The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) November 2, 2014 “If we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him” ~Romans 6:8 St. Andrew’s Parish Mass Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM & 5:00PM Weekdays: Mon.-Fri. 8:30AM & 12:00PM Saturday: 8:30AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00-3:30PM Mon.-Fri.: 11:30-11:45AM or by appt. with one of the priests Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered every 1st Saturday of the month at the 8:30AM Mass and anytime upon request. Please contact the Rectory. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday before Noon Mass Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday starting after Noon Mass ending at 4:30PM with Evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours followed by Benediction, The Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary at 3:00PM. The Rosary for Life 1st Tuesday of the month at 12:30PM St. Andrew Country Day School PARISH STAFF Rev. Matthew J. Zirnheld, Pastor Rev. Joseph Thien V. Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Michael Ficorilli, Deacon Theresa Bornholdt, Pastoral Associate Jean MacDonald, Business Manager Carolyn Liarakos, Director of Music Kathleen Johnson, Ensemble Director Maryanne Snyder, Director of Faith Formation Gerri Salay, Coordinator of Elementary Catechesis Doris Johnson, Coordinator of Middle School Catechesis RECTORY 1525 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 873-6716 Fax (716) 873-2214 Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 Tues,., Thurs. 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 1545 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 877-3034 PRAYER CHAIN (716) 873-6716 Ext. 9 Connect with us! Dr. Kathy C. Dimitrievski, Principal Jean Kornacki, Advancement Director Co-Presidents, Home School Association Sherrie Bowerman and Andrea Foglia SCHOOL OFFICE Office Hours 7AM– 3PM Catholic Schools “The Start of Something Great” 1545 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 877-0422 Fax: (716) 877-3973 Visit our website! ST. ANDREW’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “As St. Andrew brought St. Peter to Jesus, we strive to bring others into a deeper relationship with Christ through Sunday Eucharist, Community Outreach, Hospitality, and Catholic Education through lifelong learning and faith formation.” The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Mass Schedule Saturday, November 1 All Saints 8:30 St. Andrew’s Parishioners 4:00 Louis J. Galenti, Jr. by Ed & Martha McMahon Sunday, November 2 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) 7:30 William Moeller by Sharon 9:30 Charles Diana by The Schaefer Family 11:30 Pascal Panaro by Panaro Family 5:00 Eugene Janiszewski by Carol & Jeff Janiszewski Monday, November 3 8:30 Carmen & Nancy Carey by Family 12:00 Dean Scheifla by Kathy, Kristin & Pat Scheifla Tuesday, November 4 Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop 8:30 Mazzariello Sisters by Niece Joanne 12:00 James Vollmer, Jr. by Family Wednesday, November 5 8:30 Jack Schlant by Paul & Liz Bork 12:00 William Bunny by St. Andrew’s Holy Name Thursday, November 6 8:30 Pamela Knab by Russ & Theresa Bornholdt 12:00 John Heffron by Family Friday, November 7 8:30 St. Andrew’s Parishioners 12:00 Virginia McGillicuddy by Russ & Theresa Bornholdt Saturday, November 8 8:30 Marlene Johnson by Diane Rice 4:00 Betty Short by Family Sunday, November 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 William Bunny by Grace Flaherty 9:30 Freda McMahon by Ed & Martha McMahon 11:30 Suzanne Gibson by Mary Lu Kaye 5:00 Mary Nespal by Children Baked-Goods Sale Marian Ministries is holding a baked-goods sale during the Gift & Craft Show in the Donovan Center on November 16, from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM. All women of the parish are encouraged to bring a homemade bread, pie, cake or cookies to the table. We will be accepting your delicious creations from 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM. All items should be wrapped--ready for purchase. Drop off or stay for a while. Be part of this major fund raiser. If you have questions, call Edie at 984-1689. Thank you! The Sunday Connection… We recognize the nobility of a civilization by the way that culture honors its dead. We will commemorate Veterans Day later this month, which will recall our