Tukabatchee Area Council 2014 Council Camporee October 31 - November 2, 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION & GUIDELINES Directions to Camporee Site: The Camporee will be held on private property in north-central Butler County. The address is 'Gator Road, Greenville, AL' and you should be able to locate it on an Internet map site (Google Maps, Bing, Mapquest, etc). The site is approx 7 miles northwest of exit 130 on I-65. The last page of this syllabus includes a map detailing the location of the Camporee. Theme: The theme for this year’s Camporee is “What's Your Faction?” referencing the Divergent book series. The Camporee activities will challenge Scouts in a variety of areas and levels of expertise. The events will be designed to build teamwork and strengthen your Scouts skills that will benefit them as they advance through their Scouting careers. Activities: Friday Night- Happy Halloween! 1. Halloween Campsite Decorating Contest- Each unit may decorate its campsite for Halloween Night. Please be mindful that all decorations should be in good taste. NO KILLING SCENES or anything associated with VIOLENCE, BLOOD or GORE is allowed. 2. Pumpkin Carving Contest- Each patrol or unit (Troop, Crew) may compete in the Pumpkin Carving Contest. You will need to have all seeds and pumpkin goo removed from the pumpkin prior to the start of the contest. You will not have time to do this during the contest. You will also need to bring a pumpkin carving tool(s) such as the Pumpkin Masters style small serrated carving tool. These can be purchased from Walmart, Target, Dollar Tree and/or Grocery Stores. For safety reasons, use of pocket knives or kitchen knives will NOT be permitted. 3. Trick or Treating - Each Troop/ Venturing Crew (should you wish to participate) should have candy available for Trick or Treating. There will be approximately 300 Scouts/Venturers present. Each Scout/Venturer may bring a Halloween Costume to wear while Trick or Treating. ALL COSTUMES SHOULD BE IN GOOD TASTE. NO KILLING, VIOLENCE, BLOOD AND GORE TYPE COSTUMES PERMITTED. UNIT LEADERS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRESS AND CONDUCT OF YOUR SCOUTS/VENTURERS! Trick or Treating will immediately follow the Pumpkin Carving Contest. Please instruct your scouts to not throw candy wrappers onto the ground. Saturday- What’s Your Faction! 1. Faction Challenge - Units should divide into patrols of no more than 8 members for this challenge. Patrols will be subjected to 6 Faction Challenge courses. The Faction Challenges will test your patrol’s abilities in the following areas: Fires, Camping, Knot tying, Pioneering, Problem Solving and Cooking. 2. Why Knot Award - Tukabatchee Area Council Camporee will offer the “Why Knot” Award. Scouts/Venturers will be tested/timed individually on the following knots based on the Boy Scout Handbook: square knot, two half hitches, sheet bend, bowline, taughtline hitch, clove hitch and timber hitch. 3. Dodge Ball - A council-wide dodge ball tournament will be played Saturday afternoon after the Faction Challenge. Troops may enter a team to compete with troops from across the council in this single elimination tournament where one team will be crowned the Tukabatchee Area Council Dodge Ball Champion. Rules utilized for the tournament are included in the appendices of this syllabus. 4. Faction Campfire- Patrol Factions will be revealed! Sunday 1. Interfaith Worship Service - Each unit will be asked to provide a Chaplain’s Aide to assist the Camporee Chaplain in the Interfaith Worship Service. 2. Closing Awards Ceremony - All unit awards will be passed out. 3. Clean Up/Break down of Campsite areas – Camporee patches will be distributed to each Unit as they leave. Registration: The deadline for pre-registration is October 10th. Any registration received after this time will be subject to a higher registration fee as explained later in this information packet. Online registration will be available or you may register at the Council Office. We must have a complete list of all adult leaders and Scouts camping with each troop. In addition to your online registration, please be prepared to present a roster of your Adult Leaders and Scouts by patrol using the attached form. This will speed up the registration process on site and allow you to get to your campsite sooner. It is imperative that we know the number and size of each patrol so the events will run smoothly on Saturday. You will be directed to your campsite once registration and payment of fees is complete. Cost: To attend the Camporee, each Scout/adult leader will be charged $12.00. However, if your unit's payment is received prior to the pre-registration deadline of October 10th, this fee will be reduced to $10.00 per Scout/adult leader! This fee covers the cost of a Camporee patch, awards, and materials not donated to run the Camporee. Each unit will be responsible for their own food costs and transportation. T-shirts: There will be a Camporee T-shirt available for pre-order for this event. The cost will be $10.00 each. Sizes available are: Adult S-3XL. The order must be placed with your registration and must be done by October 10th. