & Robert Harris (50) Lesley & Cantor Moti Fuchs (20) 1 Candle Lighting...................................................................................... 4:12 P.M. lntergenerational Day of Studyfollowed by Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv...........................................,.............. 4:30 P.M. ‘ mothsr Lllllaa Malvalsl May {hs families be somfmlad among lhs moumsls Of Zllm and _l€msal€m_ csmimlsdfssmpags Thursday, November 27 — Thanksgiving Building closed exceptfor services ................................ 8:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Minyan Katan......................... Conference Room............................... 10:30 A.M. Mincha/Seudah Shelishit/Maariv ...........................................................4:00 P.M. Shabbat ends .....,....................................................................................5:14 P.M. Jennifer Yuliya lgtsgzzlgigew DAILY SERVICES IN THE FERKAUF CHAPEL Monday through Friday momings ............................................................. 6:45 A.M. Sunday and Holiday mornings .................................................,................. 8:30 A.M. Drs Victoria Pssys and hss two shildssn lgursday throughbThursday§ven1ngs............................................................ 7:00 Members' _ Dsmisl (8) sud Jsssiss (6) rr ay evening egrnnmg P.M. ovember 7 ....................................................... 4:30 P.M. ` HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN THE RUTH AND ARTHUR c()|_|_ER 2006, upon graduation Page Three from Harvard YOUTH CHESED EVENTS... g0V€fl1m€Ht, ACTIVITIES SPECIFICALLY l University with it degree rn Arabic and citations Sunday, November 23 ·1I1 iagrllrlinguage N are gralernl te the Caller remlly rer manae aaa laalalenasabla aa . N°"°ml’er28 Ellen Mller _ll—: December 7 - Volunteer Day repairs eyeitt beirie aaulimietl) lzzrl l11u°RE$1 —'E1”1$l* CENTERS ·llr l ll 75*** ANNWERSARY ia¤11a1yii· Game Day Ta ` Febiaarta Sim to the Future This . is it! Hillcrest Jewish Center’s 75th Anniversary festivities are ofueially underway! We have an ineredihre year i· |V The Adiilt activities to help Committee Forum uu Sunday, November 23rd· The forum is Sponsored by the Coilet Bobbi and Bany; Mimi and Ed it is endowed in memory of then patents, Ruth and Arthur carter, whe in addition to family: their Gmaar Schulman professional lives, you grow spiritually, opportunities to perform acts of chesed, Two Faces of ls/amism Education Blcukiasi r9iV°r““*€€’baY (apeelne eyanl balng eennlmed) ‘ continues its celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Hillcrest Jewish Center by proudly presenting the Ruth and Arthur Coller ed) |`" DR. ERIC TRAGER Topic: ISIS and Hamas: mg °°“ iapeelne eyenl eelns eennnnea) April with events for everyone! As you will see from the list below, we have si i Bilaavatelaiail-iina °"€“l ‘° rebmm,28 <aMar<>12 r ‘ V°r““i°€rDsY filled `'‘‘:‘` at smdy "Y-it| »| P b Orgalatsiday Ttiygirrive Wgre actively engaged for many ygars in activities that have benetited not only the loeal community, but communities all over the PRESIDEN1-°S events just to celebrate and have fun with your extended Hillcrest family, and of cculsci cycuis to misc funds to il°iP i<€€P Jewish Hillerest gciiig rbi 3iibihci_75 ycci$- "Hillcrest! af rhrs Pramrrbg Wrrr be Air meanrngleaaa lnnnglr Wllneln Please anppan lneae eyenla aa nllly aa yea can. To keep abreast of all that is going on, YOU we encourage you to read the Bulletin and the Shabbat Shalom newsletter, as well as your mail, email arid the flyers located iu th€ shul. Believe or Hot, the the just the beginning! below is We look forward to celebrating with you month after month after month. Let’s help HJC connect the MESSAGE |€0P7lim¢€dja‘0mp¢1g6 I =. Center,"’ woman a Wow! I’ve fabulous that congregation gushed, how how much heard is, you have going on there, how great it is! I we lived closer so we could belong wish theren, what 3 transformation° h are reasaa t0 b e rreud O f ear Wr‘°“ We See a new face at Shull On Shabbat? e r“eram°‘i’r“°srs· These ‘rays· welcomed by muiiipic Pccpic- Our Kiuy Kodesh are known and respected for their We openness, knowledge and warmth. l past vvoiid This annual event, also celebratin Erie Tiagen the Esther K_ Wagner Fellow at the Washington Institute, was in Egypt during the amiMubm_€k mvons and returns frequently to conduct first hand with leaders ln Egynns government, military, political names, media and civil society. His writings have appeared in numerous publications including The Street New York Times, The Journal, Foreign Ajairs, Wall the Atlantic and The New Republic. DP Tmgcl future! has Sciycii as au adiuiiet raalessat at the Utayetstty ef Peaaaylvania where his doctoral research focused Mitzvah Projects addressed to the needs of others — whether Civilizations Fulbright Fellow, Where he American University in Cairo and received his M_ A_ in Aiabio studied at the Studies, with a concentration in Islamic Studies. at He served as a research assistant The Washington Institute from 2005- be helping those in physical need, it