McCormick Systems Inc. Advanced Training Manual Electrical Version 11 Advanced Training Manual Table of Contents Topic Page No. WINPRODUCTS Jobs Screen Job Backup/Restore Backup System Job Information Detail Fields Job Details Set-up Job Screen Reports Paste/Merge Security Labels Custom Screen Set-up/Custom Workspaces Tool Bar Macro Creation Power Probes One Line/Two Line Count Length Plus/Minus Calculators Scale Shortcuts Power Probes – Adjust/Round Power Probes – Metric Set-up New Features Keyboard Mapping Labor Categories Building Items/Assemblies Creating/Editing Specifications Adding Specifications Specification Order Lists Print Creating/Editing Formulas Price Updating Setting up McCormick for use with TRA-SER SX Creating/Editing Menus Creating/Editing Find/Sort i 1 3 5 8 8 9 10 11 14 17 19 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 37 41 43 44 47 Advanced Training Manual Table of Contents Topic Page No. Editing the Database Copy/Over Copy/Insert Move Insert Range Edit Print Database Maintenance Reports Editing the Audit Trail (Standard) Editing the Audit Trail (Advanced) Change Label Set Opening Change Label Set Selecting Items and/or Assemblies Changing the View Using the “Filter” [Move] and [Copy] The “Copy Multiplier” Range Edit Multiplier Creating/Editing Extension Reports Extending a Job Edit Extension On Screen Overview Edit Extension Screen Features Approval Checks Options Screen Other Options Global Price and Labor Supplier Price Updating Supplier Exchange Menus and Tool Bar Buttons Using TRA-SER or Net Pricer TRA-SER or Net Pricer Set-up TRA-SER or Net Pricer Activation Flag Options Approving TRA-SER or Net Pricer Items Security Current Suppliers List ii 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 53 54 54 56 56 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 61 65 70 70 70 75 77 78 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 85 87 87 Advanced Training Manual Table of Contents Topic Page No. Typical uses for On Screen Edit Extension Estimator Creating New Extensions Re-Extending with Edit Extension Save/Save As Open Previously Saved Extensions In Line Editing of Quantities Swap View Labels View Properties Sending Extension Data to Bid Summary Sending Extension Data to Graph/Schedule Printing Page Set-up Reports Zoom Save Senior Estimator Re-Extending Update The Rules Deleting Material Swap Adjust Range Edit Save As Export Owner/Project Manager View Columns Update Price and Labor Re-Extend Overwrite The Rules In-line Editing Quantities Any type-in field Fields based on a formula Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Labor Labor Groups Labor Burden Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Other Costs Bid Summary – Universal (Copy) Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Bond/Tax iii 87 87 88 89 92 93 93 97 99 99 99 101 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 107 108 108 109 110 111 111 111 112 113 114 114 115 115 116 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 Advanced Training Manual Table of Contents Topic Page No. Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Other Costs Bid Summary – Universal (Copy) Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Bond/Tax Bond Table with Dollars Bond Table with Percents Tax Table Printing SUPPLEMENTAL FEATURES Proposal (Original) Proposal (Merge Fields) Proposal (Set-up) Job Documents/Photos System Documents Graphs Schedule Export HotLink HotLink TRA-SER Premier and SX APPENDIX I – KEYBOARD DESCRIPTIONS & MACROS/CUSTOM SUPPLIER PRICING/TECHNICAL SUPPORT INFO Keyboard Descriptions Keyboard Macros Keyboard Takeoff Macros – 1, 2, 3, & 5 Windows Creating additional Price Specifications and Formulas Creating a Supplier Price Updating Specification Backing up your McCormick System using the Maintenance Utility Modifying Extension Reports Adding a Material Code List Technical Support 121 122 123 123 123 124 125 NOTES: iv 128 131 134 136 137 137 141 147 152 157 160 161 165 171 186 193 194 196 202 Advanced Training Manual Jobs Screen The “Jobs” window opens itself when you start the application. If you need to open a job after the initial startup of the software, you can come back to the “Jobs” window using the <Jobs> tab and <Jobs> icon in the ribbon, or the (1) Jobs toolbar button. Initially, you select a job from the Active list, which appears on your screen by highlighting it with the mouse or arrow keys, then CLICK on the option you would like to perform. [Open, Details, Delete, Backup, Restore or Select a Tab in the “Move Jobs to Tab” pull down]. Or begin an entirely new job by selecting New Job. Based on the Security settings, you also have the option of creating new Job tabs, and moving or deleting Job tabs. The Active, Inactive, and All Jobs tabs cannot be deleted, and the Active and Inactive tabs cannot be moved. Job Tabs may be added by CLICKING the “Setup”, then “New” button and entering a Tab Name and Tab Description. The Tab may be made visible or un-visible by selecting “True” or “False”. Tabs may be deleted by selecting the Tab from the “Tab List” and CLICKING the Delete button. A Job may be moved to another tab by selecting the Job, selecting the tab in the “Move Job to Tab” pull down and CLICKING on the Tab name. The Job Details buttons may be added or removed under the “Job Details” tab in the “Move Job to Tab” pull down by selecting them on the left side and CLICKING the right arrow button. Tabs or Details may be moved up or down in the list with the up and down arrows. The AutoSize Column Headings Height check box allows two line column heights. The Apply Columns to All Current Users check box gives this setup to all Users. NOTE: You maintain all of the same functions in any of the Job Tabs. 1 Advanced Training Manual Jobs Screen (contd.) Tip: You may perform a quick search throughout your job database by using the row along the bottom of the job screen for each column. This is an “active find” and will filter your entries as you type them until the match you want is found. It is NOT case sensitive, but IS context sensitive, meaning spelling and spacing is critical. The jobs list can be sorted in a number of different ways. CLICKING on any column heading lets you toggle between sorting in ascending or descending order. • • • • • CLICK on the column heading for Job Name to perform a sort by job name (alphabetical, including numbers). CLICK on Lead Estimator to sort by Estimator. CLICK on Job # to sort by job number (this is the default sort). CLICK on Bid Date in the Active window to sort by Bid Dates. CLICK on Archive Date in the Inactive window to sort by Archive date. Jobs are made up of: • The Job heading information • Takeoff records created during Takeoff • Reports created during Takeoff, Extension & Bid Summary • A database of items/assemblies specific to the job (Temporary Database) Please note that you may have any number of jobs at any one time (limited only by the size of your Hard Drive). Each job contains its own copy of the job information. The number of jobs has no affect on the operation of the program, since you can only work in one job at a time. Tip: You may be security-limited from accessing certain jobs in this screen. If you do not have security clearance to perform the operation, the button will be “grayed out”. NOTE: The number of jobs available may vary based on the estimating product you use. 2 Advanced Training Manual Job Backup/Restore Backing up a job is a matter of telling the program where and how you want to back it up. As the window above indicates, you can give the job a name by typing it in the “File Name” field. Job names can be whatever you choose. The entire path will be shown in the File Name field when the window appears. You can also browse to the destination of the backup using the listed fields on the left. One option might be to create a folder for “old” jobs on your hard drive, or folders for each of your Users. Or you can back the job up to any media your system recognizes using the pull down, giving you a list of available medias (floppies, writeable CD, Zip drive, etc.). “Restore” is the exact opposite. Select the media you backed up on (or the folder you backed up to), select the archive file, and select “OK”. Once you have chosen your archive file, the program will process the restore and bring up the above window. You will note it contains all the backup information from when the file was created in the top portion. You then select the “Restore Option” you wish. Be aware that you probably will NOT see the first option most of the time since it only comes up if you are restoring the exact same job to the exact same computer it was backed up on. The default choice is to “Create New Job From Backup”. This is the logical choice for a first time restore on another system, since it will no doubt be another job number entirely. 3 Advanced Training Manual Job Backup/Restore (contd.) If you work in this job and decide to back it up and take it back to the original source, it is recommended that you highlight the original job in the job list, select “Restore” from the Job Screen, go through the restore process and then select “Job Selected on Job Screen” from this window. This will “overwrite” the old job with the new job containing the additional work. You can, of course, choose to restore the backup job back to the original system as a new job, but remember you will then have two jobs with the same name, but different job numbers (the higher the number, the newer the job). Backup – System The other method of backup in the McCormick Windows program is the system backup. This is a separate utility that is accessed outside the estimating program by going to <START> <PROGRAMS> <MCCORMICK SYSTEMS><MCCORMICK WINXXX> <MAINTENANCE UTILITY>. Since this is a system backup, it is intended for backing up and restoring ON THE SAME SYSTEM. This does NOT utilize archive files, so it will back up the jobs as they are and attempt to restore them to the same location. This utility can be accessed by all of the estimating programs and you could have any number of system backups within your company. NOTE: The number of system backups available for each company may vary based on the estimating product you use. 4 Advanced Training Manual Backup – System (contd.) CLICK on RESTORE and complete the dialog box that appears. The default backup is to the program installation and you can back up to any other media. The utility will remember the last choice made for the next time. This utility will also be automatically accessed the next time you open the program, should you exit our estimating program improperly (shutting off the computer in the middle of the job, either on purpose or by accident for example). In which case you would select REPAIR & COMPACT and select those areas you wish to “fix”. If it is a job, you should choose the job you were in and all three of the databases (System, Application and Parts), but the Parts as a minimum. 5 Advanced Training Manual Backup – System (contd.) Also, it’s not a bad idea to run the REPAIR & COMPACT on everything at least once a week. Use the backup utility whenever you are doing any kind of major database management. Use it as frequently as possible to save your work. You CAN backup the parts database by itself and copy it to any other install of our software (i.e., on a laptop or another system in the office). There are a number of reasons you would not want to copy the System database to any other system than its original, mainly because the backup may have “old” information on Users and job names. NOTE: Use the Database Types and Select Actions to make pre-set choices as indicated. (Such as selecting all the jobs at once) You can also choose to “lock” the system database (everything). The ability to do this will be based on the level of security you have. You also have to give a “Locked Reason” for the locking. There is also an option to “Remove Users” and it will prompt you from a list. The same individual that locked the system is also the one that has to “Unlock System”. Notes: 6 Advanced Training Manual Job Information Detail Fields This is the Job Information window. Navigate through the Job Detail information using the tabs located at the bottom of the form. There are several information boxes you need to pay attention to when adding a new job in the “Jobs Information” window. The field names that appear in the left hand column are default field names, and may be customized to fit any field name or information you want. *See Set-up. The first four field names – Job Name, Bid Date, Contractor Name, and Contractor Telephone are proprietary and cannot be edited. Fill in the fields on the right hand column with information pertaining to the current job. This information can appear on various Reports & Forms throughout the program (i.e., “ Extension & Bid Summary reports”) if setup to do so by the program (Job Name, Bid Date, Contractor Name, and Contractor Telephone) or by the individual User (merge fields in Export or Proposal). Otherwise, the data will remain here as a reference source for future use. Tip: If the field you are working on has been defined, as “Multiple Choice” the arrow to the right will bring up a list of choices. Type of Job is an example of one of these “Multiple Choice” fields. 7 Advanced Training Manual Job Details Set-up Job Details may be moved up or down in the list by using the up/down arrows. Selecting the “Set-up” from the Job Detail window allows you to both create new fields and edit existing fields. When editing, you can change the Name that will appear in the left hand default field column, the Field Type and the Entry Values. If you choose the Multiple Choice option, you can then create a list to choose from in the Choices box. Note that the choices DO NOT have to be single word, but can be more descriptive in content. You ARE limited to one (1) line for each choice. If you make mistakes or change your mind, choose CANCEL. If you wish to save your changes, choose “OK”. Bid Summary information may be imported by selecting the “Bid Summary Details” Tab, and selecting the Bid Summary Field, changing the Job Detail Display Name if needed, and selecting yes or no if editing is allowed in the Job Details. 8 Advanced Training Manual Job Details (contd.) The Job Details field (gray area) only has to be Set-up once. They then become default for ALL the jobs. Create fields that are GENERAL in nature only and apply to every job you do. It’s not a bad idea to put your thoughts on paper first, using the bid documents for an existing job as a guide. Job Screen Reports The default Job Screen Report or a Custom Job Report may be printed or previewed by selecting the proper Job Tab, CLICKING File and Print Preview or Print, and then selecting Preview. To preview a custom report, CLICK on Custom Job Report, and select a report from the pull down. The Job Listing report may be exported to Word or Excel. To create a custom report, CLICK on the “Edit” Button, name the report, and the Job Report Setup window appears. New reports may be created or existing reports may be edited using the left and right arrows. Job Details may be moved up and down in the list by marking the Detail in the “Selected Jobs Details” list. 9 Advanced Training Manual Paste/Merge The default Paste From Job screen that appears whenever you start a new job automatically selects the last Job you pasted from as the From field. This would allow you to choose a “template” job from elsewhere in your job list, for example. Tip: You can “search” the From field by highlighting the current selection and then typing the job name you are looking for. It is NOT case sensitive, but it does have to be an exact match for context (spelling/spaces, etc.). You can choose any job that is in your existing Job List to paste from. You can paste information from multiple jobs, but only once into each area. The purpose of pasting is to save you time doing the actual job. Anything you can paste is something you don’t have to do over. A brief description of each area is as follows: • • • • • • • • • Labels – The structure of your job Labor Categories – Labor multipliers by difficulty against the labor hours in the database(s) Job-Specific Parts (Temps) – Temporary items and assemblies from one job to another Job Details – The completed Job Information from a duplicate or similar job Takeoff – The actual quantities (counts/measures) from a duplicate or similar job Saved Extensions – The Saved Extensions from Edit Extension on previous jobs Extension Reports – The list of reports you can select from to perform the extensions Bid Summaries – The data and lists from one job to another Default – Allows the User to select and set their own areas to paste on each new job 10 Advanced Training Manual Paste/Merge (contd.) Takeoff has special requirements for pasting; 1. Choose only one job to paste from, 2. Check everything that is job specific, i.e., Labels, Labor Categories, Job-Specific Parts, and Takeoff. The initial paste can be Append(add to existing takeoff) or Replace(replace existing takeoff) since there is no takeoff in the current job. 3. Job Details is optional depending on if the job is duplicate/similar or completely different. Once the information is pasted, it becomes job specific, so any changes you make to it will affect only the job you are in. So you can change/edit anything in this list without affecting your original information in the Sample Job. Of course, if you make changes in the job you would like to have in Sample Job (extension reports for example), you can always open Sample Job and paste from the job with the desired changes. The above example is the Paste From Job screen after the job has been opened and Takeoff has been performed. You will note that areas in the list that have already been used are “grayed out” and no longer accessible for you to paste. This example also shows how you can utilize the paste feature for those situations where you want to “add” takeoff done on this job by someone else at a different location, such as out in the field. To accomplish this, certain requirements must be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install the program software on another computer, Backup the current database in the Maintenance Utility and restore to the other computer, Create a new job, pasting everything EXCEPT TAKEOFF, Backup that job from the job screen and restore on the other computer, Complete the necessary task(s) at the other location and return to the office, 11 Advanced Training Manual Paste/Merge (contd.) 6. Backup the revised job from the job screen and restore to the original computer, overwriting the job you previously created as a copy, 7. Open Paste From Job in the original job, 8. Choose the new job containing the revised data, 9. Choose Takeoff and Append (since the computer is literal, it has no way of determining old takeoff from new when pasting, so since there was no takeoff pasted INTO the job, the takeoff being pasted OUT OF the revised job is all new). Other areas can be pasted, but keep in mind, it will overwrite the original information in those areas. If the original job was assigned to multiple Users, specific temporary item/assembly areas should also be assigned. For example, User A can use temporaries 100,001 – 100,100, User B uses 100,101 – 100,200, etc. This way, any temporary items/assemblies created/used will not conflict when pasting the revised job back to the original. Of course any NEW temporaries created since the job was copied WILL be overwritten! Notes: 12 Advanced Training Manual Security The Win Product also allows for creating individual Users with specific levels of security. This function is limited to those with ADMINISTRATOR level of security in general or only those that have been assigned the authority. It is accessed by using the <Configuration> tab and the <Security> icon in the ribbon. The Security window allows you access to the different areas of security. It is broken into two main sections or SCOPE. The GROUP selection allows the Administrator to make general changes to an entire group at the same time. USER allows the Administrator to define the security to an individual User, regardless of the group assignment. This will allow very exact functions using the AREA and ELEMENTS within that particular area. The first step or option is to go to USER MAINTENANCE. This area will allow you to do one of two operations. Either assign NEW PASSWORDS as shown on the left or create a NEW USER as shown on the right. NOTE: The User Name is used on reports and the User lists. Therefore “cute” nicknames such as Bubba, Buffy, and Slick are not recommended. 13 Advanced Training Manual Security (contd.) Once the New User is assigned a name and password, the next step is to assign the DEFAULT settings. These create the TOOLBAR buttons and the WORKSPACES the User will work with inside the program. This also provides KEYBOARD MAPPING for utilizing the same keyboard commands that were used in the original DOS application. The new User is the DESTINATION in the above right window. Choose an existing User that has the defaults needed for the new User as the SOURCE and highlight the first default in the list. Use the right pointing arrow between the two windows to “transfer” the desired defaults to the new User. The list will automatically advance to the next choice and continue to transfer as you CLICK on the right pointing arrow. It will also notify you if everything has been sent or a duplicate exists. NOTE: All three types of defaults MUST be created for every User, regardless of final level of security assigned to the User. 14 Advanced Training Manual Security (contd.) The next step in the procedure for creating a new User is to assign the User to a GROUP. We have three (3) levels of security already in the program. Each level of security has its own distinct capabilities as follows: • • GUEST – Has no “rights” to speak of. Every new User is automatically assigned this level of security. It is basically a “look but don’t touch” function. ESTIMATOR – Has limited rights within the program. There are two very specific restrictions on an Estimator that need to be considered when assigning this level; 1. An Estimator is NOT ALLOWED TO EDIT THE PERMANENT DATABASE! This is probably the single most important restriction on the Estimator level of security. This is critical to maintaining the pricing and labor correctly and not compromising the integrity of the database. 