Ministry Leaders

Ministry Leaders
1995 Ford Winstar LX Van
Pastor: Rev. Dustin Wilhite
6 CYLS—Dark Green
Community Care: Sar ah Cox
High Mileage
This vehicle will be sold in AS IS condition.
Children: Stacy Sanchez
Youth/Young Adults: Alan
Worship Arts: Holly Boyle
Treasurer: Tamar a Valdez
All serious inquiries (test drives) will be
scheduled by appointment only. For more information, call Ralph McGee @ 437-7640, ext.
Finance/Membership: Ter r i
Sunday, November 9
5:45 PM
Focus Team
6:00 PM
Financial Peace University
Monday, November 10
6:00 PM
Grace UMC Endowment
Tuesday, November 11
7:00 PM
Order of the Arrow — BSA 147
7:00 PM
Knit for Kids
Wednesday, November 12
9:30 AM
S.P.A (childcare provided)
Thursday, November 13
6:30 PM
Finance Meeting
Friday, November 14
4:00 PM
Shared Table Food Prep
Saturday, November 15
11:30 AM
Shared Table
Sunday, November 16
5:00 PM
Deadline is the Monday before the Sunday
you wish for information to appear.
Send to: [email protected]
November 9, 2014 — November 16, 2014
Executive Secretary: Pat Lyman
Facility Manager: Ralph McGee
Lock-Up Custodians: Amelia
& Joe Monforti
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Welcome to Grace United Methodist Church! We are called by Jesus Christ
to love each other unconditionally and to support one another on our spiritual
journeys. We hope that your experience in worship today is inspirational and
uplifting. Join us again as we worship God together.
Grace United Methodist Church •1206 Greenwood Lane, Alamogordo, NM 88310-5740
575-437-7640 •
Using God’s Gifts for His Glory
We are called to be stewards of all that God has entrusted into our care. When
you think of stewardship, do you think about the money in your bank account?
Do you think about the car in your driveway, your investments, or your charitable
What is stewardship?
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the definition of stewardship is: the
conducting, supervising, or managing of something—the careful and responsible
management of something entrusted to one’s care.
Extravagant Generosity
8:30 AM Worship Service = 196
11:00 AM Worship Service = 78
Total Worship Attendance Service = 274
Sunday school = 128
Budget for 2014 = $633,231.00
Received This Week (11/2) = $33,463.26
Received Month-to-Date = $33,463.26
Received Year to Date = $503,799.56
God has entrusted many things to each of us. Stewardship is not just about money,
although God does call us each to steward our money in a way that is glorifying to Him
and grows His kingdom. We also must learn to steward our TIME. We must learn that
raising children is an act of stewardship. We are even called to steward the precious
spiritual gifts that we are given by the Holy Spirit. We should take care of our homes,
our vehicles, our workplace, and any other thing that God has entrusted into our care.
God has even given this beautiful church into the hands of the those who must conduct
business here, supervise and manage the affairs of running a highly effective ministry.
Sunday School Classes
All Classes are held from 9:45 to 10:55 a.m.
By stewarding finances correctly and giving to the church, as God wills and leads, you
are able to also be a great steward of the church that you have graciously been given.
You help to maintain the buildings, update classrooms, provide curriculum for
discipleship, make the environment welcoming to our guests, and so much more!
Beyond stewarding your treasure (money) to grow the church and keep it maintained,
you can steward your time and volunteer for projects that capitalize on the gifts that God
has given you. You have many opportunities at Grace UMC to use these talents to help
others grow in their faith, pursue discipleship, and reach out to the hurting and lost
community around us. Your time is very valuable. To those who volunteer their time
faithfully each year to this church—WE APPRECIATE YOU! Without you, this church
would not be the great place we attend for worship, fellowship, love and care. You make
this place great when you steward the time, treasure and talents that God has entrusted to
Luke 12:48 “...from everyone who has been given much, much will be required.”
ABC Class – Room 9-10
Back to Basics – Room 14
God’s Way Out – (Disciples Hall)
DH, Room 108
JOY Class – Room 12-13
Trinity Class – Room 3-4
Women’s Study – Room 11
Young Adult Bible Study
DH, Room 205
Jr. High – DH, Room 206
Sr. High – DH, 209
2nd & 3rd Grade – DH, Room 106
4th & 5th Grade – DH, Room 105
2 year olds – Room 21
3 & 4 year olds – Room 22
Kinder & 1st Grade – DH, Room 103
—Debbie Lange (daughter of Burt Skinner); prayers for healing from a stroke in
—Thelma Fitch (mother of Barbara Offutt); prayers for healing from double
pneumonia—wisdom for medical staff and peace for her family.
