S St. Mary t. Mary t. Mary of the Snows

St. Mary of the Snows
Catholic Church
1630 Ashland Road
Mansfield, Ohio 4490544905-1896
November 9, 2014
We, the People of St Mary Our Lady of the Snows Parish
Community, are called by God to worship Him, teach
teach His word and
reach out to all.
Parish Secretary
School Secretary
St. Mary School Principal
CCD Coordinators
RCIA Coordinator
Marriage Annulments
Director of Liturgical Music
Youth Director
Rev. Nelson G. Beaver (419-884-0060)
Deacon Al Kopp (419-589-9842)
Deacon Thomas Dubois (419-884-1828)
Mrs. Mary Rennpage (419-589-5464)
Mrs. Aimee Campbell
Mrs. Susan Sanders (419-589-2114)
Mrs. Jennifer Ewing
Mrs. Mary Mancha
Mrs. Judy Hess Pompei (419-589-3585)
Mrs. Judy Hess Pompei (419-589-3585)
Mrs. Kathy McMillen
Mrs. Wendy Kempf (419-589-8039)
Parish and School Offices
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m.
Phone: St. Mary Church -419-589-5464
St. Mary School -419-589-2114
Fax -419-589-7085
St. Mary’s Website
Resurrection Website
Please submit articles for St Mary’s bulletin by noon Wednesday
There are printed Resurrection bulletins available in the vestibule.
Weekend Masses
Weekday Masses
BaptismCall Parish Office
Anointing of the Sick
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Please see bulletin
Saturday – 3:00 – 3:30
Six-month advance notice
Call Parish Office
Mass Schedule and Scripture Readings for Daily & Weekend Masses
10 Monday
8:30 am
Communion Service (Chapel)
11 Tuesday
8:30 pm
Communion Service (Chapel)
Readings: Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Readings: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk17:7-10
12 Wednesday
8:30 am
Communion Service
Readings: Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
13 Thursday
8:00 am
9:00 am
Holy Hour
Communion Service (Chapel)
Readings: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
14 Friday
9:00 am
School Mass
(Willis & Mary Marcum)
Readings 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
15 Saturday
4:00 pm
Vigil of Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Maria Mayer)
16 Sunday
10:30 am.
Sunday-Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
(For the Parish)
Readings: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Readings:Prv:31:10-13,19-20.30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30 or 25: 14-15, 19-21
Ministers Schedule for November 15-16
4:00 pm Lector: M Mascazine Servers: C&A Tate Host: D Crouch, P Shoup, R Mascazine
Precious Blood: W Kempf, J Yetzer, C Studer, Need One
10:30 am Lector CCD Servers: CCD Host: MJ Manocchio, MA Gerich, P Hubert
Precious Blood: P Milano, J Milano, D Hubert, B Herder
SUNDAY COLLECTION, Sunday, November 2, 2014
Received This Week:
Envelopes (Sunday)
Green Envelopes
Online Giving (3)
Maureen Simmons
Ken Kreiger
Larry Takacs
Robert Crouch
Ken Amos
$ 205.35
$ 146.00
Pray for the Sick
Paul Zickes
Lina Canlas
Rod Rickert
Tony Gerich
Pat Jones
Kay Switzer
Virginia Andolino
Charlotte Peerenboom
Daniel Chereson
Please be sure to keep names current. If the person has regained their health, please let us know and we will remove
the name. Call the Parish Office at 419-589-2114.
HOSPITAL VISIT Judy Simon and Eva Alamenteoff will be visiting MedCentral on Friday, November
14th, to take the Eucharist to the Catholic patients.
CALLING ALL CRAFTERS St. Mary School will be hosting a Craft Show on Saturday, November 15,
2014 and Crafters are needed. Contact the School Office for an application and additional information.
CATHOLIC UPDATE CLASSES: The topic for November 16th is Grace: Our Relationship with God,
presented by Louis & Mary Mancha. Gospel reading is Matthew 25: 14-3- led by George Angelas. Meet in
the school library from 9:00 am to 10:15 am. There will be no class on November 23rd.
