The voice Autumn 2015 Helping hand for new parents and families Getting a good start in life is essential for a healthy and happy future – so to help new mums 3Bridges is proud to announce the establishment of our new Early Years Support Service. “3Bridges already offers a range of services and programs for children and families so the addition of an Early Years program is a very natural fit,” says 3Bridges CEO Rosemary Bishop. “The program will be coordinated by two highly experienced community workers, Lina Willmott and Anne Van Vuuren, who joined the 3Bridges team in March.” The Early Years Support Service has just been launched in the Sutherland Shire and over time will expand to the St George area as well. “We are delighted that the Big Sister Foundation is keen to work in partnership with 3Bridges,” says Rosemary. “They have a very good understanding of the need for such a service and have long supported Lina and Anne, who have worked in the Sutherland Shire for a number of years. “We are also thrilled that the 3Bridges Early Years Support Service will have the benefit of a strong group of volunteers, and a fundraising committee that is dedicated to seeing the service continue to grow and support families in the area.” “The Early Years team will help parents to build their confidence and parenting skills,” says Rosemary. “They can also help families to link up with other support services and agencies if necessary. “The aim is to make sure that families who are already experiencing challenges can cope with the extra stresses and demands that can come with having a young child join the household.” To contact our Early Years Support Service, or to enquire about volunteering, please contact our coordinators. Vibrant Openness Innovation Collabration Excellence At 3Bridges, people are at the heart of everything we do. As a trusted community partner, our goal is to connect people so that together we build happier, healthier, sustainable communities. We have more than 40 years experience in working with the community to deliver services and programs across south-east Sydney for everyone from young children and families through to youth, older people, carers and volunteers. Lina and Anne will coordinate a pool of trained volunteers who provide a home visiting service designed to respond effectively to the needs of parents, their newborn and young children (0-3 years). The service will operate from 17B Casuarina Road, Gymea Bay, hosted by the Big Sister Foundation. OUR VALUES Front: CEO Rosemary Bishop (left) welcomes Lina and Anne, watched by 3Bridges staff and EYSS supporters. 02 9531 7684 [email protected] We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land and pay our respects to elders both past and present. Message from CEO Rosemary Bishop Leaving a legacy Early this year I had the privilege of going to Antarctica on a “think tank” organised by the Unstoppable Movement, founded by Julio De Laffitte. People on the “think tank” ranged from passionate 20-year-olds intent on solving world sustainability issues to the more mature who were also passionate about sustainability, supporting young entrepreneurs, and options for the ageing population. I was asked to lead the workshop about leaving a legacy and I focused on the opportunities that a connected community organisation like 3Bridges offers. We discussed the value of being part of the community, volunteering, learning new skills and working together to bring connection and fun into the life of the community. During the workshop I encouraged people to reflect on their life’s purpose – the connections and contributions that are part of their legacy. I was also able to lead a number of conversations during the think tank about 3Bridges key causes, which in essence are: n No one needs to be alone; n Celebrating rites of passage; and n Caring for carers. Our causes focus on the individual person at the centre of each of our services. So in the past weeks as I have spoken at conferences, I have drawn the audience’s attention to the rites of passage for people over 65. from primary school to high school and then later as they move out of home, get their first job, engage in volunteering and develop new skills. It is a privilege for 3Bridges to be seen as a partner in a person’s growth and development and to walk alongside them as they meet life’s challenges and opportunities. I encourage you to connect with us as you read this edition of The VOICE and consider the opportunities to join with us to make a difference. There are so many enjoyable and challenging steps as people move to their Encore years – the years when they have the chance to have another turn at being everything they can be. At 3Bridges, this means working with older people as they engage in volunteering, develop new skills and networks, take on leadership roles and plan for a future that is engaged and purposeful. Likewise, we are working with younger people – first as they transition ‘I encourage people to reflect on their life’s purpose’ Building community With the significant changes underway in the community services sector, and growing links between business