Celebrating 50 years of Faith, 1964-2014 THE GOOD NEWS November 2014 Give Thanks! Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – I Thessalonians 5:16-18 In his first letter to the Christians at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul reminds them to “give thanks in all circumstances.” That little word in is important. Paul does not suggest to his hearers that they should give thanks for all circumstances but that they should give thanks in all circumstances. It’s a small word but a big difference. There are certainly things for which we not thankful: war, illness, the Ebola crisis, unemployment, the death of a loved one—the list could go on and on. These are uncertain times in our world, our nation, even our churches, where the same financial challenges that trouble our economy and our families also trouble the church. However, despite whatever the present crisis, as Christians we are able to give thanks to God no matter what our situation. The good news is that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. As Paul wrote, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37-39) We can give thanks to God in the midst of all things because God is always faithful and is able to work through whatever circumstances we may find ourselves. In anxious times we need not give in to pessimism and fatalism. We can be confident that God is able. As Rev. Brian Bauknight, a retired United Methodist pastor from Pennsylvania puts it, “God is able, through God’s people, to do far more abundantly than we even dream! There are distinct possibilities in the midst of leanness.” During the month of November we will have many opportunities to give thanks, not only on Thanksgiving Day, but through our prayers, our time with family, in worship, and through service to our communities. We will also have the opportunity to give thanks on Stewardship Sunday, November 16, as we return our estimate of giving cards for 2015 and celebrate over brunch all that God has done, is doing, and will continue do through Faith United Methodist Church. See Bill Jones’ article on page 6 with details about that brunch. May God bless you and keep you and may we give thanks together in all things! Grace and peace, Pastor Kathryn FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6810 MONTROSE ROAD 301-881-1881 • [email protected] • WWW.FAITHWORKSHERE.COM ROCKVILLE, MD 20852 November Worship Schedule November 2, 2014/ All Saints Sunday Service: Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow, preaching, “For All the Saints” and The Naming of the Honored Dead, those members who have died in the last year. Holy Communion at the Altar Scriptures: Rev. 7:9-17; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda Remember: Daylight Savings Time Ends November 9, 2014/ Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost Service: Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow, preaching, “Serving God: Sincerity & Faithfulness” (Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25) Scriptures: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Psalm 78:1-7; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: Republic of Congo, Gabon, Sao Tomé and Principe November 16, 2014/ Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost/Stewardship Sunday Service: Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow, preaching, “What Have You Done with Your Talents?” November 23, 2014/ Reign of Christ/Christ the King Sunday Service: Celebration of Music Ministries Michael Wu, Director of Music, will preach and all of our musical groups will participate. Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger November 30, 2014/ First Sunday of Advent As we prepare our hearts to celebrate once again the birth of Christ, we will begin a fourweek sermon series, “Checking, Decking & Dashing.” Service: Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow will preach “Checking to Find Peace” (Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19) and consider the question, “When did Christmas get so complicated?” UM Student Day Offering: One of the six UM Special Sundays with an offering; this fund furnishes scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist-related and other accredited colleges and universities. Scriptures: Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Mark 13:24-37 Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: Liberia, Sierra Leona Scriptures: Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123; 1 Thess. 