ISSUE 41 N o ve mb e r 2014 Thousand Islands CSD Home of the Vikings Lunch Menu On October 7, 2014 we welcomed our two new AFS (American Field Service) students, with a Viking spirit welcome party in the library. Didi Che from Thailand and Domink Bedo from Hungary are both here at TI for the year. So if you see Domink, try asking “Hogy vagy?” If you see Didi, “Sawasdee kais” is the traditional greeting you can try out. Parent Portal Quick Links: Instructional Calendar Events Calendar School Locker This Edition: Ryan’s Story ------------------- p1 Guidance ----------------------- p2 Community Service Day --- p3 Student’s ----------------------- p4 Sources of Strength --------- p4 Leadership Day --------------- p5 SADD ---------------------------- p6 Student Council -------------- p6 Art ------------------------------- p6 Peer Coaching Program---- p7 PLTW ---------------------------- p8 “Salty Scrabble” ------------- p9 Music---------------------------p10 Science ------------------------p11 SAFE ----------------------------p12 Closings & Delays -----------p12 Dear Parents/Guardians: As you know, Thousand Islands Central School District has implemented a comprehensive bullying prevention program. We are committed to taking serious, proactive steps to curb a problem that is found in schools everywhere. Our efforts this year have focused on raising awareness about bullying and cyber bullying with students and parents. We have recruited Mr. John Halligan to conduct a presentation on November 4, 2014 for the students. He will relay his own tragic experience as a Dad whose 13 year old son took his own life in 2003, after incessant bullying by peers since the 5th grade, both in school and online. His story is riveting and powerful, and reminds students that there is a face, a person, a heart, on the other end of the computer screen. His presentation will begin with a short video collection of home movie clips and still pictures of Ryan. John will then begin to tell the story of Ryan and the factors that led up to his son’s suicide. The students will gain a perspective from inside a family of a child who is a victim of bullying and cyber bullying. They will also gain awareness about the signs and risk of teenage suicide and how best to help a friend. As part of Mr. Halligan’s presentation, students will have the chance to ask him questions. We encourage you to visit a website named for his son: for more information. Because of the sensitive nature of the topic, we wanted to inform you about it in advance. We encourage you to ask your child about the presentation and discuss it together. If for any reason, you would prefer that your child not attend this presentation, please send a written note to Mr. Frank House prior to November 3, 2014. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at 315.686.5578 or 654.2144 and/or [email protected] Parent Presentation Parents will be empowered with strategies to take preventive actions with their own children. November 3, 2014 6:30 pm Thousand Islands 1 Guidance The first marking period concludes on October 31, 2014. Report cards will be distributed during Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday, November 10th. Financial Aid Night - Financial Aid night for seniors will take place at 6:00 PM in the library on the night of parent conferences. College bound seniors and their parents should plan on attending. Interested juniors are also welcome. A Financial aid expert will present the latest financial aid information to students and parents. Families will learn about the aid process, the FAFSA, and information on available scholarships. Parent Teacher Conferences – please call the Guidance office at (315)686-5594 ext. 5401 if you would like to meet with your student’s teachers. If you requested a conference and have not received confirmation with your appointment time or if you need to reschedule, please call. Upcoming ACT/SAT dates: ACT December 13th (register by November 7th), February 7th (register by January 9th) SAT December 6th (register by November 6th), January 24th (register by December 29th) College visits: the following colleges will be at Thousand Islands High School this fall: Seniors may sign up in the Guidance office to meet with a college representative. If the visit is during a class, seniors must obtain permission from their instructor. Juniors may sign up if they have a study hall, lunch or teacher permission. November 12th November 12th Wednesday Wednesday 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Lemoyne College SUNY Oswego Scholarships (check for new scholarships often!) The following scholarships are currently available in the Guidance office: Elks National Foundation AXA Achievement Scholarship Burger King Scholars Program NFIB Yef – Young Entrepreneur Foundation Northern Federal Credit Union Scholarship AXA Achievement Community Scholarship National Co-op Scholarship Thousand Islands Booster Club 12/05/2014 12/15/2014 12/15/2014 12/18/2014 01/31/2015 02/01/2015 02/15/2015 02/28/2015 Watch deadlines, some scholarships need to be received by the date, which means they need to be mailed sooner! 