Document 4050

,...---------------------------------, .....'"
Gains of 1960's For Third World Students Under Attack
2500 wds/Photo and graphics
STUOENTS: Trial Begins For Berkeley Students Protesting Investments in Apartheid
500 wos................................
LABOR: Coors Beer Figllts Back
600 wds.......
. ....•
Investigatlon Questions Past Business Practices of
Carter Friend and Budget 80S5
1000 wds..................
GOVERNMENT: Maryland Governor Convicted Of Bribery
.....150 wds..........................................
LABOR: Coal Company Creates Front To Keep Out UMW
*250 wds.........................
. .. 6
BOLIVIA: Prepares For 150,000 South African IIrmigrants
600 wds
ZAIRE: Zaire Does Land Office Business. Peddles Territory to
German Company
600 wds..
THAILAND: Thailand's Political Prisoners and U.S. Responsibility
1300 wds/Graphic..
BRITAIN: Racist Political Party Provokes Violence
gOO wds.......................
PUERTO RICO: Independence Forces Score Gains in U.N. Decolonization Hearings
1500 wds/Photo
......... 11
"'Denotes short, 250 words or less
Women Office Workers Award "Petty Office Procedure"
'250 wds
U. S. Exports Cancer-Causi n9 Contracepti ve to As i a
350 wds.........
Mercenary Recruiter's Claim Confirmed By Ex-CIA Agent
'250 wds
Anti-Scab Bill in Wisconsin Legislature
400 wds...........
Three More Activists Jailed By New York Grand
600 wds..
MTItE AMERICANS: Sterilization Suit Reaches Court
600 .ds
550 wds
Pesticide Chemical linked to Sterility and
KENT STATE: May 4th Coalition Charges Provocation in Kent State
550 wos
GAY RIGHTS: Den1Onstrations in Three Cities Demand "Human
Rights" For Gays and All MInorities
650 wds/photo
Peg Aver; ll/LNS
Drawi"g of Ori sa t rawonwut.
, .. ,
Photo of defllOnstration against "u::backs
Photo of U.N. hearings.....
Photo of demonstration at U.N
. •.. P-l
Hiroshima Day demonstration plloto........
August 26, 1977
-------------A gUiiL 26 19--'
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Tbe story 0:1 tr.e U. -. De_o l_n
Ccmmictee's hearings on FuErt~ Rl c on Page 11
~i~l prJbab y cecch you Just a= the Ccmm'ttcE
re~onvene5 ~o vo e on rte Cuban les=l_llon vn
SSpt-ember 1.
The ot ry can be ased by S~bS~lc_~~ng he
firiit two paragraphs ~ith the res~lts ~f the ~tE
The rea ot the article =onca~n5 ~nf~rmaL ~n ~n
the hearings chemse1,e2, their slgnlflron-a, ard
a general backg::-o';nd cf the iss.e of PUex.2
Rican independence as dealt Wlth by he U N
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includes over one hundred thousand sruden s statewide, IS also c.onsidering a proposal to raise the
7 CK; COLLEGE ST~ENrS FIGHT CUTS NATIONWIDE levels of national test scores and high school grade
point averages required for admission, in order to
[ BERhI_uN N~pe SerVtoe
decrease the number of entering students.
EW YORK (L S)--It was the ~nth Ot Aprl1, 1969,
The Committee Against Institutlonalized Racism
A~med bla k ~tudents at Cornell Unlversity oc~up1ed
(CArR) at the U of C. at Santa Cruz, in large prothe 5tudent unl0n bUl1dtng In an act of self-defense
tests last spring, pointed out rhat these tesrs
agalnSt untVerslty harassment of blacks and policies
"have proven to be culturally blased and racist as
that ex IJded blacks from getting a decent higher
well as inadequate indicators of indlVldual academlc
educ tlon
Iwo days after the oc upatl0n, a meeting
This plan will serve to systematically
of 8,000 Cornell students and tea hers prevented the
exclude working class, third world, and Native
unlverslty tram back~ng down on conceSSions to the
Amerlcan people."
blacK ~tudents, who went on to win 1ncreased ad~s­
Slons and programming
The students are demanding chat their college
vote down the proposal, and tha since there has
AIs~ 1n Aprll, 1969, black and Puerto Rican stubeen a drastic decline in the number of thlrd world
dents barri~aded ~hefuselves inside the Clty Universtudents at UCSC, the special admissions program,
slry ot New York (CUNY) and closed down the school.
now admitting 4% third world students, should expand
They were demand~ng that the school's admissions
to 8%.
polic.y reflect the population of the city's high
The City University of New York (CUNY), a S15tern with over 150,000 students, is considerlng
Bla k stodents at Alabama State College, Atlanta
implementation of a "Junior Skills Test" which the
UnlverStty, Hampton Institute and the University of
Board of Education expects would force oUt 15% of
Arizona were also demonstrating for heir rights that
the present student body. It would be taken the
junior year of college, and all who fal1ed It would
By the end of 1969, students across the country
be forced cut of school regardless of their grades
had begun to reverse admiss~ons, a~d and programm~ng
"Junlor Sk~lls" is an Eng11:.h and mathemat1CS
pOLlc~es which had for so long 11m~ted rhlTd wOTld
rest, which would immediately put at a disadvantage
people's as ess to hlgher education
students 1n other fields, and students for whom
But leSS than a decade later, slashed budgets,
Spanish or Chinese, not English, is their first
~ncreased 'U1t~ons, cutbacks at financial ald, new
adm1ssions restriCtl0ns, Ilm~tat~ons on special proThe Cost of Education
gramming and flring of the most progress1ve staff
members are qu~ckly erod~ng the earLier gains
ReIn ad~ition to the tightening admissions poltmaln~ng bsnefits are being kept al~ve only w~th concies at many schools, increased tuit10n and rutS In
stant se~dent vigilance.
f~nancial a_d are hitting hardest the thlrd world
and wo~k!ng class students acros- the country
AvAdmisslons Policies
erage tuitl0n, roem and board will cest $3.005 thlS
Whlle the number of blask and Latln students
year at public four-year colleges, and $4 905 a
enrolled in college nearly tr~pled rrom 1964-5 to
private ~choGls. A growing number of colleges have
1974-5, the enrollment stlll dld not reflect the~r
Joined the elite schools that w~ll cost more than
numbers in the general U S populatiOn
$7,000 for 1977-78.
age bla~k and Lat~n people repre5ented 16% of the
And the~e is evidence that scholarships awarded
population of that age group, but only 11% of all
on the basis of high school grades, or "merit", has
students enrolled ln college
And w~th new adbeen growing in comparison to aid on the baSiS of
m~S810ns restrlctions, the as yet unpublished figneed. . . 175 Stanfa~j Un:,e(s~ty sc~dy showed tha~ more
ures for the past two years are unl~kely to see
than haIr of the private and public schools out of
the percentage go upward
850 tallied, gave scholarships to students who
The University of Illinois IS DOW consider~ng
would not have received aid on the basis of need
an adm~ss~ons policy that would drastically reduce
Lac.k of f~nancial aid and increased t~l ~on
the enrollment of third world students, By the
costs mean many third world and worklng cla~· 5 uschool adminiStratl0n's own flgures, at least 41%
dents can ro !0nger afford a c,liege educatl0n
of the bla~k students, ~l% of the Larin students
A scaggericz 35,000 st~dents (18%) ~ere for"ed , r
and 9% at the whlte students adm~tted in the fall
of the C,ty University of New Yo_k (CUNY) bet~een
of 1976 would not be ad~tted under the new plan
September .975 ~~C Tan~ary 1977
The un~ver;ltV
Black and Latin students currently make up nearly
itself has admitted that the 1ffiposition of tulr.lnn
30% of the 20,000 students at the college
fees in Septemoer 1976 for the f1rst t~mc 1n ch~
Previously, the unlversity adm~tted a large
school's 129-year history was the ma~ fa,trr .0
number of students ranked in the top half of their
the reduct~on of the student bcdy.
class--whlCh meant that vict~ms of poor quality
~~'d ned ~as ber.c
re 01.:' ~t
high schools had at least a flghting chance to get
adm.lss _·.S ¥.,tJorJ aieer mass!. .~ black a'" d lat-in
~nto college.
The proposed admlSS10nS standard,
tesr:.s _~1::h
!)!-,l) s
'Ina: t,Jl . . . ;:v I ... wed N"'v
called the Selective Index, would place hea~er
C1ty h:igh ::"".00 ... gr;..Ulic:. es to 2t, ... E. th~ ~ . . emphasls on the notoriously b~ased natl0nal college
syst~m r2bU¥i~a&s of thsir g~ades. and ~ f~
testing sc.ores
The Un~verslty of Callfornla system, wh1ch
Page 1
Ll.berat.Lon New, 5er ice
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", gust 26, 1977
ma1nh Maans, blacks and Puerto Rlcans," a CUNY
~t den, t Id LNS
In add1tiOn, the 1977-78 CUNY
budge "1~ pos1ted on an ant1t1pated reduction of
appro 1mately 12,000 full-t1me &tudents from the
10 76-77 enrollment," according to a January report.
from University Chancellor Robert K1bbee to the
Board of H1gher Education. Furthermore, CUNY has
Just voted to end all financial aid to patt tLme
students 1n 1tS four year colleges
"The entire mission of CUNY 1S being redef1ned," said a protesting student
"The policy
of open admiss10ns has been replaced by mass exc1us10n. Education for the many is a thing of
the past and education for the few 1S the plan of
the future."
