BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 1 June 2, 1973 Lennart Ling Studies with strain gauge plethysmography Faculty opponent: No. 2 June 9, 1973 Arne M. Olsson Acute obstruction of the suprarenal vena cava Faculty opponent: Docent Stig Nilsson, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 3 * September 15, 1973 Sven Åke Kornfält Stricture formation in anastomoses and mucosal defects in the esophagus. An experimental study in the piglet Faculty opponent: Docent Gunnar Grotte, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 4 April 19, 1974 Bengt Kallum Factors influencing the release of acid hydrolases. An experimental study of liver ischaemia, shock, and acidosis in the pig Faculty opponent: Professor Snorre Aune, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo, Norway No. 5 May 6, 1974 Claes Norryd A study of superior mesenteric blood flow in man Faculty opponent: No. 6 September 27, 1974 Knut Aspegren In vitro studies of sex steroid effects on human mammary carcinoma and experimental rat mammary tumour Faculty opponent: Docent Allan Nordgren, Akademic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 7 December 13, 1974 Halldór Jóhannson The effects of anemic and hypoxic hypoxia on blood flow, oxygen consumption and energy metabolism in rat brain Faculty opponent: No. 8 September 26, 1975 Ingemar Ihse Trypsin inhibitor induced effects on the exocrine and endocrine rat pancreas Faculty opponent: Professor Göran Lundh, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden No. 9 June 18, 1976 Erik Ståhl Taurocholatomsättningen vid några gastrointestinala sjukdomstillstånd Faculty opponent: Docent Tore Scherstén, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 10 April 15, 1977 Bengt G. Petersson Lipoproteins in biliary obstruction. A clinical and experimental study Faculty opponent: Docent Tore Scherstén, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 11 May 18, 1977 Bengt Börjesson Subcutaneous transposition of the spleen. An experimental and clinical study Faculty opponent: Docent Rolf Erwald, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 12 May 27, 1977 Christian Kugelberg Diagnostic and surgical procedures in chronic pancreatitis - An evaluation (Printab) Faculty opponent: Professor Göran Lundh, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden No. 13 May 31, 1977 Stig Ingemansson Pancreatic and intestinal vein catheterization with hormone assay - A localization procedure for gastrointestinal endocrine tumours Faculty opponent: Professor Henry Johansson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 14 1977 Ingemar Ihse och Jan Oscarson Planering, organisation, administration inom kirurgin. Ett sammandrag av symposier och debatter vid kirurgveckan i Lund hösten 1976. 1 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 15 December 7, 1977 Göran Simert Portal hypertension. Studies on the problems of encephalopathy and gastrointestinal bleeding Faculty opponent: Docent Lennart Domellöf, Umeå Hospital, Umeå, Sweden No. 16 May 19, 1978 Jan Oscarson Endogenous gastrin and trophic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. A study in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Lars Olbe, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 17 November 24, 1978 Jan T. Christenson Synthetic arterial grafts. A study of results and complications of reconstructive surgery using synthetic arterial grafts with special consideration on preventive antibiotics Faculty opponent: Professor Charles Rob, Greenville, USA No. 18 June 15, 1979 Karl-Göran Tranberg Plasma disappearance of unlabelled insulin in man. With special regard to the role of the liver Faculty opponent: Docent Niels Juul Christensen, Århus University, Denmark No. 19 December 14, 1979 Per Lilja Pancreatic enzyme secretion. The influence of intraduodenal bile-pancreatic juice components Faculty opponent: Professor Göran Lundh, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden No. 20 April 14, 1980 Jan Hedenbro Stimulation of gastric acid secretion. Vagus - gastrin - histamine interactions in the rat Faculty opponent: Oberarzt H Dieter Becker, Göttingen, Germany No. 21 May 13, 1980 Kaj Sundqvist Blood flow in experimental tumors. With special reference to the effect of vasoactive drugs. A study in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Hans-Inge Petersson, Göteborg, Sweden No. 22 May 22, 1980 Per-Ebbe Jönsson Metastatic malignant