The Parish of St. Peter Quincy, IL F U

The Parish of St. Peter
Quincy, IL
Solemnity of All Souls, November 2, 2014
~Mass Intentions~
November 3-9, 2014
3. Monday 8:00 a.m.
Connie Nesbit
4. Tuesday 8:00 a.m.
Anna Badamo
5. Wednesday 8:30am
Burdette Foiles
6. Thursday 8:00 a.m.
Angela Affre
7. Friday, 8:00 a.m.
Carol Chandler
8. Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Special Intention
8. Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Steve Scherr
9. Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Georgiann Kuhl
9. Sunday 9:30 a.m.
All The Poor Souls
9. Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
— Mass Schedule —
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of
Saturday 7:30-7:50 am
or 3:30-4:30 pm,
or by appointment.
Dear Parishioners,
Throughout the month of November, the Catholic Church reminds us that
the Church comprises not only those who are living here on earth, but also we remember those who have gone before us in death. In the words of St. Paul, “whether
we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” And so throughout the month of November,
we are encouraged to pray for the dead, to visit the cemetery, and to offer Masses
for the repose of the soul of our departed. As we begin this new month of November, the first celebration is that of the Solemnity of All Souls Day. When we die,
our bodies are buried for we return to the dust from which we came; but we also
acknowledge and proclaim that our souls continue living in the resurrection of the
dead. We are not sure of what happens after death except that the particular judgment will take place in the life of each individual. This judgment will lead to entrance into heaven either immediately or after a period of purification or to eternal
damnation. At death, our time of trial is over. The particular judgment will reveal
us for what we are; we will see our lives as God sees them. One of the poets writes:
“if you insist on having your own way, you will get it. Hell is the enjoyment of our
own way forever. If you really want God’s way, you will get it in heaven.” In the
meantime, let us all pray for each other, as well as those who continue to prepare
themselves for heaven as they purify themselves of all selfishness and selfcenteredness.
As we remember the dead during this month of November, I ask for your
continual support of the Quincy Catholic Cemeteries. There are special envelopes
included in your packet of envelopes and your donations to assist our cemeteries
can be place in any collection during this month of November. As you should be
aware, we use these differing collections to help us improve our cemetery facilities.
The monies received for burials and burial plots help in the upkeep of the cemetery
but cannot assist in any type of general improvements. Therefore, we ask for your
help both in November and in May (Memorial Day). If you can assist us, we would
appreciate it.
We will also be celebrating our Mass of Remembrance at the 9:30 a.m.
Mass on Sunday, November 2nd. During this Mass, we will remember all the parishioners who have died during this past year—since this time last year. We also
will be remembering throughout our November Masses, all those persons who are
listed in our Book of the Dead. This book is located at the altar of St. Joseph.
We will be having coffee and donuts this Sunday and we ask parishioners
who are present to come and join us for this type of fellowship with each other. We
will also be highlighting some differing ministries in our parish and we ask you to
peruse their tables, and perhaps inquire as to how you might be able to share your
gifts and talents with them. Once again our annual stewardship renewal will soon
be taking place and we would enjoy having many, if not all, sign up for the many
Next Meeting
Pack the Pantry
November 9th : 6:30pm—8:00pm
Meet in the Martha Jane Room
All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders
& their friends welcome!
Saints Alive!
Let Me See Your Halo
November 23
6:00—7:30pm in the gym (new time)
4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun
with your friends while learning about the Saints &
your Catholic Faith. Sr. Alicia & others will lead these inspirational
evenings, spiritual, social, & service activities. Wear your Saints
Alive Shirt or pick one up that night!
Rest in Peace
May the souls of
Jerry Brown &
Derek “DJ” Venvertloh
CD of the Week: “Meet Your Mother: An Introduction
to Mary” by Dr. Mark Miravelle who covers all the
major Church teachings about Our Lady. This is not only for
the person with little or no knowledge of Mary but is meant
for those who are anxious to renew their devotion to the
Mother of Jesus.
Adoration Chapel Hours
There are several available hours in the Adoration Chapel:
Wednesday 3:00-4:00AM, Saturday 3:00-4:00PM and SunBaptisms
day 2:00-3:00AM. Please call Mary Voorhis 224-0084 or
Adelyn Koren Dial, daughter of Brian & Justina (Stone) Dial, Sharon Zehnle 223-6279.