Saturday (8) JCLUB Catholic Book Fair in the cafeteria
Sunday (9) JCLUB Catholic Book Fair in the cafeteria
Sunday (9) Tridentine Latin Mass, St. Joseph’s in Tiffin-2:00 pm
Sunday (9) Vocations dinner
Monday (10) Prayer for Peace at Resurrection at 12:00 noon
Monday (10) North Central Ohio Vocations Meeting at St. Peters 6:00 pm
Tuesday (11) Veteran’s Day, meet in the cafeteria at 8:30 am
Tuesday (11) Choir Practice changed to 1:30 pm for this day only
Tuesday (11) Daughters of Isabella meets at St. Peter’s-6:30 pm
Tuesday (11) Finance Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in the library
Wednesday (12) Catholic Women’s’ Club 11:30 at Roadhouse Brown Derby
Wednesday (12) Strategic Planning Sub-Committee at 7:00 pm in the library
Wednesday (12) Mother’s Club meeting at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria
Thursday (13) Father Beaver on Catholic Radio at 11:00 am, call and make your pledge
Friday (14) Craft show setup 5-8 pm
Saturday (15) Craft Show and Bake Sale from 9-3
ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY of St. Mary Parish will be meeting Thursday, November 20th, after the
6 pm communion service. Our presenter is Dr. Janet Levatin, a holistic pediatrician and homeopath. Her
topic is “Reconsidering the Flu Shot; What You Need to Know”. Elizabeth Cooney, Therese Litt, and
Marilyn Scott will be hostesses. Ladies of the parish are invited to join us and become better acquainted.
THE RECTORY NEEDS SOME SPRUCING UP. If you would like to donate any Kohl’s or JCPenney
gift cards, please drop them in the collection basket, marked rectory. New towels & sheets will be
purchased with the cards.
BAKE SALE: The Youth Group is selling baked goods at the Craft Show on November 15th. Donations
of baked goods would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
PRAYER FOR BISHOP THOMAS: Please pick up a prayer card at the usher’s tables for our newly
installed Bishop, The Most Reverend Daniel Edward Thomas.
SCRAPBOOKING CROP & SUPPLY SALE: St. Mary’s School is having an all-day scrapbooking
crop on Saturday, November 22nd from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm! Reserve your spot by dropping off your $30
check to the parish office. Breakfast and lunch is included. Bring a snack to share and get 5 raffle tickets!
There will be hourly prizes and make n’ takes. You will receive a goodie bag with scrapbooking supplies.
We will have tables with electric outlets for Cricuts or any other electronic tools you may want to bring.
You can also get a 6 foot table to sell any unwanted or extra scrapbook or paper crafting supplies you may
have! A table is $10 for crop attendees or $20 for someone not attending the crop.
ANNUNCIATION RADIO SHARATHON: Listen to Father Beaver on Annunciation Radio!
Annunciation Radio’s Fall Sharathon will take place Tuesday, November 11th through Friday, November
14th, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm each day on 88.1 FM (Sandusky), 89.7 FM (Toledo), 89.5 FM (Mansfield)
and 90.9 FM (Willard) or online at AnnunciationRadio.com. Be sure to listen to the Sharathon on
Thursday, November 13th, at 11:00 am when Father Beaver will be LIVE on the Air talking about our faith
community, as well as his ministry in the Diocese of Toledo. This is our opportunity to call in pledges in
support of Catholic Radio in Northwest/North Central Ohio and also to show our support of Father
Beaver!!! Call 1-877-275-8098 during the Sharathon (especially during his on-air hour!). Thank you for
your support!
HAPPINESS FOREVER: Please remember in your prayers, Belinda Demyan, who passed away
recently. Our sympathy and prayerful support is offered to her family.
SCHOOL NEWS: Please stop in the cafeteria after Mass this weekend to browse through the Catholic
books and resources at the JClub Catholic Book Fair. The book fair focus is on children’s books, but there
will be some resources for adults. Start your Christmas shopping early!
This Tuesday, November 11th is Veteran’s Day. We will be honoring the men and women who
have served and are presently serving our country. Please be our guest at 8:30 am in the school cafeteria
for coffee, doughnuts and a short presentation.
St. Mary School is sponsoring a Craft Show on November 15 and we need your help! Concessions
will be available and we are asking for donations of baked goods for lunch; they may be dropped off
anytime during school on Friday.
This past Friday the Junior High students sponsored a School Family Fun Night. All the proceeds
benefit the spring class trip.
Parent Teacher conferences were held this past Thursday and we will finish up on Tuesday after
school. This is a great way for students, parents, and teachers to communicate student academic progress.
