Welcome to Holy Cross Parish November 2, 2014 All Souls Day Parish Ministry Staff HOLY CROSS PARISH MISSION - WE ARE ALL D ISCIPLES PASTOR….....Fr. Tom Pomeroy Deacon/Pastoral Associate ...………………...……..Bruce Corey Deacon…………...Dr. Mark Ebben Faith Formation Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy/Bulletin Kim Corey Music Coordinator Ellen Scheibe Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Parish Secretary Bonnie Fischer School Principal Larry Konetzke Scrip Coordinator Julie Huss Mass Times Saturday............................4:30 pm Sunday .......... 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am Weekdays ................ 7:00 am daily Phone Numbers Rectory Office ............... 766-3773 Rectory Fax ................... 766-3774 Scrip Office ................... 766-3773 Faith Formation Center . 766-3510 Holy Cross School ….....766-0186 St. Al School ................ 766-5199 RCIA (Gloria Schuh)...... 284-9504 Confirmation …………..766-3510 Xavier High School ....... 733-6632 KCSS ........... www.kcssonline.org Special Needs RE…...... 809-4637 Food Pantry……..….…..766-9131 Regular Rectory/Scrip Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Fridays 8:00 am - Noon Holy Cross Parish Website www.holycrosskaukauna.org Annual All Souls Service This Sunday Evening 7:00 pm in Church We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship and service to others. 2 / Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Scrip is Money -- For You Parents of Colorado Leadership Retreat participants: Purchase Scrip, and proceeds go towards retreat fees. AND \ The rectory is open on Wednesday evenings until 6 pm so you can easily stop after school or work. Call or Stop in at Holy Cross Parish Office Phone: 766-3773 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 am - Noon and 1 - 4 pm Wednesday 8 am - Noon and 1 - 6 pm Friday 8 am - Noon (Offices closed Friday afternoons) National Merchant of the Week PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA Complete list of merchants at www.holycrosskaukauna.org Parish Contributions Weekend of October 26, 2014 Sacrificial Giving Received……………………$10,672.00 Loose Offering Received………………………$ 539.00 Total Offering Received ..……………………..$11,211.00 III Danielle Holub and Joe Stephani Holy Cross Parish Annual Meeting Saturday, November 8 After 4:30 Mass in the Gathering Space Please join us for this brief informational meeting to review the past year at Holy Cross Parish. Everyone is welcome after 4:30 Mass in the Narthex. Ask questions, or just come to listen. There is so much happening at our parish! Come. Holy Cross Parishioners Are the Best - Yes? We are constantly amazed at the number of people who take time to help this parish in any way they can. If you are not involved in a ministry but would like to be, call the parish office at 766-3773. Life becomes so much more enjoyable when you’re helping someone else. It’s true. St. Katharine Drexel Pancake/Porkie Brunch Sunday, November 2 Countryside Golf Course 7:30 am - Noon $6 for Adults; $3 for ages 12 and under Served by the St. Francis Men’s Choir A Message from Deacon Mark… Would You Recognize a Saint If You Saw One? This weekend, we celebrate a special day, “All Saints Day,” a day in which we look to the saints for examples of what faithful discipleship looks like. We give thanks to God for the men and women, thousands, who have gone before us, and we ask for their prayers. These fine Catholics, whom the Church acknowledges by name, are models for us to imitate because of their heroic virtue, their ability to do something, or many things, with an extraordinary amount of love and perseverance. We should not presume, though, that the saints did everything heroically. In fact, our faith allows us to understand that these men and women struggled with the imperfections of daily life. They were like you and me, people in need of God’s mercy, forgiveness and transforming grace. Transformation occurred at Holy Cross Parish this past weekend as volunteers worked extremely well at our Oktoberfest community builder. We are all saints “in the making.” Thank you for your generosity! Who are the Catholic saints we celebrate this weekend? They are men and women, not unlike you and I, who were able to say “Yes” more often, love more deeply, forgive when they least wanted to