WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday, October 20th - 9:00 a.m. St. Hedwig, religious & St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin Basil Bannon - The Famiy 9:35 a.m. - Rosary Tuesday, October 21st - 6:30 p.m. Bill & Anne Chapman - George & Christine Mantler 6:00 p.m. - Rosary - Luminous Mysteries Wednesday, October 22nd - 9:00 a.m. Giovanna Vioto - Elda Daneluzzi 6:45 p.m. - Cenacle (Rosary & Divine Mercy) Thursday, October 23rd - 6:30 p.m. St. John of Capistrano, priest Gino Defent - Henk & Tina Captein 7:05 p.m. - Divine Mercy Friday, October 24th - 9:00 a.m. St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop Norm Cooper - Marjorie Cooper 9:35 a.m. - Rosary Saturday, October 25th 10:00 a.m. - Respect for Life Prayer Hour 5:00 p.m. - Mass with Traditional Choir ___________________________________ Sunday, October 26th 10:00 a.m. Mass with Traditional Choir 6:00 p.m. - Mass with Contemporary Choir Sunday Collection Loose Collection Building Fund PAR COLLECTION for the week of Oct. 12th $3,280.75 (137) $ 129.60 $ 181.00 (12) $ 940.00 (27) TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 19, 2014 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK - at homes and in the hospital - Betty Boulton, June Edgehill, Fred Pember, Norma Skinner and others who are ill. May the Lord grant them strength and healing. FOR THE RESIDENTS OF THE NURSING HOMES/RETIREMENT HOMES - Pat Lunt, Trudy Jongerius, Anna Bajer, Shirley Muirhead, Isabelle Fountain, Johanna Antonissen, Pauline Ormerod, and Maggie McCabe, John Cox, Catherine McElhone, Mary Emonts, Josita Hawley. REMEMBER ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE DIED especially Marinus Machielsen, brother-in-law of Jeff & Wilma DeBruyn of our parish and Louie Odorico, brother-in-law of Silvana Mior. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in the peace of Christ. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE - We are looking for parishioners that have envelope number 228 and 272. If you have either one of these set of envelopes at home, please call the office as soon as possible at 519-485-1802 COATS FOR KIDS/FAMILIES - We are accepting donations of new, gently used coats, snowsuits, snowpants, and other winter clothes for children of all ages/families. We will be accepting all donations at all the Mass times on the weekend of October 18/19th. K. OF C. ACTIVITIES FAMILY BREAKFAST - will be held today, Sunday, October 19th in Henderson Hall following our 10 a.m. Mass. Everyone is welcome. Free will offering gratefully accepted. GENERAL MEETING - will be held on Monday, November 3rd in Henderson Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. SOCIAL NIGHT - will be held on Monday, November 10th in Henderson Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. More details to follow. MEMORIAL MASS - will be held on Tuesday, November 11th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Social to follow in Henderson Hall RIGHT TO LIFE ACTIVITIES 40 DAYS FOR LIFE AT VICTORIA HOSPITAL IN LONDON - This amazing prayer vigil is taking place in 539 cities and 24 countries as we pray for the preborn , their parents, and for all those involved in the abortion industry. “40 days for Life has proven to be an effective means of helping to build a culture of life and bring to people’s consciousness an evil which is often hidden in our society” 40 Days for Life begins on Sept.24th until November 1st from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day of the week but not on Sunday. We in Ingersoll plan to go Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. ,if able to attend please call Wilma at 485- 2679. QUILT DRAW will be on held on Saturday, November 22nd at Henderson Hall beginning at 9:30 a.m. with Breakfast. The draw will take place at 11:30 a.m. Speaker TBA. For more information please call Wilma at 519-485-2679. St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s League Fall Rummage Sale Will be held in the parish hall on Saturday October 25th from 9 am to 12 noon at 51 Venison St. W., Tillsonburg. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - We have had a great response the last several years with Operation Christmas Child and would like to do it again. Please take a box and make a child happy with the power of a simple gift at Christmas. Boxes must be returned to the Church no later than Sunday, November 16th. Thank you for your support! C.W.L. ACTIVITIES MEMBERSHIP - We are in the process of collecting membership fees for 2015. Please return your fees in the envelope that was in the bulletin at the end of September. If you missed that bulletin there are still envelopes at both entrances of the church. Thanks for the speedy response we have already received. HOLLY DAZE BAZAAR will be held on Saturday, November 8th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and on Sunday, November 9th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Any donations for the Bazaar can be dropped off at Henderson Hall on Friday, November 7th from 1:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. CHOIR NURSING HOME VISITS - The Choir is responsible for the Nursing Home Visits on Sunday, November 2nd beginning at Woodingford Lodge at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! “ALLIANCE FOR LIFE ONTARIO” is pleased to invite you to a workshop on euthanasia, assisted suicide, organ harvesting, powers of attorney for healthcare and much more on Saturday, November 1st at St. Peter’s Cathedral Parish Centre {South Door} from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . Registration is $25.00 for the day. Please call 519-842-7797 for more details or contact Wilma at 519 485 2679. HAMPER REGISTRATION At St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church 