2 Community Service Day Community Service Day On Wednesday, October 15th, seniors participated in Community Service Day. The event was coordinated by Terra L. Bach and Ceil Thomas (Thousand Islands Young Leaders Organization) and the high school Guidance Department. Students performed Community Service in the villages of Clayton, Cape Vincent, Depauville and at Jefferson Community College. It was a rewarding opportunity for both our seniors and community members. We have received positive feedback from both the organizations and the students. Students reported to fire departments in both Cape Vincent and Depauville, the DPW in both Clayton and Cape Vincent, Clayton and Cape Vincent Chamber of Commerce, Antique Boat Museum, Hawn Memorial Library, TILT (Zenda Farms), Save the River, the Rotary, River Hospital and JCC Foundation. Save the River Clayton DPW St. Mary’s Youth Group Antique Boat Museum TIYLO TILT (Zenda Farm) 3 Students Seniors are busy completing internship paperwork. Senior internships will take place the week of November 10th through November 14th. A 30-hour internship is a graduation requirement at Thousand Islands High school. Internship paperwork is due to the coordinator, Mrs. Melissa Balk, by Wednesday, November 5th. The college planning room is available for seniors. Seniors may sign out during study hall to work on college applications and scholarships. All seniors should be working on their college applications! Mrs. Nevala is available to assist with the common application and all steps of the application process. Come to the Guidance office often! Guidance Testing Day – Juniors and sophomores took the PSAT on Guidance testing day. Results will be available for students in December. Counselors will review the results with students. All juniors should be registering to take the SAT and/or the ACT sometime this school year. Assistance with registering is available in Guidance. The Hugh O’Brien Leadership conference is held in June. Interested sophomores submitted applications for the program. Sophomore, Emily Rich, has been selected to represent Thousand Islands High School at the conference. The representative was selected by a committee based on review of the applications. The conference is sponsored by student council, representatives attend at no cost. Bohlen Technical Center – Mrs. Pam Thomas from BOCES will be at Thousand Islands High School on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 to meet with 10th graders in their Global 10 classes. Mrs. Thomas will introduce students to the vocational programs available to them beginning next year, as juniors. In February, interested students will have the opportunity to visit two programs at Bohlen Technical Center to help them decide if they would like to attend next year. Freshmen - are becoming familiar with the high school procedures and most have their schedules and locker combinations committed to memory! Students are encouraged to visit the Guidance office frequently with any questions or concerns. Sources of Strength Sources of Strength – a new program to help teens when they are struggling emotionally, might be suicidal, or are having a tough time with anger, anxiety, or depression, is being implemented this year at the high school. Teachers have been selected as Mentors for the program and a number of students in each grade have been nominated to be peer leaders. Initial training for the student peer leaders took place on Thursday, October 28th. Students attending the peer leader training include: Grade 12 - Ashley Anchor, Haley Aubertine, Lulu Gamez, Kimball Henderson, Symphony Quencer, Megan Rupp and Dominick White, Grade 11 - Dan Bauer, Ashlee Bourquin, Aleigha Ely, Nicole Farmer, Emily Fearnside, Brandon Hoppe, Ellen Oliver, Amity Schoff, Tanner Wiley, Schuyler Withington and Aaron Zehr, Grade 10 - Isabella Baird, Mallory Cooley, Steven Dorr, Skylar Garding, Seth Hisel, Noah Ingerson, Kelsey Morak, Mia Morgia, Duncan Richardson, Ronald Semelsberger, Kristen Solar, Skylar Stewart, Michael Wetterhahn and Riley Youngs, Grade 9 – Hayden Barton, Courtney Evans-Eppolito, Tim Filiatrault, Skylar Higgins, Sarah Lantier, Hunter Reff, Shannon Sipko, Hailee Thomas and Gavin Wahl. The adult mentors are: Mrs. Durr, Mrs. Nevala, Mrs. Badour, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Oliver, Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. Varga. 