Trinity Times Newsletter NOVEMBER Published by Trinity Lutheran Church, Saint Peter, Minnesota, a congregation of the ELCA Gather as God’s People... Grow in Faith, Family, & Service... Go into the World as Disciples for Christ... God’s Promises, Tried and True Thankoffering Sunday, November 9 th Each day we make promises. We promise to be home at a certain time. We promise to get a project done at home, school or work. We promise to take that dream vacation. We promise to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. We make all sorts of promises. We keep some of those promises while others are broken for one reason or another. Our God, however, always keeps his promises! His promises are tried and true. Genesis through Revelation record those promises for us. And while there are so many, the greatest is His promise of eternal life. Our God, to be sure, is a promise making and promise keeping God. The theme for this fall’s stewardship emphasis is GOD’S PROMISES, TRIED AND TRUE. As people of God, it is good and right for us to respond to His gracious promises. Out of gratefulness for all God has done and continues to do for us, we offer our time, abilities and money to the mission of the church. With Stewardship Sunday coming up November 23rd, we want you to know that you won't be getting a pledge card this year, but rather a "promise" card. We ask you to give thought again to God’s gracious promises. Please pray for God to lead you in your response to those promises, then complete your promise card and return it to worship November 23rd. We hope you will make every effort to be at worship that day. If you are unable to attend, please return the card in person or by mail. Your promise card will not be seen by us or anyone else. Leaders at Trinity have always said that our budget is not predicated on what people pledge, but rather on faith and the needs of the congregation. The idea is that what you promise to give is a promise between you and God. Near the end of 2015 the card will be returned to you so you can be reminded of what you promised God and Trinity Lutheran Church. We give thanks to God for all of His promises, tried and true – and we give thanks to God for you! The Trinity Lutheran Stewardship Team Mike Kolek, Jen Hubrig, Judy Schultz & Pastor Joy Ekstedt November 2014 Sunday, November 9th is the chosen date for the Thankoffering Service at Trinity this year. Christians have gathered in the setting of Thankoffering worship since the early 1900’s. The service expresses our gratitude in a community of Christians, gathering together to joyfully give thanks and praise for what God has given to us. When you give to Thankofferings, your dollars support Women of the ELCA ministries that reach thousands of communities. Thankofferings help Women of the ELCA to thrive as a responsive and mission-oriented organization. To date, Women of the ELCA have delivered more than $3.1 million in grants to domestic and international organizations, and more than $630,000 in scholarships to Lutheran women. Your support mobilizes women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Together, we do more than we could ever do apart. Thankoffering envelopes are available on the Welcome Table in the Narthex. Next 4th Sunday Brunch, November 23rd Please join the Children & Families Committee on November 23rd for another great brunch. Our menu will include, scrambled eggs, sausage and French toast as well as a few other yummy things. Look for a sign-up sheet to come around with the needed ingredients. Your help is as always appreciated. Any money raised from the free will offering will be used for VBS expenses. Trinity Hosting Ecumenical Service On Wednesday, November 26th at 7:00 pm, Trinity will host the Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service. Please join us and bring your friends and neighbors! All are welcome! Trinity Women Advent Event Attention Ladies! We have planned a very special event for Saturday, December 13th beginning with an 11 o’clock lunch in the Gustafson Room followed by a short program. We have purchased 24 tickets to a play entitled “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” at the Lincoln Center in Mankato for the 2:00 pm performance. The ticket price is $12.00 payable to Leona Miller or Kay Mowbray. We will carpool from Trinity. A sign-up sheet is on the board next to the women’s bathroom. Get your name on the list before the tickets are gone. Page 1 Newsletter PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Friends in Christ, “Why do we have what we have?” The words from Our Stewardship Managing our Assets, (pg. 17) jumped off the page at me. As the author of the book wrote, it is among the questions that “press hard on the Christian faith.” Over the years, I’ve taken courses that have to do with stewardship. I’ve read and studied the topic on my own as well. I’ve led Bible studies and written more than a few sermons on Christian stewardship, too. But in and through all of these times, I can’t remember when a question having to do with stewardship has captured me as does this question, “Why do we have what we have?” As people of God we can answer that question of “Why?” a couple of different ways. The first way is to say that all we have and life itself are signs of God’s gracious love. Now, ponder that for a few moments (at least!). Family, friends, a place to call home, food on the table and in the cupboards, clothes for hot weather, cold weather and every temperature in between, good health and healthcare workers, medicine and hospitals when our health isn’t so good, time, energy, talents and abilities. That’s just the short list, of course. Because it is easy to forget, I’ll say it again. All we have and life itself are signs of God’s gracious love. To be sure, there isn’t any shortage when it comes to God’s love for you and me. In fact, our Creator loves us so deeply that he gave his only Son for us. That’s amazing, incredible, unending love! Here’s another way for us, as people of God, to answer this question of “Why?” as in “Why do we have what we have?” We have what we have in order to carry out our calling as God’s people. All that we have equips us to serve God’s people and all of creation. It has been a delight for me to see servants of Trinity in action. Just a few weeks ago, Trinity folks gathered to create care packages for kids of the community who don’t have enough food for a weekend; other care packages were put together for teenagers who don’t have a place to call home or have other needs. Still others from the congregation offered a bit of elbow grease at the local dog park. Through Contact the Pastors Lead Pastor Joy G. Ekstedt Phone: 507-519-1004 Email: [email protected] Intern Pastor Trish Reedstrom Phone: 507-380-8036 Email: [email protected] November 2014 those acts of servanthood God’s amazing, incredible, unending love was shared. Life and all that we have are signs of God’s gracious love. All of it is a pure gift meant to be shared with others. Thank you for serving and sharing! In Christ, Pastor Joy Ekstedt The Gift If I see the gift as mine alone to give, I might give hesitantly, even grudgingly, considering my options, then giving from a sense of ought. If I see the gift as God's who allows me to use it for a time, then the gift can flow more freely, as I join with others to be a channel for God's love and mercy. (unknown) Amazing Things Accomplished THANK YOU, to everyone at Trinity who helped support, “God’s Work, Our Hand’s” Sunday. We especially give thanks for all the donations made for our projects, especially the 90 toothbrushes and toothpastes from Saint Peter Dental. We also thank Thrivent Financial for their financial contribution to the project and for the delicious pies and ice cream for our volunteers. We had over 67 Trinity members volunteer their time to pack food for The Children’s Weekend Food Program, pack care packages for The Reach and we had several members help install a walkway of donation stones at the dog park. If you would like to be part of planning for GWOH 2015, please feel free to contact Judy Schultz, [email protected] or Meredith Young at [email protected]. 3rd Annual Clothing Collection The Southwestern Minnesota Synod is partnered with the Southeastern Diocese of South Africa to walk together in ministry. Our Minnesota Valley Conference is paired with the Vryheid Circuit. We are working on four mission categories; HIV/AIDS, agricultural projects, education and leadership support. Funds collected from the clothing drive will pay for the packaging and sending of meals. Improved nutrition helps in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Start saving your clothes, coats, purses, hats and shoes, place in small garbage bags with tie closures and drop off at Trinity. Donations can be dropped off in the Conference Room 7A next to the women’s restroom through the month of November! Page 2 The November Selections If you haven’t chosen your fall books