Volume 57, Issue 11 KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA’S OLDEST CORVETTE CLUB NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CORVETTE ASSOCIATION November, 2014 Inside this issue: President’s Column & Welcome New Members 3 Membership News 5 General Business Meeting Minutes Social Activities Column 6-7 9 WSCC Competition Results 11-13 Corvettes at the Castle 14-17 Birthdays 21 Calendar 30 Front/Back Cover: Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving President’s Column - Jim Wells Winter is here and we have lots of great things going on in the Corvette community. Our Golden Gate Fields Horse Racing event was on November 1, our annual Fall Banquet is on November 8, WSCC is supporting the San Jose Veterans Day Parade on November 11, Steve Ashbaker’s 5k walk/run for Multiple Myeloma is set for November 22, there is track day at Thunderhill on November 23, and our new eboard is set to take effective December 1. December brings us three NCCA events; Christmas Party, San Andreas foster kids run, and a Christmas Lights run. Hope you all join in on the fun! In addition to all our November and December events, WSCC has announced that their 2014 Award Banquet will be held on January 17 in Pleasanton. Numerous NCCA members should be getting awards that evening. I want to take the opportunity to thank all our members for their participation in club events during the past year and I would like to particularly thank the eboard members for putting in many hours each to make this club successful. Without good members and exceptional board members, we would not be where we are today. As the oldest Corvette Club in America, I am glad to see we are keeping the club what it was intended to be. The bylaws state, “The purpose of this so- cial organization is to expand and enhance the enjoyment of Corvette ownership among its members.” Enjoy all the upcoming events. will see you on the road… I Welcome New Members John & Norma Massielli Steve & Joyce Miculinich VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 3 2014 Board of Directors President Jim Wells 925.443.2707 president@ nccacorvettes.org VP Events Steve Logan 415.425.3105 vpevents@ nccacorvettes.org VP Motor Sports Tim Sullivan vpmotorsports@ nccacorvettes.org Secretary Shirley Smith 510.481.2739 secretary@ nccacorvettes.org Membership Mary McMurry 925.736.2414 membership@ nccacorvettes.org Page 4 Social JoAnn & Al Zwicky 510.314. 1938 [email protected] Treasurer Harvey Grasso 510.538.2844 treasurer@ nccacorvettes.org Publications Stayc Feil 925.829.1881 publications@ nccacorvettes.org Public Relations Chuck Gerughty 650.799.1975 publicrelations@ nccacorvettes.org Historian Raymond Barrett 925.918.2776 historian@ nccacorvettes.org BMAL George Robinson 650.291.4601 bmal@ nccacorvettes.org WSCC Representative Steve Bissett 925.455.6431 wsccrep@ nccacorvettes.org Charitable Foundation Doug Knudson 925.855.0901 & Paul Sotelo 925.348.6333 charitable@ nccacorvettes.org Web Director Dave Meccariello 209.814.2984 web@ nccacorvettes.org K A L E I D O S C O PE America’s Oldest Corvette Club In July of 1956, two Corvette owners waved & stopped to talk. Corvettes were few in numbers then & several weeks could pass before encountering another. These drivers discussed the starting of a Corvette Club. By July 15, 1956, an informal meeting of Corvette owners had decided to establish the Northern California Corvette Association. These early Corvette owners met frequently at each other’s homes with their numbers increasing each month. On March 28, 1957, an initial group of 35 met at Daily Chevrolet in Oakland to establish the by-laws. By then Josh Hogue, San Francisco Examiner’s sports car event columnist suggested that this group combine with the one meeting at Les Vogel’s Chevrolet. On May 9, 1957 NCCA was incorporated & 40 members elected Roy Storey, a TV & radio sportscaster & Corvette participant in SCCA‘s regional races, President. Sandy Greenblat was elected Vice President, Patty Gellenbeck Secretary & John Zeh Treasurer. The charter membership for NCCA was closed at the end of May 1957 listing 47 members. President Roy Storey suggested a series of autocross’ named after Grand Prix races. NCCA presented Northern California’s 3rd autocross. 