We Egygggg in `Tngrlgnlnlerléfggcginsl financial need, or the hungry. Meet the Sofer, Rabbi Gustavo Surazski NOV€mber 22 — Shabbat Services nellylellea Olagnallaniensnlrlggyaitetalaaa S uulli, a at ort · Rabbr Torah Srrrazskr te derryer the Diver ' Havdaliah and dessert Rabbi Surazskr to write the first letter of our new Sefer Torah Ncycmbci 23 iiiicugh i*i0V€l’¤b€T_25 Mccimgs with Rabbi Surazski as he sciibcs Nbigmgcr 28 u y Deeember ln ‘ _ ` rbisrgbribrarrbmr Day af ose ei me Or. ima y` t many re*‘r“‘“g here, now more e lnan a dozen are led by enngregania lay people. This demonstrates our desire to learn Torah and live Torah! As we once were known world-wide for our negatives, we are HOW kHOWn as a Center of Of course we have a way to go. Our h Sioai lant has man dlefigencil esy we have) a roof to repair anal a in lrlannlakan Event R°Sr‘ - May 10-Hillerestlewisli €eriter’s Annlveisnn, Gala Dinner Week cieiviay i8‘Mcy 23 ‘ Eyertts to celebrate the completion of the Sefer Torah May 24 — have · Friendliness and Learning. bh°‘i“h r°l°g‘a‘“ Rosh Cliotlesli Program Mareli 5 Purim Talent Show 75th · . Nbyarrrber 22 r*‘“““y2r February 4 · opportunities available ‘ on Egyptian opposition parties. rn 20062007 he rived in Egypt as an rsraniie numerous have a milestone birthday, will have as its 4a5th Dr. Traggr, expert iipeaker, liric QLD llin tran o rtrcs an t e Mus lm Bnglglnrhnng nnewlews and present to the main le fundin needs which will re uire st fneeal I y e all ef as e haye Shan l.ed egh aaa ta eels at Torah end r°““g ernp Kindness and must continue to this. But W th l am nappy Pluglcss aud do ta repnrl that We ye Wlii c01l'1l¤u€ to do S0! Llsiiciiiiii Celebrate with us as we dance With Oui ¤€W Scfcf Tufuhlil Tcyciii May wc made cii iicyc uu easy fastDF. Richard Meyer Page Four HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN MEN’S CLUB SISTERHOOD their Atafriend’s backyard in Lake Success an anecdote, joke or dramatic a 10x-and—cream cheese lunch after Rosh Hashanah services recently, the They might introduce expression. work with aimed at Jews simply because they appear Jewish or support Israel, as "an outrageous "Wh0 Are They?" Writers have their unique style of Larry statement. of blessed Lansner, ssaadal that accept}, “rt°S Ollr wa Wohtt ofthe ahd elV}e duty td tight a¤¤· Semitism? sha Sald· Although Jews, for their own l’r°‘e°t}°“·. had t?°°“. ‘t‘S?“ad°‘t t‘°‘?‘ alrhearrhg th Phhhe Wrth erghs af thelr rehglonv the rally lh Berhns rePorted· was nal ohry ah 0PP0mlllltY for Jews to baek Israel but also a_ehahee to U.S. and Middle Eastern nations joining to fight tenorlsm was a hopeml Sign, a aekhovftedge thelr rehglohs _ld€¤tltY· _r couldn thelp thinking ofthe discussion in hatrohar for _ memory, used humor as 3 vehicle of CO1'1V€IS3tlOI1 reached an impasse, haw When whuc 1 certainly will not attgmpt to emulate LaHy’S Style, I decided {0 usg a quotation in tha quastian af coluum was as stubbom as a bagel without a split. expression. designed to either inform, raise an eyebrow, OI- tickle On€’S that I Write, V fam-,y_ hope I quotations that you insightful find these Well as as ~By the Powe,. Of the written WOM; to make all, to make you see that, and no more, and " Joseph Conrad is everything. Mark your calendars for the following Chlb aetrVrtreS· Whsrs the events are still inthe planning stages ar have not yet been finalized, check future flyers for the most up't°'dat€ information • th€ COII'1IH€Ht3.I`y OI] OHC 111311 each side ofthe thought COE.1itiOII Significant mst Step. meaningful- Sunday, November 9—M0hegan Sun $45 (after Oct. 28 price is $50). Bus Raffle winner receives $45 bus trip refund, to defray cost for lucky winner. Everyone gets $30 worth of vouchers ($15 each for food and play). Questions at 718-776-1585. call Ben Rosof ta raspand to the escalating terror threats in the world arose, that it lSS\,1C the hiah denymg .3ld . Silglty discriminates and Estracizes has me, all of hS» aho the rhajorrtY of the People ih t coalitions forming "Wh0 are they‘?” I Germany against themy As We took toward Krlstahhaeht observahees oh NoVember 9th ahd l0th, the eorrhhehts made last year hY Ethah Katz, a University of Cincinnati historian, This simple, repeated inquiry, while exasperating at eventually started to make sense. "Who are they?" Isn’t that the problem with most diatribes against first, Wergh oh hs? ‘tBerore Krlstahhaehh many Jewo had retarrred lhs hope that the a¤tl· gigrrrtlfrg 1S Whoever is deemed to bc the O Europe the oppressed? By tism," bomllgh Community College at 3:00 pm price $25. Ms. Taylor is best known ag Fran Drcschefs Mom on the TV Series The For aaaa aaaa Cohen after 7:30 pm at 718 464 2868 who me are misunderstood, don’t people fall the ' Set“rdaY> December o ‘ Karaoke and PM- Early Bird Special by Dec. 1 is $26. After Dec. l it will ha $31- Taahagsrs and Collage Students Questions? Zellman at7l8-969-7032. Men 's $12. Call Steve Club Upcoming Events; W0men’s Basketball Game — Line Dancing - Military Bridge - worm wide Wrap - ovemagm Trip to Baseball Hall of Fame. Stay tuned for more details. St. John’s be flyers Once these events