Document 400008

8th / 9th NOVEMBER 2014
Parish Priest and Dean of
Brisbane West Deanery
Very Reverend Fr Gerry Kalinowski
[email protected]
Parish Office Manager
Michael Doherty
Sacramental Co-ordinator
Vanessa Sullivan
[email protected]
Parish Visitor
Malia Mar
[email protected]
Youth Programme Facilitator
Nadine McDonald
[email protected]
Parish Finance Officer
David England
Finance Assistant
Alana McDonald
Volunteer Office Assistant
Sr Evelyn Page
Parish Office
18 Clewley St, Corinda, Qld 4075
Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Ph: (07) 3379 1534
Fax: (07) 3379 7931
E: [email protected]
St Joseph’s Church
Oxley Rd & Martindale St, Corinda
Christ the King Church
Churchill St, Graceville
St Joseph’s School
28 Clewley St, Corinda
Ph: (07) 3379 6937
Christ the King School
7 Randolph St, Graceville
Ph: (07) 3379 7872
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
19 Randolph St, Graceville
Ph: (07) 3379 8635 - Anne Delsorte
Outside School Hours Care
Clewley St, Corinda
Ph:(07) 3278 5606
Julia Cumming Community Child
Care Centre
12 Addison Rd, Graceville
Ph : (07) 3379 3069
Brisbane West Deanery
[email protected]
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica:
This is the façade and interior of the
Basilica of St John Lateran, whose
official title is the Patriarchal Basilica of
the Most Holy Saviour and St John the
Baptist at the Lateran. Yes that is a
mouthful, and Yes it is very different to
St Peter’s Basilica which is the most
readily known of the Roman Basilicas.
The Lateran Basilica is the oldest of
the four major Basilicas of Rome. It is
the Cathedral Church of the Bishop of
Rome – the Pope. The Cathedra is
the symbol of the bishop. The
“cathedra”, after which we name the
church known as a “cathedral”, is the
chair of the chief teacher of the
diocese, who is the bishop. This is the
Pope’s Cathedral Church in his
primary role as Bishop of Rome. It is
considered “the mother and head of all
churches of Rome and the world”, (not
St Peter’s). It is from this cathedra that
radiates the Pope’s being the chief
shepherd and teacher of the Catholic
Church. Today’s feast celebrates the
unity of the Catholic Church across the
world. Make sure you put it on your
itinerary for your next trip to Rome!
Children's Liturgy is on this weekend as
part of the Sunday 9.30am parish Mass. All
primary school age children are welcome at
Children's Liturgy. There is now a special
focused Children’s Liturgy group for grade 4
to 6 youngsters. The parish Youth Program
facilitator, Nadine MacDonald, is organising
this. This will enable a discussion of today’s
Gospel and feast at a more engaging level
for themselves. Parents, please do read
Nadine’s note in the newsletter regarding
Children’s Liturgy Group for Children in
grade 4 – 6 on page 2.
Morning tea is also on after the Sunday
9.30am Mass. Thank you to the parents that
volunteer to make both the Children's Liturgy
and the morning tea possible. I appreciate
how busy everyone is and how you make
the time to fit this in.
The youth band is playing this Sunday
night at 6pm Mass. Engaging music that
encourages energetic participation. Come
along to this celebration of Eucharist if this is
your preference.
Privacy Laws: Parish staff will be at a training workshop on the Archdiocesan Policy
regarding Privacy Laws. In the past twelve months the government have enacted
new policy regarding Privacy Laws. The Archdiocese is keeping abreast of these
changes, and this workshop will inform us of the responsibilities and procedures the
parish needs to respect. The workshop is one of many being held around the
Archdiocese. This one is being held at 10am on Tuesday 11th November at Twelve
Apostles Hall, Yallambee Rd, Jindalee. Thanks to Marnie Niland who will be keeping
the parish office open while staff are at the training workshop on Tuesday.
The Parish Office will be closed on Friday 14th November : G20 Public Holiday
Indooroopilly Parish Finance Council: planning to meet with them Thursday evening 13 November to maintain their diligent
oversight of their parish finances. Do keep praying for a new pastor for Holy Family Parish to be appointed soon.
G20 is the news of the coming week. Attentive to this very significant meeting of the world, the wider church has some
offerings in which you might wish to participate:
G20 Prayer Vigils: Representatives of various member churches of Queensland Churches Together have organised a series
of prayer vigils to pray for those whose voices will not be heard at the G20 Leaders Summit table in Brisbane on the weekend
of November 15 & 16. The Justice & Peace Commission has been a part of this planning and preparation.