yet, please remember to stop in your Trinity library to browse the selections. Some great reads for November are: Shepherding A Child’s Heart, by Tedd Trip, is about how to speak to the heart of your child and gain inspiration for you to become a different kind of parent…it is remarkably clear, biblical and practical. Lessons In Buoyancy, by Kathy Vick…YOU WILL FLOAT. You will explore the Proverbs 31 women and discover that a woman’s life is one gigantic act of buoyancy that requires a core of faith and… it means believing that the same promise God made to Noah is offered to you. Take Off 10 Years In 10 Weeks, by Judith Wills. You will find something in here to change-your-life for the outer you, the vital you and inner you! Here If You Need Me, by Kate Braestrup. This is a true story and a national bestseller of a journey from grief to faith to happiness. Kate is one of the first chaplains ever appointed to the Maine Warden Service. The Preacher Had 10 Kids, by Frances Bradsher. A heartwarming story from an old-fashioned parsonage where love, humor, courage and faith never go out of style. Newsletter TRINITY NEWS live in the area. It’s hard to believe but it’s already been 12 years since my dad, Cliff, passed away. It also doesn’t seem possible that I marked my 18th anniversary of ordination a few weeks ago. My first three years in ministry were at Hawk Creek Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart. Then I served 15 years at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Redwood Falls. I am now delighted to be at Trinity, making my home in St. Peter with two feline family members. There will be other opportunities for me to share with you even more from these Body Building conversations. For now, I’ll end by saying I’m excited about the great opportunities before us serving together, growing together as the body of Christ. Please know my door is open any time for visits about our mission and ministry! Pastor Joy Ekstedt Lay Reader Lists Being Updated The important ministry of Lay Readers will be updated in the next few weeks. If you are an existing Lay Reader and wish to change the service you are assigned to or the time of year you have been reading, please Body Building Progress Report contact Leona Miller at 931-3639 I am delighted to say Trinity Lutheran Church is showing or [email protected]. We great signs of growth, strength and health! During our Body would like to update the Substibuilding sessions, I heard many times over about the friendlitute List at this time also. If you ness of Trinity and the ways you welcome others into this have not been a Lay Reader and wish to become one, confamily of faith. Again and again, I heard about the ways this tact Leona. The 2014 Lay Reader List is on the Women’s congregation opens its doors to the community. People exBoard in the hallway by the office for you to check your prepressed great appreciation for the musical gifts that are sent assignments. Thank you for your important ministry at shared which enrich worship services. There is also a variety Trinity. of styles of worship from traditional to contemporary, and that, too, is valued. And, you sure love your kids at Trinity! You take delight in seeing them in worship, and you support them in so many ways! These are fabulous things to build on and strengthen! These body building sessions also provided the opportunity for me to hear about your hopes and dreams, like involving even more people in Trinity’s mission, growing the youth program and creating fellowship opportunities that unite people from all three services. During these sessions, I sprinkled the conversation with some of my life story and experiences. Just in case you didn’t get in on any of these conversations, I’ll just mention a few things here. Southern Minnesota has been “home” all my life. My mom, Gloria, and my brother, Paul as well as other family for the December edition is Saturday, November 15th. Any committees or individuals that have information for the December newsletter need to have it turned in no later than Saturday, November 15th. Thank you so much! November 2014 Page 3 Newsletter TRINITY NEWS Church Council Meeting Minutes From October 14, 2014 Members Present: Tom Peterson, Jim Christenson, Ann Bruggeman, Mark Oberlander, Meredith Young, Judy Schultz, Patti Kelly, Pastor Joy, and Trish Reedstrom. Guest: Jen Hubrig Members Absent: Grey Lusty, Jim Vavreck, Rita Gibbs The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Patti. 