are Hmlizcd Howard Chmtek d°?dtY abyss sf hatred amd bigotry, of discrimination, and, yes, anti- Nam Italian Dairy Dinner, 7=l5 ICSSOI Or demonizingpgle ";hgy" months the War ig Gaza, repeitcd hicidcms Oi violence against Jews were reported; in Wuppertal, Germany, Moiomv cocktails were hurled at 3 Synagogue and jewish cemeteries were vandairzcd. simuar attacks were rgpoftgdin paris and London. gm], one member of Hillcrgst jewish Judith Guttman (of Fresh Center, Meadows) Was haartahad by B€Yll¤°S raspahse as rspaasd i¤ tha N Y Times altisla lay Mallssa Eddy, "Ga¤¤a¤s Rally td Prstast Ahtrserhttrsm Over Gaza War" On Sunday, S€pt€]'l'|b€f 14, thousands of Germans, many draped in Israeli congregatcd at gags, the Brandenburg Gate to protest antiSemitism. But the resurfacing of the _ (after Mmyan) AHti·S€IHi· rhooerh European rews Strh °°“t“’“t p“’l“d‘°e “’ the p°““ Where rhsteaos ithores h§ the Eftrglaelalh )U1hroh hhieihorrzhi about emigrating because they didn’t feel safe at h0me. Not only did 21% report that they had ¢><1a<ai¢¤¢<=d physisal attacks or other harassment, but 52% feared that their shlldrarl Wdald ba in danger df sash attacks. It is 38 also disturbing that Kristallnacht, 3 symbol of the atrocities of the Holocaust has reportedly been °°`°pt€d by terhst aad ahrrractsr E;““?Pe?‘“ m°“’me“tS *9 mclada a““‘Zr°mS‘ egcndasf Dr' Shlmotl Samu€lS’ director for lHtem3tlOU3l Wtesehthat international relatlons at Cehter» conferences Ahtr‘Serhrtr$r§ hayg extrerhe e ah the hoted built SlI]]O1'] that around rieggerr ggghs td 0Ye0tt, support for the Jews. She said, "'l`hat far more than 100,000 Jews are new living in Germany is something of a miracle. It’s a and it tills me with deepest gratitude? She referred to the threats and abuse he W¤t€$, “Th€ lllllty continued on page5 Jewish humanity inNazi Germany elicited Chancellor Angela M€rk€l’S staunch NOVBlTIb6I' 13 Day 11/13/13, www.algemeiner.corra), Dtvestmehh Sahetrohs) aoVoeateS· Strth Rabbi Johathah Sacks bdlstsrs the resolve of Jews eyerywhere to stand together aho stargd Wrth lsraal- rh (‘O¤ Rosh Hashanah, a Breath of 9/26/l_4, Llreir hatred underlying the attempt to destroy Thursday or;1ttheCP€ll0d W0Llld pass" ommemoratrons in a nac Bieguggigfnlgog/ §£;€r»1?;yK)?aZtLéilfegg; , know rhrzght sat · vgmsékgzlggt refrain, Pleased td a batter Sense of thatht they tgt; Merkel Chtmceuor hw (if Stated, crscl Jcwlép hfe 1S part of Our would be tantafnqunt to to Afgca for treating the were more talk than action. And how would the Shifting dynamics in the region impact on Israel? While no one seemed to agree, another man’s voice persistently rang out with the Who Wauld bs e Wdrld but rather let the forces of ev11 destroy eeoh other Thea Someone Wohdereo whether Lake Success and the backyard lunch at Anothér maninsigted was better to do nothing at this time gift HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN NEW MEMBER SHABBAT SISTERHOOD 4 €0”ll”ll€€lfl“0”lPage Israel showed during the Gaza In the past few years conflict was deeply moving. It reminded us that in 3 pI`OfOI1Ild existential S€I`lS€ Peoplci; twtlgelhel il not covenant o 31 , we WC I°€II'l8lIl WC Share itl a covenant o s are an jheyeese bgcgugg eu; welcoming This statement is powerfully rEHE°E?d in the Days OE AWE> WllE“> he WE Stand before God llgt Just as $aY?>_ ¤¤<l¤V¤d¤¤lS but aI_S° as EP°°pl°‘ HE adds EAS for antl`S€mmSm’ lately has lt been more self-evident that the hate that that, Slam with thc JEWS. never °“dS.W‘th the Jews. The most significant enemies of the enemies of freedom everywhere. May they not have the last word, just as the man in Lake Success had hoped this New Year, and as we all did and continue to do with our whole hearts. are the ,, Joy Lemer . . Hmcrest Jewlsh Center we have enjoyed membership This is as e warm, has Synagggug been in we have programs and me b ho Thecf;;V helpingrythi Elegy lead y_ gg November 15th we will be honoring our new members at Services, followed by a Kiddush. Please introduce yourselves and welcome them to the Hillcrest family Recipient ofthe Ruth Coller Their names are as fellows: EDWARD A_ '|'URZAN$K[ h0fl0fl/7Q e 3 e AVIVA PERESS Leadership Award Guest Speaker Dr. Sonny Aime National Security and Terrorism · B EEtHCC Bgmctt Elaine Ana yst I & Dr. Edward Hoffman _ Sisterhood rs proud to welcome Rabbi Gustavo Surazskr ofAshkelon, the scribe Whob Vlllll be Fvnlligllths ’T0T3h m 1 . (JaCOb’ DaV1d’ _ ¤t10-00 Adam) Aviva Lee COUVel‘IZ & Stephen Liebman Cindy & Bruce Lish (returning members) (Matthew, Jessica) Matthew Marcus Irene & Eduard Mushcycv S gist MOBZIEI? this great project. __ am ,, $20 by NOVembel’ 10 J $25* after lnot tax deductible RSVP & INVESTMENT INFORMATION Amie Schweitzer, Registered Rep. arnie.schweitzer@israelbondscom (Joseph, Jessica, Avi) Hugo Babe November 24 at 12:30 PM and learn hovv you can take part in — Sunday, November 16 (Daniel, Sophia) M.lchEHE K3hall & Alon K3kOmev Janet _ yOU to all lI7Vil`eS reputation spreading. In addition, fer eve fate." Jews today Page Five 21 2-446-5858 DL Victoria Pmys I I Q Angela & Ariel Shimumv '``'``'`l`'`”i`````” l` ` (D¤¤l€l» lmica) ;.r....J.r...J... 8* YOUTH mmll ersrylcxoup <Em¤¤¤€l» Samuel, Emily) I grms Walker Nom Wcbcf " .