Fourth Sunday after Epiphany - St. Mary`s Episcopal Church

The Third Sunday in Lent
March 8, 2015
The Rev. Peter Lai, Celebrant
10:00 AM – Holy Communion (Rite One –Page 323)
Organist: Kingsley Matthew
Altar Guild: Marge Kogler
Usher: Mike Cole
Lay Eucharistic Minister: William Kogler / Don Schaefer
Organ Prelude
Processional Hymn: 58 Weary of Earth
Collect for Purity, page 323
Summary of the Law, page 324
Kyrie, page 324
The Collect of the Day, see Bulletin
First Reading Exodus 20: 1-17 See Bulletin
Psalm 19 See Bulletin
Second Reading. 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25 See Bulletin
Gradual Hymn: 416[2] O for a closer walk with God
Gospel John 2: 13-22
See Bulletin
The Nicene Creed, page 327
The Prayers of the People, page 328
Confessions of Sin, page 330
Absolution, page331
The Peace, page 332
Offertory Hymn: 243 I sing a song of the saints of God
Doxology, Hymn
Eucharistic Prayer 1, page 333
The Lord’s Prayer, page 336
Lamb of God, page 337
Prayer of Humble Access, page 337
Holy Communion (All baptized Christians are welcome and encouraged to receive Holy
Communion and all are invited for an altar rail blessing by crossing your arms over your chest).
Communion Prelude
Communion Hymn: 218 Come Holy Ghost
Post Communion Prayer, page 339
Prayers for those in the military, page 823
Hymn: 142
O Say can you see,
Blessing, page 340
Recessional Hymn: 304 There's a wideness in God's mercy
A Litany of Healing
St Richards Prayer
The Book of Remembrance Candle burns in memory of:
Michael Meer
Edward Leary
Frances Di Giovanni
Frances Finnegan
George C. Pramuk
Edna Henley
Lillian Kaiser
Harry H. Balliet
Stanley Bucko
Florence Davis Weiss
Marjorie Marshall
Charles Leden
Alice Hard
Jane Barbour
Henry W. Heller
Susan Hurley
Elsie Wickey
Harry Rhodes
Roy I. Leslie
Oliver Meyer
Mabel Freise
Thomas Jeffrey Lauer
James D. Look
Irving B. Leibler
Charles Schwab
Eleanor Schoenhart
Edward Callmeyer
Peter Mastrangelo
Charlotte Beihl
Douglas B. Lowry
Leon L. Steinert
Henry J. Heller
The Bulletins are given in:
Loving memory of loved ones by Howard and Janice Blum.
Parish Notes
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Weekly Service Schedule:
!0:00 AM – 1928 BCP Holy Eucharist (1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)
Rite I Holy Eucharist (2nd, 4th & last Sunday of the month)
St. Mary’s Vestry meeting will be March 8th after the 10 AM service in the parish hall
Father Lai will hold Bible Study Wednesday nights at 7:15 PM starting
February 25, 2015 and each Wednesday through Lent
John Wasiewski is collecting used postage stamps and Athletic Sox for the Carle
Place American Legion to be given to our troops and veterans. Please deposit them
in the Sacristy or give to the usher.
St. Mary’s Altar Guild needs volunteers to help care for setting up the Altar each
week. Call Marge Kogler at 385-3519
For Altar Flowers – Altar Candles – Book of Remembrance – Prayer Book
Memorials – Bulletins - Contact Junior Warden Virginia Leonhard @ 516-747-7513
St. Mary’s e-mail site – [email protected]
St. Mary’s Web site-
If anyone is in need of a priest please contact Father Peter Lai, at 516-333-7069, cell
# 516-672-9845 or e-mail him at [email protected]
St. Mary’s Food Pantry: Please donate non-perishable food items and support this
outreach program . Please leave in the vestibule of church
St. Mary’s receives a 1% refund for every $5000.00 of cash register receipts from
the Garden City Park King Kullen supermarket. Please save your receipts place
them in the collection plate or give them to an usher after services.
Anyone wanting to insert information in the weekly bulletin, please call
Raymond Leonhard @ 747-7513 Deadline is the Sunday prior to the notice
252 Rushmore Ave
PO Box 201
Carle Place, NY 11514-0201
(516) 333-2290
Web Site: