N o ve m b e r 2 0 1 4 W W W . S A I N TB A RN AB A S .U S the Beacon SAINT BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH • LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA 400 Camellia Blvd. Lafayette, LA 70503-4316 337.984.3848 [email protected] www.saintbarnabas.us November is always a month of thanksgivings. This year, more than most, we at St. Barnabas have much for which we should thank God. To begin, we are in the home stretch of our three year Capital Campaign and we have collected approximately 94% of all of the pledged money (please see the Capital Campaign update in this issue). Although there are still some outstanding pledges that we will be following up with soon, that number tells me that we will ultimately collect nearly 100%. That is truly a remarkable number. And one for which all of the credit belongs to you, the faithful people of this parish. To all who made, and kept their three year pledges, thank you very much. Thanksgiving Eucharist & Luncheon Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, we will gather for Holy Eucharist at 10:30a. Immediately following, we will host a potluck Thanksgiving luncheon in Ramsay Hall. Please join us, and, moreover, please feel free to invite your neighbors, colleagues, and friends, who might not have local family with whom they might give thanks this day. There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex. Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church is a Christ-Centered Community, which exists to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ by proclaiming the Gospel, worshiping together and celebrating the Eucharist, consciously committing our whole selves, ministering to our parish family and to others while growing spiritually through prayer and study. And we will have our new kitchen ready to cook in for our annual Thanksgiving dinner. (Or perhaps I should say that we had better have our kitchen finished for Thanksgiving Day.) This project has taken infinitely longer than we had hoped, and considerably longer than we expected. It has seen more than its share of bumps in the road, but thanks to Barbara Lambert’s refusal to give up, the project will soon be complete, and it will be done right. Thank you to Barbara, Rebecca Orr, Leslie Alwell and Eva Guillot for sticking with it and accepting nothing less than the best for our parish. As I have said several times from the pulpit lately, this is stewardship season, the season in which we consciously stop and remember all of the ways in which God has been gracious to us, and then prayerfully consider how we should respond to God’s generosity. Whether you are independently wealthy or you scrape by paycheck-to-paycheck, you have been abundantly blessed by God. It may not always seem like it. In fact, at times it may really feel like you have been cursed rather than blessed. But trust me when I say that you have truly been blessed. If you do not believe that, watch the news and take a look at how things are going in the Middle East, or in West Africa. We do not have a war raging in our back yards and (despite what some in the media might hysterically say) we do not have an Ebola epidemic in this country. And even if you have a low paying job, your wages are higher than the vast majority of the people in the world receive. Relatively speaking, we have truly been blessed. During this season of thanksgivings, it is time to count our blessings and to consider how we can best give back for all that God has given us. This year, when you get your pledge card, if you have never before pledged to the church, give it a try. And if you are used to having a church pledge as a part of your budget, take a look at what you have always done and see if it still represents a full and complete response to the grace of God in your life. And look around at the wonderful parish of St. Barnabas. Where can you be involved that you are not currently? Find a place to plug in your time and abilities. You can make a huge difference in many ways. May God bless you all during this season of thanksgivings. And may God continue to bless you in every way, every day. In God’s love, Fr. John+ In Brief Altar Guild ECW Dinner &Meeting November 11 EYC Update Last Things First End of Life Issues Presentation Men’s Breakfast November 6 & 20 Men’s Group November 25 Oct/Nov Outreach Projects Thanksgiving Eucharist & Luncheon Thursday Night Bible Study November 6 & 20 Calendar Servers Schedule Th e Ve s t r y Leslie Alwell, Sr. Warden Dan Bloomer, Jr. Warden Betsy Hackett, Jr. Warden Connie Herndon Kirby Jambon Amy Quinn Ann Snyder Luke Walker N ove m b e r 2 0 1 4 S c h e d u l e o f M i n i s t e r s W hy a M o t h e r ’s D a y P r o g r a m ? Why is a Mother’s Day Out program coming to St. Barnabas? Why not? No, really, why not? When you look around St. Barnabas on any given Sunday, what is one of the first things you see? For me, it is, was, and hopefully always will be, children. Beautiful, carefree, little angels running around, eager to kneel on the pew where their