4 Leadership Day Leadership Day at Jefferson Community College – Class Officers, Student Council, Honor Society and students enrolled in JCC Edge courses were invited to participate in Leadership Day at Jefferson Community College on Thursday, October 23, 2014. 26 students were able to attend. This is an annual program that brings together student leaders from the local high schools. A Webinar on Leadership featuring Common, a Grammy nominated musician was shown as the keynote speech. The presentation was uplifting and inspiring. The program was closed with a presentation by Rock and Roll painter, David Garibaldi. David painted four paintings including Albert Einstein (shown below) and Beyonce! The following students were able to participate in the program: Ashley Anchor, Haley Aubertine, Hailey Babcock, Taylor Baird, Eli Baldwin, Ashlee Bourquin, Lexi Cassidy, Tiger Chapman, Abby Duffy, Olivia Fulmer, Lulu Gamez, Allison Jones, Paige Mason, Ellen Oliver, Symphony Quencer, Megan Rupp, Heather Robinson, Claire Sheley, Kalie Sposato, Mariah Turner, Casey Webb and Schuyler Withington. 5 SADD Students against Destructive Decisions (SADD) SADD sponsored the 2nd annual Halloween party on Friday, October 31st at the Clayton Municipal Building for children in grades K-5. We had a great turn out and would like to thank all our members for helping that evening, assembling treat bags and decorating for the event! We had a great turn out and look forward to this event again next year. Our next fundraiser, in conjunction with student council, is the Evening of Giving being held at the Salmon Run Mall on Sunday, November 16th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Shopping passes are $5.00 each and entitle shoppers to additional discounts and door prizes. All shoppers are entered for the grand prize drawing of $1,000 shopping spree. You do not need to be present to win, we will be glad to enter your ticket stub in the drawing for you! 100% of the proceeds support SADD and the 2015 Lock-in. Students continue to work on the “Join the Shift” campaign. The campaign ends on November 17th. If you or your student has any questions, see Mrs. Nevala in the guidance office. First prize is $10,000, second prizes is $5,000 and there is an individual student prize of $1,000 for the best video! Student Council Student Council Student council members are furiously working on the Join the Shift campaign. The contest concludes on November 17th! Members assisted SADD with the Halloween party as well as the Evening of Giving fundraisers. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Mrs. Hummel at 6865594 ext. 5401. Student council will begin working on Rachel’s tree to provide gifts for families in need this holiday season. Watch for more information about daily themes and holiday events (Spirit Day and Alumni Back-to-School)! Art What a Bright Idea..... Students in the Interior Design class just finished creating their own working "lights" as part of our 3rd unit: lighting. The unit concentrated on exploring the reasons on how and why we use light, such as what's economical in terms of usage and power, aesthetically pleasing and psychologically useful. Students also discussed the many different categories of lighting; general lighting, ambient, task, mood, accent and lighting as art. Projects completed included a number of different materials and supplies, ranging from glass mason jars, to wire armatures for clouds to wooden frames and seashells. Once finished students have an actual working light to keep! Great Job! 6 Peer Coaching Program To All Thousand Islands Instructional Staff Members: Our district is fortunate to be participating in the STLE 3 Grant this year. The goal of the grant is to strengthen teacher and leader effectiveness at all levels. We have seven coaches who have been trained and are ready to support you in increasing student learning! Here is how they can work with you: Partner with you to design instruction around student learning targets Help you implement new instructional strategies Provide support and resources for your instruction Help you use student data to see how your students are progressing toward your targets Help you understand and use both formative and summative data to move students toward mastery Use textbooks, technology and curriculum as tools for helping