and give without counting the cost. Were they perfect? No, not always, but they were examples for us to imitate and people to draw strength and inspiration from. All Holy Men and Women, Pray for Us Area Adult Faith Formation Opportunity: The Jesus Prayer St. Gabriel Parish in Neenah Thursday, November 6, at 6:30 pm Fr. Maximos, of Resurrection Monastery in St. Nazianz, will present, The Jesus Prayer. “Rejoice always and pray without ceasing,” says St. Paul (1 Thes. 5:16-17). Fr. Maximos will talk about how we can all keep this commandment. The program will address the practical art of The Jesus Prayer (“Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”) as a means to an active, joy-filled service to the Lord and contemplative union with Him. Do not miss this inspirational evening. There is no fee for this presentation, but pre-registration through the Diocesan Department of New Evangelization is recommended. Contact Shelia at [email protected] or at 920-272-8276 or toll free at 877-500-3580, ext. 8276. Adoration every Monday from 8 am until 4 pm. Enter through the ramp door on Desnoyer Street. Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events Sun, Nov. 2 SKD Pancake/Porkie Brunch (Page 2) Sun, Nov. 2 All Souls Service -7 pm (Below) Mon, Nov. 3 “33 Days to Morning Glory” DVD Series -GS Thurs, Nov. 6 Fr. Maximos at St. Gabriel Neenah - (Page 2) Nov. 6-9 Women’s Cursillo-Register with Deacon Bruce Fri, Nov. 7 Breakfast Club for Middle School - 6:45 am Fri, Nov. 7 World Community Day Speaker (Page 4) Nov. 8-9 Men’s Fall CRHP weekend (Page 5) Sat, Nov. 8 Mass with Anointing of the Sick (Page 4) Sat, Nov. 8 Parish Annual Meeting - GS - 5:45 pm Tues, Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day Prayer Service - 8:20 am (Pg 4) Nov. 14 - 22 “Joseph” at Xavier - (Page 5) Sat, Nov. 15 Church cleaning for the holidays (Page 4) Nov. 17-19 “Hearts Wide Open” Parish Mission (Page 5) Sun, Nov. 30 Widows/Widowers Luncheon - FH (Page 4) Tues, Dec. 2 Kaukauna Christmas Parade - 6 pm Dec. 4-14 “Christmas Stars” at Xavier Fri, Dec. 5 “Love Lights” Tree Lighting - 5 pm Sat, Dec. 6 Reflection Morning for Liturgical Ministers Sat, Dec. 6 Chili Supper and Bake Sale (Details coming) 2015 July 9-17 Colorado Leadership Retreat (Fills quickly!) Sept. 5-7 Mackinac Bridge Walk and Retreat All Souls Service This Sunday, November 2, at 7:00 pm in Church NOVEMBER 2, 2014 ALL SOULS DAY 3 Were You At Oktoberfest? I hope you were there, because it was pretty incredible. The kitchen was hopping with workers, sweating over hot pots, dishwashers and cookers. People in orange T-shirts were everywhere, working at the pie booth, serving tables, then cleaning and setting up for more people. Steve Cerasoli was at his finest as master of ceremonies. Another great year, Steve! Jason Fischer kept the music alive as the paddle raffles, bar raffle and the many auctions were taking place. And we can’t forget about the ice cream eating contests. So much fun! Congratulations to Joyce Williamson, the winner of the new Table of Plenty raffle. Joyce won a table and food for eight, front and center. We hope the day was a good one, Joyce! Upstairs was our popular accordion music, played by Karen Vanevenhoven. Every year, she entertains guests as they come to buy their raffle tickets and wander the halls on their way to and from the Craft Room and Rummage Sale. Volunteers constantly stopped by the concession stand to pick up their bright orange T-shirts. Thanks to all of you! Upstairs in the gym, we were blessed with the music of 4 North Acoustic, featuring Dean Niquette and Kory Coonen. Everyone loved them! Check them out on Facebook or google them. They play many dates around the Green Bay and Appleton areas. Weren’t they great? The kids had a fun time with the games, items were flying out of the Country Store and Carmel Apple Booth, and lines were constant at the Cake Walk. People were always milling around the ever-popular Chance Booth, Basket Raffle and Silent Auction. Balloon animals were being made and faces were painted. Fr. Tom was having a great time in his second year at the St. Boniface table. People were learning a lot about their faith. We had a bear raffle, which was so popular that the bears sold out in the first 45 minutes! AND...if you got to meet Elsa from “Frozen,” you were pretty lucky. She made