Plymouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust - Registered Charity No. 213227 Bishop Mark’s Pastoral Message to the Diocese of Plymouth “It is the Lord” Hopefully by now most of you will have had an opportunity to read Bishop Mark’s Pastoral Message to the Diocese. The message is a heartfelt appeal to all the Priests, Religious and Lay Faithful of our Diocese to respond to our call to be missionary disciples. This invitation is based on the call of recent Popes and taken up by Pope Francis in his wonderful Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium”. Hard copies of the Message are available at the back of the three churches and it is also available on line on the Plymouth Diocesan website. If you haven’t read it, then you certainly should, and if you have why not read it again this Lent. The Message is packed full of practical pointers on how we might begin to evangelise in our parish. The important thing is that we actually do something. All these exciting possibilities must, if they are to be effective, begin with prayer that intimate encounter with the Father from whom all true joy springs. Bishop Mark has invited us to make this Lent and Eastertide a time of such prayer and encounter as we look towards the future of our Diocese. In all this our Cathedral Parish should be a shining beacon. Among the opportunities these coming months will be the “Encountering Jesus” series on Tuesdays (see details and times in this bulletin). There will also be two Holy Hours focussed around this encounter, which by its very nature compels us to be the evangelising community we are meant to be (times and dates of the two Holy Hours in this bulletin). Wouldn’t it be a wonderful start if in our Cathedral Parish a group of people, women and men, young and old, from our three churches volunteered to form a Parish Evangelisation Team. Please see Bishop Mark’s suggestion page 7. May I encourage you to go to Google “Proclaim15”. Once on the site, may I draw your attention to the menu on the left hand side of the home page and the title : “Small Groups”. If you click on that, you will find sessions which have been prepared for use in a parish setting. The titles: Meeting Jesus, Missionary Disciples, and Jesus is Alive are there to encourage parishioners to think about the foundation stones of evangelisation. This could be an initiative from which great fruit will flow. Evangelisation is not an option for the disciple of Jesus, it is an imperative. Monsignor Bart PLYMOUTH CATHEDRAL LENT 2015 Tuesdays at 7pm, in the Cathedral Centre Encountering Jesus … THIS WEEK … in the Mass: 24 February Fr Keith Mitchell … in the Poor: 3 March Simon Giarchi …in Prayer: 10 March Bishop Mark O’Toole …in Scripture: 17 March Fr Peter Coxe “I invite Christians, everywhere, at this very moment to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ” Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel: 3 FIRST WEEK OF LENT - Yr B Psalter 1 - Mass Times & Intentions TODAY PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Spencer Barton, Pasqualina Grana and all those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace and their family and friends be comforted. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS sick and housebound: Finn Gillen, Clare Southwood, Sophie Kulka, Otylia Witecka, Mary McGovern, Jo Cotter, Ena Fleming and her twin great grandsons, Rene & Bill Cotter, Baby Tyler Cripps, Peter Jarrett, Isabelle, Fr Brian Kenwrick, Arthur Love, Doreen Dinham, Sienna Kyriacoudis & Joan & Bill Dancer. PLYMOUTH DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES, 23-29 MAY 2015 Led by Bishop Mark O’Toole. Total cost: £695. Booking forms at the back of church or book online: Contact: Fr Kieran Kirby: 01803 294142 Email: [email protected] DURING LENT : Every Friday: Holy Hour including Stations of the Cross and Evening Prayer in the Cathedral from 6pm till 7pm followed by Mass at 7pm. Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral every Tuesday afternoon at 3.15pm led by the Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) commencing 24th February. Lenten Talks in Cathedral Centre on Tuesdays at 7pm commencing 24 February Two Holy Hours: Sunday, 15th March 4.30pm—5.30pm; Sunday, 22nd March 4.30pm—5.30pm. Chrism Mass will be on Wednesday, 1st April at 12 noon in the Cathedral. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children THE RITE OF ELECTION Bishop Mark will celebrate the Rite of Election TODAY, Sunday, 22nd February 2015 at 3pm in the Cathedral. All adult catechumens and children of catechetical age who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil or during Eastertide, their sponsors, friends, catechists and families are especially invited to attend as are all members of the parish. Candidates (i.e. those already baptised and who are preparing for reception into the Catholic Church) are also strongly encouraged to attend as Bishop Mark will be addressing them during the Service. Note: there will be no Vespers today, 22 February HOLY HOUR EVERY FRIDAY INCLUDING STATIONS OF THE CROSS 6pm in the Cathedral. Led by Mgr Nannery All are most welcome to attend Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 4.45pm, Rosary and Evening prayer at 4.20, Friday: 9.30am - 7pm , Saturday: 10.30am - 4pm. Cathedral is normally closed between 12.30pm—2pm PARISH OFFICE E-MAIL Please note the