
Mme. Persiani och M. Albert, ur Galerie Artistes Dramatiques de Paris, T.1. - Paris : Marchant, 1841
Referensböcker .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Teaterteori ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Dramaturgi & översättning ................................................................................................................................. 6
Teater- & dansvetenskap ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Kvinnor & teater ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Feminism, genus & queer-teori ........................................................................................................................... 8
Regi ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Skådespelar- & sångkonst ................................................................................................................................. 10
Teaterpubliken & teaterupplevelsen .................................................................................................................. 11
Teater- & danskritik .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Allmän teaterhistoria ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Teaterhistoria, länder......................................................................................................................................... 13
Biografier .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Ensembler, grupper & kompanier ..................................................................................................................... 37
Balett & scenisk dans ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Folklig dans ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Sällskapsdans .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Övrigt, dans ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
Amatörteater...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Barnteater .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Cirkus, varieté, trolleri mm. .............................................................................................................................. 45
Commedia dell’arte ........................................................................................................................................... 45
Dockteater & skuggspel .................................................................................................................................... 45
Experimentteater, performance & live art ......................................................................................................... 46
Fester, karnevaler etc. ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Opera & musikteater ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Pantomim & mim .............................................................................................................................................. 48
Pedagogiskt drama & dans ................................................................................................................................ 48
Kostym, mask & smink ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Scenografi & scenljus ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Teaterbyggnader & teaterarkitektur, inkl. scenmaskineri ................................................................................. 50
Teatermusik & ljud ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Teatermuseer & teaterarkiv ............................................................................................................................... 51
Teater & religion ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Teater, dans & samhälle .................................................................................................................................... 52
TV, radio & film ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Kulturhistoria .................................................................................................................................................... 54
Litteratur- & dramahistoria ............................................................................................................................... 54
Musikhistoria .................................................................................................................................................... 57
Vitterhet ............................................................................................................................................................ 57
Undervisning & utbildning ............................................................................................................................... 57
Utställningar & konferenser .............................................................................................................................. 58
Svensk dramatik, samt utländsk i svensk översättning...................................................................................... 58
Utländsk dramatik ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Teater- & dansvetenskapliga uppsatser ............................................................................................................. 68
Directory of performing arts resources / compiled by Francesca Franchi. - London : Society for Theatre
Research : Theatre Museum, 1998. - ca 150 s.
Encyclopedia of Latin American theater / edited by Eladio Cortés and Mira Barrea-Marlys. - Westport :
Greenwood press, 2003. - xiii, 514 s.
González Vázquez, Carmen. Diccionario Akal del teatro latino : léxico, dramaturgia, escenografía / Carmen
González Vázquez. - Nueva ed. revisada y ampliada. - Tres Cantos, Madrid, España : Akal, c2014. - 392 s.
(Akal/diccionarios ; 55)
Grange, William. The A to Z of German theater / William Grange. - Lanham : The scarecrow press, 2010. lxxvi, 395 s., [16] pl.-s. (The A to Z guide series ; 184)
International women stage directors / edited by Anne Fliotsos, Wendy Vierow ; foreword by Roberta
Levitow. - Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2013. - xi, 360 s. : ill.
Knowles, Mark. The tap dance dictionary / Mark Knowles. - Jefferson, N.C. : MacFarland, 2012. - ix, 254 s.
Mouhy. Tablettes dramatiques… / par M. le Chevalier de Mouhy. - Paris : Jorry, 1752. - xxii, 244, 88 s.
(Personnes samling)
Music in Shakespeare : a dictionary / Christopher R. Wilson and Michela Calore. - London : Arden
Shakespeare, 2014. - xiv, 508 s. (Arden Shakespeare dictionaries)
Scenographes en France 1975-2012 : diversité & mutations / ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Luc
Boucris et Marcel Freydefont. - S.l. : Actes Sud, 2013. - 269 s. : ill.
Senelick, Laurence. Historic dictionary of Russian theatre / Laurence Selenick. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press,
2005. - li, 553 s. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts ; 14)
Sjåvik, Jan. The A to Z of Scandinavian literature and theater / Jan Sjåvik. - Lanham : Scarecrow press,
2009. - xli, 361 s. (The A to Z guide series ; 60)
Tan Ye. The A to Z of Chinese theater / Tan Ye. - Lanham : Scarecrow press, 2010. - xxxi, 535 s.
Acoustic interculturalism : listening to performance / Marcus Cheng Chye Tan. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012. - xii, 259 s. (Studies in international performance)
Agenten der Öffentlichkeit : Theater und Medien im frühen 19. Jahrhundert / Wagner, Meike (Hrsg.). Mit
Beiträgen von Balme, Christopher, Eke, Norbert Otto, Ernst, Wolf-Dieter et al. - 1. Auflage. - Bielefeld :
Aisthesis Verlag, 2014. - 265 s. (Forum Vormärz Forschung : Vormärz-Studien ; 29)
Allain, Paul. The Routledge companion to theatre and performance / Paul Allain and Jen Harvie. - 2. ed. London : Routledge, 2014. - xiii, 300 s.
Badiou, Alain. Rhapsodie pour le théâtre : court traité philosophique / Alain Badiou. - 1. Éd. - Paris : Presses
Universitaires de France, 2014. - 129 s. (Perspectives critiques).
Badiou, Alain. Rhapsody for the theatre / Alain Badiou. - London : Verso books, 2013. - 160 s.
Bailes, Sara Jane. Performance theatre and the poetics of failure : forced entertainment, Goat Island, elevator
repair service / Sara Jane Bailes. - London : Routledge, 2011. - xx, 228 p.
Blau, Herbert. Reality principles : from the absurd to the virtual / Herbert Blau. - Ann Arbor : The University
of Michigan Press, 2011. - 320 s.
Bohtz, August Wilhelm. Ueber das Komische und die Komödie : ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Schönen /
von August Wilhelm Bohtz. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1844. - iv, 266 s.
Bonczek, Rose Burnet. Ensemble theatre making : a practical guide / by Rose Burnett Bonczek and David
Storck. - London ; Routledge, 2013. - ix, 226 s.
Bühne : Raumbildende Prozesse im Theater / Norbert Otto Eke, Ulrike Haß & Irina Kaldrack (Hrsg.) - 1.
Aufl. - München : Wilhelm Fink, 2014. - 393 s. : ill. (Schriftenreihe des Graduiertenkollegs 'Automatismen')
Clairon, Hyppolite. Mémoires d’Hyppolite Clairon et réflexions sur l’art dramatique : tome 1-2 / Hyppolite
Clairon. - Hambourg : Fauche, 1798. - 269, 272 s. (Personnes samling)
Composed theatre : aesthetics, practices, processes / edited by Matthias Rebstock and David Roesner. Bristol : Intellect, 2012. - 362 s.
Dokument, Fälschung, Wirklichkeit : Materialband zum zeitgenössischen Dokumentarischen Theater /
hrsg. von Boris Nikitin, Carena Schlewitt und Tobias Brenk. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 250 s. : ill.
(Recherchen 110)
Graffenried , Ariane von. Dramaturgien der Wirklichkeit : Dokumentarfilme im Theater / Ariane Von
Graffenried. - Zürich : Chronos, 2012. - 312 s. (Materialien des ITW Bern ; 13)
Handke, Peter. Nebeneingang oder Haupteingang? : Gespräche über 50 Jahre Schreiben fürs Theater. Peter
Handke / Thomas Oberender. - 1. Auflage. - Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2014. - 199 s.
Histories and practices of live art / edited by Deirdre Heddon and Jennie Klein. - Basingstoke, Hampshire :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - x, 235 s.
A history of collective creation / Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva, editor, and Scott Proudfit, associate editor. New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - ix, 265 s. :ill.
Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. 3. ed. / edited by Freda Chapple & Chiel Kattenbelt. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2007. - 266 s. (Themes in Theatre ; 2)
Kear, Adrian. Theatre and event : staging the European century / Adrian Kear. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. - xiii, 243 s. : ill. (Studies in international performance)
Kimbrough, Andrew. Dramatic theories of voice in the twentieth century / Andrew Kimbrough. - Amhers,
NY. : Cambria, 2011. - 334 s.
Mangan, Michel. Staging ageing : theatre, performance and the narrative of decline / by Michael Mangan. Bristol : Intellect, 2013. - vii, 220 s.
Mattsson, Erik. Rättens iscensättning : rum, framträdanden, gränser / Erik Mattsson. - Stockholm :
Department of Musicology and Performance Studies, Stockholm University, 2014. - 178 s. (Diss.)
Meyer-Dinkgräfe, Daniel. Observing theatre: spirituality and subjectivity in the performing arts / Daniel
Meyer-Dinkgräfe. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2013. - 213 s. (Consciousness, literature & the arts ; 36)
Mortier, Gerard. Dramaturgie einer Leidenschaft : Für ein Theater als Religion des Menschlichen / Gerard
Mortier ; Übersetzt von Sven Hartberger. - 2. Aufl. - Cassel : J.B. Metzler, 2014. - 126 s.
Pearson, Mike. Marking time : performance, archaeology and the city / Mike Pearson. - Exeter : University
of Exeter Press, 2013. - xi, 275 s. : ill. (Exeter performance studies)
Performing objects and theatrical things / ed. by Marlis Schweitzer and Joanne Zerdy. - Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xv, 264 s.
Postdramatic theatre and the political : international perspectives on contemporary performance / edited
by Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll and Steven Giles. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - vii, 324 : ill.
Refugee performance : practical encounters / ed. Michael Balfour. - Bristol : Intellect, 2013. xxv, 316 s.
Roland Schimmelpfennig - Ja und Nein : Vorlesungen über Dramatik / hrsg. Von Johannes Birgfeld in
Kooperation mit der Deutschen Botschaft Havanna, Abteilung Kultur. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 200
Roesner, David. Musicality in theatre : music as model, method and metaphor in theatre-making / David
Roesner. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2014. - 272 s. (Ashgate interdisciplinary studies in opera)
Schauspielen heute : Die Bildung des Menschen in den performativen Künsten / Jens Roselt, & Christel
Weiler (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 264 s. : ill. (Theater, Bd. 15)
Sofer, Andrew. Dark matter : invisibility in drama, theater and performance / Andrew Sofer. - Ann Arbor :
University of Michigan Press, 2013. - x, 229 s. : ill. (Theater: theory/text/performance)
SpielRäume : Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik, Theater, Film / Andrea Ellmeier & Claudia WalkensteinerPreschl (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage. - Wien : Böhlau, 2014. - 197 s. (Gender Wissen ; 5)
Taking it to the bridge : music as performance / ed. Nicholas Cook & Richard Pettengill. - Ann Arbor : The
University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xvi, 381 s.
Theatre and adaptation : return, rewrite, repeat / edited by Margherita Laera. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014.
- ix, 284 s.
Theatre and ghosts : materiality, performance and modernity / ed. by Mary Luckhurst and Emilie Morin. Abingdon : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xiv, 228 s.
Le théâtre de chambre : conception d’une structure dramatique envisageant la réalisation d’un théâtre
subjectif / [rédigé par Édourad Autant, Louise Lara et Akakia-Viala]. -Paris : Art et action, 1932. - 63 s., ill.
Der Tod der Tragödie : Ein kritischer Essay / Steiner, George. Übersetzt Jutta und Theodor von Knust. Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2014. - 274 s.
Willis, Emma. Theatricality, dark tourism and ethical spectatorship : absent others / Emma Willis. Abingdon
: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xiv, 237 s. : ill.
Wright, Jon. Why is that so funny? : a practical exploration of physical comedy / John Wright. - London
Nick Hern books, c2006. - xvii, 334 s.
Zimmermann, Robert. Über das Tragische und die Tragödie: Vorlesungen gehalten zu Prag im Frühjahre
1855 / von Robert Zimmermann. - Wien : Braumüller, 1856. - vi, 25 s.
Zola, Émile. Le naturalism au theater : les theories et les exemples /Émile Zola. - Paris : Charpentier, 1881. 407 s. (Personnes samling)
Dramaturgi & översättning
Anmerkungen übers Theater / Shakespeare-Arbeiten und Shakespeare-Übersetzungen : Studienausgabe. /
Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, Hans-Günther Schwarz (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart : Reclam, 2014. (Reclams
Universal-Bibliothek, Bd. 19135)
Murphy, Vincent. Page to stage : the craft of adaptation / Vincent Murphy. - Ann Arbor : University of
Michigan Press, 2012. - xi, 192 s. : ill.
"Music's obedient daughter" : the opera libretto from source to score / edited by Sabine Lichtenstein. Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi B.V., 2014. - 507 s.
New dramaturgy : international perspectives on theory and practice / edited by Katalin Trencsényi and
Bernadette Cochrane. - London : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014. - x, 275 s. : ill.
Nissen-Rizvani, Karin. Autorenregie : Theater und Texte von Sabine Harbeke, Armin Petras/Fritz Kater,
Christoph Schlingensief und René Pollesch / Karin Nissen-Rizvani. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 318 s.
Redvall, Eva Novrup. Writing and producing television drama in Denmark : from the kingdom to the killing
/ by Eva Novrup Redvall. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xi, 252 s. : ill.
Rötscher, Heinrich Theodor. Dramaturgische und ästhetische Abhandlungen / von Heinrich Theodor
Rötscher. - Leipzig : Wigand, 1864. - vi, 192 s. (Personnes samling)
Theatre and adaptation : return, rewrite, repeat / edited by Margherita Laera. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014.
- ix, 284 s.
Teater- & dansvetenskap
Allain, Paul. The Routledge companion to theatre and performance / Paul Allain and Jen Harvie. - 2. ed. London : Routledge, 2014. - xiii, 300 s.
Archaeological approaches to dance performance / edited by Kathryn Soar and Christina Aamodt. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2014. - 95 s. (British Archaeological Reports ; 2622)
Dance [and] theory / Gabriele Brandstetter, Gabriele Klein (eds.) ; With editorial assistance of Melanie
Haller and Heike Lüken. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013. - 324 s. (Critical dance studies ; 25)
Dance on its own terms : histories and methodologies / edited by Melanie Bales and Karen Eliot. - New
York : Oxford University Press, c2013. - vi, 448 s.
Författaren på operan / redaktion: Katarina Aronsson, Eva Clementi, Claes Wahlin. - Stockholm :
Kungliga operan, 2013. - 181 s. (Gåva från Kungliga operan)
Gustafsson, Lisen. Praktisk dansforskning / Lisen Gustafsson. - Halmstad : Dans i Halland, 2003. [16] s., ill. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
McCarren, Felicia M. French moves : the cultural politics of le hip hop / Felicia McCarren. - New York :
Oxford University Press, c2012. - xxxviii, 202 s. (Oxford studies in dance theory)
Performance studies in motion : international perspectives and practices in the twenty-first century / edited
by Atay Citron, Sharon Aronson-Lehavi, and David Zerbib. - Abingdon : Methuen Drama, 2014. - xi, 401 s.
Playing Culture : Conventions and extensions of performance / edited by Vicki Ann Cremona, Rikard
Hoogland, Gay Morris and Willmar Sauter. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - 291 s. (Themes in theatre ; 8)
Preston-Dunlop, Valerie. Dance and the performative : a choreological perspective - Laban and beyond /
Valerie Preston-Dunlop, Ana Sanchez-Colberg ; with essays by Frank Werner, Paula Salosaari, Sarah
Rubidge. - Hampshire : Dance Books, 2010. - 307 s. : ill.
Theorien des Performativen : Sprache - Wissen - Praxis. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme / Klaus W.
Hempfer & Jörg Volbers (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 162 s. ( Edition
Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 6)
Kvinnor & teater
International women stage directors / edited by Anne Fliotsos, Wendy Vierow ; foreword by Roberta
Levitow. - Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2013. - xi, 360 s. : ill.
Larsen, Wenche. Skuespillet om kvinnekroppen : bildets og kroppens betydning i Cecilie Løveids dramatikk
/ Wenche Larsen. - Oslo : Unipub, 2005. - 273 s.
Lavin, Suzanne. Women and comedy in solo performance : Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin and Roseanne /
Suzanne Lavin. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 153 s. (Studies in American popular history and culture)
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
Osnes, Beth. Theatre for women’s participation in sustainable development / Beth Osnes. - New York :
Routledge, 2014. - xxi, 216 s. : ill. (Routledge studies in sustainable environment)
Women in American musical theatre : essays on composers, lyricists, librettits, arrangers, choreographers,
designers, directors, producers and performing artists / edited by Bud Coleman and Judith Sebesta. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Comp., 2008. - x, 282 s. : ill.
Women in American theatre / edited by Helen Krich Chinoy and Linda Walsh Jenkins. - Rev. and exp. 3.
ed. - New York : Theatre communications group, 2006. - xxxv, 555 s.
Women making Shakespeare : text, reception and performance / edited by Gordon McMullan, Lena Cowen
Orlin, Virginia Mason Vaughan. - London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2013. - xiii, 368 s. : ill.
Feminism, genus & queer-teori
Bailey, Marion B. Butch queens up in pumps : gender, performance and ballroom culture in Detroit / Marlon
M Bailey. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xiv, 279 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Bogosyan, Natali. Postfeminist discourse in Shakespeare's The tempest and Warner's indigo : ambivalence,
liminality and plurality / by Natali Bogosyan. - Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. - vii, 380
Claycomb, Ray. Lives in play : autobiography and biography on the feminist stage / Ryan Claycomb. - Ann
Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - viii, 261 s.
Holmberg, Arthur. David Mamet and American Macho / Arthur Holmberg. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2012. - xiii, 322 s. : ill. (Cambridge studies in American theatre and drama)
Novoa, Carolina. Die Inszenierung von ‘Gender’ und ‘Race’ in “Unschuld” von Dea Loher: Regie: Michael
Thalheimer / Carolina Novoa. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, 2013 Ht. - 44 bl.,
Rivera-Servera, Ramon H. Performing queer latinidad : dance, sexuality, politics / Ramon H. RiveraServera. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xi, 257 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Shaw, Peggy. A menopausal gentleman : the solo performances of Peggy Shaw / edited and with an
introduction by Jill Dolan. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2011. - 170 s. (Triangulations)
Shaw and feminisms : on stage and off / edited by D.A. Hadfield and Jean Reynolds ; foreword by Rodelle
Weintraub. - Gainesville, Florida. : University Press of Florida. 2013. - xvi, 234 s. (The Florida Bernard
Shaw series)
Shakesqueer : a queer companion to the complete works of Shakespeare / Madhavi Menon. - Durham ;
London : Duke University Press, 2011. - x, 494 s.
SpielRäume : Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik, Theater, Film / Andrea Ellmeier & Claudia WalkensteinerPreschl (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage. - Wien : Böhlau, 2014. - 197 s. (Gender Wissen ; 5)
Tönnies, Merle. (En-)gendering a popular theatrical genre : the roles of women in nineteenth-century British
Melodrama. / Merle Tönnies. - 1. Auflage. - Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014. - 364 s.
(Anglistische Forschungen, Bd. 443)
Warner, Sara. Acts of gaiety : LGBT performance and the politics of pleasure / Sara Warner. - Ann Arbor :
University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xxvi, 263 s. (Triangulations)
Wolf, Stacy. A problem like Maria : gender and sexuality in the American musical / by Stacy Wolf. - Ann
Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002. - xx, 289 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Contemporary European theatre directors / edited by Maria M. Delgado and Dan Rebellato. - Abingdon :
Routledge, 2010. - xix, 428, 17 pl.-s.
Deer, Joe. Directing in musical theatre : an essential guide / Joe Deer. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 250 s.
Innes, Christopher. The Cambridge introduction to theatre directing / Christopher Innes and Maria
Shevtsova. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. - x, 283 s. : ill. (Cambridge introductions to
Lehman, Susan Beth. Directors : from stage to screen and back again / Susan Beth Lehman. - Bristol :
Intellect Books, 2013. - xxvii, 177 s. : ill.
Nissen-Rizvani, Karin. Autorenregie : Theater und Texte von Sabine Harbeke, Armin Petras/Fritz Kater,
Christoph Schlingensief und René Pollesch / Karin Nissen-Rizvani. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 318 s.
Skådespelar- & sångkonst
Acting : psychophysical phenomenon and process / Phillip B. Zarrilli, Jerri Daboo and Rebecca Loukes. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xvi, 295 s. : ill. (Theatre and performance practices)
Actors talk about acting, 2. / arranged and edited by Lewis Funke and John E. Booth. - New York : Avon
Book, 1961. - 221
Body and performance / ed. Sandra Reeve. - Devon : Triarchy Press, 2013. - 186 s. (Ways of being a
Brandes, Edvard. Fremmed Skuespilkunst : Studier og Portræter med 16 afbildninger / Edvard Brandes. Kjøbenhavn : Philipsen, 1881. - 380 s., ill. (Personnes samling)
Böttiger, Carl August. Entwicklung des Ifflandischen Spiels in vierzehn Darstellungen auf dem
Weimarischen Hoftheater im Aprillmonath 1796 / Carl August Böttiger. - Leipzig: Göäschen, 1796. - xvi,
407 s. (Personnes samling)
Bruno, Sean. Creating solo performance / Luke Dixon and Sean Bruno. - London : Routledge, 2014.- xii,
273 s.
Dudeck, Theresa Robbins. Keith Johnstone : a critical biography / Theresa Robbins Dudeck. - London :
Bloomsbury, 2013. - x, 217 s.
Fast, Julius. Kroppsspråket / av Julius Fast ; översättning från amerikanskan av Roland Adlerberth. Stockholm : Forum, 1977. -164 s., ill.
Friberg, Ulf. Den kapitalistiska skådespelaren : aktör eller leverantör? / Ulf Friberg. - Göteborg :
Bokförlaget Korpen : 2014. - 293 s. - (ArtMonitor avhandling ; 44) (Diss.)
Gillett, John. Acting Stanislavski : a practical guide to Stanislavski's approach and legacy / John Gillett. London : Methuen Drama, 2014. - 344 s. : ill.
Gutekunst , Christina. Voice into acting : integrating voice and the Stanislavski approach / Christina
Gutekunst and John Gillett. - London : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014. - xxi, 384 s. : ill.
Hurt, Melissa. Arthur Lessac's embodied actor training / Melissa Hurt. - London : Routledge, 2014. - ix, 134
The improvisation studies reader : spontaneous acts / edited by Rebecca Caines and Ajay Heble. - London :
Routledge, 2014. - xviii, 460 s.
Imsan, Dora. Carmen, Charakterentwicklung für die Bühne / von Dora Imsan. - Darmstadt : Falken-Verlag,
1917. - 51 s. (Stangenbergs samling)
Johansson, Maria. Skådespelarens praktiska kunskap / Maria Johansson. - Stockholm : Premiss, 2012. - 291
s. (Diss.)
Kimbrough, Andrew. Dramatic theories of voice in the twentieth century / Andrew Kimbrough. - Amhers,
NY. : Cambria, 2011. - 334 s.
Royston, Darren. Dramatic dance : an actor’s approach to dance as a dramatic art / Darren Royston. London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - viii, 153 s.
Stanislavskij : pisatel, artisty, režessery o velikom dejatele russkogo teatra / [sostaviteli i avtory primečanij
S. V. Melik-Zacharov i Š. Š. Bogayrev. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1963. - 278 s.
Unternehmenstheater in der Praxis Veränderungsprozesse mit Theater gestalten : ein Sachroman /
Flume, Peter / Karin Hirschfeld, Hoffmann, Christian (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag, 2001. 275 s.
Wright, Jon. Why is that so funny? : a practical exploration of physical comedy / John Wright. - London
Nick Hern books, c2006. - xvii, 334 s.
Teaterpubliken & teaterupplevelsen
Bishop, Claire. Artificial hells : participatory art and the politics of spectatorship / Claire Bishop. - London :
Verso, 2012. - 382 s.
Inventing the spectator : subjectivity and the theatrical experience in early modern France / Joseph Harris. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 282 s.
Paul, Arno. Agresive Tendenzen des Theaterpublikums : eine struktuell-funktionale Untersuchung über den
sog. Theaterskandal anhand der Sozialverhältnisse der Goethezeit / vorgelegt von Arno Paul. - München :
Schön, 1969. - 322 s.
Young audiences, theatre and the cultural conversion / ed. John O'Toole, Ricci-Jane Adams, Michael
Anderson, Bruce Burton, Robyn Ewing. - Dordrecht : springer, 2014. - vii, 201 s. : ill. (Landscapes: the arts,
aesthetics, and education ; 12)
Teater- & danskritik
Abelman, Bob. A theater criticism/arts journalism primer : refereeing the muses / Bob Abelman & Cheryl
Kushner. - New York : Peter Lang, 2013. - xvii, 271 s. : ill.
Buerger, Max. Dramaturgisches / von Max Buerger. - Berlin: Wigand, 1910. - 64 s.
Hildén, Xenia. Hur teaterkritiken har förändrats över tid och eventuella orsker till detta / Xenia Hildén. Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, 2013 Ht. - 35 bl.
Sundberg, Björn. Skrivet i vinden - : texter om litteratur och scenkonst / Björn Sundberg. - Visby :
Nomen/Books-on-demand, 2014. - 199 s.
Allmän teaterhistoria
Ancient comedy and reception : essays in honor of Jeffrey Henderson / ed. S Douglas Olson. - Berlin :
Walter de Gruyter, 2013. - 1097 s.
L’appareil scénique dans les spectacles de l’antiquité / souls la direction de Brigitte le Guen et Silvia
Milanezi. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2013. - 249 s. : ill. (Théâtres de monde)
Brandes, Edvard. Fremmed Skuespilkunst : Studier og Portræter med 16 afbildninger / Edvard Brandes. Kjøbenhavn : Philipsen, 1881. - 380 s., ill. (Personnes samling)
Bruschi, Filippo. Personnage collectif, personage individual au théâtre : tableaux d’un parcours dialectique
(1830-1930) / Filippo Bruschi. - Paris : Honoré Champion, 2013. - 434 s. (Romantisme et modernités ; 142)
The Cambridge companion to theatre history / edited by David Wiles and Christine Dymkowski. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. - xv, 318 s. (Cambridge companions to literature)
Choruses, ancient and modern / ed. Joshua Billings, Felix Budelmann & Fiona Macintosh. - Oxford :
Oxford university press, 2013. - xii, 448 s. : ill.
Emergency index, vol. 2 : documenting 2012 / [editors Sophia Gleary and Yelena Gluzman]. - Ney York :
Ugly duckling presse, 2013. - 564 s. : ill.
Fischer-Lichte, Erika. Dionysus Resurrected : performances of Euripides’ The bacchae in a globalizing
world / Erika Fischer-Lichte. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. - xvii, 238 s. : ill.
A history of collective creation / Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva, editor, and Scott Proudfit, associate editor. New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - ix, 265 s. :ill.
Preiss, Richard. Clowning and authorship in early modern theatre / Richard Preiss. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2014. - x, 287 s.
Savarese, Nicola. Eurasian theatre : drama and performance between east and west from classical antiquity
to the present / Nicola Savarese ; translated from Italian by Richard Fowler ; updated version revised and
edited by Vicki Ann Cremona. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2010. - 640 s.
Theater im arabischen Sprachraum = Theatre in the Arab world / herausgegeben von Rolf C. Hemke. Berlin : Theatre der Zeit, 2013. - 252 s. : ill. (Recherchen ; 104)
Theatre, performance and analogue technology : historical interfaces and intermedialities / ed. by Kara
Reilly. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xvii, 288 s. : ill. (Palgrave studies in performance and
Le théâtre universitaire : pratiques et expériences = The university theatre : practice and experience / sous
la direction de Robert Germay et Philippe Poirrier. - Dijon : Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2013. - 259 s.
The world of Baroque theatre : a compilation of essays from the Český Krumlov conferences 2007, 2008
and 2009 = Svět barokního divadla : sborník přednášek z konferencí v Českém Krumlově 2007, 2008 a 2009
/ editors = editoři Jiří Bláha, Pavel Slavko. - Český Krumlov : Společnost přátel Českého Krumlova, 2010. 549 s.
Teaterhistoria, länder
Applied drama and theatre as an interdisciplinary field in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa / Hazel
Estella Barnes. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvii, 294 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 43)
Arts, activism, education, and therapies : transforming communities across Africa / Hazel Estella Barnes. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvi, 324 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 44)
Italiaander, Rolf. Tanz in Afrika : ein Phänomen im Leben der Neger / Rolf Italiaander. - Berlin
:Rembrandt, 1960. - 63 s., ill. (Gåva från SFI)
Trends in twenty-first century African theatre and performance / edited by Kene Igweonu ; foreword by
Temple Hauptfleisch. - Amsterdam ; Rodopi, 2011. - 474 s. (Themes in theatre ; 6)
Back to back theatre : performance, politics, visibility / edited by Helena Grehan, Peter Eckersall. Aberystwyth : Performance research books, 2013. - vi, 281 s. : ill.
Dinova-Ruseva,Vera. Bulgarska scenografija / Vera Dinova-Ruseva. - Sofija : Bulgraski Chudožbuj, 1975. 330 s., ill. (vissa I färg .)
Vučkov, Julian. Bulgarska dramaturgija 1856-1878 / Julian Vučkov. - Sofija : Bulgarski Pisatel, 1989. 298 s.
La politique du théâtre au Québec / redaction: Odette Blouin-Cliché … - Québec : Ministère des affaires
culturelles,1984. -79 s.
Danske Dramatikere : en fortegnelse udgivet af Danske Dramatikeres Forbund over Medlemmernes
Arbejder. - Kjøbenhavn : Olsen, 1947. - 205 s.
Holmberg, Hans. Om danska teatergrupper i Ystad under 1800-talet ; Två märkliga laveringar i Ystads teater
/ Hans Holmberg. - Ystad, 1981. - S. 67-77 : ill. [Särtryck]
Møller, Vilhelm. Omkring Grønnegade-Teatret / Vilhelm Møller. - Kjøbenhavn, 1898. - S. 651-662, 893-91.
Kaj Munk : opgørets dramatiker / redigeret af Henrik Nygaard Andersen og Torleiv Austad. - København :
Anis, 2008. - 326 s.
Kaj Munks dramatik i teaterhistorisk optik / redigeret af Marc Auchet og Anker Gemzøe. - 1. udg. Aalborg : Aalborgs Universitetsforlag, 2011. - 285 s. : ill.
Redvall, Eva Novrup. Writing and producing television drama in Denmark : from the kingdom to the killing
/ by Eva Novrup Redvall. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xi, 252 s. : ill.
Sjåvik, Jan. The A to Z of Scandinavian literature and theater / Jan Sjåvik. - Lanham : Scarecrow press,
2009. - xli, 361 s. (The A to Z guide series ; 60)
Udkast til Lov om det Kongelige Theaters Stilling og oeconomiske Forhold. - [København], 1851?. 82 s.
Estonia : Lauluteatri rajajaid / koostanud: Vilma Paalma… - Tallin : Eesti Raamat, 1981. - 306 s., [20] pl.-bl.
Contemporary European theatre directors / edited by Maria M. Delgado and Dan Rebellato. - Abingdon :
Routledge, 2010. - xix, 428, 17 pl.-s.
Contemporary theatres in Europe : a critical companion / edited by Joe Kelleher and Nick Ridout. New
York : Routledge, 2006. - xviii, 214 s.
Downing, Cless. Ecology and environment in European drama / Downing Cless. - London : Routledge,
2011. - x, 234 s. (Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies)
Gluhovic, Milhija. Performing European memories : trauma, ethics, politics / Milija Gluhovic. - Basingstoke
: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xii, 322 s. (Studies in international performance)
Kear, Adrian. Theatre and event : staging the European century / Adrian Kear. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. - xiii, 243 s. : ill. (Studies in international performance)
Morgan, Margot. Politics and theatre in twentieth-century Europe : imagination and resistance / Margot
Morgan. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 224 s. (Critical political theory and radical practice)
Parallele Leben / Parallel Lives: Ein Dokumentar-Theaterprojekt zum Geheimdienst in Osteuropa = A
Documentary Theatre Project on Secret Police in Eastern Europe / hrsg. von Martina Vannayova und Jan
Simko. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 200 s. : ill. (Recherchen 112)
Finlands Svenska Skådespelarförbund 1917-1967. - Helsingfors, 1967. - 77 s., ill.
Le ballet de l'Opéra : Trois siècles de suprématie depuis Louis XIV / sous la direction de Mathias Auclair et
Christophe Gristi. - S.l. : Albin Michel, 2014. - 359 s. : ill.
Chaouche, Sabine. La mise en scène du répertoire à la Comédie-Francaise, 1680-1815. Vol. 1 / Sabine
Chaouche. - Paris : Honoré Champion, 2013. - s. 432
Chaouche, Sabine. La mise en scène du répertoire à la Comédie-Francaise, 1680-1815. Vol. 2 / Sabine
Chaouche. - Paris : Honoré Champion, 2013. - s. [433]-961
Clairon, Hyppolite. Mémoires d’Hyppolite Clairon et réflexions sur l’art dramatique : tome 1-2 / Hyppolite
Clairon. - Hambourg : Fauche, 1798. - 269, 272 s. (Personnes samling)
Clark, Barrett Harper. Contemporary french dramatists : studies on the théâtre Libre, Curel, Brieux, PortoRiche, Hervieu, Lavedan, Donnay, Rostand, Lemaître, Capus, Bataille, Bernstein, and Flers and Cavaillet /
by Barrett H. Clark. - S.l. : Ulan press, [200-?]. - 225 s. : faksimil
Clérivet, Marc. Danse traditionelle en Haute-Bretagne : traditions de danse populaire dans les milieuxs
ruraux gallos XIXe - XXe siècles / Marc Clérivet. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013. - 468 s. :
ill. (Patrimoine oral de Bretagne)
Connors, Logan J. Dramatic battles in eighteenth-century France : philosophes, anti-philosophes and
polemical theatre / Logan J. Connors. - Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2012. - 280 s.
Des Essarts, M. Les trois théâtres de Paris, ou abrégé historique de l’établissement de la Comédie Françoise,
de la Comédie Italienne et de l’Opéra… / par M. Des Essarts. - Paris : La Combe, 1777. - 300 s. (Personnes
Desboulmiers. Histoire du theater de l’Opéra Comique. T. 1-2 / [Desboulmiers]. - Paris : Lacombe, 1769. 497, 538 s. (Personnes samling)
Dussane. La Comédie Française / Dussane. - Paris : Hachette, 1960. - 86 s., ill. (vissa i färg)
Foltzer, A. Au temps jadis de Bayonne : 2. Série / A. Foltzer. - Bayonne: Courrier, 1936. - 200 s. (Personnes
Gitenet, Jean. Recherches pour une lecture semiologique des annotations de décors dans ”Le Balcon” de
Jean Genet / Jean Gitenet. - Lyon : Université Lyon II, 1972. - [173] bl., diagr.
Inventing the spectator : subjectivity and the theatrical experience in early modern France / Joseph Harris. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 282 s.
Lucas, Hippolyte. Histoire philosophique et littéraire du theater français depuis son origine jusqu’a nos jours,
T. 1-3 / par M. Hipplyte Lucas. - Bruxelles : Lacroix, 1862-63. – 3 vol. 348, 341, 391 s. (Personnes samling)
Lyden, E.M. de. Le théâtre d’autrefois et d’aujourd’hui : cantatrices et comédiens 1532-1882 / E.M. de
Lyden. - Paris : Dentu, 1882. - 299 s., reg.
McCarren, Felicia M. French moves : the cultural politics of le hip hop / Felicia McCarren. - New York :
Oxford University Press, c2012. - xxxviii, 202 s. (Oxford studies in dance theory)
McCready, Susan. The limits of performance in the French romantic theatre / Susan McCready. Manchester : Manchester University Press, cop. 2007. - vi, 145 s. (Durham modern languages series)
Mouhy. Tablettes dramatiques… / par M. le Chevalier de Mouhy. - Paris : Jorry, 1752. - xxii, 244, 88 s.
(Personnes samling)
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
Poitou, Eugène. Du roman et du théâtre contemporains et de leur influence sur les mœurs / par Eugène
Poitou. - 2. Édition. - Paris : Durand, 1858. - 408 s.
Pougin, Arthur. Le théâtre à l’exposition universelle de 1889 / Arthur Pougin. - Paris : Fischbacher, 1890. [4], 125 s.
Prest, Julia. Controversy in French Drama : Moliere's Tartuffe and the Struggle for Influence / Julia Prest. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 260 s.
Read, Gray. Modern architecture in theatre : the experiments of Art et Action. - New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2014. - 139 s. : ill.
Rondot, Natalis. Histoire et statistique des théâtres de Paris / par Natalis Rondot. - Paris : Guillaumin, 1852.
- 55 s.
Royer, Alphonse. Histoire du théâtre contemporain en France et à l’étranger depuis 1800 jusqu’a 1875 : T. 12 / par Alphonse Royer. - Paris : Olledorff, 1878. - 478, 478 s.
Scenographes en France 1975-2012 : diversité & mutations / ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Luc
Boucris et marcel Freydefont. - S.l. : Actes Sud, 2013. - 269 s. : ill.
Culukidze, Tamara. Vsego odna žizn’ / Tamara Culukidze. - Tbilisi : Chelovneba, 1983. - 294 s., [32] pl.-s.
Osnovopoložniki choreografičeskogo obrazovanija v Gruzii. - Tbilisi, 1987. - 46 s., ill.
Geppert, C.E. Die altgriechische Bühne / C.E. Gebbert. - Leipzig : Weigl, 1843. - xxiv, 288 s., 6 pl.-bl.
(Personnes samling)
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. Staging vice - a study of dramatic traditions in medieval and sixteenth-century
England and the Low Countries / Charlotte Steenbrugge. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - 264 s. (Ludus ; 13)
Arteaga, Stephan. Geschichte der italiänischen Oper von ihrem ersten Ursprung an bis auf gegenwärtige
Zeiten. 2. Bd. / Stephan Artega ; aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Johann
Nicolaus Forkel. - Leipzig : Schwickertschen Verlag, 1789. - vi, 532 s. (Personnes samling)
Guida al Teatro Regio Torino 1740-1973. - Torino : ODIP, 1978. - 32 s., ill.
L'histoire derrière le rideau : écritures scéniques du Risorgimento / sous la direction de Françoise
Decroisette. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013. - 353 s. (La spectaculaire)
Jordan, Peter. The Venetian origins of the Commedia dell'arte. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xxii, 250 s. :
Maria, Salvatore Di. The poetics of imitation in the Italian theatre of the renaissance / Salvatore DiMaria. Toronto : Toronto University Press, 2013. - x, 256 s.
A Renaissance wedding : the celebrations at Pesaro for the marriage of Costanzo Sforza & Camilla Marzano
D'Aragona (26-30 May 1475) / introduced, translated and edited from the Italian by Jane Bridgeman ; Latin
poems edited and translated by Alan Griffiths. - London : Harvey Miller, 2013. - 198 s. : ill.
Theatre, opera, and performance in Italy from the fifteenth century to the present: essays in honour of
Richard Andrews / ed. by Brian Richardsson... - S.l. : Society for Italian Studies, 2004. - 322 s.
Bizet, François. Tôzai !...: Corps et cris des marionnettes d'Osaka / de François Bizet. - Paris : Les belles
lettres, 2013. - 181 s. : ill. (Collection Japon)
Le geste suspendu : estampes Kabuki du Cabinet d'arts graphiques = The frozen gesture : Kabuki prints from
the Cabinet d'arts graphiques / sous le direction de = edited by Christian Rümelin et = and Hans Bjarne
Thomsen. - Cologne : Wienand, 2014. - 160 s. : färgill.
Hsiung, Yuwen. Expressionism and its deformation in contemporary Chinese theatre / Yuwen Hsiung. New York : Peter Lang, 2013. - 146 s. (Asian thought and culture ; 63)
Kwan, SanSan. Kinesthetic city : dance and movement in Chinese urban spaces / SanSan Kwan. - New York
: Oxford University Press, 2013. - xxxv, 175 s. : ill.
Tan Ye. The A to Z of Chinese theater / Tan Ye. - Lanham : Scarecrow press, 2010. - xxxi, 535 s.
Vollp, Sophie. Worldly stage : theatricality in seventeeth-century China / by Sophie Volpp. - Cambridge :
Harvard University Press, 2011. - xii, 371 s.
Vaughan, Umi. Rebel dance, renegade stance : timba music and black identity in Cuba / Umi Vaughan. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xii, 203 s. : ill.
Encyclopedia of Latin American theater / edited by Eladio Cortés and Mira Barrea-Marlys. - Westport :
Greenwood press, 2003. - xiii, 514 s.
Stevens, Bryan J. Mexican masks and puppets master carvers of the Sierra de Puebla / Bryan J. Stevens. Atglen : Schiffer, 2012. - 224 s. : färgill.
Aune, Vigdis. Teater med barn og unge : en studie av barne- og ungdomsteateret ved Rogaland Teater /
Vigdis Aune. - Oslo : Akademika forlag, 2013. - 185 s. : ill.
Berg, Thoralf. Spill og forsvinn : Teater i Møre-byene ved slutten av 1800-tallet / av Thoralf Berg. Trondheim : Universitetet i Trondheim, 1995. - 82 s.
Fidjestøl, Alfred. Trass alt : det norske teatret 1913-2013 / Alfred Fidjestøl. - Osla : Samlaget, 2013. - 779 s.
: ill.
Figureido, Ivo de. Ord/Kjøtt : norsk scenedramatikk 1890-2000 / Ivo de Figureido. - S.l. : Cappelen Damm,
2014. - 501 s. : ill.
Gatland, Jan Olav. Olav Dalgard : ein biografi / Jan Olav Gatland. - Oslo : Samlaget, 2013. - 351 s. : ill.
(Gåva från SUB)
Hagen, Erik Bjerck. Livets overskudd : Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons glemte kvaliteter / Erik Bjerck Hagen. - Oslo
: Gyldendal, 2013. - 370 s. : ill.
Helveg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste Værker / af F. Helveg. - Kjøbenhavn : Gyldendal, 1866. - 67
Larsen, Wenche. Skuespillet om kvinnekroppen : bildets og kroppens betydning i Cecilie Løveids dramatikk
/ Wenche Larsen. - Oslo : Unipub, 2005. - 273 s.
Singer, Kurt. Ist Ibsen theatralisch? : eine Studie / von Kurt Singer. - Dresden : Pierson, [1906]. - 29 s.