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. There will be no “extra” shirts available to purchase at the Camporee. Webelos: All Webelos are welcome at the Camporee after 9:00 A.M. on Saturday for the day. They should be invited by and attend as the guest of a troop in attendance. This will allow them to interact with their host troop and attend the campfire and other festivities. Webelos may not participate in the Boy Scout events. Cost is $7.00 per Webelos Scout/Adult Leader/Parent. However, if the payment is received prior to the October 10 th pre-registration deadline, this fee will be reduced to $5.00 per Webelos Scout/Adult Leader/Parent. This fee includes insurance and a patch; Webelos will still be responsible for their own food costs. Meal arrangements will need to be made with your host Boy Scout Troop in advance. Webelos will NOT be allowed to camp or stay the night on Saturday. Insurance: BSA requires that each troop have insurance. For more information contact the Council Office at 334-262-2697. First Aid: Each troop should bring their own first aid kit to handle minor problems. For more serious situations, please report to the staff headquarters area. The staff will have a medical team on site for the weekend and they will be able to address any serious injuries that may occur. Meals: Troops are encouraged to bring a sack supper for Friday evening. Ample time will be given for cooking on Saturday morning and evening, however, each troop and patrol will need to be able to provide a quicker lunch for Saturday. Parking: All vehicles must park in the designated parking area upon arrival at the Camporee site. Troops will be permitted to drive one vehicle w/trailer to their campsite to unload gear. These vehicles/trailers may stay behind the campsite, as long as they are parked and remain immobile for the weekend. Camporee staff will have a truck and trailer available to assist with moving equipment to the campsite area. Water: A water buffalo will be available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please fill your water containers before arriving at the Camporee. Instruct Scouts to use water sparingly. Trash pickup and removal: It is the responsibility of each troop to collect, remove and dispose of all trash from their campsite. Dumpsters will not be provided. If you bring it in please remove it, and dispose of it at home. This includes all gateway materials and firewood. Latrines: Port-o-lets will be provided in the general Camporee area. Troop sites: Please make arrangements to have an adult in your campsite at all times. The Camporee staff will not be responsible for troop or personal gear. Fires will not be left unattended. Please make sure that the ground is returned to its original state when your Troop departs the Camporee site. Uniforms: Class A uniforms will be worn at all assemblies, devotional services, and campfire programs. Scouts should wear their activity uniforms during the day on Saturday. Fires: Each troop should bring their own firewood, charcoal, and/or stoves for cooking. We are camping on private land and have been instructed not to cut any standing trees. The Camporee staff will not furnish firewood. All fires must be in above-ground pits. All firewood must be removed at the end of the Camporee weekend. In the event of high winds, a “no fire” order may be issued by the Camporee staff. Judging and Awards: The following activities will be judged for awards 1. Campsite Inspection - Enclosed you will find the criteria that will be used while judging campsites. Every campsite has the opportunity to receive a perfect score if all items on the sheet are attended to. 2. Gateway - A unit may construct a gateway. All materials needed are to be brought with you. No cutting of live trees on the Camporee property. 