students move toward mastery Provide trustworthy, respectful, friendly, and collegial support and relationships in a non-threatening manner Coaching opportunities may take many forms. conversations around classroom issues check-ins to see how new strategies are making a difference in student learning data chats around both formative and summative data modeling of new strategies long-term sessions throughout a unit to address a specific issue partnering to create lessons looking at assessments to see if they are effective and to make improvements if needed connecting student learning to the standards (creating student learning targets) and so much more! Here are our coaches! They are not confined to their own building! High School: Lynn Gaffney Wendell Putnam Middle School: Sharon Cantwell Guardino: Sue Healy Julie Robbins Cape Vincent: Jill Amo Regional: Dawn Fargo Each coach has been challenged to find one or two colleagues to start the process of classroom visits, data chats, and feedback loops but you may also contact us first! We know that our colleagues will be open to trying this new form of collaborative dialogue around student learning! The grant lasts for one year; however, the Thousand Islands School District sees this as an important part of our vision for the future. Coach on, my friends! 7 Pumpkin Chunkin Clayton Annual Pumpkin’ Chunkin’ Competition Students from the Engineering Design class and the Robotics Team participated in the 3rd annual Pumpkin Chunkin’ competition in Clayton. The team engineered a floating arm trebuchet to launch its pumpkins. The team was able to launch a pumpkin over 200’. Over the years the team has raised over 1000lbs. of food for the local food pantries. Jason Bickford, Craig Freitag, Nick St. Onge, Steven Scott, Ember Garland, Michael Irving, Dylan Wiley, Austin Getman, Kimball Henderson, Gavin Wahl, Bradley Balk z Team accepting their award! 8 “Salty Scrabble” “Wordsmith” gaming in the TI library This year the library added a few Scrabble boards to our gaming center. Students have been enjoying a student variation of the game called “Salty Scrabble”. The original rules were modified by some inventive TI students, so the game can be played in a period. Mrs. Balk will be hosting a “Salty” Scrabble Tournament during the holiday season! The “Saltiest wordsmith” will win the Salty Grand Prize. 9 Music Members of the T.I. High School Select Vocal Ensemble prepare for their Election Day Dinner Benefit dinner: Tickets are on sale now for the Election Day Benefit Dinner at O’Brien’s Restaurant to help fund the Select Vocal Ensemble’s competition trip in the spring. This is a eat-in or take-out dinner from 4:30pm – 7:00pm on Tuesday, Nov. 4th. Menu choices are Roast Chicken, Roast Pork or Vegetarian Lasagna. Tickets are $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for students. Please contact Mrs. Ingerson [email protected] or members of the Select Vocal Ensemble for tickets. Veteran’s Day Ceremonies: On Friday, November 7th , T.I. High School will host their annual tribute to our area veteran’s with an assembly beginning at 7:35am. The program will feature the concert choir, members of the band, and guest speakers from the student body and community. On Tuesday, November 11th, members of the T.I. Select Vocal Ensemble will sing for members of the Clayton American Legion at their annual services beginning at 11:00 at the monument in downtown Clayton. Area All-State News: The Thousand Islands High School Music Department celebrates the selection of their finest musicians into NYSSMA Zone 5’s Area All State performance ensembles. Congratulations to Julia Bashaw, Abby Bashaw, Emily Fearnside, Maura Warren on their selection to the festival orchestra; Ashley Byers, Abby Duffy, Seth Hisel, Brandon Hoppe, Nick Lindsey, Duncan Richardson, McKenna Schnauber, Skyler Stewart, Tori Travers, and Mariah Turner to the festival chorus. Rehearsals will take place at the Crane School of Music on Friday and Saturday, November 21st and 22nd. The concert takes place on Saturday at 2pm. Conference All-State: Special congratulations goes out to Julia Bashaw for her selection to the NYSSMA All State Orchestra! The 79th Annual Winter Conference will take place from December 4th – December 7th, Rochester. Upcoming Events: 11/04: Election Day Benefit Dinner, O’Brien’s Restaurant 11/07: Veteran’s Day assembly; 7:35am 11/11: Veteran’s Day Service at the monument in Clayton; 11:00am 11/21 & 11/22: Zone 5 area All State festival, Crane School of Music 12/04 – 12/07: 79th NYSSMA Winter Conference, Rochester 12/6: Clayton Christmas Parade, 6pm 12/11: High