2. An Estimator CANNOT enter another job unless the Lead Estimator on that job has assigned them to it. An Estimator CAN start their own job and see it through to completion. • • SENIOR ESTIMATOR – Has rights specifically devoted to Edit Extension. This User would only have rights to make changes to existing saved Edit Extensions on a job. If the Senior Estimator is doing actual estimating, either Estimator or Administrator would make the better choice. ADMINISTRATOR – This is the highest level of security in the system. Has unlimited rights to any and all areas of the program, unless previously curtailed by a designated “SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR” that has overall control of security. In those situations, the System Administrator will disable certain functions of security per group or User, and also prevent any other User, regardless of level of security, from accessing SECURITY at all. NOTE: Only one level of security should be chosen for any User. Multiple selection of security will cause a conflict in certain areas of the program, resulting in the program opting for the security option with the HIGHER LEVEL of coverage. The exception is combining Estimator and Senior Estimator. It is possible to create new GROUPS of security with customized functions, but as an advanced function, it should be discussed with a qualified tech at McCormick Systems Inc. before attempting. Notes: 15 Advanced Training Manual Labels NOTE: The number of columns and labels per column available will vary based on the estimating product you use. This example shows that setting up labels can be utilized according to the particular job being done. It is accessed from the <Takeoff> tab and <Labels> icon in the ribbon. It is important to remember that all columns are active ALL THE TIME. You can use any combination of columns you want, simply leave the other columns with the label <none> (these are actual labels and satisfy the requirement for the column being “active”). Note in this example that the Systems and Sheets columns include the original label <none>. This was a suggestion made by other Users, which in some circumstances, allows the choice of <none> as an option. You can now set-up a LABEL GROUP. This involves highlighting the existing name in the Label Group field, giving it a name and hitting <ENTER>. You will be given a number of choices, as shown above. Choose the appropriate option (i.e., New Label Group) and then set-up the labels for that particular group. The program will keep this set-up as a “default” for later use. 16 Advanced Training Manual Labels (contd.) NOTE: If you change any labels while in a particular label group, those changes become that label group. Therefore, it is suggested that when setting up label groups of your own, keep the “Default” label group as an option and leave it “empty” so it can be used as a “working” label group when specific results are desired. Also note that the estimating program can be used for an entire project, since Base Bid, Alternates and Change Orders are all type of Bid Packages and tend to utilize the same labels when processing the takeoff. Remember that each column is an individual list and that every list in our program ends in an asterisk and blank line, allowing the addition of more labels. There is no known limit to the number of labels you can create for any given job. Tip: A job may be created called SMALL JOBS or SERVICE JOBS. Then each label could be a complete job (i.e., Millers’ Outpost, Outback Steakhouse, Orchard Apartments, etc.). This would help keep down the total number of small jobs in your job list. Notes: 17 Advanced Training Manual Custom Screen Set-up/Custom Workspaces This example is meant to give you an idea just how much customizing can be done for any individual User of the program (1). The User can set up his/her own screen the way they want it (2) and then save it to either a toolbar button (such as “Custom” (3)) using the snapshot function (which takes a picture of the desired screen for that button) or as a custom workspace. The “Workspace” window in McCormick’s Win Product offers you another easy way to select items or assemblies that you frequently use together. The software comes loaded with a large number of pre-defined workspaces or you can set up your own unique workspaces. 18 Advanced Training Manual Custom Workspaces (contd.) Tip: While the takeoff menu offers a convenient way to select a part in one takeoff window, workspaces allows you to select parts in many takeoff windows at the same time. Workspace Pages Initial window shows the list of workspace pages that are available. CLICK on any workspace page in the list on the left side to open that page. Close When Found This option causes the selected screen to close once a match or action is performed. This is useful when you know you will only be using the selected screen minimally. Workspace Buttons • • CLICK on any workspace page in the list on the left side to access the page of available shortcuts. Choose a button to open the shortcut to the items and assemblies that are included in that workspace button. To define a new workspace button, set-up the Takeoff windows and Advanced Audit Trail you want to save as the new workspace, then open the “Workspace Listing” window. Select a page and “RIGHT CLICK” on the button you want to save the workspace to. Select Snapshot Plus, then enter the name for the new workspace button. Saving the new workspace will take a snapshot of the configuration of “Items” and/or “Assemblies” windows that were open at the time the workspace was saved, including the Advanced Audit Trail (using the option “Snapshot” will NOT include the Advanced Audit Trail in the shortcut). 19 Advanced Training Manual Custom Workspaces (contd.) Tip: Snapshot only saves the Takeoff windows open at the time the button was defined. Snapshot Plus will save both the Takeoff Windows and the Advanced Audit Trail. A toolbar button snapshot saves all the windows open at that time, including the Advanced Audit Trail. Tip: “RIGHT CLICK” on a workspace button. If the button is blank, you will then be asked for a name. Otherwise, you will be presented with the above menu on the left only. New Workspace Page* Choose Set-up from the Workspace window to get the above window. In this window, choose New to get the New Workspace Page window below. Entering a new name will give you a new, clean page to customize any workspace buttons you need. New Workspace Name* Choose the current Workspace page name from the list on the right and choose the Rename button. Just enter the new name you want for the workspace page. * Ability to perform this function will be determined by Security. 20 Advanced Training Manual Tool Bar Macro Creation Since the Workspace Tool Bar button is NOT a snapshot, but rather a MACRO, the following instructions are provided for setting up/fixing your own macros. A set of actions can be assigned to a specific Tool Bar button. When you select the appropriate tool bar button, the program runs the actions that have been assigned to it. In the following example we will create the macro that brings up the Workspace screen over your existing windows. 1. “RIGHT CLICK” on a blank Tool Bar button and enter the caption (name). If the name already exists, go to step 2. 2. “RIGHT CLICK” on the Tool Bar button, select Macro from the pop-up list. 3. You may now create the “macro”. Type in the following macro exactly as it appears below. {F10}kklw 4. Once you are done, hit Return. 5. Notice that now when you select your Workspace tool bar button, the Workspace screen is loaded over the top of any of your existing screens. Instead of creating a snapshot that would need to reload all of its screens, you have just created a program that calls for a specific window. The following is a short explanation of the above procedure: • • • {F10} is a macro command that identifies a certain action, in this case “GO TO”, referring to the command menu along the top of your screen. Other macro commands can be found in various Windows® manuals. “kkl” is an existing macro command within the program. In this case, it represents “Takeoff”. “w” is also an existing macro command within the program. So the entire macro is “reading” as Go To Takeoff Workspace. You can create almost any combination of menu macros using this procedure. If you have any further questions or would like help setting up additional macros, please contact Technical Support or refer to off-the-shelf Microsoft/Windows manuals on the subject. NOTES: 21 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes One Line / No Title Bar Two Line / Title Bar Tip: “Double” CLICK the mouse in the title block (McCormick logo) to turn the title bar on or off. You can also close the probes while in the program by using the “X” in the title bar. Count This window is where the results of using the Count Probe will show up as you use the probe. Length This window is where the results of using the Length Probe will show up as you use the probe. The results will be based on the scale that is set. Plus/Minus This feature allows you to reverse the direction of takeoff for either probe from positive to negative. This can be very useful if mistakes are made (and caught) while doing takeoff. It will NOT work after values are actually input to the audit trail. Tip: Rolling off lengths can be accomplished with the Length Probe rolling either “forward” or “backward”. It will always increase or decrease depending on the plus/minus button. NOTE: Should you roll off a length in the wrong scale and realize it before you send it to the Audit Trail, you can simply change the scale and it will calculate the correct length automatically. 22 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes (contd.) NOTE: Once a count or length is entered into the Audit Trail, starting a new count or length will “zero” the window and begin again. It is not necessary to clear the window each time. Calculators There are two (2) Calculator icons on the power probes, one next to both Count and Length. This is designed to bring up whatever value is currently showing in those windows, enabling the User to perform math functions on those values (i.e., figuring the number of couplings used for a specific length of conduit). Calculations can be sent to either the Count or Length windows by using Transfer. Clear works like any calculator. Scale There are a number of ways to use the scale in the Power Probes. All of the functions of ScaleMaster are available using the Power Probes, with the added ability to input the results directly into our program. The different options are noted below: • • • • Typical – There is a list of typical scales available via the pull-down Custom – You can create custom scales as needed from engineers/architects or for large scale jobs anytime and they are added to your pull down list Metric – This is a combination of both Custom and Typical in that you adjust existing engineer scales to “read” as metric (i.e., 1=100 as meters instead of feet), then adjust the results to enter the audit trail as feet. Reduced Drawings – This is a very helpful feature. It allows you to “calibrate” your length probe to the actual drawing, regardless of the original scale. The key is to set the scale to 1=1, roll off a known length and then identify that length as the scale. Your length probe is now set to that scale for the rest of that drawing. Remember, you should do this for each sheet that doesn’t match your original calibration, since you do not know what enlargement /reduction rate was used. 23 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes (contd.) Scale (contd.) If you open <Options><Preferences> in the title bar, and choose the Scales tab, you have many editing options available as shown. These include adding scales, moving existing scales up and down in the list and deleting scales that have accumulated (especially reduced drawing scales). When Move Selected Scale to Top is selected (recommend), the current scale being used will always appear at the top of the list. Reset Scales will prompt you that all “custom” scales will be deleted and return the default scales. Shortcuts There are a few keyboard shortcuts built into the power probes that it would be helpful to know. To bring up the count calculator, use F3. To bring up the length calculator, use F4. You can “clear” the count/length windows by using F5/F6 respectively. For example, if you have started counting or measuring and realize it’s the wrong takeoff, simply choose F5 or F6 and it will reset the count/length windows back to zero. 24 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes (contd.) Power Probes – Adjust / Round Power Probes – Metric Metric For the User doing metric jobs, there is only one basic difference with using our program…the database is in feet. The takeoff is done the same, the scales can be set to metric, but the results will still be based on feet! Our method of dealing with metric takeoff requires multiple steps to set-up. 1. SET the scale to the correct metric scale (use existing Engineer scales such as 1=10 or 1=100). 2. CLICK on the I/M button to change the perspective of the scale (i.e., Imperial looks at a scale as Inches=Feet, Metric looks at a scale as Meters=Centimeters). 3. CLICK on Adj button to bring up the above window. Select the ADJUST box (this will give you a “tilde” symbol (~) next to the length, indicating you are in an Adjust mode while doing takeoff) and change the *1 in the adjacent field to *3.2808 (this is the metric conversion factor). 4. CLOSE this window. 5. DO your takeoff. The results in power probes will be in meters and the audit trail will show the conversion to feet. 6. REVERSE the above steps (4-1) to return to Imperial takeoff. NOTE: It only requires set-up once for the metric conversion, since the new factor will be available via the pull-down in future use. 25 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes (contd.) Set-up The above windows are accessed through the power probe menu under <Options><Preferences> located in the title bar. • • Options lets the User choose various settings such as Always on top (default) which means no other window will be able to “overlay” the probes. Also how the PowerProbe icon is displayed and an option to allow keyboard entry of Count/Lengths, once the check boxes are checked. The optional keystrokes offered are typically available on most systems, but other software may already be using them, so some testing may be required. Sound lets the User choose between No Sound, PC Speaker (rare today), and Play Media Files (also known as .wav files and sound bites). Notice that under Play Media Files there are four distinct sounds listed along with a “browse” button for each sound. It is possible to download various sounds (racing engines, cash registers, explosions, etc.), save them and then browse to them here for use with the probes. Volume Control should be obvious and Default will restore the original sounds provided with the program. 26 Advanced Training Manual Power Probes (contd.) New Features include: Complete rewrite from the ground up using latest .NET technology that handles the probe interaction as well as the license administration. Multiple USB and Serial key connections Adds the number of licenses dynamically for any McCormick System product. Windows Service functionality Supports Microsoft standardized rules for services – starts on servers automatically. Automated Multiple License Administration Multiple McCormick Systems products can be run simultaneously, but not the same program more than once. (CAD, Change Order, and McCormick Estimating System all running at once). Simplified remote license administration. Communication with Remote Power Probes Clients USB and Serial keys can work over the network and receive counts and lengths from a remote computer. This is really only useful for Citrix and Terminal Service users. Works over LAN connections, may work over broadband connections (remote clients). If multiple probe keys are connected, then multiple Power Probes clients can be used for counts and lengths. 27 Advanced Training Manual Keyboard Mapping Keyboard mapping was primarily used for allowing previous DOS customers to continue using their keyboards to perform operations in Takeoff. The keyboard mappings by default are set for three (3) windows, but can be set for any number. It is a tedious and complicated process and not worth the effort in most cases. Either use the mappings as set up, or try to use the mouse instead. That said, we currently have a specific use for keyboard mapping to be able to “hotkey” directly with the Trade Service program and export items directly into the McCormick estimating program. To accomplish this, we have created a keyboard command, as shown in the window above, for one (1) window takeoff and SHIFT H. There are other tasks that must be performed within the program before the hotkey feature will function and will be covered later on in this manual. Should you want to utilize keyboard commands, we have the breakdown of the Keyboard Designations, Keyboard Macros, and an example of a five (5) window takeoff set up in Appendix I. Notes: 28 Advanced Training Manual Labor Categories NOTE: The Labor Categories will vary based on the estimating product you use. Labor categories are multipliers, based on “task”, applied to the original labor hours contained in the database for both items and assemblies. If you do NOT paste the labor categories from Sample Job when you start a new job, you will only have three (3) labor categories to choose from; Default (x1), Easy (x.5), and Difficult (x1.5). To create/edit the labor categories, go to the <Configuration> tab and the <Labor Categories> icon in the ribbon. Now you can go to any category and change the Name or Factor as necessary. You can also go to the bottom of the current list and add any categories you wish. You can move the categories to whatever position in the list you want that makes better sense. For example, EXPOSED 50’ may be moved up to the line below the other EXPOSED. To do this, highlight the line you want to move by CLICKING on the gray box at the beginning of the line, then use the up and down arrows to the right to move it into position. Also, in the above example, the Labor Category field includes the labor factor as well. This makes it a little easier to see when you use the labor category field in takeoff. NOTES: 29 Advanced Training Manual Building Items/Assemblies NOTE: The Assembly content/application will vary based on the estimating product you use. The subject of building items/assemblies was thoroughly covered in the basic course, so we will look at other applications of building items/assemblies at this time. Remember the standard database is designed for assemblies that are based on the lowest common denominator, i.e., one each or one foot. This is so the estimator can count or measure the necessary quantities and they will be reflected that way in the extension. This is fairly simple and straightforward. Another application of building items is to build one item with price and labor that includes an entire assembly, such as a troffer that includes all the standard parts (troffer, lamps, box, cover, wirenuts, etc.). Of course, this will NOT allow any “tracking” of the individual components, but will make it easier to simply take it off and use the item in a larger assembly such as an entire room. NOTE: You can change the name of the Temporary Assemblies directly in the list by choosing an assembly, holding down the <CNTRL> key and hitting <INSERT> (doing the same again turns it off). This will highlight the entire list. You can now change the name directly. If there are matching byproducts, you will also be prompted if you want to change these as well. This function ONLY works for Temporary Assemblies. 30 Advanced Training Manual Building Items/Assemblies (contd.) Along with this concept, it may be beneficial for those estimators that also double as project managers to build assemblies as an entire task, such as Primary/Secondary Feeders, to include EVERYTHING THE TASK REQUIRES. This would include the entire trench, compacting, backfill, shoring, conduit, fittings, etc. The key is to use the actual quantities needed in the assembly, i.e., 1500 feet of trench, shoring, backfill, etc. The reason this is beneficial from a project management standpoint, is the ability to correctly judge the actual hours involved for task management (using the specification review afterwards as shown). Remember, the Material $’s may not be completely accurate, due to the inclusion of “quoted” items within the particular assembly. But the Labor Hours should be accurate, since even quoted items usually have some labor. 31 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Specifications NOTE: Access to Specifications will vary based on Security and the estimating product you use. Creating/editing specification is accomplished by going to the <Configuration> tab and the <Specs> icon in the ribbon. Once the window is open, you can perform any editing by selecting either Items or Assemblies in the “Spec Type” field. Once you have made your choice, use the “Select Specification” field to find the actual specification you want to edit and you can then change any of the information pertaining to that specification, such as: • Screen Name – The name of the specification as it appears in your Review window. • Report Name – The name of the specification as it will appear on any reports you create. • Report Width – The space the specification will take to print on a report. Remember that in Windows it isn’t a function of character number, but of space. • Decimals – The number of decimal places the specification needs. Usually only applies to currency specs and then it’s always 2. • Default Value – The value that will appear in a field before you set anything else (such as a specific price or labor), usually zero (0). • List – This field indicates if the specification is a part of any established list. A list assignment can be chosen from the pull-down if needed. • Formula – This field shows the formula name (if any) for the specification. This is followed below by the formula itself. It’s unusual, but if a spec is going to use an existing formula, it can be chosen from the pull-down, but formulas are usually unique to each spec requiring them and must be set up individually. This will be covered in the next section. • Dollar Sign – This field should be checked when defining a currency field. • Has Unit – Used for specifications that require Units of Measure (usually prices and labor specs). Keep in mind, that if the item/assembly already shows “Has Unit” selected, you cannot uncheck it. • Default Unit – This is the default Unit of Measure for those fields that have “Has Unit” checked. It is usually set to blank (which is the same as Each). 