3. Camp Gadgets - Any unit wishing to participate should have a lashed camp gadget constructed on the Camporee site. Camp gadgets will be judged using the following 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. criteria: usefulness, steadiness and is it functional. All materials needed are to be brought with you. No cutting of live trees on the Camporee property. Halloween Campsite Decorating Contest - Each unit may decorate its campsite for Halloween Night. Please be mindful that all decorations should be in good taste. NO KILLING SCENES or anything associated with VIOLENCE, BLOOD or GORE is allowed. Faction Challenge - Each patrol will compete in the Faction Challenge. Each patrol will receive an award for the faction in which they score highest. Dodge Ball - Troops/Crews may enter a team to compete with units from across the council in a single elimination tournament where one team will be crowned the Tukabatchee Area Council Dodge Ball Champion. Rules for the tournament are included in the appendices of this syllabus. Why Knot Award - Each Scout/Venturer will be allowed to test for the Why Knot Award. Those who successfully tie all 7 Knots listed in the Boy Scout (Square Knot, Bowline, Clove Hitch, Sheet bend, Taught Line Hitch, Timber Hitch and 2 Half Hitches) in the allotted time of 3 minutes will receive an award. Scouts/Venturers may try more than once if time permits. Pumpkin Carving Contest - Units or Patrols may compete in the Pumpkin Carving Contest. Each Unit/Patrol that wishes to participate must bring their own pumpkin. This pumpkin must be free of seeds prior to the start of the competition on Friday night. Participants must also bring a serrated carving tool similar to the Pumpkin Master tools. These are readily available at Walmart, Target, Dollar Tree and Grocery Stores. Pocketknives and kitchen knives will NOT be allowed for carving. Awards will be given for the best carved pumpkins. Halloween Costume Contest - Awards will be given to participants with the best Halloween Costumes. ALL COSTUMES SHOULD BE IN GOOD TASTE. NO KILLING, VIOLENCE, BLOOD AND GORE TYPE COSTUMES PERMITTED. UNIT LEADERS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRESS AND CONDUCT OF YOUR SCOUTS/VENTURERS! Skills: The Faction Challenge on Saturday is designed to give each Scout/Venturer the opportunity to use the skills learned in Scouting. Each Scout/Venturer should find that he/she is able to contribute in some fashion during the events, no matter rank, age or physical ability. Some of the skills required for the competitive events will be: • Knot Tying • Camping Skills • Lashings • Cooking • Fire Building It may be helpful to review these skills in The Boy Scout Handbook. If you have any questions concerning the Camporee, please contact Camporee Chairman Paul Warren @256-749-8038 or at [email protected]. Appendix A CAMPSITE INSPECTION FOR TROOP# ______ 1. CAMPSITE ARRANGEMENT (75 POINTS MAX.) UNIFORMLY ARRANGED BY PATROL 25 POINTS FIRE BUCKETS FOR EACH TENT 25 POINTS PATROL FLAGS POSTED IN PATROL AREA 25 POINTS 2. COOKING AREA (125 POINTS MAX.) DUTY ROSTER, MENU, & SCHEDULE POSTED 15 POINTS RECIPES POSTED FOR MENU 10 POINTS PROPER DRY FOOD STORAGE 25 POINTS ORGANIZED CHUCKBOX 25 POINTS PROPER COLD FOOD STORAGE 25 POINTS CLEAN FOOD PREP AREA 25 POINTS 3. AXE YARD (ONE PER TROOP--100 POINTS MAX.) ROPED OFF AREA 25 POINTS TOOLS PROPERLY PROTECTED AND DISPLAYED 25 POINTS TOOLS PROPERLY MAINTAINED 25 POINTS WOOD STACKED NEATLY 25 POINTS Tools must be stored in Axe Yard to be judged for maintenance. Failure to do will result in no points being awarded for maintenance. NO TOOLS: NO POINTS AWARDED! 4. FIRE AREA (75 POINTS MAX.) AREA CLEAR OF ANY STRUCTURE FOR AT LEAST 10 FEET 25 POINTS FIRE RING 25 POINTS 1 WATER & 1 SAND BUCKET(12.5&12.5) 25 POINTS 5. CLEANLINESS (25 POINTS MAX.) FREE OF TRASH & ALL ITEMS PROPERLY STORED 25 POINTS 6. FIRST AID KIT (25 POINTS MAX) ______ LOCATED IN COMMON AREA AND 25 POINTS CLEARLY MARKED 425 POINTS MAX _______ Appendix B DODGEBALL RULES THE TEAM Teams will be made up of 6-10 players. Six (6) players will compete on a side; others will be available as substitutes/retrievers. Substitutes may enter the game only during timeouts or in the case of injury. 1. There will be no sunglass, gloves, baseball caps or bandanas during play. THE FIELD The playing field shall be a rectangle at 60 ft long and at 30 ft wide, divided into two (2) equal sections by a center-line and attack-lines 3m from, and parallel to the centerline. IDEAL MEASUREMENTS: 60’ x 30’ – Identical to a volleyball court. THE EQUIPMENT The official ball used in tournament and league play will be an 8.25" rubber-coated ball. THE GAME The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them "OUT". This may be done by: 1. Hitting an opposing player or any part of the player's clothing with a LIVE thrown ball below the shoulders. 