Alexander Robert Peters, son of Dominic & Megan (Winkeljohn)
Stewardship Corner
Peters, and Isla Ann Ufkes, daughter of Ted & Alicia (Boesen)
arises from the fact that God has givUfkes, were made children of God through the reception of the
and gifts to do certain things well,
sacrament of Baptism on Saturday, October 25, 2014 and Sunand we are to develop those talents for the good of others.
day, October 26, 2014.
sing praises with the Angels in Heaven forever.
Area Events
Sunday, November 2: Queen of Peace Annual Turkey Dinner
and Raffle, 11:00am-1:30pm; Queen of Peace Catholic Church,
Ewing, Mo. We will be serving turkey, dressing, noodles, mashed
potatoes & gravy, green beans, corn, hot rolls, salad and dessert. Adults $10, kids 5-12 $4, kids under 4 free.
Sunday, November 2: St. Joseph Holy Name Trap Shoot, Noon;
St. Joseph Church, 1435 E. 1500th Street, Quincy, IL.
Thursday, November 6: Ladies of St. Francis Card Party, 11:00
a.m.-3:00 p.m.; $6 Entry; Tuesday Club Room at St. Francis
School; for reservations call Marcia at 222-3370.
Saturday, November 15: Blessed Sacrament Holiday Bazaar,
9:00am-2:00pm; Knights of Columbus Fr. McGivney Hall. We
will have beautiful wreaths, floral arrangements, American Girl
doll clothes, bake sale, jewelry sale, handmade items, arts &
crafts, raffle, kids corner, and lunch is available to purchase.
Week of November 2, 2014
A Message from Mrs. Janet Bick
“St. Peter School provides a quality education built on Catholic values and teachings.”
Stewardship Renewal Begins Today
This week we kick off our parish Stewardship Renewal.
Check your mailbox for a package of beautiful materials
that explain what stewardship means at St. Peter. Over the
next few weeks, please pray about your role in our parish.
Two Sundays from now, each parish family is asked to make
commitments of time, talent and treasure.
Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network I-CAN
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki is asking parishioners to
view the video recorded from the Illinois Catholic Conference. This is designed to help people stay informed on issues affecting the Church and her mission at both the state
and federal levels.
Western Catholic Union Fall Soup Day
WCU Fall Soup Day will be from 11:00am to 1:00pm on
Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the WCU Hall, 516 Maine St. in Quincy,
Coffee & Donuts, Blood Pressures & Fair Trade This Sunday
IL. The cost will be $6.00 for all-you-can-eat chili, chicken
Please join us Sunday after all masses in the cafeteria for Cof- noodle, or bean soup, one ham or turkey sandwich, dessert
fee & Donuts, blood pressure screenings, and Fair Trade sale. and beverage. Carry-outs are available. Proceeds will beneThe Fair Trade has lots of gifts, home décor, jewelry, and more.
fit Ladies of Charity.
Message from St. Peter Stewardship Team
We welcome all parishioners to join us in the cafeteria for cofSaturday, 5:00 p.m. Mass
fee & doughnuts after Mass. Learn about the ministries that
of the Eucharist: Lou Anderson (1),
nourish our children and consider taking an active role as we
(2 & 3), Angie & Mike Hancox (4 &
approach our Stewardship Renewal.
5), Justin Wolf (6), Karen Wolf (7) Lead Usher: Ron Cudney
Social Concerns Collection
Ushers: Dave Hogge, Sonny Laird, Richard Lauer, Chuck
Social Concerns will be collecting soup and crackers this Scholz
weekend, November 1-2 for the 1st Sunday collection for the
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass
Ladies of Charity. Containers are located in the Narthex.
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Cindy Brink (1), VePlease keep the following in your prayers:
~Kristopher Schreacke
~Sierra Miller
~Michael Dolan
~Karen Wiewel
~Dick Heckenkamp
~Barb Sohn
~Isabelle Meyer
~Gerald Mast Sr.