32 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Specifications (contd.) Adding Specifications To create a new specification, select the ADD SPEC button. This will bring up a window that allows you to give the specification the basic definition it needs, such as: • Screen Name – The name of the specification. Initially, this will fill in both the Screen Name and Report Name fields with the same name. • Data Type – Choose the correct data type from the pull-down. These include: o Boolean – Can have one of two values: True or False. (i.e., Header) o Byte – Number from 0 to 255. Does not allow decimals. (i.e. Count/Length Input) o Long – Number from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Does not allow decimals. (i.e. Item Number) o Text – Stores up to 255 characters of text. (i.e. Item Name) o Currency – All monetary values. (i.e. Book Price) o Single – Number with decimals. Range is between -3E38 to +3E38 (i.e. NECA1) • Default Value – Again, this is the default value for a field when it hasn’t been filled in yet, usually zero (0). NOTE: To make creating a new specification easier, it is recommended that you review a previous specification that is similar to the one you are creating. That will help you determine the Data Type and Default Value. Once the specification is created, you will then be returned to the Edit Specifications window. Select the new specification and you can edit any of the areas as noted above. You would then select SAVE SPEC (or just close the window, since you can only create one spec at a time) to lock in those changes. You will be prompted that all Users have rights to edit/view, do you wish to set those now. Saying no will allow all Users to be able to Edit/View the new specification. Should you want to edit a User or User Group, you will have to make adjustments in SECURITY and it’s better to wait until all the specs are done. 33 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Specifications (contd.) Adding Specifications NOTE: Any specifications you create CANNOT BE DELETED!!! Therefore, be very sure that; 1) you have a current backup of the parts database, and 2) you are sure of what specification you want to create before attempting to do so. If you have any doubts at all, call McCormick Technical Support. Let us know what you want to do, and WE can attempt it first, and then walk you through it. Specification Order You can then move the new specification to whatever location in the specification list by selecting SPEC ORDER button and the Move Spec arrows. New specs will always appear at the bottom of the list initially. This process will position the new specification in both the permanent and temporary databases when in Review. Remember; select “OK” when you are done to lock in the new changes. CANCEL will take you out of the entire procedure without making any changes at all. NOTE: This procedure may be best utilized AFTER all of the necessary specs have been created, as it can all be done at one time. Also, if you plan on editing a certain specification repeatedly throughout the database, moving from one line to the next automatically moves you back to the top of the specification list while in Review. You might want to consider changing the spec order by moving that spec to the top of the list prior to your editing and then moving the spec back when done. 34 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Specifications (contd.) Lists (contd.) In addition to the standard fields for a specification such as Screen Name, Report Name, Decimals, etc., you can associate a specification with a particular “List” by using the List button (not the pull-down) in Edit Specifications. A list is based on two things: 1. Common specs that are shared by all items/assemblies in the database, and 2. Unique information/application of that spec as well. These include such things as cost codes (shown), schedule codes (newer applications), takeoff affected by (count/length), etc. All items/assemblies have these specs in common, but each item/assembly can also be unique within those parameters. Sometimes it can be a long list, other times it can simply be a choice between yes and no (such as Header). You can create new lists, but honestly, there has seldom been a need to do so. Should you find a need, call Technical Support for assistance and suggestions. This is also where you have to be to edit an existing List, such as cost codes. The McCormick program allows customizing of the cost code list to match a User’s accounting program for job costing purposes. You can add to the list at the bottom (as well as move it up and down to its final position) and you can input whatever Value you need, including both alpha and/or numeric up to five (5) characters, which just happens to be what the Universal Building Codes (UBC) are. Care should be taken when editing or adding to an existing list, as the descriptions and values already listed are probably already in use. For example, changing a description of a cost code could affect thousands of items in the database without you knowing exactly which ones. This could give you skewed results when extending by cost codes. If you’re not sure, call Technical Support for assistance and suggestions. 35 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Specifications (contd.) Print You can print out the Specifications. It is an automatic function in that when you “LEFT CLICK” on the <Print> icon in the ribbon, it will automatically bring up the entire report. All the data for Item Specification is shown, followed by the data for Assembly Specifications. The default report is 14 pages, with 13 pages of data. Creating/Editing Formulas NOTE: Access to Formulas will vary based on Security and the estimating product you use. Some specifications will use formulas to calculate a value. To create or edit formulas select the <Configuration> tab and the <Formulas> icon from the ribbon. There are two sections to the formulas; “Item” and “Assembly”. You select the area in which the specification requires the formula. 36 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Formulas (contd.) The Specifications pane is where you select the specification to be edited. This will “anchor” the work that you do. You will then do a SINGLE “LEFT CLICK” on the specification to review it. The Formula field will show the formula, if any, and remain gray, as in the above example. Or DOUBLE “LEFT CLICK” on it to open the Formula field and allow creating and/or editing, as in the above example. If creating, you will likely have to begin by giving the new formula a Description. When giving a name, it’s easiest to use the name of the existing specification (i.e. Item Ext Price 1). 37 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Formulas (contd.) We also recommend that the name be preceded by the word Item or Assembly depending on which formula type you are creating. This is to prevent confusion if a specification has the same name as both an Item and Assembly. Then simply follow the same procedures as editing explained below. If editing, delete whatever you don’t need in the Formula field and replace the data with selections from the Additional Specs and/or Functions lists. When choosing Additional Specs for a formula, DOUBLE “LEFT CLICK” on the chosen spec to put it in the Formula field. Further modifications, such as math functions (*, +, -, /), are done directly in the Formula field. Some of the most commonly used Functions are listed below: • • • • • • @LABOR QTY [@LABOR_QTY ()] – Returns the labor quantity (adjusted quantity * adjusted multiplier * adjusted labor factor). Usually used for Extension labor totals @QTY [@QTY ()] – Returns the quantity (adjusted quantity * adjusted multiplier). Usually used for Extension price totals IIF [IIF(expr, truepart, falsepart)] – Returns one of two arguments depending on the evaluation of an expression. Usually used along with supplier pricing MIN [MIN (number_list)] – Returns the smallest value in the specified list of numbers. Usually used when comparing multiple prices, including suppliers’ AVERAGE [AVERAGE (number_list)] – Returns the average of the supplied numbers. The result of AVERAGE is also known as the arithmetic mean. Also used when comparing multiple prices, including suppliers’ MAX [MAX (number_list)] – Returns the largest value in the specified list of numbers. Can also be used when comparing multiple prices or numbers, but not used often The information contained in the brackets is the way the Function would appear in the formula you are creating. The description is what the Function does to the formula. Notice that in the case of @LABOR QTY and @QTY, the description is actually referring to the data contained in the adjusted columns of the Advanced Audit Trail. Do not get these two confused or your results could be very different than what you expect. REMEMBER: What you want to do with your specifications may require the creation of more than one specification with multiple formulas. It may appear to be a simple matter, but could turn out quite complicated. If you are not sure, call McCormick Tech Support; tell us what you want and what you want it to do. We will research it, create it/them, and walk you through it. Also, don’t forget, you can’t do a formula until you have a specification(s) to apply to it! 38 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Formulas (contd.) Once the formula has been written, you will CLICK on “OK” and receive the message below. You would respond with <Yes> and receive the next message below. If you have additional formulas to create, respond with <No> to this message initially. Once all the formulas have been created/edited, respond <Yes> to the message when it appears after the last formula. You can also run a Recalc Parts from the Edit Formulas window. Doing so may tell you that the existing parts have already been recalculated and give you the option of skipping them or doing them again…it’s your call. You can also print out the formula by a “LEFT CLICK” on the <Print> icon in the ribbon. Just like Edit Specifications, the report is automatic. The above example shows the first formula, which is the default for all new specification, <none> and a formula of “1”. The default report is eight (8) pages with seven (7) pages of data. 39 Advanced Training Manual Price Updating Price Updating is accessed at the <Jobs> tab and the <Update> icon in the ribbon within any job. Default Price Updating updates Book Price (Update Specification) using the DCI Code (Compare Specification). The format is Trade Service for Windows (Format) using Column3Price (Price) and matches the unit in the database (Unit). It writes to the file trade.dat each time an update is run (Update Path and File) and sends the changes to the database (System data path). This window is also where you set-up the link between our program and Trade Service/Epic (New CU) and the previous update issue (New UPD) for Trade Service. 40 Advanced Training Manual Price Updating (contd.) It is possible to update prices from other sources, such as a specific supplier. You would first have to set up a specification(s) for the supplier (based on the same information in Book Price – see section on Edit Specifications), and then CLICK on New in the opening Database Update window. Once you name the new selection, it will take you directly into the Database Update Edit window shown above. You provide the necessary information for Update Specification, Compare Specification and the rest is defaulted. Notice the update is based on Trade Service PFMS and the Update Path and File are identified as a:\trade.dat (the old updates were provided on a floppy). The Format remains the same, but you need to browse to wherever the source of the price update is. However you are receiving the updates, you need to save them to a specific location (such as a “Price Update” folder), and rename it to a specific file name (i.e., Crescent, Hughes, Graybar, etc). By doing this, you will “point” the Update Path and File to that specific file once and not have to use this edit function every time you get an update. Since supplier pricing is done directly off the file they send you, it is not necessary to create a link or have a sequential update, so you will not have to use New CU or New UPD. You can create as many specs as needed and as many price update configurations to update them. There are other concerns involved as well. For instance, the supplier may not update many items in the database. Any item they don’t update would have a price of zero ($0.00). That doesn’t extend well. We handle this by creating an additional spec that has a formula (IIF – see the Edit Formulas section) that will put in a price if one isn’t provided. THIS is the spec we use to create an Extension report with. We can also create a final spec (i.e., Best Price) that also uses a formula that will return the lowest price, after comparing all available prices (MIN – also covered in the Edit Formulas section). Bottom line, if you have unusual circumstances, call McCormick Technical Support for assistance. 41 Advanced Training Manual Price Updating (contd.) Setting up McCormick for use with TRA-SER SX 1. Open any job, then hit file/update. 2. You will no longer be using the top selection TRA-SER for windows after this. 3. Hit new and add the description of TRA-SER SX and TRA-SER select SX from the Format drop down. 4. This will open up the Configuration dialog. You can use this button to begin the update, BUT we would rather you closed this window and hit the button on the previous screen. This will kick out all the other users and begin the update. This should be the Default, even if you don’t have NECA The Price update logs can be placed local or on a network so other users may access them. This is only used if you have multiple databases attached to the same program. Last Issue Processed starts out blank. This will give you the last 5 years of updates. Once an update is successful, it will auto fill with the date. This field cannot be modified. The McCormick fields need to be matched to TRA-SER SX fields. This example shows the most common scenario. You can update multiple price columns at the same time if the user has the appropriate fields in McCormick. If the user fills out the unattended update section with a valid windows account, it will start the update at the designated time. Refreshing TRA-SER SX will refresh any changed TRA-SER files. Save Update Configuration saves your changes. 42 Reports are not printed by default, they are stored. If you hit the View Report Files button, you will have access to the report archive. You can then print any past successful reports. Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Menus NOTE: Before doing any work in the menu, DO A BACKUP OF THE PARTS DATABASE!!! NOTE: The Takeoff Menu Setup remains the same for any estimating product you use. 1. Open a Job and open either an Item or Assembly window (different menus apply for each database and must be done separately) using the <Takeoff> tab and either <Open Item Window> or <Open Assembly Window> icon in the ribbon. 2. CLICK on the MENU tab at the bottom of the Item/Assembly window to bring up the appropriate menu. 3. The default columns and links are in place; all that is missing, as delivered, are the actual connections to the database you might want to make. CLICK on the SET-UP button to begin the set-up process. 43 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Menus (contd.) 4. Select the label in each column of the path you want and then “LEFT CLICK” in the next blank column to get the focus there (unless the last column of information are already links…then stop there). NOTE: If you want to create a brand new path from scratch, you will “LEFT CLICK” in the blank field at the top of the first column (shifts focus), enter a label name (yes they call them labels here as well), and <ENTER>. You will be prompted what to do (Add before or after the current label for instance), so ADD appropriately. That will create a situation where all the subsequent columns will be blank in preparation for you to complete the “path”. Move from left to right at the top of each column and add your labels. Hint: Add all the labels for each column before moving to the next column, but make sure you are on the correct label for the next column, so the path is correct. 5. Once you have focus in the first blank column (or the link column), find the appropriate information in the database to match the selections already made (i.e., Branch > EMT > D/S Strap > …). This can be a Header (typical) or an actual Item or Assembly (optional). 6. When you have the desired item or assembly selected to link, “LEFT CLICK” on the “ADD MODE” button, which will bring up a TRANSFER bar within the chosen item/assembly window. 7. A “LEFT CLICK” on this button will transfer the chosen header/item/assembly to the blank column. 44 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Menus (contd.) 8. The “link” has now been made between the menu and the database. You will continue Steps 5 and 6 until all the links for the specific label are made and then move to the next label in the immediately preceding column and create all those links. NOTE: If you find you have create four columns of labels and “run out” of columns to make your link, OPEN LEVEL will create one more column for you to make your link in. 9. When you are finished creating these links, simply exit the menu and it will “lock” everything in place and take you out of add mode and set-up. NOTE: The menu is tied directly to the Permanent Database by its links. Therefore, the only way to restore this function is to restore a backup of the Parts database. It also means that before doing any work in the menu, DO A BACKUP OF THE PARTS DATABASE!!! 45 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Find/Sort Find/Sort is accessed from the Item/Assembly Takeoff windows using the F/S tab. To create/edit, you select the SET-UP button on the main window. You can then select NEW for a new find/sort set-up, DELETE to get rid of an existing set-up, or CLOSE if you decide you don’t want to do anything at all. When you select NEW, type in a new name in the Description field and choose the specification you will use for the find in the Field pull-down. You will then choose a method to sort by in the Sort Order field (keep in mind that if you are creating an Item find/sort, it should be related to items such as Item #). Once you have completed the set-up to your satisfaction, select SAVE to add it to your Find/Sort list. NOTE: Find/Sort will only work if the specification you decide to use for finding data is common to all Items/Assemblies within the database, such as Name, Part #, or DCI Codes, yet must also be unique, in order to allow Find to locate similar matches. Find/Sort settings are User specific. Editing the Database To begin editing the database, you access the utility menu by putting your focus in the takeoff window you want to edit (Item or Assembly), then doing either a “RIGHT CLICK” in the C-Probe/L-Probe/Count area of the window, OR go to the <Takeoff> tab and the <Settings> icon in the <Tabs> area in the ribbon. For block operations, go to the <Takeoff> tab and the <Database Utility> icon in the <Launch> area of the ribbon. 46 Advanced Training Manual Editing the Database (contd.) Once the utility window is up alongside your takeoff window, select the option you wish to perform on the database; Copy/Over, Copy/Insert, Move, Range Edit, or Insert (Print is accessed from a different window for printing the database). Copy/Over You locate the Begin of the range of Items/Assemblies you want to copy to another area of the database and “LEFT CLICK” the button. Then locate the End of the range of Items/Assemblies you want to copy to another area of the database and “LEFT CLICK” the button. Then decide where you want to Paste At for the range and “LEFT CLICK” the button. Caution! Be sure you have enough room at the destination for the copy to fit! This option overwrites any data at the destination! You will receive a warning before the program implements the action. This method of copy is excellent for utilizing existing space in the database. Copy/Insert You locate the Begin of the range of Items/Assemblies you want to copy to another area of the database and “LEFT CLICK” the button. Then locate the End of the range of Items/Assemblies you want to copy to another area of the database and “LEFT CLICK” the button. Then decide where you want to Insert After for the range and “LEFT CLICK” the button. This method of copy is excellent for adding to existing areas of the database by creating the needed space automatically. 47 Advanced Training Manual Editing the Database (contd.) NOTE: When copy is completed, your line indicator (pointer) will return to the position in the database where the copy function was started. Move This option will move whatever range you determine to another part of the database. The original space will be renumbered as if it was never there. Any items you move will automatically be shifted in any assemblies that are using them. Same for the Audit Trail. Notice that the move option also asks for an insert after point. It will make its own space at the destination. Insert This is the method you would use to create space within the database; space between groups, space to copy to (if you choose not to use copy/insert), space that you want to import Trade Service information to, etc. You simply state how many lines you want and where you want them to start. NOTE: Using Insert will give you the WinProduct default multipliers (i.e., P/Adj1=.60, P/Adj2=.80, P/Adj3=1.4, COLbr1=1.256, and COLbr2=1.459, etc.) 48 Advanced Training Manual Editing the Database (contd.) Range Edit This is the start of the process for making changes to specifications across a specific range of items and/or assemblies. You select the range by either point and CLICK on the beginning of the range then select Begin. Do the same for End. OR if you know the range, you can just type in the beginning and ending in the boxes immediately to the right of the Begin/End buttons. Then select “OK”. Once the specification review window comes up (automatically), you can then make the changes necessary for that range of items/assemblies. As you make changes, they will be annotated in yellow (gray here). Once you are satisfied with the changes you make, select the “APPLY” button at the bottom of the review side of the window. It will ask for confirmation of the range and then perform the changes. Once the “APPLY” button disappears, you will know the changes have been made. NOTE: Only make changes that apply to THAT RANGE! If the changes apply to a larger range, such as the entire database, do that range edit separately. Otherwise, the changes will not apply to the “spaces” between groups (i.e., tax multipliers, labor rate w/burden, etc.) This will be apparent if you ever try to create items/assemblies in those spaces, because they will NOT have the changes the individual “groups” have. 49 Advanced Training Manual Editing the Database (contd.) Print This function of database editing is for finding out what you already have. Focus in whichever window you want to review, items or assemblies. Then select the <Takeoff> tab and the <Print> icon from the ribbon. This will bring up the Database Report window above. Find the Custom Report you want from the list (Assemblies & Byproducts is the most commonly used). If you want to review what is in a particular report, select EDIT below the list and you will get the Database Report Set-up window above. If creating a new report, move your selections left and right to create the report you want on the right side. 50 Advanced Training Manual Editing the Database (contd.) Print (contd.) Once the report is set-up the way you want and you have decided which database you want, select either “PRINT” or “PREVIEW” to proceed. This will bring up the Block Operations (Print Records) window above. It is already selected for “PRINT”. If you try to choose Print from any other Block Operations window, you will be told to come to this operation (Database Reports). Just like the other Block Operations, choose the Begin and End of the range you want to print. This can be just one line or the entire database. Once the range has been selected, select “OK”. This will bring up a report showing the information you requested in the report set-up. This example shows the Assm#, AssmName, Material $’s, Labor Hours, Bid Price1 as the Assembly information in bold. It then shows Item #, Item Name, Price 1, BidLbr, Qty as the Byproduct information. You can have as many different reports as you want showing various fields, and they can be brought up anytime during a job, so don’t be afraid to use this feature. 