melanoma. Diagnosis and therapy. A clinical study Faculty opponent: Docent Carl-Magnus Rudenstam, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 23 May 28, 1980 Peter Neglén Aortic clamping. Skeletal metabolism and central circulation during abdominal reconstructive vascular surgery for arteriosclerotic disease Faculty opponent: Professor David Lewis, Linköping, Sweden No. 24 * June 10, 1981 Evita Zoucas Effects of pharmaca on haemostasis and coagulation after liver resection in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Ulf Ljungqvist, Falun, Sweden No. 25 May 25, 1981 Ralph Sörbris A metabolic investigation of obese subjects before and after moderate weight reduction. Studies on adipocyte heat production lipid transport and on variables predicting weight loss Faculty opponent: Professor Per Björntorp, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 26 June 2, 1981 Bengt Jeppsson Metabolic encephalopathies. The role of ammonia, amino acids and blood-brain barrier derangement Faculty opponent: Professor John Wahren, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 2 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 27 September 11, 1981 Mats Ericsson Iodothyronine and calcitonin secretion. An experimental study in man Faculty opponent: Professor Samuel A. Wells, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA No. 28 May 7, 1982 Per Gullstrand Hyposplenism. A clinical and experimental study Faculty opponent: Docent Lennart Domellöf, Umeå, Sweden No. 29 May 17, 1982 Anders Alwmark Hypersplenism. A clinical and experimental study Faculty opponent: Docent Anders Thelin, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 30 May 26, 1982 Göran Carlsson Hepatic tumor growth. Influence of hepatic artery occlusion. An experimental study in rats Faculty opponent: Docent Krister Höckerstedt, Helsingfors University, Finland No. 31 June 4, 1982 Anders Evander Hormonal and cholinergic influences on acute pancreatitis in the rat Faculty opponent: Privatdozent Paul Lankisch, Göttingen, Germany No. 32 June 14, 1982 Per Herlin A study of some of the metabolic effects of total hepatectomy in the rat Faculty opponent: Professor Karl-Erik Giercksky, Tromsö, Norway No. 33 1982 Margareta och Bo Joelsson Svensk research fellow i USA - Erfarenheter gjorda av kirurgfamiljer från Lund. No. 34 November 19, 1982 Gunnar Isaksson Entero-pancreatic interactions. Effects of duct-occlusion, dietary fiber and pancreatic enzyme substitution on the exocrine and endocrine pancreas Faculty opponent: Professor Dag Hallberg, Stockholm, Sweden No. 35 March 11, 1983 Sören Vallgren Vagal and intramural nervous control of gastric acid secretion in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Lars Olbe, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 36 April 7, 1983 Sten B.S. Eriksson The operated stomach. A clinical study on late morbidity rates in patients operated on for benign gastroduodenal disease, with special reference to the risk of developing gastric cancer Faculty opponent: No. 37 April 8, 1983 Birgitta Arneklo-Nobin The white cold hand. Physiologic, angiographic and pharmacologic study on the hand circulation with special reference to Raynaud's phenomenon Faculty opponent: Professor Olav Thulesius, Linköping, Sweden No. 38 May 3, 1983 Peter Qvarfordt Intramuscular pressure in vascular disease and compartment syndromes Faculty opponent: Professor Robert Reneman, The Netherlands No. 39 May 6, 1983 Olle Elmér Alcohol and trauma. Effects of alcohol on microaggregate formation, platelet aggregation and function, traumatic shock and outcome of trauma, an experimental and clinical study Faculty opponent: Docent Jesper Swedenborg, Karolinska Hospital, Sweden 3 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 40 June 14, 1983 Einar Arnbjörnsson Acute appendicitis in adults. Epidemiologic, pathogenetic, diagnostic and socioeconomic aspects Faculty opponent: Professor Lars Thorén, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 41 September 30, 1983 Anders Hugander Hyperthermia and liver tumors. An experimental study in rats Faculty opponent: Docent Carl-Magnus Rudenstam, Göteborg, Sweden No. 42 October 14, 1983 Stefan Rydén Reticuloendothelial function. Methods to evaluate function and correlation between function and tumor growth - experimental studies in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Lennart Domellöf, Umeå, Sweden No. 43 October 28, 1983 Hans Mårtensson Gut endocrine