Document 399835

News Letter - Diocese of Galle
Darmacharya (Honors) students received their
Diploma Certificates— 26th October 2014
Year of Consecrated Life
In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the
world. YCL will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World
Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016.
A Gentle Reminder :
Dear Rev. Fathers / Sisters,
Please be kind enough to send your “ Year Plan for 2015” on or before 30th November directly to me.
Your kind cooperation is very much appreciated. Thanking you in anticipation.
Two Minor Seminarians have started their second phase of Priestly formation...
Bro. Gerard Anselm - John Mary Vianney Seminary, Mattakkuliya
Bro. P. Selvaraj - Dhaham Sewana, Kalutara
We wish you a happy journey in the path of the Lord ! - …
You did not choose me but I chose you ! - John 15:16
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
News Letter - Diocese of Galle
Bishop’s Diary for the Month of November 2014
Handing over Deeds – Caritas
Meeting of some Parents (of Youth)
Kalupe, Hikkaduwa
02nd All Souls – Holy Eucharist
Dadalla, Galle
Papal Visit – Central Committee
Meeting with the Youth
08th – 22nd Out of the Island
Annual Feast – Christ the Healer’s Church
General Assembly – Sacred Heart Convent
Annual Feast - Minor Seminary
Annual Feast – St. Francis Xavier’s Church
To Cast Nets into the Deep…. Come and See….
Vocation Camp – October 2014
The second vocation camp for this year was held from 24th –
26th October. There were 14 candidates from different parts of
the country and it was an inspiring experience for them. Candidates who joined the first camp were also invited and there were
07 of them.
They were exposed to the daily routine of the time table
of the seminary and to the realities of life. Conducted spiritual
exercises, Holy Eucharist and meditations must have given them
a taste of the spiritual life in the seminary.
They were examined thoroughly in academic level also.
A mathematics paper, a general knowledge paper and a general
English paper tested their academic capacity. They were also
checked by two physicians on physical and mental health. Thus, the divine call was discerned in all the
human ways possible leaving the rest in the hands of the Divine Caller.
I am grateful to Rev. Fr. Hermon Fernando for addressing the candidates on the Divine Call and
about the mission in the diocese of Galle. I am also indebted to His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Raymond
Kingsley Wickramasinghe for his blessings, encouraging words and presence during the camp. Let us
continue to pray that the Master of the harvest may send more labourers in to the field.
Rev. Fr. Jude Sampath Wilegoda
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
4th Feast of Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta was
celebrated on the 28th of Sunday, September 2014.
New Belfry was donated by Mr.
Charles Thangavelu.
All the Parishioners received spectacles by the LIONS club, Colombo
Children received new cloths from
Super Star tailoring shop, Colombo
Church of Christ the Healer
Weligama 22-23 November 2014
Saturday 22nd November 2014
Solemn Evening Prayer/ Vespers at 5.00 p.m.
Sunday 23rd November 2014
Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 8.30 a.m.
Main Celebrant:- Most Rev. Dr. Raymond Wickramasinghe,
The Bishop of Galle
All Are Welcome to Grace this Festive Occasion
Rev. Fr. Charles Hewawasam
Parish Priest
St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Kalegana
29 –30 November 2014
Saturday 29th November 2014: Solemn Evening Prayer/ Vespers at 5.00 p.m.
Main Celebrant: Very Rev. Fr. Charles Hewawasam - Vicar General
Sunday 30th November 2014 :- Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 8.00 a.m.
Main Celebrant:- Most Rev. Dr. Raymond Wickramasinghe - Bishop of Galle
All Are Welcome to Grace this Festive Occasion
Rev. Fr. Herman Fernando
Parish Priest
67th Annual Feast of
St. Francis Xavier’s Seminary, Kalegana,
: 29th Saturday, November
Time : 08. 30 a.m. onwards
Venue : St. Francis Xavier’s Seminary
Main Celebrant His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Raymond Wickramasinghe,
the Bishop of Galle
Dear Fathers, you all are invited cordially to your Alma Mater to celebrate her annual feast.
An entertainment programme, Cricket & Basketball matches and many more events await
your presence. All are Welcome !