Sjåvik, Jan. The A to Z of Scandinavian literature and theater / Jan Sjåvik. - Lanham : Scarecrow press,
2009. - xli, 361 s. (The A to Z guide series ; 60)
Afanasjew, Jerzy. Sezon Kolorowych Chmur / Afanasjew z Sopotu. - Gdynia . Wydawnictwo Orskie, 1968.
- 241 s., ill.
Carl Sternheim : Revolution der Sprache in Drama und Erzählwerk: Beiträge zur Polnisch-Deutschen Carl
Sternheim-Tagung (Olsztyn, Dezember 2009). - Bern : Peter Lang, 2013. - 243 s.
Csató, Edward. The contemporary Polish theatre / Edward Csató. - Warsawa : Interpress, 1968. - 34 s., ill.
Greń, Zygmunt. Wejście na scene : szkice z teatru 1963-1967 / Zygmunt Greń. - Poznan : Wydawbuctwi
Poznańskie, 1968. - 290 s.
Kosiński, Dariusz. Polnisches Theater: Eine Geschichte in Szenen / Dariusz Kosiński. - Berlin : Theater der
Zeit, 2012. - 446 s. : ill.
Kreczmar, Jerzy. Gały świat gra komedie : drobiazgi o teoriach i artystach / Jerzy Kreczmar. - Warsawa :
Państwowy Instytut Wydawiczy, 1982. - 235 s.
Romanska, Magda. The post-traumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor : history and holocaust in Akropolis
and Dead class / Magda Romanska. - London : Anthem press, 2012. - xviii, 401 s. : ill.
Teatr Wielki w Warszawie. - Warsawa : Wydawnctwa Artystyczne I Filmowe, 1985. - [120]
s., ill.
Rebello, Luiz Francisco. Teatro de Intervenção / Luiz Francisco Rebello. - Lisboa : Caminho, 1978. - 171 s.
Anton Chekhov at the Moscow art theatre : archive illustrations of the original productions / translated and
edited by Vera Gottlieb ; from the original journal edited by Nikolai Efros, 1914. - London : Routledge,
2005. - xv, 76, lxxvii-lxxxv : ill.
Archiv direkcij Imperatorskich teatrov : Vypusk 1 /1746-1801 gg.) / po poručeniju Gospodina Ministra
Imperatorskago Dvora sostavili: V. P. Pogožev, A.E. Molčanov I K-A. Petrov. - St. Petersburg : Direkcij
Imperatorskich Teatrov, 1892. - xix, 132 bl.
Dal’skij, A.N. Teatral’no-zreliščnye dejstija na Krite i b Mikenach / A.N. Dal’skij. - Moskva : Akademii
Nauk, 1937. - 233 s., ill.
Ežegodnik Malogo Teatra 1953-1954 / redactor toma: A. P. Klinčin. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1956. - 713 s.,
[4] pl.-bl.
Holitscher, Artur. Das Theater in revolutionären Russland / von Artur Holitscher. - Berlin : VolksbühnenVerlag-Vertrieb, 1924. - 39 s.
Istorija russkogo dramatičeskogo teatra : T.1., ot istokov do konca XVIII veka / avtory toma; V.N.
Vsevolodskij-Gerngross… - Moskva : “Iskusstvo”, 1977. - 482 s.
Istorija russkogo dramatičeskogo teatra : T.2.,1801-1825 / avtory toma; T.M. Riduba… - Moskva :
“Iskusstvo”, 1977. - 553 s.
Istorija russkogo dramatičeskogo teatra : T.3.,1826-1845 / avtory toma; Ju. A. Dmitriev… - Moskva :
“Iskusstvo”, 1978. - 348 s.
Istorija russkogo dramatičeskogo teatra : T.4., 1846-1861 / avtory toma; E.G. Cholodov… - Moskva :
“Iskusstvo”, 1979. - 430 s.
Istorija russkogo dramatičeskogo teatra : T.5., 1862-1881 / avtory toma; T.K. Šach-Azizova… - Moskva :
“Iskusstvo”, 1980. - 550 s.
Kulturno-bytovoe obslužibanie : kratkij spravočnik. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1956. - 320 s. (Claes
Hooglands dödsbo)
Lvov-Anokhine, Boris.-Galina Oulanova / Boris Lvov-Anokhine. - Moskva : Ed. Du Progrès, 1975. - 309 s.,
Mordison, G.Z. Istorija teatrla’nogo dela v Rossii : čast’ 1-2 / G.Z: Mordison. - Sankt Peterburg : SanktPeterburgskaja Gosudarstvennaja Akademija Teatral’nogo Iskusstva, 1994. – 2 vol. 223, 481 s.
Mordison, G.Z. Istorija teatrla’nogo dela v Rossii : čast’ 2 / G.Z: Mordison. - Sankt Peterburg : SanktPeterburgskaja Gosudarstvennaja AKademija Teatral’nogo Iskusstva, 1994. - 481 s.
Nemirovič-Dančensko, Vladimir Ivanovič. Roždenie teatra : vospominanija, stat’i. zametki, pis’ma / V.I.
Nemirovič-Dančenko. - Moskva : Pravda, 1989. - 575 s., [16] pl.-s.
Smeljanskij, Anatolij Mironovič. Michail Bulgakov v Chudožestvennom teatre / A. Smeljanskij. - Moskva :
Iskusstvo, 1986. - 383 s., [30] pl.-s.
Sabuškina, Nina Ivanovna.Rysskij narodnyj teatr / N.I. Sabuškina. - Moskva : Nauka, 1976. - 148 s.,
[8] pl.-s.
Senelick, Laurence. Historic dictionary of Russian theatre / Laurence Selenick. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press,
2005. - li, 553 s. (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts ; 14)
Šverubovič, Vadim Vasil’evič. O starom Chudožestvennom teatre. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1990. - 667 s., [64]
Teatr imeni Mossovea : Gosudarstvinnyj ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
Akademičeskij. - Moskva : “Iskusstvo”, 1985. - 294 s., ill.
Tovstonogov, G. Zerkola sceny ; 1: O professii režissera / G. Tovstonogov. - Leningrad : Iskusstvo, 1984. 302 s.[8] pl.-s.
Tovstonogov, G. Zerkola sceny ; 2: Stat’i zapisi repeticij / G. Tovstonogov. - Leningrad : Iskusstvo, 1984. 367 s., [8] pl.-s.
Tradicii sceničeskogo realizma : Akademičeskij Teatr Dramy im A.S: Puškina. - Leningrad, 1980. - 187 s.
Vsevolod Emil’evič Mejerchol’d : jubilejnaja vystavka k stoletiju so dnja roždenija 1874-1974 : katalog. Moskva : Teatral’nyj Muzej Imeni A.A. Bachrušina, 1976. - 106 s., ill.
Die Enthüllung des Realen : Milo Rau und das International Institute of Political Murder / hrsg. Rolf
Bossart. - Berlin :Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 191 s. : ill.
Omar Porras / hrsg. Joël Aguet, Anne Fournier, Paola Gilardi, Andreas Härter. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2014. 332 s. (MIMOS : Schweizer Theater-Jahrbuch ; 2014-76)
So wurde noch nie ein Theater geöffnet : So ein Theater wurde noch nie eröffnet. - Basel : Basler Theater,
1975. - 269, 19 s., ill.
Biaz, Eleni. Learning Senegalese Sabar : dancers and embodiment in New York and Dakar / Eleni Bizas. New York : Berghahn, 2014. - xiv, 154 s. (Dance and performance studies)
Miletiċ. Svet radio drame / Gojko Miletiċ. - Beograd : Radio, 1982. - 284 s.
Arcila Ramirez, Gonzalo. La imagen teatral en La Candelaria : lógica y genesis de su proceso de trabajo /
Gonzalo Arcila Ramirez. - Santafé de Bogotá : Teatro la Candelaria, 1992. - 200 s., ill.
Suarez Radillo, Carlos Miguel. Itinerario tematico y estilistico del teatr contemporaneo español / Carlos
Miguel Suarez Radillo. - Madrid : Radio Nacional de España, 1976. - 277 s.
Becker, Tobias. Inszenierte Moderne : Populäres Theater in Berlin und London, 1880-1930 / Tobias Becker.
- München : De Gruyter, 2014. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London/
Publications of the German Historical Institute London ; 74)
Dramatic notes : a chronicle of the London stage 1879-1882 / by Charles Eyre Pascoe, William H. Riding,
Austin Brereton. - London : Bogue, 1883. - 92,100, 96, 92 s., ill.
Keenan, Siobhan. Acting companies and their plays in Shakespeare's London / Siobhan Keenan. - London :
Arden Shakespeare, 2014. - x, 272 s.
King-Dorset, Rodreguez. Black dance in London, 1730 -1850 : innovation, tradition and resistance /
Rodreguez King-Dorset. - Jeffersson, NC : McFarland, 2008. - 196 s. : ill.
Manley, Lawrence. Lord Strange's Men and Their Plays / Lawrence Manley and Sally-Beth MacLean. - New
Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2014. - xi, 475 s.
Moffat, Alistair. The Edinburgh fringe / Alistair Moffat. - London : Johnston & Bacon, 1978. - 128 s., ill.
The morris and sword dances of England / by Arthur Peck. - Letchworth Garden City : The Morris Ring,
[1970-talet]. - 11 s., [11] pl.-s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Mr Punch’s theatricals / edited by J.A. Hammerton. - London : Educational book company, [1935]? - 240
s., ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume one : 1900-1932 / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2003. - x, 350 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume two : 1933-1952 / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2005. - vii, 431 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume three : the fifities / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2011. - ix, 272 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Niederhoff, Burkhard.Die englische Komödie : Eine Einführung. / Burkhard Niederhof. - 1. Auflage. - S.l. :
Erich Schmidt, 2014. (Grundlagen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik (GrAA) ; Bd. 40)
Paratexts in English Printed Drama to 1642 : single-text and collected editions to 1623. Vol. 1-2 / Thomas
L Berger & Sonia Massai (ed.). - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. - xx, 1040 s.
Steenbrugge, Charlotte. Staging vice - a study of dramatic traditions in medieval and sixteenth-century
England and the Low Countries / Charlotte Steenbrugge. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - 264 s. (Ludus ; 13)
Simons, John. The tiger that swallowed the boy : exotic animals in Victorian England / John Simmons. Faringdon : Libri, 2012. - 196 s. : ill.
The theatre of Caryl Churchill / R. Darren Gobert. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - 328 s. (Critical
Tönnies, Merle. (En-)gendering a popular theatrical genre : the roles of women in nineteenth-century British
Melodrama. / Merle Tönnies. - 1. Auflage. - Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014. - 364 s.
(Anglistische Forschungen, Bd. 443)
Walkowitz, Daniel J. City folk : English country dance and the politics of the folk in modern America /
Daniel J Walkowitz. - University of New York Press, 2013. - xv, 333 s. (NYU series in social and cultural
Gustafson, Klas. Fantasten Per Oscarsson / av Klas Gustafson. - Stockholm : Leopard, 2014. - 304 s.
Hasselrot, Astrid. Margaretha Krook : drottningen av skrattet och gråten / Astrid Hasselrot. - Stockholm :
Atlantis, 2014. - 262 s. : ill.
Holmberg, Hans. Om danska teatergrupper i Ystad under 1800-talet ; Två märkliga laveringar i Ystads teater
/ Hans Holmberg. -Ystad, 1981. -S. 67-77, ill. [Särtryck]
Kristenson, Martin. Vårt kära strunt : okända berättelser ur den svenska nöjeshistorien / Martin Kristenson. Enskede : Stupidobiblioteket, 2012. - 352 s. (Gåva från SUB)
Livet på Fredriksdalsteatern / red. Lars Joelson. - Helsingborg : Liljedahl Förlag, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Rheborg, Johan. Backstage / Johan Rheborg. - Stockholm : Max Ström, 2013. - ca 140 s. : huvudsakligen ill.
(Gåva från SUB)
Sauter, Willmar.The theatre of Drottningholm -then and now: performance between the 18th and 21st
centuries / Willmar Sauter & David Wiles. - Stiftelsen för utgivning av teatervetenskapliga studier, 2014. xv, 296 s. (Stockholm Theatre Studies ; 4)
Sjåvik, Jan. The A to Z of Scandinavian literature and theater / Jan Sjåvik. - Lanham : Scarecrow press,
2009. - xli, 361 s. (The A to Z guide series ; 60)
Staffan : en ocean av sorg och längtan / red. Peo Rask. - S.l. : Black island books, 2013. - 255 s. : ill.
Uhlbors, Ludvig. Gjord obrukbar / Ludvig Uhlbors. - S.l. : Förlaget, 2013. - 161 s.
Wollter, Sven. Pojke med pilbåge : eftertankar i ord och bild / Sven Wollter ; med 11 illustrationer av Stina
Wollter. - Stockholm : ordfront, 2013. - 239 s. : ill.
Wällhed, Anders. Jag söker en människa : minnesbok om skådespelaren, dramatikern och poeten Kent
Andersson / Anders Wällhed. - Göteborg : Lindelöw, 2014. - 334 s.
The world of Baroque theatre : a compilation of essays from the Český Krumlov conferences 2007, 2008
and 2009 = Svět barokního divadla : sborník přednášek z konferencí v Českém Krumlově 2007, 2008 a 2009
/ editors = editoři Jiří Bláha, Pavel Slavko. - Český Krumlov : Společnost přátel Českého Krumlova, 2010. 549 s.
Wessely, Katharina. Theater der Identität : Das Brünner deutsche Theater der Zwischenkriegszeit / Wessely,
Katharina. - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 296 s.: ill. (Theater, Bd. 25)
Becker, Tobias. Inszenierte Moderne : Populäres Theater in Berlin und London, 1880-1930 / Tobias Becker.
- München : De Gruyter, 2014. (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London/
Publications of the German Historical Institute London ; 74)
Bellmann, Günther. Schauspielhausgeschichten : 250 Jahre Theater und Musik auf dem Berliner
Gendarmenmarkt / Günthe Bellmann. - Berlin : Link, 1993. - 253 s., ill.
Die Bürgerbühne : Das Dresdner Modell / hrsg. von Hajo Kurzenberger und Miriam Tscholl. - Berlin :
Alexander Verlag, 2014. - 221 s. : ill.
Böttiger, Carl August. Entwicklung des Ifflandischen Spiels in vierzehn Darstellungen auf dem
Weimarischen Hoftheater Im Aprillmonath 1796 / Carl August Böttiger. - Leipzig: Göäschen, 1796. - xvi,
407 s. (Personnes samling)
Carl Sternheim : Revolution der Sprache in Drama und Erzählwerk: Beiträge zur Polnisch-Deutschen Carl
Sternheim-Tagung (Olsztyn, Dezember 2009). - Bern : Peter Lang, 2013. - 243 s.
Elswit, Kate. Watching Weimar Dance / Kate Elswit. - Oxford : OUP, 2014. - xxxv, 252 s. (Oxford studies
in dance theory)
Grange, William. The A to Z of German theater / William Grange. - Lanham : The scarecrow press, 2010. lxxvi, 395 s., [16] pl.-s. (The A to Z guide series ; 184)
Hüpgens, Theodor. Die Bühne nach der Revolution : ein Vortrag / von Theodor Hüpgens. - Innsbruck :
Tyrolia, 1920. - 16 s.
Jahrbücher für dramatische Kunst und Literatur / redigirt vom H. TH. Rötscher : Jahrgang 1849. Berlin : Trowitzsch, 1849. - 476 s. (Personnes samling)
Jews and the making of modern German theatre / edited by Jeanette R. Malkin and Freddie Rokem. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 2010. - x, 304 s. (Studies in theatre history and culture)
Kunst ist nicht erlaubnispflichtig : Das Landestheater Tübingen in der Intendanz von Simone Sterr / hrsg.
vom Landestheater Tübingen und Theater der Zeit. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Michaelis, Rolf. Von der Bühnewelt zur Weltbühne : Siegfried Jacobsohn und Die Schaubühne / Rolf
Michaelis. - Königstein : Athenäum, 1980. - 88 s.
Laube, Heinrich. Das Burgtheater : Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Theater-Geschichte / von Heinrich Laube. Leipzig : Weber, 1868. - 496 s. (Personnes samling)
Lynker, Wilhelm. W. Lynker’sWerke: 1. Band: Vermischte Schriften ; 2. Band: Das Theater in Kassel /
nach dem unvollendeten Manuscript des Hoftheater-Secretairs W. Lynker ; bearbeitet und fortgeführt von
Th. Köhler. - Kassel : Klannig, 1886. - 562 s.
Nissen-Rizvani, Karin. Autorenregie : Theater und Texte von Sabine Harbeke, Armin Petras/Fritz Kater,
Christoph Schlingensief und René Pollesch. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 318 s.
Paul, Arno. Agresive Tendenzen des Theaterpublikums : eine struktuell-funktionale Untersuchung über den
sog. Theaterskandal anhand der Sozialverhältnisse der Goethezeit / vorgelegt von Arno Paul. - München :
Schön, 1969. - 322 s.
Play mobil : Manuel Soubeyrand - zehn Jahre Intendanz an der Württembergischen Landesbühne Esslingen /
hrsgg. Von der Württembergischen Landesbühne Esslingen. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 160 s. : ill.
Reinhart, Michaela. TheaterTexte - Literarische Kunstwerke : Eine Untersuchung zu poetischer Sprache in
zeitgenössischen deutschen Theatertexten / von Michaela Reinhardt. - Berlin : Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2014. 165 s. (Philogische Studien und Quellen ; 245)
Scheid, Nikolaus. Martin Greif (H. Frey) und die deutsche Bühne / von Nik. Scheid. -Innsbruck : Tyrolia,
1920. -19 s.
Staatstheater Mainz : Die intendant Matthias Fontheim / hrsg. Matthias Fontheim. - Berlin : Theater der
Zeit, 2014. - 255 s. : ill.
Stork, Sieglind. Das Theater der Jesuiten in Münster (1588-1773) : Mit Editionen des 'Petrus Telonarius' von
1604 und der 'Coena magna' von 1632 / Sieglind Stork ; Übersetzung der Dramen von Christian Peters. Münster : Aschendorff, 2013. -544 s.
Theater HORA : Der einzige Unterschied zwischen uns und Salvador Dalí ist, dass wir nicht Dalí sind /
hrsg. Michael Elber und Marcel Bugiel. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 624 s. : ill. + DVD
Wedekinds Welt : Theater, Eros, Provokation / herausgegeben von Manfred Mittermayer und Silvia
Bengesser. - Leipzig : Henschel, 2014. - 239 s. : ill.
Wessely, Katharina. Theater der Identität : Das Brünner deutsche Theater der Zwischenkriegszeit / Wessely,
Katharina. - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 296 s.: ill. (Theater, Bd. 25)
Derevjanko, Boris. Odesskij Teatr Opery I Baleta = The Odessa Opera and Ballet House / Boris Derevjanko.
- Odessa : Majak, 1984. - 64 s., ill. (visa i färg)
Biaz, Eleni. Learning Senegalese Sabar : dancers and embodiment in New York and Dakar / Eleni Bizas. New York : Berghahn, 2014. - xiv, 154 s. (Dance and performance studies)
Chinoy, Helen Krich. The group theatre : passion, politics, and performance in the Depression Era / Helen
Krich Chinoy ; edited by Don B Wilmeth and Milly S Barranger. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
- xiii, 281 s. : ill.
Harriott, Esther. American Voices : Five Contemporary Playwrights in Essays and Interviews / Esther
harriott. - Jefferson, N.C. : Macfarland, 2013. - xv, 189 s.
Hill, Errol G. A history of African American theatre / Errol G. Hill and James V. Hatch. - New York :
Cambridge University Press, c2003. - xxiv, 608 s. (Cambridge studies in American theatre and drama)
Holmberg, Arthur. David Mamet and American Macho / Arthur Holmberg. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2012. - xiii, 322 s. : ill. (Cambridge studies in American theatre and drama)
Imada, Adria. L. Aloha America : Hula circuits through the U.S. empire / Adria L. Imada. - Durham : Duke
University Press, 2012. - xiv, 374 s.
Intertextuality in American drama : critical essays on Eugene O'Neill, Susan Glaspell, Thornton Wilder,
Arthur Miller and other playwrights / edited by Drew Eisenhauer and Brenda Murphy. - Jefferson, N.C. :
Macfarland, 2013. - vi, 262 s. : ill.
Koegler, Horst. Modernes Ballett in Amerika / Horst Koegler. - Berlin : Rembrandt, 1959. - 64 s., ill. (Gåva
från SFI)
Murphy, Brenda. The theatre of Tennessee Williams / Brenda Murphy. - London : Methuen Drama, 2014. x, 307 s. (Critical companions)
The Oxford handbook of American drama / edited by Jeffrey H. Richards with Heather S. Nathans. - New
York : Oxford University Press, 2014. - xvii, 568 s.
Perucci, Tony. Paul Robeson and the Cold war performance complex: race, madness, activism / Tony
Perucci. - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xii, 217 s. (Theater: theory/text/performance)
Rossen, Rebecca. Dancing Jewish : Jewish identity in American modern and postmodern dance / Rebecca
Rossen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. -xvii, 312 s. : ill.
Simonson, Mary. Body knowledge : performance, intermediality, and American entertainment at the turn of
the twentieth century / Mary Simonson. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 304 s.
Stevenson, Jill C. Sensational devotion : evangelical performance in twenty-first century America / Jill C.
Stevenson. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - viii, 317 s. : ill.