150 cars drove the course at the Milpitas Ford Plant. This series set the standard for autocrossing in Northern California. Though Roy Storey was soon transferred to Hollywood by CBS, he helped NCCA to properly start as a competing club. NCCA is still participating in autocrossing, drag races, track racing & car shows. The club is the oldest member of the Western States Corvette Council (WSCC), joining in 1966. We have evolved into more of a social club over the years with the focus on day & weekend trips. In recent years interest has increased in racing, with members taking trophies in drag racing, autocross & entering more & more track days at Thunderhill, Laguna Seca, Infineon & Buttonwillow race tracks. NCCA celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2007 by inviting past presidents to a dinner dance where we shared memorabilia. Our calendar is filled each January with events for the coming year that include trips to an assortment of locations, car shows, our annual fall banquet & Christmas party. Vette Magic, an all Corvette Drag Race & Car Show, is sponsored by NCCA each summer. Each year this event draws a large number Corvette racers and spectators from Northern California & the surrounding States. NCCA is a valuable member of our community, as we contribute to several charitable organizations each year through our charitable foundation. Membership News - Mary McMurry Membership Newest stats We now have 87 member households, 154 individual members and 93 member Corvettes. We also continue to add new members to our family-friendly Corvette Club. New Members This month Steve and Joyce Miculinich and John and Norma Masiello were inducted into the club. Let’s make them feel welcome! Total Likes 377 Average Reach Per Week 515 People Engaged (last week) 87 Likes (last week) 119 Comments (last week) 6 Shares (last week) 14 Clicks (last week) 155 I would like to encourage you to “Like” the NCCA Facebook page as there is a wealth of Corvette and NCCA Information available and is updated daily. All it takes is two easy steps (see screenshot below). Facebook Our NCCA Facebook had another great month. VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 5 General Business Meeting Minutes - Shirley Smith October 7, 2014 7:00 pm @ San Lorenzo Homes Association Meeting called to order: 7:11 pm Roll Call of Members - 34 in attendance Jim Wells - President Welcome members & guests. Can we have approval of the minutes from the last General Business meeting as published in the K. Motion to approve was made, seconded and approved by all members present. The new E Board members will be presented at the Fall Banquet. December 1, 2014 the new board takes effect. The Charity run/walk event that Steve Ashbaker has put together is still on for November 22nd. WSCC awards banquet is on January 17, 2015 at the Pleasanton Sheraton. I will be working on a detailed plan for next year’s Legends car show and Vette Magic car show and drags. Officers Reports Membership – Mary McMurry Guest’s this evening are, Herb Clobe and Jim Neylan’s brother. Steve and Joyce Miculinich and John Massielli will be inducted this evening. Welcome guests and new members. I have 6 outstanding membership dues that have not been paid and have sent out letters to these members. Treasurer – Harvey Grasso Depending on the final costs of the fall banquet and the publications for the last 2 months, we will have a slight deficit for the end of year. The club will need to look at our sponsorships for next year to help fund our car shows and drags. Hopefully, we will have a good turnout and make money on Vette Magic 2015. The charitable foundation has a generous amount in that account. Secretary – Shirley Smith Nothing to report at this time. Page 6 Events – Stephen Logan No changes at this time. Legend’s car show is scheduled for the last weekend in April 2015 and Vette Magic is scheduled for October 3rd, 2015 for car show and October 4th for Drags. Steve Bisset has signed a contract for the Marriott Hotel for October 2015 and the Sacramento Raceway has a deposit and will have us sign a contract in January for Vette Magic Drag races in October. Tim Sullivan and Jim Wells and Doug Knudson will talk about the bracketing etc. for the cars since we will be having an all bow tie event. Social – Jo Ann & Al Zwicky November 8th NCCA Fall Banquet at the Blackhawk Grill in Danville. Veterans Day Parade in San Jose, Sponsored by Momentum Chevrolet and WSCC Tuesday November 11th. They are looking for convertible Corvettes to carry dignitaries. Information is on the handouts up front. The Holiday Kick off 5K run/walk that has been arranged by Steve Ashbaker is still on for November 22nd. This is a charity event in honor of Bob Ashbaker and to support the Myeloma Research Foundation; handouts up front. December 7th Christmas party in Danville at Tim Sullivan’s Club house, potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange; 1 gift per person if you want to participate in gift exchange. Bring canned goods and unwrapped toys that will be donated. December 16th Christmas Lights run hosted by Doug Knudson and Michelle Tornay is scheduled, a flyer will be available at next month’s meeting. San Andreas Foster kids run is scheduled for Saturday December 20th. (Please note: the wrong date was listed on the calendar; please correct information on your personal calendars). NCCA, along