St. Rose of Lima Church 312 Ridgedale Avenue East Hanover, New Jersey 07936 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 As I had mentioned in my homily at all the Masses this past weekend, it is important to live good and holy lives and so gain entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. Again, as I mentioned, it is important to pray for our beloved dead, particularly during the month of November. I encourage parents and grandparents to help their children/grandchildren to make a list of their beloved family members who have died and to pray for them during the month of November. Any parishioner who would like to place the names of their deceased family members on the All Soul’s envelopes, simply place them in the collection basket or give them to me after Mass. This past Tuesday we started our bereavement series. Anyone who has been bereaved in the last couple of years and has never attended our bereavement group, are welcome to attend. Please call the office or email Stephanie or me for more information. Last Wednesday I celebrated our annual Mass for all those who died and were buried from our parish within this past year. We all know that the first year of grief is very painful and as grieving families came and lit a candle for their loved ones, many tears were shed. However, as we saw all these beautiful candles brighten the altar area, we called to mind that the gift of these, our precious deceased family members, brightened not only our lives and the world in which they lived, but have now brought the light of their faith toward the glory of God. Congratulations to Teresa and Nicola Germinario on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. My prayers and blessings surround them as they renew their vows this Sunday during the 12:15pm Mass. We’re very gifted to have Mrs. Debbie Bregna as our trainer and coordinator of altar servers. Debbie takes her role very seriously and with great devotion and patience. She brings dignity and a sense of awe to the lives of our children as they serve at the altar of our Lord. She was assisted by several senior altar servers in this recent training program. A big thank you to Debbie and her young assistants for their great work on behalf of our altar servers. I’m delighted to welcome our new altar servers: Isabella Luciano, Kiersten Mas, Tiahna Mas, Gary Saitta, Charmaine Sebastian, Victoria Torna, Jim Vadakkedam, Peter Behrens, Alexis Pollard, Darya Stone, Mathew Griffin and Andrew Griffin. Congratulations boys and girls – we’re very proud of you!!! Father Owen Next Week’s Presiders will be: Sunday, November 9th The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 People of the Parish Concetta DeRosa, Vera Marcantonio 9:00 Dr. Anthony Oropollo, Pavone & Oropollo Families 10:30 Benny DiArchi, Biagio Giorgio (47th Ann.), Sr. Connie, Katherine Jakubiec (1st Ann.) 12:15 Ben & Florence Spinelli, Joyce Riccio 7:00 Michael & Mary McHugh, Celeste Monteiro Monday, November 10th St. Leo the Great 9:00 Salvatore Davino, Silvio Joseph Citarelli (34th Ann.) 6:30pm Mass for Deceased Knights of Columbus Brothers Tuesday, November 11th St. Martin of Tours 9:00 Michael Kelly, Glen Raab Wednesday, November 12th St. Josaphat 9:00 Frank Adamo, Patricia Tracey Thursday, November 13th St. Francis Xavier 9:00 Joseph Perrotta, Gennaro & Maria Guanci Friday, November 14th Weekday 9:00 Mariano Family, Tita Rauscherberger (5th Ann.) Saturday, November 15th St. Albert the Great 9:00 Mass Intentions to the Blessed Mother Vigil 5:30 Andrea Giordano (1st Ann.), Paul & Nina Petrillo Sunday, November 16th Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 People of the Parish Deceased Members of Dominick & Antoinette Fico Family, Vecchiarello Family 9:00 Maria Cunha, Maria Rebelo 10:30 Silvia DeAngelis, Benny DiArchi 12:15 Federico Cicchino, Irene Krawse 7:00 Nadine Ruta, Raymond Henry Saturday, Nov. 15th 5:30pm Fr. Owen Sunday, 7:30am Fr. Owen 9:00am Fr. Owen 10:30am Fr. Peter 12:15pm Fr. Peter 7:00pm Fr. Owen Nov. 16th THE ALTAR BREAD AND WINE For this week are offered in loving memory of: Giacinta Randazzo From : Angelina DelFava SANCTUARY LAMP – CHURCH A reminder of the Divine Presence in the Eucharist burns this week in memory of: Domenick Cerruto From: Ron & Arlene Mayer ALTAR CANDLES For the week are offered in loving memory of: Joseph Perrotta From: Cathy Perrotta & Donna Mirocco TABERNACLE CANDLES For the week are offered in loving memory of: Joseph Perrotta From: Annette Farese Rosary Prayer Intentions for November Glorious Mysteries: For the souls in purgatory that they are lifted up into the Glory of Heaven Sorrowful Mysteries: For an end to the violence in the Middle East. Joyful Mysteries: For the ebola victims that world health