News Letter - Diocese of Galle
As the National Seminary marks another significant academic year, she celebrates the 60th anniversary of
her long standing noble mission of preparing young zealous men for priesthood in the Church of Sri
The 60th Jubilee Academic Year 2014-2015 of the National Seminary was solemnly inaugurated by His
Excellency Archbishop Pierre Nuguyen Van Tot, the Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka with the participation
of many other local bishops on the 1st of October 2014. Very Rev Fr Rector presenting the annual report
pronounced “sample more than the sermon” as the theme of the Jubilee year.
The National Seminary students for the present academic year are 271, which consists of 174 diocesan
brothers and 97 religious brothers. Among them 06 brothers are for the diocese of Galle. Five brothers
study in the faculty of Theology and one brother in the faculty of Philosophy.
Rev Fr Camillus Cooray continues to be the moderator for the brothers of the diocese of Galle. In the new
academic year he serves as the Spiritual Director, moderator for the Chesterton English Academy, Father
in- charge of the choir and as a professor of Liturgy.
As the National Seminary moves forward with the grace of God may she be strengthened under the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of all the priests and seminarians.
Moderator :
Rev Fr Camillus Cooray
Bro Shantha Patrick (Theology III)
Bro Prasad Ruwan (Theology IV)
Bro Sheron Fernando (Theology II)
Bro Chrishan Hasalaka (Theology II)
Bro Susith Asiri (Theology II)
Bro Dulaj Chanaka (Philosophy III)
50th Anniversary of Gonapinuwala Convent - 30th September 2014
Closing sermon words
A preacher was completing a temperance sermon: with great expression he said, "If I had all
the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." With even greater emphasis he
said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."
And then finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."
He sat down. The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, "For our closing
song, let us sing Hymn # 365: "Shall We Gather at the River."
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
All Saints and All Souls
What are the origins of All Saints and All Souls Day?
Both the Feast of All Saints and the Feast of All Souls
evolved in the life of the Church independently of paganism
and Halloween. However, elements of pagan practices were
perhaps "baptized" by some cultures or attached themselves
to the celebration of All Saints and All Souls.
Let us first address the Feast of All Saints. The exact origins
of this celebration are uncertain, although, after the legalization of Christianity in 313, a common commemoration of
Saints, especially the martyrs, appeared in various areas
throughout the Church. For instance in the East, the city of
Edessa celebrated this feast on May 13; the Syrians, on the
Friday after Easter; and the city of Antioch, on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Both St. Ephrem (d. 373) and St. John
Chrysostom (d. 407) attest to this feast day in their preaching. In the West, a commemoration for all the saints also
was celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. The primary reason for establishing a common feast day was because of the desire to honor the great number of martyrs,
especially during the persecution of Emperor Diocletion
(284-305), the worst and most extensive of the persecutions.
Quite supply, there were not enough days of the year for a
feast day for each martyr and many of them died in groups.
A common feast day for all saints, therefore seemed most
Now for the pagan connection: Nov. 1 marked Samhain, the
beginning of the Celtic winter. (The Celts lived as early as
2,000 years ago in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and
northern France.) Samhain, for whom the feast was named,
was the Celtic lord of death, and his name literally meant
"summer's end." Since winter is the season of cold, darkness
and death, the Celts soon made the connection with human
death. The eve of Samhain, Oct. 31, was a time of Celtic
pagan sacrifice, and Samhain allowed the souls of the dead
to return to their earthly homes that evening. Ghosts,
witches, goblins, and elves came to harm the people, particularly those who had inflicted harm on them in this life. Cats
too were considered sacred because they had once been human beings who had been changed as a punishment for their
evil deeds on this earth.
To protect themselves from marauding evil spirits on the eve
of Samhain, the people extinguished their hearth fires and
the Druids (the priests and spintual teachers of the Belts)
built a huge new year's bonfire of sacred oak branches. The
Druids offered burnt sacrifices â crops, animals, even humans â and told fortunes of the coming year by examining
the burned remains. People sometimes wore costumes of
animal heads and skins. From this new fire, the home
hearths were again ignited.