Across the country students have been
fighting tuition in~reases and financial aid cuts.
University of M1ami students occupied the preSident's office in April t.o protest a $200 tuition
hike and over a thousand students Signed a petition
against a tuition hike at the UniverSity of
After the 1969 rebellion at Cornell UniverSity, the administration said it would aim to
bUild a third world student population paralleling that of the U.S. population
But while in
1970 the black student.s represented 9% of the
Cornell st.udent body, the figure has already
dropped to 5-6%.
"People can't afford it and we can't get
enough cud," a black Cornell s tuden t told LNS
And in the past SiX years, Cornell's financial
aid office has failed to update itS cost of liVing
to be 281 Why can't you get a degree in Afro Studies'
have teachers been denied tenure?" The Widespread
opPosit.ion to the planned university cutbacks forced
the school to keep the program and hire four new teachers for the spring.
Large demonstrations this spring at the UniverSity
of Hawaii forced the school to make the Ethnic Stud1es
Program (ESP) a regular program after it had eXisted
for 7 years with only provisional status.
"It has been an uphill battle all the way," ESP
Acting Director Davianna McGreggot-Alegado said when
the annoucement was made. "Despite adverse conditions
the program has continued to grow. It has developed
SignifiCant resources and curriculum on the untold hrstory of Hawaii's multi-ethnic people"
Hostos College, part of CUNY and the only billngual
college in the east, was established at the lOsistence
of New York's Spanish-speaking community in the late
'60's. The very existence of the school was put in
jeopardy by the CUNY administration in 1975 and students have since had to stage a number of demonstrations to resist severe cutbacks.
Students at the Atlanta Junior College are currently fighting for credit to be given to Special Studies classes (to make up for inferior high school education) and for more black studies courses. They confronted the Georgia Board of Regents in July for refusing to eliminate the systematic exclusion of black and
other third world students. Hhile about 60% of the Atlanta population is black, only 15% of the students at
Atlanta's Georgia State University are black.
Firlng Progressive Faculty
In 1968 and '69, many of the country's 2,500
colleges and univerSitieS set up third world studies programs. But Since their inception, moSt
have suffered from insufficient funding and are
continuing to come under attack
A popular tactic of university administrations in
cutting third world programming is to fire or deny
tenure to the most progressive staff members in these
departments. At the University of California at Santa
Cruz last spring, demonstrations called for the rernstatement of Phil Mehas, "the one financial aid advisor
who has shown his true concern for the welfare of Native American students at UCSC."
Some programs dissolved in their fitst few
years due to small budgets and vaguely defined politiCal goals. Now, approxLmately 200 schools
have black studies programs and over 1,000 offer
at least one black studies course
But there are
few black stud1es departments; most programs are
A May rally at the California State campus in Los
Angeles demanded the reinstatement of Pan African Studies instrUCtor Clotide Blake (after 8 years of teaching) and four other progressive faculty members. And
it took months of protest at the University of California before black activist Harry Edwards was reinstated
as a sociology professor this spring.
SpeCial Programs
The program at Cornell UniverSity, considere~
one of the more st~ong and stable, is now being
In the fall of 1975 itS third world
studies center, COSEP (Committee on SpeCial Education Programming) had its power severely undercut when itS functions were diVided up and reasSigned to various departments within the university.
The budget of the tutorial program, considered of utmost importance for third world students from poorer high schools, was cut and tutorials for individual courses were left to the
discretJon of each department, rather than COSEP
Bakke Case
In addition to the battles being waged on indiVidual campuses to force administrations to provide decent educations for third world and working class students, a focus of national protest this fall will be
the Bakke case
The Bakke case is now being brought to
the U S· Supreme Court, challenging the validity of
special admissions policies for third world people
It stems from a suit brought by Allan Bakke,
charging that he was denied admission to the UniverSity
or California at Davis (UCD) medical school in 1973
and 1974 because he is white. Referrring to an admissions policy which allows 16 out of 100 admissions openings fo, students of "disadvantaged" backgrounds, he
contends that third world students less qualified than
himself gained entrance to the school
Student.s at t.he UniverSity of WisconSin in
Milwaukee had to fight hard last spring to keep
the univerSity from clos~g the1r Afro-American
Studies Daprtment, which was set up in 1969
Bakke planned his suit "against" the univerSity
They held a rally, signed petuions, and went to
by wOtk1ng in collusion with a UCD official, with the
the admjnistration to ask: "Hhy are there only 14
courses [in Afro-American Studies] when thete used
(continued on the inside front cover)
August 26, 1977
YORK (LNS -- While blacks n South
a, Z mbQb~e and N~bia ~arry on the fight
dgo~, ~ whl.te rule, Americans
r. v~and$ ~f ml.les away l.n Boll.vl.a are being warned
rhPTI' A rl.~'s galn rody be their loss. If
tPe B 11 government CaLrLes thr~ugh with present
f.- I · he country Wl.ll soon scart receiving the
r_',~ oi some 30,000 white famJ.11es flee1ng the
~Js r
[bla~k maJorl.t) rule in southern Africa.
A ~~rdLng to Bo~~v~a L~bre, b~lle~in of the
JUderground Revolu~ionary Ler~ Movemant (MIR),
'hoO :n1~tary Junta headed by GeneIal Hugo Banzer
hQs bEen negotiating the deal S1nee 1975. And now
the orrangements ha e apparentL} been ~ompleted.
Dr· G~ido Strauss, Banzer's undeIsecretary tor
ffi1gratloo, confirmed earlier this year that the
government "would prcmote the of
large and important contl.ngents of white colonists
of German and Dutch extraction from Namibia,
Rh"desla and South Mrl.ea "
Srrauss clalmed tha~ the plan would help
larrease agricultural outpUt
But MIR has denounced l.t as "importatl.on of aparthel.d" and called
on Boll.V1a's own non-whl.te majorl.ty of Indians and
me~tizos to resist l.t
Some of the cost of the operation wi 1 be
pald by European countr1es which would rather not
have to deal chousands of returning white
Reportedly West Germany has offered to
puc up $150 mi lion chrough the Inter-Governmental
C~mml.~cee for European Migration to any South
Amellcan countr1es willing to accept the refugees
fr:>m majority rule. Only B:>livia cook the
Germans up on the offer.
Wh1te Sectlers co Get Choice Lands
Libre reports chat che immigrants
W1.ll be settled on prlme agn::ultural lands
re~ently developed at a cost ~f $15 m1llion with
he l.dea ot resettling pea3Bnt6 from the poorest
and mOSt heavily populated areas in Bolivia.
"By granting good lands Stich as those of San
Borja, Secure and Abapo-lz.~~g t'J the new colonisrs,"
MIR scates, "the Government will be handing over
all tbe facl.llties and advancages of a infrastr~~ture investment of che Bo~ivian people ... thus
denying to the Bo11vian campesinc che benefits of
pub11c works have been made possible by the
sacrili~e of the working class, the campesinos
and rhe BoliV1an peop~e in general."
In addl.tion, pol.nts cut James Goff, an editor
La;;z.namenca Press in Lima Peru, "A wbite imml.grat10n of ~he S1ze p~anned by che government will s1gnificantly alte~ Bc:~v~a's racial
Ccmpcgl.r_on. Approximately 15 percent of the
co~try's 5,900,000 l.nhabl. ants (i.e. 885,000
people) are of European orig~n and largely control
the ~~untry's goveIument and e~onomy. The addition
of 150,000 wh1tes of German and Dutch excract10n
will mean a 17 percent 1ncrease _0 the European
se tor of the population."
Even as chis is going
on, he government recently la~nched a massi.e
campaign of fa ced sterillzatl.On among the Quechua
and Ayma a Indians wh~ make ,-,p 70 percent of the
c~,ntry's populat10n
-30(Thanks ro NACLA and_Dlrect tr"m Cuba for info.)
Poge 3
NEW YORK (LNS) -- Now that a U S airlift ~f
arms and several thousand Moroccan troops have helped
him fend off an uprising i~ Shaba Province, ~resident
Mobutu Sese Seko of Zair~ has apparently decided
that his country is bigger than it really needs to
be after all. So he has C0m2 up with an ingenl.Jus
way of raising funds to bolster his shaky regime.
He has agreed simply to sell ene-tenth of che councry
to a West German corporation, to use as it sees fl.t
until the year 2000.