beloved who died on the battlefield. Even the smallest town in America has a well-kept cemetery, usually dotted with some traces of colorful flowers or personal tributes or the unseen tears of mourners. When we commemorate the faithful departed today, we join the church throughout the world in a collective memory more precious than we realize. Today we remember everyone – all the dead – those who repented and those who did not, those who were rich and those who were poor, those who were loved by many and those who were loved by a few. We have come here not to praise the famous, but to pray for all who have gone before us and remember them at the throne of God’s mercy. Jesus makes it clear that belief in him has established a special relationship that will never die. It is faith that lives in immortality because this love of Christ is stronger than death. Can we really feel how strong this love can be? God’s love will never let go of you. That embrace transcends anything that death can dole out because we are carried by Christ from the darkness of sin and death into the arms of the Father. This is a joyful day because we celebrate the resurrection with full knowledge that we are loved and remembered by Almighty God, even as we have seen from those who have gone before us. Memory has a unique capacity to make real what we think was lost. God has remembered every last one of us because we are fed from the table of the resurrected Lord, making us what the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins called an “immortal diamond.” We shine out, as do those we commemorate today, with the glory of Christ’s promise in a love that will never die. November is Remember Our Veterans Month “One of the most vexing problems (today) in American society is the outstanding number of veterans that are jobless and/or homeless many times due to the disability they sustained while serving (our) country.” During the month of November our parish will sponsor a collection to aid our brave women and men who have served our nation in the armed forces. The parish Respect Life team is working in conjunction with the local Disabled American Veterans Chapter 120. The following items have been requested by the DAV chapter. They may be brought to church and placed in the DAV display space on the sanctuary step: Toiletries for men and women (including toilet paper); Winter clothing for men and women – hats, scarves, socks, boots, gloves, sweaters & jackets – new or gently used; Blankets, pots, pans, utensils, dishes, crock pots, toasters; Tops gift cards or Burger King gift cards All items will be distributed by Disabled American Veterans Chapter 120 to veterans in need who are vetted by the DAV. God bless our veterans! And may God bless you for your charity! Our Catholic School….. Prayer Pillowcases Prayer Pillowcases are more than just a pretty place to lay your head! They’re a unique way to bring Catholic art and prayer into your home, the A and R in STREAM! Prayer Pillowcases are a practical way to share the Faith with your family and friends. They make a fantastic Christmas present for all your loved ones! I fell in love with these at the last National Association of Catholic Schools convention. So, I am holding my own fundraiser for St. Andrew’s Country Day School, and also promoting prayer at bedtime with children. The prayer pillowcases also reinforce reading skills! Where can you get them? At the Craft & Gift show on November 16th or you can place an order at the school office starting October 30th. I will have some on hand and take orders once I run out. Love and respect. Dr. Dimitrievski Around the Corner: November 1 - All Saints Day November 2 - All Souls’ Day and daylight savings time ends November 4 - No school for students, Election day, teachers at Professional Development November 5 - Elementary Principal’s Meeting hosted by SACDS and Confirmation at 7 p.m. Thank You On behalf of the Sisters of St. Mary, I wish to thank you for the warm welcome you gave us earlier this month and your interest in our future. We have so many fond memories of the students and families of St. Andrew’s. Thank you for your donations to our campaign which have already begun to be received. May you be blessed for your kindness. Sr. Marian Baumler Catholic Relief Services Thanks You Thank you for your generous support of the special collection for Catholic Relief Services held last weekend