OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF TIRETOWN CORVETTE CLUB November 2014 TTCC 2014 Officers Phone Email President – Tom Geul [email protected] 330-630-2708 Vice-President – Brian Moore 330-814-0462 [email protected] Secretary – Diana Bray 330-603-9346 [email protected] Treasurer – Peg Quine 330-630-9071 [email protected] Membership – Rick Reynolds 330-688-7678 [email protected] Governor - Alan Moore 330-633-7562 [email protected] Social – Frank & Bonnie Smith 330-825-7283 [email protected] Sunshine – Barb Ruman 330-688-1225 [email protected] Fast Glass Editor- Bryan Bennington 330-608-3388 [email protected] Website – Brad Dillman 330-802-1000 [email protected] TTCC, Inc. is a Member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs inc. Guests and perspective members are welcome at all times. 10x NATIONAL NCCC COMPETITION CHAMPIONS Chevrolet trademark(s) used with the written permission of General Motors. Presidents Report_________________________Tom Geul While the 2014 competition season is over, we still have a lot of To-do's to prepare for the 2015 season. We will meet at the Redeemer Lutheran Church on Nov 3rd. Membership renewals are due no later than the next membership meeting (Nov 3rd). Please contact Rick Reynolds, our Membership Director, if you have any questions. At the next meeting, we will also be nominating officers for 2015 and electing our Governor for 2015. If you have never had an office or want to step up to help your club next year, now is the time. It would be great if our election for officers had competition for 2015 and your votes meant something. What a novel idea! ‘All the officers positions are open for nominations’. Alan has developed a new document outlining officer duties. A copy of them will be on the TTCC Website, please read them over closely. Plus, if you are interested in a particular office, contact one of the current officers for more information. We are more than happy to answer questions about any of the offices. The Nov board meeting will be TUE 11/25, not the usual Wed. due to Thanksgiving. The meeting will be at Alan and Gail’s at 7:00 PM. The last meeting of the year will be Dec. 1st. We will vote on officers that night and then, the Christmas party is Dec 13. Tom Geul – President. Important 2014 Dates November 3rd MM November 19th NLD November 24th BM @ Alan & Gail’s December 1st MM December ?? Christmas Party MM=member meeting NLD=newsletter deadline BD=board meeting SECRETARY DIANA BRAY The cold & damp October 6, 2014 meeting opened with 17 brave members and 3 guests present. Diane G made and Val Moore seconded a motion to accept the secretary’s minutes as printed in the newsletter. All members voted to accept the printed minutes. Treasurer – We have Money. Sunshine –Jerry Waltenberger was hospitalized with pneumonia, released to for recuperation. New baby boy for Bryan & Leslie Bennington - Kyle James. Social –Thursday, Oct 16 Lunch Bunch, 10/18 A Bucket of Beans cruise. Oct 28 Montrose Group Thursday, Oct 30, Arnies Steak House, Ravenna. 6:30 Governor – Voting for Regional Officers at the next Reg. Meeting. Trophies from Speed event Ron Austin, Brad Dillman and his son Jason. Vice President – Nothing Webmaster - Everyone should go on Web Site at least once a month. See what new pictures have been put up or what new thing the Web Master has put on the Web site. Thank you to Ron Austin for his pictures. Newsletter – Deadline is October 22. Board meeting at Bonnie & Frank’s Oct 29. President – Nominate Alan Moore for Governor of TTCC for 2015, Bernie Schneider seconded motion all members voted. NEW Business - Nov 3rd we will be going back to Redeemer School on 5th Street in Cuyahoga Falls. We need to remember that the Club will purchase the buns and hot dogs for next years’ meetings at the park. We want to go back to the School in October and not have this cold meeting outside. OLD Business – Bob Ruman gave a report about the Amy & Aaron’s race at VIR. Swap-n-sell – Be sure to put Swap & Sell items on the Website. 