~ Waller Winter Deborah wshi |J. SAT. msc. i (Juhannar Al<l¤¤» 1 COW) 7'15 'E I Scllwellzér ` P IH ` 'I l‘’l‘‘ ‘ I . is |*4: _, _· Sisterhood President Joy Leffler presented HILLCREST LIBRARY HJC NEEDS Yom i]€3?Q?€rl$.§lE'S.aL‘l.€”2”k€l$I ¥tE¤€’€S“'l°?i§“ i , a . e JSE! September Board of Trustees meeting. $I$TFRH00D _x -· ’ 60 ycals Of pmvldmg thc members of HJC with a wealth of reading pleasure and a source of Jewish knowledge, the Hillcrest library has on Alter a librarian or would hbrgggnqyou you NOVEMBER 14 Vote, (Utd theft Still'! ynur Hanukkah ShOpplng . like to ` |" .. ` ` . I E . . __ _ , d EARLY B‘§£SElK:l?*l;;E§6iRY`"Dmht " be EE . e_7es2 . __ be surrounded by Fredda Goldberg 7l8—470—O265 Adrienne Katz 718-454-2205 or Carol Kantro 718-969-7784 ` 0Ni?;g`;" Join me volunteers ofthe irbmy who would welcome input by all. Help us take the Mowshowitz library to the new age. Call; · » ` Are you a techie computer person? Open All Day ". I "l"| _ - » __ Be a Minyanaire Join us at morning or Gvenlng mlnyan • SO · lC11&t Otl’1€I°S 1118y Sély HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page Szbt VICE PRES|DENT’S MESSAGE HILLCREST’S 75th ANNIVERSARY Wealth Jews A YEAR OF TORAH mentioned dnnhg Rosh Hashanah that Hihetest jewish Centens congregants Jewish Center memberstand their families and friends are invited to participate in fulfilling the mitzvah of writing a Sder Torah. I ef eeinnosed are Wealthy Hillcrest This yearlong project has threetgoals: t¢¤ Deepemngiour understanding of and comrectron to Torah; it Strengthening our relationship to Hillcrest Jewish Center and the greater Jewish Jewish i individuals and i~amiiies_ This Observation _ was made during ii K01NidI,ci appeal midi before anyone walked out, I was able to qualify the Statement. Our richness comes from the Spiiimai . . comfort of a Synagogue promoting Jewish . . . . . glihsvslcllizfg Ti1Si§;;1t£;2SéOl;;?ih;?)| ’ . . . . $2;; csligllifgschlihgihgihgigcihéthhilgfillihgglii Filgllhgul conllovllgrsy eniri ynagogue e oors allgsi ave Howivcli aways een °°l““l“l“lYi Q . its Kehilln- We as 8 (Jewish) enter llillerest te leenn, dwell, seeielize, shere end . . . . . lay lhlovennber 20, 7:30 pm: Meet the Safer, Rabbi Gustavo Surazski and leam 'liliirlirstis moming services and listen to Rabbi Saturday November 22, 6:00 pm: Havdallah and dessert. Be witness as Rabbi trtst letter of out new sane Torah. Sunday November 23 through Tuesday November 25: You and your immediate sutezeia writes the $llPP0l'l ether Jews. . ab ou e ora wrr in rocess. Saturday Novemlgeg 22, join us for Shabbat Sntazski rs D·vat Torah mein PUYPOSG OPC!] fer . . Ensuring the continued vibrancy of our congregational home for years to come. Your participation in this mitzvah 1S a wonderful way to honor a loved one and/or to celebrate an occasron (bar/bat m1tzvah, anniversary, etc.) while helping to provide . meaningful educational programs and maintain om facilities. Please save the following dates so that you can participate in a way that best helps you connect to Torah and Hillcrest Jewish Center: ‘ _ We have a treasure in our learned, and who caring spiritual leader, Rabbi Kogan, personalizes his talks and enables us to internalize his D’var Torahs with our own meaning and insight. Chazen Moti Fuchs inspires us with his rich, ma nificent voice, and this was most evideri during the recent High family are invited to schedule a personalized experience with the Safer as he scribes. You will be receiving the sign up information in the mail. We look forward to your participation in this joint celebration of 75 years of Hillcrest Jewish Center and Torah. We hope that both Torah and Hillcrest will be a meaningful part of your life for many years to come. Helene Jacob, Silvia Kogan and Laurie Spear Year afT0rah Committee . TASHLICH SERVICE AT KISSENA PARK _ lielidevs l helieve thet Nesheme `ii| .· .—i.. v_ is his middle nenie Hmetest congregants who devote their time end pnssien te the nnrnerens eetivitiest elnhst eenses end eerninittees thee etttieh ell ef heMere ef ein femme is derived hens _..._ _ eeii? “?| __ ‘ · · Q . g ‘* - _ l r.|-- the lvlitrveh Preieets thet reeeh everv teeet velnnteersiilil el Jewish and ¤°¤·JeWlSh life There ere se many veleehle eehsee and We ere fortunate te be/lush with We ere riehl We ere rieh heeense We shere ent Jevvish wealth ef lenevvledge, strength end eernnessien with eeeh ethert ehr ehihheth eht eemmhhitw ehd in the · ’ ·? ~- behalf of Jamey and me, a big who T 2tti . ri in V Klmch te Kol Nidrei Todelh Rebbe]? end Yhshel everyone |ii rl snppeit ef lsreel- On L 5 helped the It |Qiiii i| iii was a beautiful Sunday for a Tashlich service. Rabbi Kogan and at Kissena Park Lake. Silvia led us in an unburdening of our sins photo by Michael Zuckerman Campaign exceed of pledges. ;`;;p;;;i I am last year’s banner year SUIC that this g€Il€1'OSity girgllfisaiio Ogggiggslrigggihgihg Congicgams misc pim ini if however you hhght heve hhssed the Kel Nldlcl Chmhhlgh °h_ the hrst muhde please Cohsldcl plcdglhg Em! am°““l Sh _W€ Fall that . . . i °f phl`ll°lp3ll°ll· Hlllcresh that deer never eleses hitthet lllclhase Our level llkc er er. hope that all of you appreciated the holiday calls that you received before the High Holidays. I wanttto take this time to thank the following people for making calls: Batsheva Appleman, Harrret Baron, Doris Fried, Emily Goldberg, Irving Goldberg, Judy Guttman (Kew Gardens), Rene Horowitz, Anne Hosansky, Sandy Jackson, Betty Kaplan, Merle Kaplan, Robert Kenler, Nora Kozuch, Joy Leffler, Ethel Levine, Inez Levy, Kathy Lewis, Cheryl Meyer, Beverly Moskowitz, Aviva Peress, Barbara Resnick, Nancy Rifkin, Judy Rosenthal, Yael Rozic, Sheila Rubin, Elaine Steinberg, Roberta Sufrin, Esther Tokarz and They are a terrific bunch of people and you feel good. Shana tovah u metukah. especially Alice Tyroler. I hope that they made · Robert Zuckerman) VP- his Schachter HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN ISRAEL ACTION EXPERIENCE Tuesday, November 7:30 P·M• join us at ··]Sl-ac] Page Seven 75th ANNIVERSARY wrap Children ages 7-13 are Action where ven can take acnarete Steps tc defend and support Israel, featuring Avi Posnick from Stand With Us and Nadav Eykm from the Jewish AgencyDiscussions will be on campus issues; "How the News Media Turned Our Youth Against ima and Toward Hamas} Pemieel eetivlsm the “KlmgheffeY” cperarrnakine ISMBYS Case _ and m°f€· This Program ls Slmnsered by the welcome can conmbutc to IS“*e1_ A°*‘°“ arid I Ofem upcoming Programs! improve, our c0Hm.nmity_ Dame] Bacharach Pizza and light refreshments will be S€rV€d_ · · · p,,,,"“°l“d‘“g °h“d““S 1 · speech & HEARING camera ,,,,,;§‘;`§,‘§, FREE SERVICES [email protected] We have received notice from Donna Daniel Sehlissel, Stephanie Gross - Geffner, Adult Sam Bahn HZI YOUTH GROUP As October rolled minute of class time to delve into a variety of interesting and relevant topics pertinent to fifth grade students. During our sessions we learn about the modern State of Israel, using the text Welcome to Israel as the basis for discussion. "I Have Some Questions About God" is a collection of twelve questions that were collected from boys and girls of England and Six Rabbis in their age. America answered the queries through story and personal experiences, and we read and talk about both the given answers and their own feelings concerning God. Holidays are covered as they occur in the calendar year, through the use of original text, worksheets, discussions games. The Bible is and highlighted through situation that Gaza caring for it or using it. has been ongoing in the and on October 12, our younger groups had "Sukkah Wars" and Sundaes in the Sukkah. The next night, on Columbus Day, our USYers had their annual Sukkah Dinner, followed that weekend by our second armual Social Strip, Actions Shul-In. After They Hearing Please call the center at 718-990-6480 to schedule an Center located is we spent the evening learning about living with disabilities and how individuals with disabilities they are extremely Letter t0 the Edit0r... Remembering Larry Lansner: can overcome the challenges presented with. meaningful It program! wrapped up October with a trip for Ice Skating. was an We to Iceland ·‘ November promises to be a great month. We’ll start off on November 1 with our first H2I Shabbat program at Hollis Hills, where we’ll come together for Mincha/Seudah Shlishit/Maariv and a Family Movie Night after Havdalah. On I attended Services at Hillcrest much money we emphasized in the groups. Our ability sessions based reading are full with discussion, sharing and participation in all these subject areas. Morah Judy Stein (Israeli dodgeball) and how much we participating with enthusiasm. But as I something was missing. Well I realized thatlwas sitting in Larry’s seat. Larry Lansner was missing: his Larry brought GaGa some Krav Maga (Israeli Martial The month continues with Couch earn (or want others to think we eam). Moti was in good voice and the congregation was counsel. 2, all of our groups will be taking part in a "Krav MaGaGa" program, on September 20th. It was good to see both old friends and many new faces. Rabbi Kogan’s sermon was enlightening. We have to evaluate each other for who we are as people and not what we do and how Arts). is Union year’s last learning Hebrew reading 152-11 successful program about homelessness, playing birth through death. at Turnpike, Flushing. creative exercises in the The Time of our Lives isaguide to the Jewish Life Cycle. A favorite subject of many, we discuss the Jewish life from appointment for either of The Speech and Hearing these services. November Olam and Heroes. also will Aid offered the opportunity to ponder the relevance of our rich Bible through the including Prayer, Shabbat, Torah, Tikkun John’s 15, 2014. Being Torah and its companion student commentary workbook. The yeladim are workbook. Each student has his Jewish Joumal, where he/she can write and express his/her feelings on a multitude of subjects St. be offering FREE Hel . This service is availableto anyone iivho has a hearing aid and may be experiencing some difficulty . class uses every available the and hearing screenings through December H2I Youth Group continued its excellent rogrammin On October 5, our ou s i) ook part ingactivities about IDF airrd tlie GIMEL CLASS The Gimel around, of Director University Speech and Hearing Center, that they will be offering FREE speech Edueetlen eemmltteee A PEEK INTO THE and We and help to, Chapter Sup€I°IH3I°k€t Sweep, about thoge programs will be available on our website shortly. IFS ¥‘°VF” ‘°° “’_S‘g“ “P» S° ’f y0u’d st11l like to register, just stop by one us on Saturday, November Sth from 7;30-9;00 PM as we discuss great ideas rei how We Kadima a with mem! Mermatiea _ Hiucfeéi np Shabbaton, left, it felt that smile, ajoke, his intelligence and loyalty. me into Hillcrest as his We had fun; and who can forget Potato, a trivia program, for our younger Larry’s sleeve covering his arm in the groups and an exploration of Jews in pop culture for our USYers on 11/9, and “Harry Potter Goes to Hebrew School" for our younger groups and a mock Bar Young Married’s Bowling League! Mitzvah Party for our USYers on 11/ 16. On Wednesday, November 19, H2I has partnered with BBYO and other local am enclosing a Well, of Lany’s great aunt Fannie Lansner, who on I March 27, contribution in honor 1911, heroically saved countless lives while losing her own in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. Larry, Rest in Peace. youth programs for an advance screening of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Partl Gary Darche at Movie World Douglaston, where admission will include contributing items to a canned food drive. The month will Editor ’s Note: Please see page 8 of this Bulletin to read more about Unsung Hero: Fannie Lansner. HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page Eight gearh or 16 im m your co ege mailing address with Hillcrest in order to receive mailings and holiday packages. We want to keep in touch with you. is |· Submit the following information_to the HJC office SI Small to Emlly T3Sh1f0 et Name C°IISgS dddsss ——-——|; . Email Sddr€SS ——;— Phone gine err, am Panic-Stricken Women to the Last." tell those thelstories who olf og |' HJC bill ° the Parm S Ham€ Parent’s address Parent,S phono ;—|—T*_ Reminder the Bulletin (ono r· C| Ta logyd General Fund: everything in her power to keep the girls together near the elevator shaft and Wall for the return trip. Harriet & Roger Rosengarten welcome Moses Robert Darche and Mazal Tov to the proud parents and "Speaking both Yiddish and English to who were huddled about her, all oiying and screaming, Miss Lansner guided some of them down the stairways and kept others waiting for the elevator," The Evening Telegram reported. "Trip after trip of the elevator was made and grandparents. the SISVSYSI by MISS LSIISIISI, ShS‘ SSIIIS down in the last trip ofthe elevator. There |-{QP On Sunday, Oetober 12, We had a Very Successful Sukkah Hon with 10] many happy people, and great Weather! Everyone had e wohtierhii time vieitihg neighborhood sukkot, soeieiizihg Bild noshing. 1 weht to thank Atiihe ehti Jeff Blech, Helene eho . Jacob’ . Barbara . . and Marty , Resnick, Olivia and Uf1ROZ1C,8Hd Angela _ _ _ and Arte] ghnnnnov for hostrnS- KSI Hakavodg Ellen Schweitzer, Chairperson was too much smoke for the man to go back, and of course, Miss Lansner could not get out. I then went out on the street was] the most horrible sight I ever saw. Girls were jumping from the ninth ehd teeth fleet Wihdewe- I thmed my eyes ewey end I teh I ehly get e few feet ewey Wheh I hed te tum eseih end then Sew Miss Lansner’s body come tumbling Ihmugh th S SIL ThSh SSIIISSIIS PISkSd her up with the others, but she was dead. and [it · FANNIE LANSNER . . In another account on March 30, 191 l, ;}IS;hHSII`gO§‘I CSu§SII;_;_VI§tS} ?;;I;I1‘;’ . . as informationfrom the website". _ . hf°‘g°“it‘i iSIISIISI, W OSS SS h°‘° SSS SS SS com I”““" ISIIS 1911: "Heroic Her xw arc . II5II”I;I?Si S S IS IIS IISISISI? SIIFZIIIIIS EI She rus e scores o grr s rom · S SI S I IIII , Death in Flames; Miss Fannie Lansner Guides Girls to Safety Until Her Own Eeeane IS Cut Off; Then Leaps from Window to . . igo eeteei 1 d_dy etgoee uh _I & Harvey Schachter wish Sarah & Reback 3 Very happy 50th A · d Sgtite SmIIS» Sh of La tfeetch SITY mught ·S ttgegetdthg SPSPSIS _ Ihlh Shel te here SIhSIS SSS Whet hed SSSII WIIlISII·Ahd SVSYY YSSI Oh the SIIIIIVSISSIV of the TYISIIBlS SIIIITWSISI Feetoly Ilfe, Larry would make a donation to Hillcrest JSWlSl'l C€I`ll€1` IH Alml F8IlHl€°S II1€mO1'y. . Edna & Bob Harris a very happy 50th Anniversary and many rnore_ Doris Solkoff for honors given during s the holidays. & & Paul Gershon wish Phyllis R0SSIIlh8l 8 healthy, happy New YSSI fell SIIJSY Shd IISW blSSSIIIgS· Alice Howhfd & PSIII GSISIISII Ihanlt SPM & AIISS I’¤“I. DISIIISIIII ISI IIISII II°SI?III‘IIIV eee SISYSIIS SSSSSISII The S¤II<eItfem1Iv III IISIISI et Bubbe Doris s Gelila aliyah on Rosh Hashanah. IIISISIIS S“I‘I‘°‘ · · · The Soloff family in honor of Debbie, Maya and Shana s Ark openmg on Rosh Hashanah The Solkoff family in honor of Mark · , sewmg as Gebbai during Yom Kippur. Susan Rabb, C . & Ralph Straus in