51 Advanced Training Manual Database Maintenance Reports NOTE: The Maintenance Reports results will vary based on the estimating product you use. The Maintenance Reports window allows the User to take advantage of pre-programmed reports that give specific information that can be helpful in evaluating and maintaining your database. These reports are formatted in their own particular layouts already. These reports cover most of the situations McCormick Systems Inc. has been asked for over the years, in a concise list that is easily obtained and fairly easy to navigate. In most cases, simply choose the desired report and “LEFT CLICK” on Preview or Print. You will see the typical “block operation” window asking for a range in the database to be addressed. Following is an example of such a report. 52 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (Standard) The standard Audit Trail shows everything that is taken off as you’re taking it off, BUT you can’t edit it easily and it “clears” each time you go back into takeoff (use the <Print> icon in the ribbon to see what you’ve done). Typically, there is no reason to use this audit trail if you access to the Advanced Audit Trail. Editing Audit Trail (Advanced) NOTE: The Advanced Audit Trail will be available based on the estimating product you use. The Audit Trail Advanced is the chosen method for most of the estimating applications. It offers complete editing capabilities and will always be available whenever you go into takeoff. Features include: • • • • • • • • # to indicate the line number in the database the takeoff was done for. Name to tell you the Item or Assembly taken off. I/A to indicate Item or Assembly, with pull-down to the left to show the byproducts for an assembly that’s been taken off. Qty to indicate the original takeoff Quantity. AdjQ to make direct adjustment to Quantities taken off (the Qty column maintains the original for reference). Mul to indicate the original Multiplier used during takeoff. AdjM to make changes to the Multiplier applied to a particular line of takeoff (the Mul column maintains the original for reference). LF to indicate the original Labor Factor used during takeoff. 53 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (Advanced) (contd.) • • • • • • • • AdjLF to make changes to the Labor Factor for a particular line of takeoff (the LF column maintains the original for reference). NOTE: The original Labor Factor must be selected from a list. Therefore any AdjLF must also be selected from a list, so a pull-down is provided. User indicates the User name of the User that did a particular takeoff. In the Win6000, since only one User can use the program at a time, the list of Users will be in groups. Because the Win8000 allows multiple Users working at the same time, the list will show Users in the Date/Time field, depending on when they actually did the keystrokes. Filter gives the User seven (7) different selections to “filter” out various aspects of the job. The default setting may be All Takeoff, which shows all takeoff for the entire job; notes, label changes, scale changes, etc. It is recommended you change the Filter to All Current Labels so the only takeoff you are seeing is the takeoff for the labelset you are working in. Once chosen, that filter becomes the “default”. Summarize will total up everything in the audit trail that is the same. If a labor factor is different for the same line item, it will show that line item separate from the others. Change Labelset will initiate the procedure for moving/copying takeoff from one labelset to another. My Takeoff is a button-activated filter that will regulate what takeoff is showing in the audit trail. If activated, only the User doing takeoff is showing. If de-activated, all Users’ takeoff will be shown. This feature works with Filter to show the information desired. Notes lets the User insert notes directly into the Audit Trail for review purposes. Notes checkbox lets you choose to see the previously created notes directly in the Audit Trail, even by current labelset. 54 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (Advanced) (contd.) Opening Change Label Set NOTE: Change Label Set is available with Advanced Audit Trail, and in turn, based on the estimating product you use. First open the “Advanced Audit Trail” then CLICK the [Change Labelset] button to open the “Audit Trail Edit”. Selecting Items and/or Assemblies: The item or assembly selected in the “Advanced Audit” will be selected in “Audit Trail Edit”. To select an individual item or assembly CLICK the small button area to the left of the item or assembly. To select more that one item or assembly hold the <Ctrl> key and continue selecting. 55 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (contd.) Change Label Set (contd.) Changing The View: Using the “Filter:”: By using the “Filter:” option the display list may be shortened, allowing easier item and/or assembly selection, by setting limits to the list of items and/or assemblies to be displayed. The “Filter:” option may be changed by either selecting the desired “Filter:” from the supplied list, CLICKING the “View” then “Filter” options from the menu or by using the mouse and “RIGHT CLICKING” the list of items and/or assemblies and choosing from the supplied pop-up menu. 56 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (contd.) Change Label Set (contd.) [Move] and [Copy]: To [Move] or [Copy] items or assemblies to a new labelset, first select the items and/or assemblies to be changed, change the labelset in the “To Labeset:” area. Then CLICK either the [Move] or [Copy] button. Why [Move] and [Copy]? When the [Copy] button is CLICKED, the labelsets for the selected items and/or assemblies will be added to the labelset found in the “To Labelset:” area, while the [Move] button will create a copy of the items and/or assemblies in the labelset found in the “To Labelset:” and another copy of each item and/or assembly selected with a negative count resulting in a zero quantity for the labelset the item or assembly is located. 57 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (contd.) Change Label Set (contd.) Adjustments: The “Copy Multiplier”: By default, the “Copy Multiplier:” has a value of one. By changing this value (upper right corner of the window) before CLICKING the [Move] or [Copy] button; the quantity of the selected items and/or assemblies will be adjusted before being placed into the new labelset. Notice in the example above, the selected item has a quantity of thirty (30), while the item that has been copied below has an adjusted quantity of ninety (90), using the “Copy Multiplier:” of three. 58 Advanced Training Manual Editing Audit Trail (contd.) Change Label Set (contd.) Range Edit: Adjustments may be made to multiple items and/or assemblies “Adjusted Quantity”, “Adjusted Multiplier” and/or the “Adjusted Labor Factor” by using the “Range Edit” feature of “Audit Trail Edit”. Performing a “Range Edit”: To begin a “Range Edit”, select the items and/or assemblies to be affected, CLICK the “Edit” menu option and then any of the menu options presented. This will cause the “Range Edit” feature dialog to display. CLICK each of the boxes on the left side of the “Range Edit” dialog next to the item and/or assembly properties to be adjusted, modify each of the values in the boxes and CLICK the “OK” button to apply the changes to the selected items and/or assemblies. Tip: This is a good way to adjust the multiplier if the Copy Multiplier had accidentally been left on. Tip: Using the Adjusted Labor Factor will utilize the same “list” as in Takeoff and is excellent for adjusting labor for repetitive work like upper floors, etc. 59 Advanced Training Manual Multiplier By default the multiplier is set to one (1) so anything you take off is multiplied by one. You CAN change the multiplier to any number you want, thereby automatically increasing anything you take off by that factor. This is helpful if you are doing takeoff for something such as a hotel with multiple King, Queen, and Double suites. Simply set the multiplier to the total number of suites and take off one suite. The audit trail will show the multiplier for everything you take off. Should you use the multiplier and the job changes, you WILL have to edit the Advanced Audit Trail using the Change Labelset function to change the multiplier. Creating/Editing Extension Reports NOTE: The Extension Report list and the ability to edit/create new reports may vary based on the estimating product you use. The start of creating/editing extension reports can be initiated two ways. First, go to the <Extension> tab and the <New Extension> icon in the ribbon and it will automatically bring you to the Extension Report window. OR you can start the normal extension process of selecting your Extension Labels for extension, then the Users for Extension and finally the Extension Reports. At this point, you would choose the extension report you wish to use. If you need to create a new one, select NEW below the list. 60 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Extension Reports (contd.) You will be prompted to give the report a name. Do so, and then select “OK” (left example). This will bring up the Report Section Details window (right example). You have four (4) sections you can set-up for different types of reporting. Use the pull-down to select the type of breakout you want, such as Items + Byproducts (typical). When you open the Report Section, the above message will appear. This is true for BOTH creating and editing extension reports. It will do EXACTLY what it says. You will have to create the report from scratch! You MUST choose either “OK” or CANCEL. You would then complete the Report Section Details by selecting the Grouping for the section(s) you chose, which will use a specification to breakout the details. You also want to choose a Sorting option such as Item# (something unique). Once the Report Section Details are set-up properly, select CLOSE. 61 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Extension Reports (contd.) This will bring up the Extension Report Set-up window with the section breakout at the top of the right side. This is the side you will create your report on. The Available Fields are a listing of all the specifications you can choose from. It is broken down by Items (I) first, followed by Assemblies (A). The directional arrows between the windows are how you actually move your choices. Your choices are entered BELOW whatever line you are on in the right window, so you can pick in the order you want the columns to appear in your report, or work down the Available Fields list and move between lines as you find what you want. NOTE: Based on the Section you chose, i.e., ITEMS + BYPRODUCTS, you will only be able to choose those Available Fields that apply. For example in this instance, you will only be able to choose from the Items (I) in the Available Fields. Once the list is complete on the right side (remember the list is from the top down, but it represents the columns in the report left to right), you complete the process by putting a check in the Pr column (Price) for the extended price you chose and a check in the Lbr column (Labor) for the extended labor you chose. 62 Advanced Training Manual Creating/Editing Extension Reports (contd.) This will automatically put a check in the Total column. What this accomplishes is subtotaling your extended Price and Labor (Total) and forwarding the results for the report to Bid Summary (Pr/Lbr). To complete the creation of a new extension report, you should also select SPECIAL REPORTS in the Extension Report Set-up window. This will bring up the Special Reports window. Use the pull-downs (left example) to select the proper Price Spec, Labor Spec, Quote Spec and Quote Unit to match the report you are creating. Once the selections are set, select “OK” (right example). Now your extension report is complete and available for use. It will appear at the bottom of your Extension Report Set-up window’s Report list. If you created this report in a job, it is job specific. If you want the report for other job(s), open Sample Job and paste the extension reports from the job you created the report in, back into the Sample Job. It will then be available whenever you start a new job. Of course, editing any extension is just a matter of going into any of the above noted areas and making any appropriate changes. REMEMBER: If you go into Outline and do ANYTHING to the Section area, even CLICK in the pull-down, you will get the following message and have to recreate your report ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! 63 Advanced Training Manual Extending a Job When extending the job, you have four (4) choices for “Report Type”; Standard, Zero Price and Labor, Quote and Total. Each report will show different information, based on the choice made. You can also choose different “Reports”; i.e., Price/Labor combinations, Unit Price, Material & Pull Lists, etc. • • STANDARD is a complete report of all the takeoff, as defined by the chosen report. ZERO PRICE AND LABOR is a diagnostic tool, recommended using prior to doing the final extension in Standard. This report will look at all the takeoff, based on the Price and Labor of the chosen report, and isolate all items that have a unit of measure; each (E) or (blank), hundred (C), or thousand (M); and either zero price and/or zero labor. After reviewing the report, go back to Takeoff, open the database, make the appropriate changes, and then re-extend the job. NOTE: This information IS contained in the Standard report, but will be hidden by “good” takeoff and can be missed. NOTE: Items that are Quoted (Q) or Labor that is Exempt (X) for units of measure will NOT be included in this report. • • QUOTE will produce a report of only those Items that have been taken off with a unit of measure of (Q). TOTALS will produce a report that will show the Extended Price and Labor by Cost Code (typically) without the line-by-line breakout of takeoff. Following are a few examples of reports that are generated: 64 Advanced Training Manual Extension Reports (contd.) Cover page showing placement of Notes, Labels and Job Information in Preview Standard Price and Labor 65 Advanced Training Manual Extension Reports (contd.) Item Pull Sheet Quote Report 66 Advanced Training Manual Extension Reports (contd.) Totals Report Unit Price 67 Advanced Training Manual Extension Reports (contd.) NOTE: The report has a number of icons included that give the User a number of unique options. From left to right, they are: • • • • • • • • • • Page Set-up Print Preview Print Zoom One Page Two Page Multiple Pages Pull-down Zoom Presets Office Links Output to Notepad Another aspect of extending a job that should be addressed at this time is the Graph Data and Schedule options. The McCormick estimating program allows you to create graphs and schedules based on the extension data. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that you create the data at the same time you select the report you are sending to the Bid Summary. Select the Summary you want to extend to and name it. Then, while being sure you are pointing to the correct Summary, select the Graph Data field and GIVE IT THE SAME NAME AS THE SUMMARY YOU PREVIOUSLY NAMED. When you have done so, hit ENTER twice on your keyboard. The first ENTER will bring up a message that you can add/change the current entry. Most of the time you will be adding, so simply hit ENTER the second time and it will save your entry. This will also move you to the next field of Schedule. GIVE IT THE SAME NAME AS THE SUMMARY YOU PREVIOUSLY NAMED. When you have done so, hit ENTER twice on your keyboard. In this way you will be able to access the Graph and Schedule later, based on the extension report you created the data from. NOTE: The Graph function uses programming for MicrosoftPowerPoint, so the resulting graphs can be saved and used as slides in a PowerPoint slide show. The Schedule function uses programming for MicrosoftProject Manager, and once completed, can be exported directly into Project Manager. 68 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen Overview NOTE: The On Screen Extension Edit data will vary based on the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. On Screen Editing of Extension allows the User to extend take-off to a spreadsheet-like format. The extension data can then be massaged in a variety of ways. The User then has the option of saving the extension and / or sending the extended material and labor total to bid summary. To send the extension data to “Edit Extension”, a separate button has been added to the extension report screen. This button functions the same as the “Preview” and “Extend” buttons with three exceptions. First, the Extended Price and Labor are not sent directly to Bid Summary. Second, the extension data will be loaded into the “Edit Extension” interface. Third, reports using Assembly Report sections will not be able to be sent to Edit Extension. Edit Extension Screen Features 69 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) You can see the extension report that was used to produce the extension data. The Bid Summary that was selected is also displayed. Note: When you send the extension to a Bid Summary, that Bid Summary name will be displayed. 70 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) The list of fields, the order of the fields, and width of the fields are defined by the extension report. The Total Price and Labor boxes display the Total Extended Price and Labor for the extension. The column used to calculate the total is defined by the extension report used to create the extension data. Note: These are the numbers which will be sent to Bid Summary. 71 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) The Other View tabs allow the User to view and edit the extension data several ways. The default view is the Extension Report view. This tab has the same name as the extension report. The columns and order of the extension is defined by the extension report selected to create the extension data. This tab is a “Breakout” that is determined by the Extension Report chosen based on the Outline Grouping and Breakout. In this example, the report is broken out by Cost Code Totals. The Total Price and Labor are displayed for each Cost Code. The Percent of the Total Price and Labor are also displayed. 72 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) This tab allows the User to view and edit extension data grouped and totaled by the same “breakout” as seen in Preview. Note: The tab allows the User to view the extension using whatever grouping specification was defined in the extension report. So, if you chose to group by schedule code, the screen would be grouped by schedule code. The Cost Code Totals screen would also be totaled by schedule code. 73 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) The Raw Extension tab allows the User to view and edit the raw extension data. This window also allows the user to view other columns of info for comparison. Approval Checks This option is called Approval Checks. Approval Checks allow a lead estimator, administrator, or project manager with the proper security to place a visual check beside each item, indicating that he or she has approved it for the estimate. Quantities, prices and labor cannot be modified once checked as approved. 74 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Approval Checks (contd.) The checks are then saved with the extension. The checks have no affect on the extension; it is just a tool that can be used to help make sure the estimate is not modified once approved. Simply CLICK on the check box to toggle the check. The same thing can be accomplished by double CLICKING anywhere on the quantity column. We also added a couple of new menus that deal with the Approval Checks. The first is on the edit menu. There are 4 different options to change what is checked and what is not checked. So for example, you could go to the Cost Code tab, select all the items for Branch Rough, “RIGHT CLICK”, select Approval Checks, and CLICK Check Selected to approve all the material for Branch Rough. 75 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Approval Checks (contd.) Another Approval Checks menu was added to the View pull down menu. This allows you to turn the checks on or off. That way, if you do not want to use the Approval Checks or do not want others to see the checks, you can turn them off. Options Screen On the Options screen, there are three options that deal with the Approval Checks: • • • Hide Approval Checks by default will hide the Approval Checks when you open Edit Extension. Check Approval Checks by default will check all the Approval Checks when you start a new Edit Extension. Background color for Total Price, if not all approved, will set the background color of the Total Price cell on the top right of the Edit Extension screen to the color you select. 