Suzan-Lori Parks : essays on the plays and other works / edited by Philip C. Kolin. - Jefferson, NC :
McFarland, 2010. - 213 s.
The Theatre of Naomi Wallace / ed. by Scott T. Cummings & Erica Stenes Abbitt. - New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. - xvi, 320 s. (Embodied Dialogues)
Thompson, Katherine Dyonne. Ring shout, wheel about : the racial politics of music and dance in North
American Slavery / Katrina Dyonne Thompson. - Urbana : UIP, 2014. - x, 242 s. : ill.
Walkowitz, Daniel J. City folk : English country dance and the politics of the folk in modern America /
Daniel J Walkowitz. - University of New York Press, 2013. - xv, 333 s. (NYU series in social and cultural
Wolf, Stacy. A problem like Maria : gender and sexuality in the American musical / by Stacy Wolf. - Ann
Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002. - xx, 289 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Women in American musical theatre : essays on composers, lyricists, librettits, arrangers, choreographers,
designers, directors, producers and performing artists / edited by Bud Coleman and Judith Sebesta. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Comp., 2008. - x, 282 s. : ill.
Women in American theatre / edited by Helen Krich Chinoy and Linda Walsh Jenkins. - Rev. and exp. 3.
ed. - New York : Theatre communications group, 2006. - xxxv, 555 s.
Actors talk about acting, 2. / arranged and edited by Lewis Funke and John E. Booth. -New York : Avon
Book, 1961. -221
Brandes, Edvard. Fremmed Skuespilkunst : Studier og Portræter med 16 afbildninger / Edvard Brandes. Kjøbenhavn : Philipsen, 1881. - 380 s., ill. (Personnes samling)
Contemporary European theatre directors / edited by Maria M. Delgado and Dan Rebellato. - Abingdon :
Routledge, 2010. - xix, 428, 17 pl.-s.
Harriott, Esther. American Voices : Five Contemporary Playwrights in Essays and Interviews / Esther
harriott. - Jefferson, N.C. : Macfarland, 2013. - xv, 189 s.
Amis, John. Amiscellany : my life, my music / John Amis. - London : faber and faber, 1985. - 280 s.,[8] pl.s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Nino Ananiašvili. - Tbilisi : Chelovneba, 1988. - 28 s., [47] pl.-s.
Wällhed, Anders. Jag söker en människa : minnesbok om skådespelaren, dramatikern och poeten Kent
Andersson / Anders Wällhed. - Göteborg : Lindelöw, 2014. - 334 s.
Pleading in the blood : the art and performances of Ron Athey / edited by Dominic Johnson. - Bristol :
Intellect, 2013. - 248 s. : färgill.
Scholl, Tim. From Petipa to Balanchine : classical revival and the modernization of ballet / Tim Scholl. London : Routledge, 2014. - 167 s.
Inheriting dance : an invitation from Pina / edited by Marc Wagenbach and the Pina Bausch foundation. Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 192 s: ill.
The Edinburgh companion to Samuel Beckett and the arts / edited by S.E. Gontarski. - Edinburgh :
Edinburgh University Press, 2014. - 504 s.
Hagen, Erik Bjerck. Livets overskudd : Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons glemte kvaliteter / Erik Bjerck Hagen. - Oslo
: Gyldendal, 2013. - 370 s. : ill.
Helveg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste Værker / af F. Helveg. - Kjøbenhavn : Gyldendal, 1866. - 67
Burke, Margaret R. Burke. Gavin Bolton's contextual drama : the Road Less Travelled / Margaret R Burke. Bristol : Intellect, 2013. - xxviii, 350 s. : ill.
Smeljanskij, Anatolij Mironovič. Michail Bulgakov v Chudožestvennom teatre / A. Smeljanskij. - Moskva :
Iskusstvo, 1986. - 383 s., [30] pl.-s.
Ardoin, John. Callas at Juilliard : the master classes / by John Ardoin. - London : Robson, 1988. - xvii, 297
s., musiknoter (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Gaglianò, Pietro. Architetture di luce : il Teatro architettura di Giancarlo Cauteruccio/Krypton / Pietro
Gaglianò. - Corazzano (Pisa) : Titivillus, c2014. - 107 s. : ill. (Le mostre ; 34).
Gobert, R. Darren. The theatre of Caryl Churchill / R. Darren Gobert. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - 328 s.
(Critical companions)
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
Clairon, Hyppolite. Mémoires d’Hyppolite Clairon et réflexions sur l’art dramatique : tome 1-2 / Hyppolite
Clairon. - Hambourg : Fauche, 1798. - 269, 272 s. (Personnes samling)
Koffka, Wilhelm. Iffland und Dalberg : Geschichte der classischen Theaterzeit Mannheims / von Wilhelm
Koffka. - Leipzig: Weber, 1865. - xii, 555 s, (Personnes samling)
Gatland, Jan Olav. Olav Dalgard : ein biografi / Jan Olav Gatland. - Oslo : Samlaget, 2013. - 351 s. : ill.
(Gåva från SUB)
Lavin, Suzanne. Women and comedy in solo performance : Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin and Roseanne /
Suzanne Lavin. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 153 s. (Studies in American popular history and culture)
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
Podnjataja tselina : muzykal’naja drama v 4 aktach : sbornik statej k postanovke v Gosudarstvennom
Akademičeskom Malom Opernom Teatre / otvetctvennyi redaktor: A.I. Petros. - Leningrad, 1937. - 46 s., [5]
färgpl. : musiknoter
Beskin, E.M. Marija Nikolaevna Ermolova (1853-1928) / E. M. Beskin. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1936. 77 s., ill.
Fischer-Lichte, Erika. Dionysus Resurrected : performances of Euripides’ The bacchae in a globalizing
world / Erika Fischer-Lichte. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. - xvii, 238 s. : ill.
Laube, Heinrich. Franz Grillparzers Lebensgeschichte / von Heinrich Laube. - Stuttgart : Cotta, 1884. - 177
Müller-Guttenbrunn, Adam. Im Jahrhundert Grillparzers / Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn. - Leipzig : Meyer,
1895. - 223 s.
Sittenberger, Hans. Grillparzer, sein Leben und Wirken / von Hans Sittenberger. - Berlin : Hofmann, 1904. 229 s., ref.
Volkelt, Johannes. Franz Grillparzer als Dichter des Tragischen / von Johannes Volkelt. - Nördlingen : Beck,
1888. - vii, 216 s., reg.
Wolf-Cirian, Francis. Grillparzers Frauengestalten / von Francis Wolf-Cirian. - Stuttgart : Cotta, 1908. - 308
s., [6] pl.-bl
Romanska, Magda. The post-traumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor : history and holocaust in Akropolis
and Dead class / Magda Romanska. - London : Anthem press, 2012. - xviii, 401 s. : ill.
Handke, Peter. Nebeneingang oder Haupteingang? : Gespräche über 50 Jahre Schreiben fürs Theater / Peter
Handke, Thomas Oberender. - 1. Auflage. - Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2014. - 199 s.
Georgy, Ernst August. Die Tragödie Friedrich Hebbels nach ihrem Ideengehalt / von Ernst August Georgy. Leipzig : Avenarius, 1904. - xii, 334 s.
Héritte de la Tour, Louis. Une famille de grands musiciens : mémoires de Louise Héritte-Viardot / recuillies
par Louis Héritte de la Tour. - Paris : Stock, 1923. - ix, 266 s., [12] pl.-bl.
Callas : Ein Tanzstück von Reinhild Hoffmann 1983 / 2012. / Brandstetter, Gabriele, Hoffmann, Reinhild &
Stöckemann, Patricia (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 170 s. : ill. + 1 DVD
(TanzScripte, Bd. 30)
Helveg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste Værker / af F. Helveg. - Kjøbenhavn : Gyldendal, 1866. - 67
Singer, Kurt. Ist Ibsen theatralisch? : eine Studie / von Kurt Singer. - Dresden : Pierson, [1906]. - 29 s.
Böttiger, Carl August. Entwicklung des Ifflandischen Spiels in vierzehn Darstellungen auf dem
Weimarischen Hoftheater Im Aprillmonath 1796 / Carl August Böttiger. - Leipzig: Göäschen, 1796. - xvi,
407 s. (Personnes samling)
Koffka, Wilhelm. Iffland und Dalberg : Geschichte der classischen Theaterzeit Mannheims / von Wilhelm
Koffka. - Leipzig: Weber, 1865. - xii, 555 s, (Personnes samling)
Dudeck, Theresa Robbins. Keith Johnstone : a critical biography / Theresa Robbins Dudeck. - London :
Bloomsbury, 2013. - x, 217 s.
Romanska, Magda. The post-traumatic theatre of Grotowski and Kantor : history and holocaust in Akropolis
and Dead class / Magda Romanska. - London : Anthem press, 2012. - xviii, 401 s. : ill.
Kleist revisited / Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Friedrike Knüpling (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - München : Wilhelm Fink,
2014. - 291
Hasselrot, Astrid. Margaretha Krook : drottningen av skrattet och gråten / Astrid Hasselrot. - Stockholm :
Atlantis, 2014. - 262 s. : ill.
Lagerlöf, Selma. Selma Lagerlöfs teatersonetter / utgivna av Ulla-Britta Lagerroth & Lisbeth Stenberg. Lund : Ellerströms, 2014. - 330 s. (Gåva från förlaget)
Lloyd, Stephen. Constant Lambert : beyond the Rio Grande / Stephen Lloyd. - Woodbridge : Boydell Press,
2014. xxii, 584 s., 43 pl-bl.
Lammert, Mark. Bühnen, Räume, Spaces / Mark Lammert ; Texte von Ulrike Haß. [Übers.: Lynnette
Polcyn]. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2013. - 231 s. : ill.
Hurt, Melissa. Arthur Lessac's embodied actor training / Melissa Hurt. - London : Routledge, 2014. - ix, 134
Baiyu, Lu. Lessings Freundschaftsbegriff in seinen dramatischen und dialogischen Werken / Lu Baiyu. Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2014. - 238 s. (Epistemata Literaturwissenschaft ; 791)
Buerger, Max. Dramaturgisches / von Max Buerger. - Berlin: Wigand, 1910. - 64 s.
Larsen, Wenche. Skuespillet om kvinnekroppen : bildets og kroppens betydning i Cecilie Løveids dramatikk
/ Wenche Larsen. - Oslo : Unipub, 2005. - 273 s.
Fischer, Dagmar Ellen. Egon Madsen : ein Tanzleben : Biografie / Dagmar Ellen Fischer. - Leipzig :
Henschel, 2012. - 174 s.
Holmberg, Arthur. David Mamet and American Macho / Arthur Holmberg. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2012. -xiii, 322 s. : ill. (Cambridge studies in American theatre and drama)
Vsevolod Emil’evič Mejerchol’d : jubilejnaja vystavka k stoletiju so dnja roždenija 1874-1974 : katalog. Moskva : Teatral’nyj Muzej Imeni A.A. Bachrušina, 1976. -106 s., ill.
Prest, Julia. Controversy in French Drama : : Moliere's Tartuffe and the Struggle for Influence / Julia Prest. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 260 s.
Monrad, M.J. Fragmentariske studier over A. Munchs tragødie: Lord Eilliam Rusell / af M.J. MOnrad. Christiania : Morgenbladet, 1858. - 40 s. (Personnes samling)
Vaßen, Florian. Bibliographie Heiner Müller, Band I-II (3. vol) / von Florian Vaßen. - Bielefeld : Aisthesis
verlag, 2013. – 3 vol. 1786 s. (Bibliographien zur Deutschen Literaturgeschichte ; 20)
Kaj Munk : opgørets dramatiker / redigeret af Henrik Nygaard Andersen og Torleiv Austad. - København :
Anis, 2008. - 326 s.
Järvinen, Hanna. Dancing genius : the stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky / Hanna Jarvinen. - Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - vii, 325 s.
Gustafson, Klas. Fantasten Per Oscarsson / av Klas Gustafson. - Stockholm : Leopard, 2014. - 304 s.
Pahkinen, Virpi. Ormbäraren / Virpi Pahkinen ; översättning av Mattias Huss. - Stockholm : MBM, 2013. 140 s., 24 pl.-s.
Suzan-Lori Parks : essays on the plays and other works / edited by Philip C. Kolin. - Jefferson, NC :
McFarland, 2010. - 213 s.
Scholl, Tim. From Petipa to Balanchine : classical revival and the modernization of ballet / Tim Scholl. London : Routledge, 2014. - 167 s.
Baker, William. A Harold Pinter chronology / William Baker. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. xix, 374 s. (Author chronologies)
Gordon, Robert. Harold Pinter : the theatre of power / Robert Gordon. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan
Press, 2013. - 216 s. (Michigan modern dramatists)
Taylor-Batty, Mark. The theatre of Harold Pinter / Mark Taylor-Batty. - Abingdon : Methuen Drama, 2014.
- ix, 305 s. (Critical companions)
Livet på Fredriksdalsteatern / red. Lars Joelson. - S.l. : Liljedahl Förlag, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Die Enthüllung des Realen : Milo Rau und das International Institute of Political Murder / hrsg. Rolf
Bossart. - Berlin :Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 191 s. : ill.
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
The Miracle : staged by Max Reinhardt / book by Karl Vollmoeller ; score by Engelbert Humperdinck ;
revised and extended by Friedrich Schimmer ; production designed by Norman-Bel Geddes ; souvenir under
editorial supervision of Oliver M. Sayler. - New York, 1924. - [32] s., färgill.
Perucci, Tony. Paul Robeson and the Cold war performance complex: race, madness, activism / Tony
Perucci. - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xii, 217 s. (Theater: theory/text/performance)
Rosalie LightScapes / hrsg. Peter Weibel. - Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2013. - 207 s. : ill.
Lavin, Suzanne. Women and comedy in solo performance : Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin and Roseanne /
Suzanne Lavin. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 153 s. (Studies in American popular history and culture)
Livet på Fredriksdalsteatern / red. Lars Joelson. - S.l. : Liljedahl Förlag, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Noonan, Mary. Echo’s voice : the theatre of Sarraute, Duras, Cixous and Renaude / Mary Noonan. - London
: Legenda, 2014. - ix, 165 s. (Research monographs in French studies ; 36)
Shaw and feminisms : on stage and off / edited by D.A. Hadfield and Jean Reynolds ; foreword by Rodelle
Weintraub. - Gainesville, Florida. : University Press of Florida. 2013. - xvi, 234 s. (The Florida Bernard
Shaw series)
Shaw, Peggy. A menopausal gentleman : the solo performances of Peggy Shaw / edited and with an
introduction by Jill Dolan. - Ann Arbor : Univ ersity of Michigan Press, 2011. - 170 s. (Triangulations)
Kilian, Eugen. Der einteilige Theater-Wallenstein : ein Beitrag zur Bühnengeschichte von Schillers
Wallenstein / von Eugen Kilian. - Berlin : Duncker, 1901. - 95 s.
Roland Schimmelpfennig - Ja und Nein : Vorlesungen über Dramatik / hrsg. Von Johannes Birgfeld in
Kooperation mit der Deutschen Botschaft Havanna, Abteilung Kultur. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 200
Glümer, Claire von. Erinnerungen an Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrien / von Claire von Glümer. - Leipzig :
Barth, 1862. - vi, 277s., [2} pl.-bl. (Personnes samling)
Owen, H. Goddard. A recollection of Marcella Sembrich / H. Goddard Owen ; new introduction by Philip
Lieson Miller. - New York : Da Capo, 1982. - ix, 77 s., ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Beskin, Osin. Viktor Šestakov / Osin Beskin. - Moskva : Sovetskij Cudožnik, 1965. - 39 s., [31] pl.-s.
Amundsen, Gerhard. Die neue Shakespearebühne des Münchner Hoftheaters : 22 Szenenbilder aus Julius
Cäsar, Coriolan, Timon von Athen, König Johann, Hamlet / herausgegeben von Gerhard Amundsen, unter
Mitarbeit der Herren Julius Viktor Klein und Eugen Kilian. - München : Süddeutschen Illustrations-Centrale,
1911. - 37 s., ill.
Anmerkungen übers Theater / Shakespeare-Arbeiten und Shakespeare-Übersetzungen : Studienausgabe. /
Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold. Schwarz, Hans-Günther (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart : Reclam, 2014. (Reclams
Universal-Bibliothek, Bd. 19135)
Bevington, David. Murder most foul : Hamlet through the ages / David Bevington. - Oxford ; Oxford
University Press, 2011. - 236 s.
Birk, Karl. Shakespeare Macbeth : ein Beitrag zur Inszenierung des Trauerspieles / von Karl Birk. - Berlin :
Vita Deutsches Verlaghaus, 1913. - 83 s.
Bogosyan, Natali. Postfeminist discourse in Shakespeare's The tempest and Warner's indigo : ambivalence,
liminality and plurality / by Natali Bogosyan. - Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. - vii, 380
Boulenger, Jacques. L’affaire Shakespeare / Jacques Boulenger. - Paris : Champion, 1919. - 75 s.
Brook, Peter. The quality of mercy : reflections on Shakespeare / Peter Brook. - London : Nick Hern Books,
2013. - viii, 116 s.
Burmeister, Otto. Nachdichtungen und Bühneneinrichtungen von Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice / von
Otto Burmeister. - Rostock, 1902. - 142 s.
Bulthaupt, Heinrich. Dramaturgie der Classiker, Bd. 1 : Shakespeare / von Heinrich Bulthaupt. - Oldenburg :
Schulzesche Hof-Buchhandlung, 1884. - liii, 397 s.
Conrad, Hermann. Shakespeare’s Selbstbekenntnisse : Hamlet und sein Urbild / von Hermann Conrad. Stuttgart : Metzler, 1897. - vi, 321 s.
Gelber, Adolf. Shakespear’sche Probleme : Plan und Einheit im Hamlet / von Adolf Gelber. - Wien :
Konegen, 1891. - iv, 275 s.
Goll, August. Romeo og Julie og andre Shakespearestudier / Aug. Goll. - København : Pios, 1922. 196 s.
Hamlet Handbuch : Stoff - Aneignungen - Deutungen / Peter W. Marx (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart : Metzler, J.B.,
2014. - xi, 563 s. : ill.
King Lear : new critical essays / edited by Jeffrey Kahan. - London : Routledge, 2008. - x, 374 s.
(Shakespeare criticism ; 33)
Lamy, F. Shakespeare et la musique / F. Lamy. - Amiens, 1912. - 43 s. {Särtryck ur Mémoires de
l’Académie d’Amiens 1912]
Maguire, Laura. Othello: language and writing / Laurie Maguire. - London : Arden Shakespeare, 2014. xviii, 208 s.
Music in Shakespeare : a dictionary / Christopher R. Wilson and Michela Calore. - London : Arden
Shakespeare, 2014. - xiv, 508 s. (Arden Shakespeare dictionaries)
A Party for Will! : Eine Reise in das Shakespeare-Universum = a journey through Shakespeare’s universe /
herausgegeben von = edited by Petra Hesse und Peter W. Marx ; redaktion/editorial office Sascha Förster. Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 250 s. : ill.
Shakesqueer : a queer companion to the complete works of Shakespeare / Madhavi Menon. - Durham ;
London : Duke University Press, 2011. - x, 494 s.
Wohlrab, Martin. Ästhetische Erklärung von Shakespeares Hamlet / Martin Wohlrab. - Berlin : Ehlermann,
1906. - vi, 100 s.
Women making Shakespeare : text, reception and performance / edited by Gordon McMullan, Lena Cowen
Orlin, Virginia Mason Vaughan. - London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2013. - xiii, 368 s. : ill.
Gillett, John. Acting Stanislavski : a practical guide to Stanislavski's approach and legacy / John Gillett. London : Methuen Drama, 2014. - 344 s. : ill.
Stanislavskij : pisatel, artisty, režessery o velikom dejatele russkogo teatra / [sostaviteli i avtory primečanij
S.V. Melik-Zacharov i Š. Š. Bogayrev. - Moskva : ISkusstvo, 1963. - 278 s.
Debus, Michael. Livskriser och livets dramatik : en vägledning till Rudolf Steiners mysteriedramer / Michael
Debus ; [översättning: Antonius Zeiher]. - Järna : Antroposofiska bokförlaget, [2013]. - 151 s. (Gåva från
Ponte, Susanne de. Siegfried Stepanek (1921-1969) : das bühnenbilderische Werk / Susanne de Ponte. München : Edition text + kritik, 2008. - 159 s. :ill. (Katalog zum Bestand des Deutschen Theatermuseum ; 1)
Carl Sternheim : Revolution der Sprache in Drama und Erzählwerk: Beiträge zur Polnisch-Deutschen Carl
Sternheim-Tagung (Olsztyn, Dezember 2009). - Bern : Peter Lang, 2013. - 243 s.
Lehmann, Lotte. Five operas and Richard Strauss / by Lotte Lehmann ; translated from the German by Ernst
Pawel. - New York: Da Capo, 1982. - ix, 209 s., [8] pl.-s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Tichonova, Nina. Debuška v cinem / Nina Tichnova. - Moskva : ART, 1992. - 366 s., ill.
Anton Chekhov at the Moscow art theatre : archive illustrations of the original productions / translated and
edited by Vera Gottlieb ; from the original journal edited by Nikolai Efros, 1914. - London : Routledge,
2005. - xv, 76, lxxvii-lxxxv : ill.