with Glass Paks, drive up to San Andreas to take toys to the foster kids and we also give the kids rides in our Corvettes. Please consider joining us this year. We need women drivers for the kids also. We also have a wonderful home cooked lunch that the foster mother’s of these children put together. Thank you Jim Neylan and Lloyd and Delores Peoples for all your work on this event. This is a great cause, a positive experience and also a great ride in our Corvettes. We look forward to seeing you at this event. January 17th WSCC awards banquet. Also in January, we will have our annual Social Social planning meeting, which is held at the end of the month. More information to follow on our website and the K for all of these events. A big thank you to Doug Knudson and Michelle Tornay for hosting the Golden Gate Fields event. K A L E I D O S C O PE General Business Meeting Minutes - Continued It was a sold out event and everyone had a great time. Great buffet breakfast and a prime rib and turkey lunch. Valet parking and the weather was great. Doug and Michelle want to thank all of you for showing up for this event. VP Motorsports – Tim Sullivan 11 months to go for Vette Magic Drags. Public Relations – Chuck Gerughty Nothing to report at this time. Publications – Stayc Feil Barry will be taking over the K next month and looking for articles and flyers of events past and upcoming. Also would like to have photos of club functions and reports of the events. If you have anything for the K, please get to me by this Friday evening. Charitable Foundation – Doug Knudson & Paul Sotelo We brought in a generous amount from last month’s raffle. Thank you to our members for their generosity. These funds are added to our charitable foundation for the end of year donations. At the beginning of the year, we send out letters to vendors to ask for donations, to use in our raffles and also our members to donate items. We use all of the donated items throughout the year to raise funds for our end of year donations to charities. We are working on sending out thank you letters to all of the vendors that have donated this last year. Next raffle will be in February 2015. WSCC – Steve Bisset I have printed up a few applications, which are up front for the WSCC awards banquet for those who are interested in attending. BMAL - George Robinson New E-Board will be inducted this Saturday. ByLaws will be updated starting in the spring of next year. Webmaster – Dave Meccariello Nothing to report at this time. Historian – Raymond Barrett Fall Banquet slide show is ready. I am working on securing the equipment needed for the slide show. I will be working with publications and the webmaster to get all photos together and to set up a photo drop bucket that club members can send photos to. More information will follow. New Business Jim Neylan went to the WSCC Competition Code Meeting and they will have new rules pertinent to the car shows. He proposed that they go back to the quarter points system. Jim Neylan will get together an article regarding the new information and have it posted in the K. Carol Robinson had unofficially contacted the car dealers regarding the sponsorship of our club, as they put together their budgets in October of each year for the donations. I have talked to Boardwalk, Momentum and Abel Chevrolet. Once I have a name of who to contact for Dublin Chevrolet, I will contact them. I am in the process of getting together with Rich Wilhoff of Abel Chevrolet to talk to him regarding t-shirts or decals that they would purchase for Vette Magic. Sponsorship is a big issue for our club going into next year’s events. Carole Robinson would like to become an administrator along with Mary McMurray on the Facebook page, so that she can post pictures, etc. It was agreed that Jim Wells will set her up with the Facebook account. Carole also suggests that we consider having a Jr. Membership to kids under age of 16 to join our club along with their parents or grandparents, who have Corvettes or are interested in owning Corvettes. We can offer safety information, driving information. Any information that would be interesting and useful for the teens to get them more involved with the cars. This can be a way to get younger people involved with our club. They could purchase a t-shirt and hat with NCCA Jr. Member on them which they would pay for themselves. We need to attract younger people to our club. We need an avenue to entice the younger group. This is a good idea and we will discuss it at the e-board meeting and then bring it up at the December general business meeting. Members in attendance this evening are interested in this idea. It was asked where do we get our photos for the front of the K. Jim Wells usually puts together the photos for the front of the K. Suggestion was made that we