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea You will be invited to bring your pledge card for 2015 to the altar to be blessed. After worship, we will have a potluck brunch in the Fellowship Hall. Read more about the brunch on page 6. NOVEMBER 2014 8:30-11:30 am Nursery Available 8:00, 8:45, 11:20 am Adult Classes 8:45 am “Holy Grounds” Casual Worship in Room 205 10:00 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary Sunday School f or Children & Youth 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time 10:00 am THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 2 Free Advent Resources Faith Church Activities Devotionals for adults, teens, and families… Advent calendars for children…all free! Book Discussion: Proof of Heaven Sunday, November 23, 7:00 pm Please join us Sunday, November 23rd, at 7 pm as Kristen Wayne leads us in a book discussion of Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander, M.D. This book is billed as "a scientist's case for the afterlife," because Dr. Alexander was in a coma with his brain 'shut down' for seven days, and when he recovered he recounted a long and detailed experience of an afterlife including interactions with an angelic being and "the Divine source of the universe." As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Alexander previously believed that near-death experiences (NDE) were fantasies. However, after his own NDE, which he believes could not have been a hallucination given his lack of brain function, he saw it as his calling to share the word that death is just a transition and the soul and God are real. Beginning Sunday, November 16th, stop by the table in the Narthex or the table in the fellowship hall to pick up your Advent season reflections as you prepare for the coming of the Christ child. Advent begins Sunday, November 30th. For more information, contact Gina Dawson at [email protected]. Please purchase the book on your own and read it before the discussion. If you need childcare, contact Gina Dawson at [email protected]. Adopt a College Student for the 2014-15 School Year They may be far from home, but they’re still a part of our family! And you can help them stay connected to the Faith family by adopting a college student – sending them notes of encouragement, care packages, etc. This year’s “adoptees” are Bethany Buel, Trip Buel, Katie Connors, Charles Halverson, Ashley Holder, Caroline Larkin, Ruthie Prillaman, Sean Ramsperger, and Jason Spriggs. Stop by the big bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays to choose someone to support from now through May 2015. Each student may be adopted by up to three people, and you may choose to adopt more than one student. You will need to leave your name and contact information with Gina Dawson at the board so we know who adopted whom. Questions? Contact Gina at [email protected] or 301-881-1881, ext. 2250. Faith-wide Christmas Project— The Angel Tree This year the youth will be coordinating Faith’s Christmas outreach through the City of Rockville. Our congregation will be responsible for providing gifts for several families (around 30 individuals.) You will be able to select an individual for whom to shop and will be provided with that individual’s wish list. Suggested spending is $50/person. Look for the Angel Tree to appear in Fellowship Hall later this month. More details to come. NOVEMBER 2014 THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 3 Letter to the Congregation from Greg Holden & Pastor Kathryn The following letter was written by Greg Holden, Lay Leader and Acting SPRC chair and Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow. It was mailed to all members and friends of Faith on October 20th. It is repeated here in case anyone didn’t receive their copy. Elizabeth Bono, Editor October 20, 2014 Dear Members and Friends of Faith, We are writing to let you know of a change in our staffing that will take place in July of 2015. As you know, we have been facing a serious financial deficit this year, one that despite all of your assistance, we have been unable to make up. After looking at all cost-cutting alternatives, our Staff Parish Relations Committee (in discussion with the Finance Committee and the Church Council) has come to the difficult decision that we no longer have the financial means to employ an Associate Pastor and must instead move toward a more cost-effective ministry model, as have almost all area UM churches of a similar size. To ensure that our ministry needs are met, we will hire two parttime employees. One of the new individuals will focus on ministry with Youth and the second will focus on Congregational Care, assisting Rev. Woodrow with visitation, beginning a Stephen Ministry program (which Faith has had in the past), training laity to assist with visitation, and exploring ministry to seniors. Gina Dawson, our Director of Christian Education, will formally assume responsibility for Children’s and Family Ministry (which has often been cared for by the Christian Education Committee). Pastor Laura will remain at Faith through the end of June, 2015 (the end of the appointment year). She can be appointed elsewhere by the Bishop and Cabinet to serve another congregation after that time. While we will miss Pastor Laura, we will continue to be blessed by her presence through next June. We are confident that her skills and talents will