~Billy Smith
~Shirley O’Hara
~Eileene Anderson ~Jamie Doane
~Theresa Althoff
~Arlene Lansing
~Donald Vancil
~Joan Hellhake
~Dr. Robert Murphy
~Paul Gerding
~Irene Gooding
~Russ Terstriep
~Mary Dietrich
~Robert Giuliani
~Roy Steffen
~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost
~Kevin Hubble
~Jim Clark
~Deacon Wayne Zimmerman
~Rob Hyer
~Bill Irvin
To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish Office
222-3155 or email [email protected].
The School of
St. Peter
ronica & Warren Brush (2 & 3), Tom McLaughlin (4), Linda
Myers (5), Rich Niemann Sr. (6), Ashley Wensing (7) Lead
Usher: Kent Schreacke Ushers: Ernie Bain, Wayne Fessler,
Kurt Stuckman, Nick Terwelp
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Luke Bealor (1),
Judy & Michael Domme (2 & 3), Cheryl Liesen (4), Clint
McDonald (5), James & Kari Weisenberger (6 & 7) Lead
Usher: Gary Zanger Ushers: Jim Cramsey, Norman Funke,
Chris Gill, Mike Kurk
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Mass
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Patrick Carlye (1),
Tom & Jennifer Ernst (2 & 3), J. Michael Haubrich (4), Gabe
& Holly VanderBol (5 & 6), Zach VanderBol (7) Lead Usher:
Gary Frericks Ushers: Neal Cornwell, Ted Niemann, Jim
Scott, Tom Strieker
St. Peter 8th Grade Class in Washington, D.C.
FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE: Don’t forget to put in your reservation for the
Father/Daughter Dance on December 5th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the gym. Cost to
attend is $16 per Father/Daughter or $8 per person. This includes an evening of
dancing, a memorable picture an opportunity to win prizes, enjoy delicious dessert and enjoy a visit with Santa! This event is open to all St Peter parish fathers
and daughters. GSA is sponsoring this event. If your daughter does not attend
St. Peter School and you would like to attend the Father/Daughter Dance please
contact the school office for a reservation form.
ST. PETER CRAFT AND BUSINESS SHOW: It is that time of year to
shop area craft shows and you will not have to go far. Saturday, November 15th, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. St. Peter will hold their own craft
and business fair in the gym. We thank Lauren Raj for chairing this
event. If you have a craft item to sell or a vendor for a product and
would like a booth please contact Lauren at [email protected] or
call 972-835-8845. Booth rental is $25 per table.
The 8th grade class
officers laying a
wreath at the
Tomb of the Unknown Arlington
National Cemetary
Katelyn Nelson, Chloe
Wedding, Sierra
Sturhahn, and Drew
Monday: Turkey sandwich
wrap, carrots & dip, fruit,
Tuesday: Sloppy joe on wg
bun, rf Doritos, mixed veggies, fruit, milk.
Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, corn, raspberry sherbert, fruit, milk.
Thursday: Sausage pizza,
green beans, fruit, milk.
Friday: Pancake sausage
wrap, smiley fries, fruit,
Tues., Nov. 4: Brandon
Thomsen from QCT will be
here to work with students.
Wed., Nov. 5: School Mass
8:30 with the 5th grade assisting;; IESA Girls Crusaders
Basketball game vs. Macomb 6:00 p.m. in St. Peter
Thurs., Nov. 5: Picture Retake day; Brandon Thomsen
from QCT here to work with
Fri., Nov. 6: Spirit Day;
Covey Assembly 8:10 a.m.
in the gym
Follow us on Facebook for
more school activities
School of St. Peter
2500 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: 217-223-1120
Email: [email protected]
Mark Your Calendar
Mon. Nov. 3: Ladies Cursillo 7:00 p.m., Fr. Bauer Room
Tues. Nov. 4: Novena 8:30 a.m., Church
Ladies Bible Study 9:00 a.m., Martha Jane Room
RCIA 7:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Wed. Nov. 5: PSR 6:15 p.m., School
Ladies Cursillo 7:00 p.m., Fr. Bauer Room
Thurs. Nov. 6: Cribbage 1:00 p.m., Martha Jane Room
Fri. Nov. 7: TMIY 5:45 a.m., Gym
Novena 8:30 a.m., Church
Sat. Nov. 8: Rosary 7:30 a.m., Church
Sun. Nov. 9: Daycare 9:30 a.m., Maria Goretti Room
Liturgy of the Word 9:30 a.m., Martha Jane Room
Fr. Leo’s column continued
differing ministries here at St. Peter Church. Stewardship means more than having people’s names on our
books but true stewardship encourages and challenges
all parishioners to get involved in sharing their time,
talents, and treasures with us. Doug Greenwell will be
speaking at all the Masses this weekend, introducing us
once again to the stewardship renewal that will soon be
taking place.