tumors. On the classification, diagnosis, and treatment with special reference to midgut tumors Faculty opponent: Docent Håkan Ahlman, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 44 November 4, 1983 Åke Andrén-Sandberg Pancreatic cancer. A clinical and experimental study of pathogenetic and prognostic factors with special emphasis on hormonal influences Faculty opponent: Docent Göran Jacobsson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 45 November 18, 1983 Hans Graffner Catecholamines and gastric acid secretion. A clinical and experimental study Faculty opponent: Professor Flemming Stadil, Rigshospitalet, Köpenhamn No. 46 1983 Philip Sandblom - Professor of Surgery, Chairman, Department of Surgery, Lund University, Surgeon in Chief, Lund Hospital, July 1 1950 - June 30 1970 No. 47 June 16, 1984 Stig Steen Human vascular α-adrenoceptors. A study of peripheral arteries and veins in vitro and in vivo Faculty opponent: Professor Olav Thulesius, Linköping, Sweden No. 48 September 29, 1984 Sven-Åke Olsson Surgical treatment of obesity. A clinical, biochemical and phsychological evaluation of obese patients before and after weight reduction by gastroplasty Faculty opponent: Docent Stefan Rössner, Stockholm, Sweden No. 49 1984 Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden, 1984 - 1985 Report. No. 50 May 15, 1985 Gunnar Plate Management of the occluded iliac vein Faculty opponent: Docent Jesper Swedenborg, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 51 May 14, 1985 Eibert Einarsson Acute iliofemoral thrombosis. Development and results of venous thrombectomy and temporary arteriovenous fistula Faculty opponent: Docent Jan-Erik Gjöres, Växjö, Sweden No. 52 June 1, 1985 Nobutaka Tanaka Biliary sepsis. An experimental study in rat with special reference to host defense failure in biliary obstruction Faculty opponent: Docent Lars Kager, Huddinge Hospital, Sweden 4 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 53 June 8, 1985 Bruno Walther Surgery of lower esophagus. Pathophysiological, experimental and clinical aspects Faculty opponent: Docent Sam Nordström, Örebro, Sweden No. 54 June 19, 1985 Johan Thörne Postshock pulmonary platelet trapping. An experimental study on animals Faculty opponent: Docent Ingvar Eriksson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 55 June 20, 1985 Torbjörn Jonung Hepatic encephalopathy. The role of blood-brain barrier derangements, ammonia, amino acids and neurotransmitters Faculty opponent: Professor Niels Tygstrup, Rikshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark No. 56 December 17, 1985 Karsten Offenbartl Postsplenectomy sepsis. Aspects on pathophysiology and the use of human immunoglobulin in profylaxis and treatment Faculty opponent: Docent Per-Olof Nyström, Linköping, Sweden No. 57 December 20, 1985 Jan Tage Holmberg Long-standing biliary obstruction. Effects on the exocrine and endocrine pancreas, lysosomal enzyme levels and reticuloendothelial cell distribution in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Göran Jacobsson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 58 May 22, 1986 Christian Erichsen Incorporation of pyramidines and fluoropyrimidines into RNA and DNA. An experimental study in rats with liver tumor Faculty opponent: Professor Odd Søreide, Oslo, Norway No. 59 May 27, 1986 Sam Smedberg Herniography and hernial surgery Faculty opponent: Professor Lars Räf, S:t Göran Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 60 June 14, 1986 Jacek Rozga Hepatotrophic effect of portal blood. An experimental study in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Rolf Olsson, Helsingborg Hospital, Helsingborg, Sweden No. 61 June 16, 1986 Henrik Ekberg Colorectal liver cancer. Resection and regional chemotherapy Faculty opponent: Professor Martin Adson, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA No. 62 June 16, 1986 Bo Joelsson Metabolic consequences of liver cirrhosis and the treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices. Faculty opponent: No. 63 * October 7, 1986 Mats Ekelund The gastrin cell Faculty opponent: Docent Kerstin Uvnäs Wallensten, Stockholm, Sweden No. 64 December 19, 1986 Hussein Dashti Liver injury and liver cirrhosis Faculty opponent: Docent Rolf Olsson, Helsingborg Hospital, Helsingborg, Sweden No. 65 May 8, 1987 Mogens Bugge Brain monoamine metabolism in experimental hepatic encephalopathy Faculty opponent: Professor Dag