1. The October meeting agenda was approved with the addition of endowments and church website update. 2. The September minutes were reviewed and approved. 3. Pastor’s Report: From Trish: In addition to the information in the Executive Meeting minutes, the subject of Time and Talent sheets and when and how to distribute/collect them was added. 5. 6. 7. From Pastor Joy: In addition to the information Pastor Joy provided for the Executive Committee meeting, she also stated that she has completed her move to Saint Peter. 8. Nominating committee—In lieu of not having any one currently on the nominating committee, my plan is to gather former presidents to fill that role of creating the ballot for the annual meeting in January 2015. The same procedure might also be applied to the Personnel Committee where past presidents could also carry out this role for any end of the year work that may need to be done. Body building conversations have been very useful and helpful to better understand the people throughout the church. 4. Finance Committee: a. Requesting the Endowment Committee revise the disbursement policy of spendable endowment amounts. From the last Finance Committee meeting minutes: Given the lateness of the 2014 Endowment Spendable Endowment withdrawals and the absence of the 2015 Spendable Endowment withdrawals to date, a motion was made to recommend to the Church Council that the Endowment committee revise their current disbursement policy to allow for all of the spendable endowment amounts for the year in which they are spendable to be withdrawn from TIAA-CREFF and deposited into Trinity bank accounts no later than January 15th of said year. November 2014 Page 4 b. The motion to approve the request brought forth by the finance committee to revise the current disbursement policy to allow for all of the spendable endowment amounts for the year in which they are spendable to be withdrawn from TIAA-CREFF and deposited into Trinity bank accounts no later than January 15th of said year, seconded, and approved. c. Further discussion also involved a desire to reeducate the council regarding scholarships, etc. so to better help congregation members with questions in these areas. Church Website: The church website must be updated with the latest changes in personnel and other pertinent information. This will be passed to Bonnie who is the responsible person for this area. A memorial fund team should be formed to determine where the memorials which have been given to the church should be used. Also included should be a method of recognition or thanking those who have given memorials to the church. This topic will be addressed at the next executive committee meeting. A request for a motion to reduce the number of services for Dec 28 and Jan 4. The motion to reduce the number of services on Dec 28th to one and one on Jan 4th with coffee and cookies before and after the service was seconded and passed. Review: a. Pastor Joy’s current vision on Staffing—Regarding the youth director, there is a strong candidate for providing part-time assistance in this area. The job description and summary should include a suggested hourly compensation range and the expected weekly hour expectation. The position request will also be distributed at GAC for any possible interested individual. A motion to require 12 to 15, with up to 20 hours per week, with a compensation range of $13 to $16 per hour with a requirement to be present for Wednesday afternoon and evening and Sunday morning, afternoon, and special programming for a part-time Youth Director passed. b. Next step in personnel and staffing—some concern among the congregation regarding a possible call process for the position Pastor Trish is now filling. It may be in everyone’s best interest to delay a call process from commencing until after the holiday season. This topic has been raised more-so by the synod, than by Trinity itself. Time is still required to allow the current pastoral team to get a better understanding of Trinity’s needs and strengths. c. Gods Work, Our Hands—The result was outstanding. This will make a good “Trinity Story” for the future. There should be continued positive fall out from this program—especially since the project was kept local this year. Continued on page 5 ——————— Lead From God’s Pencil Newsletter TRINITY WOMEN By the Church Secretary Growing up on the “home place,” meant Christmas Eve was at our house most of the years that Grandpa and Grandma Bjorklund were alive. We always had