Hus 45.2_Gr. 2_Bilag 2

2004 nr. 21
7.2 Summary
The project focuses on John Rawls: A Theory of Justice and the Danish translation of
Jürgen Habermas: Diskursethik – Notitzen zu einem Begründungsprogramm, and tries
to illuminate the moral philosophical content of the two theories.
Habermas believes that what is morally right can only be found within the
consensus of a discourse. The role of a philosopher is to contribute with a
therapeutical function, so that the ideal discourse, which Habermas believes to
reconstruct, can be carried through.
Rawls seeks to find moral justice in his theory “justice as fairness”. The theory is
founded on two bearing principles that reflect the free and rational nature of man, and
subject citizens to the principle of the greatest benefit of the least advantaged. The
principles are chosen in a hypothetical position, in which citizens are placed behind a
veil of ignorance.
The discussion revolves around difficulties concerning rationality, monologism, universality
and the role of the philosopher.
2005 nr. 24
13 Abstract
Vores opgave omhandler islam, hvilke værdier der ligger til grund for den islamiske tro, samt
hvilken rolle disse spiller i forhold til islams møde med vesten. Vi har valgt at behandle vesten som
”det sekulariserede samfund” over for det islamiske samfund.
I denne forbindelse har vi valgt at beskæftige os med oplysningsfilosofien, da tankerne fra denne
filosofi ligger til grund for sekulariseringsudviklingen. For at konkretisere vores viden inden for
islam og vesten har vi valgt at fokusere på kvindens status i samfundene. De forskellige teorier
bliver sat i perspektiv med eksemplet om mødet mellem islam og vesten under Atatürks regime i
Tyrkiet fra 1923 til 1938. Til sidst diskuteres synet på religion og videnskab samt et par af Atatürks
reformer med henblik på at sætte forskelle og ligheder mellem de to samfund overfor hinanden.
Opgaven giver et indblik i mødet mellem vesten og et islamisk land med en anderledes historie og
har for mål at belyse, hvorvidt dette møde er muligt, og hvad der kommer ud af dette.
2006 nr. 5 (Fundet på rudar, ikke i rapporten)
I vores projekt gruppe startede vi med en diskussion af hovedtemaet ”Det private versus det
offentlige”. Her diskuterede vi begreberne og deres grænser, og overvejede om de havde forandret
sig. På denne baggrund faldt emnet på reality-shows. Med Big Brother som hovedfelt, ville vi
besvare spørgsmålene om, hvad der fik folk til at se og deltage i Big Brother, samt om den
samfundsmæssige udvikling havde indflydelse på programmet. Af teorier valgte vi at bruge
Goffmans rolleteori, Ziehes teorier om refleksivitet, individualisering og formbarhed og Gergens
syn på det postmoderne. Vores metode foregik ved at bruge teorierne til besvarelse af vores
problemformulering. Vores overordnede konklusion er, at samfundet har indflydelse på Big Brother
og at folk melder sig ud fra et behov om en søgen efter identitet.
2007 nr. 34
12. Resumé
This project is based on a general wonder at how the Danish government could
expand the Danish anti-terror legislation in 2007 without further notice.
We are wondering if this expansion of the legislation is a way of taking methods in
use similar to the ones we know from the German Democratic Republic, which was a
dictatorship and known as a society kept under surveillance. Therefore this project is
based on analyses of how the politicians in power legitimate the surveillance of the
public today and back in the GDR. We are pointing out similarities and differences in
their ways of legitimating the increased surveillance and are wondering if the
similarities may have consequences for the Danish democracy in the future.
2008 nr. 33
Opgavens udgangspunkt er redeligheden i Dansk Folkepartis politiske
kommunikation. Vores problemformulering, Hvilke virkemidler bruger Dansk
Folkeparti i deres politiske og massemedierede kommunikation, og hvilken betydning
har det for kommunikationens redelighed? Vi vil analysere Dansk Folkepartis
retoriske virkemidler, for at vurdere hvilken betydning disse har for redeligheden. I
opgaven anvendes teorier fra Jan Foght Mikkelsens definition af uredelighed samt
Charlotte Jørgensen og Merete Onsbergs indikatorer for uredelighed. Yderligere
inddrager vi retoriske analysemodeller fra Jens E. Kjeldsen og Leif Becker Jensen.
Som metode har vi valgt at analysere forskellige af Dansk Folkepartis kampagner for
at sandsynliggøre graden af redelighed. Vi er nået frem til, at der ikke findes noget
virkemiddel, der alene kan afgøre om en kommunikation er uredelig, men at dette
altid må ses i et sammenspil med andre virkemidler.