50/50 $8.00 for Chuck H; $0 for the Club. Tickets are a Buck apiece. GOVERNORS REPORT (Nov.. 2014) ALAN Attended the Regional Oct. Meeting (along with Gail & Brian Moore), was not much to cover. New Regional RMD and RCD: The new Regional Membership Director; is Cheryl Getzy, from Competition Corvettes. The new Regional Competition Director is Bruce Warnick from Buckeye Corvette Club. Hall of Fame: Nominees for the Regions Hall of Fame are: Jerry Lancaster, Corvette Cleveland Tom Prusnek, Corvette Cleveland Bob McKee, Buckeye Corvette Club NCCC Elections: Talked about the up and coming National Officers elections and the By-Law Proposals all of which were discussed at the Oct. TTCC meeting. I would like to remind all TTCC members about the up and coming elections for TTCC Officers, in years past we always had multiple nominee’s for all TTCC positions, I would like to see everyone consider running for an office this year. We now have complete descriptions of what is expected of TTCC Officers and we will have those available at the November TTCC Meeting. Membership_______________________________________Rick Well, back to the warmth of school for the winter months.Still lots of social events and fellowship after the metings to look forward to. The October meeting was attended by 23 members and 3 guests all braving the cold. We were happy to welcome Robin Baringer also Jason and Emily Dillman as our guests. The deadline for membership renewals is the NOVEMBER 3rd MEMBERSHIP MEETING. There is a renewal form in this newsletter, please fill it out and return it with your dues on or before the meeting to avoid extra charges. Rick Reynolds Sr. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Jeep Austin - 11/3 Brian Moore - 11/12 Rick Powers - 11/12 Norma Stenger - 11/26 Gene Stenger - 11/27 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Annette Waltenberger - 12/2 Debbie Falcone - 12/6 Gary Tubb - 12/11 Angie Quine - 12/14 Peg Quine - 12/23 Babara Gray - 12/30 Newsletter from the Editor Bryan Bennington This year is coming to a close and I am sad to say I will be taking a break from the club. I want to thank everyone for their support for me with this endevor and all who participated in contributing to the newsletter with their stories; I truly hope that will continue and more great stories will be told. A BIG thank you, to all our Advertisers. This publication just wouldn’t be the same without your support. As TTCC members make sure we spread the news about the value our advertisers offer. For those who want to know, Kyle James is a great little boy and we are all doing real well. I am getting so much more out of this, this time around, mostly because I am older and everything is so much more precious. I hope to see everyone at least once or twice before the year is over. And by next summer we should have Kyle out and about on a regular basis. Once a Corvette enthusiast , always a Corvette enthusiast! Thanks Bryan Dive Safe Advertisement: You get published on our website Where you are exposed to hundreds of hits per month. Your ad will be seen by all of our members each month for an entire year. You will also be helping to support a club representing America’s Dream Car the Corvette. Advertiser:_______________________________________________________ Contact name:____________________________________________________ Phone number:________________________ Date:______________________ Email address:____________________________________________________ Size of advertisement:__________________ start date:__________________ Payment Amount:_____________________ Check / Cash Signature of advertiser:_____________________________________________ Signature of TTCC member:_________________________________________ SOCIAL NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Well November is finally here, it is one of the more colorful times of the year and with the weather being so unpredictable. Time to make sure the cars are stored for the winter months, summer furniture is protected or stored away, get the leaf rake and snow shovel out for the wives, that way they won't have to do it all. Looking on the brighter side, we are one month closer to spring. For those of you that did not attend the Bucket' N Beans car show you missed a good time at the show, good food and a trip to Rittman Orchard for some tree fresh apples. We had a little rain on and off, we