the day very special for a lot of kids. Thanks, Elsa! All are invited this Sunday, November 2, to the annual All Souls Remembrance Prayer Service. The Ladies of Holy Cross will serve refreshments in the narthex after the service. This special evening, for those who have lost loved ones in the past year, is hosted by the This event could not work if it weren’t for all the volunteers Compassionate Friends of Holy Cross. Let us gather to and chair people. Kitchen, games, cafeteria, music, Beer pray for them and for all souls who have gone before us. Garden, Raffles, Craft Room, This ’n’ That Rummage Sale, “Love Lights” Christmas Tree Fundraiser veggie cutting, booyah cooking -- all of it. The planning and pre-work that goes into this event is hard to believe unless at the Kaukauna Public Library you’ve been a part of it. I’m sure many were tired this past Tree lighting is December 5 at 5 pm. More details coming. week, but the money we raised for Holy Cross was worth it. Thank you especially to our 2014 Oktoberfest Committee. Holy Land Pilgrimage Rescheduled They’ve been hard at work since last January, and they The Holy Cross Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has been deserve a round of applause. Thank you, thank you, thank rescheduled for next November 4-13. We are excited to say you! It was a pleasure working with each and every one of you. And one last comment - Thank you to our set-up and that most of our original group still take-down crews. You are amazing! If I forgot anyone, wants to go, so please add yourself and I apologize, but please know that you’re all included in this a friend to the group if you would like message--students, adults and families. We are grateful. to come. All you need right now is a $400 deposit, so it will be a great Deacon Bruce Christmas gift. Please pray about it. 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Join us on Sunday evening at the All Souls Service- 7 pm November Church Cleaning for Holidays The Faith Adventure Continues Saturday, November 15, from 7:30 – 11:00 am Fifth grade faith formation students enjoyed learning about the saints from Fr. Tom. Ask your fifth grader about the youngest saint or the saint who sat on a pole for 45 years. All Saints Day is November 1, and All Souls Day is November 2. Please take some time in prayer to remember all who have gone before us. It’s time again to tidy up our church for Advent and the Christmas Season. Lots of hands are needed for this huge job! Both young and not-so-young families come to join us. Bring some rags and a pail. A few vacuums would be helpful, too, if you happen to have one or two. A light breakfast will be served at 9:15. Thank you, and God bless! Wednesday, November 5 Wednesday November 12 Help Us Keep Parish Records Updated If you are moving temporarily for the winter months, or permanently to a new location, we would really like to know so we can keep addresses and phone numbers current. We are really happy when we hear from you so your mail can go to the correct place. We Need Ushers. Can You Help? Help us build our usher and greeter programs. High school students, you will receive service hours and serve your parish at the same time. Parents: We hope you will talk with your young adult children about these ministries. We especially need help at the 11:00 Mass when the Packers play, but we need ushers and greeters at all Masses. Thank you. Please contact Kim at 766-3773 or [email protected] Mass with Anointing of the Sick St. Edward Parish in Mackville Saturday, November 8, at 5:30 pm 2nd Annual Widows/Widowers Luncheon Sunday, November 30, after 11:00 Mass We are excited! Fr. Willie Vande Loo will be the guest speaker for our 2014 luncheon. You won’t want to miss this event to honor your marriages. The Ladies of Holy Cross will host a complimentary luncheon for parishioners who have lost a spouse over the years. As a parish, we want to recognize your vows and your love for each other. You are invited to 11:00 Mass on Sunday, November 30, and then to Friendship Hall for a delicious Van Abel’s chicken buffet and presentation. We care about you. Contact the rectory at 766-3773 to register. No class Catechist In-service Class for Grades 1-7 and 9 KCSS News Avon Fundraiser (October 16 - November 6) If you are interested in ordering Avon products, contact any