put member’s cars photos in the K with an article about the car. We have done this in the past and will look into doing this again this year. Announcements None. Next Meeting GBM - December 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm Old Business None. VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 7 Hooked on Corvettes & Friends - Bruce Bourne 9 club members went for a great day run from Maxwell, CA to Thunderhill Raceway (benefiting the National Corvette Museum) put on by WSCC, HOD, and NCM. The run was lead by the CHP starting in Maxwell heading West through the mountains ending at the Track. Some members went on the track for laps on the new section. This is a great day outing and for a good cause. Save a day next year for this one. Page 8 K A L E I D O S C O PE Social Activities News - Al & Jo Ann Zwicky October concluded with two very successful events for NCCA Members. NCCA Corvettes at the Castle on October 18th at the Ledson Winery in Kenwood in Napa County. The circle drive in front of the castle was again filled with Corvettes of all generations. The weather was great and the venue produced another fun day for all. 9 NCCA members attended the October 22nd WSCC/NCM/Hooked on Driving Corvette Luncheon at Maxwell followed by a Coastal Range Tour. This weekday event was a lot of fun with a lot of Corvettes and is highly recommended for next year. The NCCA Day at the Races on Saturday, November 1st at Golden Gate Fields saw an increase in attendance this year. If you haven’t been, this event at the Turf Club is the only way to attend the races. Try this next year. You will love it. Of course, November means the NCCA Fall Banquet. The date is Saturday night, November 8th. This is VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 our annual year end semi-formal dinner at the Blackhawk Country Club. The evening starts with a cocktail hour at 6:00 followed by a seated dinner at 7:00, new eBoard introduction, member awards, and the year in review slide show. All in all, just a great night of celebration with great friends. Tuesday, November 11th is the Veterans Day Parade in San Jose hosted by WSCC and sponsored by Momentum Chevrolet, one of our club sponsors. Corvettes are used to carry dignitaries and NCCA has been asked to help by volunteering member cars. See page 2 of the flyer in our website Events Calendar in you’re interested. On November 22nd, Steve Ashbaker is organizing a 5K Charity Run benefitting the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation in honor of his dad, Bob Ashbaker. Bob was a past president and a very active long time NCCA member. NCCA will be one the event sponsors and members are encouraged to attend and support this event. Details can be found on the flyer elsewhere in this issue and on the NCCA web Events Calendar. Don’t forget the NCCA Annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 7th at Tim Sullivan’s HOA clubhouse in Danville. Note the Sunday date so you have Saturday night free for your other parties. This potluck affair is for fun and enjoyment with the White Elephant Gift Exchange. But we also take the opportunity to celebrate this holiday season by giving to those less fortunate by bringing canned food and unwrapped toys for distribution through our charity foundation. See flyer in this issue. As you can see, our calendar remains busy throughout the entire year. The NCCA website calendar on www.nccacorvettes.org and the K will provide you with all the dates and details. Page 9 Good Day HOD Drivers and Enthusiasts! Some ask what is so special about HOD - It's our people!! And a handsome crew as well!! Thanks to our coaches, leaders and other helpers! We couldn't do it without you! Lots going on - please READ DOWN. WINE COUNTRY MOTORSPORTS HAS BECOME A PART OF THE TEAM HOD MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM - 10% ongoing discount - and a once a year 15% discount on in-store or call-in orders - this makes TeamHOD even MORE of a NO BRAINER! Also note: Our website and registration system has been gaining more functionality and becoming friendlier by the day. Keep in mind that it's now easier to start out by logging in and THEN clicking on "register" - also - check out the "your account" area and you'll see good information about your HOD acitivity. HOLIDAYS AROUND THE CORNER - HOD DATES TO DRIVE: November 21st - Thunderhill Raceway - 3 Mile Classic Course November 28th - Sonoma Raceway - "Asphalt Friday" keeping drivers everywhere away from the Mall! December 1st - Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca - Fast turnaround for HOD drivers! December 13th - Thunderhill Raceway 3 Mile - "Thanks Coaches" event 2015 will be posted soon! Have a GREAT WEEK - and Make your HOD Plans Today! The NorCal HOD Leadership Team Page 10 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 