November 09, 2014 CHURCH PHYSICAL ADDRESS 5225 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida 34116 MAILING ADDRESS & OFFICE LOCATION 5260 28th Avenue SW Naples, FL 34116 PASTOR Rev. Dennis J. Harten, O.S.A. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ........................................... 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish ........ 6:30pm Sunday Liturgies .................... 7:30am, 9:00am .................................................................& 10:30am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) .... 8:00am RECONCILIATION SATURDAY CONTACT US E-MAIL Marrie McLaughlin, Principal (239) 455-2262 [email protected] WEBSITE: Telephone ............................. (239) 455-3900 Fax ............................................ (239) 455-6895 Prayer Line................................. extension 301 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL MINISTRY Joan Hayden..........................extension 203 BUSINESS MANAGER David Mowery .......................extension 202 OFFICE MANAGER Denine Cascio-Snyder .......extension 201 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Christian Davis (239) 370.1408 MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made six months in advance by calling the Parish Office. BAPTISM Baptism classes for parents who are registered participating members of the Parish will be held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for further information. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco......extension 207 English .................................................. 4:00pm Spanish................................................. 6:00pm MUSIC MINISTRY PARISH OFFICE HOURS FAITH FORMATION FACILITATOR Monday - Friday ............. 8:30am - 4:00pm ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL Carl Granieri ...........................extension 204 Susan Reagan .......................extension 208 The Safe Environment Program As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at november 2014 at a glance... DATE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday November 08 8:00 4:30 am pm Sunday November 09 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am John Horstmeyer Frank Murphy Olga Espinosa Monday November 10 8:00 am For the people Tuesday November 11 8:00 am Rita Collins Wednesday November 12 8:00 am Thursday November 13 8:00 Friday November 14 EVENTS All Souls Novena Ronald & Stephen Sember 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm RCIA - MR Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH Ted Chulik 6:30 6:30 6:30 pm pm pm Spanish EM’s Meeting - MR Spanish Choir - C Emmaus Women - CC am Judith MacPhee 4:00 6:30 6:30 pm pm pm Music Ministry - C Spanish Prayer Group - PH Finance & Administration Committee Meeting - MR 8:00 am Arlene Lafleur Saturday November 15 8:00 4:30 am pm Kathleen Finan Jerome Healy 5:30 pm Time & Talent Fair Sunday November 16 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Bernice Buika Sidney Cresswell The Horstmeyer Family 8:30 8:45 10:00 11:30 5:00 6:00 am am am am pm pm Time & Talent Fair Blestways - School Time & Talent Fair Time & Talent Fair Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH Monday November 17 8:00 am Edward Herold 6:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm Pm pm RCIA - MR Education Committee - MR Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH Tuesday November 18 8:00 am For the people Wednesday November 19 8:00 am Eileen Marshall 6:30 6:30 6:30 pm pm pm Liturgy Committee - MR Spanish Choir - C Emmaus Women - CC Thursday November 20 8:00 am Pasquale Farengo 4:00 6:30 6:30 pm pm pm Music Ministry - C Spanish Prayer Group - PH Family Life Committee - MR Friday November 21 8:00 am Anna Savioli Saturday November 22 8:00 4:30 am pm Kathryn Ferger Sember & Jaycox Families Sunday November 23 7:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 8:45 5:00 6:00 am pm pm Blestways - School Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH Miriam Reagan John Rei Corey Raymond Building Codes: C -Church PH– Parish Hall CC -Children’s Chapel PC - Parish Center G- Gymnasium MR –Meeting Room S/C—Sacristy in Church O– Office Let us spend some time looking at the Jesus who got so upset. First, he was raised in a culture in which temple sacrifices were a normal way for people to reach for a loving relationship with God. They were giving up the very best things they had, as the theory went, to give a gift to their Lord: the first fruit of the harvest, the best lamb from the herd. Second, therefore, when Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the Passover, no doubt he expected to find people tendering gifts to the transcendent God. What did he find? A most noisy market place, loud-mouthing its way into the very temple itself, where it did not belong. The “bottom line,” money, motivated it, skipping all interaction with