and the community, here is a conference you will not want to miss. Rosemary Bishop, CEO of 3Bridges, says, “We are building a conversation that I know you will want to contribute to and be inspired by. (Australian Business for Purpose, 2013 ). innovative community projects. “By joining the conversation you will be better prepared to: “3Bridges will bring together business and services that are stretching towards building connected and productive communities. We will showcase how businesses are responding to the belief held by 95% of Australians that business has a broad social responsibility to help in global efforts to address major social problems including poverty, hunger and disease n Build businesses for purpose to meet community needs “We will chat with older people about how they bring their wisdom to big challenges such as technology and health, safe communities and intergenerational relationships. 2 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 Colour and culture for Harmony Day About 70 people arrived for a special shared meal at our Arncliffe Community Centre, with many different cultures represented, enormous piles of fabulous food and lots of laugher and chatter as we shared the many things we have in common. Over at Menai – just a skip and a jump from our community centre – the 3Bridges team was on hand at beautiful Parc Menai to share information about our services and to applaud the colourful entertainers who took over the rotunda. Despite the rain, there was a good turn out, with 3Bridges providing an information stall, sausage sizzle and the microphone on stage. Thanks especially to Fiona, Felicity, Shayne, Helen and our wonderful volunteers for their great work in pulling the day together. + Skills EXPERIENCE Along with significant changes in how services are funded and delivered, governments – and service providers themselves – have identified a need for a more flexible and well qualified workforce. training across Sydney (and across the state via distance learning), offering the Diploma in Community Service Coordination, Certificate III and IV in Home and Community Care, and Certificate III in Disability. When we think of rites of passage – the significant life changes, the big steps – we reflect on who we are and why we are here. SADVAETE! Business for purpose THE 23-24 er Septem5b 201 Harmony Day is one of our favourite events at 3Bridges and this year our community pulled out all the stops to celebrate. n Partner to make a difference in communities and increase engagement n Identify opportunities for alternative revenue streams and increased services. “The second day of the conference will build conversations for specific segments of our community as we showcase “There will also be workshops on the options and leadership opportunities for people with a disability and for younger people.” For more information see an exciting future There is no doubt that the social services sector in Australia has been undergoing massive upheaval in the past few years. As part of the shift to the new Commonwealth Home Support Program, support workers and volunteers must meet minimum training standards from the start of July this year. That is where 3Bridges’ 40 years of experience comes in: Through our registered training organisation (RTO 41056) we can help you to review your skills set and help you to identify any gaps. 3Bridges provides high-quality 3Bridges offers a range of programs and delivery options to suit everyone’s needs so we invite you to contact us today. Training and Development Coordinator Bernadette Frawley says, “There has never been a better or more important time for community workers to demonstrate their professional competence than with a nationally recognised qualification. “The sector is changing but so are the opportunities to help make a difference in new and exciting ways. To increase your skills with an RTO that has deep knowledge and expertise in the community sector is a solid investment in the future.” 02 9558 4000 [email protected] the voice - AUTUMN 2015 3 and healthy people emerged as common themes, while accessible community spaces and opportunities to learn and connect with others were also priorities.” Study finds more folk home alone Sessions were held in Arncliffe, Carss Park, Menai and Penshurst, as part of 3Bridges’ commitment to offering services and programs that are both valued and needed. Chance to share community’s views Do you want to know what people in the community really think? Just ask them! What makes “Nearly 200 residents have attended community conversations hosted by 3Bridges over the past four months and they were very keen to share what is important to them,“ explains Community Development Worker Ibtisam Hammoud. “Safety, harmony a good life? What we perceive to be “a good life” is heavily influenced by having choices, friends and quality support networks. The project, funded by the IRT Group, focused on older people with lifelong disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, who are now living longer and beginning to interact with the aged care system. A control group comprised older people