FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS 300 Gum Street Green Cove Springs FL 32043 Website: Office Phone: 904-284-9261 FAX: 904-284-7782 Email: [email protected] THE FLAME - November 2014 Our Mission: To share the love of Jesus Christ with all people. We will accomplish this through: Joyful worship, education for all ages, community outreach with a particular emphasis on children and the poor, and providing an authentic sense of family in times of fellowship and crisis. Worship Services 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. service and on the first Sunday of each month at the 10:30 a.m. service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages Staff The Rev. Mark Hults Pastor [email protected] Chrissy Frattini Administrative Assistant [email protected] Elizabeth Evans Financial Secretary [email protected] Sandra Royal Director of Music Donna Jones Pianist Helen Stephens Organist Patti Knoff Nursery Attendant -- -------Shirley Youngerman Newsletter Editor Familiarity in the Pulpit There is crispness in the air and the days are getting shorter, it’s starting to feel like fall. I hope you are enjoying the opportunity to wear pants, long sleeves, and partake in some of the fall festivities you enjoy. There are always changes that happen when new pastors arrive. I’m different than my predecessors, just like they were different than theirs. We are all unique individuals with distinctive skills and styles. There is one change that I feel isn’t good for our church. When First Presbyterian last had an Installed Pastor (Hunter Camp), it also had an Associate Pastor (John Ragsdale), and a Parrish Associate (Amy Camp). When Hunter wasn’t preaching, our church had a familiar face in the pulpit. Since I’ve been here, we have used a mix of pastors in the area and people in our congregation that are gifted in preaching. While you have been great about understanding that someone has to cover for me, I feel that too often it has been someone that you don’t know and don’t really have much of an opportunity to get to know. To respond, I have decided to develop a preaching team from right here in our congregation. The team is currently composed of Mike Hammock, Judy Jewett, Wendell Karsen, Fred Martin, and Sid McCollum. You likely recognize four of the names on this list. The one that is lesser known is Sid, a recently retired PC(USA) pastor that just moved to Penney Farms with his wife Jennie a few months back. I will continue to preach 40 of the 52 weeks of the year, but on the weeks when I’m not preaching, you will be listening to someone you know or have the opportunity to get to know. My hope is this increases the ability of our church to interpret the Word of God to and for our congregation. Please be your normal welcoming selves to these friends. Just because many of them have been doing this for some time, doesn’t mean they don’t get nervous and appreciate hearing how they have been helpful to your spiritual journey. Gratefully, Mark SUMMARY OF OCTOBER 2014 SESSION MEETING As always we are happy to “Welcome Back” some of our “flock” who return each fall and join us in the great work of First Presbyterian of GCS. You are always missed, and we are pleased to have you return. What a great way to greet these folks and other members of our congregation with the final “Sunday Brunch” on October 26th sponsored by the Fellowship Committee. Be on the lookout for information about new Dinner Groups and enjoyable ways to gather together to share in the love and fellowship of our Lord. Stewardship Committee will be kicking off their fund raising campaign with the commitment cards to be mailed within the last week of October. Commitment Sunday will be November 9th. Be sure to return your card at Worship Services on the 9th. A new Endowment Policy was received at the Session meeting and the Stewardship Committee will be giving us more information on this important plan in the future. Global Missions reported that a successful Ebola pot luck dinner was held and raised $486.00 to help fight against this disease; and The Peace Making Offering collected $247.47. Planning to walk in the Crop Walk or sponsoring someone who is this year? Hope you signed a pledge card for the November 2nd walk. Local Missions committee will be serving their “gourmet” soups to the people of Green Cove Springs on Saturday, November 1st. The Nominating Committee is working to present the new slate of Elders for the 2017 Class. If you are called to serve, please prayerfully consider this “calling” to help with the everyday work and planning for the future of the our church. Building and Grounds reminds us that the annual “Attic Auction” will be held at Magnolia Point Country Club on November 8, 2014. Be sure to see Linda Westall or Jim Ziegener to purchase your tickets. We look forward to a fun time! See you there! Worship Committee was happy to announce that with the help of Linda Westall, the old Hymnals were given to an area church that was in need of hymnals. Thank You Linda for this assistance. As we approach Thanksgiving and the Advent Season let us remember: Give thanks to the Lord because he is good. His love continues forever. Psalm 136:1 The Session Attic Auction on Saturday, November 8th, at Magnolia Point Club House Happy Hour and preview of items will take place from 5 to 6:00 pm. Dinner will be at 6:00, and the auction starts at 7:00. The menu is Chicken Marsala, garden vegetables, salad, roll, and dessert. Licensed Auctioneer John Engleman will be our host again. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased from the church office or a Buildings and Grounds Committee member. All items donated need to be in as soon as possible so we can get them on the website for advertising. Google John Engleman auctioneer, and then click on Sunshine Auctions to see what has already been donated. Call Linda Westall if you have any questions. Purchase your tickets ASAP as we must have an accurate dinner count. Sunday, November 23, following Second Service Let us gather together for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner to give thanks for our many blessings and to enjoy good food and warm fellowship. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Bread and beverages will be provided. Family and friends are welcome. In addition, let us remember those who are less fortunate by bringing along a can or box of non-perishable food on November 23 to donate to our local Food Pantry. HELP FEED THE HUNGRY Join this year's CROP Walk on Sunday, November 2. Registration begins at St. Mary's Episcopal Church on St. Johns Avenue at 1:30 pm, and the walk begins at 2:00 pm. The walk is sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local volunteers to raise funds to end hunger. See Wendell Karsen, Lee Anne Higel or Stephanie Peters for solicitation packets. HONG KONG IN THE NEWS Are we a mission-minded church? One sure “symptom” of this desirable condition is that we often sit up and take notice of events reported in the news—both local and world-wide—because we are “invested” in a person or a project in that part of the world through our outreach for Christ. For example, Hong Kong has been in the news recently about its protests and demonstrations for more democracy. When we listen to these reports, do we remember Judy Chan, “our” missionary there? Do we pray for her and the Hong Kong Christian Council as they try to discern their role in the crisis? Judy, in an email letter to our church and other supporters, reports that “the whole situation has us on edge. We pray it can be settled peacefully.” She reports that the Council (of which she is executive secretary) is supportive of the student demonstrators, with some of its workers taking a very active part in the protests. Judy’s letter clearly shows her deep concern that the Hong Kong Christian Council should bear true and faithful witness to Christ’s way in this confusing and difficult situation. She continues, “All the people involved ‘love China’ in their own way, and we need to find a way to co-exist and come together for a better city and nation.” Our church helps support Judy Chan financially in her work in Hong Kong; let’s support her in prayer as well. All our missionaries depend on our prayers! The Global Mission Committee PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN The PW Bazaar held in October brought in nearly $800 which will be used to fund church and community projects. Another sale will be held in the spring, so don’t forget store away any unwanted items till then or bring them to the church for storage. Thanks to everyone who helped with this fund raiser. PW will sponsor our church’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner following Second Worship Service on Sunday, November 23. This will be a pot luck meal open to all members, their families and friends. Bring your favorite dish to share. All attendees are encouraged to also bring along a can of food for the Food Pantry. The annual PW Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 13, 11:00 AM, at the Columbia Restaurant in St. Augustine. Carpooling will be available – be at the church at 10 AM. Mark your calendar now. A crazy $5 gift exchange will take place, and if you didn’t purchase your gift at the PW Bazaar in October, as suggested, watch for a sale at a local yard sale or thrift store and see what unique or crazy gift you can find for $5. We will be ordering from the menu, but the restaurant needs to know how many will be attending. Please RSVP to Gidget Guice or Shirley Youngerman no later than December 8. Next meeting of Presbyterian Women will take place on Monday, November 10 at 7:00 PM. If you need a ride, please call the office and leave your name. Someone will get back to you. Hope to see you there. STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY – November 9 Please remember to return your Commitment Card to the church on Sunday, November 9th. Let us join together in pledging a portion of all that we receive from God to support the mission and ministry of First Presbyterian Church in the coming year. Thank you. LOCAL MISSION We once again will be stuffing Christmas stockings for the homeless and others served by the Salvation Army. Stockings will be available at church on November 2. Instructions for filling are included with the stocking. They must be returned by December 7 to the church office (let’s have 100% return). Also, we will be bell ringing for the Salvation Army at a local grocery in November. Please contact Sheila Anderton if you would like to help with this service project. Local Mission will be serving soup, sandwiches, and dessert at the weekly Saturday Soup Kitchen in the Senior Center GCS on Saturday, November 1. BLANKETS, JACKETS, etc. During this time of year when we have so much for which to be thankful, we decided to help those who are less fortunate. The Youth, along with Local Mission, will be collecting “Winter Outerwear” for those who do not have