According to the Frehca
newspaper Le
Monde, Mobutu's go ernment bas signed an agreement
exchanging 100,000 square miles of Zairian terrirory
for $343.4 million from che German aerospace company
OTRAG. The contract granrs OTRAG complete control
over an area bigger tban Weat Germany itself, including the right to remove any or all of che narive
population. Under terms oE Arricle III of the
contract, as published in the Paris-based magazine
Afpique-As<Ve, "the state is bound, if requeated by
OTRAG, to evacuate all populat10n,"
Auctioning off one-tenth of the national
territory would seem to conflict with Mobutu's
claims of being a prophet of "authentiC
nationalism" (officially labeled as "Mobutism").
But the President-for-life doesn't have to werry
about vocal complaints from hls loyal c1tizens.
As the U.S. State Departmect conceded last Mar"h,
"Zairian citizens have li=ted rights of expressl.on
and would not feel free to ctiticize pub11cly the
President or his government."
If they did feel fIee, they would certainly
have plenty to criticize. Mol:>utu "has diverted
enough of his country's wealth into his personal
coffers to become one of the world's richest men,"
according to the Los AngeZes Times. He personally
owns a palace in each of's eight provinces,
in addition to a lO-square mile "
domain. " He uses an Ai r Zaire BoeLng 747 to
ferry him to other palaces he keeps in France,
Belgium and Switzerland. Meanwhile. the U.S
Agency for International Development admits that
among Zaire's !leneral population, "malnutritl~n is
endemic •.• [andJ at least 70 percent of the rural
population does not have access to health serv~ces.
Ie is not clear exactly what OTRAG plans to do
with its new 100,000 square Dule cract.
company has talked about building a base to launch
weather balloons, rock~Ls and 5Qte:~~tes
Bu~ che
contract doesn't li~it lt to doing only that.
OTRAG is joining numerous Amerl.can companies
which have made Zaire sec oed on:y to South Africa
as a location for U.S investments in sub-Saharan
As PreSident Carter explained at a press
conference to justify the al.rlift f military
supplies last March, "Over a period of years, President Mobutu has been a friend of ours. We've
enjoyed good relationships wirb Zaire. We have substantial commer::ial 1nvestments in that country."
-30(Thanks to Africa News for some of this
August 26,
By Gene
BERKELEY, C.a.(LNS) -- Pre-trial hearings
began August 9 in the case of 58 persons arrested
in connection with the June 2 occupation of
UC-Berkeley's Sproul Hall. The Sproul Hall
demonstration was a protest againet the universtty's
investment in corporations wlich. do husiw!.s. in
South Afr~ca. It also called for the overturning
of the Bakke "reverse discrimination" decision
in which the California Supreme Court ruled that
a Califo~a medical school with affirmative action
policies discriminated against white applicants.
A similar demonstration was held at Stanford May
9 at which 294 students were arrested.
Most of the Berkeley demonstrators are
charged with trespass, a misdemeanor, but some
face felony assault charges. One person entered a
guilty plea to charges of disturbing the peace
and received a suspended sentence.
The rest of the protesters plan to fight
their cases in court. A trial date of September 12
was set for the first group of twelve. Trial
dates for the remaining 46 have not yet been set.
On the same day, the case of Ramin Safizadeh,
a nemher of the Iranian Student Association (ISA},
was separated from the other defendants when it
was decided that there was enough evidence to
prosecute him on assault charges. The group sees
these charges as an attack on ISA and picketed
the pre-trial hearings, chanting "The Shah is a
fascist butcher, Down with the Shah," and "South
African people rising up today, U.C. investments
out of the way."
Safi.zadeh said, "The only way we can win is
to link it up with the 58, because if the government succeeds in splitting up the cases, the
individual defendants will be unable to organize
effective political resistance."
He cited two main reasons for the government's
action. "First of all, they are afraid of the
South Africa thing. They are afraid it will blow
up. Secondly, they single out the ISA because it's
an organized; mass organization. They think we're
foreign students, therefore we won't be supported
by the American students and American people."
There is a good chance that many of the trials will be going on when the fall semester begins
for the U.C. and the state and community college
systems. Harry Edwards, a black activist who recently won tenure at U.C.-Berkeley after a series
of campus demonstrations, predicted next year will
be one of the most explosive in the past ten years
on campus.
- 30 (Gene Zbikowski writes for the Berkeley Barb.)
ATTENTION COLLEGE EDITORS-If there have been any protests on your campus
against South African investments, let us know.
Also if there I s other news at your Y0U feel
we should know about, write or call DiS, lTW. 17th
St., N.Y., N.Y. 10011. (212) 989-3555.
Page 4
NEW YORK (LNS)--Injured by plUllllllQting sales
due to a union and consumer boycott, the Coors
beer company is taking the offensive with a new
advertising campaign, according to the trade publication Adveptising Age.
"So they've asked you to boycott Coors beer.
Consider these facts before you do," the ad pleads.
The full-page spread has popped up in five western
newspapers: the Denvep Post, Rooky MOWlta:in News,
Omaha WopZd HepaZd, San Diego Union Tnbune, and
the EZ Paso HepaZd & Times.
The ad speaks particularly to the almost 1,500
workers in Local 366, who walked off their jobs
April 5 at the Coors Company's Golden, Colorado
Workers have maintained that the brewing company discriminates in its hiring practices and that
women and Third World workers are placed in the
least skilled jobs with the lowest pay scales.
In a ruling in mid-May, the Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission (EEOC) stated tha the
Coors company has intentionally engaged in discriminatory hiring practices since July 2, 1975. The
ruling asserted that the company te1egaced women
to clerical and service jobs; and black and Chicano
workers to unskilled and semi-skilled jobs.
In addition, Coors has been cited by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for 15 violations of labor law. Among these are the compauy's
refusal to bargain in good faith, the written misrepresentation of contract language to union members,
and various violations of workers' rights.
Coors is demanding that the contract allow 22
different grounds for immediate firing, including
the refusal to take lie detector tests and refusal
to submit to an examination by a company doctor.
Workers explain that in the past, lie detect~r
tests have been used to harass workexs by asking
questions about political affiliation, sexual habits
and preferences, life style, and other information
not directly affecting job performance.
Defending itself against boycotters' charges,
Coors denies discrimination against women and minorities, and boasts that 65 per cent of the workers
originally on strike have returned to their jobs.
But workers have returned only under heavy
pressure from the company, according to Ray Marcoui11ier, a Coors worker for over three years,
now working full time for the Coors Boycott Committee
on $25-a-week strike pay.
"The very first day of the strike," he explained,
"Coors cut off all medical benefits for strikers."
And, Marcoui1lier adds, Adolph Coors even went on
t.v. and threatened that under no circumstanceswould
he hire back any of the strikers who stayed out.
Meanwhile, the boycott continues. In California,
where almost half of all Coors beer is sold, the
company's sales have declined19 per cent since the
boycott began, and are still falling.
- 30 -
August 26, 1977
more ••.
E fl
110.' QUE nONS PA:>l BU:>lt-l:.:>b PRAGl1GE:>
NSI -- A llbec~l
Od}mm n ~n ~mdl1 uOnL£j b~nK~) tXpl~ln~d Pr~~L­
d~n( CoT,e
n Oelense ~I hI; hlel [I~~_lol adVl'~Y. B r, Lan ~, who L~ D.rE.t~ •• l the 0lIl.e
of Ma :gtlll'i'f1t and Budget
1nve,tIgot on by the U S
but tew pevple
the) •
to nd J,.n -che
rE.dll when
.... ase
rding to the repott. reLco-ed
18, Lan 'e'~
thdt an
Compc!oller ut the Cur-
\.:;1mpalgn d>o- .... ount
... e::6-
f~l b~d
fvr g0v~rnO( vi ~c~l6.a WaS oV~Ldlo~n by
$152,161 in De.ember 197.
