Friday October 31, 2014 CUT’S G.B.S. TO OFFER A NEW POST GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMME (From left) Acting CEO of ZIMCHE Dr.Chikuya, Dr.Nhembaware– ZIMCHE, P/VC of CUT Dr.Kuipa, Amai Chinembiri—ZIMCHE and CUT’s Director of Quality Assurance & Graduate Studies Dr.Jingura gramme Accreditation Physical Assessment function was attended by the University Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr.Pardon Kusaziwa Kuipa, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of ZIMCHE who is also a former Dean at CUT Dr.Hilton Hakurotwikufa Chikuya , the Dean of the School of Business Sciences and Management Professor Zororo Muranda, the Director of GBS Mr.Denis Nikisi, the Director of Quality Assurance Dr.Rapheal Jingura, the Acting Librarian Mr.Bright Nyagwaya, the Registrar Mr.Thomas B.Bhebe and the Financial Director who is CUT’s Bursar and part time Financial Accounting for Entrepreneurs lecturer - Mr.Obert Sifile, administrators and senior academic staff from both the Graduate Business School and the School of Business Sciences and Management. Accompanying Dr.H.H.Chikuya were Dr.Makura(from Women’s University in Africa-a peer reviewer) , Amai Chinembiri, Dr Nhembaware and Mrs Chirinda. (contd. To page 2). Chinhoyi University of Technology Quality Assurance and Graduate Studies and Graduate Business School (G.B.S.)under the School of Business Sciences and Management will soon offer a new post-graduate degree programme, CUT Weekly learnt during the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) Programme Accreditation Physical Verification held in the University Boardroom on Tuesday October 28, 2014. The University will unroll its fourth taught Masters degree programme after successfully launching the Master of Science in Strategic Management degree programme (MScSM) which is very popular in Industry, Commerce and Corporate management, Master in Business Intelligence(MBI) and Master in Post Harvest Technology(MPHT). The new post graduate degree programme, Master in Applied Entrepreneurship (M.A.E.) which will be done over twenty-four (24) months will begin with an enrolment of about fifty(50)students sometime next year once the programme is approved by ZIMCHE. The Accreditation Visit was meant to verify the Higher and Tertiary governing board members the physical preparedness of the University to host this degree once approved. The Pro- The Acting Librarian Mr.Nyagwaya shows ZIMCHE Accreditation team members Dr.Makura(in specs & holding a book in hand) and Dr.Chikuya(on Mr Nyagwaya’s left) how to find a book in the University Library during a tour of facilities. Accompanying them also are CUT staff members Mr.Rashidi(in white shirt & red tie) Mr.Dikito(behind Mr.Rashidi),Mr.Bhebe(in light grey suit)Mr Muchenje ,Mr Nikisi(partly obscured )& Mr Chitimbe(in white shirt & light green tie behind Mr Bhebe) 1 CUT’S OFFICIAL TRACK SUIT NOW IN STOCK CASUAL SHIRT OF THE MOMENT Credit facility is available to all CUT staff members payable over (2) two months! HURRY!HURRY!WHILE STOCK LASTS! Visit the Chinhoyi University of Technology Marketing Shop at CUT Hotel from Monday to Friday between 0800hrs and 1630hrs and buy yours and for your beloved ones. There are also boys’ shorts, Journalist Jackets, t-shirts and memory sticks ranging from 2Gig to 64Gig.GET MORE & BE PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH A PREMIER BRAND!IT’S NO LONGER A GAME BUT A BARGAIN@CUT!IT’S THE FUN! YOU CAN NEVER WALK ALONE AGAIN,BE PART OF THE BRAND! 2 (contd from page 1:CUT’s GBS TO OFFER NEW POST GRAD.) In his opening remarks, Dr.Chikuya commended the University for introducing such a degree programme and he said,” We are not here to stifle your intentions but to ensure that quality degree programmes are offered. I am also happy that the involvement of the Director of Quality Assurance and Graduate Studies and the entire Directorate ensures that the degree programme itself will be the best and meets the Quality Assurance standard required by ZIMCHE. When we hear students report negatively that this is happening at CUT, you can stand on top of a hill to dispute that this does not happen at all confidently.” The Physical Assessment Visit also involved a tour of lecture venues, the University Library, the Computer Labs and the GBS Shankuru Complex where members of the ZIMCHE team were impressed by the progress made there so far which included the on-going refurbishment of the GBS Library, an immaculate but board room, lecture rooms and offices. The ZIMCHE Accreditation team said that they were also impressed by the alignment of the qualifications to the lecturing staff presented who will be in charge of teaching the programme. In fact, Dr.Chikuya said that Chinhoyi University of Technology was