Lavin, Suzanne. Women and comedy in solo performance : Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin and Roseanne /
Suzanne Lavin. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 153 s. (Studies in American popular history and culture)
Tovstonogov, G. Zerkola sceny ; 1: O professii režissera / G. Tovstonogov. - Leningrad : Iskusstvo, 1984. 302 s.[8] pl.-s.
Uhlbors, Ludvig. Gjord obrukbar / Ludvig Uhlbors. - S.l. : Förlaget, 2013. - 161 s.
Lvov-Anokhine, Boris. Galina Oulanova / Boris Lvov-Anokhine. - Moskva : Ed. Du Progrès, 1975. - 309 s.,
Smirnov-Nesvickij, Jurij Aleksandrovič. Vachtangov / Ju. Smirnov-Nesvickij. - Leningrad : Iskusstvo, 1987.
- 245 s., [31] pl.-s.
Verdi und Wagner : Kulturen der Oper / Arnold Jacobshagen (hg.) - Köln : Böhlau Verlag, 2014. - 340 s. :
Verdi und Wagner : Kulturen der Oper / Arnold Jacobshagen (hg.) - Köln : Böhlau Verlag, 2014. - 340 s. :
The Theatre of Naomi Wallace / ed. by Scott T. Cummings & Erica Stenes Abbitt. - New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. - xvi, 320 s. (Embodied Dialogues)
Vinçon, Hartmut. "Am Ende war ich doch ein Poet ..." : Frank Wedekind : Ein Klassiker der literarischen
Moderne. Werk und Person / Harmut Vinçon, Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2014. - 346 s. : ill.
Wedekinds Welt : Theater, Eros, Provokation / herausgegeben von Manfred Mittermayer und Silvia
Bengesser. - Leipzig : Henschel, 2014. - 239 s. : ill.
Willner, Jenny. Wortgewalt. Peter Weiss und die deutsche Sprache / Jenny Willner. - 1. Aufl. - Paderborn :
Konstanz University Press, 2014. - 399 s. (Diss.)
Staffan : en ocean av sorg och längtan / red. Peo Rask. - S.l. : Black island books, 2013. - 255 s. : ill.
Murphy, Brenda. The theatre of Tennessee Williams / Brenda Murphy. - London : Methuen Drama, 2014. x, 307 s. (Critical companions)
Wollter, Sven. Pojke med pilbåge : eftertankar i ord och bild / Sven Wollter ; med 11 illustrationer av Stina
Wollter. - Stockholm : ordfront, 2013. - 239 s. : ill.
Ensembler, grupper & kompanier
Amundsen, Gerhard. Die neue Shakespearebühne des Münchner Hoftheaters : 22 Szenenbilder aus Julius
Cäsar, Coriolan, Timon von Athen, König Johann, Hamlet / herausgegeben von Gerhard Amundsen, unter
Mitarbeit der Herren Julius Viktor Klein und Eugen Kilian. - München : Süddeutschen Illustrations-Centrale,
1911. - 37 s., ill.
Bleibt alles anders : Die Intendanz von Mark Zurmühle am Deutschen Theater in Göttingen / hrsg. von Lutz
Kessler. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 180 s. : ill.
Bloomfield, Arthur. The San Francisco Opera 1922-1978 / Arthur Bloomfield. - Sausalito : Comstock, 1978.
- 552 s.,[40] pl.-s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Die Bürgerbühne : Das Dresdner Modell / hrsg. von Hajo Kurzenberger und Miriam Tscholl. - Berlin :
Alexander Verlag, 2014. - 221 s. : ill.
Chaouche, Sabine. La mise en scène du répertoire à la Comédie-Francaise, 1680-1815. Vol. 1 / Sabine
Chaouche. - Paris : Honoré Champion, 2013. - s. 432
Chaouche, Sabine. La mise en scène du répertoire à la Comédie-Francaise, 1680-1815. Vol. 2 / Sabine
Chaouche. - Paris : Honoré Champion, 2013. - s. [433]-961
Desboulmiers. Histoire du theater de l’Opéra Comique. T. 1-2 / [Desboulmiers]. - Paris : Lacombe, 1769. 497, 538 s. (Personnes samling)
Des Essarts, M. Les trois théâtres de Paris, ou abrégé historique de l’établissement de la Comédie Françoise,
de la Comédie Italienne et de l’Opéra… / par M. Des Essarts. - Paris : La Combe, 1777. - 300 s. (Personnes
Dussane. La Comédie Française / Dussane. - Paris : Hachette, 1960. - 86 s., ill. (vissa i färg)
Ežegodnik Malogo Teatra 1953-1954 / redactor toma: A. P. Klinčin. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1956. - 713 s.,
[4] pl.-bl.
Fidjestøl, Alfred. Trass alt : det Norske Teatret 1913-2013 / Alfred Fidjestøl. - Oslo : Samlaget, 2013. - 779
s. : ill.
Guida al Teatro Regio Torino 1740-1973. - Torino : ODIP, 1978. - 32 s., ill.
Jahrbuch 1929 Stadttheater Würzburg / herausgegeben von Stadttheater-leitung Intendant Paul Smolny. Leipzig : Beck, [1928]. - 110 s., ill. (Stangenbergs samling)
Koegler, Horst. Bolschoi-Ballett : das Ballett des Grossen Akademischen Theaters der USSR in Moskau /
Horst Koegler. - Berlin : Rembrandt, 1959. - 64 s., ill. (Gåva från SFI)
Kunst ist nicht erlaubnispflichtig : Das Landestheater Tübingen in der Intendanz von Simone Sterr / hrsg.
vom Landestheater Tübingen und Theater der Zeit. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Laube, Heinrich. Das Burgtheater : Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Theater-Geschichte / von Heinrich Laube. Leipzig : Weber, 1868. - 496 s. (Personnes samling)
Livet på Fredriksdalsteatern / red. Lars Joelson. - S.l. : Liljedahl Förlag, 2014. - 176 s. : ill.
Michajlov, Michail Michajlovič. Molodye gody Leningradskogo baleta / M. Michajlov. - Leningrad :
Iskusstvo, 1978. -148 s., [40] pl.-s.
Play mobil : Manuel Soubeyrand - zehn Jahre Intendanz an der Württembergischen Landesbühne Esslingen /
hrsgg. Von der Württembergischen Landesbühne Esslingen. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 160 s. : ill.
Sadler’s Wells Ballet at Covent Garden : a book of photographs by Merlyn Severn. -London : Lane the
Bodley Head, 1947. -[6] s., 80 pl.-s.
Staatstheater Mainz : Die intendant Matthias Fontheim / hrsg. Matthias Fontheim. - Berlin : Theater der
Zeit, 2014. - 255 s. : ill.
Šverubovič, Vadim Vasil’evič. O starom Chudožestvennom teatre. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1990. - 667 s., [64]
Teatr opery i baleta ipeni S.M. Kirova : 1917-1967 / redakcionaja kollegija: O.P. Kolovskij… - Leningrad
: Muzika, 1967. -326 s., [37] pl.-s.
Witkiewicz, Jan Stanislaw. Vladimir Malakhov und das Staatsballett Berlin 2004-2014 / Jan Stanislaw
Witkiewicz ; herausgegeben vom Staatsballett Berlin. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 207 s. : ill.
Balett & scenisk dans
Le ballet de l'Opéra : Trois siècles de suprématie depuis Louis XIV / sous la direction de Mathias Auclair et
Christophe Gristi. - S.l. : Albin Michel, 2014. - 359 s. : ill.
Blasis, Carlo. An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the art of dancing / by Carlo Blasis. New York : Dover, 1968. - xv, 64 s., ill. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Blasis, Carlo. The code of Terpsichore : a practical and historical treatise,on the ballet, dancing and
pantomime… / by C. Blasis. - New York : Dance Horizons, [1970-talet]. - [4], 548, 22 s., [18] pl.-s.,
musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Callas : Ein Tanzstück von Reinhild Hoffmann 1983 / 2012. / Brandstetter, Gabriele, Hoffmann, Reinhild &
Stöckemann, Patricia (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 170 s. : ill. + 1 DVD
(TanzScripte, Bd. 30)
Choreographic dwellings : practising place / Gretchen Schiller and Sarah Rubidge. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2014. - xvii, 221 s. (New world choreographies)
Coleman, Francis. Bluff your way in ballet / by Francis Coleman. - London : Wolfe, 1969. - 64 s. (Elisabeth
Söderströms samling)
Crowle, Pigeon. Come to the ballet / Pigeon Crowle. - London : Faber and Faber, 1957. - 132 s.,
[17] pl.-s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Dance [and] theory / Gabriele Brandstetter, Gabriele Klein (eds.) ; With editorial assistance of Melanie
Haller and Heike Lüken. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013. - 324 s. (Critical dance studies ; 25)
Dance on its own terms : histories and methodologies / edited by Melanie Bales and Karen Eliot. - New
York : Oxford University Press, c2013. - vi, 448 s.
Derra de Moroda, Friderica. Die Tanzschrift des 18. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel meiner Sammlung / Friderica
Derra de Moroda. - [Särtryck ur Imprimatur : ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde, Neue Folge Bd. 5]. - [S.l. :
s.n.], 1967. - S.187-198, viii pl.-s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Elswit, Kate. Watching Weimar Dance / Kate Elswit. - Oxford : OUP, 2014. - xxxv, 252 s. (Oxford studies
in dance theory)
Emerging Bodies : The Performance of Worldmaking in Dance and Choreography / Gabriel Klein & Sandra
Noeth (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2011. - 263 s. (Critical dance studies)
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger. Chorégraphie ou l’art de décrire la dance / Raoul-Auger Feuillet. - New York :
Broude Brothers, 1968. - [8], 106, 84, 72 s., dansnotarioner, musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Fischer, Dagmar Ellen. Egon Madsen : ein Tanzleben : Biografie / Dagmar Ellen Fischer. - Leipzig :
Henschel, 2012. - 174 s.
Fisher, Hugh. Ballet for boys and girls / by Hugh Fisher. - London : English Universities Press, 1956. - 95 s.,
Franklin, Eric. Dance imagery for technique and performance / Eric Franklin. - 2. rev. ed. - S.l. : Human
Kinetics Publishers, 2014. - xvi, 374 s. : ill.
Geitel, Klaus. Der Tänzer heute / Klaus Geitel. -Berlin : Rembrandt,1964. - 63 s., ill. (Gåva från SFI)
Inheriting dance : an invitation from Pina / edited by Marc Wagenbach and the Pina Bausch foundation. Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 192 s: ill.
Järvinen, Hanna. Dancing genius : the stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky / Hanna Jarvinen. - Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - vii, 325 s.
Koegler, Horst. Bolschoi-Ballett : das Ballett des Grossen Akademischen Theaters der USSR in Moskau /
Horst Koegler. - Berlin : Rembrandt, 1959. - 64 s., ill. (Gåva från SFI)
Koegler, Horst. Modernes Ballett in Amerika / Horst Koegler. - Berlin : Rembrandt, 1959. - 64 s., ill. (Gåva
från SFI)
Koreografier / Konstfack ... ; [redigerad av Cristina Caprioli och Sven-Olov Wallenstein]. - Stockholm :
Raster, 2008. - 397 s. (Skriftserien Kairos, 1401-7423 ; 13)
Knowles, Mark. The tap dance dictionary / Mark Knowles. - Jefferson, N.C. : MacFarland, 2012. - ix, 254 s.
Kwan, SanSan. Kinesthetic city : dance and movement in Chinese urban spaces / SanSan Kwan. - New York
: Oxford University Press, 2013. - xxxv, 175 s. : ill.
Lvov-Anokhine, Boris. Galina Oulanova / Boris Lvov-Anokhine. - Moskva : Ed. Du Progrès, 1975. - 309 s.,
Lloyd, Stephen. Constant Lambert : beyond the Rio Grande / Stephen Lloyd. - Woodbridge : Boydell Press,
2014. xxii, 584 s., 43 pl-bl.
Michajlov, Michail Michajlovič. Molodye gody Leningradskogo baleta / M. Michajlov. - Leningrad :
Iskusstvo, 1978. -148 s., [40] pl.-s.
Newman, Barbara. Never far from dancing : ballet artists in new roles / Barbara Newman. - Abingdon :
Routledge, 2014. - xv, 204 s.
Nino Ananiašvili. - Tbilisi : Chelovneba, 1988. - 28 s., [47] pl.-s.
On stage alone : soloists and the modern dance canon / edited by Claudia Gitelman, Barbara Palfy. :
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2014. - viii, 213 s. : ill.
Osnovopoložniki choreografičeskogo obrazovanija v Gruzii. - Tbilisi, 1987. - 46 s., ill.
The Oxford handbook of dance and the popular screen / ed. Melissa Blanco Borelli. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2014. - xi, 476 s. : ill.
Pahkinen, Virpi. Ormbäraren / Virpi Pahkinen ; översättning av Mattias Huss. - Stockholm : MBM, 2013. 140 s., 24 pl.-s.
Preston-Dunlop, Valerie. Dance and the performative : a choreological perspective - Laban and beyond /
Valerie Preston-Dunlop, Ana Sanchez-Colberg ; with essays by Frank Werner, Paula Salosaari, Sarah
Rubidge. - Hampshire : Dance Books, 2010. - 307 s. : ill.
Rossen, Rebecca. Dancing Jewish : Jewish identity in American modern and postmodern dance / Rebecca
Rossen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. -xvii, 312 s. : ill
Sadler’s Wells Ballet at Covent Garden : a book of photographs by Merlyn Severn. -London : Lane the
Bodley Head, 1947. -[6] s., 80 pl.-s.
Scholl, Tim. From Petipa to Balanchine : classical revival and the modernization of ballet / Tim Scholl. London : Routledge, 2014. - 167 s.
Simonson, Mary. Body knowledge : performance, intermediality, and American entertainment at the turn of
the twentieth century / Mary Simonson. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 304 s.
Spotlight : four centuries of ballet costume : a tribute to the Royal Ballet / Roy Strong… - London : Victoria
and Albert Museum, 1981. - 104 s., ill. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Szymajda, Joanna. European Dance Since 1989 / Joanna Szymajda. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. - 385 s.
Tichonova, Nina. Debuška v cinem / Nina Tichnova. - Moskva : ART, 1992. - 366 s., ill.
Witkiewicz, Jan Stanislaw. Vladimir Malakhov und das Staatsballett Berlin 2004-2014 / Jan Stanislaw
Witkiewicz ; herausgegeben vom Staatsballett Berlin. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 207 s. : ill.
Folklig dans
Belly dance around the world : new communities, performance and identity / edited by Caitlin E.
McDonald and Barbara Sellers-Young. - Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2013. - vi, 217 s.
Biaz, Eleni. Learning Senegalese Sabar : dancers and embodiment in New York and Dakar / Eleni Bizas. New York : Berghahn, 2014. - xiv, 154 s. (Dance and performance studies)
Clérivet, Marc. Danse traditionelle en Haute-Bretagne : traditions de danse populaire dans les milieuxs
ruraux gallos XIXe - XXe siècles / Marc Clérivet. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013. - 468 s. :
ill. (Patrimoine oral de Bretagne)
Imada, Adria. L. Aloha America : Hula circuits through the U.S. empire / Adria L. Imada. - Durham : Duke
University Press, 2012. - xiv, 374 s.
Italiaander, Rolf. Tanz in Afrika : ein Phänomen im Leben der Neger / Rolf Italiaander. -Berlin :Rembrandt,
1960. -63 s., ill. (Gåva från SFI)
King-Dorset, Rodreguez. Black dance in London, 1730 -1850 : innovation, tradition and resistance /
Rodreguez King-Dorset. - Jeffersson, NC : McFarland, 2008. - 196 s. : ill.
Michelson, Truman. Observations of the thunder dance of the Bear Gens of the Fox Indians / by Truman
Michelson. - Washington, 1929. - vi, 74 s.
The morris and sword dances of England / by Arthur Peck. - Letchworth Garden City : The Morris Ring,
[1970-talet]. - 11 s., [11] pl.-s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Moving oceans : celebrating dance in the South Pacific / Ralph Buck & Nicholas Rowe ed. - London :
Routledge, 2014. - xxiv, 190 s. (Celebrating dance in Asia and the Pacific)
Rossen, Rebecca. Dancing Jewish : Jewish identity in American modern and postmodern dance / Rebecca
Rossen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. -xvii, 312 s. : ill
Thompson, Katherine Dyonne. Ring shout, wheel about : the racial politics of music and dance in North
American Slavery / Katrina Dyonne Thompson. - Urbana : UIP, 2014. - x, 242 s. : ill.
Vaughan, Umi. Rebel dance, renegade stance : timba music and black identity in Cuba / Umi Vaughan. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xii, 203 s. : ill.
Craig, Maxine Leeds. Sorry I don't dance : why men refuse to move / Maxine Leeds Craig. - Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 2014. - x, 230 s. : ill.
Dancing through time : western social dance in literature, 1400-1918 : selections / compiled by Allison
Thompson. - Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2013. - xii, 259 s
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger. Recueil de contredances / Raoul-Auger Feuillet. -New York : Broude Brothers, 1968.
-[38], 192 s., dansnotation, musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Playford, John. The English dancing master : or plaine and easie roles for the dancing of country dances with
the tune to each dance / John Playford. - New York : Dance Horizons, [1970-talet]?. - [12], 104 s. :
musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Sharp, Cecil. The country dance book : parts 1 and 2 / by Cecil Sharp. - London : EP publishing, 1975. - 54,
139 s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Sharp, Cecil. The country dance book : parts 3 and 4 / by Cecil Sharp. - London : EP publishing, 1975. 107, 104, [9] s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Sharp, Cecil. The country dance book : parts 5 and 6 / by Cecil Sharp. - London : EP publishing, 1975. - 51,
136, [2] s. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Tanzhistorische Studien : Kontratänze / [utg.] Roswitha Busch-Hofer. - Berlin : Deutscher Bundesverband
Tanz, 1981. - 76 s. : ill., musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Walkowitz, Daniel J. City folk : English country dance and the politics of the folk in modern America /
Daniel J Walkowitz. - University of New York Press, 2013. - xv, 333 s. (NYU series in social and cultural
Övrigt, dans
Archaeological approaches to dance performance / edited by Kathryn Soar and Christina Aamodt. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2014. - 95 s. (British Archaeological Reports ; 2622)
Batson, Glenna. Body and mind in motion : dance and neuroscience in conversation / Glenna Batson with
Margaret Wilson. - Bristol : Intellect, 2014. - 232 s. : ill.
Dancing cultures : globalization, tourism and identity in the anthropology of dance / edited by Helene
Neveu Kringelbach, Jonathan Skinner. - New York : Berghahn books, 2014. - 240 s. : ill. (Dance and
performance studies ; 4)
Gestures of music theater : the performativity of song and dance / edited by Dominic Symonds & Millie
Taylor. -New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. - xiii, 320 s.
Gustafsson, Lisen. Praktisk dansforskning / Lisen Gustafsson. - Halmstad : Dans i Halland, 2003. [16] s., ill. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Peeters, Jeroen. Through the back: situating vision between moving bodies / Jeroen Peeters. - Helsinki :
Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, 2014. - 312 s.
Rivera-Servera, Ramon H. Performing queer latinidad : dance, sexuality, politics / Ramon H. RiveraServera. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xi, 257 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Royston, Darren. Dramatic dance : an actor’s approach to dance as a dramatic art / Darren Royston. London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - viii, 153 s.
Simmel, Lianne. Dance medicine in practice : anatomy, injury prevention, training / Liane Simmel ;
translated by Jane Michael and Lianne Simmel. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xv, 248 s. : ill.
Spain, Kent De. Landscape of the Now : A Topography of Movement Improvisation / Kent De Spain. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 200 s.
Ångström, Anders. Amatörteater : en handbook / av Anders Ångström, under medverkan av Gunnar
Lindblad och Börje Lundh. - Stockholm : Natur och Kultur, 1958. - 147 s., ill. (Gåva från Titti Mörk)
Aune, Vigdis. Teater med barn og unge : en studie av barne- og ungdomsteateret ved Rogaland Teater /
Vigdis Aune. - Oslo : Akademika forlag, 2013. - 185 s. : ill.
Burke, Margaret R. Burke. Gavin Bolton's contextual drama : the Road Less Travelled / Margaret R Burke. Bristol : Intellect, 2013. - xxviii, 350 s. : ill.
Entertaining children : the participation of youth in the entertainment industry / ed. Gillian Arrighi &
Victor Emeljanow. - Abingdon : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - ix, 251 s. : ill. (Palgrave studies in theatre and
performance history)
Samtal om devising : en antologi från Barnteaterakademin / [red. Anna Berg, Lisa Lindén, Kristina Ros]. Göteborg : Barnteaterakademin, 2013. - 78 s.
Young audiences, theatre and the cultural conversion / ed. John O'Toole, Ricci-Jane Adams, Michael
Anderson, Bruce Burton, Robyn Ewing. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2014. - vii, 201 s. : ill. (Landscapes: the arts,
aesthetics, and education ; 12)
Cirkus, varieté, trolleri mm.
Kristenson, Martin. Vårt kära strunt : okända berättelser ur den svenska nöjeshistorien / Martin Kristenson. Enskede : Stupidobiblioteket, 2012. - 352 s. (Gåva från SUB)
Preiss, Richard. Clowning and authorship in early modern theatre / Richard Preiss. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2014. - x, 287 s.