at the request of Bishop Malone. Your gift will help with relief efforts and pastoral support for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. Pray for Peace. MARRIAGE BANNS Thomas Shiah and Melissa Bungo PARISH STEWARDSHIP TALLIES FOR OCTOBER 20-OCTOBER 26 (as indicated by the colored time & service cards collected) HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE – 79 HOURS OF SERVICE TO THE PARISH – 65 HOURS SPENT IN PRAYER – 119 Have you done your part this week to make the world a better place? Do you know where the time and talent cards for stewardship are found in the church? The pink, blue and yellow cards are sitting in baskets at the church doors. Place your “hours” of prayer and service for the week in the regular Sunday collection basket and watch this space as we tally our gifts generously given to one another each week. An hour spent knitting a Prayer Shawl is an hour of prayer or of parish service. ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION NEWS Contact: Kathy Seel – Email: [email protected] Face book page: “St. Andrew CYO” 1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. St. Andrew’s CYO November Dates: CYO meeting: Sunday, November 2, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. in School Cafeteria CYO Community Service Project: Craft Show Set up & Take Down Saturday, November 15: Noon – 3:00 p.m. Sunday, November 16: 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. *Please help the Holy Name and HSA CYO Middle School Dance Fundraiser: Saturday, November 22, 2014 Middle School Students: 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. McNulty Hall through Monsignor Donovan Center Doors Halloween Event had a great turn out! Thank You to all the families for visiting and re-uniting in faith, food, fun and friendship. We are grateful for all donations of nonperishable food, and also the contributions of yummy treats for our refreshment table. A Huge Thank You to all of the Volunteers who contributed their time and talent to make this Event a success! From the desk of Carolyn Liarakos “Rejoice in the Lord, Always!” St. Andrew’s Craft & Gift Show SPECIAL EVENT: “RAISE the PRAISE to the November 16th, 2014 9:30AM - 4:00PM Tables Still Available: 8ft $50.00/12ft $60.00 ($5.00 early bird Discount) Last years event drew in over 600 people! Vendor’s: For an application please contact us at: [email protected] Or contact St. Andrew’s rectory @ (716)873-6716 RAFTERS Children’s Choir” All children of the parish are invited to participate as members of a special event choir to help celebrate St. Andrew’s 70th Anniversary, Saturday, November 29 at the 4:00 Mass (Short rehearsal 3:00 PM) Check the web site and watch the bulletin for online sign-up and links to songs for practice at home or call 873-6716 Ext 101 for more information. Confirmation Choir Extra rehearsal time has been set aside on Nov 4 at 7:30 PM in the Church. Singers who would like a little extra practice may come at that time. Youth/Children’s Choir will sing next Sunday, November 9 at the 11:30 Family Mass. Rehearsal is at 11:00 in the Church. Due to the change in the Religious Education classes the Children’s choir is presently rehearsing on Sunday morning 8:45-9:25 in McNulty. We are still looking for a time to practice during the week. Stay tuned for more info. The Youth/Children’s Choir will also sing Christmas Eve at the 4:00 Mass in McNulty. Faith Contemporary Ensemble rehearses on Monday evening at 7 PM in the Church. Parish Adult Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Church thru October. ***Beginning November 9 the Adult Choir will rehearse on Sunday’s at 10 AM in Rm 112 in the school. NEW DAY AND TIME! Midnight Mass Choir: This year we will try something different so that folks don’t have to be driving at night during bad weather. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday morning November 9 promptly at 10 AM until 11:10 in the school Suzuki room. We will continue to practice on Sunday mornings throughout the winter. Because this will involve transporting music and books please call the music office or send an e-mail through the parish web site to sign up. You can enter through McNulty doors and follow signs. For more information or to sign up please call the Music Ministries Office, 873-6716 Ex 101 Our mission: “That the music we make blesses you and inspires your call to discipleship” 1545 Sheridan Dr. Kenmore NY, 14217 Catholics Come Home Program The Diocese of Buffalo is preparing to embark on a campaign called “Catholics Come Home.” This campaign constitutes a significant expression of our commitment to empowering Catholics and helping to lead hundreds of thousands home to the Catholic Church here in the Buffalo Diocese and throughout the country. Bishop Malone, in a recent letter to the parishes of the diocese wrote: “I know that you share my concern for the many Catholics who can be touched so profoundly by this effort. I am convinced that now is the time to start using a combination of television ads, social media messages, and personal invitations to re-energize our people and reach out to the inactive Catholics all around us.” Bishop Malone has requested the launch of a special campaign to support the “Catholics Come Home” program. He writes: “The impact of any media campaign is dependent upon the amount of purchasing power we have to leverage our viewing market. That is part of my reason for appealing for your support at this time. More importantly, you know that even the best conceived and most beautiful media campaign can only bring folks to our doors. It is the warmth of our welcome that will insure their decision to stay.” Envelopes for this campaign are included in this week’s bulletin. If you would like to donate by check please make your check payable to “Catholics Come Home.” You are welcome to place the special campaign envelope in any regular Sunday Collection OR you may mail your contribution directly using the envelope provided and affixing first class postage. An introductory message from Bishop Malone will be played at all Masses this weekend explaining this new program. The DVD portion of the presentation can be viewed on our parish website. Ladies of Charity Christmas Bazaar Sunday, November 2 10 am–4 pm Loyola Room We will be selling ladies’ and children’s pj’s and nighties, knitted baby items, ladies and children’s aprons, pre-K aprons, winter hats, mittens, booties and scarfs, beautiful tree ornaments, jewelry, and Buffalo Bills aprons for men and children. Holy Name News November 2014 Mon., Nov. 10 7:30 p.m. McNulty General meeting– Speaker: Steve Cichon, radio newsman, professor and writer on Buffalo history Sat., Nov. 15 !2:00 McNulty and gym Set up for craft show Sun., Nov. 16 9:30-4:00 McNulty and gym Holy Name/HAS Craft & Gift Show Mon., Nov. 24 7:30 McNulty Board Meeting Tuesday, November 4th is Election Day Remember to Vote…Be a Faithful Citizen Visit – to explore how you can love your neighbors by advocating as a faithful citizen on behalf of those who are poor and vulnerable. As you prepare to vote this week, read the U.S. Bishops’ statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, watch videos, download postcards, and access other great resources on faithful citizenship. Please pray for our Confirmation Candidates who will be Confirmed by Bishop Malone on November 5th at 7 p.m. Megan Barnes Matthew Doverspike Alexis Dymond Peter Fiorella Mark Fitzner Zachary Foster Marina Frears Jessica Fremming Julia Harzynski Bradley Hermann Michael Hoadley Kaitlin Hodges Marygrace Hodges Nicolas Hodges Christina Kolkmann Kelli O’Donnell Lynn Randall Liam St. Pierre Katherine Schibler Claire Schoemick Amanda Serena Matthew Shivinsky Owen Wegman Joseph Wrona Jack Ziemann November Ongoing... Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 pm NARNAR-Anon Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:30 am Food Pantry Wednesdays 7:00 - 9:00 pm AA Thursdays 10 am - 2 pm Ladies of Charity Thursdays 6:456:45-8:15 pm Prayer Shawl Bingo Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7:30 pm Sunday 7:00 pm Marian Ministries Our next monthly meeting will be held on Monday, November 3, at 7:00 PM in McNulty Hall. This meeting will be open to all women of the parish and beyond. Please bring Thanksgiving holiday napkins or table decoration that can be included in the St. Vincent de Paul baskets. Along with the St. Vincent de Paul pantry, St. Andrew's offers a variety of outreach to parishioners and to our community. Representatives from these groups will be at our meeting to give us a brief overview of what they do. We'll have our usual 50/50. It could be your lucky night! Come, and bring a friend. Everyone, from near and far, is welcome! St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Who would think to go Trick or Treating for our St. Vincent de Paul pantry? The Wegman Family and 8 wonderful friends! Thank you for your generosity of time and caring for those in need. May God Bless you all. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. The pantry is in need of turkeys and their trimmings by November 20th. CELEBRATE ST. ANDREW'S PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE We're recognizing our 70 year history, our recently appointed Pastor, Parochial Vicar and Deacon, and the start of a new Church year, with renewed energy! Saturday, November 29, we'll begin with the 4:00 Mass, followed by an international coffee bar (and some appetizers and desserts!). Be sure to be part of the celebration and pass the invitation along to all our community friends and neighbors. If you have any photos of St. Andrew's, former clergy and staff, or from the school and parish events, please share them. There will be an envelope in the Lowell entrance for you to drop a copy off. We'll put them into a collage for the 29th. Please don't give us your originals! For more information, call Michelle at 725-6860. Kenmore Housing Authority C. Mertz and Son Funeral Home, Inc. James K. Mertz, Director 911 Englewood Avenue Patricia Mertz, Director 836-2935 Northtowns Medical Group Edward Stehlik, MD, FACP Donald Gullickson, II, DO Brie Leaird, P.A. • Deborah Wydysh, NP-C 1783 Colvin Blvd. 874-2150 Senior Citizen Housing 657 Colvin Blvd. 874-6000 EVERYONE DESERVES A BEAUTIFUL SMILE WEGMAN MOTOR WORKS INC. “SINCE 1934” DISCOVER THE POSSIBILITIES! Outdoor Power Equipment Parts • Sales • Service RAYMOND ODE (716) 876-1330 1500 Kenmore Ave. 875-2321 2575 ELMWOOD AVE. KENMORE, NY ~Free Consultations~ HANLEY ORTHODONTICS PAULA’S DONUTS CALL TODAY 871-1614 Baked Fresh Daily Open 7 Days - 4am-10pm FREE DELIVERY 2446 Elmwood Avenue 862-4246 2319 Sheridan Dr., Tonowanda 959 Kenmore Avenue 873-1444 Deli & Cafe Consider Remembering PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP Your Parish in Your Will. 3024 Delaware Avenue • Kenmore, NY 14217 877-6829 Homemade Soups • Catering Eat-In • Take-Out For further information, please call the Parish Office. Monday-Saturday 11:00AM to 8:00PM Manicure • Pedicure Acrylic • Overlay • Solar Nails Shellac Gel • Pink & White 2321 Sheridan Dr. (716) 875-1888 Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Closed Sunday Appts. & Walk Ins Welcome ........ ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 4611 Genesee St. Cheektowaga, New York 14225 *First Three Months (across from Buffalo-Niagara Airport) Open 7:00 am til Midnight Garage Doors • Service & Repair 232 Sawyer Ave. • Tonawanda 895-9245 Free Estimates Certified Public Accountant Roofing • Siding • Trim Replacement Windows Gutters • Doors SERVICING: SCHOOLS, DELI’S, LITTLE LEAGUES Accounting • Auditing • CANDY • GROCERIES • SNACKS • DRINKS, ETC. Income Tax Services 3780-3790 HARLEM RD. • Cheektowaga New Clients Welcome DEREK DERIGO, VICE PRESIDENT • PARISHIONER 2690 Sheridan Dr. 835-5733 (716) 834-7578 873-5650 Parishioner 185 Delaware St. Tonawanda NY 14150 (800) 736-3357 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Weddings Birthday Get Well Anniversary Gift Baskets Sympathy Plants North Buffalo’s Largest Auto Resale Center Mike Gjorgievski General Manager DAVID SEROTA (716) 983-1768 Funeral Breakfasts First Communions Big Groups Welcomed Edward F. Hacherl IRWIN ROOFING Residential • Commercial Jim Irwin 839-4022 • 839-2978 D. LAWRENCE GINNANE FUNERAL HOME 3215 Delaware Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. 873-4774 Thoughtful, Personalized Service Since 1977. Complete Funeral, Cremation & Preneed Arrangements. Experienced Full Service No Appointment Necessary! 2677 Delaware Ave., Kenmore (716) 877-1500 | Cell (716) 870-5647 CARISSA GRISANTI FIVE STAR ROOFING (716) 602-3650 & LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE North Town Real Estate Specialists! ROOFING | SIDING | SNOWPLOWING WEEKLY LAWN CARE | LANDSCAPE DESIGNS CUSTOM TRIM | SEASONAL CLEAN-UPS CALL MIKE CIPOLLA & MIKE LUTZ ( PA R I S H I O N E R S S T. A N D R E W S ) ◆ A Diocesan Cemetery ◆ Don’t leave this decision to your loved ones. 4000 Elmwood Ave., Kenmore 028575 St Andrew Church 716.828.6279 LOCALLY SENIOR OWNED, CITIZEN 873-6500 LICENSED DISCOUNT & INSURED AVAILABLE For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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