—Ryan McDermott; Praise the Lord, he is recovering but continued prayers
are requested for a full recovery.
—Norma Price; pray for continued healing and recovery—also for her husband,
Leon to have peace and comfort during this time.
—Don Besonen (father-in-law of Laurie (Menefee) Besonen); he passed away this
week, please pray for peace and comfort for his family.
—Tyler Adams; Praise the Lord, he is being moved to rehab—prayers and support have been instrumental in his healing and gives his family strength to continue
until his healing is complete. His family is thankful for prayer warriors!
As the staff of Grace UMC strives to improve and carry out the mission of
the church, it has been suggested that healthy living is important to those
who serve God in full-time ministry. In ministry, it is difficult to maintain
balance of health, home and work life. Ministry is not an ordinary job, as
it requires a deep level of spiritual development and commitment. Those
in ministry must take care of themselves better, so that they can take care
of those in our church more effectively. In the effort to promote wellbeing, the church has adopted new hours of operation. CHURCH WILL BE
CLOSED DAILY FROM 12:00 PM TO 1:00 PM for Lunch.
MONDAY through THURSDAY — 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to
5:00 PM
Intentional Faith Development
The Adult Bible Class (ABC Sunday School Class) is
just finishing a study of the Parables of Jesus in
which we have grown in a more intimate relationship with the Storyteller. We will begin an Advent
study on November 23rd titled “NOT A SILENT
NIGHT: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem”, by Adam Hamilton. This five week study will show Jesus from Mary’s point of view—proud of her son,
in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for
him as a person and so much more! Adam Hamilton begins at the end with Mary at the crucifixion
and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry and ends at the beginning, with the Christ Child born in a stable.
Jack Moffatt will lead the study which features
Adam Hamilton and his dynamic teaching style
through a series of DVD’s. Not only will you enjoy
the 10 minute DVD each week, but also class discussion which enriches our time together.
If you currently do not attend a Sunday School
class or just want to make Advent more meaningful this year, you are invited to join us for part or
all of it this Sunday. We meet in RM. 9 across the
hall from the Choir Room. This year, why not experience Advent and Christmas with Mary?
—Helen Menefee
Faith is a grand cathedral,
with divinely pictured windows—standing without, you
can see no glory, nor can imagine any, but standing within, every ray of light reveals
harmony of unspeakable
—Nathaniel Hawthorne
New and improved Children’s
Church has started on Sundays
in the Chapel during both services.
Children’s Ministry Director,
Stacy Sanchez, invites children
ages 4 through 2nd grade to
children’s church, immediately
following “Children’s Moments” in both services.
No Children’s Church on the
1st Sunday of the month.
Risk-Taking Mission & Service
Operation Christmas Child UPDATE! —Glory be to God!
Together, we turned
in 114 filled shoeboxes on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. This is more than twice the amount of boxes sent
last year. With generous support from the congregation (money and supplies), we packed 65
boxes in two packing parties (youth and children). Praise God! Thank you to all who have
packed boxes, furnished empty boxes and supplies to pack, and donated money for supplies and
shipping. This has been a very successful year! Each shoebox is an opportunity to show God’s
love and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You still have time to pack a shoebox, if you haven’t
already. The deadline for GRACE UMC is Sunday, Nov. 16th. God bless you. –Jan Richardson
Five Fruitful Practices We have committed to strengthening our
life and mission together through a focus on five specific, Spiritled practices: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission & Service and
Extravagant Generosity. As we exercise these qualities of
Christian life together, we will grow personally and as a congregation in fulfilling the will of God to live lives that are dedicated to
Christ and committed to serving God.
Passionate Worship
Grace United Methodist Women would like to thank all who came and supported our
Christmas Bazaar this year. We are especially grateful to Gayle Small and her crew of ladies
who work so diligently all year long to craft the items.
Thank you for helping us to help others.
Radical Hospitality
Shared Table is a wonderful ministry that provides delicious, hot meals on a weekly basis
to all people regardless of age, ethnicity, religious background or economic status. Jesus
welcomed people from all backgrounds to come eat with Him, learn from Him and receive
His amazing grace. Shared Table extends that grace to those in the community who want
to come and eat together, have good conversation and be blessed by the goodness of God.
SHARED TABLE could use your help! This ministry is asking for donations of
TURKEYS during the holiday season. You can also donate MONEY in lieu of a turkey. Turkeys can be donated on Saturdays from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM—or by special arrangement with Jim Talbert. If you can donate a turkey for Thanksgiving, many people will
be blessed and truly understand God’s love and mercy. Help Shared Table practice hospitality in the name of Christ!