Sardi, Sebastian. A cirkusz / Sebastian Sardi. - 1. ed. - Göteborg : Idras publishing, 2012. - ca 190 s.:
huvudsakligen ill.
Commedia dell’arte
Arte della maschera nella commedia dell’arte / a cura di Donato Sartori e Bruno Lanata. -Firenze:Casa
Usher, 1983. - 207 s. : ill. (visa i färg) (Collezione Giacomo Oreglia)
Clavilier, Michèle. Commedia dell’arte : le jeu masque / Michèle Clavilier, Danielle Duchefdelaville ;
preface de Jean Anglade. - Grenoble : Presse universitaires de Grenoble, 2013. - 2013 s. : ill.
La commedia degli zanni : da documenti rinascimentali sulla commedia dell’arte / a cura di Giovanni Poli. Vicenza : Accademia Olimpica, 1973. - 96 s., reg.
Jordan, Peter. The Venetian origins of the Commedia dell'arte. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xxii, 250 s. :
Tessari, Roberto. La commedia dell’arte : genesi d’una società dello spettacolo / Roberto Tessari. - Roma :
G. Laterza, 2013. - xi, 255 s. (Biblioteca universal Laterza ; 656)
Dockteater & skuggspel
Bell, John. American puppet modernism : essays on the material world in performance / John Bell. - New
York : Palgrave, 2008. - xvii, 280 s. : ill. (Palgrave studies in theatre and performance history)
Bizet, François. Tôzai !...: Corps et cris des marionnettes d'Osaka / de François Bizet. - Paris : Les belles
lettres, 2013. - 181 s. : ill. (Collection Japon)
The Routledge companion to puppetry and material performance / edited by Dassia N. Posner, Claudia
Orenstein, and John Bell. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xxiv, 351 s. : ill.
Stevens, Bryan J. Mexican masks and puppets master carvers of the Sierra de Puebla / Bryan J. Stevens. Atglen : Schiffer, 2012. - 224 s. : färgill.
Experimentteater, performance & live art
Bailes, Sara Jane. Performance theatre and the poetics of failure : forced entertainment, Goat Island, elevator
repair service / Sara Jane Bailes. - London : Routledge, 2011. - xx, 228 p.
Curtin, Adrian. Avant-Garde theatre sound : staging sonic modernity / Adrian Curtin. - Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xiv, 260 s. : ill. (Avant-gardes in performance)
Emergency index, vol. 2 : documenting 2012 / [editors Sophia Gleary and Yelena Gluzman]. - Ney York :
Ugly duckling presse, 2013. - 564 s. : ill.
Harding, James M. The ghosts of the avant-garde(s) : exorcising experimental theater and performance /
James M. Harding. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - ix, 234 s. : ill.
Histories and practices of live art / edited by Deirdre Heddon and Jennie Klein.- Basingstoke, Hampshire :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - x, 235 s.
Kalb, Jonathan. Great lengths : seven works of marathon theater / Jonathan Kalb. - Ann Arbor : University of
Michigan Press, 2013. - 240 s. : ill.
Ovadija, Mladen. Dramaturgy of sound in the avant-garde and postdramatic theatre / Mladen Ovadija. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - 264 s.
Pleading in the blood : the art and performances of Ron Athey / edited by Dominic Johnson. - Bristol :
Intellect, 2013. - 248 s. : färgill.
Read, Gray. Modern architecture in theatre : the experiments of Art et Action. - New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2014. - 139 s. : ill.
Fester, karnevaler etc.
Festivalising! : theatrical events, politics and culture / edited by Temple Hauptfleisch, Shulamith LevAladgem, Jacqueline Martin, Willmar Sauter and Henri Schoenmakers. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2007. - viii,
328 s. (Themes in theatre ; 3)
Moffat, Alistair. The Edinburgh fringe / Alistair Moffat. - London : Johnston & Bacon, 1978. - 128 s. : ill.
A Renaissance wedding : the celebrations at Pesaro for the marriage of Costanzo Sforza & Camilla Marzano
D'Aragona (26-30 May 1475) / introduced, translated and edited from the Italian by Jane Bridgeman ; Latin
poems edited and translated by Alan Griffiths. - London : Harvey Miller, 2013. - 198 s. : ill.
Opera & musikteater
Alexander, Alfred. Operanatomy: an ecletic introduction to the art of the conductor, instrumentalist,
composer, producer and to score reading, analysis of sound, singer, libretto and public, and adjudication of
the critic / Alfred Alexander. - 3. Ed. - Old Woking : Gresham Books,1979. - 208 s. : musiknoter. (Elisabeth
Söderströms samling)
Arteaga, Stephan. Geschichte der italiänischen Oper von ihrem ersten Ursprung an bis auf gegenwärtige
Zeiten. 2. Bd. / Stephan Artega ; aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Johann
Nicolaus Forkel. - Leipzig : Schwickertschen Verlag, 1789. -vi, 532 s. (Personnes samling)
Bartalini. Opera psychotherapy / Bartalini. - Smithtown : Exposition, 1981. - 160 s., [20] färgpl.-s.
(Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Bloomfield, Arthur. The San Francisco Opera 1922-1978 / Arthur Bloomfield. - Sausalito : Comstock, 1978.
- 552 s.,[40] pl.-s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Deer, Joe. Directing in musical theatre : an essential guide / Joe Deer. - New York : Routledge, 2014. - 250 s.
Författaren på operan / redaktion: Katarina Aronsson, Eva Clementi, Claes Wahlin. - Stockholm :
Kungliga operan, 2013. - 181 s. (Gåva från Kungliga operan)
Gestures of music theater : the performativity of song and dance / edited by Dominic Symonds & Millie
Taylor. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. - xiii, 320 s.
Héritte de la Tour, Louis. Une famille de grands musiciens : mémoires de Louise Héritte-Viardot / recuillies
par Louis Héritte de la Tour. - Paris : Stock, 1923. - ix, 266 s., [12] pl.-bl.
Istel, Edgar. Die Komische Oper : eine historisch-ästhetische Studie / von Edgar Istel. - Stuttgart : Grüninger,
1906. - 84 s., [11] pl.-bl. (Knut Stangenbergs samling)
Kaufmann, Helen L. The little book of music anecdotes / Helen L. Kaufmann. - New York :Grosset &
Dunlap, cop. 1948. - xii, 275 s., ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Lehmann, Lotte. Five operas and Richard Strauss / by Lotte Lehmann ; translated from the German by Ernst
Pawel. - New York: Da Capo, 1982. - ix, 209 s., [8] pl.-s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Levy, Newman. Opera guyed / by Newman Levy ; pictures by Rea Irvin. - New York : Knopf, 1953. - 86 s.,
ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
"Music's obedient daughter" : the opera libretto from source to score / edited by Sabine Lichtenstein. Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi B.V., 2014. - 507 s.
Owen, H. Goddard. A recollection of Marcella Sembrich / H. Goddard Owen ; new introduction by Philip
Lieson Miller. - New York : Da Capo, 1982. - ix, 77 s. : ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Podnjataja tselina : muzykal’naja drama v 4 aktach : sbornik statej k postanovke v Gosudarstvennom
Akademičeskom Malom Opernom Teatre / otvetctvennyi redaktor: A.I. Petros. - Leningrad, 1937. - 46 s., [5]
färgpl. : musiknoter
Poidevin, Aurélien. Opéra Garnier / Aurélien Poidevin, texte ; Jean-Pierre Delagarde, photographies. - Paris :
Éditions de la Martinière : Opéra national de Paris, 2013. - 445 s. : ill.
Simont, Marc. Opera soufflé : 60 pictures in bravura / Marc Simont. - New York : Schuman, 1950. - [84] s.
(huvudsakligen ill.) (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Vickers, Hugh. Great operatic disasters / Hugh Vickers ; illustrated by Michael Folkes. - London :
Macmillan, 1979. - 80 s., ill. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Wolf, Stacy. A problem like Maria : gender and sexuality in the American musical / by Stacy Wolf. - Ann
Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002. - xx, 289 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Women in American musical theatre : essays on composers, lyricists, librettits, arrangers, choreographers,
designers, directors, producers and performing artits / edited by Bud Coleman and Judith Sebesta. - Jefferson,
N.C. : McFarland & Comp., 2008. - x, 282 s. : ill.
Die Zukunft der Oper : Zwischen Hermeneutik und Performativität / hrsg. Von Barbara Beyer, Susanne
Kogler und Roman Lemberg. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 208 s. : ill + DVD (Recherchen 113)
Pantomim & mim
Blasis, Carlo. The code of Terpsichore : a practical and historical treatise,on the ballet, dancing and
pantomime… / by C. Blasis. - New York : Dance Horizons, [1970-talet]. - [4], 548, 22 s., [18] pl.-s.,
musiknoter. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Iliev, Alexander. Towards a theory of mime / Alexander Iliev ; translated by Milena Dabova ; edited by
Michael M. Chemeris. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xv, 284 s.
Wylie, Kathryn. Satyric and heroic mimes : attitude as the way of the mime in ritual and beyond / Kathryn
Wylie. - Jefferson, NC : MacFarland, 2014. - ix, 254 s. : ill.
Pedagogiskt drama & dans
Applied drama/theatre as social intervention in conflict and post-conflict contexts / ed. Hazel Estella
Barnes and Marie-Heleen Coetzee. - Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. - xix, 261 s.
Applied drama and theatre as an interdisciplinary field in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa / Hazel
Estella Barnes. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvii, 294 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 43)
Arts, activism, education, and therapies : transforming communities across Africa / Hazel Estella Barnes. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvi, 324 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 44)
Burke, Margaret R. Burke. Gavin Bolton's contextual drama : the Road Less Travelled / Margaret R Burke. Bristol : Intellect, 2013. - xxviii, 350 s. : ill.
Fleming, Mike. Starting drama teaching / Mike Fleming. - 3. ed. - London : Routledge, 2011. - ix, 185 s.
Grenzverhältnisse : Perspektiven auf Bildung in Schule und Theater / hrsg. Wiebke Lohfeld, Susanne
Schittler. - Weinheim und Basel : Beltz Juventa, 2014. - 250 s. : ill.
Holmwood, Clive. Drama education and dramatherapy : exploring the space between disciplines / Clive
Holmwood. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xx, 183 s.
Lewis, Martin. Teaching classroom drama and theatre : practical projects for secondary schools / Martin
Lewis and John Rainer. - London : Routledge, 2012. - x, 187 s.
Kostym, mask & smink
Andrejevskaja V.D. Istorija odeždy / tekst. V.D. Andrejevskaja … - [S.l. : s.n.], 1922. - [12] s., [19] pl.-bl.
Gus’kov, S.I. Iskusstvo grima / S.I. Gus’kov. - Moskva : GIZLEGPROM, 1932. - 81, [14] s., ill.
Rassochhin, S. Grimirovka / S. Rassochin. - Moskva, 1925. - 96 s., ill.
Spotlight : four centuries of ballet costume : a tribute to the Royal Ballet / Roy Strong… - London : Victoria
and Albert Museum, 1981. - 104 s., ill. (Regina Beck-Friis’ dödsbo)
Stevens, Bryan J. Mexican masks and puppets master carvers of the Sierra de Puebla / Bryan J. Stevens. Atglen : Schiffer, 2012. - 224 s. : färgill.
Scenografi & scenljus
AEG Bühnenbeleuchtung : Das Dessauer Theater. - Berlin, Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft, 1938. 19 s., ill
Alterdinger, J. Handbuch für Theater-Malerei und Bühnenbau / von J. Alterdinger. - München :
Schutzmann, 1913. - 63 s. : ill. (Stangenbergs samling)
L’appareil scénique dans les spectacles de l’antiquité / sous la direction de Brigitte le Guen et Silvia
Milanezi. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2013. - 249 s. : ill. (Théâtres de monde)
Beskin, Osin. Viktor Šestakov / Osin Beskin. - Moskva : Sovetskij Cudožnik, 1965. - 39 s., [31] pl.-s.
Breitman, Ellen. Art and the stage / Ellen Breitman. - Cleveland : Cleveland Museum of Art, 1981. - 72 s.,
Dinova-Ruseva,Vera. Bulgarska scenografija / Vera Dinova-Ruseva. - Sofija : Bulgraski Chudožbuj, 1975. 330 s. : ill. (vissa I färg .)
Elektrizität im Theater. - Berlin : Allgemeine Elektricität-Gesellschaft, 1925. - 160 s., [2] utvikningsbl.
Gaglianò, Pietro. Architetture di luce : il Teatro architettura di Giancarlo Cauteruccio/Krypton / Pietro
Gaglianò. - Corazzano (Pisa) : Titivillus, c2014. - 107 s. : ill. (Le mostre ; 34)
Gitenet, Jean. Recherches pour une lecture semiologique des annotations de décors dans ”Le Balöcon” de
Jean Genet / Jean Gitenet. - Lyon : Université Lyon II, 1972. - [173] bl., diagr.
Grans, Heinrich. Die Wunder der Bühne / von Heinrich Grans. - Leipzig : Spamer, 1890. - iv,96 s., ill.
Inouye, Kevin. The theatrical firearms handbook / Kevin Inouye. - New York : Focal press, 2014. - xix, 325
s. : ill.
Lori, Renato. Scenografia e scenotecnica per il teatro / Renato Lori. - Nuova ed. riveduta e corretta. - Roma :
Gremese, c2014. - 219 s. : ill. (Media manuali)
Moderne Bühnenbeleuchtung. - Berlin : Ars, [1920-talet]. - 116 s., ill.
Ponte, Susanne de. Siegfried Stepanek (1921-1969) : das bühnenbilderische Werk / Susanne de Ponte. München : Edition text + kritik, 2008. - 159 s. :ill. (Katalog zum Bestand des Deutschen Theatermuseum ; 1)
Rosalie LightScapes / hrsg. Peter Weibel. - Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2013. - 207 s. : ill.
Scenographes en France 1975-2012 : diversité & mutations / ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Luc
Boucris et Marcel Freydefont. - S.l. : Actes Sud, 2013. - 269 s. : ill.
Theatre, performance and analogue technology : historical interfaces and intermedialities / ed. by Kara
Reilly. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xvii, 288 s. : ill. (Palgrave studies in performance and
Teaterbyggnader & teaterarkitektur, inkl. scenmaskineri
AEG Bühnenbeleuchtung : Das Dessauer Theater. - Berlin, Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft, 1938. 19 s., ill
L’appareil scénique dans les spectacles de l’antiquité / sous la direction de Brigitte le Guen et Silvia
Milanezi. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2013. - 249 s. : ill. (Théâtres de monde)
Desboulmiers. Histoire du theatre de l’Opéra Comique. T. 1-2 / [Desboulmiers]. - Paris : Lacombe, 1769. 497, 538 s. (Personnes samling)
Derevjanko, Boris. Odesskij Teatr Opery I Baleta = The Odessa Opera and Ballet House / Boris Derevjanko.
- Odessa : Majak, 1984. - 64 s., ill. (vissa i färg)
Harrower, Rexford. Tre studi per un nuovo teatro di musica = Three studies for a new music theater / Rex
Harrower. - Firenze : Förf., 1979. - 74 s., ill. (vissa i färg) (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Lee, Brian Hamor. European Post-Baroque Neoclassical Theatre Architecture / by Briant Hamor Lee. Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales : Edvin Mellen Press, 1996. - ix, 230 s. : ill. (Studies in theatre arts ; 3)
Møller, Vilhelm. Omkring Grønnegade-Teatret / Vilhelm Møller. - Kjøbenhavn, 1898. - S. 651-662, 893-91.
Poidevin, Aurélien. Opéra Garnier / Aurélien Poidevin, texte ; Jean-Pierre Delagarde, photographies. - Paris :
Éditions de la Martinière : Opéra national de Paris, 2013. - 445 s. : ill.
Sauter, Willmar.The theatre of Drottningholm -then and now: performance between the 18th and 21st
centuries / Willmar Sauter & David Wiles. - Stiftelsen för utgivning av teatervetenskapliga studier, 2014. xv, 296 s. (Stockholm Theatre Studies ; 4)
Scavenius, Alette. Magiens huse : danske teatre gennem 300 år / Alette Scavenius ; fotos av Kurt Rodahl
Hoppe. - Köpenhamn : Strandberg, 2013. - 478 s. : ill.
Teatermusik & ljud
Curtin, Adrian. Avant-Garde theatre sound : staging sonic modernity / Adrian Curtin. - Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xiv, 260 s. : ill. (Avant-gardes in performance)
Ovadija, Mladen. Dramaturgy of sound in the avant-garde and postdramatic theatre / Mladen Ovadija. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - 264 s.
Roesner, David. Musicality in theatre : music as model, method and metaphor in theatre-making / David
Roesner. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2014. - 272 s. (Ashgate interdisciplinary studies in opera)
Theater mit Musik : 400 jahre Schauspielmusik / Ursula Kramer (hg.). - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 461
s. : ill. (Mainzer historische Kulturwissenschaften ; 16)
Teatermuseer & teaterarkiv
The Brander Matthews dramatic museum : at Columbia University / [Rare book & manuscript library]. New York : Rare book & manuscript library , Columbia University, 2005. - 59 s. (Utställningskatalog ; gåva
från Columbia University)
Archiv direkcij Imperatorskich teatrov : Vypusk 1 (1746-1801 gg.) / po poručeniju Gospodina Ministra
Imperatorskago Dvora sostavili: V. P. Pogožev, A.E. Molčanov I K-A- Petrov. - St. Petersburg : Direkcij
Imperatorskich Teatrov, 1892. - xix, 132 bl.
Teater & religion
Debus, Michael. Livskriser och livets dramatik : en vägledning till Rudolf Steiners mysteriedramer / Michael
Debus ; [översättning: Antonius Zeiher]. - Järna : Antroposofiska bokförlaget, [2013]. - 151 s. (Gåva från
Stevenson, Jill C. Sensational devotion : evangelical performance in twenty-first century America / Jill C.
Stevenson. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - viii, 317 s. : ill.
Stork, Sieglind. Das Theater der Jesuiten in Münster (1588-1773) : Mit Editionen des 'Petrus Telonarius' von
1604 und der 'Coena magna' von 1632 / Sieglind Stork ; Übersetzung der Dramen von Christian Peters. Münster : Aschendorff, 2013. - 544 s.
Teater, dans & samhälle
Applied drama/theatre as social intervention in conflict and post-conflict contexts / ed. Hazel Estella
Barnes and Marie-Heleen Coetzee. - Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. - xix, 261 s.
Applied drama and theatre as an interdisciplinary field in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa / Hazel
Estella Barnes. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvii, 294 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 43)
Arts, activism, education, and therapies : transforming communities across Africa / Hazel Estella Barnes. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2014. - xvi, 324 s. : ill. (Matatu ; 44)
Bailey, Marion B. Butch queens up in pumps : gender, performance and ballroom culture in Detroit / Marlon
M Bailey. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xiv, 279 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Dancing cultures : globalization, tourism and identity in the anthropology of dance / edited by Helene
Neveu Kringelbach, Jonathan Skinner. - New York : Berghahn books, 2014. - 240 s. : ill. (Dance and
performance studies ; 4)
Downing, Cless. Ecology and environment in European drama / Downing Cless. - London : Routledge,
2011. - x, 234 s. (Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies)
Ebbers, Linda. Darstellende Kunst und zivile Konfliktbearbeitung : Das Theater der Unterdrückten als
kreative Methode der Konflikttransformation / Linda Ebbers. - 1. Auflage. - Stuttgart : ibidem, 2014.
(Berliner Schriften zum Theater der Unterdrückten, Bd. 7)
Festivalising! : theatrical events, politics and culture / edited by Temple Hauptfleisch, Shulamith LevAladgem, Jacqueline Martin, Willmar Sauter and Henri Schoenmakers. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2007. - viii,
328 s. (Themes in theatre ; 3)
Friberg, Ulf. Den kapitalistiska skådespelaren : aktör eller leverantör? / Ulf Friberg. - Göteborg :
Bokförlaget Korpen : 2014. - 293 s. - (ArtMonitor avhandling ; 44) (Diss.)
Gluhovic, Milhija. Performing European memories : trauma, ethics, politics / Milija Gluhovic. - Basingstoke
: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xii, 322 s. (Studies in international performance)
Jones, Ellen. A practical guide to greener theatre : introduce sustainability to your productions / Ellen Jones.
- New York : Focal Press, 2014. - xxiv, 274 s. : ill.
Morgan, Margot. Politics and theatre in twentieth-century Europe : imagination and resistance / Margot
Morgan. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 224 s. (Critical political theory and radical practice)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume one : 1900-1932 / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2003. - x, 350 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume two : 1933-1952 / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2005. - vii, 431 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Nicholson, Steve. The censorship of British drama 1900-1968. Volume three : the fifities / Steve Nicholson. Exeter : University of Exeter press, 2011. - ix, 272 s. (Exeter performance studies)
Osnes, Beth. Theatre for women’s participation in sustainable development / Beth Osnes. - New York :
Routledge, 2014. - xxi, 216 s. : ill. (Routledge studies in sustainable environment)
Parallele Leben / Parallel Lives: Ein Dokumentar-Theaterprojekt zum Geheimdienst in Osteuropa = A
Documentary Theatre Project on Secret Police in Eastern Europe / hrsg. von Martina Vannayova und Jan
Simko. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2014. - 200 s. : ill. (Recherchen 112)
Perucci, Tony. Paul Robeson and the Cold war performance complex: race, madness, activism / Tony
Perucci. - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xii, 217 s. (Theater: theory/text/performance)
Political performances : theory and practice / edited by Susan C. Haedicke... - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2009. 379 s. (Themes in theatre ; 4)
Postdramatic theatre and the political : international perspectives on contemporary performance / edited
by Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll and Steven Giles. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - vii, 324 : ill.