Hallberg, Huddinge Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden No. 66 May 22, 1987 Finn Bengtsson Chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy Faculty opponent: Professor Kai Johansen, Seattle, USA 5 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 67 1987 Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden, 1987 - 1988 Report. No. 68 December 8, 1987 Else Ribbe On vascular grafting Faculty opponent: Docent Ingvar Eriksson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 69 March 5, 1988 Folke Johnsson Gastro-esophageal reflux disease Faculty opponent: Professor John R Bennett, Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, England No. 70 December 10, 1988 Peter Mack Repeated intermittent hepatic ischaemia in liver cancer therapy Faculty opponent: Professor David Carter, University of Edinburgh, UK No. 71 May 18, 1989 Thomas Åberg Pneumatic antishock garments and intra-abdominal bleeding Faculty opponent: Docent Bo Risberg, Göteborg, Sweden No. 72 May 22, 1989 Trygve Sjöberg Contraction-mediating receptors in human peripheral vessels with special reference to veins and lymphatics Faculty opponent: Professor Åke Wennmalm, Göteborg, Sweden No. 73 June 9, 1989 Jonas Magnusson Secretion and hypoglycemic action of insulin after surgery. Effects of epidural anaesthesia, enteral nutrition and subtotal pancreatectomy Faculty opponent: Professor Lars Thorén, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 74 November 10, 1989 Ralf Sundberg Preservation of the liver for transplantation Faculty opponent: Docent Jan Wahlberg, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 75 November 25, 1989 Bill Buchholtz Total liver arterialization. A new model and experimental studies in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Ingvar Karlberg, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 76 January 26, 1990 Roland Andersson Bile peritonitis - a clinical and experimental study Faculty opponent: Docent Per-Olof Nyström, Linköping, Sweden No. 77 May 5, 1990 Mikael Bodelsson Vascular effect of cooling - With special reference to human serotonergic, adrenergic and endothelial mechanisms Faculty opponent: Överläkare Steen Levin Nielsen, Amts Sygehus Herlev, Danmark No. 78 May 23, 1990 Christian Ingvar Radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies - An experimental study in the nude rat heterotransplanted with malignant melanoma Faculty opponent: Docent Sten Nilsson, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 79 December 8, 1990 Bo G. Persson Repeated intermittent dearterialization in the treatment of liver tumors. An experimental and clinical study Faculty opponent: Professor Krister Höckerstedt, Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland 6 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 80 * December 20, 1990 Jan Axelsson Gastrin and cholecystokinin in the control of gastrointestinal and pancreatic growth. An experimental study of the effects of gastrin, vagus, and cholecystokinin on the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas Faculty opponent: Docent Jan Olbe, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden No. 81 June 6, 1991 Aamer Ar'Rajab Islet transplantation in the treatment of diabetes. Number of islets, functional regulation and metabolic control Faculty opponent: Professor Ivan DA Johnston, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK No. 82 June 7, 1991 Thomas Zilling Total gastrectomy in gastric carcinoma. A clinical and experimental study with special reference to technical aspects and prognostic factors Faculty opponent: Docent Gustav Liedberg, Central Hospital, Eskilstuna, Sweden No. 83 November 29, 1991 Susanne Sjövall Ischaemic treatment of liver cancer Faculty opponent: Professor Krister Höckerstedt, Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland No. 84 March 28, 1991 Christer Staël von Holstein Gastric stump carcinoma. A clinical study on carcinoma in the gastric remnant after surgery for benign gastroduodenal disease Faculty opponent: Docent Lennart Domellöf, Örebro, Sweden No. 85 May 29, 1992 Lars Hansson Pulmonary response to intraabdominal sepsis - an experimental study Faculty opponent: Professor Arthur Revhaug, Tromsö, Norway No. 86 June 12, 1992 Anders Bergenfelz Primary hyperparathyroidism. Diagnosis, operative management and follow-up Faculty opponent: Professor Colin Russell, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland No. 87 June 13, 