honor of the d thS H·Igh t Homls cgglgttan Ee fet S » . HS hdSYS Ymmf I bcautlfm Service . . WSIS Young Forewoman Loses Life to Save Others from w - _ heedltheieh peee twevlef Ilhe vening e egram on on ay, IS . httg. //newyorklaborhzst0ry.blogspot. A“°“`“ I o hoor to tho orovotor and superintended crowding them into the car. Again and again she went into the smoke filled cutting rooms and brought out girls. Finally, she fell, exhausted and perished." , . . SYSSS SS oighth tho The followzng are excerPts from various newspapers written ajier the fire, as well . II S, Abc- S ;fIISS Unsung lnangle Shlrtwaist Fire Hero . - . S . _ Iris or go Out as quickly as pisseible According to Miss Ethel Monick> one ofthe girls guided through smoke and into Pick UP afl,VS7'f0l' more information Howard _ SI SVS mg SY Jewish community. h to participants, 5 host gnkkoto & Go oo, TMESrt{ly, NOV. 4 SUKKAH & ` · d o Steve Zellman thank their Gerry Lewis for holding gr1endshKathy SWIII _SII fort while theY were awaY· RabbI MSIISS KSSSII III hSIISI' SIIVIS o ‘ L & Sela the girls M- [gy Shoo amor, _ go Home po? yohrzoit - lstmgl did she survivors, . .l o Y tiacrifiloed ` Save the Datefor the Ggrdgn t. Pl who lived at 8 Forsyth Street. Miss Lansner was the Forewoman in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, and to ysgizdézioggz ond tho amount will appear on your "ext years old, according · may of the heroism of many of the girls who, struggling with their more frantic and panic stricken comrades, did all in their power to prevent disaster on the upper floor ofthe Asch Building. None Survivors _ t, 3YNA(;O(;UE OFFERINGS _· _ _ A Pgvemelrn; Cltnrn in 1;/lidgtlof oes mos o er & . Susan Ralph Straus in honor of , Susan s Yom Kippur honor. Susan Ralph Straus in honor of . & . Rem Yee Kiper been- . Susan&Ralph Straus in honor of their greheieeire Rosh Janet Hashanah honor. & David Cohen thank Phyllis & Howard Rosenthal for their hospitality. The Cohens, the Flugs, and the Darches thank Joel Berkowitz for carrying the Torah to the balcony. continued on page 9 HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN General Fund: continuedfrom page 8 The Tashiro family express gratitude to and the their Rabbi Kogan, Cantor Fuchs HJC congregation for their thoughts and prayers as they mourn the passing of Emily’s father, Matuice Lipow. Beatrice Barnett for yahrzeit of mother Anne Cohen and husband Harold Barnett. Ida Bobrow for yahrzeit of father Isaac Muss. George Bock for yahrzeit of mother Rita Bock. Carl Gruber for yahrzeit of mother Faye Gruber. Stanley Katz for yahrzeit of mother-inlaw Bessie Fuchs. Helen Sukienik for yahrzeit of father Gershon Katz. Carole Anderman for yahrzeit of L mother Frances Bellak. Muriel Feldman for yahrzeit of mother Rose Feldman. Sylvia Iwler for yahrzeit of beloved husband Louis Iwler. Sylvia Iwler for yahrzeit of beloved parents Rose &Meyer Potashman. Sylvia Iwler for yahrzeit of Mollie & Samuel Iwler, beloved parents of the Louis Iwler. Marilyn Kirschbaum in late Sadell Rand for yahrzeit of father Nathan Mesnick and father—in—law Philip Rand. Sherry Klein for yahrzeit of mother Myra Liebowitz. Dr. Frank Buchsbaum for yahrzeit of mother Joseline Buchsbaum. Bonita Ganot for yahrzeit of mother Sylvia Estrin. Bernard Pestyner for yahrzeit of mother Miriam Pestyner. Susan Saffar and family for yahrzeit of beloved father and grandfather Raymond Hausmann. Ruth Zimmerman. Craig Lowenthal for yahrzeit of mother Carol Harriet Lowenthal. Kenneth Lowenthal for yahrzeit of Abby Belson for yahrzeit of aunt Esther Dinkoff Elsi Levy for yahrzeit of beloved mother Anna Lustig Kovacs. Marianne Halpern for yahrzeit of Raphael Tish. June Greene for yahrzeit of aunt Sarah June Greene for yahrzeit of father Harry Sandler. Lisa Green for yahrzeit of father father Samuel Shapiro. Charlotte Green. Adele Deerson Berg for yahrzeit of uncle Ben Pastreich. Sol Kahan for yahrzeit of father Sie Bradley Scott Kove for yahrzeit of grandfather Benjamin Stern. Sybil Resnick for yahrzeit of mother Kahan. Harold Moskowitz mother Jean Moskowitz. Mary Hockstcm of Sherrie Jackson for yahrzeit of mother Essie Jackson, Dorothy Kryger for yahrzeit of husband Lawrence Kryger. David Cohen for yahrzeit of father Sol Cohen, Luis Gomes for yahrzeit of son Ethan Paul Gomes. Alvin Bernstein for yahrzeit of brother Leonard Bcmsrcm. Carole Kmll for yahrzeit of mother Germaine Kitaif Sharon Taxin for yahrzeit of mother Anne Chester. Nora Weber for yahrzeit of husband Sidney Weber. Joel Berkowitz in memory of Larry ` I _ Le¤S¤<·=r· _ _ Fay Berkowitz in memory of Larry Lansner. l Susan Straus for yahrzeit of father Mark Pershes. Lisa Green for yahrzeit of mother Louise Sunshine for yahrzeit of mother Sara Lee Sunshine. Doris Solkoff for yahrzeit of father Paul Feldman died heroically saving countless lives in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, 3/27/1911. Dr. Hadassah Guttmann for yahrzeit of ., . . Rebbl S Dlslellellehaliy Fllhll‘ T‘¥m Sel ally _ Mlehgel Bl°llhell‘ Melly Gutlman lhahk Eelne hldll Helllslel lhvalllehle help ellll gelleleslly ef Splllt lll Dehlelle S Weddlllg plelhllhg & Cell Gmbcr Wlsh Mezel Tev & GUY Delehe ell the hlllh ef Rpllyllls eSeAllh te . lhelgiglelldeell Meeee R bbellghee egllll l ll & Rehell . Eljfkee lllhhehellef el S fel l e app ee lhllgl Aél Wl l end helley‘ . . gglllle 1 . helm Wllh thanks fel the llilflgli S he elc ele .leSSlee & ‘ _ leshlle Bexee lh hellel ef . Sllllley Dellleel lllhellel hel ef ehlhe blllll Chellh Mell gleehglehehlld Rezehhelg Bee Reeefmeepfee1e¤e¤eftheRebb1 ellel all llls geed Welle Susan & Ralph Shells lhellle Rabbl K°ga“ fel the Reeh leleshelleh pllekelge elle New Yeel gleellhge The C°h"“S» lhe Fll“lgS’ ehll. lhe . . . . . Darches thank Rabbi Kogan for visiting the beleehy lllelll lll . . .Belhele Peter Sehel lh lllbllle te deer hlehll Dells Selllelll Wheee prayers every Saturday for her husbandls lhell feeeveev played e pall lh hls Slllely Oscar Silver for yahrzeit of grandmother Sarah Reicher. Meryl Alperr for yahrzeit of mother leeel/eliy‘ Rebecca Wolfson. memory of their friend and HJC humorist Arlene Goodman for yahrzeit of lllllllh Anita Kent for yahrzeit of mother Ethel Komhauscr. Hilda Dorf for yahrzeit of father—in— law Joseph Dorf Hilda Dorf for yahrzeit of father Jacob Juliette , .l\/lelely Gllllmell lll ll ehd . . Reeellllll Eselg lh memefv ef lellllly l“hllSllel‘ . . Euee ef . ee Aeve Sehweleer le memefy Mellllee l“lpeW’ lhlhel ef Elhlly TllShlle‘ . Chelyl Seheell fel yehlzell ef bfethef Reyhlellll Belllehh I Rudnick for yahrzeit of husband Alvin Rudnick. Richard Tuschman for yahrzeit of father ·Preston Tuschman. Priscilla Nathanson for yahrzeit of mvther He1<=¤_H¤mSAnita White for yahrzeit of sister—in— law Edith White. Anita White for yahrzeit of mother Dvora Segal. & llelly l‘ellehel‘ grandfather Abraham Harnick. Siegel. Dr. Emanuel Sternberg for yahrzeit of father Jack Sternberg. Kathey Plaszner Belson. Theodore Lehmann for yahrzeit of father Max Lehmann. Gary Darche in memory of Larry Lansner’s great aunt Fannie Lansner, who E. Moms Green. yahrzeit Anna Goldenberg-Schwarcz for yahrzeit of husband Sol Schwarcz. Terry Plaszner for yahrzeit of daughter Mlehl‘lelBlehllell‘ Chase. Wrrc Carol Harriet Lowenthal. Adele Deerson Berg for yahrzeit of for Elaine Steinberg for yahrzeit of aunt Louise Michelman. mother Helen Guttman. Barry Hausmann and family for yahrzeit of beloved father and grandfather Raymond Hausmann. Joan Hausmann for yahrzeit of beloved husband Raymond. Ida Bobrow for yahrzeit of brother David Muss. Joel Belson for yahrzeit of father Maurice Belson. - memory of Page Nine lvlowshowjtz Library Fund: Emily Goldberg for yahfzcit of Sister Barbara Borrolo Emily Goldberg for yahrzolr of {arborin-1aWPhi1ipGO1db€rg· Roberta for yahrzeit or beloved sum fathgr Myor ShapiI·O_ Susan Beberfall for yahrzeit of father Elmgy Bgbgrfgll Comimled On page 10 HILLCREST JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page Ten CONTRIBUTIONS FLQWERS c°"ti""edf}Omp· 9 ·P'“Y°* B°°k F!“‘d’ Ilene Soshnick for yahrzeit of mother Dorothy Sosnick. Ilene Soshnick for yahrzeit of brother Jay Sosnick. . Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur... The Men’s Club of Th8 S.lsterhO0d OfHJC me BREAK-FAST REFRESHMENTS Refreshments for the Sam & Stella Skura Holocaust Fund: Arthur Rath in memory of Larry Lansner, for decades a pillar of HJC and K’lal Yom Kippur Break- past were donated by___ Violotrs Bake Yisrael.Royal Shop Phoooix Foods Caterers Rabbi Evan C. Radler Memorial Fund: Dr. Steven Rosenhaus for yahrzeit of THIRD MEAL SPONSORS brother Jay Rosenhaus. October ll .. . Endowment Fund: Judith Spitz and Janice Temple in honor of the Hillcrest Jewish Center Florence & Arthur Farkas in honor of & Edgar Schwartz on Leila wedding anniversary. their 60th Russell Tashiro for yahrzeit of mother Aiko Tashiro. _ COI`lgT€g3t10I°l. O€Y0b€l` 25--; _ _ Matt, ·H€ld1, Miles, Jonah & _ Nily R€Sn1Ck ln honor of th€lY m0th€Y and grandmother Barbara Resmck’s birthday. Capital Improvement Fund: Alan Reisner in memory of Sherry & Emily Goldberg in mommy of Maurice Lrpew, beloved rather er Emriy ToslmoTomrro for yomrorr of momor Drs- Aororr éi§¥§2饷| & Gortrorlo Korrrlrloo Rom Rolmmtom m momory of Horolo Grooomom fomor of Elloo Stepfatncf of Ruin Rubinstein and 8Y¤nd· June Bn’nd°‘. . . Ruth Rubinstein in memory of Dr. Aaron H. Komblau, father of Diane Haber and Ruth Rubinstein, grandfather of Andrew Acker and Julie Ruth Rubinstein in memory of Dr. Gertrude K. Komblau, mother of Diane Haber and Ruth Rubinstein, grandmother of Robert Acker, Andrew Acker and Julie Bronder. EEEEi€;z»;;1}i:§{¤iQ2;·§Q5.?Qi;§Z%§§Z§§Zi§§€§}EZ§$QEE§EE§§E§.§Ei§§§}Z£QQZi§§§i§§§.Q§§§Q}EEZQQ.QQEQEQ.QIQQYZZi$3QZEZZ{QZEQZE?EEE·EEZZE;i?EEQZEZSZZEeiiiiiii Let our advertisers ‘ & Louis Lefiler Memorial Fund: & Sheldon Leftler in memory of Joy Larry Lansner, an esteemed friend. Samuel Bahn in memory of Nelson Hanover. Torah Fund: Roberta Sufrin. FLOWERS I KIDDUSH SPONSORS November 8... Susan & Lawrence Duze in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Rachel. ‘ Saw their ad ln the you Hillcrest Jewish Centgr · Bulletum . appreciate your , business and Mollie know referrals.
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