Rivera-Servera, Ramon H. Performing queer latinidad : dance, sexuality, politics / Ramon H. RiveraServera. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012. - xi, 257 s. : ill. (Triangulations)
Rossen, Rebecca. Dancing Jewish : Jewish identity in American modern and postmodern dance / Rebecca
Rossen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. -xvii, 312 s. : ill.
Thompson, Katherine Dyonne. Ring shout, wheel about : the racial politics of music and dance in North
American Slavery / Katrina Dyonne Thompson. - Urbana : UIP, 2014. - x, 242 s. : ill.
Walkowitz, Daniel J. City folk : English country dance and the politics of the folk in modern America /
Daniel J Walkowitz. - University of New York Press, 2013. - xv, 333 s. (NYU series in social and cultural
TV, radio & film
Graffenried , Ariane von. Dramaturgien der Wirklichkeit : Dokumentarfilme im Theater / Ariane Von
Graffenried. - Zürich : Chronos, 2012. - 312 s. (Materialien des ITW Bern ; 13)
Kuznecov, A. Zak I.. Utrennie poezda : dramatičeskie prizvedenija dlja kino i teatra / A. Zak I. Kuznecov. Moskva : Isskustvo, 1988. -523 s. (Gåva från SFI)
Miletiċ. Svet radio drame / Gojko Miletiċ. - Beograd : Radio, 1982. - 84 s.
The Oxford handbook of dance and the popular screen / ed. Melissa Blanco Borelli. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2014. - xi, 476 s. : ill.
Redvall, Eva Novrup. Writing and producing television drama in Denmark : from the kingdom to the killing
/ by Eva Novrup Redvall. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xi, 252 s. : ill.
Foltzer, A. Au temps jadis de Bayonne : 2. Série / A. Foltzer. - Bayonne: Courrier, 1936. - 200 s. (Personnes
Michelson, Truman. Observations of the thunder dance of the Bear Gens of the Fox Indians / by Trman
Michelson. - Washington, 1929. - vi, 74 s.
Simons, John. The tiger that swallowed the boy : exotic animals in Victorian England / John Simmons. Faringdon : Libri, 2012. - 196 s. : ill.
Tompkins, Kyla Wazana. Racial indigestion : eating bodies in the 19 th century / Kyla Wazana Tompkins. New York : New York university Press, 2012. - xiii, 275 s., 38 pl.-bl. (America and the long 19th century)
Litteratur- & dramahistoria
Baiyu, Lu. Lessings Freundschaftsbegriff in seinen dramatischen und dialogischen Werken / Lu Baiyu. Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2014. - 238 s. (Epistemata Literaturwissenschaft ; 791)
Bohtz, August Wilhelm. Ueber das Komische und die Komödie : ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Schönen /
von August Wilhelm Bohtz. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1844. - iv, 266 s.
Boll, Julia. The new war plays : from Kane to Harris / Julia Boll. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 192 s.
Carlsson, Ingemar. Kommentar till dramatik [Olof von Dalin] / av Ingemar Carlsson och James Massengale.
- Stockholm : Svenska vitterhetssamfundet, 2009. - 223 (Svenska författare utgivna av Svenska
vitterhetssamfundet, 0346-7864 ; 26)
Carl Sternheim : Revolution der Sprache in Drama und Erzählwerk: Beiträge zur Polnisch-Deutschen Carl
Sternheim-Tagung (Olsztyn, Dezember 2009). - Bern : Peter Lang, 2013. - 243 s.
Clark, Barrett Harper. Contemporary french dramatists : studies on the théâtre Libre, Curel, Brieux, PortoRiche, Hervieu, Lavedan, Donnay, Rostand, Lemaître, Capus, Bataille, Bernstein, and Flers and Cavaillet /
by Barrett H. Clark. - S.l. : Ulan press, [200-?]. - 225 s. : faksimil
Conrad, Hermann. Shaksperes Selbstbekenntnisse : Hamlet und sein Urbild / von Hermann Conrad. Stuttgart : Metzler, 1897. - vi, 321 s.
Dancing through time : western social dance in literature, 1400-1918 : selections / compiled by Allison
Thompson. - Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2013. - xii, 259 s
Danske Dramatikere : en fortegnelse udgivet af Danske Dramatikeres Forbund over Medlemmernes
Arbejder. - Kjøbenhavn : Olsen, 1947. - 205 s.
Downing, Cless. Ecology and environment in European drama / Downing Cless. - London : Routledge,
2011. - x, 234 s. (Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies)
Dyroff, Adolf. Die Handlung im Drama / Adolf Dyroff. - Innsbruck : Tyrolia, 1920. - 16 s.
The evolution of a mystery play : a critical edition of “Le sacrifice d’Abraham of “Le mistère du viel
testament”, “La moralité du sacrifice d’Abraham” and the 1539 version of “Le sacrifice d’Abraham” of “Le
mistère du viel testament” / edited by Barbara M. Craig. - Orlando : French Lietrature Publications Company,
1983. - vi, 329 s.
Georgy, Ernst August. Die Tragödie Friedrich Hebbels nach ihrem Ideengehalt / von Ernst August Georgy. Leipzig : Avenarius, 1904. - xii, 334 s.
Goll, August. Romeo og Julie og andre Shakespearestudier / Aug. Goll. - København : Pios, 1922. 196 s.
Intertextuality in American drama : critical essays on Eugene O'Neill, Susan Glaspell, Thornton Wilder,
Arthur Miller and other playwrights / edited by Drew Eisenhauer and Brenda Murphy. - Jefferson, N.C. :
Macfarland, 2013. - vi, 262 s. : ill.
Kaj Munks dramatik i teaterhistorisk optik / redigeret af Marc Auchet og Anker Gemzøe. - 1. udg. Aalborg : Aalborgs Universitetsforlag, 2011. - 285 s. : ill.
Kilian, Eugen. Der einteilige Theater-Wallenstein : ein Beitrag zur Bühnengeschichte von Schillers
Wallenstein / von Eugen Kilian. - Berlin : Duncker, 1901. - 95 s.
King Lear : new critical essays / edited by Jeffrey Kahan. - London : Routledge, 2008. - x, 374 s.
(Shakespeare criticism ; 33)
Kleist revisited / Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Friedrike Knüpling (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. 2014. - München : Wilhelm
Fink, 2014. - 291
Larsen, Wenche. Skuespillet om kvinnekroppen : bildets og kroppens betydning i Cecilie Løveids dramatikk
/ Wenche Larsen. - Oslo : Unipub, 2005. - 273 s.
Laube, Heinrich. Franz Grillparzers Lebensgeschichte / von Heinrich Laube. - Stuttgart : Cotta, 1884. 177 s.
Maguire, Laura. Othello: language and writing / Laurie Maguire. - London : Arden Shakespeare, 2014. xviii, 208 s.
Monrad, M.J. Fragmentariske studier over A. Munchs tragødie: Lord Eilliam Rusell / af M.J. MOnrad. Christiania : Morgenbladet, 1858. - 40 s. (Personnes samling)
Kaj Munk : opgørets dramatiker / redigeret af Henrik Nygaard Andersen og Torleiv Austad. - København :
Anis, 2008. - 326 s.
The Oxford handbook of American drama / edited by Jeffrey H. Richards with Heather S. Nathans. - New
York : Oxford University Press, 2014. - xvii, 568 s.
Paratexts in English Printed Drama to 1642 : single-text and collected editions to 1623. Vol. 1-2 / Thomas
L Berger & Sonia Massai (ed.). - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. - xx, 1040 s.
Reinhart, Michaela. TheaterTexte - Literarische Kunstwerke : Eine Untersuchung zu poetischer Sprache in
zeitgenössischen deutschen Theatertexten / von Michaela Reinhardt. - Berlin : Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2014. 165 s. (Philogische Studien und Quellen ; 245)
Rötscher, Heinrich Theodor. Dramaturgische und ästhetische Abhandlungen / von Heinrich Theodor
Rötscher. - Leipzig : Wigand, 1864. - vi, 192 s. (Personnes samling)
Sittenberger, Hans. Grillparzer, sein Leben und Wirken / von Hans Sittenberger. - Berlin : Hofmann, 1904. 229 s., ref.
The Theatre of Naomi Wallace / ed. by Scott T. Cummings & Erica Stenes Abbitt. - New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. - xvi, 320 s. (Embodied Dialogues)
Vaßen, Florian. Bibliographie Heiner Müller, Band I-II (3. vol) / von Florian Vaßen. - Bielefeld : Aisthesis
verlag, 2013. - 1786 s. (Bibliographien zur Deutschen Literaturgeschichte ; 20)
Vinçon, Hartmut. "Am Ende war ich doch ein Poet ..." : Frank Wedekind : Ein Klassiker der literarischen
Moderne. Werk und Person / Harmut Vinçon, Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2014. - 346 s. : ill.
Willner, Jenny. Wortgewalt. Peter Weiss und die deutsche Sprache / Jenny Willner. - 1. Aufl. - Paderborn :
Konstanz University Press, 2014. - 399 s. (Diss.)
Volkelt, Johannes. Franz Grillparzer als Dichter des Tragischen / von Johannes Volkelt. - Nördlingen : Beck,
1888. - vii, 216 s., reg.
Wolf-Cirian, Francis. Grillparzers Frauengestalten / von Francis Wolf-Cirian. - Stuttgart : Cotta, 1908. - 308
s., [6] pl.-bl
Alexander, Alfred. Operanatomy: an ecletic introduction to the art of the conductor, instrumentalist,
composer, producer and to score reading, analysis of sound, singer, libretto and public, and adjudication of
the critic / Alfred Alexander. - 3. ed. - Old Woking : Gresham Books,1979. - 208 s., musiknoter. (Elisabeth
Söderströms samling)
Amis, John. Amiscellany : my life, my music / John Amis. - London : faber and faber, 1985. - 280 s.,[8] pl.s. (Elisabeth Söderströms samling)
Lamy, F. Shakespeare et la musique / F. Lamy. - Amiens, 1912. - 43 s. [Särtryck ur Mémoires de l’Académie
d’Amiens 1912]
Lloyd, Stephen. Constant Lambert : beyond the Rio Grande / Stephen Lloyd. - Woodbridge : Boydell Press,
2014. xxii, 584 s., 43 pl-bl.
Taking it to the bridge : music as performance / ed. Nicholas Cook & Richard Pettengill. - Ann Arbor : The
University of Michigan Press, 2013. - xvi, 381 s.
Bernhard, Thomas. Werke 1-22 / Thomas Bernhard. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2003-2014. - 22 vol.
Hebbel, Friedrich. Durch Irren zum Glück : Tagebuchblätter / von Friedrich Hebbel. - Berlin : Beht, 1907. vi, 405 s.
Lagerlöf, Selma. Selma Lagerlöfs teatersonetter / utgivna av Ulla-Britta Lagerroth & Lisbeth Stenberg. Lund : Ellerströms, 2014. - 330 s. (Gåva från förlaget)
Tennyson, Alfred. Nyårsklockorna / Alfred Tennyson. - Stockholm, 1944. - [12] bl., [2] pl.-bl.
[Specialutgåva för Anders De Wahl, tryckt i 2 exemplar, varav detta är nr 1]
Undervisning & utbildning
Grenzverhältnisse : Perspektiven auf Bildung in Schule und Theater / hrsg. Wiebke Lohfeld, Susanne
Schittler. - Weinheim und Basel : Beltz Juventa, 2014. - 250 s. : ill.
Fleming, Mike. Starting drama teaching / Mike Fleming. - 3. ed. - London : Routledge, 2011. - ix, 185 s.
Franklin, Eric. Dance imagery for technique and performance / Eric Franklin. - 2. rev. ed. - S.l. : Human
Kinetics Publishers, 2014. - xvi, 374 s. : ill.
Holmwood, Clive. Drama education and dramatherapy : exploring the space between disciplines / Clive
Holmwood. - London : Routledge, 2014. - xx, 183 s.
Schauspielen heute : Die Bildung des Menschen in den performativen Künsten / Jens Roselt, & Christel
Weiler (Hrsg.). - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014. - 264 s. : ill. (Theater, Bd. 15)
Teaching theatre today : pedagogical views of theatre in higher education / edited by Anne L. Fliotsos and
Gail S. Medford. - Rev. 2. ed. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - xviii, 283 s.
Utställningar & konferenser
The Brander Matthews dramatic museum : at Columbia University / [Rare book & manuscript library]. New York : Rare book & manuscript library , Columbia University, 2005. - 59 s. (Utställningskatalog ; gåva
från Columbia University)
Le geste suspendu : estampes Kabuki du Cabinet d'arts graphiques = The frozen gesture : Kabuki prints from
the Cabinet d'arts graphiques / sous le direction de = edited by Christian Rümelin et = and Hans Bjarne
Thomsen. - Cologne : Wienand, 2014. - 160 s. : färgill.
Pougin, Arthur. Le théâtre à l’exposition universelle de 1889 / Arthur Pougin. - Paris : Fischbacher, 1890. [4], 125s.
Wedekinds Welt : Theater, Eros, Provokation / herausgegeben von Manfred Mittermayer und Silvia
Bengesser. - Leipzig : Henschel, 2014. - 239 s. : ill.
Svensk dramatik, samt utländsk i svensk översättning
Agrell, Alfhild. Dramatiska arbeten / Alfhild Agrell ; inledning och efterskrift: Ingeborg Nordin Hennel. Umeå : Atrium, 2012. - 623 s.
Backa teater vs reality 2007-2013 / [texter: Mattias Andersson [och sju andra]]. - Göteborg : Backa teater,
2013. - 159 s.
Beauvoir, Simone de. De onödiga munnarna : pjäs i två akter och åtta scener / Simone de Beauvoir ;
översättning: Åsa Sarachu och Frida Wigelius Skoglund ; efterord: Ulrika Björk. - Stockholm : Rosenlarv,
2013. - 142 s.
Bergren, Uffe. Tvåmannaspel : fem dialoger / Uffe Berggren. - Hägersten : ReaKom ; cop. 2007. - 200 s.
Büchner, Georg. Dramatik och prosatexter / Georg Büchner ; översättning Lars Bjurman. - Stockholm :
Atlantis, 2013. - 310 s.
Canth, Minna. Olyckans barn ; och Prästens familj / Minna Canth. - [Sverige] : Ordbrand ; 2012. - 315 s.
Dalin, Olof. Dramatik / [Olof von Dalin] ; utgiven av Ingemar Carlsson. - Stockholm : Svenska
vitterhetssamfundet, 2008. - 245 s. ( Svenska författare utgivna av Svenska vitterhetssamfundet, 0346-7864 ;
Espmark, Kjell. Marx i London och andra pjäser / Kjell Espmark. - Stockholm : Norstedt, 2011. - 237 s.
Euripides. Backanterna; Ifigenia i Aulis. - Stockholm : Atlantis, 2014. - 209 s.
Euripides. Trojanskorna / Euripides ; översättning från grekiskan: Agneta Pleijel & Jan Stolpe ; förord och
kommentarer: Jan Stolpe. - Lund : Ellerströms, 2014. - 71 s.
Fredén, Sofia. Ensamcyklaren : en utflykt för en flicka och en cykel / av Sofia Fredén. -Stockholm :
Colombine teaterförlag, 2001. -55 s.
García Lorca, Federico. Kvinnodramerna / Federico García Lorca ; översättning: Jens Nordenhök. Stockholm : Tranan, 2009. - 303 s.
García Lorca, Federico. Publiken ; Så går fem år ; Resa till månen : två dramer och ett stumfilmsmanus /
Federico García Lorca ; översättning Marika Gedin ; efterord Magnus Florin. - Stockholm : Tranan, 2013.
270 s.
Genet, Jean. - Skärpt bevakning / Jean Genet ; i översättning av Sebastian Duraffourd ; med förord av Johan
Gardfors. - Farsta : Bladstaden, 2010. - 108 s
Gondinet, Edmond. Un Parisien = en parisare : komedi i 3 akter : mise-en –scène = I-scen-sättning / af
Edmond Gondinet. - Stockholm : Vasateatern, 1899. - [102] s. (Personnes samling)
Hesperos. Vol. 4, De röda dropparna / Sigbjørn Obstfelder. - Stockholm : Ordbrand : 2011. - 98 s.
Hesperos. Vol. 7, Rediviva / Dagny Juel Przybyszewska. - Stockholm : Ordbrand : 2011. - 99 s.
Hesperos. Vol. 8, Ugglan / Gabriel Finne. - Stockholm : Ordbrand : 2011. - 99 s.
Hesperos. Vol. 10, Svärmarna / Robert Musil ; [texten är översatt från tyskan]. - Stockholm : Ordbrand :
2013. - 99 s.
Hochwälder, Fritz. Värdshuset : dramatisk legend i tre akter / av Fritz Hochwälder ; översättning av Nils
Kjellström. - Stockholm : Englind, [1955?]. - 136 s. (H.C. Sjöbergs samling)
Hugo, Victor. Hernani : drama i 5 akter / af Victor Hugo ; Öfversättning af Edv. Bäckström. - Stockholm ;
Seligmann, 1877. - 124 s.
Jeffmar, Marianne. Fem pjäser om sex / Marianne Jeffmar. - [Uppsala : Marianne Jeffmar], 2013. - 138 s.
Josephson, Ludvig. Folkunga-lek : första afdelningen; Håtuna-leken / af Ludvig Josephson. - Stockholm :
Bonnier, 1864. - 178 s.
Lindberg De Geer, Marianne. Fem pjäser / Marianne Lindberg De Geer. - Stockholm : Orosdi-Back, 2012. 325 s.
Lindorm, Erik. Moloch : lustspel i tre akter / av Erik Lindorm. - Stockholm : Bonnier, 1926. - 107 s.
Lindström, Börje. Trädgårdsmästaren : pjäser / av Börje Lindström. - Skara : Pegasus, 2006. - 115 s.
Lugn, Kristina. Hjälp sökes : en musical / av Kristina Lugn, Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus, Lars
Rudolfsson. -Stockholm : Orionteatern, 2013. -75 s.
Lundell, Ulf. 6 pjäser / Ulf Lundell. - Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand, 2009. - 514 s.
Länk 2014 : nya pjäser för unga ensembler / Edward Buffalo Bromberg (red.). - Möklinta : Gidlund i
samarbete med Riksteatern, 2014. - 430 s.
Magnusson, Gert. The reggae musical / Gert Magnusson. - Stockholm : Yellow Snow Studio, 2009. 62 s.
Mankell, Henning. Lögnhalsarna : nio enaktare om Strindberg / Henning Mankell. - Stockholm : Leopard,
2012. - 250 s.
Mats, Rune. Krönikespelet om Gyrdh Bodakarl / författat och regisserat av Rune Mats. - Östersund : Jengel,
2013. - 88 s.
Merimo, Sandra. Tre pjäser : 1997-98 / av Sandra Merimo. -Stockholm : Förf., 1998. -111 s.
Montelius, Martina. Tre pjäser / Martina Montelius. - Stockholm : Bokförlaget Atlas, 2014. - 151 s.
Norén, Lars. Dramer : Samhälle / Lars Norén. - Stockholm : Bonnier, 2014. - 1214 s.
Norén, Lars. Dramer : Terminal / Lars Norén. - Stockholm : Bonnier, 2014. - 1581 s.
Det omätbara : åtta pjäser från tillväxtens tid / medverkande: Stina Oscarson (red), Jacob Hirdwall, Erik
Uddenberg, Kim Atle Hansen. - Stockholm : Kata, 2011. - 255 s.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo. Pylades / Pier Paolo Pasolini ; inledning och översättning av Carl Henrik Svenstedt. - 1.
uppl. - Stockholm : Italienska Kulturinstitutet "C.M. Lerici", 2012. - 149 s. (Cartaditalias bokserie)
Peratt, Börje. Fru Josefon : ett kammarspel / av Börje Peratt. - Enebyberg : Visam, 2014. - 65 s
Pujskin, Aleksandr. Boris Godunov / Aleksandr Pusjkin ; översättning och förord: Lars Erik Blomqvist ;
efterord: Mihhail Lotman ; illustrationer: Vladimir Favorskij. - Umeå : Atrium, 2010. - 156 s.
Rice, Tim. Chess : sångtexterna / Tim Rice, Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus ; svensk text: Lars Rudolfsson,
Jan Mark, Björn Ulvaeus. -Stockholm : Briggen Teaterproduktion, 2002. -[52] s.
Tid: Nu, Plats: Sverige : fem pjäser / Mattias Andersson … - Stockholm : Manifest, 2000.- 268 s.
Utländsk dramatik
Alfieri, Vittorio. Tragedie : volume primo-secondo / di Vittorio Alfieri. - Firenze : Le Monnier, 1855. – 2
vol. lxiv, 649, 585 s. (Kjälléns samling)
Amorim, Francisco Gomes de. Fígados de tigre / Francisco Gomes de Amorim. - Lisboa : Casa da Moeda,
1984. - 207 s.
Anouilh. Jean. Le voyageur sans bagages ; Le bal des voleurs / Jean Anouilh. - Paris : Livre de poche, 1965.