from the general population. Similarly both groups identified issues such as loneliness, having no clear role in life, lack of control and lack of access to coordinated support or specialist health services as barriers to a good life. The paper reveals that living alone is slightly more common among women than men, while on average women who live alone are substantially older than men who live alone. “These conversations are the beginning of a continuous process of engaging with our community members. One of 3Bridges’ goals is to build strong, sustainable communities and community conversations play a very important part in this.” According to the Institute’s Professor David de Vaus, a number of factors underlie the shift, including cultural background, age, family breakdown and level of affluence. There will be other opportunities for the community to be involved in this ongoing conversation. We will keep you informed! A recent research project, led by Professor Trevor Parmenter and Dr Marie Knox of the University of Sydney, has confirmed what many 3Bridges clients and staff already know: The researchers found that both groups had similar responses to the question “What is a good life?” also nominating autonomy, mobility and the ability to stay at home as important indicators. A quarter of all Australian households now consist of only one person, according to a new paper released by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. “Feedback from the sessions will be shared with other agencies and organisations such as Councils to help them review and plan services,” says Ibtisam. “The research confirms that services such as those offered by 3Bridges are an important option for older people and those with a disability to feel a sense of connectedness and wellbeing as they age,” according to Community Care Director Vicki Petrakis. “It is also interesting that mobility and staying at home were identified as very important to those interviewed.” “As the population ages and as more people are living alone, social isolation amongst older people is emerging as a major issue... because of the adverse impact it can have on health and wellbeing.” Dr Robyn Findlay, University of Queensland “In some quarters, this trend has been linked to a decline in commitment to family living, increased social fragmentation and a rise in loneliness,” he says. “For others, living alone has been celebrated as reflecting greater choice. In 1986 nine per cent of those who lived alone were over 80 while today the number is 15 per cent – an increase of more than 62 per cent. “In the middle-aged group, living alone often results from separation and divorce,” says Professor de Vaus. “Among younger groups, living alone is linked with delays in marriage while among older people it is more often than not the result of the death of a partner.” “The shift has coincided with an increase in people living alone in their middle years – with a third of those on their own being aged between 40 and 59 years of age.” One of the key causes that 3Bridges promotes is that nobody needs to be alone. The choice to be independent is to be honoured and the joy of connecting with others celebrated. We are seeking to connect with older people by providing leisure and lifestyle activities such as book clubs, storytelling using tablets and iPads, and connecting with young people through school projects. Researchers also found that there has been a sharp increase in the proportion of those living alone who are aged over 80. For more information visit or call 02 9580 0688. 3Bridges has a range of programs that support these values, including social activities and a home modifications and maintenance service. The Parmenter study also looked at the experiences of workers in the aged care and disability sector. Interviewees reported a need for more staff training to support the idea of person-centred care, and a need for greater access to services for older persons living with a lifelong disability. Building on the initial study, Professor Parmenter and his team secured additional funding for a study titled Keeping my Place in the Community: Achieving Successful Ageing-in-place for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Their findings are due for release in 2016. 4 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 5 Reconciliation action plan moves into second year When 3Bridges officially came into being in 2014, one of the key projects undertaken was to complete our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Where is she now? With all the changes around 3Bridges since the merger of Keystone, Pole Depot and Menai Community Services last year, it’s nice to catch up with an old friend. “Our Reconciliation Action Plan is an important part of 3Bridges’ commitment to understanding our community and responding to its diverse needs,” explains project leader Kaye McCulloch, Director Community Development. “As such, the theme of the first year’s RAP was to build our knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s histories, cultures and goals.” A working group was formed late in 2013, and members met monthly to consult with stakeholders and shape the plan. The team drew on 3Bridges’ existing relationships and partnerships, including those with the Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation and community service agencies. The plan was then translated into action, with a range of training opportunities, staff awareness sessions, events and regular updates on progress. “We are now about to start work on our second year RAP, with the theme for 2015-16 being ‘Innovate’,” says Kaye. “We’ll be looking at how we can initiate opportunities to build better relationships with the Aboriginal community in our region.