parent(s) have been kneeling for the past 30 minutes, vibrant little minds contemplating their next move. Children are St. Barnabas. So are all of you. All of you are St. Barnabas which is why St. Barnabas is such a unique place to be. That is why Little Lambs Mother’s Day Out program is coming to St. Barnabas. A church the size of St. Barnabas needs a place for children to call their own, a place for children to learn about Jesus, take scavenger hunts around the playground, sing around the organ, and well, be children. After I had my son and moved back to Lafayette, I started praying a lot more than usual. I felt like something was missing in my life but I could not figure out what. So, like my mother always told me to do, I prayed, and I asked God to help me with my life; I know it sounds silly and vague but then something came to me and it was Mother’s Day Out. I know, weird again, but I followed this “calling” and spoke to Father John B. who supported me then directed me to Mother Mitzi who has done the exact thing; supported, listened, and understood my vision. I want to bring a program to St. Barnabas that all of you can be proud of. I want all of you to be able to feel confident that the children of our church, and surrounding churches for that matter, have a place to attend three days a Our Mother’s Day Out program will do all of that and a bag of chips; healthy chips don’t worry. We will offer four different stations to our children. Our “Little Lambs” will be able to dance and sing in our Music Room, read and tell stories in our Reading Nook, build and create in our Arts and Crafts Room, and discover insects, animals, and different textures in our Discovery Room. Kelly and Jet LaBry week where they feel safe, loved, and cared for. I want all of you to be proud of your church, as I know you all are, and I want parents and guardians to feel secure knowing that their “little lambs” are learning all sorts of new and exciting things while under the supervision of certified teachers and aides. So, you may be asking… what is Mother’s Day Out? Well, Mother’s Day Out is a program that is typically held at a church or religious facility of some sort. The program is only allowed to have children in attendance for 15 hours a week which is why our program will meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00a- 2:00p. A Mother’s Day Out program places children into various groups based on the age of the children. Children in a Mother’s Day Out program typically enjoy Christian stories, kinesthetic activities, eat lunch and snacks, and play with their friends. St. Barnabas needs a Mother’s Day Out program. It will provide parents and guardians the opportunity to see what St. Barnabas has to offer and hopefully bring in a few, new friendly faces. I anticipate a successful program. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to serve God’s smallest and most precious gifts; our children. I urge all of you to get involved in our program in some way. We are in need of gently used toys and children’s books, prayers, supplies, prayers, support, did I mention prayers? But seriously, there are many things that our program still desires so if you are at all interested in assisting in any way, please let me know. I thank you in advance for your support. St. Barnabas is a special place and I am beyond blessed to be a little seed in its garden. I want to thank you all again for your support, prayers, and guidance. I look forward to making all of you proud of what we do in our program. Nov. 2 Nov.9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King The First Sunday of Advent Ushers Christian De Prins Pat Stokes Julio Naudin Terry Cromwell Christian De Prins Laurent De Prins Scott Chrysler Lee Williamson Nock Lemeunier Laurent De Prins Jack Ferstel Luke Walker John Mrak Scott Hamilton Jack Ferstel Matthew Williams Mark Gremillion Christie O’Reilly Matthew Williams Tommy McGinnis Jim Bolling Worship Leaders and Eucharistic Ministers 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a Madge McLain, Server Leslie Alwell, Server Laurent De Prins, Server Bill Poppa, Server Reese Fuller, Server 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a Kate Loos, 1st WL Scott Hamilton 1st WL Jack Ferstel, 1st WL Eva Guillot, 1st WL Clai Rice 1st WL Wendt Withers, 2nd WL Charles Hebert, 2nd WL Jo Doucet, 2nd WL Michael Quinn, 2nd WL B. Richardson, 2nd WL Barry LaFleur EM M.C. Hager EM Mark Smith, EM Sharon Falgout, EM Dan Bloomer, EM Julie Stewart, EM Amy Quinn, EM Paula Trcalek, EM Susan Uhrich, EM Kate Loos, EM 6:00p 6:00p 6:00p 6:00p 6:00p Melodi Marchiafava, Server Anastasia Fournet, Server Claire Ward, Server George Horton, Server Katie Vincent, Server Acolytes 8:00a Henry Fuller 1st 8:00a Jack Lee 1st 8:00a Anna Lee, 1st 8:00a Henry Fuller, 1st 8:00a Jack Lee, 1st 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a 10:30a Grace Loos, Crucifer John LeMeunier, Crucifer E. Stevenson, Crucifer Jacob LeMeunier, Crucifer Grace Loos, Crucifer Abigail Morton, 1st Jacob LeMeunier, 1st Waylon Snider, 1st Zack Withers, 1st M.K. Loos, 1st Piper Naudin, 2nd Maria McGinnis, 2nd Samantha Withers., 2nd Grant Holmes, 2nd Altar Guild Kelly LaBry Director, Little Lambs MDO Tommy McGinnis November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 McKnight Bloomer Miller Lambert McKnight McLain Snyder Guillot LeBlanc McLain Papke Vincent Hardy Sterling-Turner Papke N ove m b e r 2 0 1 4 C a l e n d e r Unless otherwise noted – All Sundays 8:00a……….Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:15a……….Christian Formation 10:30a……...Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:45a……...Coffee Hour 3:30p……….St. B Singers (ages 9-15) 4:00p……….The Children’s Choir (ages 5-9) 4:00p……….Jr. EYC 5:30p……….Combined EYC Dinner 6:00p……….Sr. EYC 6:00p…….....Holy Eucharist, Rite II Sunday Monday Tuesday Capital Campaign All Tuesdays 10:00a …Tuesday Morning Bible Study & Prayer Group All Wednesdays 6:30p …Adult Choir Rehearsal 8:00p …AA Meeting and Al-Anon Meeting All Thursdays 6:00p ….Healing Eucharist Please see EYC Calendar for Special Events. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday November 1 10:00a Lady of the Oaks Nursing Home: Holy Eucharist 7:00p All Souls Eucharist NO CONTEMPORAY HOLY EUCHARIST TODAY November 2 November 9 3 4 7:00p Compassionate Friends 6:00p Outreach Committee Mtg 10 Vestry Meeting 17 18 24 25 6:00p The Men’s Group November 30 7 8 8:00a Men's Breakfast 6:30p Thursday Night Bible Study, Rm 12 12 13 14 15 10:00a-11:00a Bingo @ Lady of the Oaks Nursing Home 10:00a—Noon Last Things First - End of Life Issues presentation 19 11:45a Acolytes Training November 23 6 6:00p ECW Dinner & Meeting 11:45p November 16 11 Veterans Day 5 26 20 21 10:00a Lady of the Oaks Nursing Home: Holy Eucharist 27—Thanksgiving 28 29 Office Closed We have received 94% of the expected gifts. The most urgent maintenance needs, the roof, siding, and replacement windows were completed in January 2014. Our long-awaited kitchen has had some delays but once it is finished, we will all rejoice with the modern, state-of-the art appliances, with more storage and multiple sinks. And, the electrical and plumbing will have been brought up to code. As the Vestry promised, we have paid for these projects as the money has been received. The next proposed project is reroofing the Sanctuary and remodeling the Narthex. Models will be presented to the parish before work begins. If you haven’t completed your Total Revenue pledge, you may continue giving in 2015. The Vestry and Fr. John wish to express their sincere appreciation to everyone who worked on making this campaign such a success. From the 2012 activities: fellowship dinners; hours given by the Capital Campaign Committee and Building Committee members; then ending with the parishioners who have faithfully and generously given their trust and funds to support St. Barnabas; this process has been a complete labor of love and faithfulness. May God always bless St. Barnabas and all who visit our campus, as we continue to carry out God’s mission in the world. O p e r a t i n g Reve n u e s & E x p e n s e s 2211: 8:00a Men's Breakfast 6:30p Thursday Night Bible Study, Rm 12 Office Closed 10:30a Holy Eucharist 11:30a Lunch We are coming to the close of our three-year Capital Campaign (20122014). With the commitment of our parish family, we have had a very successful campaign. Summary Analysis Revenues and Expenses Totals as of October 30, 2014 YTD YTD Budget Actual Revenues Pledged Contributions Non-pledged Contributions Other Revenue Expenses Personnel Buildings / Maintenance Other YTD Variance % 480,585 36,333 19,989 536,907 454,392 36,394 12,772 503,558 -5% 0% -36% -6% 334,509 53,726 166,117 554,351 324,471 53,760 159,811 538,042 -3% 0% -4% -3% St. Barnabas Outreach Brothers & Sisters in Arms The Mission of the Training DogsSaving Warriors program is to unite individuals impacted by Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), autism, epilepsy, developmental disabilities, or other mental health problems with dogs rescued from shelters. These dogs are evaluated by a certified dog trainer and deemed viable to nurture a healing and rejuvenating bond. The result is a positive, non-judgmental, unconditional relationship desperately needed by both. Our goal is to raise $2,500 to help purchase a cargo trailer so they can become more mobile in training dogs throughout Louisiana. To contribute you may write a check to St. Barnabas and put in the collection plate or give online by going to www.saintbarnabas.us and clicking on STBARNACCESS. Thistle Farms Christmas Gifts In 1997 The Rev. Becca Stevens, an Episcopal priest serving as Chaplain at Vanderbilt University founded Magdalene, a twoyear residential program for women who have been affected by and survived trafficking, addiction, Results of Prison Hospice Collection For the September Outreach Project, we collected $70 from the congregation, and the Outreach Committee funded an additional $400 from their budget. Also, 30 prayer shawls were made by members of the church, as well as the ECW. Items