provide comfort and healing to those she will encounter in new faith communities. Yours in Christ, Gregory S. Holden Lay Leader and Acting SPRC Chair Rev. Dr. Kathryn Woodrow Senior Pastor Preschool Truck Day– Friday, November 7th 10-11 am Everyone’s welcome to come see the trucks of all kinds & sizes! Remember to bring your pledge cards and enjoy Our Stewardship Potluck Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 16. See more details on page 6. NOVEMBER 2014 UMW Circle MeetingsNovember Lydia Circle will meet on Monday, November 10th at 10:00 am at Faith Church. We will share coffee and cake and hear a talk by an employee of The Decorating Den. Please contact Jo Hopper, hostess, for more information: 301-987-6648. Nan McCurdy/Ellen Hoover Circle will meet on Wednesday, November 5th at 12:00 pm at Faith Church. BYO lunch. Jan Lafleur will host the talk, “How the United Methodist Church Addresses Disabilities.” Susanna Wesley Circle invites the congregation to a program on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, f7:00 to 9:00 pm at Faith Church in the Fellowship Hall. Come and bring friends to the lecture by a US National Park Service speaker on “The Underground Railroad in Montgomery County, Maryland and Beyond.” The Underground Railroad, a secret network of people, and places, wove through Montgomery County in the decades before the Civil War, and its conductors guided enslaved people to new lives of freedom in the North. People trying to escape slavery used clues they could rely on to find out where "north" actually was. One of the best clues they could use to find north was to locate the North Star shown above with the “drinking gourd” as the slaves called the constellation. This will be a rich, fascinating program and will you be able to learn more about this important milestone in American history. Reservations are not necessary; for more information, contact Mary French, 301606-0211 or [email protected]. THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 4 YOUTH NEWS College Care Packages, Duct Tape Games &“Sticky Situations” Sunday, November 9th, 6-8pm Room 205/6 Tonight we’ll be making care packages for all of our former youth who are away at college. This is a great way to remind them that even in the midst of finals and end of semester stress, we still care about them, and they’re still part of our church family! Also tonight, we will hold our third annual Duct Tape Games! Laughter guaranteed… Plus, NEW this year: “Sticky Situations” with Pastor Kathryn. Dinner: Jan LaFleur, David Cope, Andrea Marchesotti Adult Volunteers: Gina Dawson and Pastor Kathryn Sign Up: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0d49a4ad2a1-college1 Mountain Month Sunday, November 23rd, 6-8 pm Room 205/6 Why do we go on a Work Trip every summer? Why are there people in poverty in this country? Why can’t they help themselves? Why is it our responsibility as Christians to get involved? Come discover the answers to these questions and more as we engage in a life-sized role-play game! We’ll recreate an Appalachian town for the night, and see what it’s really like to live in a rural mountain town for a month. Bring along some friends – the more folks we have the more fun the game! Dinner: The Wege Family Adult volunteers: Pastor Kathryn, Debbie Spriggs, Andrea Marchesotti, David Cope Sign Up: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/30E0D49A4AD2A1-mountain Rock in Ocean City, Maryland Friday, February 6-Sunday, February 8, 2015 Christmas Outreach Project Tuesday, November 11, 1:30—3:30 pm Youth are needed to help us set up the “Angel Tree” and get organized for our Christmas Service Project. It’s a Montgomery County Public School half-day. Come meet in Fellowship Hall for a fun afternoon! SSL hours will be available. Contact the Spencer family with questions. 301-888-0617. Youth Info: 2014-2015 School Year This year, the scheduled sign ups and all the required forms for Youth Events are posted online. Please go to www.faithworkshere.com/youth.html to find them. NOVEMBER 2014 Each year the Baltimore-Washington Conference Sponsors a HUGE youth event (over 5000 people attend!) at the Ocean City, MD Convention Center for youth in grades 6-12. It’s a weekend away to step back and listen to popular Christian bands, inspirational speakers (Reggie Dabbs is back this year!), and to learn about the amazing love of Jesus Christ! We bus over together on Friday afternoon, February 6th, and will stay at the Hilton Oceanfront Suites until Sunday afternoon. Generally, we spend the weekend together as a youth group sitting together at the Convention Center, hanging out on the Boardwalk on Saturday afternoon, and eating our meals together. For more information on the program, schedule, rules, and other info, please head over to: www.bwcumc.org/ rock/. If you would like to participate this year – either as a youth or an adult chaperone (anyone is invited to help out – you don’t