Market Day Pick-Up is Thursday, November 14 in the school cafeteria from 2:30-3:30 pm.
DID YOU KNOW? We have six school winners for the annual Lions Club Peace Poster
Contest: Michael Bland, Emilee Bodnar, Lucy Mancha, Mackenzie Montanez, Riley Nolan and
Abby Rall. The Lions Club honored them with a dinner this past Thursday. Congratulations to all!
What a blessing our area Catholic radio station, WFOT, 89.5 FM is and/or can be if we allow it to
be this for us! Along with the internet and TV, radio continues to remain a vital instrument of
communication. Our local Catholic radio station testifies that the Catholic Faith Community continues to
thrive in a sturdy and vibrant manner.
If it is to remain an important tool of communication and enrichment, our local Catholic radio
station needs our support. This coming Thursday, November 13th, yours truly is to be interviewed in a live
Sharathon on behalf of our area Catholic radio station. I will be interviewed from 11:00 am until 12:00
noon that day. At other hours, pastors of other Catholic parishes in our area are to be interviewed. During
this time, I will be encouraging all to support our area Catholic radio station with our financial means.
Whether we listen to the Sharathon this coming Thursday, or not, pledge forms that enable us to
express our support for our local Catholic radio station are available in the area just off of our worship
space in both parishes.
Besides being a powerful instrument that can be used in witnessing to our Faith, WFOT, 89.5 can
be an excellent channel for promoting significant events in the life of our parishes. As one who is being
interviewed, I am not in control of the direction in which my participation in the Sharathon will take. If
given the opportunity, I will briefly list aspects of the life of our parishes that it might be helpful for more
people to be aware of. I would certainly want to highlight the strategic or long-range planning process that
is occurring in both parishes. This process invites and challenges our parishes to look ahead, to envision
the life of our parish communities within the bigger picture. In this endeavor, we are trying to sense, on the
basis of prayer and reflection, where the Lord wants us to be in regard to several facets of parish life 5
years from now. This leads to the development of goals and plans of action for arriving at these goals.
Each year, different goals need to be developed and plans of action for realizing these goals which invite
the participation of all.
One result of the strategic planning process at Resurrection Parish is growing consensus to erect an
outdoor Stations of the Cross on our spacious parish grounds. At St. Mary Parish, specific goals and
proposed actions to maintain and to strengthen St. Mary School as an outstanding Catholic institution of
education are being adopted.
St. Mary Parish has been designated as the site for the first of what we hope will be several visits
from our new Bishop, The Most Reverend Daniel Thomas, to our area. All parishioners of all of the
Parishes of our Deanery are invited to come to this gathering to meet our new Bishop.
Hopefully, we will want to promote the groups and activities of our parishes in a variety of ways. I
hope that we will regard our local Catholic radio station as an excellent means of doing this. Let us express
our financial support for our local area Catholic radio station as the Lord leads us to do this.
Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Nelson Beaver, Pastor
ST. MARY’S SCHOOL thanks the Altar Rosary Society for their extreme generosity of donating the
proceeds from the Mama Lucci dinner to the school. If you were unable to attend, you missed a delicious
dinner, great fellowship and the most dedicated and kind group of women you will ever meet. Thank you!
Mary Parish, Mansfield, is to host this gathering with our new Bishop. Bishop Thomas wants to meet as
many people from our Diocese as he can before Christmas. It is via deanery gatherings that he envisions
accomplishing this task. All in our Deanery are invited to this gathering. Bishop Thomas is to preside at
Solemn Vespers Service at 7:00 pm in church. This is to be followed by a reception in the school cafeteria.
What an honor it is for St. Mary Parish to be selected as one of the sites for this historic occasion for our
Deanery. I hope that both St. Mary and Resurrection Parishes will be well represented at this initial visit of
our new Bishop to our part of the Diocese.
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE will be Sunday, November 23, 2014, at 3:30 pm at First
Church of the Brethren, 889 Grace Street. Eight Madison area churches will be participating, including St.
Mary’s Choir. Come and enjoy when 8 choirs come together and sing praise and thanks to God.
Fellowship will follow after.
BEEF GOULASH DINNER on Saturday, November 8th from 4-6:30 pm at Mayflower Congregational
Church, 548 N McElroy Rd, a free will offering will be taken.