organizations will work toward finding a cure. Luminous Mysteries: That during this month of November we will give thanks to God for all the Saints. There will be a second collection this weekend for those in need of help for Thanksgiving. If any parishioner has any need or knows of anyone in town in need of help for Thanksgiving dinner, please contact Father Owen directly. ` We remember and give God thanks for our beloved dead especially Orlando Mainero George Redding Our Sick: Please remember in your prayers those in our parish and community who are ill, especially: Angelina DelFava, Lorraine Scarpa, June Remmington, Harry Cardinale, Anna Maria McKenna, Adrianna Monaco, Rosemary Hagemann, Lisa Falco, Dean Everetts, Jack Citarelli, Jim Blanci, Teresa Brown, Teresa Russo and Carol Alfano 2014-2015 CONFIRMATION NEWS Grade 9 The next class is Sunday, Nov. 16th. Please arrive through the academy doors no later than 5:45pm. Students are dismissed at the conclusion of the 7:00pm Mass. Community Service Essays are due at this class. 7:00pm Mass is The Entrance Rite Mass for 9th grade. Parents are encouraged to attend. Grade 10 The next class is a special event and a special time. The Sacramental Buddy grade 10 and grade 2 event is November 16th. 10th graders should arrive no latter than 10:30am enter thru the Academy doors. The morning concludes at 11:45am. Further details will be emailed to 10th graders the week preceding. Youth Ministry Offers Smart Phone Class The young people today know all the ins and outs of smart phone use. Apps, Email, photos, tips etc. Wouldn’t you like to have a Youth Ministry member teach you ONE on ONE to use your smart phone? We have an eager group of Youth Ministry members waiting to help you do just that. We are offering one hour sessions for a $10 suggested donation. Teens will earn community service hours and your donation will be going to the Youth Ministry Program. Sessions will be held in the Youth Center. We will match up a teen with your availability, Monday – Thursday afternoons and early evenings. Please contact: [email protected] or krobertazzi@ ASAP or before November 15, 2014. Thank you for your support of our youth. YOUTH CENTER Youth Group – is open to all high school age students. 7:00pm – 9:00pm in the Youth Center. Join us for a night of Fellowship. Questions [email protected] St. Rose of Lima Youth Ministry Special Event Offers the Chance of a Lifetime to Experience The next Youth Group - TBA Appearing at the world renowned Youth Ministry Annual Halloween Party Carnegie Hall in NYC Fun was had by all in the Youth Center for our annual Youth Ministry Halloween party. Special thanks to Michelle Burke, Ramona Borgo and Debbie Keenan for decorating, organizing and chaperoning. Saturday Jan. 24, 2015, 7:00pm Show First Come – First Served – Limited Seats Transportation Included on a Luxury Bus All Ages Welcomed Casting Crowns If you are interested email ASAP Mrs. Politi at [email protected] Check out the music of Casting Crowns RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS On November 16, our Second and Tenth grade students will participate in a Sacramental Buddy Event. All second graders (both cycles) should report to the cafeteria at 10:00am. This event will take place during the regularly scheduled Religious Education class hours. Dates to Remember: November 9 Veterans Day NO Religious Education classes 16 Cycle F Class 10:00am – 11:45AM *Buddy Breakfast 16 Cycle D SECOND GRADE ALSO TO ATTEND *Buddy Breakfast 23 Cycle D Class 10:00am – 11:45am 30 Thanksgiving NO Religious Education Congratulation to our Academy children on becoming Altar Servers. The Parish belongs to all of us, and only through the parish community can we achieve our goals. The Challenge is Ours!!! OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS November 2, 2014 Weekly Tithing Parishioners $ School Tithing $ Loose Checks $ Loose Cash $ Total Sunday Collection $ “Total does not include on-line tithing” All Saints All Souls 10,060.00 957.00 1,046.00 1,642.00 13,705.00 $ $ 1,375.00 2,164.00 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO IS SACRIFICING TO HELP US MEET OUR FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR LOVING HEARTS. WE ENCOURAGE ALL OUR PARISHONERS TO USE THE TITHING ENVELOPES AND HELP US TO MEET OUR GOAL OF: $13,500 Thank you Rosary Altar Society November 12th 7PM Next Meeting for Rosary Altar Society and Daughters of Mary, beginning with the Rosary in Church. Please remember to bring a nonperishable item for the food pantry. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #6504 11/10 11/15 Mass for deceased Brothers, 6:30pm at St.Rose Comedy Night-for tickets call 973-634-7634 or 973-884-7305 [email protected] www.facebook/EastHanoverKnightsofColumbus KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #6504 COMEDY NIGHT Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:00pm (Doors open 6:30pm) St. Rose of Lima Church – Fahey Hall Benefitting: K of C Christian Refugee Relief Food, Drinks (21 and over), Door Prizes, and Comedy Ticket Price $40.00 Per Person For Tickets & Information (Email or Call) SK Frank Rigillio [email protected] 973-634-7634 SK Ron Angelo, 973-884-7305 Sponsored By: East Hanover K of C Council #6504 FOOD PANTRY Thanks to your generous donations we are able to help many people that come to our Food Pantry. The pantry will now be opened on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Currently, the food pantry is in need of pasta, toothpaste, cookies, juice boxes, pop tarts, shampoo, bar soap, peanut butter, tea and coffee. The next time the food pantry will be open is Saturday, Nov. 22nd from 10:00-11:30am. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Isabella Francis at [email protected]. Child and Youth Protection Program (Protecting God’s Children) For information about upcoming training sessions, please log onto and click on the link to VIRTUS/PGC to register for a session, or contact Angela Burns, 973-887-5572 for general inquiries. October/November Training Nov. 19 St. Paul Inside the Walls (Madison) 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Be An Ambassador for Christ Our Diocese is blessed with an increase in the number of vocations to the priesthood. As parishioners who will one day benefit from their priestly ministry, we have an opportunity to support their vocation by making a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, which funds the expenses related to their formation. Please make a gift to the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal today! Instructor needed for Introduction to Biology, Spring Semester, at Assumption College for Sisters, Mendham. For more information please contact Sister Joseph Spring at [email protected] or call 973-543-6528 Ext. 230. Deadline for resumes, Nov. 23. Congratulations to Andrew & Matthew on becoming Altar Servers. Congratulations to Jim on becoming an Altar Server and his brother Tom who just retired from Altar Serving. SCHOOL NEWS OUR HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS WERE A GREAT SUCCESS thanks to the hard work of our moms and teachers. The Pre-school and Pre-K paraded first thing in the morning and were followed by our Kindergarten students. The children enjoyed their class parties and celebrated with their classmates. Students in Grades 1- 8 enjoyed delicious treats prepared by the moms for this special occasion. Middle school students took part in a pumpkin decorating contest which was voted upon by children in K-5. Congratulations to Olivia Capasso (8) - First Place and Isabella Vescera (7) Second Place! SIXTH GRADE SCIENTISTS were challenged to use the principles of static electricity to separate a mixture of salt and pepper. In Spanish class they are learning about how family life has a strong influence on young people. They learned about the traditional Quinceanera celebration in many Spanish speaking countries and had our own Quinceanera fiesta in class. FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS proudly display their posters for the Works of Mercy! Students participating in our Chess Club are strategizing about their next move with Mr. Price's help. FALL OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW FAMILIES will be held this Wednesday, November 12 from 9 - 11 A.M. and 7 - 8 P.M. We welcome your visit to our classes from Pre-school through Grade 8. There will be tours given by our Student Council and parent volunteers. If you are unable to attend, please call 973-887-6990 and we will make arrangements to accommodate your schedule. STUDENTS HAD A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ABOUT RECYCLING from Mr. Jay Mankita who presented an educational concert called "The Lean Green Cleanup Machine." The program funded by a grant from Morris County clean Communities featured a musical concert for children about Reducing, Reusing, Recycling, and Renewing and living sustainably on the Earth! CALENDAR NOVEMBER November 11 Report cards distributed – Grades 2-8 12 Open House for new families from 9-11 A.M. and 7-8 P.M. Forensics Competition at St. Patrick’s – grades 5-8 13-14 Parent-Teacher Conferences 20 One-Day Book Fair for Pre-school through grade 8 21 NJ Consortium Spelling Bee for grades 3-5 26 Pre-school/Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast 11:30 A.M. Dismissal for K-8 – No aftercare 3:00 P.M. Closing for Pre-school/Pre-K 27-28 School Closed for Thanksgiving PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office: 