N OV E M BE R , 2 0 1 4 F R E D A S SA M E L E M E NTARY S CH OO L Brandon Valley School District Assam Anchor Dear Parents/Guardians, Important Reminders: No School Dates Tuesday, Nov. 11 Thursday, Nov. 27 Friday, Nov. 28 Early Dismissal at 2:00 Wednesday, Nov. 26 Veteran’s Day program Monday, Nov. 10 At 8:30 a.m. American Education Week Nov. 17—21 Fred Assam Elementary School Telephone: 605-582-1500 October was filled was numerous activities and learning: * conferences: 95% over-all attendance! Your partnership with the school is critical to the success of every student. * PTA sponsored roller skating event! * Character Counts – kickoff week Oct. 20-24 to introduce the 6 Pillars. Respect will be the pillar during the month of November. * of course . . . Halloween. Thanks to all parents who helped with classroom parties. We have many upcoming November events at Fred Assam Elementary: * Veteran’s Day ~ Nov. 11 ~ NO School; however, we will be celebrating Veteran’s Day on Monday, Nov. 10! Look for more details about November 10 in this newsletter. * November 17 – 21: National Educational Week. We will be celebrating South Dakota’s 125th Anniversary! We will return “to the olden days” with numerous activities and special guest Marian Cramer. Marian has been involved with the Laura Wilder pageant in De Smet, SD for many years and will be doing portrayals of Laura Ingalls Wilder throughout the entire day on Tuesday, Nov. 18. Parents are welcome to join us! * 3rd Grade music program on Nov. 24. * Thanksgiving break ~ Nov. 27-28. I would like to thank those parents who have followed my requests about afternoon pick up: Drop-off/pick-up lane: this lane has stopping, moving up, and students entering/exiting vehicles; students enter/exit on curb side only; do not linger – move to allow others to drop-off/pick-up behind you. DO NOT leave your car unattended. Driving lane: continuous movement to parking lot; do not have students enter/exit vehicle; yield to allow vehicles leaving the drop-off/pick-up lane. Parking lot: parents should park and walk over to/with students. Signs are posted for no parking areas. We know that there is congestion at the entrance/exit, but if all drivers would follow this procedure ~ I believe traffic would flow much smoother. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! November 17 -21 has been designated as American Education Week. This week, observed since 1921, spotlights the importance of providing every child in America with a quality public education from kindergarten through college and the need for everyone to do his or her part in making public schools great. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire staff at Fred Assam Elementary for the incredible job they do every day to create a positive learning environment that results in success for all of our students. They sincerely care about each student and give their professional best to see that students make academic progress and develop good character traits. This November, develop an “attitude of gratitude” and give thanks! Life is good! Susan Foster ~ proud principal of Fred Assam Elementary School The staff of Fred Assam Elementary would like to say “thank you” to the PTA and the volunteers who provided dinner during conferences. It was delicious, as usual, and we appreciated it very much!! th th Boys 5 – 8 grade Looking for some extra basketball time in the gym? Sanford Basketball is doing shooting workouts again but this year they are taking place in the Brandon gyms. Check out http://www.sanfordpentagon.com/ basketballcamps and click on BVHS workouts to register. We are off to a beautiful art year, if you have not had a chance to see the art work in the halls please do so. The students have been creating some great works. We have visited artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Georgia O’Keefe, Wassily Kandinsky, Chuck Close, Britto Romero and many more both past and present. With the upcoming holidays we have begun working on some themed art. Kindergarten is making Jack-O-Lanterns, 1st grade made Candy Corn Mosaics, 2nd grade made Moonlit Silhouettes of Creepy Trees or Haunted Houses, 3rd Graders are drawing Scarecrows, and 5th grade is making a Fall Mosaic. Each art project gets more complex and challenging and the students have accepted the challenge and are doing great. Mr. Iverson If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced ~ Vincent Van Gogh Notes from the Band Room It is hard to believe that the first quarter is over already! The 5th grade band students are off to a wonderful start on their musical careers! Thank you to all of the parents/guardians for supporting your child as they begin this exciting journey on their new band instruments. Your support is one of the most important factors in their success. Progress Reports All of the band students had an opportunity to play for me individually during their lessons over the