God. Sellers and buyers both were distracted from the real God for whom the temple was built. The temple scene must have broken Jesus’ heart. You see, Jesus was passionate, not pasty-faced. His temper was directed at the wrongs being done. NO, he said. Your SOUL has to be the bottom line, not GREED. Selfindulgence is WRECKING the covenant of love. STOP IT. Third, Jesus had issued forth from the very heart of the Trinitarian God, where loving is total. His heart knew that the Father had at last given his own very best gift, his own finest lamb, to be the sacrifice that the human race would offer. This lamb, Jesus, was to seal the Old Covenant afresh, open whatever doors had been closed between God’s transcendence and the grubby, earthy world of flesh. Maybe now we can see that his anger was a loving claim of a truth. Buying and selling are fine, but they cannot replace the gifts that come from God, nor the gratitude that should be our good and tender response. Let us put God first, not second, not last in our lives. ~ John Foley S. J Dedication of the Lateran Basilica O God, who from living and chosen stones prepare an eternal dwelling for your majesty, increase in your church the spirit of grace You have bestowed so that by new growth your faithful people may build up the heavenly Jerusalem. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you. In the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Prayer Line 24 /7 For daily reading visit 239.455.3900 | extension 301 Living Water Prayer Group All are welcome on Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Children’s Chapel for an hour of praise, prayer and music. IMPORTANCE OF REGISTRATION When you join us in our liturgical ceremonies at the Parish Community of St. Elizabeth Seton, we would like to get to know you. By registering in the parish, you become a member with us. We then have a record to ensure that when you require documentation for sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, we will be able to accommodate your request. You may register in the Parish office from Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm dedication of the lateran basilica... Passionate Love presented by the parish community of Wednesday, December 17th at 5:00pm Dinner will be served at the Parish Center. Tickets are $20 per person and a Cash Bar will be available. Christmastime In Ireland Concert Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00pm Starring: Tony Kenny, Star of Jurys Irish Cabaret with George Casey, Ireland’s King of Blarney; Kathy Durkin, Ireland’s Female recording artist of the year (3x); Dublin Trinity Band; and The Dublin City Dancers. Concert will be viewed in the Gymnasium. Tickets are $40 for Preferred Seating & $30 for Regular Seating SAVE THE DATE A Celtic Christmas Dinner For information and to purchase tickets please contact Sharon Kaylor at 239.961.2155 This Weekend: A Missionary Cooperative Program Welcome Reverend. Michael B. Semana. The purpose for his appeal is for the relief and rehabilitation of malnourished children and the poor. The envelopes at the end of the pews are for our support of the Diocese of Catarman. Please use the envelopes to make your gift to Diocese of Catarman. Faith Formation Heaven is an Eternal Festival! Due to the fabulous and fun SES festival there will be no Faith Formation classes this Sunday, November 9th. Thinking about all the fun this week at the SES Festival, makes us reflect about fun in general. God created fun. God created happiness. Good cheer. Good Will. Joy... and everything that goes with and should come out of enjoyment, such as kindness, happiness and goodness. God wants us to be happy... to which we, His children, say and sing "thank you" for everything beautiful and the gift you give us. Our Blestways children should continue to learn their prayers, please remember to practice. The due date for knowing them was last weekend. The Faithways members please remember to work with your family members to complete the Family Tree Project. Both Faithways and Discipleways will discuss our Participant Profiles when we return on November 16th. Have fun at the festival! JOIN US! Our choir is praying for more voices. We practice on Thursday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the church. As you read this, is there a tug on your heart? We are also looking for young voices to sing at our 10:30 am mass on Sunday. Youth singers practice on Thursdays after school from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the church. The Life of JOY awaits! Carl and the Music Ministry STEWARDSHIP M AXIMIZING GOD’S BLESSING FOR HIS GLORY THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY! The offertory collection totals for the weekend of November 09, 2014 Collection: $15,673 | # of Envelopes: 710 Debt Reduction Report September 30, 2014 Original Loan: $1,350,000 | August Principal Reduction : $9,597 | Principal Balance : $549,667 Saint Elizabeth’s got talent To help prepare for the Parish Time & Talent Fair think about… TIME & TALENT FAIR Saturday, November 15th after 4:30 pm Liturgy Sunday, November 16th after all the Liturgies When our community works together we accomplish and spread the faith in our families, our youth, ourselves. Catholicism is alive because we are alive. "It only takes a spark to get a fire going. And soon all those around will warm up to its glowing. That's how it is with God's love: Once you've experienced it, You spread his love to everyone. You want to pass it on." Welcome Liturgy Education Newcomers Registration Altar Servers Religious Education Receptions for parishioners for various events Ministers of Communion Sacramental Preparation Decorate the Church RCIA Renewal Receptions Music—Choirs Vacation Bible School Minister’s Day Reception Instrumental Groups St. Elizabeth Seton School St. Elizabeth Seton Day Dinner Lectors Adult Bible Study Sacristans Altar Linens Youth Ministry: Discipleways, Faithways Mission Renewal Mentors Days of Reconciliation Homebound Communion Ministry Ushers Dinner for Concerts Concerts Hospitality Committee Time & Talent Fair Meets the 1st Wednesday Meets the 3rd Wednesday Christian Service Family Life Meets the 4th Wednesday Administration & Finance We are very proud and thankful for all who are members of each of our committees and are always looking for new members and new ideas that will continue to keep alive the work of our Lord. If you are interested in finding out what will be happening - please feel free to come to any of the scheduled meetings which are held at 6:30pm in the Meeting Room located in the Church: November 13th Admin. & Finance Committee th November 19 Liturgy Committee November 20th Family Life Committee December 3rd Welcome Committee December 4th Christian Services Committee December 10th Education Committee Advent Giving Tree Marriage Enrichment Collection Counters Prayer Group Parent Education Series Buildings & Grounds Prayer Line Family Events: Technology Day of Remembering Poor Persons Supper Baby Shower Communications: bulletin, website, projects Healing Liturgy Grants Victoria Koga.......................................................................................... 239.860.8497 Walter Morrissey .................................................................................. 239.352.1754 St. Vincent de Paul Fundraising CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE Festival Amala Rawat.......................................................................................... 239.513.0696 Kathy Clifford ......................................................................................... 239.207.7204 Stewardship EDUCATION COMMITTEE Strategic Plan CFA Meets the 1st Thursday Movie Night Bowling Baseball Game Gym Night Family Dance Easter Egg Hunt Beach Walk Family Ministry Inclusion of person w/ special needs Parish Seniors Knights of Columbus Meets the 3rd Thursday PARISH COMMITTEE CONTACTS ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE COMMITTEE Andrea Marsh ................................................................ [email protected] FAMILY LIFE COMMITTEE Patrica & Orlando Tamayo ............................................................... 239.304.1332 LITURGY COMMITTEE Marilyn Malio ........................................................................................ 239-331-8493 Sharon Kaylor ....................................................................................... 239-877-9186 Meets the 2nd Thursday WELCOME COMMITTEE Becky DeCourcey............................................................ [email protected] Joanne Raley ......................................................................................... 239.250.5910 bienvenido a nuestra iglesia ... HORARIO DE MISAS ESTA SEMANA EN LA IGLESIA Lunes, 10 de Noviembre 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres PH Miércoles, 12 de Noviembre 6:30 pm Coro - Español C 6:30 pm Emaús Mujeres CC 6:30 pm Ministro Eucarístico Español MR Jueves, 13 de Noviembre 6:30pm Grupo de Oración C G O PH S/C Iglesia Gimnasio Oficina Salón Parroquial Sacristía en Iglesia CC MR PC S Misas en Inglés Lunes a Sábado ......................................... 8:00 am Sábado ........................................................ 4:30 pm Domingo................ 7:30 am, 9:00 am y 10:30 am Misa en español Sábado ........................... 