“ An early project will be the display of artworks by local Aboriginal artists in 3Bridges community centres and offices. Kaye says, ”We will also be distributing National Sorry Day flowers leading up to 26 May.” EAT well LEARN well BE well welcome,” says Traci, “but it would be really great if we could source fruit and other healthy foods locally. We want this to be about community as much as it is about health and wellbeing.” The breakfast program will be offered from 7am to 9am on Mondays and Tuesdays. Recent Australian research reveals that one in five Australian teenagers go to school without breakfast – putting both their health and ability to learn in jeopardy. “So many young people leave home really early to get to school,” says Traci. “The breakfast program will help to make sure they are well equipped for the day with a healthy mind and body.” 3Bridges offers a range of other programs and services for youth, including the Youth Zone Centre in Hurstville, which opens from 2.30pm to 7pm on Thursdays and 2.30pm to 8pm on Fridays. To help tackle the issue, 3Bridges will be trialling a new Breakfast Club program for 12 to 18-year-olds in the Kogarah area a couple of mornings a week. The breakfast program will operate out of 3Bridges’ new youth space in Railway Parade, which is due to open after Easter. “The Kogarah space will be an informal, supportive environment where young people can call in on their way to school, have a healthy breakfast and meet new friends and youth workers,” says Traci Sii, 3Bridges’ Manager, Youth Services. “Over time we also plan to offer a photography club program and a barista course in the space.” To help create links with the local community, the youth services team will be inviting local businesses to partner with 3Bridges in offering the breakfast program. “Of course financial support is always “Our weekly cook up on a Thursday encourages young people to explore and develop cooking skills of multicultural dishes in a social and fun setting” says Traci. “This is another way we help young people connect, develop skills and stay healthy.” For more information or to volunteer with this program, call the Youth Services team on 02 9580 8008. Shayne O’Leary, our External Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, was only too happy to have a cup of coffee and a chat with Kim Buhagiar, who was Centre Director at Pole Depot for 26 years. Kim worked tirelessly during that time, building the community centre from a single service neighbourhood centre to one of the largest and most respected community centres in the St George area. Her final project was to join the team that created 3Bridges for the future. Shayne reports that since moving on Kim is certainly not sitting still! “Kim has been working as a consultant with Riverwood Community Centre three days a week,” says Shayne. “Originally it was to be for only a few weeks but one thing led to another and Kim is still there.” When she’s not working, Kim is enjoying playing grandma to her twin three-yearold grandchildren, and looking forward to a holiday in New York in May and further travel to Vietnam later in the year. Y URGENTL NEEDED Surrogate grandparents Find a Grandparent, a not-for-profit organisation that connects surrogate grandparents with young families, is urgently looking for fit and active people to become volunteer grandparents. “In today’s global world there are many young families who don’t have grandparents living close by,” says mother-of-two Cate, who founded Find a Grandparent in 2012. young families on a voluntary basis. They don‘t replace babysitters, but visit regularly and want to establish a close, long-term relationship with the whole family. Like they say, if you want something done, give it to a busy person. “They long to find a surrogate grandparent to share their laughs and happy moments with and would love their children to have another person to talk to and to have new exciting experiences with.” Memberships for surrogate grandparents are free, however they are required to obtain a National Police Check at their own expense. Families wishing to link up with a grandparent may register on the organisation’s website. Enjoy your break, Kim, from all your friends at 3Bridges. Surrogate grandparents who register with Find a Grandparent get to know their Email [email protected] or go to 6 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 A new view of retirement living Register for an upcoming event and receive your complimentary copy of The Village