56 Thames St. South Ingersoll, Ontario (use rear entrance & go downstairs) Dates & Times Monday, November 17th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday, November 18th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursday, November 20th 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Green Manor, 111 Brock St., Thamesford Wednesday, November 19th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Please note: ALL applicants must bring the following - Proof & source of income; health card for ALL family members and proof of rent and utilities. Registration will NOT be taken at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. ONE hamper per household. SENIORS 55+ ACTIVITIES EUCHRE - will be held on Tuesday, October 28th in Henderson Hall beginning at 1:30 p.m. $3.00 admission and a light lunch will be provided. Everyone is welcome! DINNER & MEETING - will be held on Wednesday, October 29th in Henderson Hall. Dinner at 12 noon and meeting to follow. TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We, along with Catholics throughout the world, are called to offer our prayers and generous financial support through the Propagation of the Faith, for the worldwide mission of Jesus. Your gift on World Mission Sunday helps... to bring the Gospel to the poorest of our human family. Cathechists proclaim the message of hope and peace that only Christ can give. Please offer prayer for the work of the Church today in the Missions of Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and the remote regions of Latin America. Also, please be as generous as you can today, World Mission Sunday. PRAYER SHAWL GROUP will meet Thursday, October 23rd from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Oxford Retirement Home. Anyone interested in contributing to the Prayer Shawl Ministry but unable to attend the gathering is welcome to participate. Information packages and patterns are available by contacting Faye Brekelmans at 519-2855321. Attention Grade 8 Students and Parents … St. Mary’s Catholic High School Welcomes You ! Orientation Visit St. Mary’s Catholic High School has scheduled an orientation day for Grade 8 students on November 5th during the day. Any Grade 8 Student in a Catholic Elementary School will be attending with his/her teacher. Any student in a Public Elementary School who would like to attend should contact the Guidance Department at St. Mary’s for more information (519-675-4435 ext. 27040). From the Pastor’s Desk, MARK MALONEY’S ORDINATION Mark’s Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate will be a week from Monday. There will be a number of priests present for this liturgy with Bishop Fabbro presiding which will begin at 7:00 p.m. on October 27th. The Catholic Women’s League members are organizing a reception in the parish hall following the ceremony. I want to assure all those that wish to come that you are most welcome to join us for this celebration. Please continue to pray for Mark as he makes the final preparations for this important moment of commitment to the Lord and His Church. HEROES OF SACRIFICE There are now two posters on the bulletin boards of the seminarians studying at St. Peter’s Seminary for the Diocese of London. One of them is Mark Maloney whom we are familiar with. There are seminarians studying at St. Peter’s who are not studying for our diocese. There are also prayer cards on the tables at the two entrances of the Church. You are invited to take a prayer card home and to pray for those who are pictured on the prayer cards. May the Lord provide shepherds according to his own heart for all the communities in our diocese. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE IN LONDON The pro-life prayer and fasting campaign, 40 Days for Life, is now taking place in 24 countries worldwide. The London Area’s 40 Days for Life will take place outside London’s main abortion facility, Victoria Hospital at Commissioners and Wellington. There is more information in the bulletin and we encourage those who are able to join in this public show of support for the lives of the pre-born. There is a group of volunteers who are participating in this project from Ingersoll who are going in Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00p.m. Please call Wilma at 485-2679 if interested. EXPANDING OUR CD COLLECTION Our CD that we would like to highlight this week is entitled, KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH by Dr. Timothy Gray. Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. Pick up a copy at our CD library located at the entrance off the parking lot. HALL PARKING AREA The area south of the hall where there is some parking will be cleaned up because of the pavement breaking up. The concern is that the present situation is a safety hazard and so we have applied and received permission to proceed with replacement of the parking area which will be expanded to provide parking for a few more cars. OUR VIDEO SERIES CONTINUES Early this year, we began a video series entitled, DISCOVERING CHRIST. On November 5th we will begin the presentation of the second part of the series entitled, FOLLOWING CHRIST. The program will follow a similar format to the last series and will begin at 6:00 with a meal followed by the video presentation and a time of discussion . The evening will conclude by 8:30 and it is not necessary that you have participated at the first series in order to participate with us at this one. The series will run every Wednesday from November 5th to December 3rd. Please contact the office if you are coming to make certain we have enough food prepared. This is a great opportunity to deepen our faith commitment and grow in our understanding of discipleship.
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