1992 Gert Lindell Smoking and peptic ulcer disease. A clinical and experimental study with special reference to possible pathogenetic mechanisms induced by smoking Faculty opponent: Professor Ulf Haglund, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 88 November 27, 1992 Aksel Foss Liver regeneration and partial liver transplantation. An experimental study in the rat Faculty opponent: Professor Anstein Bergan, Oslo, Norway No. 89 January 26, 1993 Xiangdong Wang Bacterial translocation after major liver resection Faculty opponent: Professor Didier Houssin, Paris, France No. 90 March 12, 1993 Jin Wen Ding Obstructive jaundice. An experimental study on host defense failure and intestinal bacterial translocation in the rat Faculty opponent: Professor Huug Obertop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands No. 91 May 22, 1993 Håkan N Pärsson Cellular reactions to vascular implants Faculty opponent: Professor Hans Olav Myhre, Trondheim, Norway 7 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 92 May 24, 1993 Weidun Guo Infections associated with intraperitoneal biomaterials. An experimental study on bacterial adherence to biomaterials and enteric bacterial translocation induced by intraperitoneal biomaterials Faculty opponent: Professor Arthur Revhaug, Tromsö, Norway No. 93 June 4, 1993 Zbigniew Zdanowski Synthetic vascular graft infection. An experimental study with special reference to host mechanisms affecting bacterial graft colonization Faculty opponent: Docent Staffan Bowald, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 94 June 8, 1993 Renata Fabia Ulcerative and experimental colitis. Pathophysiology as basis for therapeutic intervention Faculty opponent: Professor Stephen Collins, Hamilton, Canada No. 95 May 11, 1993 Birger Pålsson Tumour marker CA 50 in pancreatic cancer Faculty opponent: Docent Caj Haglund, Helsinki, Finland No. 96 September 11, 1993 Jan O W Lindfeldt Hepatic nerves in hemostasis and glucose metabolism. An experimental study in the rat Faculty opponent: Docent Jörgen Larsson, Linköping, Sweden No. 97 * September 27, 1993 Branko S Dunjic Gastric mucosal protection. An experimental study on the role of endogenous and exogenous phospholipids Faculty opponent: Docent Hannu Paimela, Helsinki, Finland No. 98 October 8, 1993 Martin Malmberg Assessment of cell heterogeneity in drug response Faculty opponent: Docent Bengt Gustavsson, Göteborg, Sweden No. 99 May 24, 1994 Li-Qing Wang Repeat tumour ischemia. Effects on tumour growth - alone and in combination with bioreductive drugs, blood flow and reperfusion studied in experimental liver tumours in rats Faculty opponent: Professor John M Daly, New York, USA No. 100 May 26, 1994 Sven Oredsson Reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle. With special reference to oxygen-derived free radicals as mediators Faculty opponent: Professor Ulf Haglund, Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 101 October 21, 1994 Margaretha Strandmark Kjölsrud Vård i verkligheten. Om människovärde, maktrelationer och helhetssyn i professionell omvårdnad Faculty opponent: Professor Katie Eriksson, Vasa, Finland No. 102 April 20, 1995 Jian-Lin Yu Infections associated with biliary implants. An experimental study on protein adsorption and bacterial adhesion to biliary drain materials Faculty opponent: Professor Huug Obertop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands No. 103 May 2, 1995 Johan Westerdahl Malignant melanoma - risk factors Faculty opponent: Professor Ulrik Ringborg, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 8 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 104 December 14, 1995 F. Behzad Kasravi Bacterial translocation in acute liver injury Faculty opponent: Docent Olle Ljungqvist, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 105 February 9, 1996 Bodil Ohlsson Regulation of digestive organ growth. An experimental study on the role of CCK, bile and EGF Faculty opponent: Docent Kurt Borch, Linköping, Sweden No. 106 April 13, 1996 Paul Swartbol Blood-graft interactions. With special reference to cellular immune reactivity in vascular and endovascular surgery Faculty opponent: Professor Hero van Urk, Rotterdam, The Netherlands No. 107 June 1, 1996 Lars-Erik Hammarström Management of bile duct calculi - a study with special reference to long-term outcome Faculty opponent: Professor David Carr-Locke, Brigham & Women's Center, Boston, Mass., USA No. 108 December 