KCSS family or call 759-9290 or [email protected]. Veterans: You are invited to join the KCSS students and staff to honor all veterans. Join us for a prayer service on Tuesday, November 11, at Holy Cross Church at 8:20 am. See you then. KCSS Scholastic Book Fair November 10 - 14 Monday, November 10 and Wednesday, November 12 7:30 - 8:30 am, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm and 2:45 - 3:30 pm Tuesday, November 11 and Thursday, November 13 7:30 - 8:30 am, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm and 2:45 - 7:30 pm Friday, November 14 7:30-8:30 am Grand Event 2015 Save Friday, February 6, on your calendar! Fun night! Church Women United Presents World Community Day on Friday, November 7 "Through God, our hands can heal." Prince of Peace Church at 2330 E. Calumet Dr. in Appleton Registration at 9:00 am; Program at 9:30 am Our featured speaker is Ammie Ebben of Samaritan Counseling in Kaukauna. Bring a friend to hear her message about services offered. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the shelters. Light food will be provided. No cost, but we may ask for a donation toward food. See you there. Call Jean B. at 766-1135 with questions. Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners 10/20/14 10/21/14 10/22/14 10/23/14 10/24/14 10/25/14 10/26/14 David Jansch Geraldine Loderbauer Jeanne C. Killian Donald Giese Dave/LaVerne Wiegert Phyllis Vanderaa Deacon Mark Ebben Stevens Point Kaukauna Kaukauna Green Bay Greenleaf Kaukauna Kaukauna $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $25 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Sign Up For Colorado Leadership 2015 ALL SOULS DAY 5 Use This Form to Register for CRHP Men: November 8 and 9 Summer 2014 Colorado Group It’s time to start our journey to CLR 2015! Dates are set, and planning has begun. The nine-day retreat is July 9-17, 2015. It’s a great opportunity to develop your leadership, grow in your faith and meet the physical challenges of hiking, white water rafting and camping in the mountains. The retreat is open to anyone who will be a sophomore or older in the 2015-16 school year. If you have questions, or would like to apply for the retreat, please contact Jane at [email protected] or at 920-585-2747. We can’t wait to get started again! Receive More Than You Give “Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his elect, and he watches over his holy ones.” - Wisdom of Solomon 3:9 Here is the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those who give freely and cheerfully do not do it for the reward. They do it to show their love for God and their neighbor. Yet, because of their generosity, they typically are given more than they gave away! If only we could trust. “Joseph” is Always Spectacular at Xavier Xavier Theatre presents “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Xavier Theatre from November 14 - 22. Contact the box office at 733-8840 or at www.xaviertheatre.com. Be Inspired to Live Like Pope Francis Attend “Hearts Wide Open,” November 17–19, a Parish Mission with Jack Jezreel, founder of JustFaith Ministries. Learn to live out the social mission of the Church based on the Gospel message of Jesus. Everyone is invited to the three 7 pm evening talks: An Abundant Love, An Abundant Life, and An Abundant Mission, at St. Thomas More Church in Appleton. Following each talk will be a reception and social justice ministry fair. The men’s “Christ Renews His Parish” weekend retreat is for all parish men 18 and older. Experience witness talks that will leave an impression, a private Mass with the group Saturday evening, delicious meals, fun and laughter, as well as special times of prayerfulness and peace. Take time before the hunting season begins, and before the rush of the holidays, to quiet yourself and grow deeper in your faith. Return this form to the parish office at 309 Desnoyer St., Kaukauna, WI 54130, call Deacon Bruce at 766-3773 or email [email protected] to register. ----- --------- ------ ---------- ------__ I want to attend the November Men’s CRHP Retreat. Name _______________________________ Street Address_____________________________ City/ZIP_____________________________ Phone_______________________________ E-Mail_______________________________ Emergency Contact _________________________ Emergency Phone ________________________ Special needs/accommodations: _________________ ____________________________________________ Come, men. You will not be disappointed. 