The Messenger A welcoming Christian community inviting people to connect across generations as we nurture each other on our journey of faith. November 2014 Wedgwood Presbyterian Church Volume 32, Issue 11 A Word From Our Pastor One of the primary areas of focus of many churches is providing for the growth of their members as disciples of Jesus Christ. We provide opportunities for that in a number of ways here at Wedgwood Presbyterian Church including education classes, youth groups, service opportunities, and Bible study. Our Monday Bible study has started up again after its summer break, and I invite you to join me in the library for this monthly study. This year, we will be studying Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth using the Horizons Bible Study materials. Although published by Presbyterian Women, the study is open to all people. Here is what the Horizons website has to say about the study entitled “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians”: Paul's writings are some of the most influential in Christianity. Revisiting the struggles Paul faced and the authenticity and integrity of his theology is an essential task for churches today in the midst of great change. Paul, like us, wrestled with and questioned his faith as he tried to live as authentically as possible in an ancient world that, like ours, was also in the midst of great change. What can we learn from visiting 2 Corinthians and considering Paul's theology and ideas as they relate to the context of our time? [Study author] Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty invites us all to read Paul's letter afresh in light of today's issues. Concepts of shared partnership, power in weakness, healing, reconciliation, love, and a new apostolate all figure prominently in her reading of Paul. We will meet on the second or third Mondays of the month for an hour beginning at 1:30 PM. Projected dates for 2014-15 are: November 17, December 15, January 12, February 9, March 16, April 20, May 18, and June 8. I hope you’ll join me. Grace and peace, Karen Inside this issue: Cook-off & Dance 2 Thanksgiving Dinner 3 Christmas Pageant Youth News 4 Treehouse Sunday Lunches 5 North Helpline Concert Peace Fellowship 6 7 Life In the Church 8 Anniversaries/Birthdays 9 Next Messenger Deadline November15, 2014. Please include information for the month of December. Mark your calendars and dust off your cookbooks. Our annual Crock -Pot Cook-off and Dance will be November 1 at 6pm, downstairs in Fellowship Hall. We need lots of folks to make creative and delicious crock-pot dishes, and even more folks to come and enjoy this creative dinner. Come celebrate the harvest season with your church friends. You can also wear your Halloween finery (not required) to the dance. We are so fortunate to have the Ravenna Ramblers band with Sherry Nevins calling, squares, contras and circles. This is a great event to invite your family and friends to come do-si-do with us! —Your M & E department Page 2 The Messenger Saturday, November 22nd at 5:30 P.M. You’re Invited! Invite friends and relatives to share our fellowship! Please bring a side dish, salad, dessert or your most requested dish to share. Turkey, rolls, stuffing and beverages will be provided. Please call the office at 525-8787 for transportation arrangements. Share our bounty by bringing a can of food for the North Helpline barrel. Volume 32, Issue 11 Page 3 Elementary Fellowship Ministry for Young Children You’re invited to come and listen to the story of Jesus’ birth as presented by the children and teens of this church. This much anticipated event is a special time in the life of Wedgwood Presbyterian Church and our community. Invite your family and friends to witness this drama and to stay for the singing of Christmas Carols and Song. Christian Education Department Volume 32, Issue 11 Your children and their friends are invited to Elementary Fellowship at Wedgwood Presbyterian Church. Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to come join us for dinner, games, Bible Study, crafts and more. We will be meeting every other Thursday evening from 6:00 to 7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. You are encouraged to spread the word about this fun ministry to your friends. Call Jennifer at 206-525-8787 for more information. November 6 and November 20 Middle and High School Youth Group Looking for something fun to do in the evening after school? Come to a gathering of our Youth Group where you can share a meal, go bowling, serve at Teen Feed, laugh and play games. We are an active group who has fun assisting at Vacation Bible School, attending church summer camp and participating in worship services. Call Jennifer at 525-8787 to learn more about Youth Group. November Meetings November 5 Wednesday serving at Teen Feed November 11 November 18 November 25 Page 4 Treehouse Giving Tree The holidays can be tough for kids in foster care, many