SAMVAD e - bulletin of MSRLM - issue October 2014 I have been working in this village since past 10 years but for the first time I am seeing village women united for a cause, raising their issues and concerns and putting their demands in ‘Gramsabha’. Gram Sevak of Anji village, Block: Deoli, District:Wardha th Occasion: Gramsabha at Anji on 15 August 2014. Preparatory Meeting of SHG members for participating in the Gramsabha on 15th August 2014. Village Ghoti, District Yavatmal. SHG women discussing with ‘Umed’ field staff. More than 160 women participated in the Gramsabha at Pawnar, District Wardha. . . . . . .They insisted the Gramsabha be conducted in open space.. .. . Demand for Construcion of Toilets .. Repiring internal roads… 46 tribal women from Shiroshi village Nandurbar District travelled as much as 5 kms to take part in the Gramsabha. Women demanded constitution of ‘Anti – Liquor Committee’ in the Gramsabha. . . . These are some of the voices and experiences captured by ‘Umed’ team at different villages. Undernethe it lies a process of realising and expreriencing the dormant power in oneself. It is in a way a ‘Silent Revolution’, directly touching lives of around One Lakh Sixty Thousand rural households in Maharashtra and impacting many more. State wide facilitation of ‘Gramsabhas’ by ‘Umed’ on 15th August 2014. On the occasion of 15th August 2014, when the Nation celebrated it’s 68th Independence Day, Umed team undertook a State wide campaign to engage with the community to facilitate and further strengthen the process of convergence. It was undertaken at Intensive (10) as well as Non Intensive (23) Districts of Maharashtra. Umed team implemented a unique strategy to mobilize the village community to participate in effective implementation of Development Programmes and schemes, with special focus on MGNAREGA. District Jalna District Thane District Nandurbar Umed team mobilized the community for their greater ownership of Gramsabha on the occasion of 15th August 2014. It was done in a campaign mode. District Wardha The objective of the campaign was to engage with the community for facilitating the process of achieving their rights and entitlements with special focus on MGNREGS. Highlights of the Campaign: Almost all the District, Block, and the State team members were placed on a Gramsabha. Everybody was made in charge of a Gram-panchayat. The District Anchors attended one of the Gramsabhas in their respective anchor district and also ensured that all the team members in the District are given responsibility to attend the Gramsabha. MGNREGS - NRLM convergence was targeted with focus on facilitating labor projection and work identification before going into the Gramsabha. Formation of labor groups was helpful to get a fair idea of the labor projection on basis of which work identification can be done and the labor budget post Gramsabha can be made. Quick look at women’s active involvement in Gramsabhas: Excerpts from the Documentation done by Umed District team members: District Jalna: Village Daregaon 129 women from 13 SHGs in Vaibhav Laxmi VO actively participated in the Gram sabha. The women raised issues related to ban on liquor, drinking water, internal road construction etc. The Village Panchayat has provided office space to the VO. It’s inauguration took place at the hands of Mrs. Ashatai Bhutkar (President ZP Jalana) and Mrs. Prerana Deshbhratar, (CEO – ZP Jalana) District Thane: Village Gangapur . . . The block level team organized one day training for women in SHGs about MGNAREGA in which the community was sensitized about provisions in such schemes and programmes, the processes they should follow to demand work in MGNAREGA. Women were so keen that they completed the necessary paper work and documentation on the same day. . . . 46 tribal women from Shiroshi village travelled as much as 5 kms to participate in the Gramsabha. They insisted that the Gramsabha be conducted in open space and not to be conducted in a small room in ZP school as per the earlier plan. . . . They were successful to convince the Sarpanch (Village Head) and Gramsevak for constructing approach road to different wells in the hamlet under MGNAREGA. District Ratnagiri:Village Talni . . . Women demanded constitution of ‘Anti – Liquor Committee’ in the Gramsabha. The Gramsevak approved their demand and noted it in the proceeding book. Thus the men in the villages had to accept it. It is a good thing happened due to the active participation of women. Analysis of current trends in Gramsabha: Umed team members from select villages (243 no.) throughout the State collected data on certain predefined parameters to understand the current status. Some of the major parameters included: who headed the gramsabha, participation of women, response to the issues and concerns raised by women, Level of knowledge possessed by Sarpanch and Gramsevalk about the programme, Nature of issues discussed etc. Some interesting observations: (data from 243 villages is analysed) Women were not allowed to speak Women did not speak Womens questions not answered Womens questions answered Women’s participation 0 50 100 150 200 No Issues Raised Ban on Liquor School , Sanitaion, Health Insurance Job Card Water requirement Nature of issues raised Work under MGNREGA 0 50 100 150 200
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