Lan e's wIle, LoBelle,
o_erdrew he person~l • aune by as mu~h as
$110,000 in the lase lour mvn[h~ vI 1974
N ne
Lance reJ.arive" amassed 0 erdrans t<;t,,11Iog
As late as May 197r Lon e's personal
account <~s overdrawn by $3,745
AlthoGgh IntereSt was .harged ~n s me ot
~ 'erdralts, the earlle! one~, In~luding
::.n·t....l. -ng I
: 5 r -I ee luans by
.... J.O
on AprIl 16, ...975 Lan_e rematked to a Manula urers
VIce preSIdent that the Nationol Bank ~t GeorgIa
(NBG) would "need a 6 od
rresp'ndant 10 New Y::rk "
Later thot day, d Man fa(tulers eXe utlve wrote
In a memo. "althougn it w"" n"t promIsed to us todd),
one would as~ume that sho~ld we make thIS loan, wa
would undoubt~dly be recelvIng slgnlIltant bus<oess
f rom the bank "
WIthin a week the loan request was approved; ~wo
weeks latet, the NBu opened a correspvndant a .ount
WIth Manuta_t,rers, depOSIting $250,000
The report
fmund anothe! $7 mIllIon In lcan~ that Lance se ured
under quesrionable clrcumstan~es from three ;)ther
c~rtespondant banks
The repoet 0150 dl5clo~ed that in 1975 and 1976,
the NBG corporate ~_!ploo was used by Carter lOt
campalgn Ot pers~nal teLps on six o.caoions
the dlStlosure, Carter saId he wIll be reImbursIng
the bank tor the u~e of the plane
The only reason,
saId Carter, thht the bank badn't been paId berace,
was a "bo.;.kkeepIng ovecslght "
Ca!te! Stands By HIS Man
For L~,~e's flnan la1 pea~tlCes, It obViously
helped t be wealthy and chlel ofllcee In two
banks where ne dId buslness
Lan~e headed tne
National Bank of Georgia and the Calhoun FIeSt
NatIonal Bdnk before mOVIng to n,S WhIte Hvuse
Lan_e s Calhoun bank was crltltiZed by Federal bank e~6nUners In Apell 1975 foe allowing the
Bur In October 1976, a Iedeeal bank
examiner WaS dIreCted by 0 reglonol admln1StratOr
to giVe Lanee s bank a "clean blll 01 health "
The next month, one d"y befoce Lance's nomInatIon as Dlr,~tor or the OffIce ot Management and
Budger, tne reg10nal bankIng admInIStrator rescinded an order to the Calhoun bank that WOUld have
made publi~ banking practices embarrassIng to Lante
On Decembec 2, 1976, one day arter Lance's nOmInation was announced, the U S AttOrney In Atlanea
terminated the crlrrnnal Inve~tlgatiOn grOWIng out
of the benk overdrafts, concludIng that the InVeStIgation had "liml-ted potentlal "
Repe.rt Shows "EVIdence" at
Potentially more serIoUS In the eyes of the law
than overdrawn checkIng a~counts. was Lance's questionable use of "correspondant bank"," In othet CitleS
Small bank~ often place lnterest-ftee depOSitS
In larger out-of-town "cor respondant banks" co compensate che larger bank for serVICes sucb as checkcleoring and foreIgn exchange
However, the practice 1S 11 ...egal If the depOSIt 15 a tually a "compensatin~ balao e" tor d loan by the co!resp"nd"nt
bank to an offl_er of the sm"ller bank
In et least one case, the !ep"" t said. "thece
is some (o ... umen[.ary and C1lc.umz,ti:Jnt1al eV1denc.c"
So far Ptesldent Carter has gIven Lan~e, hIS closest flnan~Ial "dVISOC, hlS untaliing support
the recent Compt!ollee's report concl ded thar rhere
wece some que~tl::nable prattl_es but nv VIolatIOns Or
law In LaDLe's bus ness a~[1V1C1es, Carter exLl~~med
to a haStIly called WashIngtOn news conteren e: "Ny
faIth In tne chara_tet and competence of Bert Lan_e
has been tecOnfirmed
fiI, seCVIce~ ro thIS ~ounr,y
can and should COntinue
BErr, I'm proud of y::u "
If Carter has the ch_he, "few CartetOlogl~tS
doubt where the Pre~Id€nt ~ h"=tt would lIe."A'3.o/;;-"~,k
explaIned, "Lan~e, dunng theIr decade 5 tomCade;Plp,
has been his fIrst money man 1n PO~ltl_s; hIS banker,
good tor a $1 mIllIon loan and a $3 9 million l~n~ ot
credIt tOt the Catter peanut busIne,o; h 0 -ouns"l::r
1n po11c~cs
and Cutor
.in ~~n&e!V~(16m; h1S m1~~10nary
to the Intldels s~attered tram CapItol HIll to Wall
Street,t1 r.he magaz,1ne wrote 1n 1[E- Au 6 us-t 29 15Sl.J.e
Nevertheless, others In WashIngtOn are ready to
leap on the AdmlnistratlOn's inabIlIty to choose a
chiel fInanCIal managec above bus1nes= improprIetIeS
As admIttedly partIsan fotmee Republican Part} halrman Senator Robert Dole pOIntedly asksd: "Would you
buy a used bank trom thIS man I "
Lancp WIll be ta.lng at least three CongressIonal
hearings -- the Senate's Government Aftaus Committee
and two bankIng commIttees -- on hI< past bUSIness
practIces when Congress reconveneo thIS fall
•• *~**
NEW YORK (LNS) -- (,overnoe Marvin Mandel of
Maryland and five bUSIness d5SOClate~ were conv1cted
AuguSt 23 on 18 countS each ~I mall fraud and 0 K
Outslde the ~vurth"use, a crowd he.kleo
Man de as he left, shOutIng, "See )OU In Jall, Marv."
and "Give hIm 35 years "
Most observers at the tClal exp~ct that ~~ndel
will receIve a token senten'e ot less than 2 years,
although theoretIcally he could ,e.elve 105 years In
The bank involved was New Yv!k's Manucacture_~
Mandel was charged WIth a;,eptlng $350,000 In
Hanover Jrust Co , the naclon's fo !th largest
brIbes 1n ex~hange fo! fa.orab e ~tate declslvns tor
bank. Altee dIscussing a request toc a $2 6 m1l1ion
bUSIness a~so l"tes
fie I; the tltth governor or exloan request WIth bank offICIals ln New York Clty
l!:overnor c"nvlcted on rprlp",) har"c:o In the Da~t 10
-jOLLBERAflI.JN E:we 5C:lvLce
PA"E 5
August 26, 197(11876)
that Lan e broke the law whIle securing loans for
correspondant banks
rRO '1
YORK (LNS)--A "orf.dEn 1al mem~ .T~ een
pres1dene of ehe Bl~. Diem nd Ccal Company
~hae ehe ~omFany -r~
ed he S'ct1a Coal
pany n order co keep the m ne s f om s gnepresentational _0 ra~e ~1 h the Un ted
Work rs (UM\oI)
It Wd_ at the non-un o~1z~d SCOt1d mine
that t. n e.plosions 1n 1976 k1.1ea a total of
23 1.ners and three federal m ne inspec ors
In a memo cited as etIden e for a laws it
11 ed by he widows of 5 men k1tled n the
f.~rst S ot a explosion, Blue Dtamund Pres.l.dent
Gordon Bonnyman expla1ns thdt "We (Blue D.amond)
will want to operate th1s p' perty eSc tia mining
_peration) under a different corporar1on beCduse of our labor contrat.t with the UHW "
At that time, the union ontraet establishing UMW representation ae Blue D1amond's Leatherwood Hlne 1n Perry County als r~qu1red the
.omp9ny co allow any new m nes 1t might open
to be trganized by the UHW
Safety in the mines has long been a key
reasen for trying to ga n un n rEprEsentation
At Bl e Diamond's Seearns, Ky m1ne, for example, miners have been cut on stt1ke for more
than a year because of c mpany resls anee to
union demands for safety pr. isions
NEW YORK (LNS)--Protesting hum1l1at cn and
lack of respect on the Job, Gte eland Women
WOyklng recently ran a conte~t tc pick the
"pett1est office procedure" Ihe women off1.ce
workers' organizat10n awatded fitst prize to
the law firm Kelley, McCann & livingstOne, where
a senior partner requires a se~retary t keep
on hand a fresh supply of carrots,
Second prize went to Universal Film Exchanges, whose women secretaries are nct trusted
around the telephones. To make sure they won't
be used for personal calls, desk ph0nes n that
office have no dials
Another secretary compla1ned about having
to "count and roll the coins from the boss's
child's piggy bank." Anoeher ..oman protested
her job assignment of ptesen 6 for her
boss's mistress.
~n t~tters. n
1n ~he
U.S. becauae
~~ 1
10 A_:A
0n"'ra ep
ar er-·a
In addit n, the drug £ ~ont a ept.
are often permanent, making - er £ many
who take it.
"Given what ~e kno'-" e:bo
ef-e t;
Johnson of tha He2~th Resear~h Croup n Wash r~t n,
"it's probably W,a ee tc. gi 'e ~
c As an '" m n
than to women here." No~ing that the n~ld r t .t
cervical cancer going undete~red t~s been red ed
somewhat by increased illon~t~_~ng in the Unl'~d
Statee, Johnson added that "tne nanCES J[ r
tho e '-
~] gE:.~t ...
1 05
are far lesso"
Depo-Provera can no larger be marketed 10 he
U S as a contraceptive beta se 1tS u e ~n-reases
a woman's susceptibility to cancer of he
and the breast.
In additicn, according tv Dr Ken Rosenberg
of the Health Policy Ad'isory CenLe: in . ew YL-k,
"You can't be sure it's r ....verc:o ble!l Roserbe"'g
cites the standard textbook of he med1 al. <bl1shment, Goodman and GilJndn's '!he Phar'"
9 aaZ Bas's of Therapeutias: "Ihe dose s ,50 =11.grams every thtee months, b • ~ho ld be uoed o~ y
if the possibility of per~ne~' lnfertl11ty 1>
acceptable to the patient ,.
Aooording tc the Nxwhast<-." G=d.a>l, there.
is Widespread exper~mental ~se in thE Ih rd World
of dangerous or ~ubstandard drugs Lha are pI_du ed
by Western pbQrma~p-utical comr an1es, but are n~t
legally allowed in the ccurtry of orig1n
- 30 ***************k***T*******~*~~********~**~~*~*~_~
NEW YORK (LNS)--David Bufk.n, a f.rmer GrEen
Beret who openly admits to recruiting mercen~ries
to oppose progressive forces in the countries of Angola and Zimbabwe, clalffis tha~ '-he JUstice Department will nCt prosecute him be ause he
"knows too much." He also stated tha the Jt.i>tice
Department would avoid prosecut on be.ause he was
working with the C!A.