The voices of many need to be heard – child workers, trafficked women, Indigenous peoples, refugees, those living with
hunger and poverty, those without work, Pacific Islanders whose homes are being inundated by rising seas and many more.
You are welcome to join with other Christians to pray for those excluded from the Leaders Summit table at the following vigils:
There was one last Friday night 7 November, at the Sherwood Uniting Church, focussing on the concerns of the earth. There
is one this coming Friday 14 November, 7pm, St Andrew’s Anglican Church, 160 Vulture St, South Brisbane focussing on the
concerns of people living in poverty globally.
Another Option: In addition, Christians will be asked to consider fasting from food or something else important to them and
praying for the needs of marginalised people and the earth from the morning of Saturday 15 November to the afternoon of
Sunday 16 November. A prayer service to mark the conclusion of this period of fasting will take place on Sunday 16 Nov at
4pm at St Francis College Chapel, 233 Milton Road, Milton (enter via Baroona Road). The prayer and information resource
and information about the proposed fast are posted on the Cathollic Justice and Peace Commission’s blog at:
Sacrament of Penance: A special thanks to the group leaders and the parents who have prepared their children for the
Sacrament of Penance. Five celebrations of the Second Rite of Penance were held this week to sacramentally celebrate
God’s forgiveness in the lives of these parishioners. Thanks also to the parish volunteers at each of these ceremonies
including the teachers from both our parish schools. Organists and soloists were there as well at each of these celebrations.
We appreciate your involvement, and the giving up of your time to be with us at this special time. A very special word of
gratitude to Vanessa Sullivan, our parish Sacramental Co-ordinator (pro bono), who gets us all organised, and runs the
program smoothly and efficiently.
Break Open the Word for 2015: Begins First Sunday of Advent Sunday 30 November. Copies are now available for $10
after each Mass, or at the parish office. (please refer to note on page 3)
People asking Parishioners for assistance: St Vincent de Paul take great care for those in need in our district. Those who
regularly seek help know the procedure of how to get assistance from SVdP - they are to phone the SVdP helpline on 3010
1096. The recurring visitors who turn up at church should be advised to call SVdP. Please do not be pressured into offering
any money or other assistance. There is a regularity of the habits of some visitors to turn up to either church before or after
Mass in order to seek financial gain. If anyone should become obstreperous, or if you feel threatened, simply advise the
person that you will phone the police. People in genuine cases of need are to phone St Vincent de Paul on 3010 1096.
I would like to use this medium to thank you all for your immense support to me on my journey towards the Catholic
Priesthood. I want to thank most especially those parishioners and groups who sent me their best wishes and prayers while I
was in Nigeria for my Ordination. I received them with joy and did pray for you all at my first Mass. I really know how much
most of you would have loved to be there. It was a great time and you were all with me in spirit. May God continue to bless
you all for me.
I have set aside the 6pm Mass on Saturday the 15th of November at St Mary’s Ipswich as a Mass of Thanksgiving for
my Ordination and to pray for all those who have been part of my journey in this country. I invite all those who can, to please
join me for that Mass and the light supper afterwards. If you are able to come, let us know at [email protected] or
3281 2133. It will be greatly appreciated if you can bring a plate and a bottle of something to share.
Fr Chukwudi
Parish Youth Ministry Team Meeting: Wednesday 19 November, 7.30pm, Parish Office Corinda: We are delighted to
announce the formation of our new Parish Youth Ministry Team to be led by Fr Gerry and the Youth Programme Facilitator,
Nadine McDonald. We welcome David Thrum, Elizabeth Trad, Michael Doherty, Trish Blumke, and Kerry Brown who have
generously agreed to volunteer their time to this important ministry. We look forward to working with this team to develop a
youth programme in our parish. If you are interested in becoming part of the team, or would like to contribute ideas or anything
else, please contact Nadine McDonald on [email protected]
Youth Pizza Nights: We will be holding a weekly Pizza Night for Youth during Advent following the Sunday night Mass at
Christ the King. The dates for the Pizza Nights are 30 November, 7, 14 & 21 December. All young people are invited and
encouraged to attend, particularly young adults 18-35yrs, and high school aged youth. We will be providing pizza and soft
drinks as well as friendly conversation! We look forward to seeing you there. If you would like further information, please
contact Nadine McDonald on 0404 221 144 or at [email protected]
Children’s Liturgy Group for Children in Grade 4 - 6 has commenced in our parish. We encourage children who have
completed the Sacramental Program to participate in order to grow their faith. To facilitate this new group, we require group
leaders to present the material to the children and facilitate the discussion. We are looking for members of the parish who
would be interested in helping in this ministry at the Sunday 9.30am Mass at Christ the King. The parish would provide all
teaching materials. We aim to recruit enough leaders so that each leader would have 1 or 2 sessions each school term, so the
time commitment would not be huge. If you are interested in helping out with this valuable ministry, or know someone who
might, or if you would like to share any thoughts or ideas or questions, please contact Nadine McDonald, the Parish Youth
Programme Facilitator, on 0404 221 144 or at [email protected]
The Book of Life will be placed in front of the
Paschal Candle at each Church during
November. You are invited to write the names
of deceased family members and friends, who
we will pray for at each Mass
Parish Bus Trip to Coolum via the Glass House Mountains
Wednesday 12th November 2014
Departs Corinda 8.15am ~ Departs Canossa 8.30am
Fare: $40 includes morning tea.