a fresh-cut tree and Ma always asked me to decorate it. My sister and brother would help, but it wasn’t long before they would lose interest in it all. I liked decorating the tree and putting out the other decorations. In the big bay window that faced Highway 22, we’d tape colored lights to the window in the shape of a bell. While driving by on the highway you could see our bell. We always had an Advent wreath on the dining room table but the one piece that I really enjoyed was a Swedish candle chime. It was made of tin and painted gold. It had four candles, and when lit, the heat would make the three trumpeting angels turn and their stems would hit the bells below them. It was always rewarding to hang the angels the right way the first time, if you didn’t they’d be flying backwards! It made this pretty tingling sound that would get on your nerves after awhile and then we’d have to blow out the candles. I found it to be hard, waiting for Christmas Eve to roll a round. I just knew that all my aunts and uncles and cousins would be coming for the traditional Lutefisk supper and it was going to be so much fun. My Dad’s side of the family has some pranksters amongst them and you never knew if there would be a gag gift given, or if Elias' old hat would show up, and be found hanging on a hook out on the porch the next day (Elias is a fictitious, long lost, old relative that nobody had ever seen or met). One time when I was really little, Santa Claus looked in the window at me. I let out a blood curdling scream that would peel paint and dove under the dining room table. I was so scared and crying so hard, Ma could hardly coax me out from under the table—and of course no one else had seen Santa that night in the window. I remember my little brother joining me under the table and not having a clue as to why we were under there. And I’m still not sure which uncle was behind that mask! One Christmas all the men got matching “fish wackers,” and did they all laugh at that gag gift. And like usual, no one ever owned up to giving the gag gifts. One year my uncle Harold Rodning got a snose can that was rigged with a rubber band, a popsicle stick and flour, so when he opened it the popsicle paddle started unwinding and scooping out the flour in the process. Flour was flying every where and Uncle Harold got white flour all over his black suit. We laughed so hard we could hardly breath after that one. Plus he ended up going to church that night looking like that. One tradition that has been passed down through the years is putting an almond in the Swedish rice. Whoever would get the almond would have good luck for the whole year. Ma usually was the one who made the rice and when it was dessert time, you could dig anywhere in the that bowl of rice if you thought you knew where the almond might be. I’ve never been lucky enough to ever get that infamous almond. We’d also have lingonberries as topping for our rice along with an assortment of Christmas cookies. My favorite cookie was the Mounds Balls that Ma would make. They were made with coconut, mashed potatoes, flour and powdered sugar and then dipped in dark chocolate with a toothpick. Dad always like his Pecan Sandies and the longer you chewed on them the better they tasted. When 11 o’clock rolled around the whole family ended the night by going to the candlelight Service at church. It always felt warm and cozy singing Silent Night by candle light. To me, Christmas is a warm and cozy time of the year. May yours be warm and cozy this year, too. Until next month, God’s Peace, Love, and Joy! Bonnie November 2014 Bible Study Opportunities At Trinity Trinity offers a variety of choices for Bible Studies. Following is a list of active study groups: Men’s Bible Study – 7:00 am Wednesday’s at Trinity - All men are welcome! Women’s Bible Study using Gather Magazine study: Rebecca Circle – 9:30 am on 3rd Monday of the month at Central Sq. Apts. – Contact: Leona Miller 931-3639 Hope Circle – 1:30 pm on 3rd Monday of the month at Realife – Contact: Kay Mowbray at 934-3170 Martha Circle – 1:30 pm on 1st Friday of the month – Contact: Kay Mowbray at 934-3170 If others wish to participate in a Bible Study at another time of day or day of week, contact Kay or put your name on the sign-up sheet on the board in the hallway and a meeting will be set-up to organize any type of study or group interested. An example would be Café. Café is a free, monthly, and online magazine for young adult women. It explores topics that are relevant to women and how faith relates to those issues and can be found at It is easy to use and can be done individually, but would be more meaningful if discussion among other young women. The possibilities are endless. Continued from page 4 —————————–—–——— d. A motion to set the Holiday Vouchers for the Saint Peter food shelf with a goal of $2014, was seconded and passed. e. A request will be made to Bonnie and Rita to send updates of the calendar to council members. f. Some concerns regarding the decoration of the church should be passed to the team regarding certain areas which can create minor issues unless they are addressed prior to the decoration is completed. 