During tbe tria~ of thirteen Brl sh and Ame:~­
can mercenaries :'n Angola last summer, Bufkin sen r
the tribunal two telegrams taking respons:'b~l,ty
for two of the ~~ericans, Ga7y A-ker and Danlel
Gerhart. He added, "I am also tbe recru~ter fo
U.S forces in Rhodesia."
HiE assertions WEre re=ently con[1Tmcd b) a
"I th1nk you can make a be tet use of
lron than forging it intO chains
It you must
have the metal, put it int~ Shdrpe's rl les
It is a great deal bet er uSEd that "ay than
i..N5,,--An in)E:::~3ble
efferrs 1s n~w being w_d~ly p- m ed aor~ad a cording 0 he Mar£hes~qr G~vc
0 v 500,000
women in Asia, espac1a::ly i~ Ihailand are being
administered the drug Depr.-P_o Era
--Wendell PhilllpS, aboli
12-year CIA veteran who ~orked In Afr1ca and ~et
Nam, John Stoc~.all. According to Sto-kwell. eha
agency recently assign~d somecne to remove from
Bufkin's file any docum.ents w.,lCh mght lmp' a e
the CIA. Such documents were to be transferred co
otber files ~here they could ~? ob a_oed f necessary,
- 10 (11876)
26, H77
- e '" op _.s )
By Ted Chiindler
fORK (LNS)--Deputy Sec~etary of Scate Rob~rt
p G~k ey re'urning in June from conversacions with
tbe I "" "..Jlta, assured the US. Congress that the
E~ g~_K t-6~me respects human r~ghts
Oakley went to
-t" e ,nt ~r praising the mil~tary regime's human
:~6h " :e-:td--on the grounde thae the generals had
p~.mlt~:d ;xpatriate Laotians and Cambodians to eke
~~t 00 cX1Sten~e in squalid refugee camps in Thailand.
I:> ehe con trary, reports of an unending campaign
01 murder, prisoner abuse, detention without
~rlal. ono deprivation of the most basic rights are
coaung "At f Thailand today. A conservative estimate.
• m che Bangkok-based Co-oedinating Group for Religion
~d S). ee,. holds that there are still some 2000
p; lt~ al prisoners held by the regime.
Murdered Monks
Twe recently reported cases a e representative of
tbe 1Il11~taty regime' 8 current prscti;:e of "observing"
hUnbn ~ghts 1n Thailand.
n be first of these. Klom J1ttamaro and two
kn?Wn for their democrat~c sympathies were
brut~~ y muedered in the southern province of Nakhon
S1 Ihammarat
In January the three had Joined the
yil'''-. OT b_ddhist clergy. They had earlier been
1:0 ~owed ~nd several timas threacened by so-called
" ~ l~ge defense volunteers", who are in most instances
:imp~} gangsters allied With the local pewer structure.
At the end of January the three novice monks were
"invited" by the Deputy District Chief to local police
headquatters to reply to charges that they held commun~6t sympathies.
They accepted detention. although
other monks criticized the action and d!d not want the
three to leave.
On the n1.ght of March 3. according to a critical
government official. "village defense volunteers"
entered the prison and garrotted Mr. Klom Jlttamaro,
kll11ng his ~o turn. Prison authorities
then pu out the story that the three had escaped.
However, their sandals were found in the prison. and
the striCt curfew imposed in the area also called
the story Lnto question.
The bodies of the three were discovered in a
shallow !:Iench shortly afterwards. No one has been
arrested. nor has an inveStigation even begun. Without the honesty of the local official. in fact, the
case would never have come to light at all--which
ra1.eea the question of how many more such murders
have been permitted by the mil tary regime in the provincia prisons throughout Thailand.
Treatment Denied
The second case concerns Orisa Irawonwut. a prominenr vocational student leader. He served as chief
of se~urity during the Thammasat UniverSity protests
last Oc!:ober. The demonstrarion was brutally atl:!acked
by pol1.ce and a right-wing coup immediately followed.
Since October Orisa has been denied any form
of medical treatment whataoever. As a result. his
wound has suppurated and his present condition is
extremely grave. On June 7. some of his friends
sent a letter out of Thailand to reveal his situation
to the world. It reads, in part:
"His wound has become so infested that the whc e
chin ia rotting •.LHe cannot eat, and has to be fed
through a plastic tube by fellow-prisoners.
"He is dying."
The military regime has refused either to put
Orisa on trial or to release him.
Close unity had developed among vocational
and liberal arts students during the 1973 struggle
that toppled the old military regime. After October 1973. the Thai generals. who boast of their
CIA connections and U.S. trsining, attempted to
break student solidarity by playing on their
differences. While many liberal arts students came
from elite families. many vocational atudents came
from poorer backgrounds. They suffered also from
increas~ng unemployment in the world economic
recession of 1973.
The Thai right wing proceeded to found such
organizations as the Red Gaurs, and claimed that
many vocational students jcined, rejecting the
alleged radicalism of the liberal arts students.
While this was true of some vocational students,
the majority of Red Gaurs were former soldiers -Thai mercenaries paid by the U.S. to fight in the
Indochina War. Most vocational students rejected
the provocateur role, remaining in, such organizations as Orisa's United Front of Vocational
Students for the People.
U.S. Role
The U.S. government has played a key role in
the development of the Thai government as it is
today. Since World War II. the United States hss
extended more than $2 billion 1a aid to a series
of Thai regimes. the majority of them repressive
military dictatorships. In addition. so-call ed
"international" lending ins.titutions like the
Worrd Bank and the Asia Development Bank -- both
dominated by the U.S. -- have given Bangkok another
$1 billion in assistance.
Aside from this generalized support for
Thailand's successive dictatorships, the U.S. has
been directly involved in building Thailand's
repressive apparatus.
Aid for the police -- which
began as long ago as 195~ -- was originally
channeled through a dummy CIA corporation chartered
in Miami and called the "Overse 116 Southeast Asia
Supply Co." In the next decade. Ambassador Graham
Martin -- later the last U.S. envoy to Saigon -cajoled the Thanom-Praphas regime into establishing
the "COlllllltm1st Suppression Operations Command,"
years before the Thai Patriotic Front attacked a
single police post.
In total aid terms, the U.S. furnished
$82,663,000 between 1961 and 1971 alone to the Thai
In the course of the police attack on Thammasat,
police. In the same period -- the period of
in wh1-h one hundred people were kliled, several hunthe heav~est U.S. intervention in Viet Nam -- the
dred more 1.nJured, and more than three thousand arU.S. furnished a virtually identical sum ($85.099.000)
reeted, received a bullet in the left side of
to the Diem and Thieu dictatorahips for police
the chln
Initially permitted some superficial
rreacment, Orisa was soon axrested and denied bail,
(continuPrl on next pase)
August 26. ]977
more •••
the:more U 5 J1' ~~ s pressed £~r
du.? re-,;.lt,: "I e} d~utt kill enough
= U1EtS," _ompla1ned _ne r rm.H U S embassy
_ 1 ,,1 and mi11ta.:y,;. ~lrs c t 11 .er" t~
€1,1ty of Dak~td researcher Tom Lobe
1 o~ that extenS10n ~t the Th..1 pol1ce
the remotes y l~~ges would encourage
,or"'-ll;m" were _ e: led
u, accJ:d~ng t= a ~rme: U 5 Special
~ "'5 ad
sor 1n Th~4dnd 'nS15 ed that the
Th'2.l. p ll.ce reC€-lve 1D.1:a..1.':a't"j armament s:
w , here and need the beat we can get
l<lll the most"
-30<red Chandler 1S a jo.rna11st and :esearcher
affarrs )
.0 AS1~
*~ ••• ~.K.~**~.******w.~4~**~* **********~A*~***
NEW YORK (LNS)--A Wisconsin bill making the
hlring ot strikebreakers a criminal orfense has
been recommended for passage 1n the state's
legislature by the Assembly Labor Committee
The bill will go the full Assembly in September, where it 15 expected to pass 1n the
lower house, but may face a d1fficult battle
ln the Senate.
The bill would proh1bit employers from know1ng1y employing or contracting with a third party to employ strikebreakers; and from transport1ng str1kebreakers to a str1ke or lockout situaCl.on
NEW YORK (LNS) -- Three b=~rhers who ~~ e b~e~
acti 1€ in the Puerto Rican i'l<iependence movene nr ·..ere
Jailed August 22 by a New York grand jUry Which ~a·
ostensibly set up to investigate bombmgs by the
Armed Forces for National Libetatioo (FAiN
Julio, Luis and Andres Rosado were orde-ed
Jailed by federal Judge Richard Owen fo? refu~ ~~
to give the grand jury the!r fingerprin,s, vo .e
prints and handwriting samples
The three coo-~nded
that various agencies of the federal go ,ertlJOOnt llready had them.