Green Cookbook, Inspiration for living a full and vibrant life. Name Address Email Phone Whether you enjoy the panoramic outlook or the relaxed village atmosphere, St Patrick’s Green offers a range of modern retirement apartments designed for easy living. Due for completion in 2017, St Patrick’s Green is conveniently located in the heart of St George, close to transport, medical facilities and shops. At St Patrick’s Green, you can live independently with the peace of mind that care is available in your own apartment or in the village’s boutique aged care home should you need it. Discover a new view of retirement living. Call us today to register your interest, or join us at our next morning tea and find out more about what St Patricks’ Green has to offer. Greengate Level 1, 156 Gloucester St, Sydney NSW 2000 · Visit or call 9256 5644 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 7 Links to Learning comes to 3Bridges A new partnership between 3Bridges and two Sydney high schools is set to give a group of Year 6 and Year 7 students a fun and innovative year to transition into high school. Celebrating volunteers Wash away the bathroom blues Maintaining your independence at home, or after a trip to hospital, can be a challenge, especially if you can’t use your bathroom to wash yourself or use the toilet. 3Bridges offers a home modification service for people who need to adapt their living spaces with ramps, rails and so on – but what happens when the bathroom is being renovated or your loo just won’t do? We could not agree more, and with National Volunteer Week coming up from 11 to 17 May, we celebrate volunteers everywhere for their passion and contribution. The portable, freestanding CarePort comes as either a shower or a shower/ toilet combination which can be installed quickly and easily in any room of the home. 3Bridges is all about linking people to build connected and enriched communities. To do so, we rely heavily on the dedication and commitment of more than 300 volunteers to help run our services and programs. Without them, we simply could not meet the needs of our community. Bryan Molan, 3Bridges’ Home Modifications Manager, says, “CarePort conforms to Australian plumbing and sanitary standards and comes with its own water heater if required and simply plugs into any 10amp power point. We salute every one of you, for every kindness and every little thing you do to help enrich the life of another. “The cubicle is suitable for virtually any type of shower stool or chair, while the shower rose is height adjustable or may be hand held. To learn more about volunteering for 3Bridges, please contact us. “CarePort also provides easy access for carers to assist the user or for those who may be convalescing and can’t access their bathroom.” 8 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 “Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in a world all of your own.” So said Dr Albert Schweitzer, the great humanitarian, medical missionary and Nobel Prize recipient who spent his life toiling for the wellbeing and of others. A 3Bridges CarePort could be just what you need. To receive a brochure or demonstration DVD please contact the 3Bridges Home Modifications team GIVE happy LIVE happy! We also provide a volunteer linking service for other organisations. 02 8558 4040 02 9558 4000 [email protected] [email protected] The Links to Learning program, funded by the Department of Education and Communities, focusses on building students’ resilience, self confidence and self-awareness in an educational and supportive environment. “Our Links to Learning program is specifically for girls transitioning out of primary school,” explains Kaye McCulloch, 3Bridges’ Community Development Director. “We are working with Moorefield Girls High School and Wiley Park Girls High School, along with our partners at Riverwood Community Centre. “The program is designed to assist girls to explore their identity through developing emotional and social skills through the creative use of technology.” The students selected by their schools to take part in the program are working with older girls at Moorefield and Wiley Park to write and share their personal stories. They will then be linked with seniors in the community, both to tell their own stories and to hear about WHOO HOO! the older person’s life experiences. “Through peer-to-peer mentoring and interacting with others in the broader community the girls will learn more about themselves but also gain an appreciation of others’ perspectives and experiences,” says Kaye. “It’s an approach that fits neatly with 3Bridges’ own philosophy and service models.” The Links to Learning program follows a five-step process of connecting schools with appropriate partners; engaging students in meaningful activities; providing learning opportunities for students to improve their education, employment and life skills; individualised planning for students to identify their goals; and transitioning from their Links to Learning project at its completion. The 3Bridges partnership started in March, with 15 students selected to take part. For more information call