76 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Other Options We added some other options to the Options Screen. Enable Labels on Open If checked, the labels screen will be displayed each time Edit Extension is opened. Enable Prompt to Send to Bid Summary If checked, you will be asked if you want to send the total dollars and hours to the Bid Summary each time you save. You also have the ability to set the default button on the Yes/No message box. Enable Save Freeze Window If checked, and the Freeze window is turned on, Edit Extension will remember the column and set it each time Edit Extension is opened. Disable Hide Zero Qty Menu If checked, the Hide Items with zero Quantity menu will be disabled. You also have the option to show or hide items with zero quantity. Options are Global for all users. By default, these options are on a per user basis. If this option is checked, all of the options are global for all users. NOTE: Three new security elements were added to Assign Security under the area Edit Extension. These are: Edit Approval Checks, Edit Options, View Options. 77 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Global Price and Labor You can now set up price and labor specifications globally for Edit Extension using the Raw Extension tab and <View><Additional Columns> in the pull-down. A new check box option in the lower left corner, Save Price & Labor Globally, allows you to define price and labor specifications once and have it apply to all saved extensions for this job. 78 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Supplier Price Updating An important aspect of every estimate is getting accurate and up to date pricing for the material you are going to use on the job. This usually means faxing a list of materials to your supplier and waiting for them to get back to you with current pricing. With TRA-SER or NetPricer and McCormick you can instantly get your suppliers prices, with your negotiated discounts, directly into Edit Extension. We have added the ability to send Edit Extension material lists electronically to TRA-SER or NetPricer. TRA-SER or NetPricer., in return, sends back a list of prices for each piece of material, from each of your suppliers. If a supplier does not carry a particular brand for an item, a substituted item and price can be returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer. Supplier Exchange Menus and Toolbar Buttons You have several options on how the material and prices that come back from TRA-SER or NetPricer are handled. This includes options for how Edit Extension is updated, depending on what information is returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer. For example, you can have Edit Extension automatically update the price of an item that a matching DCI code was found, by TRA-SER or NetPricer. At the same time, you can tell Edit Extension not to update items when a substituted item was found, until you have a chance to review the item. You can also define multiple suppliers and which price specification is updated for each. That way you can compare prices from suppliers right on the screen and select which price to use for each piece of material. 79 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Supplier Exchange Menus and Toolbar Buttons (contd.) Edit Extension updated by TRA-SER or NetPricer Using TRA-SER or NetPricer We have made using TRA-SER or NetPricer very quick and easy. Once you have TRA-SER or NetPricer setup, you simply select the supplier you want to get pricing from, log into TRA-SER or NetPricer, and in a few seconds your prices are updated. We have added flags that act as visual clues so that you can easily see exactly what was returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer. You can define the color of the flag for material that came back as a match and a different color for material that came back as a substitution. TRA-SER or NetPricer Set-up Before you can use TRA-SER or NetPricer with Edit Extension, you will need to set up an account with TRASER or NetPricer (contact TRA-SER or NetPricer for current account and add-on pricing). You can have access to one or more supplier prices. You will receive a user name and password for each supplier. We have added a new menu to Edit Extension for TRA-SER or NetPricer plus two new tool bar menus for easy access to TRASER or NetPricer. You also have the option to turn the TRA-SER or NetPricer toolbar on or off. 80 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) TRA-SER or NetPricer Activation You will then need to activate TRA-SER or NetPricer for Edit Extension. Until you do this, the TRA-SER or NetPricer toolbar buttons will be grayed out and only the TRA-SER or NetPricer Set-up menu option will be active. When you select TRA-SER or NetPricer Set-up, the first screen will be a TRA-SER or NetPricer checklist. The checklist lists information you will need before you can proceed with the TRA-SER or NetPricer set-up process. 81 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) TRA-SER or NetPricer Activation (contd.) The TRA-SER or NetPricer Set-up screen is where you can enter the information for one or more suppliers. You enter the information obtained from TRA-SER or NetPricer as well as define which specification will be updated with the price from TRA-SER or NetPricer. As well as the specification TRA-SER or NetPricer will use to find the item. Optionally, you can define a manufacturer and catalog specification that can be updated by TRA-SER or NetPricer. Once you have defined the supplier and update information, an options screen is displayed. This screen allows you to define how Edit Extension handles the information that is returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer. There are flag options and approval options. Flag Options An option to place a flag by the supplier price if a matching item is found can be selected. You can also define the color the flag should be. You can do the same for substituted items that a match was not found, and items that do not have a DCI code, such as quoted items. With the flags, you can quickly see exactly what TRA-SER or NetPricer returned for each item in your estimate. 82 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) TRA-SER or NetPricer Activation (contd.) You can also define how Edit Extension updates your estimate, depending on the information returned by TRA-SER or NetPricer. These are called Approval Options. The approval options allow you to define if Edit Extension automatically updates the estimate if a substituted or a matched item is returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer. You can also define how Edit Extension handles items that have already been modified. Approving TRA-SER or NetPricer Items At any time you can review the information that was sent to and received from TRA-SER or NetPricer. 83 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Approving TRA-SER or NetPricer Items (contd.) An item can be one of 4 TRA-SER or NetPricer types: 1. Match Found TRA-SER or NetPricer found a match for the DCI code and returned a price for the item. 2. Substitution Found TRA-SER or NetPricer did not find a match but found a suitable equal and returned a substitution. 3. No March Found TRA-SER or NetPricer did not return a match or an equal. 4. No Compare Code The item was not sent to TRA-SER or NetPricer because the DCI Code spec was blank. 84 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Approving TRA-SER or NetPricer Items (contd.) The approval screen has nine (9) columns: • Item # The item number and the TRA-SER or NetPricer response. • Status A button is used to indicate if an item has been approved. If the option to automatically approve matched or substituted items is selected, the button will be checked. If the option to flag an item is selected, a flag will also appear in the column. The color of the flag is based on its approval status color. By checking and un-checking the status, the color of the flag will also change. • Original Item Name/ Item Name The Item Name and the name returned by TRA-SER or NetPricer for matched or substituted items. • Original UPC/UPC If the item has a DCI code, it will appear in this column. If TRA-SER or NetPricer returned a substitution, it will appear below the DCI code. • Quantity The quantity of the item for this estimate. • Extended Price/Price The price from the parts database for the item. If TRA-SER or NetPricer returned a match or a substitution, the supplier price for the item. • Extended Price Unit/ Price Unit The unit for the item and the supplier price unit. • Original Manufacturer/Manufacturer The manufacturer for the item if you defined a manufacturer spec for the supplier and the item has a manufacturer and the manufacturer returned by TRA-SER or NetPricer. • Original Catalog Number/ Catalog Number The catalog number for the item if you defined a catalog number spec for the supplier and the item has a catalog number and the catalog number returned by TRA-SER or NetPricer. 85 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Approving TRA-SER or NetPricer Items (contd.) Once you have reviewed all the items returned from TRA-SER or NetPricer and approved the items you want to use in your estimate, simply CLICK on the ““APPLY”” button. This will update Edit Extension with the prices from TRA-SER or NetPricer for the items you approved. If the item was substituted, it will also update the item name, DCI code and if selected, the manufacturer and catalog number for the item. Flag changed from Un-Approved (Red) to Approved (Green) Edit Extension Updated by TRA-SER or NetPricer 86 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Overview (contd.) Security As the system is currently shipped there are four Security Groups. Admin, Estimator, Senior Estimator, and Guest. Admin has all the rights of the system, the difference between the Estimator and Senior Estimator is that the Senior Estimator has additional rights in Edit Extension. Current Supplier List Check with TRA-SER or NetPricer for a list of current suppliers they provide pricing for. Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension NOTE: The On Screen Extension Edit data will vary based on the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. There is an extensive amount of security associated with Edit Extension. Through the use of this security, you will be able to very easily decide exactly what a user can and cannot do. The following is an example of a typical user. Estimator: Create new extensions Re-Extending with Edit Extension Open Previously Saved Extensions Save/Save As In Line Editing of Quantities Adding Material/Swap Adjust/Range Edit View Labels View Properties Sending Extension Data To Graph/Schedule Printing Page Set-up Reports Zoom 87 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Creating New Extensions The user would select the “New” button to create new extensions. Re-Extending with Edit Extension Once you have created one Edit Extension, the Job will keep that extension on file if it has been saved correctly. The next time you use the Edit button in extension, the above window will appear. If the current extension you are creating is new, simply choose the NEW button in the lower right corner and the initial process will start over again with a new Edit Extension screen that you can name, edit and save as before. Otherwise, your extension might be a continuation or update of an existing extension in the list on the left side. In which case, choose the appropriate Edit Extension and decide what you want to do with the new extension information you are re-extending. 88 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Re-Extending with Edit Extension (contd.) This may involve one of two things applied to the original data: Update and/or Overwrite. There are only three areas that this will apply to: Quantities, Prices, and/or Labor. You can highlight each area (as above and below) to see what will happen if you choose that option (see text above and below). If the operation is one you want, put a checkmark in front of that option. 89 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Re-Extending with Edit Extension (contd.) You can choose either of the two available options, although you should choose only one option. If you decide on either of these options, mark them accordingly, and then choose the UPDATE button in the lower right corner. You will get the below prompt to proceed. If you choose to proceed, you will overwrite the original edit extension you had created and saved, so make SURE this is what you want to do. Save/Save As If this is a new extension, “RIGHT CLICK” on the Edit pull-down and choose the Save As option. The Save As dialog box will be displayed. Give your new Edit Extension a unique name and “LEFT CLICK” on the Save As button. The title of the window will reflect the new name. Once you have modified your extension data, you will want to save it. If you have previously saved extensions, you will see them displayed in the list along with the User that saved the extension, the Bid Summary it was sent to, the extension report that was used to create the extension and the date it was last saved. Once the extension has been saved, if you select “Save” again, the data will automatically be saved to the name you gave the extension. NOTE: The program does NOT write directly to the hard drive while in Edit Extension. You WILL have to manually save on a regular basis to keep your data. Use common sense to determine how frequently you will save; i.e., the worse your typing skills, the more often you should probably save! 90 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Open Previously Saved Extensions The <File><Open> menu from within Edit Extension allows you to Open a previously saved extension. You can also use the <Extension> tab and <Saved Extensions> icon in the ribbon. In Line Editing of Quantities The most common use for “Edit Extension” is to change Quantity values. There are several ways the user can edit the extension data. The easiest way is to simply type in a new value over the existing value. For example, in this extension 945’ 3” EMT is taken off, but 1234’ is needed. By simply entering “1234” in the quantity column for 3” EMT, we have changed how much 3” EMT is in our extension. Note that the color of the quantity text has changed to red. This makes it easy to see what information has been changed from the original extension. You can also see that the Ext Price 1, Bid Lab Ext, Total Price, and Total Labor have updated to reflect the change in quantity. This is the real power of Edit Extension. The ability to instantly see the results of any change made to the extension data. 91 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Adjust/Range Edit First the User will choose what needs to be adjusted by using standard “spreadsheet” commands such as SHIFT, CONTROL or in this example, highlighting an entire COLUMN by CLICKING on the column heading. Next, the USER will choose Adjust (Multiplier) from the Edit pull-down. Set the Adjustment multiplier up or down, CLICK on “OK” and the changes are shown in red (you’ll have to trust). 92 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Adjust/Range Edit First the User will choose what needs to be range edited by using standard “spreadsheet” commands such as SHIFT, CONTROL or in this example, highlighting an entire COLUMN by CLICKING on the column heading. Next, the USER will choose Range Edit (Replace) from the Edit pull-down. Set the Range Edit value up or down, CLICK on “OK” and the changes are shown in red (you’ll have to trust). 93 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Adding Material Allows users to add additional material to the extension. After selecting Add Material from the Edit menu, a list of Items is displayed. The list is positioned to the currently select item on the Edit Extension screen. Simply select the item you would like to add. Notice that at the bottom of the screen are tabs, which allow you to utilize the Menu, Find/Sort, and Exchange features. These features allow you to quickly find items in the parts database. These features work exactly in the same way as they do in our estimating software. Once you have located the item you want to add, select the Add button. A screen is displayed to enter the quantity for the new material. After entering the correct quantity, select the update button. 94 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) The new material will be added to the extension as a new item (Magenta) with the quantity you entered. The extended Price and Labor are also re-calculated. Swap 95 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Swap (contd.) The User can also Swap material directly within the Edit Extension. For example, the User wants to Swap 3/4 EMT for 1/2 EMT. Select the 1/2 EMT from the list and do a “RIGHT CLICK” on it (or use the Edit pulldown), choose Swap. This will bring up an Item window that looks and works exactly like Takeoff, but no Review. Find what you want to Swap with by using any of the tools you are familiar with from Takeoff (i.e., Menu, Find/Sort, Exchange, or even Permanent/Job). Once located, “LEFT CLICK” on the Swap bar. CLICK on YES. Tip: Position the Item window away from the direct center of the screen as there may be “pop up” messages that could be hidden behind it and you may not be allowed to move the window due to “focus”. The “Swapped” material will appear as Magenta within the list numerically if on the original tab, or at the bottom of the list if in Raw Extension. 96 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Views Labels The View menu contains two features, Labels and Properties. The Labels feature allows you to view which labels were selected when this extension was created. View Properties The Properties feature lets you look at the properties of a selected field. There are two types of viewing, Alphabetic and Categorized. Alphabetic is just a list, while Categorized has three property categories, Fields, Formulas, and Values. The Fields category shows the Field Name in the parts database, the Report Name, and the Screen Name as defined by the specification for the field. The Values category shows the Adjusted Value the Display Value and the Original Value. This can be very useful, especially if a value has been modified. If a field contains a formula, the Formula Category will display how the value for the field is calculated. Sending Extension Data to Bid Summary Once you are satisfied with the modifications made to the extension, it’s time to send the Extended Price and Labor to Bid Summary. 97 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Either select the “Send To” option from the File menu or CLICK on the “Send” button in the upper right hand corner. You will see a list of Summaries for the current job. You will be asked to save the Edit Extension report before sending to the Bid Summary. The total Extended Price and Labor will be sent to the marked Bid Summary. 98 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Sending Extension Data to Graph/Schedule When you choose a Bid Summary to send the data to, you will also be prompted whether you want to send those results to a Graphs and/or a Schedule. Choosing NO will terminate the process. Once you decide to send the results, you will get a window with a list of the existing Graphs and Schedules for this Extension. You can make choices directly in the list and the information will be overwritten with the new data. If the Graph/Schedule you want is not listed, you will choose the EDIT function in the upper left corner. 99 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Sending Extension Data to Graph/Schedule(contd.) You can choose to create NEW Graphs/Schedules either individually or do both at the same time. Simply give a single name for both and CLICK on “OK”. The data will then be automatically sent to that Graph and Schedule and the window will disappear. The next time you send the resulting data to Bid Summary and it asks if you also want to send the data to Graphs and Schedules, the new Graph/Schedule will be listed in the selection window and checked as the last one used. 100 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Printing Getting the extension on a piece of paper is another powerful feature of On Screen Edit of Extension Editing. You have the ability to print any of the tabs. What that means is if you want to print the data formatted like the extension report, simply select the extension report tab (tab 4), and then select Print from the File menu. At this point you have several options, including the option to preview the extension. You can also switch between Portrait and Landscape printing. This, in combination with the ability to resize the columns, allows you to change how much information is displayed on a page. 101 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Page Set-up With Page Set-up, you have even more options on how the extension data is printed. Including Header and Footer information, Margin sizes, and Print Scale. Reports The Reports option allows you to print an extension report similar to the Preview option that currently exists in the Estimating software. The two major differences are that the format of the report depends on the currently selected tab. If you are on the Extension Report tab, the report is formatted based on the extension report selected. If the current tab is Cost Code, then the data is grouped and totaled by cost code. The other difference is that all the Job Detail information is placed on the header of the report. 102 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Zoom There is a lot of information crammed in this screen. The Zoom feature was designed to make this easier to read. It allows you to change the zoom factor used to display the extension data. So for all of you that have a hard time reading the screen because the text is too small, this is for you. Save As/Save Once you have modified your extension data, you will want to save it. If this is a new extension, the Save As dialog box will be displayed. If you have previously saved extensions, you will see them displayed in the list along with the User that saved the extension, the Bid Summary it was sent to, the extension report that was used to create the extension and the date it was last saved. Use the “Save” as you work on the extension to save the changes you make. It DOES NOT write directly to the hard drive. 103 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Once the extension has been saved, if you select save again, the data will automatically be saved to the name you gave the extension. NOTE: The On Screen Extension Edit data will vary based on the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. Senior Estimator Re-Extend Delete Material Swap Adjust (Multiplier) Range Edit (Replace) Save As Export Re-Extending Update Say that you did an estimate several months ago. You made several modifications to the estimate; adjusted some labor, added some material, and changed some prices. Now you want to come back to the extension, but you want to use your current prices. That’s where the Re-Extend feature of On Screen Editing of Extension comes in. This feature allows you to re-extend to a saved extension, and update quantities, material, prices, and labor. When you re-extend, you can create a new extension by selecting the “New” button. Or you can update an existing saved extension with the current extension by selecting the Update button. If you select the Update button, you have several options on exactly how and what you want updated. These options fall into two categories. UpdateQuantities, and OVERWRITE Quantities. 