Furthermore, the messages which the were dlYected to speak and write fer the samples were the same
ones which had come from the FALN. Yec the p'ose~u­
tion did not offer them imm~ity from prosec~ i~n
(as had been the case with three activists prevlously
jailed) nor did the judge accept the argument chese
requests showed that the brothers themselves were
the targets of the investigation
An appeal of the
jailings is likely. If appeals ~ail the three could
remain in jail until the grand jury expires on May 8,
The Rosados are the four~, fifth and sixth
activists to be held in contempt of the New York
grand jury. Maria Cueto and Raisa Nemekin are also
imprisoned 1n New York, and Pedro Archuleta is in
Jail in Chicago, having been held in contempt of a
similar grand jury there.
Two of the brothers, and the three others, had
worked with the National Co'1lll\ission on Hispanic
Affairs of the Episcopal Church, which the FBI alleges
to have been a "funding link" for the FAiN
If the bill becomes law, ~olators could be
f1ned up to $2,000 for each offense, or receive
pr1son sentences of up to one year, or both,
Virtually everyone in the Puerto Rican independence movement sees the Chicago and New York grand
juries as an attack on their organizing eff~rts and
against the Chicano movement. The official purp~se
of grand juries is Simply to determine wherher enough
evidence exists to indict someone for a crime
Today, however, according to the Coalit10n to End
Grand Jury Abuse, "they are used to obtain information for FBI files, track down fugi ives
Representatives for organized labor say that
the b1ll, as it now stands, may prevent attempts
to smash unions by 1mporting strikebreakets, but
is weaker than s1milar laws in several other
·In addition, grand jurleS can impose Jail sentences for as long as the grand jury is convened, if
witnesses refuse to talk. The FBI, on the other hand,
cannot legally compel people to give informa"ion
A str1kebreaker is defined 1n the bill as
"any person who at least twice during the preV10US 12-month per10d has accepted employment for
the duration of a scrike or lockout in place of
employees who are involved in a strike or lockout."
Laws prohibiting the employment of "profess1.onal strikebreakers" are ;n the books in Connect1CUt, Hawa11, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahama, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and many cit1es,
Some states, including Delaware, Iowa, LouiSlana, New Jersey, New York, and Wash1ngton, have
enacted stticter laws proh1.b1t1ng the recruitment
and employment of all repla=ements during a labor
- 30 **.*****************~**_***k*********************
"I ,muld rathe·r a Lh~u~and times be a free
soul ln Ja11 than LO be a sy_ophant. anel coward in
the s reets, If it had noc been for the men and
women who, ln the past, have had th'" moral courage 0 go to jail, we would still be in the
Jungles "
--Eugene Debs, 1918
liBERATIOtl News
In the case of the grand jury investigatiog the
FAIN, neither of the current grand juries in tlew York
and Chicago, nor an earlier one in New York, has
returned any criminal indictments. In addition, no
arrests have been made in connection with the bombings attr1buted to the FAIN (although two explosives
arrests in New York in early August were originally
publicized as connected to the FAiN)
Further, the
harassment of Puerto Rican and Chi::ano activists by
FBI agents in New MeXico, Chicago, and New York, continues. And, strangely enough, the FBI claims 0
have had members of the FAIN under surveillance but
was unable to stop several August 3 bomb1ngs in New
York, which the group claims responsibility for·
The jailings occurred just a few days foll~wing
U.N. hearings on the decolo"ization of Pue-to R1CO
- 30 -
August. 26, J.977
ORK ( S --More ~h~ four years after
an ,erena fi ...ed SUl.t charging tha~ her
hi dren had been taken from her and she had been
SIc 11;zed aga1nst her ~ill, he. caEe will finally
me ,Ir1al September 6 1.n Pl.t~:b·J:gh Pa
is a 40-year-old American, mother
of rhrce chl.ldren. While she was stll1 exhausted
and under sedation from delive=ing her youngest
ch11d in August 1970, Serena was sterilized
afterward& ~as she informed tha r the operation ~as
l.rrevers1ble and cvuld have seriOUS s1de effects.
A~ the same time, her three children, including
newly born baby, were placed in foster homes.
I~ took three years of legal battles to get them
Official esd:mates &tate tha~ as many as 25
to 3S per cent of all Native American children are
taken away from their families,
In her SUl.t, Serena charges ~hat she was the
vict1m of a systematiC conspl.racy among health and
welfare officials in Armstrcng Coun~y, Pennsylvania,
co steal her children from her and co scerilize her
w1rhouc her consent or kno~ edge.
Ihe time of the steriliza~l.on d~ctors told
her tha~ ~he operation had been necessary for health
Wicnesses a~ the erial Will tescify to che
And they ~ll be supported by the officlal "Scatement for Need for Therapeut: c Sterilizat10n" According to that doct.IJlent, do ors found
"from observat:ion and exannnat:l.on vf Norma Jean
Serena chat: she is suffering from che following
ailment of condl.tion--socioecunomic leas ns--and
chat anothel pregnancy would, in cur vpinion. be
inadv:u>ab Ie. "
EssentUllly, !:he "sccl.oe,=,ooomic reasons" boil
down ro the fac~ tha~ Serena ~as poor, Native American, and living with a black man. According to
the offl.ctal complaint, caseworkers trom ~he Child
Welfare Services department starred cak1ng an in~erest in Serena after recel.ving rep::Jlts "complallling ~ha~ ~he Plaintiff mo~her was an unmarried
Amencan Indian cohabiting with a Negro man, and
chat ~t: ~as dangerous for nel.ghbo~h"od children to
be coming and going when Negro men wele in the
victnl..ty of the Plaintiff m:>tne.r's apartment."
If Serena wins her suit l.t ~ill be ehe first
time tha~ forced sterilization has been defined as
a V101ation of civil r1ghts, And i~ could provide
an ImpOL tan t legal precedent for &. number of other
s~eril~zation abuse cases involving poor and minor1t:y
Several such cases are ~lready pending among
them those of 11 Cnicana yomen ~ Los Angeles and
of Rosalind Johnston, a 20-yeaz-~ld black p -cner
whe ~as s~erilized with0ut her consent in New York
G::vernmene statis
be hl.ghest incidence wf s ",rilization in the
Thl.r~y fiv", per cert of all Puer~_ Rican
women of age ar", ster1 1zed
And a
re en r sLudy by the General Av C Ofrl.oe suppon.s Serena I s claim hat was a major factur in
her s~erilizatl.on Th'" GAO report en ehe pelmanenc
ster1l1zaeion of Native Arne can W~ffien admits to the
~deEpread Violation of intormed
onsent _o.W9 on re-
Page 9
servations. Native Amer~c~, l~aders ha~e s".,ed
that many women living on reservations refuse to
enter hospitals to have their babies delivered because of the danger of sterilization
- 30 (Thanks to Women Against Sterilization
Daily World for this information.)
and the
in packet #875 for background
NEW YORK (LNS)--A pest-controlling chemical,
already suspected of causing sterility, has been
linked to cancer in a study just comple~ed by che
National Cancer Institute.
One official said that a national alert might
be issued later this month on the hazards of dibromochloropropane, or DBCP, as a result of the cancer
study and the mounting evidence that it causes
sterility in workers who have been in contact with
In late July, it was discovered tha~ 12 ou~
of 28 ~orkers at an Occidental chemical plant in
California had become sterile
Since then, preliminary tests of workers at the Do~ Chemi~ plane
in Magnolia, Arkansas--one of the prime producers
of DBCP--found that at that plant too, 12 OCt of
14 employees who ~orked with the chemical had little
or no sperm.
Based on the preliminary sterility evidence,
Dow suspended production of the chemical AugUSt 11
Test:s are now continuing at the Magnolia plan~, 'is
well as at a Shell plant in Alabama whien is the
other prime manufacturer of the chemical.
In addition, Dow produced the chemical for
18 years in .Midland, Michigan, where hundreds of
workers may have been exposed to it. The c':lmpany
is currently trying to determine who to test here.
No Level "Safe"
As far back as 1961, Dow conducted tests on
DBCP which shOwed that in three species of animals
the chemical caused atrophy of the testicles and lo~
sperm counts. On the basis 'Of these tests, Dow
recommended a "safe" DBCP air l"vel of one part per
Ho~ever. such air levels may mean 11.ttle, occupational health experts explain, since indiridual
workers who are handling a chemical may be exp::Jsed
to much higher doses. Studies f the and
Dow chemical plants showed DBCP air concentratIons
below the 1 part per million level--yet workers still
developed symptoms.
Furthermore, workers at the Occident:a! plan ,
for example, were never informed of the potential
dangers of the substance they were handling or that
they should be cautious ~irh l.~
An estimated 3,000 people per year come in
c'Ontact with DBCP on the manufacturing end alone.
And many more are involved with its agr1-ultural
use, where it: is sprayed on cotton, potacoes and
sugar beets.