17, 1996 Xiaoming Deng Endothelial barrier dysfunction in multiple organ injury. An experimental study in rats Faculty opponent: Associate professor Thomas van Gulik, University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands No. 109 May 17, 1997 Pall Helgi Möller Interstitial laser thermotherapy of liver tumours. Methodology and application Faculty opponent: Docent Tom Schröder, Helsinki, Finland No. 110 May 26, 1997 Björn Isaksson Bleeding oesophageal varices. A clinical study of mesocaval interposition shunting and endoscopic sclerotherapy Faculty opponent: Docent Anders Thörne, Huddinge Hospital, Sweden No. 111 May 27, 1997 Yilei Mao Intestinal mucosa reconstitution and protection: impact of luminal factors Faculty opponent: Docent Lars Påhlman, Akademic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden No. 112 November 5, 1997 Bo-Guang Fan Effects of total parenteral nutrition on the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. An experimental study Faculty opponent: Docent Johan Permert, Huddinge Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden No. 113 November 14, 1997 Kerstin Ulander Assessments of well-being in caring of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer. Studies of nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life Faculty opponent: Professor Anna-Christina Ek, Linköping University, Sweden No. 114 April 26, 1999 Björn O B Ohlsson Colorectal liver metastases. Aspects on diagnosis and surgical treatment Faculty opponent: Professor Odd Søreide, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway No. 115 February 12, 2000 Sun Zhengwu Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injury - pathophysiology as basis for novel treatment Faculty opponent: Associate professor Constantine Vagianos, Patras, Greece No. 116 May 3, 2000 Jan Johansson Oesophageal resection with gastric tube reconstruction. A clinical study of a surgical method and its consequences on the upper gastrointestinal tract and survival Faculty opponent: Associate professor Lars Lundell, Sahlgren University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden 9 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 117 May 5, 2001 Stefan Öberg The columnar lined esophagus. Pathophysiological and clinical aspects Faculty opponent: Associate professor Karl-Erik Johansson, Linköping, Sweden No. 118 April 11, 2002 Pia Lindblom Calcium homeostasis after thyroid surgery Faculty opponent: Professor Staffan Smeds, Linköping, Sweden No. 119 April 11, 2003 Gunilla Nilsson Laparoscopic or open antireflux surgery - A comparative study with special reference to the patient’s perspective Faculty opponent: Associate professor Bengt Hallerbäck, Göteborg, Sweden No. 120 April 26, 2003 Marwan Dib Acute pancreatitis - Cellular response and dynamic inflammatory changes Faculty opponent: Associate professor Thomas Gasslander, Linköping, Sweden No. 121 May 10, 2003 Kjell Ivarsson Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) of an adenocarcinoma implanted into rat liver methodology and effects Faculty opponent: Professor Joar Svanvik, Linköping No. 122 October 25, 2003 Erik Nordenström Primary hyperparathyroidism. Aspects on skeletal involvement and PTH levels after surgery Faculty opponent: Dr med Peer Christiansen, Aarhus Amtssygehus, Denmark No. 123 November 27, 2003 Knut Olanders Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion - Proinflammatory response and organ dysfunction Faculty opponent: Professor Else Tønnesen, Odense, Denmark No. 124 September 23, 2004 Saleem Saáed Qader Nitric oxide synthase in pancreatic islets during trauma and parenteral feeding Faculty opponent: Associate professor Folke Hammarqvist, Huddinge, Sweden No. 125 March 17, 2005 Anna Börjesson Pulmonary injury following intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in rats Faculty opponent: Professor Arthur Revhaug, Tromsö, Norway No. 126 February 10, 2006 Changbin Shi Inflammatory response and intervention in experimental acute pancreatitis Faculty opponent: Professor Matthias Löhr, Mannheim, Germany No. 127 March 18, 2006 Xia Zhao Pancreatitis-associated pulmonary injury Faculty opponent: Professor Elcee Cagas Conner, St Louis, Missouri, USA No. 128 June 9, 2006 Mikael Ekelund Intestinal bypass and total parenteral nutrition. Changes in gut function and morphology Faculty opponent: Associate professor Folke Hammarqvist, Stockholm, Sweden No. 129 December 21, 2006 László