11 Page 12 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 13 Corvettes at the Castle 2014 - George Robinson In 2007, during a visit to our favorite winery, Carole and I were talking to the Events Manager at Ledson Winery. I commented to him about there being a number of Vipers in the circular drive which is not open to the public for parking. He told us that they have special events where they use the drive in front of the winery. On this day a Viper club had arranged for a visit. He told us that the Porsche clubs have an annual event the end of September each year when they park and show a number of Porsches. At this point we were new members of NCCA, having joined in December 2006. We asked the winery would they be interested in having a Corvette event there. He didn’t even hesitate. And thus was born “Corvettes at the Castle”. We decided that this would be a good “run” for us to propose to the club. This first year we didn’t really think about Corvettes beyond NCCA. We had around 27 NCCA cars on the run which proved a challenge for us neophytes to manage that many cars on a 73 mile run. We learned however and arrived with all the NCCA cars and found a few other Corvettes there also. The word had gotten out and other Corvette owners that were also Ledson wine club members showed up. We had about 32 cars this first year… not enough to fill the circular drive but enough to present a good showing. The event was a hit. Visitors to the winery enjoyed looking at the variety of Corvettes and talking about America’s legendary sports car. Ledson asked us if we would like to do it again the following year and this time we said yes without hesitation. This first year we probably had about as many cars participate as the Porsche event. We decided that this would be a good event to open up to the Corvette community and got the word out for 2008. That year we had about 50 Corvettes. This continued to grow yearly peeking in 2012 when we hit the 100 mark. We filled the circle and had both sides of the entrance drive lined half way out with ‘Vettes. We had cars from about 7 clubs plus non club cars. The last 2 years it dropped back into the 50-70 range. This year we think the prediction of rain keep some away… how silly to listen to the weatherman! The only job where you can be wrong most of the time and keep it. This day was perfect: temperature in the 70’s and mostly sunny all day. After the first couple years it became obvious that leading the run and then setting up registration and getting all the cars parked was not working. It was taking too long once the club arrived. I asked other members to lead the run and provided them with detailed directions and maps. Bob Ashbaker led the run at least 3 times and we miss him. Harvey Grasso has led the caravan in the past and this year Bruce Bourne led about 20 cars from San Leandro to the Ledson winery. Thank you Bruce. Carole and I either went up early the day of the event, or like this year, went up the night before. Several club members did the same so we would be ready when the cars arrive around 10:00am. This year Dave and Kim, Neal and Penny, Chuck and Debbie and Carole and I got to Santa Rosa the night before and prepared for the next day by flushing our system with copious amounts of wine and steak, martinis and beer, etc. Saturday morning we arrived at Ledson to find Dave and Kim at the wrong (closed) gate (see end of above paragraph). We did however all get in and with the help of Scott Eddinger, Controller for Ledson and his staff, got set up and awaited the 50-60 Corvettes that arrived mid-morning. We have done this enough now that it didn’t take much coordination. Dave blocked the entrance, Chuck put his ZR1 at the end of the circle to serve as the point from which to start back filling the circle and I hung around the front of the winery picking off specific cars to showcase at the entrance, mostly classics plus Jim Wells C7 and Steven Logan’s 427. Debbie, Carole, Katherine Rabello and Janice Jackson manned (womened) the registration table. Scott and one of his young staffers hung the 2013 NCCA banner that flew at the National Corvette Museum on one of the pillars and the people arrived. This is always one of the busiest days at Ledson and today was no exception. All four tasting bars were busy all day. The deli was likewise busy. We handed out order forms for the deli and encouraged Corvetters to place their orders when they arrived and pick them up at lunch time giving the staff time to get everything made and all but eliminate lines. It worked. Bottles of wine flowed out into the picnic area under the oak trees, sandwiches and other foods were set up and everyone spent a relaxed day eating, drinking and talking while visitors admired their cars. Visitors voted for their favorite car and