104 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) The Rules Quantities: Any new item in take-off not in the saved extension is added to the saved extension. Any item that was deleted in take-off will be deleted in the saved extension. (There are exceptions to this rule) If the Update Quantities option is checked, quantities are updated from take-off unless the quantity has been modified. Then the additional quantity is added on top of the adjusted quantity. Example: Originally 100 feet of ½” EMT was taken-off and saved. You went back to the saved extension and changed the 100 feet to 200 feet. Then you take-off 100 more feet of ½” EMT. You re-extend with the Update Quantities option selected. You will end up with 300 feet of ½” EMT in your saved extension. Prices: The Prices Options allows you to update the price of an item to the current price in your parts database. If the Update Price options is checked, price fields that have not been changed in the saved extension will be updated to the new price in the current parts database. All fields marked as a price field in the saved extension will be updated to the current price of the item. If the price field is based on a formula, the fields that make up the formula will be updated. 105 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Example: Price 1 = Book Price * P/Adj 1 If ether Book Price or P/Adj 1 do not equal the Book Price or P/Adj 1 in the saved extension, they will be updated. This, in turn, will automatically update Price 1 because it is a calculated field. Labor: The Labor Options work in the same manner as the Prices Options for fields marked as labor fields in the saved extension. Deleting Material Allows you to delete an item from the extension. It will zero out the Quantity and you can “clean up” the report by going to <VIEW> and choosing <HIDE ITEMS WITH 0 QUANTITY>. Swap Allows you to swap one piece of material for another. There are two ways to swap material. The first method works similar to the In-line Edit of an Item. By simply selecting the item number for a piece of material, and entering a new item number. You will be asked if you want to swap the material. Example: Select Item number 754 ( ¾” EMT) Enter 755 (1” EMT) At this point, you will be asked if you want to swap ¾” EMT with 1” MT. The quantity of the material you are swapping will become the quantity of the material you are swapping to. The quantity of the material you swapped from will become 0. The new material will be displayed in magenta (New Material). The second way to swap material, is to select Edit > Swap or Right Mouse CLICK > Swap. This will bring up an Item list. This allows you to select an item from the list. Example: Swap all ½” EMT for ¾” EMT You can also swap one piece of material for several other types of material. (Distribute) Example: Swap 87,979.5’ of 12 THHN CU SOLID for equal amounts of 12 THHN CU STRANDED AND 10 THHN CU STRANDED. 106 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) When you Distribute material, a second screen is displayed, which allows you to enter the quantity for each item. By default, the quantity is divided equally among the items. But you can override the default quantities by simply entering a new value. Select update when you are satisfied with the quantities. 107 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Adjust Allows you to select single or a range of fields to adjust by some percentage. Simply select the values you want to adjust. Select the Adjust option from the Edit menu and enter the amount to adjust each selected value. Again notice that the fields that have changed are now red. Also the Bid Lbr Ext column has been recalculated. Range Edit Allows the User to select either a single field, or a range of fields to edit to a set value. Select the fields that you want to Range Edit. Select Range Edit from the Edit menu and enter the value to change the selected items to. 108 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Export The Export option allows you to send the extension to a destination of your choosing, in several formats, including Excel and HTML. NOTE: The On Screen Extension Edit data will vary based on the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. Owner / Project Manager View Columns Update Price and Labor Overwrite Formulas Re-Extend Overwrite View Columns Allows you to change which fields are displayed on the extension tab. By default, the columns that are displayed are defined by the extension report. With the view columns feature, you can change the columns that are displayed on the extension tab. This means that if you wanted to adjust P Adj 1, but did not have it defined in the extension report, you could use the View Columns feature to display that column. You can also use the View Columns feature to define your price and labor columns. This is important when using the Update Price and Labor feature. 109 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Update Price and Labor Allows you to select a single or a range of Price and Labor fields used to calculate extended price and extended labor. When you extend, the extension report defines which spec will be used to calculate the extended price and extended labor. The formula used to calculate the extended price and extended labor generally takes a price or labor times (*) the quantity of an item that was taken-off. Example: Price 1 = Book Price * P/Adj 1 Ext Price 1 = Book Price * P/Adj 1 * @Qty() [ Qty from the audit trail] Bid Labor = input amount in the database Ext Bid Labor = Bid Labor * @LaborQty() [Qty from the audit trail + Adj LF] Because you can only have one Extended Price and one Extended Labor spec per extension report, if you wanted to compare Ext Price 1 and Ext Price 2, you would need to extend using an extension report with Ext Price 1, print the report, then extend using Ext Price 2, print the report, and look at the differences for each item. The Update Price and Labor feature allows you to cherry pick which Price or Labor column is used to calculate the extended price and labor. 110 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Say you extended using Ext Price 1. This means the extend price is calculated by taking the Quantity * Price1. With the Update Price feature, you simply select a different price field, say Price 2, select Update>Price Column from the Edit menu. Now the extended price is calculated by taking Price 2 * Quantity. You will also notice that the extended price field has changed to red (Changed Color). Re-Extending Update Say that you did an estimate several months ago. You made several modifications to the estimate; adjusted some labor, added some material, and changed some prices. Now you want to come back to the extension, but you want to use your current prices. That’s where the Re-Extend feature of On Screen Editing of Extension comes in. This feature allows you to re-extend to a saved extension, and update quantities, material, prices, and labor. When you re-extend, you can create a new extension by selecting the “New” button. Or you can update an existing saved extension with the current extension by selecting the Update button. If you select the Update button, you have several options on exactly how and what you want updated. These options fall into two categories. UpdateQuantities, and OVERWRITE Quantities. 111 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) Re-Extending Update (contd.) The Rules Quantities: Any new item in take-off not in the saved extension is added to the saved extension. Any item that was deleted in take-off will be deleted in the saved extension. (There are exceptions to this rule) If the Update Quantities option is checked, quantities are updated from take-off unless the quantity has been modified. Then the additional quantity is added on top of the adjusted quantity. Example: Originally 100 feet of ½” EMT was taken-off and saved. You went back to the saved extension and changed the 100 feet to 200 feet. Then you take-off 100 more feet of ½” EMT. You re-extend with the Update Quantities option selected. You will end up with 300 feet of ½” EMT in your saved extension. Prices: The Prices Options allows you to update the price of an item to the current price in your parts database. If the Update Price options is checked, price fields that have not been changed in the saved extension will be updated to the new price in the current parts database. All fields marked as a price field in the saved extension will be updated to the current price of the item. If the price field is based on a formula, the fields that make up the formula will be updated. Example: Price 1 = Book Price * P/Adj 1 If ether Book Price or P/Adj 1 do not equal the Book Price or P/Adj 1 in the saved extension, they will be updated. This, in turn, will automatically update Price 1 because it is a calculated field. Labor: The Labor Options work in the same manner as the Prices Options for fields marked as labor fields in the saved extension. 112 Advanced Training Manual Edit Extension On Screen (contd.) Typical uses for On Screen of Edit Extension (contd.) In-line Editing In-line Editing allows the User to simply enter a new value into a cell, and depending on the field, the program will respond. The following is a list of fields that can be edited In-line, and the programs response. Quantities Automatically recalculates the extended price and extended labor for the item and updates the total extended price and labor. Example: Price 1 = $5.00 Quantity = 1 Ext Price 1 = $5.00 Price 1 * Quantity Change Quantity from 1 to 2 Ext Price 1 = $10.00 Any type-in field All calculated fields that are based on the type-in field will be automatically recalculated. Example: P/Adj 1 = 1 type-in Book Price = $5.00 type-in Price 1 = $5.00 formula P/Adj 1 * Book Price Change P/Adj from 1 to 1.5 Price 1 updates to $7.50 Remembering that ALL calculated fields are updated. Ext Price 1 = Price 1 * Quantity Quantity = 2 Ext Price 1 updates from $10.00 to $15.00 Fields based on a formula The formula is replaced by the value entered. This turns the field into a type-in field. Example: Price 1 = $5.00 Book Price * P/Adj 1 You enter $10.00 for Price 1 Price 1 = $10.00 type-in Caution: By changing Price 1 from a formula to a type-in, changes to Book Price or P/Adj 1 will have no affect on Price 1 for that item. This means that because Extended Price 1 is based on Price 1, any changes to Book Price or P/Adj1 will not change Extended Price 1 113 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary Use the <Bid Summary> tab and the <Summary> icon in the ribbon to open the Bid Summary. Initially, you will see an overview of the Bid Summary reports in Top Sheet. You can see what areas require your attention, within the red border surrounding what we call the OTHER COST area of the Top Sheet in the upper left corner of the Bid Summary window (indicated by a check mark in the “R” column). The Top Sheet is the overview for whatever summary is listed in the lower left corner that you are pointing at (NOT what is checked, if anything). By double CLICKING on the double right pointing arrows next to Combined, or by sizing the entire window, you will expand the summary information window. This is where you can make adjustments to the Material dollars and Labor Hours forwarded from your Extension Report. This may be because of work conditions not accounted for when you did takeoff, such as weather conditions or a change in the length of the job. You make your changes in the Adj Material and Adj Hours columns. The Material and Hours columns remain fixed at the original quantities as a reference. NOTE: If you use the ribbon as shown above, you will add columns to the Bid Summary Top Sheet that will allow you to make changes to either a $ or % column and have the results be shown in the Adjusted Material/Labor columns. 114 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary - Creating/Editing Labor Labor Groups NOTE: The Labor Groups and Burdens used will vary based on the estimating product you use. You access the Labor Groups by CLICKING on the Groups button in the upper left corner after CLICKING on the Labor tab at the bottom of the Bid Summary window. A labor group is any group of labor classifications that use different rates and burdens (prevailing wages). This can be from different locals in the case of unions, or different areas of work, such as counties or states. There is a blank line (noted with the asterisk) in the upper left corner that allows you to create multiple groups. Type in a name, move off, then back and you will get your column headings for creating the next group. You can add Groups to the list at the bottom. Or delete existing Groups by CLICKING at the beginning of the line(s) you don’t want, then use the Delete button on your keyboard. Tip: Create all the GROUPS in the list first. This will give you focus as you create the Labor Classes for each Group. A Group is a list of Labor Classes where the Hourly Rate (prevailing wage) has changed due to different counties, local unions, different states, etc. When a new GROUP is created, the “Would you like to copy from an existing labor group” window will appear. If only one Labor Group is in the list, “Yes” will copy it, if more than one Labor Group is in the list, you will be asked which one to copy from. Different Labor Groups may be created for your Company based on the Industry needs. 115 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Labor (contd.) Labor Burden The burden categories for the Labor Group are created in the Labor Burden tables by CLICKING on the Burden button in the lower right corner of the Labor Group window. Labor Burden is the cost the company carries for having a particular employee. This includes taxes and benefits, such as health & welfare, labor pension funds, etc. They are listed in the vertical table on the right side and are noted as either a dollar amount or a percentage. The amounts are on a per hour basis. You have 40 fields that can be utilized PER GROUP. Therefore, if you have different burdens for different Labor Classes, you should have plenty of space to account for them. Once the Labor Burdens have been created, you assign them by setting up whatever Labor Burden Categories are required in the horizontal table across the top of this window. As you created the Burdens, a column was created for each one in the table. You simply assign a category and check the columns that apply. You will note that in the upper right corner of the window is a pull-down of all the Groups you previously created, so you can move between the Groups. Return to your Groups window by CLICKING on the BACK button in the lower right corner and you can now assign the appropriate Burdens to each Labor Class in the Burden column. There is a hidden pull-down on each line that allows you to select the Burden Category you want. Do this for each Group and you will not have to do so again, unless it is to change a burden or rate later on. 116 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Labor (contd.) Labor Burden (contd.) The Labor Groups are what we call “global”, or part of the program itself, and are accessed on each job without you having to do anything else special. Simply select the Group from the pull-down in the upper left corner and you can then select the Labor Classes from the list for distribution. Other Costs NOTE: The Other Cost Tabs lists and number of tabs available will vary based on the estimating product you use. The Other Cost window is accessed by selecting the <Bid Summary> tab and <Other Costs> icon from the ribbon. This allows the User to create additional tabs in the Bid Summary for tracking more information concerning other costs. Simply type a Tab Name and Page Description. Keep the Tab Name short since it will compress in the Bid Summary window. The Page Description can be full length for the most part. You can have as many additional tabs on the Bid Summary window as sizing will allow. Remember that Top Sheet, Labor, Bond, Taxes and Proposal are hard coded into the window and cannot be changed. 117 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary – Other Costs (contd.) Bid Summary Universal (Copy) The Universal feature allows the User to copy information from one Bid Summary to any number of other Bid Summaries. Once the information is created, CLICK on the <Bid Summary> tab and the <Copy Summaries> icon in the ribbon. The User will choose ONE Bid Summary in the first column to copy FROM, ONE or MORE Bid Summaries (using the CNTRL or SHIFT key) in the second column to copy TO, then mark the appropriate tabs in the third column for the information to be copied. Single tabs or combinations can be checked or mark the ALL TABS box to choose them all. Once the choices are made, CLICK the UPDATE button. The User will be asked to confirm the copy request, then see a prompt when the update is completed. 118 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Bond/Tax Bond Table with Dollars Selecting the BOND tab from the bottom of the Bid Summary window accesses the Bond Table. There are two ways to do the Bond Table. One is to use a dollar Bond Value for each increment of the bond. This could result in a HUGE table, since each and every increment must be accounted for in order for the bond to be calculated properly. This method IS appropriate for a Flat Bond Rate, when no matter what the dollar value of the job is, a specific dollar amount is assigned as the bond. For example, the job is $10,000 and the bond rate is $15.00. Another job is $100,000 and the bond rate is $15.00. Bond Table with Percents The more widely used method is to calculate the percentage of the dollar amounts and apply them to the entire increment. This will allow any dollar amount within the increment range to calculate properly. You still need to include all the increments, but not nearly as many. The Bond Value column will accept either a dollar amount or a percentage, but you must insert the percent symbol yourself, as the default is for dollars. NOTE: The FROM column is fixed and will automatically update by adding $.01 to the TO amount from the previous line. 119 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary – Creating/Editing Bond/Tax (contd.) Tax Table Selecting the TAX tab at the bottom of the Bid Summary window accesses the Tax Table. The Tax Table allows you to assign a tax rate to each of the different areas of the Bid Summary. This includes Materials and Labor (automatically transferred from the Top Sheet), as well as all the Other Costs within the Bid Summary. In order for a dollar amount to show up for the Other Costs on this table from the Bid Summary, you MUST have checked the “T” column on anything that applies in each of the individual Other Cost windows. Also, where the Other Cost windows and Bond Table “cascade” through all the Bid Summaries, the Tax Table is separate for EACH SUMMARY and needs to be set up individually. Notes: 120 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary (contd.) Printing There are actually three different ways to print the Bid Summary. 1. Select a single Bid Summary without checking the box at the beginning of the line and print. You will get a report of just that Bid Summary. 2. Select multiple Bid Summaries by checking the boxes at the beginning of the lines and print. You will get individual reports of all the Bid Summaries checked. 3. Select multiple Bid Summaries by checking the boxes at the beginning of the lines; select the <COMBINE> button in the lower left corner of the Bid Summary Top Sheet. This will immediately modify the Top Sheet to show all the totals for the Bid Summaries you selected as a combined amount. When you print, you will get ONE report with the combined information. When you have finished defining all of the Other Cost screens, Amounts, and Overheads/Percentages for your Bid Summary, select the <Bid Summary> tab and the <Print> icon from the ribbon. The “Bid Summary Page Order” window will open to let you select the Bid Summary Layout to use. The default is “Print All Bid Summary Sections” which cannot be copied or edited. You may create a new custom Bid Summary Layout by “LEFT CLICKING” on the “New” button, and when the “New Bid Summary Layout:, screen opens, enter a name, and “LEFT CLICKING” ““OK””. The new Bid Summary Layout may be edited, copied, or deleted by “LEFT CLICKING” on the appropriate button. Multiple Bid Summary Layouts may be created. 121 Advanced Training Manual Bid Summary (contd.) Printing (contd.) The added Bid Summary Layouts may be edited by “LEFT CLICKING” on the “Edit” button, and defining the appearance of your final report. • • • • • Each category (Spec) can be followed by a page break by DOUBLE “LEFT CLICKING” on the category with your mouse to toggle between TRUE (has page break) and FALSE (no page break). Setting this to TRUE will cause the next section to start at the top of a “clean” page. You can move categories (Specs) up or down through the list by CLICKING on the category (Spec) you want to move and using the arrow buttons. You can also choose to delete a category (Spec) from the page order list. This will NOT delete data; it simply doesn’t print that particular category. If you accidentally delete a category (Spec), you can restore the deleted category (Spec) by “LEFT CLICKING” on the “Restore Deleted Items” button. Once you have the Bid Summary Layout the way you want it, “LEFT CLICK” on the “Save” button to save it. If there is no data in a particular category, nothing will print (unless it is in the Other Costs (Quotes, SubCont, DJE, EqRental, etc) area that has a price in the “Unit” column.). 122 Advanced Training Manual Supplemental Features Proposal – An example of a completed Bid Proposal document and then the same document with merge fields applied. This document can be saved as a RICH TEXT FORMAT (.RTF) file and imported into the Bid Proposal area of the program. Importing Applications – Allows importing of images (.bmp, .jpg) directly into the program as part of each job. Graphs/Extension and Bid Summary – These are excellent tools for presentations at a client’s request or owner/chief estimator evaluations. Can be used with Microsoft PowerPoint. Schedule – Providing the ability to produce a schedule, based on your Extension data, for use by you or job superintendents, etc. Can be used with Microsoft ProjectManager Export – The ability to Export data from the Bid Summary into another format for presentations, faxing, email, etc. HotLink – Gives the Estimator the ability to import single or large quantities of items directly from the Trade Service (TRA-SER) database into either the Permanent or Temporary database in the WinProduct (depending on the individual’s security). 