6 |Welcome to Holy Cross Parish Kaukauna, Wisconsin Monday, November 3 7:00 am Martin and Minnie Ven Rooy Tuesday, November 4 7:00 am No Intention Wednesday, November 5 7:00 am Emmett and Mary Joyce McMorrow Thursday, November 6 7:00 am Jim Swedberg 8:20 am Katie and Joe Simons Friday, November 7 7:00 am Kenneth Niesen and Family Saturday, November 8 4:30 pm Weltha and Ben Smudde Sunday, November 9 7:30 am Nancy Bowers 9:15 am Marianne Ahlgren 11:00 am Dorothy and Harold Bissing and Family Holy Cross Parish Activities This Week Saturday, November 1 - All Saints Day Turn clocks back tonight Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 Noon or by appointment. Contact Fr. Tom Pomeroy at 766-3773 for an appointment. Baptisms We share in your joy as your child is baptized. Baptisms are the second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend). Call the parish office to set a date or to get further details. Baptism Preparation meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. First Friday Eucharist Calls Please inform us if you, or someone you know, cannot make it to Mass and would like to receive Holy Eucharist on the first Friday of each month. Rosary Join us for the rosary approximately 25 minutes prior to 7:00 am Mass on weekdays and 7:30 am Mass on Sundays. How to Register as a New Parish Member Want to become a parish member? Simply stop in at the parish office, and we’ll get you registered. Fast and easy. Sunday, November 2 - All Souls Day Note: Daylight Savings Time ends today After 9:15 Mass Donut Sunday - Join us in Friendship Hall! 10:30 - 2:30 Confirmation Class - FF 7:00 pm All Souls Service - (Page 3) Change of Phone, Address or Family Status? Please Monday, November 3 8 am - 4 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 1:15 pm Visitation Committee - FH 6:30 pm “33 Days to Morning Glory” DVD - GS 7:00 pm Knights Meeting - St. Mary Cafeteria If you or someone you know needs prayers, call Patti at 851-1017. Your parish is here for you. Confidential. Tuesday, November 4 give Bonnie a call at 766-3773. We appreciate updates. Would You Like to Put Something in the Bulletin? The deadline is Monday noon (Friday before holidays). Holy Cross Prayer Relay for Your Prayer Needs Readings for the Week of November 2 Election Day - Please vote Wednesday, November 5 No Faith Formation Classes Note: Scrip sold until 6 pm on Wednesdays! Thursday, November 6 7:00 pm Celebrator Choir Practice Friday, November 7 6:45 am Breakfast Club for Middle School Evening Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, November 8 All Day Men’s “Christ Renews His Parish” retreat 1:00 am -12 Reconciliation 1:30 pm Wedding (Danielle Holub & Joe Stephani) 4:30 pm Mass (Baptisms) 5:45 pm Parish Annual Meeting - GS (All come!) Sunday, November 9 All morning Men’s “Christ Renews His Parish” Retreat Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/ Jn 6:37-40 Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22 These days, there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that's a scandal when we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. We all have to think about how we can become a little poorer. ~ Pope Francis Locally Owned & Operated Flooring Sales & Installation 4880 W. Lawrence St., Appleton TOMMY G’s -Your HostsGary & Lisa Natrop 107 W. Wisconsin Ave. KAUKAUNA, WI Home of the 22oz. T-Bone Open 7 Nights A Week Tom & Peg Giordana 704 Hyland Ave. (Hwy OO) Kaukauna 920-788-8865 766-2503 !!!"#$$%&'()**+,-$'".$/ 309 Allegiance Ct. • Appleton 788-5066 www.DandMinteriors.com 1506 S. Oneida St. Appleton Countryside Golf Club Hospital Information 920-738-2000 W726 Weiler Road Kaukauna 130 Patriot Drive, Little Chute, WI 54140 (Appleton North) Phone: 920.788.8080 Fax: 920.788.2600 Toll Free: 800.456.4000 www.countryinns.com N3782 County Road E, Freedom 920-422-4620 Private apartments now available! 