Particular ethnic groups developed their own lore which was
merged with the celebration. In Ireland, people held a parade
in honor of Muck Olla, a god. They followed a leader
dressed in a white robe with a mask from the head of an animal, and begged for food. (Ireland is also the source of the
jack-o'lantern fable: A man named Jack was not able to enter
heaven because of his miserliness and he could not enter hell
because he played practical jokes on the devil; so he was
condemned to walk the earth with his lantern until Judgment
The designation of Nov. 1 as the Feast of All Saints occurred Day.)
over time. Pope Gregory III (731-741) dedicated an oratory
in the original St. Peter's Basilica in honor of all the saints The Scots walked through fields and villages carrying
on Nov. 1 (at least according to some accounts), and this torches and lit bonfires to ward off witches and other evil
date then became the official date for the celebration of the spirits. In Wales, every person placed a marked stone in the
Feast of All Saints in Rome. St Bede (d. 735) recorded the huge bonfire. If a person's stone could not be found the next
celebration of All Saints Day on Nov. 1 in England, and morning, he would die within a year.
such a celebration also existed in Salzburg. Austria. Ado of
Vienna (d 875) recounted how Pope Gregory IV asked King Besides the Celtic traditions in place, the Roman conquest of
Louis the Pious (778-840) to proclaim Nov. 1 as All Saints Britain in AD 43 brought two other pagan feasts: Feralia was
Day throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Sacramentaries of held in late October to honor the dead. Another Autumn
the 9th and 10th centuries also placed the Feast of All Saints festival honored Pomona, the goddess of fruits and trees;
probably through this festival, apples became associated
on the liturgical calendar on Nov. 1.
with Halloween. Elements of these Roman celebrations were
According to an early Church historian, John Beleth, Pope combined with the Celtic Samhain.
Gregory IV (827-844) officially declared Nov. 1 the Feast of With the spread of Christianity and the establishment of All
All Saints, transferring it from May 13. However, Sicard of Saints Day, some of these pagan customs remained in the
Cremona (d. 1215) recorded that Pope Gregory VII (1073- English speaking world for All Hallows Eve (or Halloween,
85) finally suppressed May 13 and mandated Nov.1 as the All Saints Eve), perhaps at first more out of superstition and
date to celebrate the Feast of All Saints. In all, we find the later, more out of fun. Nevertheless, All Saints Day clearly
Church establishing a liturgical feast day in honor of the arose from genuine a Christian devotion.
saints independent of any pagan influence.
In 609, the Emperor Phocas gave the Pantheon in Rome to
Pope Boniface IV, who rededicated it on May 13 under the
title St. Maria ad Martyres (or St. Mary and All Martyrs).
Whether the Holy Father purposefully chose May 13 because of the date of the popular celebration already established in the East or whether this was just a happy coincidence is open to debate.
News Letter - Diocese of Galle
Along with the Feast of All Saints developed the Feast of All
Souls. The Church has consistently encouraged the offering of
prayers and Mass for the souls of the faithful departed in Purgatory. At the time of their death, these souls are not perfectly
cleansed of venial sin or have not atoned for past transgressions, and thereby are deprived of the Beatific Vision. The
faithful on earth can assist these souls in Purgatory in attaining
the Beatific Vision through their prayers, good works and the
offering of Mass.
practices are probably remnants of the Celtic Samhain festivities.
In the early days of the Church, the names of the faithful departed were posted in Church so that the community would
remember them in prayer. In the 6th century, the Benedictine
monasteries held a solemn commemoration of deceased members at Whitsuntide, the days following Pentecost. In Spain, St.
Isidore (d. 636) attested to a celebration on the Saturday before
Sexagesima Sunday (the second Sunday before Lent, the eighth
before Easter in the old calendar). In Germany, Widukind, Abbot of Corvey (d. 980) recorded a special ceremony for the
faithful departed on Oct. 1. St. Odilo, the Abbot of Cluny (d.
1048), decreed for all of the Cluniac monasteries that special
prayers be offered and the Office of the Dead sung for all of the
souls in Purgatory on Nov. 2, the day after All Saints. The
Benedictines and Carthusians adopted that same devotion, and
soon Nov. 2 was adopted as the Feast of All Souls for the
whole Church.
Saunders, Rev. William. "All Saints and All Souls." Arlington
Catholic Herald.
Other customs have arisen over time in the celebration of All
Souls Day. The Dominicans in the 15th century instituted a
custom of each priest offering three Masses on the Feast of All
Souls. Pope Benedict XIV in 1748 approved this practice, and
it rapidly spread throughout Spain, Portugal and Latin America.