- 30 AuguSt: 26, 1977
more •
(See pa keL q874 t t extan~. e Oo.kgc_und alt~cle on
Kent S ,te )
EW YORK (LTS)--KenL Sta e Ur.l'~·~l y's M~} 4th
CoallTlcc has charged that on In Ideal In tha e~rl}
morn ng h urs "f Aug .' 19, re.ui ng a the arrest
of lIVE C 011t10n membErs on telony c~ot harges,
was delloerately pre oked in an o·temp
0 diS red t
the Coall U cn
SInce May, the CoalIt~On has been
plans to b~ild a new gymnaSIUm annex ~n
the site where Nationa~ Guardsmen kIlled f.ur srudents dUtlng an anti-war prOtE~t on May 4, 9'0
In addItion to ItS hist~r.:al Imp~rtdn e, the site
is e ldence In a ciVil suit aga nst the Natluoa
Guatd and Stal e and unt" ersHy off c als
According to a CoalItIOn spokesperson, 35 members of he CoalItion left a local bar where they
had been elebtating the AugUSt 18th ruling to ~tend
the temporary reStraining order when twO non-Coalition
members attempted to start a confrontation by ~mash­
tng a 6-pack of beer onto the SIdewalk
At that moment five Kent pol1~e arb druve up
and several officers began cha5ing C~allIl~n member
Randy Ramsthaler.The} were in Uln tollowed by attorney Chris Stanley
When the pol~ce ~aught up w 'h
and arrested Ram thaler, Stanley asked them what the
charges were, and was himSelf a rested
In the meant me, a non-member IdentIfied as
VirginIa Bloom kicked a pollca car and struck Goalit~on member Carter Dodge, chen blamed beth act ~ns
on Chi_ Canfora, who was then arrested by pJlice
other Ccal~tion members, Matk Canfora and Steve Shapiro, were also artested
Ramsthalet, Stanley, Shapiro, and the Canforas
were all charged with felony rIOt often5es, the f~rst
felony charges pIa ed against Coalition members sInce
the beginnIng of the struggle agaInsr the gym
Stanley will lose hIS lIcense to praCtice iaw ~f cenvicted
The five also have several mlbdemeanor
charges agaInSt them from thiS in.ident
Later that night Coallt~on member John Lavelle
was stopped by eight police and sherlrf'2 patro ~ars
He gOt OUt of his car IO ask why he was be~ng stopped
by slKteen off~cers, but was arrested for not haVing
a dr~ver's license when he told them it w ~ in the
The officers refused to allow him to re~utn IO
his car to get it
Lavelle has filed a laWSUit againSt he .1X een
offi ers fcr false arrest
AnOther laWSUIt has been
filed against VIrginia Dodge fcr assault by Garter
The 6th C~rcuit Court of Appeals IU ed toat t
had no jurisdictIon tC blo~k conSlru_t~on _f the
gymnasium annex
However, It delayed for ten days
its ruling that the temporary rest!a~n~ng crder be
vacated, in order to allow the Ccal~t~on to appeal
to the Supreme Court
NEW YORKILNS)--A confrontat
n between an
eSIlmated 500 to 2,000 rlght-w~ng ex-remist mar re'~
and 7,000 counter-demonstrators from black and lef'wing organ~zat~ons left more than 100 people inj Ted
and re~ulted In over 200 arrests In Landen en
Saturday, August 13
The NotIonal Front Party
a "l"aths;)me raCIalist force"
London weekly, tolled for the
southeast London WIth a latge
The ostenSIble purpose of the
r~slng crime tates, which the
young blacks
(NF). hdracterlzed as
by The E~~ncrm8r> a
march In an area of
black populatiOn
march was to protest
NF attributes to
Many members of the immIgrant ommUnity saw the
march as a delIberate provocation designed to s ~r up
VIolence, and to create publicity for the raClS po11t~cal platform of the NF
"It was necessary," said
an NF organizer, "to kick our way IntO the ..
Several weeks befote, the government had res <ted
pressure to ban the march, and ul imately perm1 ted I
in the name of freedom of expreSSIon
As a res 1', a
Vat~elY of black and
left is organizations, trade
unionists and church groups, called for a taunter-demonstratIon in the same area at the same ime. One of rhe
maIn organizers of the coun er-demonstrati.n was The
SocIalist Workers Party
More than 4,000 specially eqUipped p~li e--ooequarter of London's entire metropolitan fcrce--arrl ed
on the scene to prevent expected confron ations between
the two groups
Local businesses had prepared for he
demonstration the day before by clOSing down theIr shops
and barricading storefronts
Racial v~olence also broke out in Birmingham,
the industrial heartland of England's MIdlands,
as several hundred leftists deCided to prevent an
electoral meetIng of the NF there
Here too, the Front
chose to hold its demonstratIon in an area WI h a large
imnugrant population, mostly Asian
The Blrm~ngham
demonstration was held shortly before local Parliamentary by-elecIlons in which the NF was running a candidate
Twelve people were arrested and fifteen injured
in the confrontation
The National Front
A ten-year-old party, the NF is a direct desoendent of the British Union of Fascists, ac ive in -he
The Party's chairman, John Tyndall, who was
once a member of BritaIn's pro-NaZI party and an cpen
admirer of Hitler, spent a term In jail for traIning
and direCtIng a paramilitary organization
The National Front's platform calls fat the
portation of Brita~n's two millIon ~igrants to
countrIes of origin--chlefly people from present
former Commonwealth nat~ons. Front literature is
In the eleven by-elections it has can ested durA national demonstration aga~nst the gym AugUSt
Ing the curren I Parliament, the National Fr nt has
20 drew 2000 people to Kent. Another such demonstra- averaged 4 6% of the vote. In elections la.t May for
tion IS planned for early September
the London municipal government, the NF recei ed 5 5%
of the London vote, caUSing concern among London's
- 30 ( CONTTNUED ON PAGE 12 •• )
PAGE- 10
Augllst 26, 1977
L~BERHJ~JN N~~s SerJ~e
EW YORK (LNS --Hear~ngs ln the Un~ted Nations
Aug ~t 15-17 before the 24-ccuntry Spec1al Dec0Ion~­
2a hn Ccmmittee on "The Colonial Case of Puerto
RI "were marked by s~gn~f~cant new developments
for the Puerto R~can ~ndependence movement
After a 1975 postponement of a V0te on a decolresolutlon, and an adJournment in 1976
w th the Intent~on of updates and further study for
1977, the Decolon zatl~n Comm~ttee Will vote on a
tesolut on presented by Cuba when it reconvenes on
September 1
The Cuban re9nl' Lion "reaff1rm5 the 1nalienable
r1ght of the people of ~uertO Ri 0 to self-determinat~on and 1ndependence," urges the United States to
cake "1mmediate steps" to enable the Puerto Rican 1 'r
people to attain th~s Light; and meanWhile, "to refrain from taking any measure that could abridge,
weaken or sceer the free dec1s~ons of che Puerto
R1can people concerning thelr pol~tical status,
1nclud1ng the expl01tation of the mlneral and energy
resources of Puerto RiCO "
An ~mportant new provis~0n In the resolution
"demands the immediate and un.:ond tional release of
the f1ve nat~onal~st patriOtS held in Un1ted States
nlal status of Puerto Rico serves to strengthen the
documented testimony of colonial status
by independence forces, such as the Puerto Rican
Independence Party, the Puerto Rican Socialist Par~y,
and the Natlonalist Party.
"The colonial system will not come to an end unless the Congress of the U.S. relinqUishes its p ~er
over Puerto R~co and transfers it co the people 'f
Puerto RiCO," Mlranda Marchand, PreSident of the P~etro
Rlcan Bar Assoc~ation told the Committee
Nationalist Prisoners
Included in the proposals submit:ted by the Puer 0
Rlcan Bar ASSOCiation to the Decolonlzation Comm.ttee
was one requeSt1ng that "full amnesty shall be granted t,
Puerto R1can polItical prisoners" ThIS request for :he
release of five Puerto Rican Nationalist pollt cal P~'i­
soners held in U.S prisons for twenty-three years, was
echoed by every speaker before the Decolon zac~on Commitree, even those advocating statehood or commonwealth
The fIve prisoners, Rafael Cancel M~randa, Lollra
Lebron, Andres Flgueroa Cordero, Irvln Flores, and
Oscar Collazo, are the longest held pol~tical pr1soners
in the western hemisphere. They are all serving lengthy
sencences for rheir parts in the March 1, 1954 shaotlng
n the U S House of Representat~ves in protest agalnSt
U S rule in Puerto Rico, in which four membets of
Congress were wounded.