becoming a torch bearer to other Institutions because of its high quality staff and “… not lecturers with non-aligned qualifications while others boast of doctorates from fictitious and collapsed Universities.” The Master in Applied Entrepreneurship degree programme will for a start have only one intake in a year and will be taught on blockrelease. The Bursary assured the evaluation team also that there was enough funding for the programme to commence. The Librarian informed the team that the University “nerve centre” was capable and geared to serve the programme while the ICT director Mr.Anesu Dikito boasted that the computer student ratio in the new programme will be 1:1 and drew a teaser when he said that even if it was possible to provide ten computers per student they would stand the heat because the computer population was boosted by the acquisition of an additional 500 more, some of which are housed at the Orange Groove Motel Computer Hall. To this, the Pro-Vice Chancellor also reminded the ZIMCHE by supporting Mr.Dikito that all conventional students would be on vacation and the University teaching venues and its facilities would be at their(MAE students) disposal without any hindrances and or disturbances. At the end of the mission, both the PVC, the Dean of the School of Business Sciences and Management, the Director of Quality Assurance and Graduate Studies, academic staff, administrators, the University Management and even members of the ZIMCHE Accreditation team were optimistic that the degree programme will be approved as it met the criteria which included the duration of the programme, the enrolment, funding for the new programme, infrastructure for academic use, hard volumes for the programme, ICT, Programme administration services and staffing. The University is indeed moving in the right direction and continues to be a University of choice that offers unique degree programmes tailor-made to suit the economic environment and what industry and commerce requires. Offering this post graduate degree programme by CUT shows that the Institution is gearing itself to be really “…a world class centre of excellence for technological innovation and entrepreneurship.” 3 POST GRAD.ACCREDITATION FUNCTION IN PICTURES CUT STUDENTS FACE DEREGISTRATION The Chinhoyi University of Technology students who have not completed paying for the August – December 2014 tuition fees risk the prospect of deregistration and may not sit for the sessional examinations. This was announced in a communiqué released to the student body by the Bursary on Wednesday October 30, 2014. The defaulting students have been given a five(5) day ultimatum to settle their outstanding debts which expires on Tuesday October 4,2014. Part of the statement reads: “The University allowed students to register on a payment plan in the hope that the written commitments would be fulfilled before commencement of end of semester examinations. The university wishes to inform all students who were registered but have outstanding fees that they will be de-registered and will not be allowed entry into the examination venues during the August – December 2014 examinations.” Students who have not paid are advised to seek financial assistance from many such organizations like Educare, FMC and even banks as the University has been left with no option but to take that stern action because its operations have been heavily compromised. Universities are non-profit making organizations and they depend on fees to run examinations and purchase other teaching accessories. With the liquidity crunch currently obtaining in the economy, Central Government has only been assisting with salaries and all other expenses were being met by the University. The Chinhoyi University of Technology Management team are however commended for unveiling such a generous payment plan to its students which other institutions do not have and their very own students then abuse the facility by not honouring their pledges. At some institutions no students are allowed to register without full payment of fees at all. To be forewarned is to be forearmed and as advised by the Bursary students can ignore this ultimatum at their peril. 