new e-mail address for the Cathedral Office is: [email protected] The old e-mail [email protected] will not be in service soon. Msza Święta w języku Polskim Niedziela, 1 Marca o godzinie 15.00, Spowiedż : 14.30 POLISH MASS—Sun, 1 March, 3pm, at the Cathedral LATIN MASS Sunday, 1st March at 3pm in Christ the King church. SEEING YOUR LIFE THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPEL— Mark 1:12-15 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism Preparation Programme In the Cathedral Centre, date: tba Confirmation Next meeting: on Friday, 27th February 4.30-5.30 in the Cathedral Centre New candidates will be welcome to join the new group in November 2015. First Holy Communion Courses Next meeting: Tuesday, 24th February, 4.30 –5.30 in the Cathedral Centre (term time) RCIA Fridays at 7.30pm, In the Cathedral Centre. Next meeting 27th February. To enrol on any of the Sacramental Preparation courses, please contact 01752 662537 or [email protected] with your name, address and tel. number. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL—WHOLE SCHOOL MASSES IN THE CATHEDRAL: Wednesday, 11 March at 9.15 Wednesday, 25 March at 9.15am NEXT ECUMENICAL PRAYER MEETING Tue, 3 Mar at St Joseph’s, 7pm Theme: Saying thank you’ One of the elements will be stories of the kindness of strangers to members of our churches. For further details contact: Janice 01752 5625292 Diocese of Plymouth Vacancy. Independent Chair—Plymouth Safeguarding Commission. For more information contact Robert Brown [email protected], 01364 645430. Application is by way of a written expression and CV to be submitted to [email protected]. Closing date: Friday, 13th March. Interviews on Tuesday, 31st March in St Boniface House, Ashburton. "Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Annual Youth Conference Friday 6 March (late afternoon) until Sunday 8 March 2015 (after lunch), at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Southport (near Liverpool). Conference registration is £100, including all meals and accommodation and is open to those from the age of 16 to 35. Please download a registration form at: (If money is a problem, contact: Chris Hudson 01752 224018)" Our Lady Of Lourdes in Plympton, ‘Catholicism’ 10 week DVD course, presented by the Jeremiah Centre. Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm every Tuesday except 24 Feb, 31 March, and 7 April. There will be Exposition in the Church from 7pm for anyone who would a quiet time with the Lord beforehand. LENT15 Beginning with our Bishop, the Rt Rev Mark O’Toole, Christians young and older, men and women, priests, deacons and laity speak about what Lent means to them, based upon their reflections on the daily readings in Lent. All the speakers serve in our diocesan parishes or schools. Instructions: Go to the YouTube website and type in ‘Plymouth Diocese.’ The thought for that day will appear at the top of your screen. Click on it to watch. Clips begin on Ash Wednesday. A NEW REFLECTION EVERYDAY IN LENT (not Sundays) INDIVIDUALLY GUIDED RETREATS 2015 led by the Diocesan Ignatian Spirituality Group Details and application forms available at the back of the Church. Contact: Fr Adrian Toffolo:01548 852670 Jesus is about to start his public ministry. Mark tells us this was preceded by a deep inner struggle when his resolve to take on his God-given mission was tested. Recall important decisions in your own life. Were they accompanied by struggle and doubt? Who were the angels who supported you at that time? Give thanks for them. Such periods of anxiety may seem like wilderness experiences at the time. Later, with hindsight, we may see them as being good for us. Perhaps, like Jesus, you recall a time when the Spirit of God led you into the wilderness to be tested and after the experience you had a clearer sense of your own identity or your purpose in life? Repent and believe the good news was the heart of the message of Jesus. It was not a call to penance but to a change of heart, a change of attitude, leading to a change in behaviour. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of right relationships: with God, with one another, with creation, with ourselves. It is a change that leads to a fuller life. When have you found that a change in your attitude towards God, others, yourself, or the world around you, has led you to a more fulfilled or more fruitful life? EVANGELII GAUDIUM (The Joy of the Gospel) The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come. FLAME II CONFERENCE, Wembly Arena. Saturday, 7 March 2015, 12 noon—5.30pm Tickets are still available for Flame 2, which will be the largest Catholic youth event ever held in the UK. Matt Redman will be leading the music and a range of interesting people will be speaking, including Cardinal Luis Tagle, recently by the side of Pope Francis throughout his visit to the Philippines. The event is open to young people and young adults, Year 10 upwards. For a full programme and booking details, check out CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY, Friday, 27th February 2015. Please take a Fast Day Envelope home today and return it next Sunday, 1st March. Gift Aid it if you can. This March your donation will be match-funded by Government—doubling your donation). There will be a Retiring Collection for CAFOD after all Masses next weekend.
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