2. Catching a LIVE ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground. Definition: LIVE: A ball that has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player, official or other item outside of the playing field HEADSHOTS 1. A headshot occurs when a player is hit directly in the head or neck by a high thrown ball. 2. Any thrower committing a headshot will be deemed "out." BLOCKING 1. Players can defend themselves by blocking the ball in flight with another ball but must retain control over the ball they are blocking with. 2. A player dropping or losing possession of the blocking ball is deemed "out." BOUNDARIES During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines. RETRIEVERS 1. Retrievers are individuals designated to retrieve balls that go out of play. Teams are responsible for providing retrievers. There are only 4 retrievers allowed. 2. Retrievers may not enter the court at any time. 3. Retrievers are only allowed to field balls from their side of the court. THE OPENING RUSH Game begins by placing the dodgeballs along the center line – three (3) on one side of the center hash and three (3) on the other. Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centerline to retrieve the balls. This signal officially starts the contest. Teams may only retrieve the three (3) balls to their right of the center hash. Once a ball is retrieved it must be taken behind the attack-line before it can be legally thrown. 1. Crossing over the neutral zone will result in an "out." 2. Players may not physically grab and pull another player across the neutral zone. TIMING AND WINNING A GAME The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner. A 3-minute time limit has been established for each contest. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the 3 minutes, the team with the greater number of players remaining will be declared the winner. TIME-OUTS & SUBSTITUTIONS Each team will be allowed one (1) 30 second timeout per game. At this time a team may substitute players into the game. RULE ENFORCEMENT During tournament play, All matches will be officiated by no less than three (3) Officials. These officials will rule on all legal hits, out-of-bounds. CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game. 2. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. 3. Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat. 4. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control. 5. Do not taunt or bait opponents and do not use inappropriate language. 6. Always follow the Scout Oath and Law. Appendix C Appendix D Unit#________ Total Members Present:_______ Unit Leader: _____________________________ Other Leaders and Adults Present: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Patrol Name:______________________ 1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________ 4._____________________ 5._____________________ 6._____________________ 7._____________________ 8._____________________ Patrol Name:_______________________ 1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3._______________________ 4._______________________ 5._______________________ 6._______________________ 7._______________________ 8._______________________ Patrol Name:______________________ 1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________ 4._____________________ 5._____________________ 6._____________________ 7._____________________ 8._____________________ Patrol Name:_______________________ 1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3._______________________ 4._______________________ 5._______________________ 6._______________________ 7._______________________ 8._______________________ Patrol Name:______________________ Patrol Name:_______________________ 1._____________________ 1._______________________ 2._____________________ 2._______________________ 3._____________________ 3._______________________ 4._____________________ 4._______________________ 5._____________________ 5._______________________ 6._____________________ 6._______________________ 7._____________________ 7._______________________ 8._____________________ 8._______________________ Please list each Scout by patrol. Use additional sheets if needed. ______________________________________________________________________________ For Camporee Staff use only: Total Scouts_______ Total Adults_______ Total Present______ Camporee Fees T-Shirt Fees Total Due $________ $________ $________ Campsite____ Participation Ribbon___ Patches__ Appendix E T-Shirt Order Form MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 10th, NO EXCEPTIONS Unit#________ Unit Leader: _____________________________ Indicate total for each size: Small:___________ Medium:_________ Large:___________ X-Large:_________ XX-Large:________ XXX-Large:_______ Total Number of T-shirts __________ x $10.00 = $_____________
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