9. Planning Dates: 30 Days – Youth Gathering registration. A plan for fundraising for the Confirmation retreat. 60 Days – Thanksgiving November 27th, Advent begins December 3rd, Christmas Program is scheduled for December 14th. 90 Days – Blood Bank February 20th. 10. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully Submitted, Tom Peterson Page 5 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:30 am All Saints Sunday 2 YoCo Live-In Week at Church Begins 2:00 am Daylight Savings Time Ends—Fall back 1 hr 8:00 am Communion Worship Service 8:45 am JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Communion Worship Service w/Baptism of Nicholas Douglas Fenske Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Communion Worship Service 12:00 pm 7th & 8th Grade Retreat Begins 7:00 pm AA (Closed) “Thank Offering” Sunday 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 11:45 am 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 9 Worship Service led by Trinity Women JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Worship Service led by Trinity Women Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast Contemporary Worship Service led by Trinity Women w/PraiseBAND playing PraiseBAND Rehearsal Executive Council Meeting AA (Closed) 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 16 Communion Worship Service JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Communion Worship Service Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Communion Worship Service 7:00 pm AA (Closed) Christ the King Sunday 23 Jr High Youth Gathering at Willmar 8:00 am Worship Service 8:45 am JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:00 am to 11:30 am 4th Sunday Brunch Served 9:30 am Worship Service Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Worship Service w/PraiseBAND playing 11:45 am PraiseBAND Rehearsal 7:00 pm AA (Closed) First Sunday in Advent 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 10 Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served Book Study (week 6) St Peter Choral Rehearsal Election Day 4 YoCo Live-In Week at Church 9:00 am Mission Quilters w/potluck 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast Veterans Day 11 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast 1:30 pm Amazing Greys 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting 5 YoCo Live-In Week at Church 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 1:00 pm Staff & Music Meeting 2:00 pm AA (Open) 6:30 pm Confirmation Classes PraiseBELLS Rehearsal Trinity Women Board Meeting 7:00 pm Men’s Ensemble Rehearsal 8:00 pm O2 Senior High Youth 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:30 am 1:30 pm 17 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Rebecca Circle Bible Study Hope Circle Bible Study at Realife Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served St Peter Choral Rehearsal 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served St Peter Choral Rehearsal 24 18 9:00 am Mission Quilters w/potluck 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 25 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm ???? pm 8:00 pm YoCo Live-In Week at Church 2:00 pm Pastor’s Text Study 5:00 pm Al-Anon 5:30 pm Finance Committee Meeting 7:00 pm AA (Open) 12 2:00 pm Men’s Bible Study 5:00 pm Staff & Music Meeting 7:00 pm AA (Open) Servant Night for Confirmands PraiseBELLS Rehearsal Men’s Ensemble Rehearsal O2 Senior High Youth 19 Men’s Bible Study Staff & Music Meeting AA (Open) Confirmation Classes PraiseBELLS Rehearsal O2 Senior High Youth 26 Men’s Bible Study Staff & Music Meeting AA (Open) Community Choir Rehearsal NO Confirmation Classes Ecumenical Worship Service Praise Bells Rehearsal WorshipBAND Rehearsal NO O2 Senior High Youth 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Pastor’s Text