During World War I, Pope Benedict XV, recognizing the number of war dead and the numerous Masses that could not be
fulfilled because of destroyed Churches, granted all priests the
privilege of offering three Masses on All Souls Day: one for
the particular intention, one for all of the faithful departed, and
one for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Other customs have developed regarding All Souls. In Mexico,
relatives make garlands, wreathes and crosses of real and paper
flowers of every color to place on the graves of deceased relatives the morning of All Souls. The family will spend the entire
day at the cemetery. The pastor will visit the cemetery, preach
and offer prayers for the dead and then bless the individual
graves. "Skeleton" candy is given to the children.
Nevertheless, All Souls Day as well as All Saints Day are
rooted in Christian belief and arose in this life of the Church
through a healthy spirituality, despite some pagan trappings
that may have survived and have remained attached to their
Acknowledgement |
This article is reprinted with permission from Arlington Catholic Herald.
Catholic Collect from the
Mass for the Dead
[For all our departed brothers and sisters]
Merciful Father,
hear our prayer
and console us.
As we renew
our faith in Your Son,
whom You raised from the dead,
strengthen our hope
that all our departed brothers and sisters
will share in His resurrection,
who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Similar practices occur in Louisiana. The relatives whitewash
and clean the tombstones and prepare garlands, wreathes and
crosses of real and paper flowers to decorate them. In the afternoon of All Saints, the priest processes around the cemetery,
blessing the graves and reciting the Rosary. Candles are lit near
the graves at dusk, one for each member of the deceased. On
All Souls day, Mass is usually offered at the cemetery.
In the Middle Ages, superstitious belief, probably influenced
from Celtic paganism, held that the souls in purgatory appeared
on All Souls Day as witches, toads, goblins, etc. to persons
who committed wrongs against them during their lives on
earth. For this reason, some ethnic groups also prepared food
offerings to feed and to appease the spirits on this day. These
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
(all 3 levels)
15TH – 8.00 A.M.
3.30 P.M.
Rev. Fr. Lalith Fernando
Date : 15th December, 2014
Venue : Hall de Galle, Fort , Galle
: 8.30 am to 3.30 pm
Dear Fathers, Sisters & Animators
Please encourage your children and brothers and sisters for this great event in which 25th Anniversary of the Holy Childhood Society is celebrated.
Rev. Fr. Damian Arsakularatne
Director - PMS
National Reconciliation through Christian Leadership
Dear Fathers,
The National Catholic Youth Federation has organized a workshop on the National Reconciliation
through Christian Leadership along with the 62nd National Youth Gathering. This will be a great
opportunity for a few youth in your parish to improve their leadership capacities and personalities.
A letter will follow soon with more details.
14th – 16th Nov 2014
Sethsarana Model Farm, Galmuruwa, Madampe
04. 00 p.m. onwards
Rev. Fr. Naveen Jude de Silva
Diocesan Youth Director
News Letter - Diocese of Galle
Short Course on Counseling
Counseling is an art in which you try to help someone to discover his own inner strengths and motivate him to see things in a new and different perspective. It is not about giving solutions but rather
empowering one to find his own solutions. The sacred self that is within any human being is darkened
and distorted by the adopted self as a person grows
due to various life experiences and circumstances
and hence he begins to adapt wrong belief systems
and irrational thinking patterns. This sort of a background often lies under any difficulty or a problem. The sacred duty of the counselor is to journey backwards along with the life of the client and enable him with new aspects of life.
The short course on counseling skills was a wonderful experience I had from 30th Sep. to 15th Oct. at the
National Vocation Service Centre, Pune, India. The well qualified professors made the course so interesting. 36 participated in the course and the practical sessions were very much helpful. The National Vocation Service Centre (NVSC) conducts different diploma courses and short courses throughout the year
and they are of wonderful quality ( I am grateful to His Lordship for directing me to
follow this course.
Rev. Fr. Naveen Jude de Silva
A Day of Prayer for the Youth
A Day of Prayer for the youth in the parish of Kurundugaha was held at the church premises on 08th of October. Prof. Anton
Meemana guided the youth during the whole session supporting them to re-discover their inner desire to be a true follower of
Jesus Christ. Twenty Five youth representing the Sinhalese and Tamil communities in the parish, participated.
During the youth meeting held thereafter all the youth appreciated the opportunity provided for them to be away from their daily busy schedules and
spend a few hours in solitude with the Lord.
It was also an occasion to gather the youth in the parish, who otherwise are
mostly scattered and would not come regularly even for monthly youth meetings.