past few weeks and I was able to accurately fill out their progress reports. Please take a few moments to go over this report with your child and discuss their strengths and the areas that need attention. They should have received their progress report with their report card. Many of the students are making or surpassing their practice goal of 90 minutes each week and it really shows in their progress. I am so proud of their hard work! Holiday Concert The students have received their Holiday Concert sheet music and we have begun working on it during our full band rehearsals. It is always exciting to begin working on the sheet music as the students are able to play actual songs incorporating the concepts and techniques that they have been learning in our full band rehearsals and small group/private lessons. Please make sure that you put our first concert date on your calendars: Thursday, December 18 – Holiday Concert at 7:30pm in the Performing Arts Center. This will be an exciting concert featuring familiar holiday tunes and other seasonal selections! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding our instrumental program. ([email protected]) Also, check out our band blog (http://hubersbandstars.blogspot.com) for weekly updates as well! Until next month, Mr. Hubers The planning committee for the PTA Fall Carnival would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped make the carnival a huge success. We could not have done it without our volunteers, sponsors, donors, organizations and attendees. There are way too many people to thank individually, but if you participated in any way, whether by helping with a carnival game, donating to our silent auction or classroom baskets, bringing cupcakes for the cupcake walk, helping set up and take down, or just attending, we thank you! We feel so fortunate to be a part of the Fred Assam Elementary School family. Thank you for support! Mark your calendars for next year's carnival, which will be held the Monday after Homecoming 2015. Sincerely, The FAE Fall Carnival Planning Committee: Erin Bisbee, Shanna Howe, Gretchen Jepperson, Kelli Moeller, Paula Timmons, Stacey Sonju, and Amy VanEs Thank you to the following volunteers who helped provide the staff meal during fall conferences: Lori Bangasser, Lauren Botticella, Sarah DeWald, Shannon Gray, Carin Griffith, Amy Hieb, Ryan Hofer, Shanna Howe, Jennifer Klein, Brittni Punt, Wendy Quam, Josie Reekers, Jill Reindl, Jeanna Rieff, Shellie Rowberry, Elizabeth Rus, Dawn Schleis, and Linda Schoby. Sincerely, Gretchen Jepperson TITLE HAPPENINGS How can I help my child read? Encourage your child to “read another one” by finding ways to keep reading. If he or she likes one book, find another book with a similar subject or by the same author. If your child has a special interest, ask a librarian or teacher for book suggestions. Take turns reading. Once your child can read, have him or her read aloud to you every day. You can take turns – you read one page and your child the next. Talk about what happened in the story. Encourage your child to retell what happened in his or her own words. Try different types of books and reading materials. Encourage your child to read different types of books, articles, or stories. Some kids prefer nonfiction books while others like children's magazines or online research articles. If your child comes to a word they do not know, have them try different reading strategies they have learned: skip it and come back, stretch out the word, look for smaller words within the word, etc. If they still can’t figure it out, tell them what it is. Happy reading! Questions/Concerns? Please call or email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FAE 582-1500 NOTE FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE Margie Hanson. RN STOP THE FLU!! We want to keep our school healthy and functioning normally during this flu season. But, we need your help to do this. PROMOTE….a strong immune system! Get adequate rest Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day Choose a healthy diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. PROTECT…..yourself against germs! - Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water, or use an alcohol based sanitizing gel or wipe. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs are often spread hand to-face. Get an annual flu shot to protect yourself from seasonal influenza. PREVENT…..the spread of germs! Cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm, not into your hands. When you are sick, stay home….from work, school, or errands to help prevent infecting others Our essential question: How does a spider eat it’s prey? First it injects it’s victim with venom or wraps it in silk so it can’t move. Here we have our prey (sugar cubes) caught in our webs (cups). We are sucking venom (water) into our fangs (eye droppers). Then the spider turns the prey into goo by dissolving it with it’s digestive juices. Here we are dropping digestive juices (water) onto our prey (sugar cubes) and turning it into goo. Finally the spider eats it’s prey by sucking it up. We sucked up the spider (water and dissolved sugar) through our pedipalps (straws). 