of whom face the season without parents, relatives or siblings. When you live in foster care, you’re never sure if you’ll wake up to find a gift with your name on the tag. Shop the Treehouse online gift catalog. Write Wedgwood Presbyterian on the “Drive Host” line at check-out. That’s why Wedgwood Presbyterian is hosting a Holiday Donation Drive for foster kids. Our donation drive will help Treehouse give new toys, warm winter clothes and provide for extracurricular activities to more than 1,400 foster kids this holiday season. Be sure to purchase new gifts, warm clothes, or make a donation by December 7. Then bring your donation to WPC and place it in the marked box in the Fireside Room. I’ll make sure they get to Treehouse in time. Here’s how you can help: Pick up a gift tag wish from the tabletop Christmas tree in the narthex and see what foster kids want this holiday. Mail your check donation to Treehouse, 2100 24th Ave S, Suite 200, Seattle 98114 or drop it off with me. Please feel to contact Jennifer if you have any questions, and thank you for supporting kids in foster care. -Christian Education Lunch Locations for November: November 2, 12:30 – the Wedgwood Broiler (at 8230 35th Ave. NE just 1½ blocks north of the church) is a neighborhood institution and favorite for many people in our community. Breakfast and lunch are both served at the Broiler at midday on Sunday so you will have a wide variety of meal options. November 9 – participant choice – meet in the Fireside Room after Sunday school and participants will decide what sounds good to them that day November 16, 12:45 – the Watershed Pub and Kitchen (10104 3rd Avenue NE at Thornton Place south of Northgate Mall with parking on the street and under the building) is a newish restaurant in the Northgate area, which features pizza, salads, and starters. Weekend brunch includes an omelette, French toast, “loaded” hash browns and a basic egg breakfast. November 23, 12:30 – the Elliott Bay Brewing Company (12537 Lake City Way NE with parking in the back off 30th Ave. NE) has both brunch and lunch menu items available at mid-day on the weekends. Feel like apple fritters or blueberry-banana pancakes? How about fish and chips or a salad? The selection is wide at Elliott Bay Brewing. November 30 – 5th Sunday potluck brunch at church. Volume 32, Issue 11 Page 5 Page 6 The Messenger Sponsored by the Wedgwood Justice and Peace Coalition Life In The Church November 2014 Highlights Crock-pot Cook-Off and Dance November 1st - 6:00pm North Helpline Choir Concert November 2 - 3:00pm Prince of Peace Lutheran Thanksgiving Potluck November 22nd - 5:30pm What's new at Wedgwood Presbyterian Church? Check out our blog, a place for news, information, and reflections. Visit often! Follow us at: and also on…. Page 8 The Messenger In Our Prayers Special Requests Lola Bonari Candace Boyer Anne K. Ted Ormbrek Virginia Ormbrek Rhiana Pearson Judson Randolph, Sr. Catherine Stone Prayers of Sympathy are Requested for: Barb and Ted Smith and family in the death of their brother-in-law Frank Henderson. Birthdays 11/02 11/06 11/08 11/09 11/10 11/15 11/16 11/18 11/19 11/21 11/28 11/29 11/30 11/30 Stone, Catherine Meddaugh, Sally Davidson, Betty Ormbrek, Ted Hoff, David Huiying, Bray Flatness, Margaret Houston, Andy Randolph, Cathy Dowell, Nicholas Reimer, Gordon Morris, Bob Hanson, Lisa Lai, Rodney 2014 Church Officers Elders Serving on Session: Membership and Evangelism: Anne Hay Finance (General Fund and MLGB): Ted Smith Mission, Stewardship and Social Concerns: Cil Pierce Worship: Sara Elizabeth Hyre Christian Education: Renee Lang Property: Chris Dowell Nominating: Tom Mara Special Project: Tom Mara Clerk of Session: Cathy Randolph Anniversaries 11/01 Reimer, Gordon & Dixie Board of Deacons: Volunteer Coordinators: Peggy Jenner and Adam Houston Meals/Rides: Bill Alexander Teen Feed: Janet Wilson Cards: Sara James, Lea Ann Morris Publicity: Adam Houston Pew Patrol: Peggy Jenner, Sara James Communion: Adam Houston, Bill Alexander, Jennifer Summers Blood Bank: Mike Summers Flowers: Marilee Bauer, Peggy Jenner Visitation Coordinator: Andrea Felt Nominating Committee: Bill Alexander Moderator: Marilee Bauer Volume 32, Issue 11 We would love to have your photo here if it’s your anniversary month. You can send your photos to the newsletter editor at [email protected]. Page 9 THE MESSENGER THE REV. KAREN BRECKENRIDGE Pastor JENNIFER HOUSTON Director of Christian Education and Youth Activities LISA MICHELE LEWIS Music Director KATHY BABINEC Office Administrator KATHERINE ROOT Childcare VICTORIA ZIMMER Custodian JERROLD FONDREN Groundskeeper W E’ RE O N T HE WEB WWW. WEDGPRES. ORG Time Value Material Kathy Babinec, Editor RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone 206.525.8787 8008 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 W E DG WO OD P RE S B Y TE RI A N C H UR C H THE MESSENGER of
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