Get ready! It’s that time of year again. Christmas is coming. The holidays are drawing near, with Thanksgiving just around the corner.
Grace United Methodist Church has a wonderful tradition of celebrating
The Hanging of the Greens!
We will join together in ONE UNITED SERVICE at 10:00 AM, and we will rejoice in
unity over the coming Christmas season. We will be decorating the sanctuary ,
making it beautiful for the holidays. This will be a very fun and exciting time
spent together as a church. We sincerely hope you will join us for this combined
service and celebrate the coming of Christ for the salvation of the world. Greenery is traditionally representative of everlasting life. Greens such as cedar signify
royalty, fir and pine for everlasting life, holly symbolizing Jesus’ death and ivy
representing the resurrection of Christ. BE OUR GUEST as this special event!
November 30, 2014
United Service @ 10:00 AM
Sunday School @ 9:00 AM
Special Announcements:
Special Announcements:
KINDNESS & HAPPINESS CIRCLES — These two groups will combine together for a
KINDNESS & HAPPINESS CIRCLES — These two groups will combine together for a
shared program called “Giving Thanks” on November 20, 2014 at 11:30 AM. POTLUCK.
shared program called “Giving Thanks” on November 20, 2014 at 11:30 AM. POTLUCK.
Thanks to all the ladies who sewed Little Dresses & Britches for the shipment that we sent off
to Michigan for this Fall. We collected 250 Little Dresses & 68 Britches. This makes nearly
2000 items that have been sent since we started this project in 2011. This is an ongoing project. We will be sending our next shipment in the Spring. Please continue sewing—Ladies!
Fabric and notions are donated, so all we have to do is SEW. Special thanks go out to Lee Irwin, Debbie Beeman, Gerda Cappel, Frances Tharp and Connie West, who diligently helped
pack the items—pushed and shoved to get as many as possible into each box. Pastor Dustin
did a lovely job of blessing of the items on the altar rail with the help of the children. Please
call if you need supplies (437-1724). God will surely bless you real good.
Thanks to all the ladies who sewed Little Dresses & Britches for the shipment that we sent off
to Michigan for this Fall. We collected 250 Little Dresses & 68 Britches. This makes nearly
2000 items that have been sent since we started this project in 2011. This is an ongoing project. We will be sending our next shipment in the Spring. Please continue sewing—Ladies!
Fabric and notions are donated, so all we have to do is SEW. Special thanks go out to Lee Irwin,
Debbie Beeman, Gerda Cappel, Frances Tharp and Connie West, who diligently helped pack the
items—pushed and shoved to get as many as possible into each box. Pastor Dustin did a lovely
job of blessing of the items on the altar rail with the help of the children. Please call if you
need supplies (437-1724). God will surely bless you real good.
UMC #Giving Tuesday!
UMC #Giving Tuesday!
We are excited to let you know that plans are under way for this year’s UMC #GivingTuesday!
On December 2nd, you can extend the spirit of giving thanks into the Advent season by participating in UMC #GivingTuesday. Every gift made online through The Advance at on Dec. 2 will be matched UP TO A MILLION DOLLARS! (A maximum of $2,500 per individual gift to a project will be dispersed as matching funds — $25,000
per project in matching funds). Last year on UMC #GivingTuesday, United Methodists collectively raised a record $6.5 million online through The Advance. Eleven thousand individuals
and churches in 34 countries gave more than 16,300 gifts to mission and ministries they believe in. This is an act of extravagant generosity.
We are excited to let you know that plans are under way for this year’s UMC #GivingTuesday!
On December 2nd, you can extend the spirit of giving thanks into the Advent season by participating in UMC #GivingTuesday. Every gift made online through The Advance at on Dec. 2 will be matched UP TO A MILLION DOLLARS! (A maximum
of $2,500 per individual gift to a project will be dispersed as matching funds — $25,000 per
project in matching funds). Last year on UMC #GivingTuesday, United Methodists collectively
raised a record $6.5 million online through The Advance. Eleven thousand individuals and
churches in 34 countries gave more than 16,300 gifts to mission and ministries they believe in.
This is an act of extravagant generosity.
The Chrismons are coming for the holidays! The stitching has been done. Now is the time to
combine our efforts and bring the Chrismons to life. Come join us Monday, Nov. 17th at 10
AM in the Parlor. Doughnuts and coffee will be provided. No matter how long you can stay,
we appreciate your help. —Holly Boyle
The Chrismons are coming for the holidays! The stitching has been done. Now is the time to
combine our efforts and bring the Chrismons to life. Come join us Monday, Nov. 17th at 10 AM
in the Parlor. Doughnuts and coffee will be provided. No matter how long you can stay, we
appreciate your help. —Holly Boyle