4 BOOST ENACTUS CUT TEAM WINS IN ETHICS COMPETITIONS The BOOST/Enactus CUT team took part in the 2014 Delta Ethics & Transparency Initiative competitions on Thursday October 23,2014 held at the Rainbow Towers in Harare where they won two shields, a certificate and cash vouchers worth over six hundred dollars. They beat all other Institutions on the thematic thrust competition hence they got a shield of the thematic award. Another shield was for overall second runner-up and the certificate was for attendance. The Delta Corporation sponsored event is an annual competition that brings together all Universities in the country. The team set-up BeerView Mirrors, a project which targeted students from Chinhoyi University of Technology and those from high schools within the province. “This initiative was tailor-made to equip students with knowledge based on the available harmful substances, the dangers of taking alcohol and drug abuse and the health and social effects associated in doing so,” said the President of the Club Stewart N.Mupaya in an interview with CUT Weekly. The second project was more technical and it critically aimed at reducing drunken driving, a social risk that often leads to premature and/or unprecedented mortality. Members of the BOOST/Enactus team went on air at Star FM, SFM, ZiFM and ZTV. The live interviews were structured to allow for interactive discussions with the listeners. The year’s theme for the Ethics and transparency Initiative was: “Fighting alcohol and drug abuse and the risky social behaviours.” The projects impacted on lives in a tremendous and unforgettable manner. The Club president also paid tribute to the Club’s Faculty advisor Mr.Chenjerai Muchenje for being an astute and keen leader in student-centred activities. He also took the opportunity to thank the University management for the support. BELOW(The BOOST/Enactus team, Stewart Mupaya on air at ZiFM,the discussion,the certificate & the shields) THE OBSERVER : - BY THE INSIDER-ON –THE-OUTSIDE exemplified by the fallen direction bill board along the main road close to the Administration Car Park. The bill board was damaged by a storm that ravaged during one Wednesday afternoon, to be specific ,on the 8th October 2014 when Professor Robson Mafoti was delivering an inaugural public lecture titled: “ Of serendipity and discovery”. As at the time of writing this folks, it is helplessly lying down yet the supporting poles were repaired and what is needed is only to dig holes and erect it. It has been looking quite clumsy and out of place by being left lying there where everyone comes in and out of this beautiful University. Culture of not finishing tasks and… things of the sordid matter… To those of you who were always looking forward to their weekly meal of this section, my apologies for not dishing out the usual observations-meal the past two weeks. I heard and read your complains with a nostalgic guilt-conscience any mother would feel when she fails to serve her children their daily meal. Thank you for appreciating this section as I bring to the fore realistic issues that affect us as members of the University community. The Observer is only worried by this culture and I have it on good record that some of the times you find materials are left unattended and without due care. There is a need to make sure we cultivate a culture of” safekeeping” and accountability while at the same time finish all tasks that need no cash attached but only human input. I can hear some voiceless voices murmuring their disapproval of this observation and I’ve put pictures to support this. The Religious Corner has been absent for a very long time and it is not that I’m not a Christian or do not subscribe to any religion but the writer of that section who I know for sure is a guru in the area has not been too available to do so. The University Chaplain Reverent Amos Mateva has promised to revive the section with consistent submission of articles to the Editor of this publication. It is my hope that our esteemed readers will get the benefit of his wise counsel. Buses and their time tables need to be put in order before the Insider-on-the-outside says something about their time-tabling, routes, cleanliness and carrying capacities. Also drivers should know that when they drive those buses, their duty is to carry workers and students to work and/or to the campus. They don’t need this reminder. Over-loading these buses where standing passengers travel so crammed is no good at all as there is a risk of spreading of airborne diseases because of close breathing of the unsuspecting people. Till I bring other observations again, let me remind some of the students to be respectful of any members of staff especially those who may share the same bus with them at any given time. Foul language will not do any good to humanity. After all,” tiri vanhu vanobva kuvanhu vane hunhu”!Yours Truly… the Insideron-the-outside. “Hordes of dogs” are marauding the campus scavenging for food in quite a threatening manner. There are other people on campus who have a dog-phobia and, animals as animals are very unpredictable hence they can do anything. Students and staff alike risk being bitten by these dogs should they attack them or when they feel they are threatened. Some of these pets might be infected with rabies and the University should definitely find