123 Advanced Training Manual Proposal NOTE: Proposal templates will vary based on the estimating product you use. ELECTRICAL CONTRACT – PROPOSAL For Trade Commercial Offices – 2 McCormick Systems Inc. 149 W. Boston St. Chandler, AZ 85225 (800) 444-4890 (480) 831-8914 124 Advanced Training Manual From: McCormick Systems Inc. 149 W. Boston St. Chandler, AZ 85225 Date: (Bid Date) To: Trade Enterprises 149 W. Boston St. Chandler, AZ 85225 We propose to furnish all material and perform all the labor necessary to install wiring for the Dust Collector in the lab at Trade Enterprises, 1255 W. Baseline Road, as per the following bill of material and labor excluding any listed alternates. 1. 2. 3. Furnish and install a three-pole breaker in the existing panel. Furnish and install a 20 amp feeder from the new three-pole breaker, approximately 50 feet, to the dust collector’s location. Furnish and install a manual starter and connect it to the dust collector. All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workman like manner for the sum of $190,000.00 (Bid Date). Alternate E-1 – If a Siemens magnetic starter with a start/stop push button in the cover and a 30 amp disconnect switch is furnished in place of the manual starter listed above ADD $3,864.34 to this proposal. 125 Advanced Training Manual Payment shall be made each thirty days as the work progresses. The entire amount of the contract shall be paid within thirty days after completion. Service and Finance Charges are applicable on past due accounts at the rate of 1 ½ percent per month on amounts thirty (30) days past due, which is equal to an annual percentage rate of 18 percent. Such charges are shown as “service charge”. There is no service charge if accounts are paid within thirty days of the end of the month in which purchases are made. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications, involving extra cost of material and/or labor, will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. The contractor agrees to carry Workman’s Compensation and Public Liability Insurance, also to pay all Sales Taxes, Old Age Benefit and Unemployment Compensation Taxes upon the material and labor furnished under this contract, as required by the United States Government and the State in which this work is performed. Respectfully Submitted, Signed:_________________________ John Doe Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within fifteen days of proposal date. Acceptance You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal, for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. I also agree to pay all reasonable costs, charges and attorney’s fees that may accrue hereon after any default in payments. Signed: __________________________ Title: __________________________ Date: __________________ 20_____ 126 Advanced Training Manual Proposal (contd.) ELECTRICAL CONTRACT – PROPOSAL For <<Job Information.Job Name>> <<Job Information.Contractor Name>> <<Job Information.Contractor Address>> <<Job Information.Contractor City, State, Zip>> <<Job Information.Contractor Telephone>> <<Job Information.Contractor Fax>> 127 Advanced Training Manual From: <<Job Information.Contractor Name>> <<Job Information.Contractor Address>> <<Job Information.Contractor City, State, Zip>> Date: <<Job Information.Bid Date>> To: <<Job Information.Customer #1 - Name>> <<Job Information.Customer #1 - Address>> <<Job Information.Customer #1 - City, State, Zip>> We propose to furnish all material and perform all the labor necessary to install wiring for the Dust Collector in the lab at <<Job Information.Customer #1 - Name>>, <<Job Information.Customer #1 - Address>>, as per the following bill of material and labor excluding any listed alternates. 1. 2. 3. Furnish and install a three-pole breaker in the existing panel. Furnish and install a 20 amp feeder from the new three-pole breaker, approximately 50 feet, to the dust collector’s location. Furnish and install a manual starter and connect it to the dust collector. All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workman like manner for the sum of <<Base Bid.SellPrice>> <<Job Information.Bid Date>>. Alternate E-1 – If a Siemens magnetic starter with a start/stop push button in the cover and a 30 amp disconnect switch is furnished in place of the manual starter listed above ADD <<Alt 1.SellPrice>> to this proposal. 128 Advanced Training Manual Payment shall be made each thirty days as the work progresses. The entire amount of the contract shall be paid within thirty days after completion. Service and Finance Charges are applicable on past due accounts at the rate of 1 ½ percent per month on amounts thirty (30) days past due, which is equal to an annual percentage rate of 18 percent. Such charges are shown as “service charge”. There is no service charge if accounts are paid within thirty days of the end of the month in which purchases are made. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications, involving extra cost of material and/or labor will, only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. The contractor agrees to carry Workman’s Compensation and Public Liability Insurance, also to pay all Sales Taxes, Old Age Benefit and Unemployment Compensation Taxes upon the material and labor furnished under this contract, as required by the United States Government and the State in which this work is performed. Respectfully Submitted, Signed: _________________________ <<Job Information.Contractor - Estimator>> Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within fifteen days of proposal date. Acceptance You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal, for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. I also agree to pay all reasonable costs, charges and attorney’s fees that may accrue hereon after any default in payments. Signed: __________________________ Title: __________________________ Date: __________________ 20_____ 129 Advanced Training Manual Proposal (contd.) Once the document is brought into the estimating program, fields can be created by using the two fields at the top of the window. The left field tells the document WHERE to find the data. 130 Advanced Training Manual Proposal (contd.) The right field tells the document WHAT information to include in the merge field. The merge fields will be set apart by double chevrons preceding and following the field. The data requested will replace the field when you select the LEFT HAND SET OF DOUBLE ARROWS at the top of the window. By CLICKING on the EPSELON (AT SUM) symbol at the top of the window, you can also “string” the merge fields together to provide totals or formulas. With practice, you can either “stack” the fields and then do a total, or simply have the net result. 131 Advanced Training Manual Importing Applications The program allows the User to attach a number of applications to a particular job. To access this feature, select the <Job> tab and the desired <Application> icon in the <Attach Files to Job> area in the ribbon. You would then bring up a dialog box to search and locate the document, photo, etc. you want. As noted above, you can import just about anything from anywhere. It can then be available in the job. 132 Advanced Training Manual Importing Applications (contd.) Notice the path to the application you are attaching (1). Next, you give the application a name (2). Notice there is an area to allow you to add notes to describe what is showing in the image (3). Quite a bit of room actually, but be aware that it is similar to Notebook with little or few editing capability. Once done, CLICK “OK”. Graphs The McCormick estimating program includes a feature for creating Graphs. The Graphs are based initially on the Extension data. You select Graphs by going to the <Extension> tab and the <Graphs> icon in the ribbon. 133 Advanced Training Manual Graphs (contd.) NOTE: Graph cost codes/categories will vary based on the estimating product you use. If you have set up your Extension properly (by including the graph field for each summary you send the data to), you will see the list of available graphs on the right side under Graph Data. Select the graph you want to review. The initial graph is a bar graph. The first thing to do would be to MAXIMIZE the window using the maximize icon in the upper right corner, this makes it easier to work with the graph. The default legend uses the Cost Code Values. If you want to know what they are, the default codes are listed as an appendix to this manual, or you will have to go to the list of Cost Codes under <Configuration> tab and the <Specs> icon in the ribbon and LIST in the main program screen. You cannot print this directly from our program. You will have to highlight the entire list and copy (using the <CONTROL><C>), then go to Notepad, WordPad or Microsoft Word® and paste. Using Microsoft Word allows you to use the table feature. The list should fit on a single page. You can change the legend by selecting <EDIT> (1) and <DATA> (2) in the main Graph window and replacing the existing value with the correct name (1), then “APPLY” (2) and finally “OK” (3) as shown below. 134 Advanced Training Manual Graphs (cont’d.) You can also change the type of graph by selecting OPTIONS and STANDARD (don’t worry about Advanced unless you are VERY good at graphics) in the window. This will bring up the above window where you can then select PIE and 3D under TYPE. You can also choose SHOW PERCENTS and SHOW LEGEND. Once you have made your choices, select “APPLY”, then “OK”. You can move the percentages around by CLICKING on them and dragging to the location you want. Again, you can select EDIT in the window and change the legend from Cost Code Values to Names. NOTE: Any changes you make to the window will NOT save automatically. You will have to manually save any changes by going to FILE and saving to another location. You CAN save the screens to the Microsoft PowerPoint program and create your own slide show for presentation. 135 Advanced Training Manual Graphs (cont’d.) You can also do a single CLICK on any “slice” of the pie and drag it away from the rest of the pie. The above note applies. Graphs are also available for Bid Summary by selecting <BID SUMMARY><GRAPHS><BID SUMMARY – Your Choice> from the pull-down. These Graphs automatically come up as pie charts. You have the same options as the Extension graphs, with the added ability to “Drill Down” on any slice by selecting DRILL DOWN in the lower right corner. 136 Advanced Training Manual Schedule NOTE: Schedule Task Names will vary based on the estimating product you use. The Schedule feature is also based on Extension data. You would set up the schedule data the same time you create the Summary and Graph data in Extension. You access the Schedule by selecting the <Tools> tab and the <Schedule> icon in the ribbon. When the Schedule appears, you can set the beginning and end dates as necessary to encompass the entire period needed. You would select either TASK DETAILS along the bottom of the window and then SCHEDULE OPTIONS, OR select EDIT and SCHEDULE OPTIONS from the top of the window. Either way, you will go to the window above. You will notice that this window contains the Schedule Name (from your Extension Report window), the Schedule Begin and Schedule End. You will start with the Schedule End. CLICK on the button with the three (3) dots next to the field. 137 Advanced Training Manual Schedule (cont’d.) This will bring up a calendar that will allow you to select the appropriate year; month, and day you want this schedule to end. You MUST select ALL THREE for it to complete properly. You will have to use a day that falls within your workweek. Once you have selected the information, select “OK”. This will return a changed Schedule Options. You would follow the same procedures for changing the Schedule Begin. This window is also where you determine the Work Days. Just check the days your crew works. NOTE: You will not be able to start/stop any tasks on days that are NOT included in the Work Days. You can make Schedule Notes that apply to this schedule specifically and you can Clear All Predecessors as well. DO NOT CLEAR PREDECESSORS UNTIL SCHEDULE START IS IN PLACE. If you select Clear All Predecessors, you will be prompted that the process is NOT REVERSABLE. That means for this schedule only. Your next step is to select “APPLY” which will bring up the completed schedule in the background. You then select “OK” to close this window. 138 Advanced Training Manual Schedule (cont’d.) The completed Schedule will be broken down by Cost Code Descriptions or Schedule Code Descriptions (depending on the extension report used) on the left and show the scheduled task with the number of workers needed to complete the task in the table on the right. You can “adjust” the tasks by moving your cursor inside the scheduled task (you will see a white bar with two [2] pointers) and moving the entire task forward or backward. You can also “lengthen” or “shorten” the task by moving the cursor to one end or the other (you will see a white bar with one [1] pointer, depending on which direction you are moving), CLICK and drag. Remember, you will not be able to drop on a day NOT in your workweek. You will also be unable to “overlap” any tasks as long as the predecessors are active. This is the graphic method of manipulating your schedule. You can also manipulate the schedule data manually from within the EDIT windows. To access, CLICK on which line you want to edit in the schedule (notice it does NOT highlight the line, but shows which line you have chosen in the lower left corner of the window), then select TASK DETAILS or TASK ORDER (you can also access Task Order from the Task Details window by CLICKING on the tab to the right). 139 Advanced Training Manual Schedule (cont’d.) The Edit window will show you the Short Task Name (Cost Code or Schedule Code Value), Long Task Name (Cost Code or Schedule Code Description), the Duration (from your Extension data), the Start/Finish dates (minimum of three days), Workers per Day (actually per task), Hours per Worker, and Task Notes. You can modify the Start/Finish dates by using the calendar (bring up with the three dot buttons). You can also set the Hours per Worker directly in that window, if you want your workers working more hours for that task. Also, you can set the number of Workers per Day (Task). All of these areas noted under PLANNED work together in concert. Changing one will affect the others. Once you have manually set the fields, select “APPLY” and then “OK”. This will transfer your changes to the graphic schedule. What you just accomplished is actually “manpower management” of the job. The “ACTUAL” fields will be available in a future version. 140 Advanced Training Manual Schedule (cont’d.) Task Order will let you change the order of tasks as they appear on the schedule. If the Task Predecessors are still in effect, it will have no affect on them. You will not be able to “adjust” any task to be performed at the same time as long as the Task Predecessors are in effect. Before you decide to disable the Task Predecessors, it is a good idea to use them to “push” all the tasks to the chosen start date, i.e., even though my schedule starts on August 7, 2000, maybe you won’t start actual work until August 28, 2000. With the Task Predecessors active, you can drag the first task to begin on August 28, 2001. This will “push” all the other tasks to follow after the first task. At that point, select Task Details, Schedule Options and Clear All Predecessors. Now your predecessors are disabled and you can “stack” your tasks in a more realistic manner. 141 Advanced Training Manual Schedule (cont’d.) If you move your cursor to the solid line at the beginning of the graphic schedule, you will get a “bar and double pointer”. CLICK on the line and move it to the far right of the screen. This will uncover the “back sheet” of the schedule. This is a table form of all the data being used for the schedule. DOUBLE CLICKING on any of the fields will take you to the appropriate window (Task Details, etc.) to make changes. If you select PRINT from the original schedule sheet, you will get this back sheet first, followed by the graphic schedule (obviously you will have to tape them side by side to get the full schedule). Last, but certainly not least, there is a field in the upper left corner of the main Schedule called View. This will allow you to view the schedule in different increments, such as Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, and Years. This is especially helpful for long term jobs with extremely long tasks. It also allows Hours and Minutes, but neither of these are recommended. “Hours” will show 24 in a day and doesn’t allow for “shifts” such as 8-5, 74, etc. “Minutes” will show every single minute of the day and is ineffective as a scheduling tool. You are able to export the resulting schedule directly to Microsoft Project®. 142 Advanced Training Manual Export The EXPORT feature allows the User to export information from many areas of the program into a “comma delimited” file for import into another program, such as Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®. To access this feature, select the <Jobs> tab and the <Export> icon in the ribbon. The above window will appear. The first task is to create a report set up as a template for running as a batch file. Select the “Create” button in the lower left corner. Initially the below window will appear. 143 Advanced Training Manual Export (contd.) You work your way across the line from left to right, the first area being “Set Bid Summary”. Simply CLICK in the box and the window below will appear. There are two ways to select the Bid Summaries you want. The first is to select them in any order you want by using the “Select” column. This will “Sort” the list in the order you’ve selected. The second is to simply use the “Select All” button in the lower right corner, which will sort the list from top to bottom. 144 Advanced Training Manual Export (contd.) Select the ““APPLY”” button in the lower left corner to accept your choices. Now you will move on to the “Categories” column. There is a pull-down when you CLICK in the field that allows the User to choose which area of the program you want for this particular batch run. NOTE: You can make only one choice at a time per line, but you have the option to “Add” more lines to the batch in the lower left corner. Depending on the selection you make, different windows will appear with the various choices within that selection. The below example is using “Top Sheet” as the choice. 145 Advanced Training Manual Export (contd.) Again, you can choose the individual areas by checking them in the order you want them, by using the “Select” column OR use the “Select All” button to choose them all in the order they currently appear. Select the ““APPLY”” button in the lower left corner to accept your choices. This completes the CREATE function for the batch (of course, you can repeat this process a number of times for each batch), and you can now move on to creating the actual template. The following window shows how your window will look after creating the batch information, as well as both the template name and the path. The “Path” should be created first. It should be a location you can access with whatever program you intend to be using for this batch file, such as the default, “My Documents”. The “Template” can be whatever name you want to give this batch of information. Any templates you create are “System-Wide” and can be accessed from any job. Be sure to select the “Save” button when you’ve named your template to accept it. 146 Advanced Training Manual Export (contd.) Once you have set everything up as shown above, you can then run the batch. Close this window and you will be returned to the original window below, with the addition of your template batch file being listed. Select the Template you want to use, select the Bid Summaries you want it to apply to, and finally, select Run Batch in the lower left corner to create the file. Open your other program and get the created file to process, as you require. 147 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link The Hot Link process allows the User to “switch” between the McCormick estimating program and the Trade Service database, “collect” data on pricing for any number of items and “import” the information back into the estimating program to be used for estimating purposes. Set-up First, do a “RIGHT CLICK” on a blank button and name it Hot Link. Then, bring up one (1) Item Takeoff window. Do another “RIGHT CLICK” on your new Hot Link button and do a snapshot, repeat and select 1 Window Takeoff. You will then select the <Configuration> tab and the <Keyboard> icon in the ribbon to open up the Keyboard Mapping window above. Make sure 1 Window Takeoff is selected in the Description field in the upper left corner of the window (1). Choose SHIFT in the upper right corner by using the pull-down in the Shift field (2), and “H” by using the pull-down in the Key field (3). Next, using the pull-down in the Pre-Defined Action field, select <TSP_HOT_LINK> (4). Finally select the SAVE button in the lower right corner (5), then CLOSE. 148 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link (contd.) The final step in setting up the Hot Link is to go into the <Configuration> tab and the <Security> icon in the ribbon. As shown on the left under the Group “Administrator” (1), select Database in “Area” (2). There will be two lines of security for Hot Link, “Permanent Items from Trade Service” and “Temporary Items from Trade Service”. They both need to be checked for the User to be able to perform the function as Administrators. Since by default Estimators can’t edit the Permanent Database, as shown on the right, they CAN use Hot Link in the Temporary Database. NOTE: The security is setup under Administrator, since this is the highest level of security. No one other than Administrators should perform this function for security reasons. Process Once the Hot Link functions are all established, you launch the process by CLICKING on the Toolbar Button “Hot Link”. This will bring up your single Item Takeoff window. Locate where you want the imported items to be put, either Permanent Database or Temporary Database. You then hold down the <SHIFT> key and hit the keyboard letter “H”. This will launch your Trade Service program. 