Nehéz Prevention of postsurgical abdominal adhesions by polypeptides Faculty opponent: Professor Thomas van Gulik, Amsterdam, The Netherlands No. 130 March 24, 2007 Bobby Tingstedt Abdominal adhesions - clinical impact and experimental prevention Faculty opponent: Professor Arthur Revhaug, Tromsö, Norway 10 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 131 May 12, 2007 Jörgen Wenner Wireless esophageal pH monitoring: Clinical evaluation of a new technique Faculty opponent: Professor Peter Funch Jensen, Århus, Denmark No. 132 May 30, 2007 Gunilla Eckerwall Nutrition in acute pancreatitis: Influence on gut barrier and inflammatory response Faculty opponent: Professor Christos Dervenis, Athens, Greece No. 133 June 2, 2007 Michael Hermansson Perforations of the upper gastro-intestinal tract Faculty opponent: Professor Anders Ekbom, Stockholm, Sweden No. 134 April 4, 2008 Jakob Axelsson Initiation of experimental acute pancreatitis and modulation of inflammatory response Faculty opponent: Docent Folke Hammarqvist, Stockholm, Sweden No. 135 April 23, 2010 Dan Falkenback Gastroesophageal reflux disease - complications and prognostic aspects Faculty opponent: Docent Stig Ramel, Stockholm, Sweden No. 136 May 20, 2010 Bodil Andersson Acute pancreatitis - severity classification, complications, and outcome Faculty opponent: Professor Truls Hauge, Oslo, Norge No. 137 June 4, 2010 Kristina Åhsberg Complications to peptic ulcer and peptic ulcer surgery Faculty opponent: Professor Kurt Borch, Linköping, Sweden No. 138 September 3, 2010 Ellen Andersson Crosstalk between inflammation and coagulation in acute pancreatitis. Experimental and clinical studies Faculty opponent: Professor Else Tønnesen, Århus, Denmark No. 139 December 17, 2010 Christina Westerdahl Primary aldosteronism. Screening and diagnosis in primary health care Faculty opponent: Professor Ulf Lindblad, Göteborg, Sweden No. 140 October 5, 2012 Magnus Hallén Male inguinal hernia repair with mesh. Short- and long-term results and the question of infertility Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Jan Dalenbäck, Göteborg, Sweden No.141 November 2, 2012 Dorthe Aamand Grabau Breast cancer. Quality assurance and prognosis Faculty opponent: Professor Jonas Bergh, Stockholm, Sweden No. 142 March 8, 2013 Hamid Akbarshahi Acute pancreatitis. From local defense to remote organ injury Faculty opponent: Professor Rachel Chambers, London, UK No. 143 September 6, 2013 Anna-Karin Falck Modern staging in primary breast cancer. Aspects of micrometastatic disease in bone marrow and molecular profiles in lymoh node metastases Faculty opponent: Professor Jan Frisell, Stockholm, Sweden No.144 September 14, 2013 Kristín Huld Haraldsdóttir Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) of breast cancer – Methodology and immunological response Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Stig Holmberg, Göteborg, Sweden 11 BULLETINS from the Department of Surgery, University of Lund, Sweden No. 145 September 19, 2013 Marlene Malmström Long-term experiences and evaluation of a telephone based nurse-led supportive care programme Faculty opponent: Professor Pernilla Lagergren, Stockholm, Sweden No. 146 December 14, 2013 Daniel Åkerberg Differently charged polypeptides and their impact on peritoneal and pleural postoperative adhesion formation Faculty opponent: Professor Anders Hyltander, Göteborg, Sweden No.147 March 14, 2014 Karolin Isaksson Small bowel obstruction and toxicity of a new model of adhesion prevention Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Claes Jönsson, Göteborg, Sweden No. 148 June 14, 2014 Páll Hallgrimsson Clinical problems in thyroid surgery Faculty opponent: Professor Oliver Gimm, Linköping, Sweden No. 149 September 26, 2014 Daniel Ansari Pancreatic cancer – early detection, prognostic factors, and treatment Faculty opponent: Professor Helmut Friess, Munich, Germany No. 150 December 19, 2014 Dan Sevonius Recurrent groin hernia. Outcome after surgery Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Jan Dalenbäck, Göteborg, Sweden May 25, 2015 Chinmay Gundewar Pancreatic cancer – influence of tumour microenvironment Faculty opponent: Professor Ivar P Gladhaug, Oslo, Norway June 8, 2015 Emelie Karnevi The pancreatic tumour microenvironment – influence by macrophages and glucose levels on tumourigenesis Faculty opponent: Professor Hemant Kocher, London ,UK 12
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