have to have a youth-aged person in your house!) It’s $100 to attend (adults are free), but scholarships are available! Please contact Pastor Kathryn at: [email protected] no later than Dec. 7 to join or for more info. THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 5 Stewardship Potluck Brunch- Sunday, Nov. 16 11:15 am, Fellowship Hall The annual Faith UMC Stewardship Campaign is about to begin. You will receive information about our church’s efforts to build a firm financial basis for 2015. The campaign will culminate Sunday, November 16 when you will be invited to bring your commitment card for 2015 to the altar to be blessed. As is our tradition at Faith, we will celebrate this commitment after the 10:00 am worship service on Sunday, November 16 with a delicious potluck lunch. A meat dish, vegetarian alternative, dessert, and soft drink will be supplied. Please bring a dish, as designated below, to share with others. Families, whose last names begin with A through K, please bring a salad or cold side dish. Families whose last names begin with L through U, please bring a hot side dish. Families whose last names begin with V through Z, please bring bread or rolls. Potluck contributions may be dropped off in the kitchen prior to the 10 am worship service. Feel free to mark your dish with baking/warming instructions and volunteers will prepare everything while we worship. Come enjoy this celebration of our church’s commitment. For more info, contact Bill Jones 301-972-0043. Serving This Month — November Acolytes: November 2: Billy Moore November 9: Kristina Savell November 16: Thomas Clark November 23: Julia Evans November 30:TBD Card Ministry: JoAnn Rice Communion Servers: Carol & Gordon Henley Communion Stewards: Carol & Doug Dismukes Coffee Hour: November 2: The Savell family November 9: Hoover/McCurdy Circle November 16: Stewardship Potluck Brunch November 23: Greg & Kathryn Holden November 30: TBD Greeters : November 2: John Redding November 9: Karen & Glenn Simpson November 16: Trish Clark November 23: Joan & John Kelly November 30: Janice & Bill Jones Pew Steward: Debbie Spriggs Heavenly Harvest, 2014 Thank you to everyone involved in making Heavenly Harvest, 2014 a success. We were able to support a lot of different groups including: UMCOR, Tuko Pamoja, A Wider Circle, Chikumbuso, and the family Stepping Stones shelter. We really appreciated the help of over 50 Faith members. A special thanks to the Faith Youth and the Boy Scouts who helped us set up. We know a lot of members and friends of Faith came to eat and shop- THANK YOU!! Faith Christmas Cookie Exchange Sunday, Dec.14, 9:30—11:30 am Tired feet from standing on your hard kitchen floor? Aching back from rolling out dough? Can't bake anymore? Families often demand multiple kinds of cookies for the holiday season, and that means hours of toiling in the hot kitchen instead of sipping nog in the living room with everyone else. Fear not… Faith Youth is here to help! During Fellowship Time on December 14th from 9:30-10 am and 11-11:30 am, we'll be hosting a cookie exchange in Fellowship Hall. It's simple: bring several dozen of your favorite kind of cookies to Fellowship Hall (by 9:15am if possible), and so will everyone else. Buy a plastic box from the youth for $10, and fill it as full as you can with as many different kinds of cookies as you want, and enjoy the wonderful holiday variety without all of the effort! All proceeds benefit the Youth Mission Trip! NOVEMBER 2014 THE GOOD NEWS Projection: November 2: Debbie Spriggs November 9 Woody Machalek November 16: Gina Dawson November 23: Chuck Spencer November 30:Woody Machalek Sound: Doug Dismukes, John Kelly Security/Lock-Up: October 26-November 1: Steve Wege November 2-8: Bob Graves November 9-15: Bill Maas November16-22: Bill Beisner November 23-29: Ken Ayres November 30-December 6: Tim Evans Ushers (10:00 am): November 2: Mike Halverson*, Laurie Halverson, Gary Clark November 9: Bill Maas*, Gearold Knowles, Glenn Simpson, Don Woodrow November 16: Jay Moore*, Elease Bruner, Edward Bruner, Alisa Machalek November 23: Joe Breen*, Ann Tognetti, Bill Jones, Ned Hopper November 30: Kathy Cowles*, Terrie Tuckman, Candice Wilson, David Brown * Head Usher The Office will be closed Thanksgiving Day & Friday, November 28th for the holiday. PAGE 6 Nov 9 Steve & Tracy Clark Nov 1 Linda Billingsley Nov 2 Jeff Stefan Nov 4 Carrie Simpson Nov 5 Trip Buel, Martha Dahlstrom Nov 7 Rocky Jones, Tim Angel Nov 9 Sara Romeyn Nov 25 Chuck & Donna Taylor Nov 11 Hank Breen Nov 26 Gordon & Carol Henley Nov 12 Kitty Jones, Jan Spencer Nov 13 Gerane Sever Nov 14 Mary Hamilton, JoAnn Rice, Dave Savell Nov 15 Toby Peterson, Andrew Spencer Nov 16 Matthew Salaj Nov 17 Dona Love, Claire Mahoney, Courtney Wege Nov 18 Sam Barrow, Laura Moore Nov 20 Ned Hopper, John Rice We Celebrate the Birth of: Nov 21 Paul Renas, John Tomlinson Nov 23 Nancy Kuhn, Bill Warshauer Sylas Carter Aparaka, born on