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, JOAN OF ARC CIRCLE #380, will have a regular meeting on
Tuesday, November 11, 2014, at 6:30 pm in the Assisi Hall at St. Peter’s School. We are also collecting
religious articles. Any questions, please contact Pam Gerich, 419-589-6623.
NORTH CENTRAL OHIO VOCATIONS CLUB will be holding their monthly meeting on November
10th. Our guest speaker will be Michael Wasiniak, the principal of St. Peter’s Junior High and High
School. He will speak on his journey toward the diaconate. Some of you may not know that he was
principal of St. Mary’s for four years. He will speak after supper and our brief meeting. If you are not a
member, supper will cost you $7. Come and hear his vocation journey. We are eager to have you join us at
St. Peter’s Franciscan Center at 6:00 pm. For reservations please call Barb Riley 419-747-3178, or Moni
Massa 419-589-2981
PRAYER FOR PEACE: There will be a Prayer for Peace service to pray for the leaders of our country
and our church at Resurrection Parish every Monday at 12:00. We will pray the Patriotic Rosary, the
Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus. Please come as your schedule
permits. All are welcome. Any questions call Elaine Ahles at 419-756-6349.
COME & SEE US days at St. Peter’s High School provide an excellent opportunity for prospective
parents and students to tour the buildings, visit classes in session, meet administrators and teachers, and
learn more about our mission, tuition assistance, bussing and academic, athletic and extracurricular
programs. Please call the high school office at 419-524-0979 soon to schedule your visit any day
November 18-21. (If these days do not work with your schedule, please be sure to request another day/time
that is convenient for you.)
CATHOLIC WOMENS CLUB: The next luncheon will be Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at the
Roadhouse Brown Derby, beginning at 11:30 am. All Catholic women from any parish in our Deanery are
invited to attend. If you are new, we encourage you to join us and get to know the Catholic women in our
area. Please call Judy Wiparina at 419-756-1082 or JoAnn Jerger at 567-274-7954 to make your
reservation. All Catholic women in our deanery are invited to attend.
A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: WHAT IT IS * Refocusing on your sacramental vows
*Being open to God’s grace *Listening to your spouse’s affirmations *Celebrating your love &
commitment WHAT IT’S NOT *A retreat for relaxing *A counseling session *A “how to fix it” class
for marriage *Time to focus on what’s wrong in your relationship. Lima, Ohio, January 16-18, 2015 at
Holiday Inn Express-Perrysburg OH/ April 10-12, 2015, at Howard Johnson, Lima, OH. To register go to
www.wwme.org or contact Brian & Chris Schroeder at 419-523-7210 or [email protected]
CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Please consider donating to Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo as you fill
out your United Way or United Fund donation form this fall. Donation forms and designation opportunities
vary by county. Please check with your local United Way or United Fund. You may also contact Catholic
Charities to set up an automatic monthly donation directly with Catholic Charities. Please call 1-419-2446711 ext 218 or email [email protected]. Each year Catholic Charities transforms lives by
helping 40,000 people in northwest Ohio with food, shelter, pregnancy support, adoption services, jail and
prison ministries, and care for the elderly. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.
TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS: A Tridentine Latin Mass (The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite)
will be celebrated at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 36 Melmore Street, in Tiffin, on Sunday, November 9th at
2:00 pm. The Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments to follow
IGNITE UPCOMING IGNITES EVENTS: Wednesday, December 10, Most Pure Heart of Mary,
Shelby, Wednesday, February 11, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bethlehem.
THEOLOGY ON TAP: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, at Pete’s Café, 115 W. Mansfield St., New
Washington, OH 44854, young adults (ages 18-39) are invited to join the St. Francis Xavier’s Young Adult
Ministry for another round of THEOLOGY ON TAP with Father Eric Culler.
PROJECT RACHEL: Hope and Healing after Abortion is Possible. “After my abortion, I was broken
and desperate for help. I turned to Project Rachel. After the experience I left feeling like a whole person
again. Forgiveness became a reality for me, a feeling I never imagined was possible.” The pain of abortion
haunts many women. The Project Rachel ministry through Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Toledo
can help women and find hope, healing, and reconciliation after abortion. If you or a loved one is suffering
from an abortion loss, please contact Project Rachel at 1-888-456-HOPE. All inquiries are confidential.
PROJECT RACHEL, Peace starts here.