U.S. Strategy
New Agreement on Colon1al Status
\fh~le the United States COntlnUes to maintain
thac Puerto R~co lS a freely assoclated commonwealth
of the U S. and thus not under JUIISd1Ct10n of the
UN's Decolonlzation COmmittee, independence forces
On the i land, as well as the 1975 M~nlstecial
Conference of non-aligned nacions and the 1976 Fifth
SummlC Conference of Thlrd World nat10ns ln Sri
Lanka, have held that Puerto R1co is 1ndeed a colony
of che U S
The United States bases 1tS ommonwealth claim
on a 1952 referendum ~n which it says that the
Puerto Rlcan people freely opted for a new legal
scatus as a commonwealth
The referendum, however,
was held under full U S m1l tary occupat:lon, with c
the prisons full of "1.ndependi_tas," and offered
voters only the choice between the traditional colonialism that had existed up to that tlme and a
new reglme of disgUised colonlallsm under "commonwealth" status
The possibility for the Puerto Rican people to link
thelr struggle for independence to the worldw~de antlcolonlal wave,through the U.N., opened up in 1960 w1th
the U N Declaration for the Independence of Colcnlal
Countries and Peoples, or Resolution 1514. By th s ~m­
portant resolution, known as the Magna Carta of Detolonlzatlon, the U.N. General Assembly approved a statement
of measures by which non-self-governing terrltOC1es
should be decolonized. Most importantly, lt establlshed
lndependence as a prerequisite to self-determ1nat10n
The Decolonization Committee was set up ln 1961 co
carry out Resolution 1514. Since then, U.S. strategy
has ranged from support for Resolution l541--which allows the U S. to interpret the present situation In
Pnerto Rico as an exercise in self-determ1nation--to
threats of economic retaliation against countries on the
Commitree ~f they vote against the U.S.
U.S. strategy has also included varlOUS Congressional moves such as the proposal of a "Compact of
Permanent Union" in 1976. This compact proposal essentially reworded the legal status of Puerto Rico 1.n reAs the colonlal governor of Puerto R1co h mself
lation to the U.S., while leaVing the colonlal rela 10nadm1tred ln U.S. Congresslonal hearlngs In 1949, "the ship lntact, w1th the U.S. President and Congress reconst1tution will probably be very s1m1lar .,the detalning all final authority over fundamental Puerto
gree of self-government w111 not be different." And
Rlcan laws
Independence forces raised such a furor
although Puerto Ricans were g1ven U S cltizenship
during discusslon of the bill that the POSS~bllity of It
and made subJect to the draft, the~r representation
being railroaded through Congress 1n time for che 19"6
in the U.S. Congress was llmlted to non-votlng obDecolonlzation Committee hearings was prevented
ser "El status, wlrh the U S. Pres1dent and Congress
The Statehood Strategy
reta1n1ng final authorlty On fundamental laws
governing Puerto R1CO
The latest U.S. government move on Puerto R1co came
ln January, 1977 when outgoing PreSident Gerald Ford
Th1s year, for the f1csc t1me, offi~ials of
called for statehood for Puerto Rico, citing the 1976
Puerto Ri o's pro-statehood New Progressive Party
electoral success of the pro-statehood New Progressl e
and the pco~commonwealrh People's Democratic Parry
broke from these parties' pa5t posltions and testif1ed, w1thout party sanct~on, that Puerto Rico IS,
In a June, 1977 letter transmitted to the Decolo1n fa t, "a colony, or has colo01al vestiges" and
nlzation Commirtee by Juan Mari Bras, the Seccet~cy­
"must be decolonized, once and for all n
General 01 the Puerto Rican Sociallst Party (PSP" the
PSP noted: "It is now clear that, follow~ng che annexaAlthough these officials still favor statehood
tlon scheme of former President Ford, the U S
oc commonwealth status, their admiss10n of the colo( CONTINUED ON PAGE l2--SECOND COLU}n~ .•• )
Page 11
AugUSt 26, 1977
NEW YORK (LNS)--Hundrsds of gays and s~pporters
gave their demands for human rLghts a broadened and
international focus at demonsrrat~ons Saturday,
August 20, at the United Nat~ons ~n New York C~ty,
the U
Plaza in San Fran~~sco, and a ser~es of
state and federal buildings ~n Los Angeles
It was the third time thlS summer--followlng
the passage of anti-gay legislatlon ln Miami in
June--that gays mobilized subStantlal demonstrations
in those cities. All three Aug St 20 demonstrations
viewed the attack on gays as close y related to the
recent right-wing attacks on the Equal Rlghts Amendment, the right to abortion, and on working and third
world people in general
In San Francisco, a highly splr~ted march of
about 700 people, many of them women, heaVily applauded calls for solidarity among various struggles
by speakers such as Erica Huggins of the Black Panther Party. An East Bay lesblan mother who 1S
fighting a child custody case addressed the crowd;
a disabled woman whose Chlld has been separated
from her because of her blindness drew parallels
between their two cases.
New York's march drew about the same number of
people, and ended at the plaza named after Dag
Hammarskjold, the U.N. Secretary-General from 1953
to 1961, who was himself a homosexual
There, across the streer from rhe U N bUilding,
a letter addressed to nOw U N Secretary-General
Kurt Waldheim was read from rhe platform
countries includlng the U.S ha~e medleval laws
outlawing and punishing same-sex love," the letter
said, and the U.N. itself makes no mentl0n ''In any
of its policy statements" of the r1ghts of homosexuals. The letter called On the U N ro amend its
human rights covenant, asserting the human rights of
people regardless of sexual orientation
Reiterating the call for solidar1ty among persons of various oppressed groups were a representative of a local NAACP chapter and Jlm Haughton, of
Fight Back, a community group in Harlem organizing
for more jobs for minority people.
The demonstrators also received a message from
actress-comedienne Lily Tomlin
It carne as a letter
to citrus products promoter and antl-gay crusader
Anita Bryant, written by one of Tomlln's characters,
Mrs. Ardley Earbor III, or "the Tasteful Lady." Earbore complained about a gay antl-citrus action at her
local grocery store. And she commented on "man's
inhumanity to many" saying, "at least rhat's a natural
In Los Angeles, a smaller grcup of about 100
people, organized by a multi-1ssue Coalition for
'uman rights, made the fo~lowlng demands at C1ty Hall,
police headquarters, and stare and federal buildings:
rat1f1cation of the Equal Rights Amendment, repeal of
the Hyde Amendment (which outlaws use of federal
Xedicaid funds for electlve abortions), an end to
the urban renewal programs used aga1nst gays 1n
'ollywood, and an end to pollce harassment
Jerry Brown signed a bill outlawing same-sex
marriages. And State Senator Bill Briggs, who is
running for governor in the Republican primary, is
trying to get an initiative outlawing gay teachers
in California's schools put on the November ballot
O'Brian notes that gays' action in the streets
this summer are all-important as a response to the
Phyllis Schlaflys and Anita Bryants whose respe~tlve
campaigns have eroded support for the ERA, and
encouraged people in local communities to attack
gay people.
Government has brushed aside the myth of 'autonomy' or
so-called 'association' as a policy option for Puerto
Rico, since by Gerald Ford's own admission 'autonomy'
and 'self-government' are steps towards annexation
('statehood') ."
And the Puerto Rican Independence Party told rhe
Decolonization Committee: "It would ..• be a mistake to
believe that the majority of voters in Puerto Rico favored statehood. The New Progressive Party (NPP) did
not discuss the status question and specifically assert
ed that it was not an issue. ~mreover, it did not obtain an absolute maj ority in the ballots."
In fact, the NPP, campaigning solely against the
inefficiency of the ruling commonwealth party, promised
that statehood would not be brought up as an issue
in the next four years.
There is a grOWing movement for Puerto P~can
independenc? within the U.S. it~elf. On July ~, 1976,
Congressman Ronald Dellums of California introduced
a resoJution calling on the U.S. Congress to set in
motion those decolonization procedures which would lead
to the establishment of a sovereign nation on the lSland of Puerto Rico, i.ncluding the unconditional tnthdrawal of all U.S. military bases. Three days later,
the Dellums resnlution was read to an enth,~iastic
crowd of 50,000 people gathered in Philadelph a for
a July 4 demons t r" tion in "hich a "",icen tennial Wi rhout
Colonies" was a principle demand.
***************** *************************************
large immigrant population.
The NF asserts that non-white immigrantd are to
blame for all Britain's economic problems--h nh and
still-rising unemployment, inflation. and general _eonomic stagnation. The Front seeks to turn the fear ond
frustration of the white working class into support ior
a racist election platform. The Front has been part~cu­
larly active in poor, white working-class areas WhlCh
have high concent-ations of non-,,,hi tes nearby. The .IF
claims that irrmngrants will take over the jobs, neighborhoods, and schools of the white residents.
Due to the increasing incidence of racist attacks
in Britain, a new Race Relations Act makes it a crtmina
offense to use "threatening, abusive, or insulting language in which •.. hatred is likely to be stirred ~p against any racial g:-0U
in Great Britain." However) no-
lice and the governrr nr have denied requests to han any
National Front marche~.
The NF, on the other hand, recently requ~sted the
Acco ding to John O'Brien, a member of the
government to ban a West Indian festival sch J~led for
coalition, the L.A. police have been arrest1ng 300the end of August in the Notting Hill section of London
400 p,:tv.., at a time in the p"rk": "they [,~he police]
The festival warned the UF, would be a "provo"a"~"n
olin Loe sidewalks and th" strest" 1n L A
for white citizens." The government: has not t:aken any
action so far.
-30Just three days earlier, Californ1a Governor
August 26, 1977
end of copy;
Page 12
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August 25', 197i
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