Alessandra in the Youth Services team on 02 9580 8008. Here comes our beaut new loo! For nearly 50 years the downstairs toilets at the old Pole Depot have tried to meet the needs of hundreds of staff, visitors and clients – but not any more. Several weeks ago the doors closed for the last time, but before you start looking for the nearest tree, don’t worry! While our Penshurst team and visitors have been cheerfully sharing a Porta-loo and the upstairs amenities, a sparkling new toilet block has been taking shape. ribbon and saying come on in! Thanks to a generous grant of $40,000 from the NSW Government Community Building Partnership program and support from the state member for Oatley, Mark Coure MP, we will soon be cutting the “The new toilet block will meet modern workplace health and safety standards and will include a special disabilityaccess cubicle, providing a much better experience for everyone.” Project manager Tina Warner says, “It had got to the point where people were avoiding the old facilities – but for older people and mums with young kids who don’t always have time to wait or get home, there wasn’t really another option. More choice with changes to aged care From 1 July 2015, the Australian Government will launch the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). The new CHSP will be the entry level for Australia’s aged care system for people aged 65 years or over who need support to remain living independently in their own homes. Older people and their carers should benefit from a standardised national assessment process and single entry point through the My Aged Care gateway. CHSP clients will be able to access a wide range of services, which will include planned respite, meal delivery and domestic assistance. As with residential care and Home Care Packages, the government expects CHSP clients to contribute to the cost of the services they receive. It is proposed that the amount each client contributes will be based on their pension status or equivalent income. “While we understand that the government’s changes will have an impact on many older people, we are already working with clients to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements,” says Vicki Petrakis, 3Bridges’ Director of Community Care. “In many ways, the changes are an opportunity to increase and improve our services because clients will have much greater say in what they want and how assistance is delivered. “We are already re-shaping our Help at Home and Health and Wellbeing programs to provide a more person-centred approach.” For more information call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or go to Alternatively, you are very welcome to call the 3Bridges Carer Support Team on 02 9580 0688. the voice - AUTUMN 2015 9 Reflecting on a lifetime of service Seniors say Technology needs to be relevant A recent study commissioned by Independent Age in the UK, found that 70% of people in the UK aged 65 or older have never used the internet. Researchers found a number of reasons for lack of uptake, including perceived cost, connectivity issues and sight or dexterity concerns. However they also found that many older people are capable and interested in using technology, provided they are made aware of its benefits and receive adequate training and support. ANZAC Day is a special day for many Australians, and perhaps even more so this year, which sees the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign. While the nation pauses to reflect and remember, we at 3Bridges also pause to remember the individuals, their families and their descendants whose lives have been changed by the impact of war. the same men and two stretcher bearers who had been wounded by shrapnel. One such individual was Reginald Arthur Hind, service number 3275, who was just 18 when he joined the Australian Army Medical Corps. Some time later, in about 1922, Reginald and his wife settled in Hurstville, making their home on King Georges Road, which was previously known as Belmore Road. Reginald’s daughter, 3Bridges client Margaret Hind, takes up the story. “He wanted to save lives,” says Margaret, “so he joined the 6th Australian Field Ambulance and was sent to Gallipoli.” Reginald had been a cadet at school, and his superior officers noticed he had an excellent rapport with the other men so he was quickly promoted to sergeant. He also found himself right in the thick of the action. On 11 August 1917 Reginald was recommended for two medals which he received the following year. One award was for great gallantry as a stretcher bearer under heavy fire during the attack at Pozieres in France, when Reginald rescued men from the danger area of a gas barrage. A few minutes later he dressed and removed 10 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 It was during one of these missions that Reginald himself was wounded and was invalided out in 1917. Margaret recalls, “When first they lived there it was a dirt road and they only had gaslight in two rooms.” Reginald became well known in the Hurstville area where he led the ANZAC Day Dawn Service for 40 years. Of course, Margaret also grew up in the area. One