donated by the congregation were: 8 large bottles of “3-in-1” prostitution and life on the streets. To help the women obtain marketable skills, Thistle Farms was begun to help graduates become independent through employment. They produce natural, high quality body care products, candles, and note cards. All of the profits from your purchases, will be donated to Brothers and Sisters in Arms. Product samples and order forms are located in the room next to the nursery. Orders are due November 16. For more information on both of these programs, please go to www.saintbarnabas.us. shampoo, conditioner and body wash 4 large bottles of “2-in1” shampoo and body wash 13 large shampoos 2 large conditioners 18 deodorants 9 body washes 28 lotions 3 pairs of slippers 48 pairs of socks E YC F a l l F u n a n d F u r y The St. Barnabas youth groups have been running fast and furiously throughout the fall semester. At the time of this posting, we are hosting our second annual Haunted House. The 2014 Haunted House improved with the use of technology and some new twists and turns has proven to be a great event both for the community and for our youth group. Events like this help to develop teamwork and camaraderie, while we enjoy the heck out of scaring our St. Barnabas family and friends! For those of you who have not ventured into our haunting space, you would be Continued on next page completely amazed at the excellent characters our youth portray as your guide takes you through the house. They manage to stay in character for hours each of the three days we offer the event. Additionally, the kids assist us to put together the whole house, which takes many hours and days of preparation prior to the event. Many who come from the surrounding communities of Lafayette tell us our house is one of the best! If you missed the haunting this year, no need to worry we will do it all over again next year but never the same twice: we are always improving and tweaking our art of spooking! The funds raised through these efforts go toward the Solomon House outreach in New Iberia, which we do annually the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. We gather goodies, place them in coffee cups, and distribute them as we volunteer in handing out groceries for Solomon House’ Brown Bag Program. In addition, we still plan to contribute to the Christmas efforts in St. Joseph, which as many know is one of our mission sites. Any available funds after these two missional activities help us to pay for our ski trip over Mardi-Gras. +Mother Mitzi George G e t I n vo l ve d Ever wonder what happens in those rooms behind the altar? Join the Altar Guild and you’ll find out! The St. Barnabas Altar Guild is currently looking for new members. No special talent or knowledge is needed; only a willingness to serve when scheduled, which is currently once a month for about 45 minutes. We welcome all parishioners regardless of gender or age; so if you’ve been thinking about joining a ministry, please consider the Altar Guild. It’s a wonderful way to be involved in a “quiet” ministry dedicated to serving in the glory of God. You’ll make new friends and learn more about your church in the process! For more information, contact: Michele LeBlanc, Altar Guild Directress 984-5925—home 234-1467—work Email: [email protected] ECW Meeting and Dinner Please remember our next ECW meeting is on Tuesday, November 11th at 6:00p in Ramsay Hall. This month we are holding a Book Swap. Please bring a book to the meeting that you are willing to exchange, and be ready to give a brief description of the book (couple of minutes) and tell why you like it. Like all of our ECW conversations, our book talks always seem to tell us more about each other than we might expect. Also, if you are able, please bring a salad ingredient to add to the salad bar. We always love to see new faces, and we always have child care available—please come! Men’s Group Join the St. Barnabas Men's Group on Tuesday, November 25th at 6:00p for fellowship and dinner. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month through May. Bring something to throw on the grill. Sides and beverages will be provided. The Men's Group is a great way to meet your fellow parishioners and have an excellent meal. For more information contact Paul Morton [email protected] or Rob Stevenson [email protected]. Last Things First - End of Life Issues presentation at St. Barnabas Church, Ramsay Hall, Saturday November 15, 10:00-12:00, light lunch following. Presentations by: Attorney William Friedman, Fountain Memorial Funeral Home, and Hospice of Acadiana, The Very Rev. John Bedingfield, The Rev. Dr. Mitzi George, and Shawn Roy, Director of Music. Questions welcomed following each presentation. There is no charge for this presentation, and everyone is welcomed. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]. Mark Your Calendars — Date Change for ECW Christmas Party New Date: December 14 St. Barnabas Christmas Concert Friday, December 12, 6:30p
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