at around 2:00pm I tallied the votes. Ledson awarded a bottle of wine (winner’s choice of the wine) for each generation Corvette and the People’s Choice winner (most votes overall) received a complementary private tasting for 4. This went to Clay and Janice Jackson and his C1. Clay is a wine aficionado so it went to the right person. By now it was 3:00pm and some Corvettes left while others hung around including the hard core: Dave & Kim, Wendy and John and Carole and I who left around 4:15 for the drive home from another great day with Corvettes at the Castle. See you all next year. (Pictures on Page 16 & 17) Page 14 K A L E I D O S C O PE Corvettes at the Castle Page 16 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 17 Priceless Corvette Restorers Strike Back A special team of hotshot Corvette restorers has dealt a blow against an evil sinkhole that desecrated the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. This week General Motors and Chevrolet unveiled the 2009 ZR1 Blue Devil -- the first of three damaged cars that will be restored from a disaster that stunned Corvette fans around the world. Remember? Back in February, a freakish sinkhole appeared inside the museum, swallowing eight beautiful machines with an estimated value at about $1 million, the museum said. When the cars were hauled out of the hole, only three were deemed unscathed enough for restoration. Hey, this is a big deal. Experts call the Corvette the most collected car in America. GM says it's the "world's longest-running, continuously produced passenger car." The Blue Devil is no ordinary Corvette. Even though it's only 5 years old, it's been dubbed a "supercar" and "legendary" with a top speed of more than 200 mph. The sleek demon went on display for the first time on Monday during a ceremony at the big Specialty Equipment Marketing Association show in Las Vegas. It's not often car restorers get a chance to rescue a vehicle this special. This job was handled by a 10member team with a less-than-sexy handle: GLS -- Global Logistics Services. That news will please CNN commenters who joked that the damage to the cars could be "buffed out" -- as easily as paint scratches. The biggest challenge, he said, will be the 1 Millionth Corvette, he acknowledged, the 1992 convertible which was the millionth 'Vette to come off the assembly line. Fixing a hole But what about that hole? This coming Monday, work is set to begin to fill the 30-foot-deep sinkhole which ruined the museum's bright yellow, red-spired Skydome. Estimated cost of the eight-month project: $3.2 million. "They'll be bringing in equipment and moving cars out of the room, before they start work on the sinkhole," said museum spokeswoman Katie Frassinelli. The museum had initially considered leaving the hole unfilled as a permanent display -- perhaps because the disaster has been good for business. In the months since the earth opened up and snatched these precious cars from our midst, visitors to the museum have increased by 71% over the same period last year, she said. Folks have been able to see the hole safely through a glass window. Also on display, are five cars that were pulled from the hole -- but were too wrecked to be restored: -- A 1984 PPG pace car -- A 1993 ruby red "40th Anniversary Corvette" "We need to come up with a better name -- like the Corvette Restoration SWAT Team!" laughed GM spokesman Monte Doran. -- A 2001 Mallett Hammer Z06 Corvette It may feel like a big win for the Corvette Nation against the forces of nature -- but now may be a bit too soon to crow about it. -- A 1993 ZR-1 Spyder "That car really had very little damage done to it, compared to all the other cars in the sinkhole. It was a relatively easy restoration," Doran said. VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 -- The 2009 white "1.5 Millionth Corvette" But visitors said they wanted more. So the museum has started selling jars full of dirt from the sinkhole for $10 a pop. "They asked for it," Frassinelli said. "The dirt has little bits of fiberglass in it from the cars." A 1962 beauty dubbed the "Black Corvette" is just too old for GM to handle. The company says it no longer has the institutional knowledge required to properly put it back in shape. That job is expected to be done by a hand-picked restoration specialist team, Frassinelli said. "We haven't identified who's fixing it yet." GM has accepted the challenge of restoring the worst-damaged of the salvageable cars: the 1 Millionth Corvette. It "has much, much more damage than the Blue Devil," Doran said. It's "going to be a much harder, much longer process. Simply because the car is older so it's hard to get replacement parts. We don't have all the expertise in house that we do with current Corvettes like the Blue Devil." One of the biggest decisions is how many of the