3500 Fieldcrest Drive Kaukauna, WI 54130 Call or drop in for a tour to experience our Country Home Feel! C: 920-585-5606 Hill Top Bakery Matt Wallace P. O. Box 213 100 East 7th Street Kaukauna, WI 54130 Owner/Operator (920) 766-1771 www.hilltopbakers.com www.affinityhealth.org 766-2219 Affinity Health Sytem is a Catholic health care system. Tom Bevers Mike Fischer 920-450-8281 920-450-8280 www.BeversFischerPlumbing.com NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODELING • SERVICE “Serving Fish On Fridays” ID 227615 Sharon Fischer, AIS, CIC,CISR 181 W Wisconsin Ave - Kaukauna Home, Farm & Construction Fuels CHEVROLET • BUICK • GMC 920-462-4300 Let me quote your insurance and get a Gift Certificate Ask how to win $400 in cash and prizes! 1450 Delanglade St. 920-989-1536 920-735-8246 P.O. Box 800 Call Toll Free: 888-989-1531 Kaukauna, WI 54130-0800 M.W. Stump Grinding LLC Mark & Lynn Engel - Owners Mar Catering Your Next Now Ca Breakfast Business Meeting countrysidegolfclubwi.com 920-766-9888 www.primesteersuperclub.com “For the leisure in your life.” Fireplaces, Spas, Chemicals & Saunas Call Matt @ (920) 422-1689 384 Hill Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 1151 Badger Rd., Kaukauna Fellow Parishioner (920) 766-1447 www.aquafire.net (FREE Estimates) Diggers Hot Line: 811 or (800)242-8511 920-766-4830 Cell 920-213-4555 W5669 Cty. Trk. KK • Appleton, WI 54915 DR. MARK A. EBBEN, LLC 766-2481 One Bank Avenue, Suite B Kaukauna, WI 54130 2401 E. Enterprise Avenue Appleton • 920-882-4070 www.McCarty-Law.com VAN LIESHOUT LAW OFFICE Tony Ashauer www.hbcs.com Professionals doing professional work in your home or office Software Consulting and Training Susan M. Yokers PO Box 138, Kaukauna, WI 54130-0138 2IÀFH&HOO 920-0766-4718 Fax VXVDQ#HYHU\WKLQJTXLFNERRNVFRP Call us for Winter Work Certified ProAdvisor QuickBooks Advanced Certified ProAdvisor QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor Point of Sale Certified ProAdvisor Enterprise 20 Years Experience Camp K-9 TLC - Our Specialty W4891 Hwy 10, Menasha, WI 54952 920.989.DOGS (3647) Corner of Hwy 10/55 • South of Kaukauna East of Darboy 920-766-0001 207 Dodge St., Kaukauna GORDY VOSTERS SCOTT VAN ASTEN (920) 470-7793 (920) 470-7791 Office (920) 788-2498 W1668 CTY. ROAD JJ KAUKAUNA, WI 54130 www.vosterslandscaping.com 766-6200 BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE Jean Kessler TIRES & SERVICE 122 E. Main Street Hours: Daily: 7am - 8pm & Holidays: 9am - 5pm Little Chute, WI 54140 2001 E.SunMain St., Little Chute Phone • (920) 788-0800 Voice: 920-766-6096 Phone: (920) 996-0072 2nd Location Camp K-9 Too TLC - Our Specialty 606 Wilson St., Little Chute, WI 54140 920.788.1576 Reynebeau Floral 733-0122 (920) 766-6020 Free Estimates • Insured Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity www.bucklinstreeservice.com reynebeaufloral.com Call me today to hear about out these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. s. LOX CLUB Fine Food and Cocktails Nightly Specials Homemade Soups Carry-Outs Available Lori Allen Forbes (920) 730-1100 150 W. Northland Ave. Appleton 788-4401 Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company 591 State St. • County Trunk Z • Combined Locks FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES VVH & ASSOCIATES, LLP 2100 Freedom Road Little Chute,WI 54140 (920) 788-9071 Weddings • Funerals All Occasions Daily Delivery Entire Fox Cities 1103 E. Main Little Chute, WI 54140 (920) 788-3585 Inpatient / Outpatient Rehab Assisted Living • Hospice Care Skilled Nursing • Community Outreach Fax (920) 788-9072 FOR AD INFO CALL David Eck at 1-800-950-9952 Paul Senso W1030 Greiner Road Kaukauna, WI 54130 • WWW.4LPi.COM AUTOMOTIVE S E R V I C E S, I N C. Located on KK Darboy/ Kaukauna 759-0599 850-4390 HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI 766-7889 www.ruffingauto.com B 2C 01-0720 10-23-2014 09:45:09 HEART OF THE VALLEY Carpet Cleaning Tom Pennings 766-2992 No Dust! 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Box 380 Kaukauna, WI 54130-0380 www.BergstromKaukauna.com Hardware Carstens Ace Hardware “Total Hardware Supplier” 400 E. Ann St., Kaukauna, WI 54130 PHONE: (920) 766-7773 920-788-3308 W2074 Lau Rd, Kaukauna BOETTCHER FAMILY Serving you since 1923! Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! N1957 Frontage Road, Kaukana WI 920.766.1861 1.877.939.3773 www.weyersequip.com FOR AD INFO CALL David Eck at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI FUNERAL HOME 766-2099 Kent Boettcher Director/Owner “2nd generation of family dedication” A 4C 01-0720 10-23-2014 09:45:09
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