2009 nr. 4
English Summary
Translated into English this particular project’s title would be: “The production of the self through
media”. This project illustrates how the individual throughout history has tried to satisfy a possible
need for publishing the self in the name of acknowledgement. With access from mass media like
television and the Internet the individual has a lot of possibilities in order to create a mediated
picture of the self in the late modernity. In connection to this we have tried to prove how narcissism
can be used in order to explain why people to some extent display their lives through media like
reality TV and Facebook for instance. In the project we illustrate how mass media can be seen to
have changed the roles of interaction in everyday life, and how they slowly have broken down the
boundaries between privacy and publicity – which we have focused on in a historical perspective as
2010 nr. 37
The object of this study is to discuss the position of the Danish university as a
corrective measure in a broad societal context. The point of departure of this
discussion is an analysis of three selected laws from 1970, 1993, and 2003, all of
which deal with the university. Throughout this analysis it is examined how the
transition from Elite University to Mass University reveals itself. To facilitate an
understanding of the practical implications of the selected laws, a chapter of the study
outlines specific contemplations that took place up to and during the founding of
Roskilde University.
On the basis of the results of the analysis, it is discussed how the development could
reasonably be thought to affect society as a whole. This discussion applies theory by
Wilhelm von Humboldt as well as the principles of New Public Management.
2011 nr. 22
The following is a project regarding Richard Wagner‟s opera tetralogy The Ring of the Nibelung.
The Ring is a piece that combines and unites different genre-orientated, historical and mythological
elements which throughout the four operas displays Wagner‟s philosophy of art and life. The Ring
is heavily influenced by the revolutionary current events of its time of writing and Wagner‟s own
personal political believes concerning the society he lived in and the role he thought it should
partake. We have chosen to analyze these themes primarily through the vast conflict between
emotion and reason that is deciphered in The Ring. In order to characterize the characters of The
Ring, understand the current way of thinking and understand the tetralogy in a philosophical,
historical context we have chosen to use the two sociologists David Riesman and Émile Durkheim
as well as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. We have chosen to build the analysis in a
chronological order so it follows the storyline of The Ring, since we believe it will ease the reading
experience concerning our display of results. This will bring order to the chaotic process that the
project went through. We have also made use of the hermeneutic method. Wagner displays his own
philosophy of life through the character of Siegfried as an example of the new kind of man and the
values he represents, which is to replace the already established values with a new philosophical
approach consisting of a naturalistic absent of norms.
2012 nr. 228
The focus in this project is to analyze arguments, about access to health care. The main theory is the
principles of justice written by John Rawls. In these principles Rawls uses equality and liberty,
which are the decisive terms that also will be used in the discussion for a public healthcare system.
Further on we include arguments with a different point of view to underline the same notion of a
public healthcare system. The point of this project is not to find an exact answer of our thesis, but to
enlighten how the arguments are based on an idea of basic freedom or basic equality in society.
Therefore keywords as: healthcare, normal species functioning, fair equality of opportunity, liberty
and equality will be presented.
2013 nr. 85
This project investigates whether It is possible for the Individual ‘to escape from oneself’.
Furthermore, the study examines whether this escape leads ‘to finding oneself’ or whether these two
phenomenons are equally dependent on each other. Through a deconstructive reading of Hermann
Hesse's Der Steppenwolf we intended to discover the philosophy of the novel. The purpose of this
philosophy was to, on equal terms with Nietzsche and Camus' philosophies and perspectives,
discuss whether it is possible, according to their philosophies, ‘to escape from oneself’. The
procedures of the discussions were to compare the philosophies and find similarities and differences
in accordance to examine the phenomenon of ‘escaping from oneself’. Based on this, we have come
to the conclusion that whether you are able ‘to escape from oneself’ and how, depends on your
perception of life and who you are.
2014 nr. 169
This thesis aims to investigate the possibility of affecting your audience when giving a speech. The
project examines the preparation, writing and conduction of two speeches. The speeches contains
opposite arguments of the same subject. They argued respectively benefits, strengths, disadvantages
and weaknesses of smoking seen from a smoker and non-smoker point of view. In order to prepare
the speeches we made and analysis of the rhetorical situation. The speeches were then written based
on said analysis, utilizing methods and theory learnt at the oral one-day communication workshop
hosted by Sine Carlsen. After conducting the speeches to the audience, we collected data by using
focus group interviews. This data helped us interpret the affect the speeches had on the audience.
Additionally this thesis seeks to explore the historical development of some aspect of rhetoric and
to discuss the ethics and probity in using falsehoods in order to strengthen the arguments. This
thesis concludes that by using different rhetorical techniques it is possible to affect the audience.