School Holiday Concert 12/13: Cape Vincent Christmas Parade, 1pm 12/14: Ecumenical Christmas Service, United Church, Cape Vincent, 10 2pm; Select Vocal Ensemble Science Thousand Islands Biology Students Learn About Global Water Concerns Mrs. Kimie Romeo, Project Manager of the Center for Environmental Initiatives, visited Student Activists for the Environment (S.A.F.E.) Club and the Biology classes of Mrs. Eleanor Thomas at TI High School on Oct 7. She talked about the Lake Ontario Lakewide Action Management Plan (LO LAMP) and how local students might be able to work together with her to connect classroom studies and SAFE Club activities to community action. Mrs. Romeo brought an Enviroscape to model watershed runoff with the groups, and spoke about the urgent need for water conservation on the planet. Mrs. Romeo brought the global issue closer to home by discussing Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River water issues, and discussed different ways that each individual student could make a difference. “Think globally, act locally” was one of the many compelling messages she delivered. Mrs. Romeo urged the students to become involved with local groups protecting the environment – Save the River, Thousand Islands Land Trust, and various DEC activities. She will be returning in the Spring to offer DEC Citizen Science training to TI students in the following areas: PRISM (monitoring aquatic invasive species), WAVES (stream sampling) and CSLAP (open water and blue/green algae monitioring). Students receiving training will not only be participating in local community action to protect the environment, but may also have opportunities for employment by the DEC next summer. The S.A.F.E. Club at TIHS is hoping to organize a training day in April that includes training not only for DEC Citizen Science, but also training for TILT stewardships and Save The River training for beach monitoring. You can find out more about the LO LAMP on their new web-site: Check it out! 11 SAFE SAFE Mrs. Romeo, Guest Speaker Mrs. Kimie Romeo was a guest speaker on Oct 7, speaking about the Lake Ontario Lakewide Action Management Plan (LO LAMP) and how SAFE Club could connect their Club activities to community action. Mrs. Romeo brought the global issue closer to home by discussing Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River water issues, and discussed different ways that each individual student could make a difference. “Think globally, act locally” was one of the many compelling messages she delivered. Save the River Partnership Kate Breheny of Save the River will be the next guest speaker, in late Oct or early Nov. Kate is going to re-introduce Save the River to the Club members, and possibly train them as Riverkeeper Volunteers. Citizen Science Day The SAFE Club is hoping to organize a Citizen Science Day in April for interested HS students that includes training for TILT land stewardships, Save The River training for beach monitoring, and DEC Citizen Science training in the following areas: PRISM (monitoring aquatic invasive species), WAVES (stream sampling) and CSLAP (open water and blue/green algae monitioring). Students receiving training will not only be participating in local community action to protect the environment, but may also have opportunities for employment by the DEC next summer. Other activities being planned Thousand Islands Land Trust guest speaker, recycled ornaments for senior citizens, leadership training, awareness posters, Soles4Souls, recycled art contest, Earth Hour, field trip, environmental clean-up, and pizza lunch. SAFE Club is an environmental club open to any HS student. Purpose: To learn and spread awareness about environmental issues, develop leadership skills, provide community service, and foster an appreciation for nature and our world. Meetings on Tuesdays in HS Room 205 Join the club! Bring some friends! School Closings & Delays The decision for closing or delaying the school will normally be made by 6:00am. If school is closed or delayed, the announcement will be made via School Messenger and over Radio Stations: Regents Broadcasting - 790 AM WTNY, 1410 AM WUZZ, 93.3 FM WCIZ, 97.5 FM WFRY; Community Broadcasters: 1240 AM WATN, 103.1/100.1/104.3 FM WTOJ Majic, 106.7/92.7 FM WBDI/WBDB The Border, 100.7 FM WOTT Real Rock, 102.7 WBDR KIX Country TV Stations: TV 7 WWNY, TV 50 WWTI, TV 3 WSTM Syracuse and, News 10 NOW. In the event that school is delayed, it will always be a two-hour delay. Parents should be advised that bus students will be picked up two hours later than normal. 12
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