got smart this year and set our chairs under shelter out of the rain. The bean soup was thicker this year. They had lids on the kettles and not as much rain got in them this year. Important dates for November Nov. 3rd Club meeting 7:30 pm. This will be our first meeting at our winter season location; Redeemer School 2141 5th Street Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio We have made a reservation for 20-25 for after the meeting. It is at The River City Bar & Grille 2621 Bailey Road Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio phone 330-920-9241 Nov. 13th 6:30 pm Diner get together at The Spaghetti Warehouse 510 S. Main St. Akron, Ohio phone 330-374-0025. The later time will allow the people that work, time to get there. I talked with the Manager, who is also a gear head and he seems to be interested in doing more with our club. Nov.20th 12:00 noon The Lunch Bunch will meet at Ray's Place Fairlawn 25 Gent Road Akron, Ohio (Fairlawn) they are in the former Winking Lizard building phone 330-835-2233 Talking with the manager he also would like to do something with our club this coming year, when the weather gets nicer. We discussed some ideas. Nov. 22nd 5-10 pm East Ohio Region Chili Cook Off. Location: Yusef-Khan Grotto Hall, 619 Northwest Ave. Tallmadge, Ohio. Phone 330-928-5128 For more information see Alan Moore's email dated 9/25/2014 for a copy of the flyer. It may also be on the East Ohio Region web site. Nov. 25th 7:00 The new date for the Board Meeting, Hosted by Alan & Gail Moore. Nov.27th All Day, Thanksgiving Day, No club activity that day you are on your own. After the turkey is stuffed and roasted, then it is time to stuff yourself. A word of caution After you're stuffed do not set under the infra red lamp. We wish every one a very relaxing, safe and happy holiday. 'B~ & 7~ SoWd e~ CHEVROLET EAST OHIO REGION CHILI COOK OFF Date: Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 Location: Yusef-Khan Grotto Hall, 619 Northwest Ave.• Tallmadge, Ohio 44278 (ph.330-928-5128) Time: 5 PM-lOPM The Region will furnish soft drinks, beer, bowls. cups, paper plates, silverware Please bring chili or a covered dish to share, plus wine if you so desire. There will be a 50/50 to help pay for the hall rental. DIRECTIONS from North: Exit Rt. 8 at Howe Rd., go east about 2t miles to Northwest Ave., Turn right. Hall is on the right. From South: Exit I -76 at Summit Racing, Southeast Ave. Travel north to Tallmadge Circle to Northwest Ave. It's about 2 miles to the hall on the left. " Hosts: Terry & Bev Sells 330-628-4967 rEcdJ ~1JD@~!kfD~[Jf} hone # [33[J] 825 9240 Custom Paint ••Restorations Boat Re air e Fiber las5 • Collision FREE ESTIMATES -- WE DO STEEL AND FIBERGLASS AUTOS--TRUCKS--SEMI TRACTORS--BOATS BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS. 1964 CORVETTE TOTAL FRAME OFF RESTORATION TIRETOWN CORVETTE CLUB 2015 RENEWAL APPLICATION PRIMARY MEMBER Spouse or S/O (after Deadline) ____________________________________ NCCC# EO-068- _________ _______________________________________ NCCC# EO-068- _________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ________________________STATE____________ZIP_______ BIRTHDATE - PRIMARY______________SPOUSE_____________ ANNIVERSARY_______________________ PHONE NUMBERS PRIMARY _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ HOME WORK CELL PHONE FAX NUMBER EMAIL CORVETTES YEAR ________ YEAR ________ YEAR ________ TYPE ________ TYPE ________ TYPE ________ SPOUSE or S/O _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ COLOR ________ COLOR ________ COLOR ________ DUES NCCC TTCC TOTAL PRIMARY $ 35.00 (late) $ 25.00 $ 60.00 SPOUSE S/O $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 TOTAL DUES PAID ____________DATE PAID __________ Return this form with your check made payable to Tiretown Corvette Club. Bring to next meeting or send to: Rick Reynolds 3626 Williamson Rd Stow, Ohio 44224-4032 Call 330-688-7678 if you have any questions. MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE NOVEMBER 3rd MEMBERSHIP MEETING! 10/28/2014 Tiretown Corvette Club PO Box 331 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221-0331
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