September 25th, to Erika and Hareen Aparaka. He joins big brother, Sydney at home. Nov 25 Elease Bruner, Joan Qualls Nov 27 Will Evans Nov 29 Hannah Stefan, James Wyderko Nov 30 Mary Elizabeth Hurt Nov 12 Paul & Libby Renas Nov 17 Bill & Patti Beisner Nov 21 Charles & Barbara Grimsley Nov 24 Kem & Anna Stokes Member Directory Changes Sandy & Larry Larkin family 14705 Botany Way Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Pat Tomlinson New Home Phone: 301-598-1249 New Email: [email protected] Our Christian love and sympathy are extended to Janice Moon and family on the death of Martin Moon on October 28. A memorial service will be held at Faith on Saturday, November 8, at 11:00 a.m. followed by a committal service in the Memorial Garden and a reception in the Fellowship Hall. A Special Thank-You from Pastor Corey Sharpe The letter below was written by Rev. Dr. Corey Sharpe, who served Faith as Associate Pastor for six years from 2005 to 2010. I have finally completed a Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. I began that process and completed my first two years of this program while I while I was a pastor at Faith Church. I owe a special thanks to all of you for your encouragement and support during that time. by Thursday, November 20th. If you have any questions or to email your submissions contact Elizabeth Bono, editor at: [email protected] or 301-881-1881. Many thanks to our October office volunteers: Erna Benjamin & Kay McCarty & our Good News typing assistant, Mary Jane Wolcott. Thanks for your consideration. Rev. Corey Sharpe Pastor, Susquehanna United Methodist Charge 3602 Level Village Road, Havre de Grace, MD NOVEMBER 2014 December Good News Items are due THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 2014 THE GOOD NEWS PAGE 8 24 9:00am Preschool 9:00am Preschool Thanksgiving Feast 23 8:00, 8:45, 11:20 am Adult Study Groups 8:30am Nursery for Infants & Toddlers 8:45 am Holy Grounds- Casual Worship 10:00am Child/Youth Sunday School 10:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time 1:30-7:00 pm Mizo UMC 6:00 pm Youth Group 30 8:00, 8:45, 11:20 am Adult Study Groups 8:30am Nursery for Infants & Toddlers 8:45 am Holy Grounds- Casual Worship 10:00am Child/Youth Sunday School 10:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time 1:30-7:00 pm Mizo UMC 17 9:00am Preschool 6:30pm GS Troop 3643 7:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 6430– Ambassadors 16 8:00, 8:45 am Adult Study Groups 8:30 am Nursery for Infants & Toddlers 8:45 am Holy Grounds- Casual Worship 9:00 am—2:00 pm Heavenly Harvest 10:00 am Child/Youth Sunday School 10:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time 1:30-7:00 pm Mizo UMC 7:00pm Book Discussion, Proof of Heaven 25 9:00 am Preschool 1:15 pm Peace Mission Dance 7:30 pm Mission Committee 8:00 pm AA Tues 18 9:00 am Preschool 1:00 pm Peace Mission Dance 8:00pm AA Tues 11 Veterans Day Holiday 9:00 am Preschool 12:00pm Monthly Staff Meeting 1:00 pm Peace Mission Dance 8:00 pm AA Tuesday Night 10 9:00am Preschool 9:30am Lydia UMC Circle 6:30pm GS Office Unit 339 Meeting – FH 9 8:00, 8:45, 11:20 am Adult Study Groups 8:30 am Nursery for Infants & Toddlers 8:45 am Holy Grounds- Casual Worship 10:00 am Child/Youth Sunday School 10:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time 1:30-7:00 pm Mizo UMC 6:00 pm Youth Group TUES 4 9:00 am Preschool 1:00pm Peace Mission Dance 7:30 pm SPRC 8:00 pm AA Tuesday Night MON 2 3 8:00, 8:45, 11:20 am Adult Study Groups 9:00 am 8:30am Nursery for Infants & Toddlers Preschool 8:45 am Holy Grounds -Casual Worship 6:45pm Girl 10:00 am Child/Youth Sunday School Scout Office 10:00 am Traditional Worship Unit 33-9 9:30, 11:00 am Fellowship Time Meeting 1:30-7:00 pm Mizo UMC SUN 26 Preschool Closed 8:00 pm AA Weds Night 19 9:00 am Preschool 7:30 pm Church Council 8:00 pm AA Weds Night 12 9:00 am Preschool 7:30 pm Camera Club 7:30 pm Finance Committee 8:00 pm AA Weds Night 5 9:00 am Preschool 7:30 pm Camera Club – Competition-OpenElectronic 7:30 pm Finance Committee 8:00 pm AA Weds Night WEDS 1 SAT 18 7 9:00 am Preschool 10:00 am Preschool Cooks 4:00 pm Peace Mission Dance FRI 27 Thanksgiving Day Offices & Preschool closed 20 9:00 am Preschool 12:00 pm OA 1:00pm Preschool Feast Shopping Set Up 6:15 pm Women of Faith 7:00 pm Not a Silent Night Class 7:00 pm Bells of Faith 8:00 pm Chancel Choir 28 Day after Thanksgiving Holiday-Offices & Preschool closed 29 22 21 9:00 am Preschool 9:00 am Preschool Shopping for Feast 4:00 pm Peace Mission Dance Group 15 13 14 9:00 am Preschool 9:00am Preschool 10:30am Preschool Manners Day 4:00 pm Peace 12:00 pm OA Mission 7:00 pm Not a Silent Night Class Dance 7:00pm Preschool Board of Directors 7:00 pm Bells of Faith 8:00 pm Chancel Choir 6 9:00 am Preschool 12:00 pm OA 6:15 pm Women of Faith 7:00 pm Not a Silent Night Class 7:00 pm Bells of Faith 8:00 pm Chancel Choir THURS
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