973-887-5572 Fax: 973-884-0476 PARISH EMERGENCY NUMBER Website: In case of a TRUE EMERGENCY, death or funeral, after office hours, please call 973-887-5572 and press “2” to reach Father Owen immediately Priests and Clergy Staff Pastor Fr. Owen B Moran Fr. Peter Clarke 973-887-5572 Ext 114 Weekend Assistant [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Deacon Vincent Leo Permanent Deacon Mr. Alex Nevitt Pre Theology 973-887-5572 [email protected] Seminarian 973-887-5572 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Msgr. William McCarthy retired and not in residence Parish Staff Mrs. Gretchen Turner Mr. Diego Badilla Mrs. Karen Cunningham Ms. Cathleen Seborowski Mrs. Angela Burns Mrs. Anne Marie Gillespie Mrs. Susan Tietjen Mr. William Nevitt Business Manager Music Director Bookkeeper Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Trustee Trustee Parish Council President Ms. Sheila Tomlinson Mrs. Nancy Byron Mrs. Carol Freeman Principal Academy Secretary Administrative Assistant (Pre-School/Pre-K) 973-887-5572 Ex 115 973-887-5572 Ex t157 973-887-5572 Ext 129 973-887-5572 Ext 128 973-887-5572 Ext 152 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Saint Rose Academy Pre-School through Grade 8 973-887-6990 973-887-6990 973-887-1801 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Mrs. Bernadette Caponegro Mrs. Gina Liebhauser Mrs. Stephanie Politi Ms. Barbara O’Connor Mrs. M. Kelly Robertazzi Director Religious Education Assistant Coordinator of Religious Education Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries Youth Ministry/Confirmation/ Religious Education Assistant Youth Ministry and Confirmation Assistant 973-887-0357 973-887-0357 [email protected] [email protected] 973-599-2944 973-599-2944 [email protected] [email protected] 973-599-2944 [email protected] SACRAMENTS Baptism We celebrate the sacrament of Baptism every Sunday. Parents are welcome to have the Baptism celebrated either at a week-end Mass or at the Liturgy of Baptism at 1:00 starting Memorial Day thru Labor Day. To make arrangements for Baptism please call Father Owen. If needed, you will be referred to Deacon and Mrs. Vincent Leo to be scheduled for a Baptism Prep Class. Godparents must be active members of the church and attend Mass regularly. Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday at 8:15 – 8:45 and 4:45 – 5:15 (or by appointment with Fr. Owen) Sacrament of Marriage Please contact Fr. Owen and set up an appointment. Any Catholic couple needs approximately a year to prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage, which includes sessions with the Priest celebrating the marriage and attendance at Pre-Cana conferences. Sacrament of the Sick / Hospital Visits At St. Rose we are strongly committed to the spiritual care of the sick. Because of privacy laws, hospitals and nursing homes are not allowed to release the patient’s religious affiliation. Therefore, we must depend on families of our sick parishioners to inform us of their whereabouts and condition. Please notify the parish office of any need for a home or hospital visit. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for people who seek full initiation in the Catholic Church through the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, which are received at Easter Vigil. For information, please contact Fr. Owen at the parish office. PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Miraculous Medal Novena – Following 9am Mass on Saturday Devotion to Padre Pio – Following the 9am Mass on Friday St. Jude Novena - Following 9am Mass on Wednesday Secular Franciscan Order - Second Saturday after 9am Mass First Saturday Devotion – to Our Lady of Fatima Following 9am Mass Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament –Mon. – Wed 8am – 8pm Adult Choir – Rehearsal Wednesday Evenings 7:30pm Knights of Columbus – 2nd & 4th Monday at 8pm in Labrecque Hall Right to Life – Helen McVicar [email protected] Rosary Altar Society – 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in church PARISH GENERAL INFORMATION PARISH OFFICE HOURS - Our clergy and staff will be happy to assist you during the following hours: Monday – Friday 9am - 3pm New Parishioners - We welcome those who have recently moved to the area. If you would like to be part of the St. Rose of Lima family, please call the parish office to register. Bulletin Deadline – Please kindly submit all bulletin materials to Angela ([email protected]) at the parish office, Please note that in order for articles to be published in next week’s bulletin they need to be submitted no later than 10a.m. of the prior Tuesday. Mass Intentions – Please come into the office or call during regular office hours.
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