149 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link (contd.) Trade Service DOES NOT HAVE TO BE UP AND RUNNING for our program to access it, the Hot Link will do that automatically. It DOES have to be installed in such a way that our program can find it, i.e., on the local drive for the stand alone, on the server for the network. This should already be taken care of by creating the link for price updating as previously explained. Once Trade Service is open, you can use their menu options to locate the manufacturer and/or products you want to transfer to the estimating program. 1. To select items within the TRA-SER parts list, find what you want and check it. 2. You then select the “Export” pull-down. 3. Finally choose “Link Export” from the list. 150 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link (contd.) When the McCormick Systems Hot Link Import window appears, you match the Trade Service specifications on the left (1) to the McCormick specifications on the right (2). Use the “in” pointing arrows, either left or right side (3), to bring your matches together in the center window. The typical matches are illustrated above. As you make matches from the McCormick side, they will “disappear” as options. Therefore, it would be easier to work from this list. Once the matches are made, select NEXT in the lower right corner. This will bring up the above two windows. Make the appropriate choices to continue. 151 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link (contd.) Now you have the list of TRA-SER items on the left and a window of our database on the right. Highlight the items you want from Trade Service, using the <SHIFT> key for all or part of the list, or <CONTROL> key for multiple choices in a specific order (1). Select a destination on the right (required, or you will get a prompt message) (2) and select the appropriate directional arrow from between the two windows (3 or 4). The single arrow will move only the line selected on the left if only one line is chosen, the double will move the entire list on the left in the order it appears. NOTE: If this window appears before the window to match specifications, you can get there by CLICKING the “Specifications” button at the bottom, returning to TRA-SER and then “export”. If the selections have been made properly, the list will now appear on the right side in our database (5). If it is necessary, or if you want further information from another manufacturer, you can return directly to the TRA-SER program by using the “Link” button on the bottom of the window (6). Once you return, follow the previously outlined steps in the process to transfer the items. A notable exception will be that it is not necessary to re-select the specification matches between the McCormick WinProduct and TRA-SER, as they have already been done. If the location on our side is correct, select “APPLY” to make the actual import (7). If you do not intend to return to TRA-SER at this point, choose CLOSE to end the process (7). NOTE: In order for this process to work correctly, you must make sure there is enough space in our database to accept the items you are importing. If you are importing into the permanent database, and you bring over more items than you have space for, you could overwrite existing items with no way of recovering them. 152 Advanced Training Manual Hot Link (contd.) Congratulations, the Trade Service items are now part of your estimating database. Notice that the Item Name, Manufacturer, Catalog Number, Book Price and DCI Codes are in place. All that remains is for you to set the proper Unit for Prices 1-3, and add the Labor. This import can be done for any number of items at any one time. HotLink TRA-SER Premier For HotLink to work with TRA-SER Premier, the following steps need to be followed, initially: 1. 2. 3. 4. Open TRA-SER Premier, Choose the Manufacturer, Choose a category for what you want to import, Choose the specific items you want, using either the “block” (SHIFT) or “cherry pick” (CNTRL) method, as you would in a spreadsheet, 5. “LEFT CLICK” on the “link” icon at the top of their screen, 6. Return to your McCormick program and proceed with the HotLink procedures. 7. If the link to specifications hasn’t been made, that window will come up first. Follow the steps already outlined. If they have, it will go to the transfer window immediately. Follow those procedures already outlined. HotLink TRA-SER SX Install the TRA-SER SX Link Export Bridge from, open TRA-SER SX, and then follow TRA-SER Premier instructions 2-7 listed above. 153 Advanced Training Manual Notes: 154 Advanced Training Manual APPENDIX I KEYBOARD DESCRIPTIONS & MACROS/ CUSTOM SUPPLIER PRICING TECHNICAL SUPPORT INFO 155 Advanced Training Manual 1 of 1 McCormick Systems Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Descriptions Description Key for Window 1 Key for Window 2 Key for Window 3 Cursor Up - Q W E Cursor Down - A S D Count - Z X C Permanent/Job - R T Y Review - F G H Transfer Length - V B N Transfer Count - <SHIFT> Z <SHIFT> X <SHIFT> C Exchange - J K L Description F Keys Help - F1 Set Scale - F2 Calculate Count - F3 Calculate Length - F4 Clear Count - F5 Clear Length - F6 Go To - F7 156 Advanced Training Manual 1 of 4 McCormick Systems Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Macros Command Description <CURDN> Move down one line in Item List <PGDN> Move down one page in Item List <CURUP_UPDATE_REVIEW> Move up one line in Item List (Byproducts/Specs do update) <PGUP_UPDATE_REVIEW> Move up one page in Item List (Byproducts/Specs do update) <CURDN_UPDATE_REVIEW> Move down one line in Item List (Byproducts/Specs do update) <PGDN_UPDATE_REVIEW> Move down one page in Item List (Byproducts/Specs do update) <KBDCOUNT> Count with Keyboard <TRANSFER_COUNT> Transfer count from Power Probes Plus <TRANSFER_LENGTH> Transfer length from Power Probes Plus <LABOR> Labor; Show and drop down the Labor Adjust combo box list <MENU> Menu; Open/close menu tab <REVIEW> Review; Cycle through the Takeoff Tabs <EXCHANGE> Exchange; Toggle sort order of Item List <TOOLBAR_n> Click Toolbar <PP_SET_SCALE> Power Probe Plus – Set Scale <PP_CALC_COUNT> Power Probe Plus – Calculate Count <PP_CALC_LENGTH> Power Probe Plus – Calculate Length <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> Power Probe Plus – Clear Count <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> Power Probe Plus – Clear Length 157 Advanced Training Manual 2 of 4 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Macros Keyboard Macros (* = Pull-down) F10 * F = File J = Job N = New I = Items List A = Assemblies List J = Job E = Extension Reports P = Parts Database A = Add C = Convert C = Close J = Job T = Takeoff U = Update S = Print Set-up A = Audit Trail R = Reports V = Print Preview P = Print L = Logout X = Exit F10 * E = Exit J = Job D = Details O = Documents T = Photos F = Paste from Job K = Keyboard O = Formulas E = Specifications L = Labor Categories S = Security T = Options F10 * A = Tabs I = Item 158 Advanced Training Manual 3 of 4 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Macros A = Assembly M = Menu R = Review F = Find/Sort E = Exchange U = Utility P = Perm/Job Specific F10 * T = Takeoff I = New Items Lists 1 2 3 4 5 6 A = New Assemblies List 1 2 3 4 5 6 U = Audit Trail S = Standard A = Advanced M = Multiplier L = Plus/Minus P = Power Probes T = Tool Bars T = Tool Bar L = Label Bar B = Both D = Default Tool Bar A = Active S = Set W = Workspaces F10 * N = Extension 159 Advanced Training Manual 4 of 4 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Macros E = Extend L = Labels R = Report Set-up G = Graphs = Extension - Price = Extension - Labor Hours F10 * B = Bid Summary S = Summary G = Graphs = Bid Summary - Top Sheet = Bid Summary - Labor Dollars = Bid Summary - Labor Hours = Bid Summary - Other Costs - Single = Bid Summary - Other Costs - Multiple F10 * O = Tools O = Documents P = Proposal Sheet S = Schedule T = Time Calculator A = Windows Calculator F10 * W = Windows A = Arrange Icons 1 2 3 etc, F10 * H = Help C = Contents U = How to Use Help A = About T = Technical Support 160 Advanced Training Manual 1 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboards Report For User - Admin Broken out by Keyboard Description, Form Name, sorted by Keystroke Keyboard Description: 1 Window Takeoff Form Name: FTakeoff0002501 Keystroke Shift State Action A <none> <CURDN> A Shift <PGDN> F <none> {F10}AR F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW J <none> {F10}AE K <none> {F10}AE L <none> {F10}AE Q <none> <CURUP> Q Shift <PGUP> R <none> {F10}AP V <none> <TRANSFER_LENGTH> Z <none> <KBDCOUNT> Z Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> 161 Advanced Training Manual 2 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboard Description: 2 Window Takeoff Form Name: FTakeoff0002501 Keystroke Shift State Action A <none> <CURDN> A Shift <PGDN> F <none> {F10}AR F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW J <none> {F10}AE Q <none> <CURUP> Q Shift <PGUP> R <none> {F10}AP V <none> <TRANSFER_LENGTH> Z <none> <KBDCOUNT> Z Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> Form Name: FTakeoff0002502 Keystroke Shift State C <none> C Shift D <none> D Shift E <none> E Shift F2 <none> F3 <none> F4 <none> F5 <none> F6 <none> F7 <none> H <none> L <none> N <none> Y <none> Action <KBDCOUNT> <TRANSFER_COUNT> <CURDN> <PGDN> <CURUP> <PGUP> <PP_SET_SCALE> <PP_CALC_COUNT> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> {F10}TW {F10}AR {F10}AE <TRANSFER_LENGTH> {F10}AP 162 Advanced Training Manual 3 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboard Description: 3 Window Takeoff Form Name: FTakeoff0002501 Keystroke Shift State Action A <none> <CURDN> A Shift <PGDN> F <none> {F10}AR F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW J <none> {F10}AE Q <none> <CURUP> Q Shift <PGUP> R <none> {F10}AP V <none> <TRANSFER_LENGTH> Z <none> <KBDCOUNT> Z Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> Form Name: FTakeoff0002502 Keystroke Shift State B <none> F2 <none> F3 <none> F4 <none> F5 <none> F6 <none> F7 <none> G <none> K <none> S <none> S Shift T <none> W <none> W Shift X <none> X Shift Action <TRANSFER_LENGTH> <PP_SET_SCALE> <PP_CALC_COUNT> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> {F10}TW {F10}AR {F10}AE <CURDN> <PGDN> {F10}AP <CURUP> <PGUP> <KBDCOUNT> <TRANSFER_COUNT> 163 Advanced Training Manual 4 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboard Description: 3 Window Takeoff (contd.) Form Name: FTakeoff0002503 Keystroke Shift State Action C <none> <KBDCOUNT> C Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> D <none> <CURDN> D Shift <PGDN> E <none> <CURUP> E Shift <PGUP> F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW H <none> {F10}AR L <none> {F10}AE N <none> <TRANSFER_LENGTH> Y <none> {F10}AP Keyboard Description: 5 Window Takeoff Form Name: FTakeoff0002501 Keystroke Shift State Action A <none> <CURDN> A Shift <PGDN> F Shift {F10}AR F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW Q <none> <CURUP> Q Shift <PGUP> Z <none> <KBDCOUNT> Z Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> 164 Advanced Training Manual 5 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboard Description: 5 Window Takeoff (contd.) Form Name: FTakeoff0002502 Keystroke Shift State Action B <none> <TRANSFER_LENGTH> F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW S <none> <CURDN> S Shift <PGDN> W <none> <CURUP> W Shift <PGUP> X <none> <KBDCOUNT> X Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> Form Name: FTakeoff0002503 Keystroke Shift State C <none> C Shift D <none> D Shift E <none> E Shift F2 <none> F3 <none> F4 <none> F5 <none> F6 <none> F7 <none> Action <KDBCOUNT> <TRANSFER_COUNT> <CURDN> <PGDN> <CURUP> <PGUP> <PP_SET_SCALE> <PP_CALC_COUNT> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> {F10}TW 165 Advanced Training Manual 6 of 6 McCormick Systems, Inc. McCormick Systems WinProducts Default Keyboard Takeoff Macros Keyboard Description: 5 Window Takeoff (contd.) Form Name: FTakeoff0002504 Keystroke Shift State Action F <none> <CURDN> F Shift <PGDN> F2 <none> <PP_SET_SCALE> F3 <none> <PP_CALC_COUNT> F4 <none> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> F5 <none> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> F6 <none> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> F7 <none> {F10}TW R <none> <CURUP> R Shift <PGUP> V <none> <KBDCOUNT> V Shift <TRANSFER_COUNT> Form Name: FTakeoff0002505 Keystroke Shift State B <none> B Shift F2 <none> F3 <none> F4 <none> F5 <none> F6 <none> F7 <none> G <none> G Shift T <none> T Shift Action <KBDCOUNT> <TRANSFER_COUNT> <PP_SET_SCALE> <PP_CALC_COUNT> <PP_CALC_LENGTH> <PP_CLEAR_COUNT> <PP_CLEAR_LENGTH> {F10}TW <CURDN> <PGDN> <CURUP> <PGUP> 166 Advanced Training Manual Creating Additional Price Specifications NOTE: Access to Specifications and Formulas will vary based on User’s Security and the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. Adding Supplier Specifications CLICK on the <Configuration> tab and <Specs> icon in the ribbon. The “Edit Specifications” window will come up. The 4000 Users will have access to Vendor A and Vendor B only, but will not be able to change the name. The 6000 Users will have access to all three Vendors, be able to rename them, AND add more Vendors if needed. The 6000 Users can edit as shown below. 167 Advanced Training Manual Creating Additional Price Specifications (contd.) Adding Supplier Specifications (contd.) CLICK “Add Spec.” and in the “Add Specification” window next to “Screen Name” enter “Graybar (or other supplier)”, at “Data Type” enter “Currency”, and at “Default Value” enter “0”, then CLICK ““OK””. In the “Edit Specifications” window next to “Report Width” enter “13”, then Check the box next to “Dollar Sign”, and Check the box next to “Has Unit”. When “The ‘Has Unit’ option can not be removed after added to a specification. Do you wish to continue?” window comes up, CLICK “Yes”. 168 Advanced Training Manual Creating Additional Price Specifications (contd.) Adding Supplier Specifications (contd.) CLICK “Close” and the “Specification saved successfully” window will appear. CLICK ““OK”” and the Specification is saved. Either CLICK “Yes” to modify the Security now, or “No” to modify it later, but please don’t forget. All of the Security groups will be given rights to edit this Specification in both the Permanent and Job databases. The next step is usually to add this new Vendor spec to an existing Extension report and use the “cherry pick” function in Edit Extension as covered in the Standard Training Manual. If a special report for extending just this Vendor is required, call McCormick Systems Technical Support for assistance. Changing the Specification Order NOTE: Access to Specifications and Formulas will vary based on User’s Security and the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. To change the Specifications Order, Open the “Edit Specifications” window and CLICK on the “Spec Order” button. When the “Specifications Order (Items)” window appears, CLICK on the “Sup 1 final Prc” (or any Specification to be moved) and then CLICK on the “Move Spec” Arrow until the Specifications is where needed. 169 Advanced Training Manual Changing the Specification Order (contd.) The Specification is now in the new location. Price Updating Price Updating allows you to update your current database with the latest price and labor specifications provided by third party sources (Pricing Services, Suppliers, etc.). If you have already run a successful update, all that is needed is for you to select the UPDATE option. 170 Advanced Training Manual Price Updating (cont’d.) At this time you will be prompted for your “printing preferences”. Select the options you want (usually No) and continue on. You have one last chance to cancel the operation. When you receive the message “Start your update application now”, start your third party application as you normally would (notice you will be unable to “minimize” the WinProduct). Once your third party application has started its update, monitoring will be returned to the WinProduct. Before updating the database prices, read the bulletin that the pricing service sends with each price update disk. The bulletin contains information on changes in vendor number (UPC/EDP/DCI code), prices, new items, discounted items, etc. McCormick Systems supports many different Price Updating services with more being added all the time. Tip: If you would like a specific vendor added to the list of supported formats, contact your vendor and let them know. We will be happy to work with them directly. Just have them call us. 171 Advanced Training Manual Pricing Configuration If this is the first time you are running the price updating function, you will need to create a new Update Configuration. To do this, select the format that your data is in from the previous screen and select EDIT from the buttons to the right. This screen allows you to define the parameters of a new or current “Update Configuration.” Keep in mind that you will only need to create a new CU or UPD file the first time you run an update for each vendor. 172 Advanced Training Manual Pricing Configuration (contd.) NOTE: Most third party vendors may be emulated by modifying the data on these screens. If you have any questions on the information needed by your vendor, please contact Technical Support. If you are performing this process as the result of a failed update, you will be prompted that the file already exists and would you like to overwrite? Your response would be “Yes”. Setting up McCormick for use with Tra-Ser SX 1. 2. 3. 4. Open any job, go to the <Jobs> tab and <Update> icon in the ribbon You will no longer be using the top selection Trade Service Tra-Ser for Windows after this. “LEFT CLICK” “New”, add “Tra-Ser SX” as the Description Select “Tra-Ser SX Internet Transfer” from the Update Format pull-down. 5. This will open up the Configuration dialog. 173 Advanced Training Manual Pricing Configuration (contd.) Setting up McCormick for use with Tra-Ser SX (contd.) You can use this button to begin the update, BUT we would rather you closed this window and hit the button on the previous screen. This will kick out all the other Users and begin the update. This should be the Default, even if you don’t have NECA The Price update logs can be placed local or on a network so other Users may access them. This is only used if you have multiple databases attached to the same program. Last Issue Processed starts out blank. This will give you the last 5 years of updates. Once an update is successful, it will auto fill with the date. This field cannot be modified. The McCormick fields need to be matched to Tra-Ser SX fields. This example shows the most common scenario. You can update multiple price columns at the same time if the User has the appropriate fields in McCormick. If the User fills out the unattended update section with a valid windows account, it will start the update at the designated time. Refresh Tra-Ser SX will refresh any change Tra-ser files. Save Update Configuration saves your changes. NOTES: 174 Reports are not printed by default, they are stored. If you hit the View Report Files button, you will have access to the report archive. You can then print any past successful reports. Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List NOTE: Access to Specifications and Formulas will vary based on User’s Security and the estimating product you use. The following is for example only. CLICK on the <Configuration> tab and <Specs> icon in the ribbon. When the “Edit Specification:” window appears, CLICK on the “Add Spec” button. When the “Add Specification” window appears, Enter “Material Code” as the “Screen Name”, “Text” as the “Data Type”, and “5” as the “Text Length”. When done, CLICK ““OK””. 175 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) Change the “Report Width” to “11”, and CLICK on the “Lists” button. When the “Specifications Lists” appears, CLICK on the “New” button. 176 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) When the “Specifications Lists” form appears, in the “Name” window Enter “Material Code”, in the “Data Type for Underlying Value” window Select “Text”, and the “Length” window Enter “5” Under “List Values:”, In the “Description” column Enter “Conduit”, etc, and in the “Value” column Enter a corresponding value of 5 characters or less (as shown for example). The Values may be moved up or down to change the order by Marking the Value and CLICKING the up or down arrow. When satisfied, CLICK on “Close”. 177 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) NOTE: It is CRITICAL you add “Material Code” to the specification in the “List” field. Otherwise it will not give you the pull-down in the database review. To change the Specifications Order, in the “Edit Specifications” window, CLICK on the “Spec Order” button. When the “Specifications Order (Items)” window appears, CLICK on the “Material Code” (or any Specification to be moved) and then CLICK on the “Move Spec” Arrow until the Specifications is where needed. 178 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) The “Material Code” Specification is shown in the new order below. The “Material Code” Specification should be closed and saved a shown in saving the previous Specificatios. 179 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) To “Range Edit” the “Material Code” specification in the database, select the area you wish to edit, “RIGHT CLICK” in the “C-Probe, L-Probe, Count” area, and when the Pop-up Utility window appears, CLICK “Range Edit”. When the “Block Operations (Range Edit Records) form appears, Enter a beginning and ending Range by either entering the Item numbers or CLICKING on the Item and CLICKING the “Begin” and “End” of the Range. 180 Advanced Training Manual Adding a “Material Code” List (contd.) Select the “Material Code” needed (note the yellow field) and CLICK the ““APPLY”” button. ALL the wire in the database, item numbers 5 through 208, will now have a “Material Code” of “Wire” as shown above. 181 Advanced Training Manual Technical Support If you have any questions or you would like more information please contact us at: On the Web: Email: [email protected] Telephone: Toll Free: Voice: FAX: Postal Mail: McCormick Systems Inc. 149 W. Boston St. Chandler, Arizona 85225 1-800-444-4890 1-480-831-8914 1-480-820-2422 Sales/R&D 1-480-820-5243 Support Our Hours are: Monday through Friday 6:00am to 5:00pm Arizona Time – MST (Winter), PST (Summer) If you are able to use the Internet from your current position, simply select one of the links above or use the McCormick tab in the ribbon as shown above. McCormick Systems © WinProducts© NOTE: Access to Technical Support is available to all Users and does NOT vary according to the estimating product you use. 182
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