- 243 s. (Gåva från Titti Mörk)
Ayckbourn, Alan. Three plays: Bedroom farce ; Absurd person singular ; Absent friends / Alan Ayckbourn.
- London : Penguin, 1989. - 251 s.
Baker, Annie. The Flick / Annie Baker. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 118 s.
Bernhard, Thomas. Werke 1-22 / Thomas Bernhard. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2003-2014. - 22 vol.
Bonaventura, Vincenzo. Teatranti : attori, autroi, registi nel ‘900. - Messina : Pungitopo, 2013. - 272 s. : ill.
Branner, H.C. Et Spil om Kærligheden og Døden / H.C. Branner. - København : Gyldendal, 1960. 148 s.
Böll, Heinrich. Erzählungen ; Hörspiele ; Aufsätze / Heinrich Böll. - Köln : Kiepeheuer & Witsch, 1961. 444 s.
Il Carrozzone. La donna stanca incontra il sole / Il Carrozzone. - Roma : Out of London Press, 1974. - [166]
s. : ill.
Castellani, Enrico. Almanacco : i testi di Babilonia teatri / Enrico Castellani, Valereia Raimondi ;
introduzione di Cristina Valenti. - Pisa : Titvillius, 2013. - 117 s.
Chiaramonti, Margherita. Margherita Chiaramonti e “I giulliari di Dio” : un eesperienza di drama sacro a
Todi / a cura di Lorena Battistoni e Gianluca Prosperi. - 1. ed. - Todi, Perugia : Edizioni dell’Anthurium,
2013. - 259 s.
Christie, Agatha. A murder is announced / Leslie Darbon ; adopted from a story by Agatha Christie. London : Samuel French, 2014. - 110 s. (The collected plays ; 1)
Christie, Agatha. And then there were none / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 98 s. (The
collected plays ; 2)
Christie, Agatha. Appointment with death / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 115 s. (The
collected plays ; 3)
Christie, Agatha. Cards on the table / Leslie Darbon ; adopted from a story by Agatha Christie. - London :
Samuel French, 2014. - 101 s. (The collected plays ; 4)
Christie, Agatha. Go back for murder / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 110 s. (The
collected plays ; 5)
Christie, Agatha. The hollow / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 132 s. (The collected
plays ; 6)
Christie, Agatha. Love from a stranger / Frank Vosper ; based on a story by Agatha Christie. - London :
Samuel French, 2014. - 118 s. (The collected plays ; 7)
Christie, Agatha. Murder on the Nile / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 103 s. (The
collected plays ; 8)
Christie, Agatha. The rule of three / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 115 s. (The
collected plays ; 9)
Christie, Agatha. Spider’s web / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 141 s. (The collected
plays ; 10)
Christie, Agatha. The mousetrap / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 106 s. (The collected
plays ; 11)
Christie, Agatha. The unexpected guest / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 107 s. (The
collected plays ; 12)
Christie, Agatha. Verdict / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 101 s. (The collected plays ;
Christie, Agatha. Witness for prosecution / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 112 s. (The
collected plays ; 14)
Christie, Agatha. Black coffee / Agatha Christie. - London : Samuel French, 2014. - 103 s. (The collected
plays ; 15)
Duse, Enzo. Commedie Venete / Enzo Duse. - Rovigo : Minelliana, 2013. - 419 s.
Dädalus und seine Statuen : ein pantomimischer Tanz / herausgegeben von A. Hirt. - Berlin : Sander, 1802.
- 24 s., xii kolorerade pl.-bl.
Dzerzinskij, Leonid. Podnjataja tselina : muzykal’naja drama v 4 aktach : sbornik statej k postanovke v
Gosudarstvennom Akademičeskom Malom Opernom Teatre / otvetctvennyi redaktor: A.I. Petros. Leningrad, 1937. - 46 s., [5] färgpl. : musiknoter
Ellis, Walter. Das Mädel im Schatten : Kömdie in drei Akten / von Walter Ellis ; für die deutsche Bühne
bearbeitet von Richard Hoffmann. - Wien : Solnau, 1936. - 94 s.¨
The evolution of a mystery play : a critical edition of “Le sacrifice d’Abraham of “Le mistère du viel
testament”, “La moralité du sacrifice d’Abraham” and the 1539 version of “Le sacrifice d’Abraham” of “Le
mistère du viel testament” / edited by Barbara M. Craig. - Orlando : French Lietrature Publications Company,
1983. - vi, 329 s.
Filippo, Eduardo de. Natale in casa Cupiello / Eduardo de Filippo. - Torino : Einaudi, 1964. - 61 s.
Fink, Robert. Libretto to: Lysistrata & the war: a comic opera / by Robert Fink. - Greenwich : Förf., cop.
1996. - 47 s.
Four Arab American plays : works by Leila Buck, Jamil Khoury, Yussef El Guindi, and Lameece Issaq &
Jacob Kader / edited by Michael Malek Najjar. - Jefferson, N.C. : Macfarland, 2013. - vii, 192 s. : ill.
Gélinas, Gratien. Bousille and the just / Gratien Gélinas : translated from the French by Kenneth Johnson. Toronto : Clarke, Irwin & Co., 1961. - 104 s.
Glaspell, Susan. Trifles, and six other short plays / by Susan Glaspell ; two of them written in collaboration
with George Cram Cook. - London : Benn, 1926. - 151 s.
Goodrich, Arthur. Tragödie in Arezzo : Oper in 3 Akten, Vor-und Nachspiel nach Robert Brownings
Dichtung “The ring and the book” / von Arthur Goodrich ; Deutsche Ûbersetzung von Werner Wolff ;
Einrichtung für die deutsche Bühne von Julius Kapp ; Musik von Richard Hageman. - Berlin : Adler, 1931. 69 s.
Greenspan, David. The Myopia and other plays / by David Greenspan. - Ann Arbor : University of
Michigan Press, 2012. - 279 s. : ill. (Critical performances)
Grumberg, Jean-Claude. Les autres : les vacances ; Michu ; Rixe ; les rouquins ; les gnoufs / Jean-Claude
Grumberg. - Paris : Papiers, 1985. - 83 s.
Gulliksen, Geir. En kropp og Demoner : tekster for teater / Geir Gulliksen. - Oslo : Aschehoug, 2014. - 244
Harley Granville Barker reclaimed. The Madras house ; The Voysey inheritance ; Farewell to the theatre /
edited by Jonathan Banks. - S.l. : Granville press, 2007. - x, 157 s.
Haushofer, Albrecht. Gesammelte Werke, Teil I : Dramen I / Albrecht Haushofer ; Herausgegeben von
Hans-Edwin Friedrich und Wilhelm Haefs. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2014. - 618 s.
Horovitz, Israel. Collected works. Volume 1, Sixteen short plays / Israel Horovitz. - 1. ed. - Lyme : Smith
and Kraus, 1994. - xi, 386 s. (Contemporary playwrights series)
Horovitz, Israel. Collected works. Volume 2, New England Blue : plays of working-class life / Israel
Horovitz. - 1. ed. - Lyme : Smith and Kraus, 1995. - xix, 370 s. (Contemporary playwrights series)
Horovitz, Israel. Collected works. Volume 3, The primary English class and six new plays / Israel Horovitz.
- 1. ed. - Lyme : Smith and Kraus, 1997. - xi, 328 s. (Contemporary playwrights series)
Horovitz, Israel. Collected works. Volume 4, Two trilogies : The growing-up-jewish trilogy : The Alfred
trilogy / Israel Horovitz. - 1. ed. - Lyme : Smith and Kraus, 1998. - 375 s. (Contemporary playwrights series)
Horovitz, Israel. Israel Horovitz’s new shorts : 12 new one act plays/ Israel Horovitz. - New York : Samuel
french, 2009. - 184 s.
Howard, Peter. We are tomorrow / by Peter Howard. - London : Blandford, 1954. - 100 s.
Hübner, Lutz. Frau Müller muss weg und andere Stücke / Lutz Hübner. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2011. 235 s. (Dialog)
Jellicoe, Ann. The knack : a comedy / by Ann Jellicoe. - London : Faber & Faber, 1962. - 88 s.
Kater, Fritz. Ejakulat aus Stacheldraht : Theaterstücke / Fritz Kater. - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2013. - 310 s.
(Dialog ; 4)
Kezich, Tullio. La coscienza di Zeno / Tullio Kezich dal romanzo di Italo Svevo. - Torino : Einaudi, 1965. 107 s.
King, Dawn. Foxfinder / Dawn King. - London : Nick Hern, 2011. - 79 s.
King, Dawn. Ciphers / Dawn King. - London : Nick Hern, 2013. - 71 s.
Kuznecov, A. Zak I.. Utrennie poezda : dramatičeskie prizvedenija dlja kino i teatra / A. Zak I. Kuznecov. Moskva : Isskustvo, 1988. -523 s. (Gåva från SFI)
Laurents, Arthur. Gypsy / book by Arthur Laurents ; lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ; music by Jule Style ;
suggested by the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee. - New York : Theatre communications group, 2012. - 108 s.
Lenskij, Dmitrij Timofeevič. Lev Guryč Siničkin : vodevil’ v 5 dejstvijach / D. T. Lenskij. - Moskva :
Iskusstvo, 1951. - 123 s.
Manhoff, Bill. The Owl and the Pussycat / by Bill Manhoff. - New York : Doubleday, 1965. - 134 s.
Martinéz Sierra, Gregorio. Plays of G. Martinéz Sierra. Vol. 1. / G. Martinéz Sierra ; in English versions by
John Garrett Underhill. - New York : Dutton, 1923. - xix, 241 s.
Mayer, Louise Marie. Disraeli: eine Komödie in fünf Bildern / von Louise Marie Mayer und Arthur Rundt. Leipzig : Tal, 1932. - 118 s.
Merimo, Sandra. Tre pjäser : 1997-98 / av Sandra Merimo. - Stockholm : Förf., 1998. - 111 s.
MonoDramen / ed. = herausgegeben von Karl-Heinz Braun. - Berlin : Verlag der Autoren, 2014. - 375 s.
Mrozek, Slawomir. Watzlaff : ein spiel in 77 Szenen / Slawomir Mrozek ; übertragen von Ludwig
Zimmerer. - Berlin : Henssel, 1970. - 107 s.
Ndiaye, Marie. Hilda / Marie Ndiaye. - Paris : Les éditions de minuit, 1999. - 90 s.
Ndiaye, Marie. Hilda / Marie Ndiaye ; translated by Sarah Woods from a literal translation by Rachel
McGill. - London : Oberon books, 2002. - 59 s. (Channels (France))
Ndiaye, Marie. Papa doit manger / Marie Ndiaye. - Paris : Les éditions de minuit, 2003. - 94 s.
Ndiaye, Marie. Les serpents / Marie Ndiaye. - Paris : Les éditions de minuit, 2004. - 91 s.
New writing Italia, 2 : undici pezzi di teatro under 35 (+1) / a cura di Rodolfo di Giammarco e Rossella
Porcheddu. - Spoleto (Perugia) : Editoria & Spettacolo, 2014. - 339 s. (Percorsi)
Paiva de Andrade, Diogo de. A tragédia D. Duarte (Eduardus) / Diogo de Paiva de Andrade. - Lisboa : Casa
da Moeda, 1986. - 103 s.
Parks, Suzan-Lori. The America play and other works / Suzan Lori-Parks. - 1. ed. - New York : Theatre
communications group, 2013. - 199 s.
Parks, Suzan-Lori. - The red letter plays / Suzan-Lori Parks. - 1. ed. - New York : Theatre communications
group, 2011. - 225 s. : musiknoter
Parks, Suzan-Lori. Venus / by Suzan Lori-Parks. - New York : Dramatists play service, 1995. - 168 s.
Peschke, Michael. Von Hauptbahnhof bis Kalaschnikow: Texte für Theater und Film / Michael Pescke. Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2013. - 198 s. (Dialog ; 17)
Pirandello, Luigi. Liolà ; Cosi è (se vi pare) / Luigi Pirandello. - Milano : Mondadori, 1961. - 214 s.
Planchon, Roger. Le cochon noir. La remise / Roger Planchon. - Paris : Gallimard, 1973. - 169 s.
Prin, Claude. Saint Just et l’invisible / Claude Prin. - Paris : Stock, 1973. - 265 s.
Prin, Claude. Les crucifixions de Saint Barthélemy / Claude Prin. - Paris : Stock, 1976. - 193 s.
Le recueil Trepperel : fac-similé des trente-cinq pieces de l’original / precede d’une introduction par
Eugénie Droz. - Genève : Slatkine, 1966. - [304] s.
Roter Reis : Vier Theatertexte aus der Schweiz / herausgegeben von Stefan Koslowski. - Berlin : Theater der
Zeit, 2003. - 194 s.
Shaw, Peggy. A menopausal gentleman : the solo performances of Peggy Shaw / edited and with an
introduction by Jill Dolan. - Ann Arbor : Univ ersity of Michigan Press, 2011. - 170 s. (Triangulations)
Sheh, Lao. Dragon, beard, ditch : a play in three acts / by Lao Sheh ; translated by Liao Hung-ying. - Peking
: Foreign languages press, 1956. - 97 s., [9] pl.-s.
Sondheim, Stephen. A funny thing happened to the way to the forum / book by Burt Shevelove and Larry
Gelbart ; music and lyrics by Stepehn Sondheim ; based on the plays of Plautus. - London : Nick Hern
Books, 2004. - 111 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. A little night music / Hugh Wheeler ; music and lyrics by Stepehn Sondheim ; book by
Hugh Wheeler ; introduction by Jonathan Tunick ; suggested by a film by Ingmar Bergman. - New York :
Applause, 1991. - 236 s. : ill.
Sondheim, Stephen. Assassins / music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ; book by John Weidman. - New
York : Theatre communications group, 1991. - xi, 107 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. Company : a musical comedy / music and lyrics Stephen Sondheim ; book by Georg
Furth. - New York : Theatre communications group, 2011. - 118 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. Follies / book by James Goldman ; music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. - New ed. New York : Theatre communications group, 2011. - 87 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. Pacific ouvertures / music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ; book by John Weidman ;
additional material by Hugh Wheeler ; originally produced and directed on Broadway by Harold Prince. New York : Theatre communications group, 2011. - 107 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. Passion : a musical / music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ; book and direction James
Lapine. - New York : Theatre communications group, 2005. - 131 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. Sunday in the park with George / music & lyics by Stephen Sondheim ; book by James
Lapine. - London : Nick Hern books, 1990. - l, 110 s.
Sondheim, Stephen. - Sweeney Todd : the demon barber of Fleet street : a musical thriller / music and lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim ; book by Hugh Wheeler ; from an adaption by Christopher Bond ; originally directed
on Broadway by Harold Prince. - London : Nick Hern books, 1991. - xlviii, 156 s.
Sovetskaja odnoaktnaja dramturgija. Tom 1. - Moskva : Iskusstvo, 1967. - 498 s.
St. John Hankin reclaimed. The return of the prodigal ; The charity that began at home / edited by Jonathan
Banks ; introduction by Alan Andrews. - S.l. : Granville press, 2007. - xiv, 96 s.
Štejn, Aleksandr Petrovič. Dramy: Flag admiral ; Prolog ; Meždu livnjami ; Personal’noe delo ; Gostinica
“Astorija” ; Okean / Aleksandr Štejn. - Moskva : Sovetskij pistel’, 1966. - 566 s.
Teresa Deevy reclaimed. Vol. 1, Temporal powers ; Katie Roche ; Wife to James Wheelan / edited by
Jonathan Bank, Christopher Morash, and John P. Harrington. - S.l : Mint theater company, 2011. - xvi, 158 s.
Théâtre de champagne. 1. Série. -7. Edition. - Paris : Ollendorff, [1878]?. - xii, 331 s.
Torstenson, Ebba. Kommefremmede og Et andet Menneske : 2 Skuespil / Ebba Torstenson. - Ringkøbing :
Eget Forlag, 1977. - 163 s.
Vieira, César. Bumba, meu Quaeixada / texto base de César Vieira. - São Paulo, 1980. - 87 s.
Wolf, Friedrich. Drei Dramen 1942-1945 : Patrioten ; Doktor Wanner ; Was der Mensch säet… / Friedrich
Wolf. - Berlin : Aufbau-Verlag, 1946. - 246 s.
Worthy but neglected : plays of the Mint theater company / edited and with an introduction by Jonathan
Bank ; associate editor Jeni Mahoney. - S.l. : Granville press, 2002. - ix, 352 s.
Young, Edward. Oeuvres diverses. T. 4 / du docteur Young ; traduites de l’Anglois par M. Le Tourneur. Amsterdam : Harrevelt, 1771. - v, 339 s.
Zilahy, Ludwig. Sterne : Schauspiel in 3 Akten / von Ludwig Zilahy. - S.l., [1920-talet]. - 83 bl.
Zorzi, Guglielmo. Teatro / di Guglielmo Zorzi. -Bologna : Cappelli, 1966. - 566 s.
Teater- & dansvetenskapliga uppsatser
Beskow, Moa. Floder av upplevelser : fenomenologiskt perspektiv på upplevelsen av Per Jonssons koreografi
“Rivers of mercury” / Moa Beskow. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2013. - 34
Björling, Rebecca. En dansanalys av Appartement / Rebecca Björling. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musikoch teatervetenskap, Ht 2013. - 34 bl.
Geiger, Ulrike. Zeitgenössische Performance im öffentlichen Raum Skandinaviens: Die Performance Kunst
von The New Beauty Council als ein kritisches Medium um politische Themen in performativer Weise zu
hinterfragen / Ulrike Geiger. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2012. - 102 bl.,
Gustafsson, Johanna. Att skapa galenskap : en föreställningsanalys av Unga Dramatens “Necronomicon”
hösten 2013 ur ett galenskapsperspektiv / Johanna Gustafsson. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och
teatervetenskap, Ht 2013. - 37 bl.
Hededal, Irène. Föreställningar om genus : utifrån en analys av Alexander Mørk-Eidems postdramatiska
uppsättning “Lycka” / Irène Hededal. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Vt 2012. 45 s., ill.
Hildén, Xenia. Hur teaterkritiken har förändrats över tid och eventuella orsker till detta / Xenia Hildén. Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, 2013 Ht. - 35 bl.
Karlsson, Johanna. Complex, uncomfortable yet privileged : a postcolonial study of minority language
theatre in Wales and Finland / Johanna Karlsson. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap,
Ht 2012. - 46 bl.
Kukko, Linda. Theatrical communication in dance performance for children : performance analysis of
“Marmalade” by Claire Parsons / Linda Kukko. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap,
2013 Ht. - 42 bl.
Lindqvist, Ulrika. Julia Capulet -en dräktstudie : en studie av hur Julia Capulets teaterkostym genom
historien återspeglar teaterkostymesn utveckling och samhällets kvinnosyn / Ulrika Lindqvist. - Stockholm :
Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2012. - 43 bl., ill.
Nilsson, Malin. Critically examining female representation : in new, Arts Council England funded,
contemporary dance work by three prominent England based male choreographers / Malin Nilsson. Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2013. - 44 bl.
Nordström, Joel. Att begränsa i kroppen i syfte att lämna den : en utveckling av publikens deltagande i
teaterhändelsens sensoriska nivå / Joel Nordström. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och
teatervetenskap, Vt 2012. - 42 s.
Novoa, Carolina. Die Inszenierung von ‘Gender’ und ‘Race’ in “Unschuld” von Dea Loher: Regie: Michael
Thalheimer / Carolina Novoa. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, 2013 Ht. - 44 bl.,
Runsten, Olof. Från text till scen: Köpmannens kontrakt : en ekonomisk komedi / Olof Runsten. - Stockholm
: Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Vt 2012. - 36 s.
Salas, Nathaly. Hörspelets rörliga möjligheter / Nathaly Salas. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och
teatervetenskap, Vt 2011. - 52 bl.
Stenson, Peter. Från naturbarn till primadonna : mottagandet av Josephine Baker i Sverige 1928, 1946 och
1961 / Peter Stenson. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2012. - 37 bl., ill.
Svensson, Linn. Galna kvinnor på scen : hur samhällets kvinnosyn speglades i gestalningen av psykiskt sjuka
kvinnor på Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol under 1920-talet / Linn Svensson. - Stockholm : Institutionen för
musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2012. - 44 bl.
Tanem, Bo. Religiösa inslag I Spöksonaten : interdisciplinär studie av uppsättningar på Dramaten / Bo
Tanem. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht 2012. - 85 bl.
Tangen Eliassen, Magne. Omverda er ikkje ei verd for seg ; eit fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk blikk på
Stockholms stadsteaters iscenesetjing av Harry Martinsons diktsyklus “Aniara -en revy om människan i tid
och rum” hausten 2010 / Magne Tangen Eliassen. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap,
Ht 2012. - 62, [2] bl.
Waldheim, Elsie. De oskyldiga : en föreställnignsanalys av Jenny Andreassons uppsättning som gick på
Dramaten hösten 2013 / Elsie Waldheim. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht
2013. - 35 bl.
Wallon, Joel. Total teater : en teatervetenskaplig analys av reklamkampanjen Black Ascot och dess skapare
PR-byrån Studio Total / Joel Wallon. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Vt 2012. 50 s., ill.
Widinghoff, Hanna. Blinkande ljus och dunkande musik : en semiotisk analys av ungdomsteater / Hanna
Widinghoff. - Stockholm : Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Ht2013. - 32 bl.