parts on the car should be replaced. "One of the guys in design calls it a 'respectful restoration,' " Doran said. "You want to keep as much of the original components as you possibly can to preserve the history of the car." Restoration on the 1 Millionth Corvette is set to begin in January, Doran said, and the job is expected to take about six months. Chevrolet's total contribution to the museum: $250,000. An agreement with GM allows the museum to keep the insurance money for the Blue Devil and Spyder - which are both owned by GM -- in addition to paying to fix the Blue Devil, the 1962 Black Corvette and the 1992 1 Millionth, Frassinelli said. Meanwhile, the Blue Devil will be back home soon. Packed with loving care in a special enclosed truck by special handlers, Doran said it is expected to head to the museum around Saturday. When it gets there, workers will roll it back into the holy church of the Corvette Nation, where for generations to come, visitors will talk about how it survived the Great Corvette Sinkhole of 2014. Page 19 Page 20 K A L E I D O S C O PE November & December Birthdays November December Dave Weidler 4 Debbie Gerughty 3 Barbara Esquivel 4 George Robinson 6 Kent Evans 5 Joe Rock 8 Joyce Miculinich 13 Paul Chervatin 9 Sharon Alvarez 17 Mike Lupeika 9 JJ King 18 Bill Toomey, Jr. 14 Garth Morgan 18 Pat Hendrix 15 Roland Smith 18 Mike Sanchez 15 Bart McMurry 22 Jeff Grounds 19 Luis Arevalo 26 Mike Jordan 19 Karen King 26 Don Walker 23 Linda Thompson 26 Carol Leytem 25 Sandy Wigand 29 John Feil 26 Harvey Grasso 28 Hats For Sale NCCA has embroidered baseball hats for sale for $20. Available in Red, Blue, or Yellow. If you are interested in purchasing one contact: Al Zwicky @ 510.314. 1938 or [email protected] There are a limited number available so don’t hesitate on getting yours today. Advertise in the Kaleidoscope The NCCA newsletter reaches all members and all of the voting member clubs in the WSCC community . The online version is in color and web traffic details are available upon request. VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Full Page B&W $550.00 Full Page Color $1,000.00 Half Page B&W $300.00 Quarter Page B&W $200.00 Web Link w/K $200.00 Full Web Page $600.00 Combination: Full Page Color K Ad Plus Full Page Web Ad, Plus Web Link $1,500.00 Rate is for 12 months [email protected] [email protected] Page 21 Page 22 K A L E I D O S C O PE 20, 2014 VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 23 Page 24 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 25 101 Year-Old Corvette Enthusiast Recounts a Century of Living Viola Schiestl White is sitting in a C3 Corvette that is considered a classic by car enthusiasts. Nothing unusual about that. What is unusual is that Mrs. White celebrated her 101st birthday on July 28th so she can recall a time when there were not only no Corvettes, but no cars of any kind at all! “I went to a school that had all eight grades and I walked a mile and a half to school,” White recalled. “At that time, there were no cars and no nothing.” Back in those days, riding a train or a horse was just about the only method of transportation. “The railroad went through our property and if anyone would get sick enough they had to go to a doctor … we would go down and wait in the box car on our property for a train to go by,” she said. “Sometimes we would get in with the horses and the cows.” She remembers riding a horse to school with her brothers and sisters and then turning the critter around and sending it back home. The family did eventually get a car (a Ford of all things!), and White was only 9 years old when she learned to drive. She got her license for just a quarter and didn’t have to bother with that pesky parallel parking test; instead she just went to the town garage in Foxboro and filled out a form. “Those were the good old days,” she laments. That doesn’t mean she lives in the old days now, however. Her daughter-inlaw, Sue Schiestl, says White has had an e-mail account for 13 years and got an iPad at 97. What’s next? A bright red C7? Sadly, she’s outlived many of her friends and two husbands, Andrew, who died in 1976, and Harold White, whom she married 10 years later. WSCC 2014 Competition Series Award Banquet Will be held on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Four Points Sheraton 5115 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, CA. story swapping before the Registration opens at 5:00 pm and after our gala has concluded. The WSCC Executive Board Meeting will be held in the Ballroom 10:00 am – noon; with the WSCC General Meeting in the same location from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Registration – 5:00 Social Gathering in the upper Lobby before dinner – there will be libations available Hospitality Room will be jointly hosted by SANTA CLARA