of six children, she was born in a maternity home in Penshurst and later attended South Hurstville Primary School. The Hind family grew up during the Depression and Margaret recalls that pleasures were simple: “Playing board games and cards, hiking in the Royal National Park, rowing on the Woronora River and swimming at Cronulla.” She also remembers her mother caring for neighbours’ children who were sleeping under newspaper they were so poor. Margaret trained as a nurse, working at St George Hospital. Some years later she received her Diploma of Nurse Education and took on a role as nurse educator, which she enjoyed for many years. Now 83 and vision-impaired, Margaret is still closely connected to the community were she grew up. She participates in a weekly music program for mums and toddlers at her local church, plays the piano and accompanied by Kate, her 3Bridges “Girl Friday”, enjoys a bit of shopping. Writing in the preface to the study, Independent Age chief executive Janet Morrison said, ”Our interest is not simply about access to technology but more specifically how technology can foster improved social interaction, engaging people in their communities and promoting high quality face-to-face contact. “Our work is focused on digital participation for a purpose and the purpose links closely to the belief that the scope to contribute, participate and engage is an essential ingredient of older people’s wellbeing.” With government services and social interaction in the UK – and Australia – increasingly moving online, Independent Age argues that it is critical that older people are not left behind or excluded. The key to success for seniors is to make technology relevant. The study noted: “If we want to enable older people technologically, we need to help them appreciate what technology can do for them. This means tuning in to their interests, attitudes and expectations, and designing programs around their needs … [older people] need to have its value demonstrated in concrete terms, with direct applications to their lives.” Among its conclusions the study found that “communication technologies can help to prevent and alleviate social isolation and loneliness among older people. To realise its potential … we need to develop and support [voluntary organisations] as intermediaries who can empower older people by educating them about technologies.“ “Kate has great flare and is very adaptable,” says Margaret. “She has even done some sewing for me and helped me find these shoes which I think are very satisfactory.” Just as satisfactory is Margaret’s new iPad. By embracing this modern technology, Margaret can now stay connected with her family by email. Showing the same determination as her father, Margaret’s iPad is set up to read aloud the emails she receives while doubling as an audio book. We can’t help thinking Reginald would be proud. At 3Bridges we also acknowledge those whose lives have been affected by war anywhere in the world, both past and present. Our thoughts are with you. Tapping in to the future 3Bridges staff take part in training to learn about the many advantages of iPads and how they can be used to help older people enjoy enriched and connected lives. The project is part of a broader agenda to make use of technology in delivering services and programs for 3Bridges clients, while improving our own efficiency and productivity. the voice - AUTUMN 2015 11 K TO BOO , A PLAOCUER VISIT ITE WEBS 3Bridges relies heavily on grants from local clubs to help pay for equipment and other resources for use in our four out-of-schoolhours child care services. Jumping for joy with club grants Before putting in an application for the recent Hurstville Club Grants round, we asked the children who use our Penshurst centre what they most wanted. Much to our delight, sporting equipment was high on their wish list. “Now that the equipment is in use, our educators have noticed the children learning new skills and developing their fitness levels,” says 3Bridges Manager of Children’s Services, Tina Warner. “They are also keen to take the equipment up to our top playground, where they are building team spirit and cooperation. The new gym mats we purchased are proving popular too, with the children teaching and challenging each other with gymnastic moves. “It is great to see the children excited daily by the new possibilities, while becoming more active and interacting positively as a result of this much-needed grant.” OUR VISION People living in connected and enriched communities HEAD OFFICE 1/72 Carwar Avenue Carss Park 2221 02 8558 4000 MENAI 34-40 Allison Road Menai 2234 02 9543 5115 HOME MODIFICATIONS AND MAINTENACE Builders licence 114673C 02 8558 4039 ARNCLIFFE 1-2/35 Forest Road Arncliffe 2216 02 9503 9900 PENSHURST 23 St George Road Penshurst 2222 02 9580 0688 YOUTHZONE 18 Treacy Street Hurstville 2220 02 9580 8008 The VOICE is published quarterly. For more information or to advertise please contact [email protected] ABN 96 039 601 269 12 the voice - AUTUMN 2015 Designed by Ink Design Studio - Printed by Lighthouse Print Group
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