jackets, coats, blankets, gloves, hats, and scarves, for the next three Sundays, ending on November 23. There will be a box outside the sanctuary where you may deposit your donations. During the week, you may drop them off in the church office. All donations will be given to local homeless families. All sizes are needed, so now is a good time to clean out your closet of your unwanted winter items. COOKBOOKS ARE COMING...... The wait is worth it.....the Youth have been working hard on the cookbook, and the book is on its way to the printers. We received over 250 recipes, and we thank you for sharing them with us for this wonderful cookbook. We don’t have an arrival date yet, but the cookbooks will be here in time for Christmas presents for your friends and family. We will keep you updated on the availability. We have decided to donate ALL proceeds to the Heifer Project and to help those in need in our community. Grace Peters, Reporter HANGING OF THE GREENS Volunteers will be needed on Sunday, November 23rd, to help decorate our sanctuary for Christmas. The decorating will take place following our Thanksgiving Dinner – a good way to work off those extra calories! The more help we have, the less time it will take. Thank you. Building and Grounds November Report What is this from last month, Where is this? This is a picture of the underside of the main steps at the church. Most stairs only have stringers that the steps rest on. Our church has an additional 2x4 to support each step. This is workmanship we can be proud of. Where and what is this? Monthly List of Open Projects: In 2014, B&G will attempt to list open projects every month. Anyone that would like to help is encouraged to call or email Jim Ziegener 904-375-1836 [email protected]. Refurbish church nursery with help of Confirmation Class Correct lighting problem in library of Education Building Re-paint parking lot Spread mulch on beds Devise a way to keep water off our Sanctuary siding. Determine which circuit breakers work which lights and receptacles. LUNCH BUNCH Come and enjoy the company of others over lunch on the second Thursday of every month. No reservations required – if you are free, stop by! Anyone is welcome: Old, young, working, not working, singles, couples, etc. We’ll try a different restaurant each month where there are lunch offerings under $10. Our first gathering will take place on Thursday, November 13, at 11:15 AM. We’ll meet at Sweet Sensations, in the parking lot at 25 Orange Avenue (Route 17) in Green Cove Springs. Hope to see you there. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend coming so late in the month, all articles for the December newsletter must be submitted no later than Friday, November 21. Thank you for your cooperation. Please note: Prayer requests will remain on this list for 30 days unless otherwise requested. Please call or email the church office with any additions or changes. Colleen Cerzosie Emily Coteman Herbie Frazier Dr. Steve Hayner Bill Holbrook Shalmer Jones Joey Kremp Sonya Lanall Jessica Lyncker Vincey Macree Paul Maskus Patricia Mayes Tammy Martin Charlie Mitchell Eva Jo Smith & Family Savanna Touchton Edwin Turner Virginia Veal Esther Wakeman Eli Watterson Calvin York Birthdays: 02 04 04 07 09 10 12 16 16 18 Judy Bragelman Gary Brown Sandy Magyar Rod Harris Ed Tunstall Norm Magyar Anita Dolpp Wendell Karsen Joan Seibert Kathy Lancaster Continuing care: Pat Bostrom – PRC Beyer House 22 John Dillener – PRC Pavilion 3A Sadie Rookes – The Terrace 608W Our military: (*overseas) Brittany Ledbetter JJ Mebiame-Eya Justin Molock * Ronald Oliver * Justin Sleeth Derick Wesseling Trey York * Anniversaries: 18 19 20 21 21 25 26 27 28 30 David Sprinkle Sue Chinault Sue Thuy Ali Knoff Robert Smith Carrie Cunningham Jone Stevenson Rachel York Barbara Lessard Norma Olson 23 Ed & Tish Tunstall FINANCIAL REPORT - YTD as of October 27, 2014 Donations: $233,904.80 Disbursements: ($220,765.63) $13,139.17 Fund Balances: Operating $33,116.01 Reserve $11,012.04 Memorial $9,810.00 OUR MINISTRY LEADERS: Clerk of Session Buildings & Grounds Christian Ed/ Youth Communications Fellowship Finance Global Mission Local Mission Stewardship Worship Youth Liaison Betty Holmes, 2014 Jim Ziegener, 2014 Lee Anne Higel, 2015 Patrick Rogers ,2016 Bill Anderton, 2015 David Sleeth, 2016 Wendell Karsen, 2014 Stephanie Peters, 2016 Ed Tunstall, 2014 Gordon Holmes, 2015 Rachel York, 2014 Sunday Worship Attendance September 28 – October 19, 2014 8:00 am 10:30 am September 28 34 98 October 5 49 87 October 12 30 70 October 19 32 94 Service Average 36 87 Sunday Average 123 Daily Bible Readings for November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jeremiah 31,32 Jeremiah 33,34,35 Jeremiah 36,37 Jeremiah 38,39 Jeremiah 40,41,42 Jeremiah 43,44,45 Jeremiah 46,47,48 Jeremiah 49,50 Jeremiah 51,52 Lamentations 1,2 Lamentations 3,4,5 Ezekiel 1,2,3 Ezekiel 4,5,6 Ezekiel 7,8,9 Ezekiel 10,11,12 Ezekiel 13,14,15 Ezekiel 16 Ezekiel 17,18,19 Ezekiel 20,21 Ezekiel 22,23 Ezekiel 24,25,26 Ezekiel 27,28 Ezekiel 29,30,31 Ezekiel 32,33 Ezekiel 34,35 Ezekiel 36,37 Ezekiel 38,39 Ezekiel 40 Ezekiel 41,42 Ezekiel 43,44 Titus 2 Titus 3 Philemon Hebrews 1 Hebrews 2 Hebrews 3 Hebrews 4 Hebrews 5 Hebrews 6 Hebrews 7 Hebrews 8 Hebrews 9 Hebrews 10:1-23 Hebrews 10:24-39 Hebrews 11:1-19 Hebrews11:20-40 Hebrews 12 Hebrews 13 James 1 James 2 James 3 James 4 James 5 I Peter 1 I Peter 2 I Peter 3 I Peter 4 I Peter 5 II Peter 1 II Peter 2
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