Study Al-Anon AA (Open) Pastor’s Text Study Al-Anon AA (Open) Thanksgiving Day Holiday—Offices Closed 2:00 pm Pastor’s Text Study 5:00 pm Al-Anon 7:00 pm AA (Open) 6 7 8 YoCo Live-In Week at Church YoCo Live-In Week at Church Ends 1:30 pm Martha Circle Bible Study at 9:00 am AA (Closed) Realife, Hostess: Ann Maland 13 14 Newsletter Deadline 15 (for December newsletter) 9:00 am 20 27 21 Holiday—Offices Closed 28 AA (Closed) 22 Jr High Youth Gathering at Willmar 9:00 am AA (Closed) 9:00 am AA (Closed) 29 30 Last Day to Donate Used Clothing 8:00 am Worship Service 8:45 am NO JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Worship Service w/Baptism of Mia Patricia Eisel NO Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am NO Contemporary Worship Service 7:00 pm AA (Closed) November 2014 3 YoCo Live-In Week at Church 12:00 pm 7th & 8th Grade Retreat Ends 5:00 pm Public Access TV Broadcast 5:30 pm “The Kitchen” Meal Served 7:00 pm Book Study (week 5) St Peter Choral Rehearsal 1 Fall Clean-up at Church Stewardship Snippet For it is in giving that we receive. Page 6 Francis of Assisi Newsletter NOVEMBER CALENDAR Page 7 November 2014 Newsletter CHILDREN & YOUTH God’s Work. Please Note The Following . . . If your child has signed up for a speaking role in the Christmas Play, watch for announcements regarding practices. Our Christmas program is scheduled on December 14th at the 10:45 am service. Our Play is called “Broadcasting Christmas” and is sure to be a hit!! We will also be looking for musical talent from families and children in Preschool – 6th Grade for the beginning of the program! Sunday School Rotation will be on The Sower Parable from October 26th- November 9th Where kids will learn that “God’s Word starts as a seed and grows in me.” There will be a special presentation in the Gustafson Room by Meredith Young on November 16th where K-6th grade will all get together and learn about giving thanks and giving. We will then start a new rotation on November 23rd with Baby Moses! Does your child have a Musical Talent? Let us showcase them at the start of the Christmas program. Sign-up in the Narthex or with their Sunday School Teacher! Sunday, December 14th ~ 10:45 am The children will need to be in the sacristy at 10:30 am with their music. They’ll join their parents in the pews or go directly to their place in the program after they play. “Little Free Library” On Fifth Street Hello Trinity Members, Last Spring I presented my Eagle Scout Project to Pastor Bob who enthusiastically said, “yes” to having me build and install a “Little Free Library” near the 5th Street entrance of the church. I am excited to say that it is near completion and will be in the ground before the snow flies. What is a Little Free Library? It is a “take a book, return a book” gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share. My hope is that Trinity members and the community will embrace the idea and together make sure that we have books to go around. Thank you, Carl-Erick Young When all you have is God, you have all you need. November 2014 Page 8 Newsletter TRINITY NEWS Our Hands. November 2014 Page 9 Newsletter IN HIS SERVICE Ushers November 2014 Sunday, November 2nd 8:00 am Willie Lindquist, Tom Frey and Duane & Louise Sunderman 9:30 am Darin Ogren and Bob & Sally Lambert 10:45 am Sam & Julie Gault Family Altar Care November 2nd Nancy Krueger & Marlene Tolzman November 16th Mary Jo & Dennis Erickson November 23rd Helen Christianson & Dee Hahn Council Assistants 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Lay Readers November 2nd 8:00 am Willie Lindquist, Tom Frey and Duane & Louise Sunderman 9:30 am Darin Ogren and Bob & Sally Lambert 10:45 am Sam & Julie Gault Family Sunday, November 16th 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Al & Linda Hewitt, Ann Bruggeman and Ann Maland Bob & Sandi Broeder and Bruce & Lynn Davey The Rick Graft Family 9:30 am 10:45 am Tom Peterson Lynn Davey 8:00 am 9:30 am Val Youngblom Judy Schultz 8:00 am 9:30 am Leona Miller Tammy Poppen 8:00 am 9:30 am John Lammert Kris Kelly 8:00 am 9:30 am Jan Swanson Emily Kracht 8:00 am 9:30 am Isaac Sawyer and Callie Garcia Reese Portugue and Nick Rustman Payton Portugue and Xandra Zachman November 16th November 23rd November 30th Acolytes Sunday, November 23rd 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am November 9th Sunday, November 9th Al & Linda Hewitt, Ann Bruggeman and Ann Maland Bob & Sandi Broeder and Bruce & Lynn Davey The Rick Graft Family