We received all the permissions for our new PA
system to be put in place. Now we wait for the company who will be doing our work to schedule us—
hopefully with work being completed by Thanksgiving
We haven’t received the final tally for the TEC
collection; our October count is now complete; and
sometime during the month of November we will be
having special envelopes for the annual CYO collection. This collection will take place on the weekend of
November 22-23rd. More details later.
Parish in Action
—Mass Servers—
Weekday Masses, November 3-8:
8:00 a.m. Peyton & Joshua Sheffield
Saturday Mass, November 8:
5:00 p.m. Hayden & Alexandra Barnes
Sunday Masses, November 9:
8:00 a.m. Hanna Folkenroth, Michelle Gough
9:30 a.m. Katelyn Nelson, Griffin & Emme Kirn
11:00 a.m. Ben & Gabe Whittaker
Remembering Those That Have Passed
—Daily Mass Ministry Schedule—
November 3-8:
Beth Young
Martha Rapp, Kathy Harman, Mary Brahler
Oct. 27
Total to Date
Total Budget Goal
Annual School Fund
Holy Days
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: The young parent
had been teaching his three year old daughter, Caitlin, Difference
the Lord’s Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime, she Church Sound System
would repeat after him the lines of the prayer.
Finally, he decided to let her go solo. Listening
Diocesan Collections
with much pride, the little girl fully enunciated each
World Mission Day: $2,066
word, right up to the end of the prayer: “Lead us not
Cemetery: $100
into temptation,” she prayed, “but deliver some email.
A little girl had just finished her first week of school.
“I’m just wasting my time,” she said to her mother. “I
can’t read, I can’t write, and
they won’t let me talk.”
Amt. Assessed
2014 $105,019
Other Remembered
Deceased Loved Ones:
George Terford
Roy, Ellamae & Elsie Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Allison
Nov. 2013 through Oct. 2014: Steve Ray Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Barton
Robert Anderson
George Bernzen & family
Kathleen Schmitt
Alexis Christine Bliven
Ronald Hubble
Gertude Carson
Arthur Grussenmeyer
Nelson Colgrove
Richard Ehrhart
Bill Cramsey
Evelyn Grossman
Jack Cress
Virginia Dieckhoff
Raymond & Viola Deters
Julie Barry
Shirley Erd
Bernard Goggins
Edward Evans
Michael Pasley
Wallace & Marie Heberling
George Eversman II
George & Freda Heberling
Frank Meyer
Alvin “Pete” Harman
Robert Spring
Harold Hastings
Nicholas Davis
Rita & Herman Huber
Donald Laws
Wyverne Hunter
Marilyn Deege
Peggy Jacobson
Beverly Killen
Susan Jurkowski
Robert Siebers
Gertude Kamphaus
Tracy McDonald
May, William & Joseph
Sandra Guegel
Joyce Glanzman
Carl & Ruth Ann Lundberg
Alvera Grawe
Fred Manning
Vicki Keller
George Mating
Jerry Brown
Auris McGee Jr.
Derek Venvertloh
Larry Meyer
George Nelson
John & Veronica Parks
Diane Erd Rowlett
Hazel Ruff
Bruce Sander
Ted Sander
Garry Sandidge
Steve Scherr
Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Jim Seibert
Molly Shields-Kite
John Stauder
Catherine Stauder
Rita Terford
Emily Thompson
Roy & Helen Uhll
Irma & Harold Vollbracht
Agnes Vonderheide
Rome Vonderheide
Arthur Westhaus
Freda Westhaus
Wing Family
Butch & Carol Yazell