Bring or buy lunch at the Coolum Bowls Club.
Bookings: George Cole 3379 7570 or Herman’s Tours 3379 6255
An invitation is extended to students of
string, woodwind and brass instruments
to share their talent at the 8.00am
Mass, Sunday 23rd November. We will
be celebrating the Feast of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Rehearsals will be held in
St Joseph's Church on Monday 10th and Monday 17th
November at 6.45 - 7.45pm and on Saturday 22nd November
at 2.00 - 4.00pm. Contact Cathy Gleeson 3379 6919 or Elaine
Keogh 3379 6272 for more information.
A choir is being formed for the 9.30am Mass on
Sunday 23 November at Christ the King Church.
Practice will be held at 10.30am on Sunday 16
November at Christ the King. For further information,
phone Chris Larter on 3379 6579. All welcome!
Parish Book Club meets at 3pm on Friday
21st November at the Parish Office. If you
enjoy good company, reading and chatting,
come along and share with other avid readers
in the parish! This will be the last book club
gathering of the year. Please bring a plate to
share for afternoon tea. All Welcome.
Prayer Vigil for those on Death Row
7.00pm Tuesday 25th November
All Welcome.
10am - Wednesday 26th November - St Joseph’s Church.
As this is our last Friends and Neighbours Mass for 2014
would you please bring a small Christmas gift to the value of
$5 to share. If you require transport please ring
Maureen Doherty on 33754483. All welcome.
Break Open the Word: Copies are available now for the
new liturgical year. They are available from Fr Gerry or
Sr Cyprian after Mass, or from the Parish office during the
week. If you are a Minister of the Word this book is essential
for the preparation of your Ministry. Please purchase a copy
as soon as possible, at a subsidised price of $10 per copy.
Thank you to everyone who so generously
made a donation to support our work both here
in the parish and overseas. Your support was
very tangible and deeply appreciated. From the
appeal envelopes that came in we collected just
on $3,000. This will be an enormous help and
enable us to continue to serve the children here
and beyond.
We are currently taking enrolments for 2015. There are
groups for children aged 3-6, and for grades 1-3 and grades
4-7. If anyone would like more details of session times
please call us on 3379 8635 or look for a brochure in the
perspex stands near the doors of the church. Anne Delsorte
Thursday 20th November at 10.00am
169 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd, Oxley
For staff, residents, patients and relatives to come together,
remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have
died at Canossa during the past 12 months.
Morning tea will be served after the service.
RSVP to [email protected] or phone 3717 5540
The Amazing gRace
A night of trivia & crazy activities for young adults aged 17 +
Saturday 29th November 2014
Commencing at 7:00pm ~ Finishing at 9.15pm
St Joseph’s School Hall, Clewley St, Corinda
Form a team or join a team on the night.
Gold Coin Donation Entry
Register your attendance with Michael Doherty on
0409 235 480 or at [email protected]
(All welcome to come along to Mass at St Joseph’s at 6.00pm before)
St Mark’s Parish Inala Invites you to a...
St Mark’s Mercy Hall, Eucalypt St, Inala
Sunday 30th November, 2014 commencing 1.30pm
Including a Youth Mass at 5pm followed by dinner & concert
All welcome! RSVP: 24th November, 2014
Phone 3372 5658 or email [email protected]
We pray for the good health, strength and healing of Tony Angwin, Bishop Ray Benjamin, Trevor Butler, Norma Cameron,
Judith Cremin, Noni Darch, Bernie Denham, Antony Doran, Enid Esdale, Grace Fanton, Betty Ferguson, Chris Ferguson, Joy
Follent, Clare Foster, John Gagen, Nancy Gillespie, Irene Hannon, Rose Hodgman, Veronica Howard, Gary Howkins, Juliette
Jamieson, Marge Kent, Richard Lynch, Cheryl Matheson, Gordon McCormack, Donald Mortiss, Fr Gerard Mulholland svd,
Jonathan O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Terry O’Donohoe, Paul Ogden, Paul O’Sullivan, Barbara Overell, Emma Parer, Mary-Pat
Parer, Naomi Parer, Roland Peterson, Daphne Quinn, John Quinn, Carmel Radford, Les Raymer, Theresa Raymer, Ron
Riley, Sandra Riley, Peter Scahon, Olive Schmidt, Bryan Simon, Fr Brian Taylor, Annette Thrum, Paul Vickers, Margaret
White, Bill Willliams, Colleen Williams-Kee, OLSH Sisters Valerian, Lucy, Bernadetta, St Bernard and Damian.