Tom Peterson Rita Gibbs Jim Vavreck 10:45 am Sunday, November 30th 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Val Youngblom and Tom & Debbie Peterson Kathy & Harvey Schultz The Chris Gurrola Family Coffee Fellowship Hosts November 2nd November 9th November 16th November 23rd November 30th Al & Linda Hewitt Tom & Debbie Peterson Tom & Debbie Peterson Sandra Buendorf Audrey & Nancy Hanson Video Camera November 2nd November 9th November 16th November 23rd November 30th November 2014 Steve Pettis Pat Klubben Pat Klubben Tom Frey Tom Frey Page 10 Newsletter SERVICE LISTS All Trinity members share in food preparation and serving duties for funerals and other church events throughout the year. The membership has been divided into 13 groups with designated coordinators for each month. This allows one group to have a month off each year. Groups move up one month each year as well, so that you are not serving in the same month each year. When your assistance is needed, a coordinator will contact you. December 2014 Food Coordinators: Kristi Portugue 934-5095 or 327-0951 Judy Schultz 612-665-3966 Name: Brenke, Roger & Corrine Bruggeman, Ann Campisi, Kevin & Jessica Coffey, Mary Conlon, Jerry & Shelly Cross, John & Nancy Dobler, Carolyn Fay, Shannon Gilbertson, John & Cheryl Hanson, Mark & Jessica Kelly, Kris & Patti Kolek, Michael & Marlae Kubela, Steve & Hentges, Deb Lammert, John & Jennifer Larson, Bob & Nancy Lyle, Joy Nelsen, Sara Nygard, Lynda Oeltjenbruns, Keith & Kimberly Portugue, Jeff & Kristi Schultz, Judy Schultz, Scott & Dana Tollefson, Michael & Heather Tolzman, Craig & Marlene Vavreck, Jim & Lyn Volk, Bob & Carol Warner, Jesse & Kaylee Wick, Donna Wilking, Chet & Sabrina Wilmes, Shane & Todd Winsell, Thomas & Kristina Yeager, Trent & Traci November 2014 Food Coordinators: Deb Fichtner Debbie Peterson Name: Bartlett, Marvin & Shelly Buendorf, Dan & Sandra Chalin, Stephen & Michelle Clark, Dana Davis, Gary & LeAnne Dauer, Karen Fichtner, Scott & Deb Grabow, Tim & Becky Gish, Katie Hanson, Audrey Hanson, Brent & Lori Hanson, Stu & Mary Ann Hauth, Michael & Dawn Hewitt, Al & Linda Johnson, Gary & Joan Just, Chris & Holly Kaduce, Larry & Megan Kruger, Jim & Nancy Leonard, Jeff & Natalie Lynn, Wayne & Dona Maland, Ann Mensing, Patty Myers, Don & Joni Myhra, Richard & Julie Myhra, Ryan & Mariah Penkert, Erica Peterson, Tom & Debbie Sargent, Michael & Lathea Seibert, Donald & Kyong Volk, Steve & Mary Youngblom, Val Calling All Men! 934-2257 550-4066 Come participate in Trinity’s Men’s Ensemble! Any men who enjoy singing are invited to join us to prepare an all men’s anthem for the 8:00 and 9:30 services on Sunday, November 16th. There will be only two Wednesday rehearsals to prepare the song, so it is definitely a short term commitment! Rehearsals will be in the church sanctuary on November 5th and 12th at 7:00 pm. Take advantage of this opportunity and come join us for great fun and fellowship! All men are welcome! November 2014 2014 Holiday Food Vouchers! The St Peter Area Foodshelf and the St Peter Area Ministerial Association will again be providing groceries to needy families in our community over the holiday season. Last year, vouchers were provided for over 1,332 adults and children. Recipients are identified by churches and public agencies. We hope to raise $2,014 at Trinity to put toward people in need. Please make checks payable to Trinity with “Holiday Voucher” written in the memo line and leave it in the offering plate or use the Holiday Voucher Envelopes found in the pews and on the Welcome Table. Thank you. Page 11 Newsletter Stamp TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 511 South Fifth Street Saint Peter MN 56082 Address Label Here Trinity Staff Lead Pastor: Joy G. Ekstedt Custodian: Barry Wood Intern Pastor: Trish Reedstrom Organist / Pianist: Judy Maharry PraiseBAND: Roy & Larissa Nieves Youth Ministry: Christian Education Coordinator: Erica Penkert Celebration Singers Director: Annette Meeks Office Coordinator/ Publicist: Bonnie L. Rieger PraiseBELLS Director: Ian Decker Financial Secretary: Jennifer Hubrig JOY! Choir Director: Nancy Sizer Contact Information: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Facebook: Office Hours: 507 - 934 - 4786 507 - 934 - 4562 [email protected] Trinity Lutheran (St Peter, MN) Monday - Thursday: Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 8:30 am - 12:00 pm November Newsletter November 2014 Page 12
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