CORVETTES and WSCC! Please stop by and enjoy some Corvette Comradery and Page 26 Dinner – 6:30, Awards – 8:00 Entrée selections include Filet Mignon, Chicken Marsala or Grilled Salmon. Page 27 is the registration flyer for this event above. It is also located on the WSCC website and Don Herzer is including it in the upcoming issue of the Redline. The award winners have put a lot of time, energy and skill into this competition series, let’s show them our appreciation of their hard work! K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 27 Page 28 K A L E I D O S C O PE We're happy to announce our 2015 track schedule. By popular demand, we've worked to get more dates at Laguna Seca this year, and of course many at Thunderhill, and our two Buttonwillow weekends. For the moment, we have a couple 2014 events remaining, and have opened the first two Laguna Seca events for 2015 for registration, and the rest should be treated as tentative while we work through details. We'll open them up as soon as possible. Saturday January 31 Saturday February 28 Saturday March 21 Monday April 13 Friday May 1 Monday, June 1 Saturday June 27 Saturday July 11 Monday July 27 Saturday August 8 Friday August 21 Friday September 18 Saturday September 26 Saturday October 17 Saturday November 28 Saturday December 12 Saturday December 19 Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Thunderhill Thunderhill Thunderhill Laguna Seca Buttonwillow Thunderhill Laguna Seca Thunderhill Thunderhill Thunderhill Buttonwillow Thunderhill Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Sunday March 22 Thunderhill Saturday, May 23 Monday, June 8 Sunday June 28 Sunday July 12 Laguna Seca, Laguna Seca Buttonwillow Thunderhill Sunday August 9 Thunderhill Sunday, May 24 Laguna Seca Sunday September 27 Buttonwillow Sunday October 18 Thunderhill Sunday December 13 Laguna Seca $10,000 Challenge For 2015 we are running a $10,000 Challenge, offering serious money back to drivers who attend the most events with NCRC. Half of the $10,000 pot will be given out for events from January-June ("heat 1"), and the other half for events from July-December, heat 2. Drivers can attain points by attending events, with each track day being worth one point. You will not score more than one point per day, 2 per weekend event. At the end of each heat, drivers ranking in first through seventh place will receive money according to the following table, and points scored will reset for the next heat: 1st - $2500 2nd - $1000 3rd - $500 4th - $375 5th - $300 6th - $200 7th - $125 Ties will be split among the drivers with the same number of points. For example, if we have three people with the same number of points in 2nd position, they will each get $333.33. $10,000 Challenge details are at http://www.ncracing.org/club-info.php ARC & Chrono Series Winners The racing and time trial season was concluded last weekend at Thunderhill, so we are happy to announce these winners. For Chrono S2K, Martin Riente, Anish Ramrakhyani and Matt Misencik took top honors For Chrono Mixed, Jim Ghafoutpout, Steve Klein, Brian Bonessa, John Enni and Jack Hosee won their respective classes For ARC, Mike Morrison, Greg Derian, Thim Barber, Shane Smith, Michael Karpinski, Mark Reese won their classes For ARC SM John Dirkson was top dog We're looking forward to a great 2015! Dave & Luc http://www.ncracing.org/ VOLUME 57, ISSUE 11 Page 29 General Membership Meeting Schedule Board of Directors Meeting Schedule FIRST Tuesday of Every Month LAST Tuesday of Every Month San Lorenzo Homes Association Ricky’s Sports Theater & Grill November, 2014 21 Friday Hooked on Driving @ Thunderhill (www.hookedondriving.com) 22 Saturday Alameda Holiday Kick-Off Run (see page 28 for flyer) 22-23 Saturday/ Sunday Thunderhill Track Days 25 Tuesday NCCA - E-Board Meeting @ Ricky’s 7:00 pm 27 Thursday 28 Friday Happy Thanksgiving Hooked on Driving - Asphalt Friday @ Sonoma Raceway (hookedondriving.com) December, 2014 1 Monday Hooked on Driving @ Laguna Seca (www.hookedondriving.com) 2 Tuesday NCCA - General Business Meeting @ San Lorenzo Homes Association 7:00 pm 7 Sunday NCCA - Christmas Party - Danville 6:00 pm (see page 25 for flyer) 7 Sunday Blackhawk Cars & Coffee 8:00 am 13 Saturday Hooked on Driving @ Thunderhill (www.hookedondriving.com) 16 Tuesday Holiday Christmas Light Run (info coming soon) 20 Saturday San Andreas Holiday Run (see page 23 for flyer) 25 Thursday 27-28 Saturday/ Sunday NCRC @ Laguna Seca (www.ncracing.org) 30 Tuesday NCCA - E-Board Meeting CANCELED for December 31 Wednesday Page 30 K A L E I D O S C O PE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CORVETTE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 6232 Hayward, CA 94544 America’s Oldest Corvette Club FIRST CLASS Postage NCCA
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