This gathering of a larger group was an occasion for us to discuss in detail as
to how we could reach out to the many other youth in the parish who do not
actively involve themselves in parish activities.
We thank Rev. Fr. Raja Ratnapriya Perera, the parish Priest of Kurndugaha
and Rev. Sr. Frida Ketapola Convent), the Sister in charge of the Youth, for
taking this very important initiative to bring together the youth in our parish.
Rev. Fr. Sebastian (from Deniyaya) and a couple of Rev. Sisters from St.
Theresa’s Convent (Kurundugaha) offered their immense support to make
this day a really fruitful one.
Lakamal Jayasooriya,
President – Youth Association,
Sacred Heart Church, Kurundugaha.
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
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News Letter - Diocese of Galle
Rev Fr. Charles Hewawasam
04th of November
Rev. Fr. Tharanga Sanjeewa SJ
07th of November
Rev. Fr. Shelton Fernando
13th of November
Rev. Fr. Chrysogonus Peiris SJ
24th of November
Rev. Fr. Ravindra Senevirathne
27th of November
Rev. Sr. Roshini Cooray SCJM
(Galle Community)
11th of November
Rev. Sr. Nandani Hewapathrana SCJM
(Galle Community)
13th of November
Rev. Sr. Sabeth MC
09th of November
Anniversary of the nomination of His Lordship
Most Rev. Dr. Norbert M. Andradi OMI
Bishop of Anuradhapura
14th of November
Patronal Feast of His Eminence
Most Rev. Dr. Albert Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith
Archdiocese of Colombo
15th of November
Annual Church Feast
Panapitiya (Elpitiya Parish)
25 - October 2014
Rev. Sr. Sahila Fernando FMM
(Aningkanda Community)
18th of November
Rev. Sr. Consa Annaingham SCJM
(Galle Community)
27th of November
Rev. Fr. Bernard Jayasinghe SJ
19th of November
His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. W. Don Sylvester
09th of November
Fr. Joseph Rajapaksha
08th of November
Fr. Jeremias Fernando
14th of November
Fr. Anecitus Perera
27th of November
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
May they rest in peace
News Letter-Diocese of Galle
Annual Excursion of the Women Religious…..
Though we belong to different congregation and
different communities as one diocesan and religious family we were given the opportunity to be
out for two days with our shepherd Rt. Rev. Dr.
Raymond Wickramasinghe, on the 17th – 18th of
October 2014. Going out for two days gave us
many opportunities to share our work experiences, come to know each other better. Thus we
were enriched by each other. We treasure this
experience because we cannot buy but earn from
caring and sharing. We enjoyed God's beauty all
around us on our journey.
We thank our dear bishop for giving his precious
time to be with the religious working in the diocese in encouragement and in appreciation of our
commitment to mission.
Rev. Sr. Susan AC
For Photos - Please see the back page.
The World Children Day was commemorated
by the Children Societies of both SED Galle and Codesep
While mobilizing people
into Community Based
Organizations (CBOs) in
the villages, Caritas SED
Galle also has given priority to create stage and opportunities for the children
in the villages, so that the
attitude, knowledge, and
skills of our children are
well developed. Our Field Officers with the help of a Volunteer from each village and the Office Bearers of the
CBOs have been highly involved in organizing them into
Children Societies. At present
we have around 18 no of such
Children societies in the Villages of Galle, Matara and
Hambantota Districts.
During the month of October
they commemorated the
World Children Day. Contests
on Art, Speech and Essay were conducted in regional level
and the winners were awarded with certificates and gifts.
The children societies were also granted with Books for
their libraries. The Religious Leaders, Government Officers, Police Officers, Teachers, Parents and well-wishers
participated in the Events organized regionally.
A similar type of programme
was organized by Codesep too at
Deniyaya, for the Children of 20
Children Societies in 20 Estates
in and around Deniyaya. The
event was made colourful with
cultural dances and songs. The
awards were distributed for
those children who ranked high in the contests conducted
in connection with the event. Rev.Sr. Patcy Nesamalar, the
Principal of the Sacred Heart Convent, Galle was the chief
gust at the celebration.
Here too the Religious
Leaders, Government
Officers, Principals of
the Tamil schools
around Deniyaya and
Parents took part in the
Reported by;
Mr.Austin Perera, the Executive Manager of SED Galle
and Mr.Don Weeratunghe, the Project Coordinator of
Pastoral Council Meeting - 26th October 2014