6:30pm Padre Luis H. Pacheco: 455-3900 ext. 207 Horas de Oficinas: Martes y Miércoles Faith Formation PH Capilla de Niños Cuarto de Conferencia Centro Parroquial Escuela EL SANTO BAUTISMO Es el fundamento de toda la vida Critiana, el pórtico de la vida en el espíritu y la puerta que abre el acceso a los otros sacramentos. Por el Bautismo somos liberados del pecado y regenerados como hijos de Dios, llegamos a ser miembros de Cristo y somos incorporados a la Iglesia y hechos partícipes de su misión. Para información llamar deja tu Nombre y Numero Telefónico a Nancy Meira (239) 404 - 1872 Llamados a Servir Debido a la fabulosa y divertido festival de SES no habrá clases de Formación de Fe este Domingo, 09 de noviembre. Nuestros Blestways los niños deben seguir para aprender sus oraciones, por favor recuerde a la práctica. La fecha de vencimiento para conocerlos era fin de semana pasado. Los miembros Faithways por favor recuerden a trabajar con los miembros de su familia para completar el proyecto Family Tree. Tanto Faithways y Discipleways discutirán nuestros perfiles de los participantes cuando regresemos en 16 de noviembre. Diviértete en el festival! Donde puedas invertir tus dones, hazlo y ganarás un tesoro en el Cielo. Si quieres estar más cerca de Dios, aquí tienes los diferentes ministerios donde puedes invertir tus talentos, tus dones y tu tiempo. Coordinador General de la Comunidad Hispana Padre Luis H. Pacheco ........................ 239-455-3900 ext. 207 Ministros Extraodinarios de la Eucaristía Jesús Delgado ......................................................... 239-784-5503 Ministerio de Música Ministerio de Ujieres Miguel Martínez ...................................................... 239-821-5891 Ministerio del Rosario Vicente Saavedra ................................................... 239-348-3693 Leonel Torres ........................................................... 239-293-1482 Ministerio del Grupo de Oración Juan Gorrostieta ..................................................... 239-285-7948 Ministerio de Lectores Erika Pérez ................................................................ 239-234-7036 Ministerio de Emaús Hombres Ernesto Rubio........................................................... 239-290-0213 Ministerio de Emaús Mujeres Ana María Andrade................................................ 239-537-6792 ¿Qué hay de nuevo en el convento? Visita el convento después de la misa este fin de semana para ver nuestro surtido de artículos de otoño: Individuales | Servilletas | Coronas Arreglos Florales | "La bolsa de patatas" St. Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up December 6th & 7th The St. Vincent de Paul van will be parked in front of the church to collect non-perishable food items and unopened personal hygiene items for distribution to the needy in our area. SVDP thankfully accepts your donation of non-perishable food, paper products, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes, laundry detergent, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, diapers, baby food, and baby lotion. Our Seton Family has always generously responded to our call for help to the needy of Collier County. Please know that your gifts are almost always received with expressions of gratitude and in some cases, tears of joy. Please consider a generous donation to this cause which in turns allows us the Kingdom of God. St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School Celebrating 33 years of Excellence 239.455.2262 | From Pre-K 3, where students follow a structured Curriculum grounded in faith… Through recognition for spiritual and academic excellence... To Middle School, where students each have an iPad, and technology is integrated into all classrooms… Come see all St. Elizabeth Seton School has to offer… To schedule a tour or to learn more about how your child can join our SES family, please call Mrs. Portner at 239-455-2262, or email at [email protected] Several of our parishioners have taken advantage of the favorable IRS guidelines pertaining to the Pension Protection Act (PPA). For those who are not familiar with the Pension Protection Act, here is a brief summary: Have you taken advantage of the favorable IRS regulations (Pension Protection Act) regarding distributions from your IRA? Many of you have done so however, many more may not be aware of this opportunity which will expire in 2014. In an attempt to increase philanthropic giving, the IRS has extended the deadline in which distributions from your IRA may be directed to a charitable organization tax free. Once an individual attains the age of 70 1/2, he or she is required to begin taking minimum distributions from their IRA. This distribution is taxed at the individual’s particular tax bracket (15%, 25%, 28%, etc…) For the remainder of the 2013 tax year, you may choose to gift your distribution (up to $100,000) directly to your favorite charity (St. Elizabeth Seton Parish) completely tax free. This is a great opportunity to make a one-time gift without the federal government getting their “cut”. Please see your financial advisor or tax professional to obtain the forms necessary to make your gift. What’s New in the Friary? Visit the Friary after mass this weekend to see our assortment of Fall items: Placemats | Napkins | Wreaths Flower Arrangements | “The Potato Bag”
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