May those who have died recently rest in peace, especially Dagmar Parer, Susie Whitehead, Tim O’Connor, Nancy Sheehan
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Mary Grehan, Harold, Mary & Elaine Brazil
We remember in prayer Giuseppe Danieli, Vittorio & Erminia Pietrobon, Rosa Maria Pietrobon, Erminia Maria Pietrobon,
Francesco Maugeri, Rosa Maugeri, Andrea Maugeri, Carmelina Pietrobon
We remember loved ones whose names have been entered into our Parish Book of Life and for whom Masses have been
8.30 am
St Joseph’s – Liturgy of the Word with Communion
8.30 am
St Joseph’s – Mass
9.00 am
St Joseph’s – Mass
9.30 am
Christ the King – Mass
7.00 am
St Joseph’s – Prayer of the Church with Communion
6.00 pm
St Joseph’s
8.00 am
9.30 am
6.00 pm
St Joseph’s
Christ the King
Christ the King
Refrain: Take and eat; take and eat:
This is my body given up for you.
Take and drink; take and drink:
This is my blood given up for you.
5.00 pm – 5.30 pm St Joseph’s
The Sacrament of Baptism for Children is celebrated
by appointment on the following Sunday’s of the month
2nd Sunday 11.00 am St Joseph’s
4th Sunday 11.00 am Christ the King
All enquiries to the Parish Office
7.00 pm
“The Flock” Young Adults (aged 18-35)
(call or text 0431 117 139 for further details)
7.45 pm
4 Merring St, Oxley
(ph. 3379 6780 / 3379 7402)
Wednesday 9.00 am
Parish Centre - 19 Randolph St, Graceville
Community of the Risen Lord
Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group
Christ the King Church, Graceville
7.30 pm
"Psalm 46: The Waters of the River" by M. Guimont, © GIA Publications;
"Take and Eat" by J. Quinn & M. Joncas, © Selah Publishing
Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Licence No. 186E. Clip Art, © LiturgyHelp.
Praise, Worship & Message - every Friday
Adoration - 2nd Friday of the month
(Printed so that users may live daily in the spirit of the Prayer of the Church)
Ezek 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17;
Jn 2:13-22
St Leo the Great, pope, doctor of the church
- Memorial
5.30 pm
34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581)
9.00 am
34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
9.30 am
Christ the King
9 & 23 November
Titus 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
(Alt. Sirach 39:6-10; Mt 16:13-19)
St Martin of Tours, bishop - Memorial
Titus 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
(Alt. Is 61:1-3; Mt 25:31-40)
St Josaphat, bishop, martyr - Memorial
Titus 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
(Alt. Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Jn 17:20-26)
Philemon 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
St Albert the Great, bishop, doctor of the church
- Optional Memorial
LITURGY SNIPPET: Sacrament of Penance
In this past week, the children in our parish Sacramental
Program celebrated the Sacrament of Penance for the first time.
The Sacrament of Penance is often referred to as
“Reconciliation”. In the past, it was usually called “Confession”.
These different titles are all aspects of the meaning of the
Sacrament. The Sacrament of Penance is a celebration of God’s
mercy and love.
While there are three forms of the celebration of the Sacrament,
the children celebrated the “Second Rite of Reconciliation”. In
this form the community gathers for a celebration of the Word,
an examination of conscience, followed by
a call to repentance. Private confession
and reconciliation follow. The Rite
concludes with a short thanksgiving and a
blessing and dismissal. We, as a parish,
will have the opportunity to celebrate this
form of the Sacrament in the week prior
to Christmas.
(Source: Liturgy Lines, Liturgy Brisbane)
18 Clewley St, Corinda Qld 4075
P (07) 3379 1534
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thess 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30
If you play a musical instrument and would like to participate in the
combined music ensemble at the Advent Service please contact
Rev Dr Robert Brennan at Graceville Uniting Church on 3379 6372 or
[email protected]
F (07) 3379 7931
E [email protected]