1st Grade’s Character Pumpkins The 1st graders were given a challenge to paint/decorate a pumpkin at home based off a book or movie character of their choosing. We received many wonderful, creative pumpkins and would like to share a few with you! Thank you to those who participated in this activity! We’ve enjoyed having them here at school! October in 2 Grade—2P nd The students helped carve a pumpkin and then wrote “How to Carve a Jack-o-Lantern”. We also wrote directions for “How to Make S’mores”. The 2nd Graders loved their first AR Party! We played outdoor games and ate s’mores. Here the students are getting a chance to be “ninjas” on the obstacle course! Students in Mrs. Livingston’s class recently studied patterns as part of their number sense unit. Check out their cool patterns! It’s that time of year! Time to carve pumpkins! We wrote “How To” stories using sequence words about how to carve a pumpkin. Then we used our written directions to actually make a jack-o-lantern. The best part was cleaning out the guts! Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Hunsaid Mrs. VanLeur and Mr. Ganschow November 2014 Special Points Of Interest: Spelling pre-tests are Mondays and tests are Fridays! Remember to study your words at home! Reading Selection Tests are on Friday, also! Remember to study your vocabulary words at home. Be sure to practice using the words in sentences as the vocabulary tests are tough! Reread the story online at Think Central! Check out the 3rd grade websites at: http:// dj002.k12.sd.us/ and http:// cv033.k12.sd.us . Vocabulary & Spelling lists! As the weather turns colder, please make sure your student is dressed appropriately! Keep working on reading books for AR points! To look up the level and point amount for a book, go online to www.arbookfind.com. It’s very easy to use! You can check your student’s AR goals and points by logging onto the FAE webpage and clicking on Students, WebLynx, and Accelerated Reader. 3rd Grade Review F RE D A S S A M E L E ME N T ARY — B R AN D O N V AL L EY S C HO O L D I S T RI C T Let the Adventure Continue! Congratulations to the following 3V students who completed their Addition Mission: Ethan, Ben, Cooper, Hayden, Max, Gabby, Jax, Meron, Raygin, Greyson, Carmen, Cade, and Keaton. Congratulations to the following 3J students that completed their Addition Mission: Ellie, Michael, Hunter, Alexa, Ella, Taielar, Cole, Sam, Austin, Christian, Lucas, Logan, and Emily. 3rd grade classes read the folktale “Stone Soup”. All students brought in an ingredient or supply to make our own version of soup. Students chose an animal to do a mini report. They looked up facts and information on their animal using Pebble Go and books. 4th Grade Science News The 4th graders at Fred Assam Elementary have been busy studying Living Things and Ecosystems in science. Here the students are making models of cells. The students were very excited to see how different all their cells looked. We can’t wait to see what our next experiment teaches us! Veteran’s Day Program Monday November 10th 8:30 a.m. 5th Grade Science Happenings! *In science we have been learning all about Ecosystems. We have covered genetics, food chains, habitats, types of consumers, adaptations, and biomes! *We dissected owl pellets to find out about their food chains! *Miss Pechous, our student teacher, brought out her Zebra Kenya to visit. We were able to see his adaptations, and he did awesome tricks! Special thanks to Jared Lynch for sharing him with us! The National Education Association’s 93rd annual American Education Week – November 17 – 21, 2014 – presents all Americans with an opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring every child receives a quality education. Our AEW tagline, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” reflects NEA’s vision of calling upon all Americans to do their part in making public schools great for every child so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st Century. According to experts, parents need to take an active and assertive role in their children’s education on a daily basis for optimal success at school. Ongoing research shows that parental involvement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores confidence among parents in their children’s education. Parental involvement means reading to your children, checking homework every night, limiting television viewing on school nights, developing a relationship with his or her teacher, and simply asking children about their school day. Whatever the level of involvement, it is important to be consistent in order to make a difference in your children’s lives. Monday, November 17: “We Love Our School!” Day Celebrate excellence at Fred Assam Elementary School! Wear Red & Black/Lynx clothing Tuesday, November 18: “Thank-You, Parents” Day Parents are welcome to visit classrooms, have lunch, and/or see a portrayal of Laura Ingalls Wilder Dress like a Pioneer Wednesday, November 19: “Saluting School Support Staff” Day They keep our schools running and students safe, healthy, and ready to learn! Wear Super Hero attire Thursday, November 20: “Successful Students” Day If you believe . . . You will Succeed! Dress for SUCCESS! Friday, November 21: “Excellent Educators” Day THANK A TEACHER today! Let them know they are appreciated! Wear RED to show you care! “Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity? ~ Cesar Chavez FUN AT THE PTA BOOK FAIR THE HOLDAYS ARE FAST APPROACHING… ARE YOU LOOKING FOR FUN GIFT IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS? Experiences and language development go hand-in-hand when enhancing verbal reasoning ability and communication skills. These skills are essential throughout our lives. One way that parents can foster the growth in their child’s language development is to play games with them. “Family Game Night” is a great way to enhance vocabulary development and problem solving in children, not to mention how much it may enhance your child’s overall social skills as well as your parent-child relationship. Some of the family games that are great for language development and communication building that can be purchased at local stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, Barnes and Noble and Toys R Us include: Headbanz for Kids Word on the Street Jr. Backseat Drawing Jr. Pictionary Guesstures Apples to Apples for Kids Scattegories Mad Gab Jr. Cranium 5-Second Rule UnGame Scribblish Blurt The Game of Things Sounds Like a Plan Likewise Don’t Say It 20 Questions for Kids Buzz Word Jr. Last Word Guess Who Sequence Jr. Guess What I Am Reverse Charades Bubble Talk Wordplay-family edition The International Society for Technology in Education has developed National Education Technology Standards (ISTE NETs). Below is Standard #2 2. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. On November 10th, Fred Assam Elementary will honor Veterans in our community. During the ceremony lots of pictures will be taken. Afterward, students will use those images to create slide show presentations complete with patriotic music, transitions and animations. This activity gets them thinking about what it means to honor someone and how we might use technology to show that honor. Take A Veteran to School Day Who: any Veteran What: Veteran’s Day program When: Monday, November 10 8:30am Where: Fred Assam Elementary School Why: To honor the men and women who have served and are serving in the U. S. Armed Forces. All Veterans are invited to join us for donuts/coffee that morning 7:30am – 8:15am. EA News One quarter down, which means the cold weather is rapidly approaching. Make sure you are sending your child to school with the appropriate amount of clothes (coats, hats, gloves, snow pants and snow boots). We would also like to remind you some of the rules for out on the playground. No running on the spongy black top around the equipment. In the morning before school and during shared recesses, the smaller green playground equipment is for the Kindergarteners/1st graders. The larger red playground equipment is for 2nd-5th graders. The slides are meant to go down, feet first and on your bottom. There is no walking up the slide or climbing on the outside of it. (if you could help us by reinforcing this while you are with them we would appreciate it). The swings are to be sat in while holding on with both hands. Also no jumping off or swinging side to side. The tire swing has a limit of 2 people riding with their legs on the inside while 1 person pushes them and no trying to swing the other person off. There are NO electronics (including cell phones), toys or trading cards out on the playground. We also ask the kids to put them away when they get in and leave them until the end of the day. If this rule is broken we will take them and bring them to the office. They will be able to pick them up at the end of the day in the office. The playground balls, jump ropes, or items brought from home are not allowed on the playground equipment. We would also like to remind you to check the lost and found, it is located in the commons on the west side wall as soon as you walk into the building. FAE EA’s November 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BOE Meeting @ 6:30 Veteran’s Day Program at 8:30 a.m. NO SCHOOL VETERAN’S DAY 2nd/3rd grade attend High School matinee @ 8:45 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29/30 3rd Grade Vocal Concert @ 7:00 PAC BOE Meeting @ 6:30 /EARLY DISMISSAL AT 2:00 NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK
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