a solution to this problem of dogs that feely roam around the entire campus as if this University is a dog-college! Putting them down will send a message to their owners that they should secure them and that they are not wanted on campus. The(Special Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) SPCA should also play a part here. The Works & Estates Department is hereby called on to mend the security and perimeter fence. Any frail cry of unavailability of funds is out of the question as a visit by the Observer around the entire perimeter fence yielded encouraging results. There is no need to buy any fence at all but it can be repaired by stitching it together again so that holes created by intruders and occasional animal invaders are closed. These are the entrance points of these stray dogs. For as long as the fence remain damaged, we are not guaranteed total security as miscreants can use these areas to scale in and out undetected. It renders the searches made at exit points by our ever alert security personnel futile and a routinely useless job activity as laptops, tap-heads and hosepipes disappear in broad day light. The pic.collage shows a hole in the fence, a fallen billboard & a dog takes a nap while students are studying. The Insider-on –the-outside has it on good record that sometime this year CUT Weekly highlighted this and other issues which the department should look into and to date they haven’t done anything. This culture of not finishing tasks seems to be creeping as 5 “In order to have friends, you must be one.”-E.Hubbard SPORTSVIEW FOOTBALL TECHNOCRATS CONTINUE TO IMPROVE In a ZIFA Division 2A match played at CUT Sports grounds on Sunday October 26,2014, the CUT Football team –“Football Technocrats” continued to improve when they held the highly fancied Kariba-based outfit by a nil all draw. The crocodile farmers Padenga F.C. are seasoned campaigners and within the reach of current log leaders of the Division, Zatex F.C. According to sources privy to the team’s technical strategy, there are improvements in the team as they adopt to the new coach’s style of play. The coach himself, Dr.Crispen Murungweni, a senior lecturer in the University was unavailable for comment but it seems he is now getting his act together as he aims to restore some pride in the undergraduate team. APOLOGY; In the issue of Friday October 24,2014, we erroneously published that Mr Desderio Chavunduka is the Deputy Dean of the Business School. In fact, he is the chairperson of Business Management & the Deputy Dean is Dr Marian Tukuta.The inconvenience caused is regretted. VICE CHANCELLOR’S SOCCER TOURNEY ON THIS SATURDAY Stories by : Simba Pumhayi Photography by: S. Pumhayi Typesetting,Layout & design by : S. Pumhayi Editing by: Jackie Tanhara Editor-in-Chief: M.C. Tapera For your views and comments: [email protected] Tel: 067-29470 / 0772 517 924 / 0772 920 617 / 0777 434 188 Disclaimer: Chinhoyi University of Technology takes no responsibility whatsoever for any disputes or litigation arising from the contents herein. CUT Weekly solely serves as a convenient medium of communication for brief news, information and advertisements on Campus highlights and achievements. The annual Chinhoyi University of Technology Vice Chancellor Students Soccer Tournament Finals will be played this Saturday November 1, 2014 starting at 0930hrs at the University Sports grounds. There will be men and women soccer matches to be played. Entertainment will be galore and students are encouraged to attend and be part of the fun before they seat for end of semester examinations in a few weeks time. There will be cash prizes to winning teams. The winning men soccer team will walk away with a cash prize of US$300,00 ; the runner-up will be awarded a cash prize of US$200,00 while the third placed team will walk away US$100,00 richer. The female teams winners will be awarded a cash prize of US$150,00 ; the runners-up will get US$100,00 and the third place will be awarded a cash prize of US$50,00. The Director of Sports Mr Petros Musiwacho told the Sportsview desk in a telephone interview that the disparity in prizes was arrived at on the realization that men play more time than their female counterparts. “There is no discrimination at all,” said Mr.Musiwacho,” but men’s game is more physical and it is played for 45minutes each half while females don’t last that time hence the need to have different cash prizes. However, I encourage all the students to participate and come in their numbers to refresh from books.” Each hostel will build a team and the non-residential students who are the bulk of the students will have more teams. Competi6 tion is likely to be stiff because of the cash incentives.
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